&) Science
It has become ® convention amongst gamers that Science:
Fiction Games and Fantasy Games are somehow distinet and
mutually exclusive. An od situation, that ina hobby Which
promotes the imagination en Irrational and avoidable barrier
should exist. I nave seen ard participated in games in whieh
the two genres have been mixed, and these have worked
exceptionally wall, keaping the players both amused and
on fused! at the tame tims.
If you own 9 copy of WARHAMMER then yau probably realise
that the rules are designed to be used - if you wish change
ules, redraw charts, invent new creatures ww anything should
bbe posible, efter ll most of the enjayment fram a game
‘comes fram invention. And that - hopefully - is where I step in
vrielding Laser Pistal and shouting ‘Beware of Greeks bearing
particle eam weapons’, Yes indeed, Science Fiction and
Futuristic elements in general make 2 'super cross-over into
any Fantasy Campaign. These can be worked very easily into
{the usual Fantasy contexts ~ an old technical civilisation coule
have left behind advanced artifacts, wespone, tranperts,
Gadgetry of strange and unknown kinds. Such artifacts can
become’ vitally important to your adventurers, not quite
understanding how they work = but being perfectly prepared to
take advantage of the fact that they dot
In the following deseriptions whan Pye used the word ‘Turn!
refer to that player's Turn - the Active Player Turn in
Warhammer. When ve used the word "Move. phase? I refer just
te that part of @ Turn in which the madel Is moved, So if an
action takes ‘A complete Turn’ then the medel may co nothing
fother than the action - he may nat mava, shoot ets. If sn
action takes ‘A complate Mave Phase! Unen the rmadel ray aot
move = But may shoot, combat and 20 on. With a bit of
ingenuity these weapons can easily be adapted into any gaming
The Laser Pistol
Laser plstals make wanderful side arma for Heraes, A laser
pistol can bs fired once per Turn without effecting the
weapons ‘regenerating batteries’. If the firer has sufficient
attacks the weapon may be fired upto 3 times a Turn, at
different targets if you wish. After fring this ‘rapict fire’
weapon won't work for the following 2 Turns whilst the
batterica regenerates. A Laser can be fired with one hand — Like
any pistal weapon, A Laser Rifle is a similar but larger weapon
which sequires two hands to use.
The Needler
The Needter is = powerful airgun which firey a see! needa,
often polsoned or drugged in aome. way. The needlen are
Carried in @ magazine, each with up to 160 needles (PL on
find), 1t'takee an ortiro Turn to fit » naw magazine. After
each shot the wospon needs to be repressirises » this tokens
amplate nove hase to complate, Evary chat fires ome nad
perfectly, silently and very riccurateiy, mauing ths an ideal
Wweapon For an atasasin. Neadlors can te built ino ball-poire
os, wizards
afta, swords OF