Building Bridges: Connecting Science and Engineering With Literacy and Mathematics
Building Bridges: Connecting Science and Engineering With Literacy and Mathematics
Building Bridges: Connecting Science and Engineering With Literacy and Mathematics
he breadth of disciplinary stan- the illustrations of the construction of when discussing the similarities and
dards elementary teachers are the bridge and the elephants crossing differences between the designs and
accountable for causes many it. Students used the illustrations to structures of the bridges. This is how
teachers to feel overwhelmed and understand the setting and the plot of students can make connections be-
frustrated (Huff 2016). However, we the story. This story provided the con- tween the function of a bridge and the
found creating thematic units pro- text for the remainder of the unit. structural and design choices of engi-
vides students an opportunity to meet To assess students’ knowledge of neers.
standards from multiple disciplines. bridges, groups sorted photos of bridg- Mr. Jett explained how different
The connections the Next Generation es from around the world (see NSTA bridges use materials and design to
Science Standards (NGSS) creates be- Connection). Some students used support the weight and movement
tween science content and practices to surrounding landscapes, while others crossing it. Students first used trac-
literacy and mathematics are especially used the style of bridge or materials. ing paper over a photo of a suspen-
beneficial at the elementary level. In As groups shared their categories, Mr. sion bridge to create direct pathways
this article, we present a series of les- Jett asked probing and guiding ques- between the cables, deck, and vertical
sons a second-grade teacher taught tions to drive the discussion toward suspenders (see Figure 1). When the
within a thematic unit that integrated the geometric shapes that made up the tracing paper was removed, students
standards from science, mathematics, largest parts of the bridges. The most had created a model of a suspension
and literacy (see NSTA Connection for popular designs were beam, suspen- bridge and could explore how the
a unit outline). sion, and truss bridges. Emphasizing design distributes weight. The class
the function of the bridge is crucial discussed how each line represented
The two-week unit encouraged stu- Potential Lesson Adaptations
dents in Mr. Jett’s second-grade class
to investigate famous structures in
the United States. Learning goals This lesson could be adapted in a variety of ways. First, the lesson
and standards in literacy, science, and could be modified by changing the materials that students can use in
mathematics all centered on exploring their bridge designs. Other materials to consider may include spaghetti
the history, purpose, and creation of noodles and marshmallows, paper and tape, balsa wood, and drink-
human-made landmarks such as the ing straws. For older students, teachers may want to further constrain
Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate students by giving them a budget and supplies with a dollar value. Stu-
Bridge. Mr. Jett engaged students in dents could then choose which materials they think would be best to
the unit by reading Twenty-One El- construct their bridge within their budget and justify their choices. If a
ephants and Still Standing (Prince teacher chooses to use different materials, the “elephants” do not need
2005), a captivating story that chron- to be constructed out of nuts and bolts. Any items with a consistent
icles how the Brooklyn Bridge expe- weight could be used to match bridge specifications. For example, if
rienced its first test of strength when students are building larger bridges, teachers could use 50 g weights to
21 elephants from the Barnum Circus mimic a cart of five elephants traveling together. This would force stu-
crossed the bridge from Brooklyn to dents to count in multiples of five and consider distribution of weight
Manhattan to reach “the big top.” As on the bridge.
Mr. Jett read, he showed the students
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a load-bearing structure allowing stu- their STEM challenge for the unit:
dents to follow the pathway of weight “Your goal as a team is to build a bridge
distribution from the deck to the ca- using the available materials that will
bles to the pylons. The following day, hold at least 21 ‘elephants,’ just like
Mr. Jett used an activity outlined in the Brooklyn Bridge, and cross a gap
Teaching Children Mathematics (Ap- that is one-foot wide.” The elephants
Students use tracing paper over the photo of a Materials used in the
suspension bridge. investigation.
Engineering Design
Create a bridge that will span
1 foot. The bridges will span
two stacks of books each 10”
Available Materials:
• 25 toothpicks
• Wax paper
• 2 craft sticks
• School glue
• 30 inches of string
• one 10” × 2” piece of card
stock • 83
derstand the challenge and define the F I GU RE 3
build. Some groups wanted to jump
problem their bridge was to address. right into building. Mr. Jett returned
Each student carefully took notes in Multiplication by groups. to the progression of the Engineering
their science journals to keep informa- Design Process (EDP) posted at the
tion organized and accessible. Finally, front of the room and asked students
one student asked how much the “el- why engineers may want to brainstorm
ephants” weigh. potential solutions and sketch designs
“Great question!” Mr. Jett ex- before building.
claimed. “Why might engineers want “Because we don’t know whose idea
to know how much the elephants is best,” one student chimed in.
weigh?” The student explained that “Maybe if we mess up then we
they need to know which designs and don’t get any toothpicks left,” another
materials to use. added.
“Absolutely!” Mr. Jett encouraged.
“Engineers work in teams to build
off of others’ ideas to make even bet-
MEASUREMENT AND ter ideas. That is one way they make
MULTIPLICATION sure they use their supplies and money
Students worked in groups of four for wisely. Engineers call things that limit
the entire unit. Each group of students their designs constraints.”
used small digital scales to measure Students regularly work in teams to
the nut and bolt “elephants.” Mr. Jett complete tasks in Mr. Jett’s classroom.
emphasized the importance of preci- Students immediately began collabo-
sion in measuring because engineers rating and discussing the design chal-
need to make sure their designs are lenge with little prompting from Mr.
safe. Students quickly discovered the Jett. A focus on group expectations at
scales provided were too small to get the beginning of the year created an
all 21 “elephants” on the scale at the ongoing understanding of how stu-
while they worked through the multi-
same time. dents contribute and behave as group
plication (see Figure 3). Mr. Jett asked
“Mr. Jett? We can’t get a good mea- members. Groups spent two days
students to share their strategies with
surement because we can’t get them all designing, sketching, and discussing
the class. For example, Morgan repre-
on!” one group complained. the pros and cons of all of their ideas.
sented each 10 g elephant with a count-
“Hmmm … Class?” Mr. Jett said, Mr. Jett used this time to ask ques-
ing cube. She organized the cubes in
“Are any other groups having the same tions and encourage students to con-
groups of 10 to create a 10 stick. “I
problem as this group?” nect their bridge designs to what they
know this is 100 because 10, 20, 30,
“Yes!” they unanimously replied had learned about bridge structures.
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,” she ex-
with a groan of frustration. Children referred back to the photos of
plained touching each cube. “So then
Mr. Jett had carefully crafted bridges posted in the room, their trac-
this is also 100. Two hundreds is 200
the “elephants” from materials that ing paper, and truss shapes. One by
then plus one more makes 210. That
weighed exactly 10 grams. His number one, groups selected an idea and began
means 21 elephants is 210 g.” Mr. Jett
choice was a gateway for other groups to construct their bridges. Safety note:
continued discussing multiplication
to use skip counting by tens, and a va- For second-grade children, use caution
with tens over the next two days and
riety of grouping strategies (i.e., two with the sharp ends of the toothpicks
branched into thinking about multi-
groups of 10 and one group of 1). This while crafting the bridges. Safety gog-
plication in terms of grouping over the
provided students the opportunity to gles are required while students construct
next two weeks.
use multiplication strategies to calcu- their bridges.
late the weight of the 21 “elephants” Some students crafted bridges that
so that they would know how much mimicked the Brooklyn Bridge, while
weight their bridge needed to hold. ENGINEERING DESIGN others made beam bridges. A few
Students who struggle in mathemat- When students returned the next day, groups attempted their own versions
ics could also use the elephant weights they were already buzzing with ques- of bridges. Once the groups had con-
or other representative manipulatives tions and ideas of what they wanted to structed their bridges, they presented
84 • • AUGUST 2019
their designs to the class and explained ishment, several bridges were able to Table 1, p. 86, highlights the perfor-
their decision-making process. The hold all 200 “elephants” Mr. Jett had mance objectives and outcomes Mr.
bridge designs and students’ presenta- created without collapsing. At a cost Jett focused on during the activities to
tions provided the teacher insight into of just under $10, we wished we would assess students’ knowledge and skills.
what content students had learned and have created enough “elephants” for
applied to the bridge challenge. Finally, the bridges to fail. Eventually we gave CONCLUDING THE LESSON
the class measured their bridges again up on the “elephants” and started us- Watching each bridge being tested
and again to ensure they would span ing books and other classroom objects gives students a chance to compare
the one-foot gap on test day. to add weight. Items were weighed on the strengths and weaknesses of each
On test day, groups took turns care- a bathroom scale at the end to deter- design with their group members.
fully adding 21 “elephants” to their mine the total weight supported by the This is an essential component of the
bridges to evaluate their bridge designs. bridge. One bridge held over 20lbs be- engineering design process. The itera-
The rest of the class watched as each fore collapsing. tions necessary for creating an optimal
bridge was tested. Some of the bridges Mr. Jett used the students’ par- bridge are reduced by observing the
were not strong enough to withstand ticipation in class discussion and success and failures of other designs.
the suspension between the stacks of bridge presentations to formatively Understanding critiquing and com-
books. Others were surprisingly strong. assess their learning and progression municating ideas and designs is an
Each time a bridge made it to 21, the through the Engineering Design Pro- essential professional activity for en-
class erupted in cheers, which contin- cess. Mr. Jett also engaged groups in gineers. Engaging in discussion about
ued as groups added more and more discussion and made notes about the the tested models and improving their
“elephants” until each of the bridges changes they made to their bridges own bridge designs is a critical part of
collapsed and failed under the weight. throughout the two weeks of design- this unit.
The class organized the “elephants” ing and building. Students were asked Facilitating a whole-class discussion
placed on each bridge into arrays (e.g., to justify their changes based on the to compare and contrast student bridge
Morgan’s strategy from earlier is a 10 form and function of the bridges. designs is a great way to conclude test-
by 2 array plus one for 21 “elephants”) Mr. Jett did not use a formal rubric ing and the unit. While each bridge is
to use multiplication to calculate the or summative assessment, opting to built using the available materials to
total weights held. To students’ aston- assess students in practice instead. hold at least 21 “elephants,” students • 85
Connecting “Structure and Function” through the Engineering Design Process with
86 • • AUGUST 2019
created a variety of bridges, as shown diligently answered Mr. Jett’s ques- ephants and Still Standing. We noticed
through Mr. Jett’s class. In the dis- tion with pages full of new sketches students seemed engaged and excited
cussion, students use the data that is that included arrows pointing to cer- to design and redesign their bridges.
collected from each test (the weight tain elements in their designs and The integration of these disciplines in
each bridge could hold) to compare descriptions of materials they would a real-world context allows for more
the strengths and weaknesses of each have used if they did not have the robust learning opportunities. Mr. Jett
bridge. Some questions to spark rich classroom constraints. As students said it best:
discussion include: visualized and justified their new and “I want children to learn by en-
improved bridges, Mr. Jett began the gaging with the world around them.
• Which bridge was the strongest?
assessment. Their journal entries pro- When all of our learning and stan-
How did you know?
vided deep insights into what they had dards are related by a single theme, it
• Which bridge was the weakest? learned about the Engineering Design is easier for them to see why literacy,
How did you know? Process as well as their learning and social studies, and STEM subjects are
practice standards. Mr. Jett looked connected. I find my students gain a
• Why do you think ____ bridge
for changes in students’ designs such broader understanding of the content,
was the strongest?
as reinforcement or overlapping to and I hope they build stronger skills
• Why do you think ____ bridge increase the strength of the joints and they can use later in life.” ●
was the weakest? using triangles instead of squares to
improve stability in truss bridges. REFERENCES
• Was there any strategy for placing
Perhaps most important, Mr. Jett in- Appelgate, M.H., C. Jackson, K.
the “elephants” and other weights?
structed students to justify their de- Jurgenson, and A. Delaney. 2018.
This evidence-based discussion sign changes by explaining how their i STEM: Mathematics concepts
helps students construct an argument changes would lead to a stronger, more using STEM connections. Teaching
based on their analysis of the data stable bridge compared to their origi- Children Mathematics 24 (6):
the class collected—the weight each nal design. 394–397.
bridge could hold. To scaffold dis- Huff, K.L. 2016. Addressing three
cussion for emerging bilinguals and CONCLUSION common myths About the Next
struggling readers, teachers may want This unit was student centered and Generation Science Standards.
to provide a series of sentence starters teacher crafted. The lessons were Science and Children 53 (5): 30–33.
such as: inquiry-based and hands-on, which National Governors Association Center
allowed students the opportunity to for Best Practices and Council of
Bridge ____ was the strongest/
ask questions and apply what they Chief State School Officers (NGAC
weakest because I noticed (reason #1),
learned to brainstorm solutions to an and CCSSO). 2010. Common
and (reason #2).
engineering challenge. The teacher as- Core State Standards for English
I think bridge ____ was the
sessed students by asking them to jus- language arts and literacy in history/
strongest/weakest because the design
tify their revisions made to their bridge social studies, science, and technical
(element #1) and (element #2).
designs and observing their engage- subjects. Washington, DC: NGAC
Our bridge needs (element #1)
ment in rich classroom discussions. and CCSSO.
and (element #2) to be stronger. Our
Throughout the unit, students also NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next
bridge already has (element #1) that
constructed their own understanding Generation Science Standards:
makes it strong.
of multiplication and connected litera- For states, by states. Washington,
Mr. Jett concluded the class discus- ture to science, engineering, and math- DC: National Academies Press.
sion by asking students, “How could ematics. Using an integrated approach
you redesign your bridge to make it was the gateway for students to apply generation-science-standards.
stronger?” Students looked back at their science and mathematical knowl- Prince, A.J. 2005. Twenty-one
their notes, data, and sketches in their edge in the real-world context of engi- elephants and still standing. Boston:
science journals from the unit. They neering a bridge as presented by 21 El- Houghton Mifflin Company.
Ashley Delaney ([email protected]) is a curriculum consultant for the Heartland Area Education Agency in John-
ston, Iowa. Kari Jurgenson is a doctoral candidate at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. • 87
Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013)
K-2-ETS1 Engineering Design
• The chart below makes one set of connections between the instruction outlined in this article and the NGSS. Other valid connections are likely; however,
space restrictions prevent us from listing all possibilities.
• The materials, lessons, and activities outlined in the article are just one step toward reaching the performance expectations listed below.
Performance Expectations
K-2-ETS1-1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be
solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.
K-2-ETS1-2 Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given
Asking Questions and Defining Problems Students asked technical questions about the bridge designs
including materials, length, and load-bearing ability.
Developing and Using Models Students sketched and built physical models of their bridge
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Students developed methods to measure the weight of the
“elephants”, final load value, and bridge design measurements.
ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Students asked technical questions about the bridge designs
Asking questions, making observations, and gathering information are helpful including materials, length, and load-bearing ability.
in thinking about problems.
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions Students sketched and built physical models of their bridge
Designs can be conveyed through sketches, drawings, or physical models. designs.
These representations are useful in communicating ideas for a problem’s Students developed methods to measure the weight of the
solutions to other people. “elephants,” final load value, and bridge design measurements.
Crosscutting Concept
Structure and Function Students sorted pictures of bridges into categories including
surrounding landscapes, style of bridge, and materials.
Students traced the weight distribution of a suspension bridge
to understand how the structure of the cables and vertical
suspenders impact the function.
Students played with geometric shapes to determine which were
the strongest and most stable for building a truss bridge.
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