Lang Arts 1-3
Lang Arts 1-3
Lang Arts 1-3
Grades 1- 3
Daily Reading and Writing Opportunities
Learning Activity Time Instructions Considerations
Read 10- 15 Daily reading is important for Mix it up! Provide some choice for your
independently min building lifelong readers. child.
everyday Wherever possible, children might pick
Children could read a book ● from books, online books,
independently or choose to magazines, poems, etc.
read it to a family member, ● from books about things they like
stuffed animal, or pet. ● from books they can read
You might: Record your ● who they will read to that day.
child’s reading occasionally ● a book they know and love, to
so that they can hear how practice reading smoothly.
smooth they sound. Use a
book your child knows and Looking for online resources? Try these.
loves. ● Tumble Books
● Libby Library App. If you have a
library card
● Get a free library card here
Listen to a book 10-20 min Listening to a book allows a Choose from: books, magazines, poems,
read aloud child to simply enjoy the story. online books, etc.
Read together 10-20 min Shared reading means There is no wrong way to do this.
reading aloud for enjoyment
and is a fun way to practice Could you read any parts together?
reading. Should you change your voices? Have
Read a book, poem or song Try some of these poems for two people.
together. ● Pick poems that are simple and
Decide who is going to read fun.
what part.
Talk about a book 5-10 min Talking about stories is a There is no wrong way to do this.
great way to help your child
understand what they read. Pick from these words to get started :
Word Play 10-20 min Word play is a great way to Play games like “I spy” and “I’m Going on
practice with letters and a Picnic”
sounds. Say:
● I spy something that starts with
Word play will help your child the sound “b”
read and write. ● I spy something that rhymes with
Keep it fun! Say:
● I am going on a picnic and I’m
bringing something that starts with
● I am going on a picnic and I’m
bringing something that rhymes
with “snow”
Write a true story 15-20 Children could write a story Your child may want to tell someone their
min/day about a time when something story before they write it down.
until happened to them.
complete They might tell you what happened first,
next and at the end.
Write how to do 15-20 Children could write a storyIn this type of writing children may choose
something min/day that tells how to do to include:
until something. ● A title
complete ● A list of materials needed
Ex: How to Make Your Bed, ● The steps in order
Bake Chocolate Chip ● Pictures that help explain the
Cookies, How to Play a Game steps
Write a make- 15-20 Children could write a story Children might plan their story before they
believe story min/day using make-believe start writing by telling someone the story
until characters. aloud.
Write an 15-20 Children could write Children could write about different parts
information story min/day something they know a lot of their topic on each page of a booklet.
until about. (Folding paper in half works well.)
complete For example, if their topic was hockey
Ex: Pokemon, Lego, L.O.L. their booklet might look like this:
dolls, dogs, hockey, etc. ● Page 1: Hockey Gear
● Page 2: Types of Equipment
● Page 3: NHL Teams