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Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)


Effect of using Rotary Evaporator on Date Dibs Quality

Saad K. Al-Mutairi1 and Mohammed S. Al-Jasser2

Municipality of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia & 2Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences, College of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
[email protected]

Abstract: Date Palm is one of the oldest and major fruit crop in Saudi Arabia Kingdom. There has been, however, a
surplus of Saudi low quality dates are not benefited in the industry sector. Local date dibs is produced in some Saudi
regions by traditional approach (boiling that results in dark color and high turbidity. This study was carried out to
improve the quality of date dibs using a rotary evaporator device. Two local varieties of dates used in this study,
namely Sufri (dark) and Silage, which have low quality and common in Saudi society. The date juice of these dates
was extracted, clarified by active charcoal and then concentrated by rotary evaporator. The obtained results were
compared with date juice concentrated by boiling method in water bath at 100C (as a traditional method) and with
commercial date dibs. Results showed that, there was no significant difference between darkness of Sufri and Silage
dibs concentrated by rotary evaporator and boiling method. However, Silage dibs concentrated by a rotary evaporator
has higher redness (a* = 1.33) and lower yellowness (1.83) compared to Sufri dibs. While, commercial dibs had the
highest yellowness (b* = 2.45) and lowest redness (a* = 0.24). Active charcoal decreased the darkness of Sufri dibs
concentrated by rotary evaporator (L* = 22.87), while Silage dibs and local dibs were increased (L* = 21.29 and L*
= 21.38, respectively). A concentration of Dibs by rotary evaporator method was appropriate, because the dibs had
attractive color; especially with using active charcoal to clarify date juice. In order to evaluate the effect of
clarification and concentration between boiling method and rotary evaporator with commercial dibs, physico-
chemical characteristics were determined in Sufri and Silage dibs. Results indicated that, commercial dibs had lower
moisture content and higher reading in viscosity, TSS, TS, glucose, fructose, pectin and ash. At the same time, there
were slight differences in physico-chemical characteristics of Sufri or Silage dibs concentrated by boiling method
and rotary evaporator. The dibs of Sufri and Silage concentrated by rotary evaporator and stored at 5 and 25C for 6
months period characterized by helpful sensory evaluation (color, taste, flavor and general acceptance), but it was
affected during storing at 45°C.
[Saad K. Al-Mutairi and Mohammed S. Al-Jasser. Effect of using Rotary Evaporator on Date Dibs Quality. J Am
Sci 2012;8(11):587-594]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 88

Key words: Sufri date palm – Silage date palm – Dibs – Charcoal – Rotary evaporator. Physico-chemical properties.

1. Introduction Date dibs (syrup) is one of dates derivatives

Date palm fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) have that can produced with economic cost. Date syrup,
nutritional and economic importance in many locally named dibs, is a natural product that not
countries. Saudi Arabia Kingdom production of dates requires any additives in the production process. Date
increased largely to reach 1078300 tons in 2010 dibs characterized with its higher calories, vitamins
(FAOSTAT, 2012). This production progress is and minerals; and it could be used at industrial scale
unfortunately accompanied by a substantial increase as a sweetener in bakeries, syrup, juice products,
of losses. The high quality dates are consumed fresh, jams, marmalades, concentrated beverages,
dried or preserved. Date palm fruits of Sufri and chocolates, ice cream, confectioneries, honey,
Silage varieties are widely cultivated and represent products (Al-Farsi, 2003; Sidhu et al., 2003 and
one of moderate quality and there is a surplus in local Entezari et al., 2004).
markets. Al-Jasser (1990) recommended using the Date dibs produced by traditional method in
two date varieties as a raw material for food some Saudi regions, the obtained dibs characterized
industries. with its darker color and high turbidity; and
The surplus date fruits of inferior grades, consumed locally after dilution (Ali et al., 1995).
which not accepted for the packaging industry, are Benjamin et al. (1982) found that, the yield of dibs
sold at low prices. These fruits differ in their could be maximized to reach 96% if seedless date
composition but still it is considered as a good source palm crushed and cooked at 85C for 50 min, but the
of sugars, minerals and other substances (Ramadan, quality of dibs was affected. Abd-Elfatah (1994)
1995). Therefore, it is recommended to utilize these found that, using instrument of direct heating under
type of fruits to produce high quality products such as atmospheric pressure to concentrate date palm juice
date syrup. gave low quality product due to sugar caramelization. 587 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

Also, Date dibs could produce at a semi or full dibs storage. Dibs samples were randomly introduced
industries scale at three stages. The process consisting to the same trained panelist to evaluate color, taste,
of extraction, clarification and concentration of the flavor and general acceptance of stored dibs samples,
date juice (El-Shaarawy et al., 1986; AL- Jasser, where the excellent, very good, good-accepted and
1990; Al-Farsi, 2003 and FAO, 2004). In date's syrup unaccepted scores were 9, 7, 4 and 1, respectively.
industry, flesh date fruits is mixed with water and Statistical analysis were carried out using
heated at oven 70°C for one hour or more in the analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's New
extraction process; resulting in destroying some of its Multiple Range Test to identify lest significance
nutritive and health-promoting components, and differences between the mean value at P ≤ 0.05
causing the darkness of the final product's color (Al- (McClave and Benson, 1991).
Hooti et al., 2002 and Entezari et al., 2004).
This study aimed to utilize the surplus date 3.Results and Discussion
fruits of inferior grades, i.e. Sufri and Silage varieties Rotary evaporator was used to concentrate
as a good source of date dibs; and to improve its date juice; and the obtained date dibs compared with
quality through using evaporation technology under dibs of juice that concentrated using water bath. Table
vacuum and rotation (rotary evaporator) to (1) showed that there was no significant difference in
concentrate date juice. total soluble solids (TSS) of rotary evaporator or
water bath methods, where they reached to 70.45 and
2.Materials and Methods 70.26%, respectively. Using higher temperature in
Sufri and Silage varieties of date palm fruits water bath than rotary evaporator associated with
were obtained from Date Palm Packaging Comp., Al- increasing in the yield of dibs reached to 35.87 %,
Hassa, East of Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Date palm while it was 30.70% in dibs that concentrated with
fruits were packed in polyethylene package and rotary evaporator. But using vacuum in rotary
carton box; and kept in a deep freezer at -18C. evaporator method was accompanied by an increase
Active Charcoal was procured from Alan in the rate of concentration, where 100 g date juice
Pharma-UK C1601 GRG (BP) Specifications. required for the concentration 32.5 min, while date
Sufri and Silage fruits of date palm were dibs of water bath method required more time
soaked, washed in water and then air dried. The seeds reached to 45 min. Also, rotary evaporator
were isolated from date palm fruits using mechanical concentration method increased the percentage of
separator of date palm seeds in Omar Asaad evaporated water from date juice compared to water
Company for date palm, El-Madina El-Menawara bath method. This result could due to the influence of
city, and then subjected to prepare date dibs as shown rotary evaporator on moving all parts of the date juice
in Figure (1). The obtained date dibs were packaged at one time and the effect of suction on reducing heat
in polyethylene pack and stored separately in three temperature of boiling water.
groups at 5, 25 and 45C for 6 months. Extracted date palm juice could be
Moisture content, pH, ash, and total soluble associated with some fruits pigments. Date juice
solids were determined in Sufri and Silage date dibs pigments could be changed depending on the
according to AOAC (1995). Pectin was determined as condition of juice concentration. To improve the
stated by Carre and Haynes (1922). Fructose, glucose color quality of local dibs two cheaper and low
and sucrose were determined using HPLC (Model quality fruits of date palm varieties (Silage & Sufri)
10AD, Japan) at the following conditions: detector were selected and their juices were concentrated
was Refractive Index (RID-6A), column was 30 cm using boiling in water bath or rotary evaporator.
15 (6 mm x cm) Shimpack LC-NH2, mobile phase Table (2) showed that there were no significant
was acetonitrile : H2O (75:25) and its flow rate was at difference in darkness (L*) of Sufri or Silage dibs that
2ml/min. (AOAC, 1995). concentrated with boiling in water bathe or rotary
Viscosity was determined using Viscometer evaporator. Also, boiling in water bath or rotary
(model Lvdv11, Brookfield, Stoughton, USA). Date evaporator are not significantly affected on
dibs color samples was determined according to yellowness (b*) of Sufri or Silage dibs, while local
Hunter (1975) using Hunter color machine (Minolta dibs had lower redness (a*) and higher yellowness
Chroma Meter CR-300-Japan). Hunter color compared to dibs of the two varieties that
parameters (L*, a* & b*) were measured in the concentrated using boiling in water bath or rotary
reflection mode. The instrument was standardized evaporator.
each time with white tile of Hunter Lab Color In order to improve the color quality of local date
Standard (LX No. 16379). dibs, date juice was treated with charcoal to remove a
Sensory evaluation was carried out using section of the turbidity-causing substances; and then
Scoring Test (Larmond 1980) that carried out during concentrated using boiling in water bath or rotary 588 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

evaporator. Table (3) showed that there was no found also that, local dibs had lower redness (b*) and
significant difference in the darkness (L*) of silage highest yellowness (L*) than other prepared dibs.
dibs that concentrated with rotary evaporator, boiling This result agreed with those found by Rhim et al.
in water bath or local date dibs. Also, Silage dibs that (1989) and Maskan (2004), they stated that heating
concentrated with rotary evaporator characterized during juice concentration destroyed some pigment,
with its higher redness (a*) and lower yellowness i.e. anthocyanin and some phenolic compounds led to
(b*) compared to Sufri dibs or local dibs. It was higher darkness and lower redness.

Seedless date fruits

Extraction on water
bath at 75C for 15
and 30 min. at two
First stage stages Second stage
1 date/2.5 distilled water 1 remained date/2 distilled water

Filtration through
white cloth

Treating the Compress through

obtained juice with hydraulic compressor
active charcoal (Perfora Type 504
(0.1%/100 g juice) L.NR 294 –Denmark)

Filtrate through Filtrate through

Buckner funnel Buckner funnel
under vacuum under vacuum

Concentrate Concentrate
date juice with date juice with

Rotary Water bath Rotary

Water bath Evaporator
(100C) Evaporator (100C)

Date Dibs

Figure (1): Flow chart of preparing date dibs on laboratory scale. 589 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

Table (1): Effect of boiling in water bath and rotary evaporator on concentration rate and yield of Sufri date dibs.
Date dips properties Rotary Evaporator Boiling in water bath LSD at P ≥ 0.01
Yield (%) 30.70 B ± 0.20 35.87 A ± 0.10 1.084
TSS (%) 70.45 ± 0.15 70.26 ± 0.10 N.S.
Water evaporated (%) 69.30 A ± 0.20 64.13 B ± 0.10 1.084
Concentration rate (100 g/min.) 32.5 B ± 0.50 45 A ± 0.76 1.028
- Value is the average of three replicates ± standard deviation. - N.S. = Not significant
- Dibs Yield (%) = % of dibs resulting from 25% TSS date juice.
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them.

Table (2): Effect of rotary evaporator concentration Table (3): Effect of rotary evaporator concentration
or boiling in water bath methods on color quality of or boiling in water bath methods on color quality of
date dibs. date dibs treated with charcoal.
Color Parameter Color Parameter
Date Dibs Date Dibs
L* a* b* L* a* b*
Sufri variety concentrated with Sufri variety concentrated with
Rotary Evaporator 21.21 0.13c 2.00b Rotary Evaporator 22.87 0.32b 1.89b
Boiling in water bath 21.41 0.67b 2.00 b Boiling in water bath 21.94 0.16 1.89b

Silage variety concentrated with Silage variety concentrated with

Rotary Evaporator 21.22 1.33a
1.83 b Rotary Evaporator 21.29 0.43a 1.41c
Boiling in water bath 21.41 0.88b 1.98 b Boiling in water bath 21.48 0.17d 1.74b
Commerical dibs 21.38 0.24c 2.45a
Local Dibs 21.38 0.24c 2.45a
L* = white (100) to black (-80). a* = red (100) to L* = white (100) to black (-80). a* = red (100) to
green (-80). b* = yellow (70) to blue (-80). Averages in green (-80). b* = yellow (70) to blue (-80). Averages in
each row that have different letters mean there are each row that have different letters mean there are
significant differences between them. significant differences between them.

Table (4): Effect of concentration method on physicochemical characteristics of Silage dibs.

Physicochemical Method
Commercial Dibs
Characteristics Rotary Evaporator Boiling in Water Bath
Moisture (%) 25.88 a ± 0.26 26.70 a ± 0.20 16.36 b ± 0.29
Viscosity (cP) 67.86c ± 2.40 99.33 b ± 7.17 150.33 a ± 7.63
TSS (%) 70.36c ± 0.05 72.00 b ± 0.01 80.36 a ± 0.23
Total Solids (%) 74.11 b ± 0.26 73.29 ± 0.20 c 83.64 a ± 0.29
pH 4.63 b ± 0.01 4.72 a ± 0.01 4.65 b ± 0.02
Pectin (%) 0.86 a ± 0.02 0.58 b ± 0.01 0.88 a ± 0.02
Sucrose (%) Traces Traces N.D
Glucose (%) 32.12 b ± 0.80 32.22 b ± 0.49 35.33 a ± 0.50
Fructose (%) 36.50 c ± 0.37 38.33 b ± 0.69 43.02 a ± 0.38
Ash (%) 1.47 b ± 0.05 1.45 b ± 0.03 1.88 a ± 0.01
- Value is the average of three replicates ± standard deviation.
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them.
- ND = Not detected.

The effect of concentration date juice Viscosity is one of the important quality factors
(varieties Sufri & Silage) using boiling in water bath in date dibs manufacture. Juices viscosity is due to
or rotary evaporator on the physicochemical the colloidal properties of fruit, e.g. pectin, protein,
properties of date dibs were also evaluated as shown and gum in addition to the viscosity of the sugars (Al-
in Tables (4 & 5). The obtained results indicated that Hekhady, 2002). Tables (4 & 5) indicated that pectin
commercial date dibs contains the lowest moisture ranged between 0.58 - 1.24% in date dibs of the two
content (16.36%) for using a higher temperature varieties. Significant higher viscosity of date dibs was
during concentration, while concentration Silage dibs found in commercial dibs (150.33 cP) compared to
(Table 4) with boiling in water bath or rotary Silage dibs (Table 4) of boiling in water bath (99.33
evaporator increased moisture content to 26.70 and cP) and rotary evaporator (67.86 cP). Also, Sufri dibs
25.88 %, respectively, and they take the same trend in (Table 5) that concentrated with boiling in water bath
dibs of Sufri variety where they were (Table 5) 24.85 or rotary evaporator decreased to 70.76 and 75.43 cP,
and 24.76 %, respectively. respectively. Total soluble solids (TSS) increased in
local dibs compared to boiling in water bath or rotary 590 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

evaporator, where they reached in Silage dibs (Table TSS as recommended by Saudi Standards, Metrology
4) to 72.00 and 70.36 %, and in Sufri dibs (Table 5) and Quality Organization (2005), which states that
to 70.16 and 70.00%, respectively. The obtained the proportion of TSS in the date dibs not less than
result could be explained by the inverse relationship 70%. Tables (4 & 5) showed also that, local dibs and
between viscosity and moisture content, i.e. the more date dibs of Silage or Sufri varieties characterized
decreased moisture content in the sample is the more with their higher percentage of glucose and fructose.
concentration to TSS, resulting in an increase in the Also, pectin in dibs of the two varieties ranged
value of the viscosity of date dibs. The results of all between 0.58 - 1.24%.
date dibs treatments were within acceptable limits of

Table (5): Effect of concentration method on physicochemical characteristics of Sufri dibs.

Physicochemical Characteristics Commercial Dibs
Rotary Evaporator Boiling in Water Bath
Moisture (%) 24.76 ± 1.01 24.85 a ± 0.48 16.36 b ± 0.29
b c
Viscosity (cP) 75.43 ± 1.70 70.76 ± 1.70 150.33 a ± 7.63
TSS (%) 70.00 b ± 0.11 70.16 b ± 0.05 80.36 a ± 0.23
Total Solids (%) 75.24 b ± 1.01 75.14 b ± 0.48 83.64 a ± 0.29
pH 5.33 a ±0.01 5.11 b ± 0.01 4.65 c ± 0.01
Pectin (%) 1.24 a ± 0.08 0.83 b ± 0.04 0.88 b ± 0.01
Sucrose (%) Traces Traces ND
Glucose (%) 32.18 b ± 0.66 32.45 b ± 0.19 35.32 a ± 0.38
Fructose (%) 35.96 b ± 0.55 35.73 b ± 0.46 43.03 a ± 0.50
Ash (%) 1.92 a ± 0.02 1.92 a ± 0.02 1.88 b ± 0.01
- Value is the average of three replicates ± standard deviation.
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them.
- ND = Not detected.

Furthermore, the effect of clarifying date within acceptable limits of moisture content as
juice of Sufri and Silage varieties with active charcoal recommended by Saudi Standards, Metrology and
on physicochemical characteristics of dibs that Quality Organization (2005), which states that the
concentrated with boiling in water bath or rotary proportion of moisture content in the date dibs not
evaporator were evaluated and presented in Tables (6 more than 27%.
& 7). Table (6) indicated that moisture content of It could be noticed from Table (6) that, lower
Silage dibs that treated with active charcoal and moisture content of local dibs was accompanied by an
concentrated with boiling in water bath or rotary increase in TSS (80.36%), TS (83.64%) and viscosity
evaporator were increased to 23.50 and 24.61%, (150.33 cP). The same trend were observed in Silage
respectively compared to local dibs (16.36%). Also, dibs that treated with active charcoal and concentrated
the same trend were observed in moisture content of with boiling in water bath or rotary evaporator
the same treatments in Sufri dibs (Table 7) where they methods, where TSS, TS and viscosity were (72.00 &
reached to 25.00 and 23.33%, respectively. This 70.13%), (76.49 & 75.38 %) and (61.76 & 49.90 cP),
result agreed with Al-Hekhady (2002) who stated that respectively; and in Sufri dibs (Table 7) they were
moisture content of date dibs ranged between 15- (71.20 & 72.03 %), (76.66 & 74.99 %) and (74.40 &
28%. This result of all date dibs treatments were 142.53 cP), respectively.

Table (6): Effect of concentration method on physicochemical characteristics of date dibs of Silage variety
that treated with active charcoal.
Physicochemical Characteristics Commercial Dibs
Rotatry Evaporator Water Bath
Moisture (%) 24.61 ± 0.36 23.50 b ± 0.82 16.36 c ± 0.29
e c
Viscosity (cP) 49.90 ± 0.45 61.76 ± 0.80 150.33 a ± 7.63
TSS (%) 70.13 e ± 0.05 72.00 b ± 0.02 80.36 a ± 0.23
Total Solids (%) 75.38 c ± 0.36 76.49 b ± 0.82 83.64 a ± 0.29
pH 5.50 a ± 0.01 5.15 b ± 0.01 4.65 c ± 0.01
Pectin (%) 0.85 a ± 0.02 0.51 b ± 0.03 0.88 a ± 0.01
Sucrose (%) Traces Traces N.D
Glucose (%) 31.50 b ± 0.49 31.97 b ± 0.46 35.84 a ± 0.50
Fructose (%) 36.78 c ± 0.30 38.54 b ± 0.45 43.64 a ± 0.38
Ash (%) 1.67 b ± 0.04 1.63 b ± 0.01 1.88 a ± 0.01
- Value is the average of three replicates ± standard deviation.
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them.
- ND = Not detected. 591 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

Also, it could be noticed from Tables (4 & 6) concentration with boiling in water bath or rotary
that, pectin of Silage dibs affected slightly with active evaporator have a slightly significant differences on
charcoal during clarifying and concentration date dibs pH, where values were 5.29 and 5.13, respectively.
with boiling in water bath (decreased from 0.58 to This result was close with the same products of Sufri
0.51%) or in rotary evaporator (decreased from 0.86 dibs that were not treated with activated charcoal
to 0.85%). This result agreed with those obtained (Table 5), where the values were 5.11 and 5.33,
from Sufri dibs as shown in Tables (5 & 7). Tables (4- respectively.
7) indicated that, pectin of Silage dibs or Sufri dibs Glucose and fructose of Silage or Sufri dibs
was affected with concentrated method, where that treated with charcoal not much affected with
concentrating dibs with boiling in water bath method concentration with boiling in water bath or rotary
decreased pectin compared to those concentrated with evaporator, (Tables 6 & 7); and also not affected with
rotary evaporator. This result could be due to the clarifying Silage or Sufri juice with charcoal (Tables 4-
method of evaporation where vacuum evaporation 7). Whereas, glucose and fructose content in Silage
and lower heat temperature in rotary evaporator could dibs for all treated sample ranged between (31.50 –
lead to lower losses of pectin. It was found that, 32.22%) and (36.50 – 38.54%), respectively; and they
Silage and Sufri dibs of rotary evaporator method ranged also in Sufri dibs for all treated samples
contain pectin higher than dibs of boiling on water between (32.18 – 32.45) and (35.73 – 37.28),
bath. respectively. Therefore, active charcoal is restricted
Table (7) showed that, viscosity of local and only on influencing colored substances of date dibs and
Sufri dibs that treated with active charcoal reached to did not have little impact on the percentage of
142.53 and 150.33 cP, respectively. The higher monosaccharides. Also, ash content not much affected
viscosity ratio could be attributed to the higher by date dibs variety, clarifying with active charcoal or
percentage of moisture and TSS; and to the lower concentration method, where all samples ranged
moisture content of dibs samples. between 1.45 – 1.91.94%.
Regarding pH, Table (7) showed that the
treatment of Sufri juice with active charcoal and

Table (7): Effect of concentration method on physicochemical characteristics of date dibs of Sufri variety that
treated with active charcoal.
Physicochemical Characteristics Commercial Dibs
Rotary Evaporator Water Bath
Moisture (%) 23.33 b ± 0.08 a
25.00 ± 0.32 c
16.36 ± 0.29
Viscosity (cP) 142.53 a ± 1.64 74.40 b ± 3.55 150.33 a ± 7.63
TSS (%) 72.03 b ± 0.05 71.20 c ± 0.01 80.36 a ± 0.23
Total Solids (TS%) 74.99 c ± 0.32 76.66 b ± 0.08 83.64 a ± 0.29
pH 5.13 b ± 0.00 5.29 a ± 0.00 4.65 c ± 0.01
Pectin (%) 1.30 a ± 0.17 0.84 b ± 0.04 0.88 b ± 0.01
Sucrose (%) Traces Traces N.D
Glucose (%) 32.29 b ± 0.14 32.30 b ± 0.30 35.33 a ± 0.50
Fructose (%) 37.28 b ± 0.35 36.97 b ± 1.01 43.02 a ± 0.38
Ash (%) 1.94 a ± 0.03 1.82 c ± 0.02 1.88 b ± 0.01
- Value is the average of three replicates ± standard deviation.
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them.
- ND = Not detected.

Sensory evaluation of Sufri and Silage dibs storage period. Also, increasing storage temperature to
that treated with active charcoal and concentrated with 45C had a deteriorative effect on sensory quality of
boiling in rotary evaporator were evaluated during Sufri, Silage and local dibs with the beginning of the
storage at 5, 25 and 45C for 6 months and compared second month till the end of the storage period.
with local dibs product. Columns of Table (8) showed On the other hand, rows of Table (8) showed
that, the color, taste, flavor and general acceptance of the effect of storage temperature on sensory quality of
Sufri, Silage and local dibs are not affected Sufri, Silage and local dibs for each storage period.
significantly during storage at 5C for 6 months. Also, Results indicated that, the best color was found in Sufri
sensory parameter of Sufri and Silage dibs were not dibs up to two month (8.0) of storage at 5 C; then
affected during storage at 25C for 6 months, while the decreased slightly by increasing storage temperature to
color and general acceptance of local dibs decreased 25C to reach 7.13; and the highest deterioration was
with the beginning of the second month till the end of found during storage at 45°C where it reached to 3.33. 592 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

Also, at the same storage period, taste, flavor and (2004). Also, taste and flavor of commercial dibs are
general acceptance of Sufri dibs were not affected not affected significantly during storage for 2 months
significantly during storage at 5 and 25 C; and at 5 or 25C, but it was affected during storage at 45
affected with increase storage temperature to 45°C. It C. While, general acceptance of commercial dibs was
was observed also that, sensory characteristics of Sufri decreased significantly during storage for 2 month at
dibs affected during storage for 4 and 6 months at the 25 or 45C. The changes that occurred in the taste and
same aforementioned manner of storage for 2 months. color could be due to change in pH, as stated with Al-
Rows of Table (8) showed also that, sensory Hekhady (2000). The changes in the sensory properties
characteristics of Silage dibs were matched with the agreed with Kamil et al. (2000) who stated that, the
previously mentioned Sufri dibs when stored for the change in the sensory properties of black honey beet
same period of time and temperature. Whereas, color could be due to penetration of air into the package and
property of local dibs not affected significantly during to high temperature storage, which cause changes in
storage for 2 months at 5C, but it deteriorated slightly color, taste and flavor of honey.
at 25C; and deterioration maximized when stored at From the above results it could be concluded
45°C. These results can be explained by the change in that dibs stored at 45°C resulting in weak sensory
the dibs color during storage at different temperatures, characteristics in terms of color, taste, flavor and
arise as a result of some breaking color pigments, general acceptance. Therefore, this temperature degree
resulting in a decrease in the degree of color, and this is not an appropriate condition to store dibs.
is in agreement with Rhim et al. (1989) and Maskan

Table (8): Effect of Storage periods at 5, 25 and 45C on sensory properties of dibs that concentrated with
boiling in rotary evaporator (Sufri and Silage ) compared to commercial dibs.
Storage Temperature
Date Dibs


5C 25C 45C





















6.73 a 6.53 a 6.13 a 6.13 a 6.73 a 6.53 a 6.13 a 6.13 a 6.73 a 6.53 a 6.13 a 6.13 a
±1.90 ±2.09 ±1.80 ±2.09 ±1.90 ±2.09 ±1.80 ±2.09 ±1.90 ±2.09 ±1.80 ±2.09
8.00 a a 7.40 a a 7.20 a a 7.40 a a 7.13 a a 6.06 a a 6.06 a ab 6.33 a a 3.33 b b 3.66 b b 4.66 ab b 3.93 b b

±0.65 ±1.63 ±1.52 ±1.12 ±1.50 ±2.57 ±2.12 ±2.02 ±2.38 ±2.25 ±2.46 ±2.28
7.40 ab a 7.00 a a 6.73a a 7.00 a a 6.53 a a 6.60 a a 6.60 a a 6.80 a a 2.60 b b 2.86 b b 3.46 b b 2.73 b b
±1.40 ±1.85 ±1.83 ±1.69 ±1.30 ±1.72 ±1.68 ±1.42 ±2.13 ±2.26 ±2.66 ±2.05
7.73 ab a 7.33 a a 6.86 a a 7.40 a a 6.66 a b 6.80 a a 6.80 a a 6.13 a a 2.20 b c 3.40 b b 4.80 ab b 3.33 b b
±1.75 ±1.29 ±1.64 ±1.72 ±1.04 ±1.42 ±1.78 ±1.76 ±1.32 ±2.09 ±2.39 ±1.91
6.93 a 6.66 ba 6.66 ab 6.86 ab 6.93 a 6.66 a 6.66 a 6.86 a 6.93 a 6.66 a 6.66 a 6.86 a
±1.33 ±1.87 ±1.87 ±1.59 ±1.33 ±1.87 ±1.87 ±1.59 ±1.33 ±1.87 ±1.87 ±1.59
7.00 a a 5.80 b a 5.73 b a 6.13 b a 6.73 a a 6.40 a a 6.20 a a 6.13 a a 3.66 b b 3.53 b b 4.13bc b 3.53 b b

±1.51 ±2.00 ±1.98 ±1.80 ±1.27 ±1.84 ±1.37 ±1.35 ±2.09 ±2.38 ±1.84 ±1.99
7.46 a a 7.60 a a 6. ab a 7.26 a a 6.40 a a 7.00 a a 6.26a a 6.66 a a 2.60 b b 2.80 b b 3.60 c b 2.73 b b
±1.06 ±1.50 ±1.64 ±1.27 ±1.72 ±1.73 ±1.57 ±1.49 ±1.95 ±1.82 ±2.19 ±1.75
7.66 a a 7.60 a a 7.20 a a 7.73 a a 6.26 a b 6.60 a a 6.80 a a 6.86 a b 2.80 b c 3.66 b b 5.33 ba b 3.53 b c
±1.23 ±1.18 ±1.08 ±0.79 ±1.27 ±1.63 ±1.47 ±1.12 ±1.26 ±2.16 ±1.67 ±1.45
8.33 a 7.36 a 7.46 a 7.53 a 8.33 a 7.36 a 7.46 a 7.53 a 8.33a 7.36 a 7.46 a 7.53 a
±0.97 ±2.48 ±1.64 ±2.23 ±0.97 ±2.48 ±1.64 ±2.23 ±0.97 ±2.48 ±1.64 ±2.23

8.33 a a 6.06 a a 7.00 a a 6.86 a a 7.93 a a 4.46 b a 6.46 ab ab 5.46 b b 4.86 b b 5.40 b a 5.13 b b 5.40 b b
±0.72 ±2.60 ±1.77 ±1.68 ±0.96 ±2.53 ±1.64 ±1.92 ±2.06 ±2.44 ±2.26 ±1.84
8.40 a a 6.00 a a 7.00a a 6.80 a a 8.03 a a 5.66 ab a 6.46 ab a 5.86 b a 1.86 c b 2.46 c b 3.33 c b 2.20c b
±0.73 ±2.64 ±2.03 ±2.24 ±0.89 ±2.63 ±1.76 ±2.32 ±1.45 ±2.09 ±1.98 ±1.65
8.26 a a 6.20 a a 6.73 a a 6.73 a a 6.80 b b 5.73 ab a 6.00 b a 6.06 ab a 2.40 c c 2.86 c b 4.60 cb b 3.26 c b
±0.79 ±1.56 ±1.22 ±1.66 ±1.89 ±2.25 ±1.30 ±1.98 ±2.22 ±1.35 ±1.84 ±1.94
- The value is the average of three replicate samples ± standard deviation.
- Averages in each column that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them at p ≥
- Averages in each row that have different letters mean there are significant differences between them at p ≥ 0.05.

Conclusion can be utilized in preparation high quality date dibs

It may be concluded that, clarifying date juice with attractive properties, i.e. color, taste, flavour,
with 0.1% active charcoal then using rotary evaporator general acceptance and physicochemical properties
to concentrate date juice under vacuum and rotation during storage at 5 or 25C for 6 months. 593 [email protected]

Journal of American Science 2012;8(11)

on Date Palm , King Fiasal University , Al-

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