The Effect of LASIK On Timing of Cataract Surgery
The Effect of LASIK On Timing of Cataract Surgery
The Effect of LASIK On Timing of Cataract Surgery
he creation of the LASIK flap was initially achieved
ABSTRACT using mechanical microkeratome devices. The
main principle of operation was based on stabili-
PURPOSE: To compare the age at the time of cata- zation of the eye using a high vacuum suction ring and then
ract surgery in patients who have undergone microker- passing the keratome blade to achieve a circular, meniscus-
atome-assisted LASIK versus individuals matched for
axial length, cataract grade, and visual acuity with no shaped thin flap.1 The use of microkeratomes has been as-
history of refractive surgery. sociated with ocular conditions such as inflammation of the
anterior segment, anterior segment ischemia due to increased
METHODS: Retrospective chart review of patients who intraocular pressure during suction, and mechanical stress
underwent cataract extraction between September on the globe.2,3 Moreover, previous animal studies have dem-
2013 and March 2015 at the Bascom Palmer Eye In- onstrated that LASIK may lead to earlier cataract formation
stitute. Patients had a history of either microkeratome-
assisted LASIK or no prior ocular surgery. Corrected after multiple treatments.4 It was hypothesized that the re-
distance visual acuity (CDVA) before and after cataract peated exposure of laser irradiation may damage lens epithe-
extraction, uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) lial cells, causing anterior and posterior epinuclear opacifica-
before cataract extraction, gender, axial length, and cat- tion.5 Further, the effect of laser irradiation (from the excimer
aract grade were assessed, along with age at the time laser) has been shown to induce biochemical modifications
of LASIK, age at the time of cataract extraction, and the
time lapse between LASIK and cataract extraction. that stimulate photo-oxidative stress on the anterior segment
and lens proteins, leading to phototoxic and potentially cata-
RESULTS: Fifty eyes of 38 patients were included in ractogenic effects.4,6
the LASIK group and 155 eyes of 136 patients were This study assessed the influence of microkeratome-as-
included in the control group. There was no significant sisted LASIK on the timing of cataract extraction. Specifi-
difference between these groups with respect to gen- cally, we compared the age of patients undergoing cataract
der (P = .87), CDVA before cataract extraction (P =
.11), UDVA before cataract extraction (P = .09), axial extraction after microkeratome-assisted LASIK to the age of
length (P = .67), and cataract grade (P = .46). Mean patients undergoing cataract extraction with no prior history
age at the time of cataract extraction for patients in the of refractive surgery after matching patients for axial length,
LASIK group and control group were 64 ± 7 and 73 ± cataract grade, and visual acuity.
8 years, respectively (P < .005). Negative correlations
were found between age at time of cataract extraction
and axial length in the LASIK and control groups (r =
-0.18, P = .20 vs r = -0.36, P =. 01, respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: Microkeratome-assisted LASIK seems From the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Bascom Palmer Eye
to be correlated with earlier cataract extraction. Patients Institute, Miami, Florida.
with a history of microkeratome-assisted LASIK under- Submitted: July 19, 2015; Accepted: December 15, 2015
went cataract surgery a decade sooner than patients
with similar demographic and ocular characteristics. Supported by grants from TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey (Dr. Yesilirmak), and
the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implants and Refractive Surgery, Athens,
Greece (Dr. Diakonis).
[J Refract Surg. 2016;32(5):306-310.]
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials pre-
sented herein.
Correspondence: Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS, Bascom Palmer Eye
Institute, 8100 SW 10th Street, Crossroads 3, 3rd Floor, Plantation, FL 33324.
E-mail: [email protected]
PATIENTS AND METHODS IL). Age at the time of cataract extraction, gender,
Patients CDVA before and after cataract extraction, UDVA be-
After approval by the institutional review board of fore cataract extraction, cataract grade (LOCS III), and
the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and axial length were compared between the two groups
in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Hel- and correlations between axial length and age at the
sinki, medical records of patients who underwent cata- time of cataract extraction were assessed. Analyses in-
ract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens cluded the Student’s independent t test for continuous
implantation performed by two surgeons (KD and SY) variables and Pearson coefficient for strength of associ-
at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute between September ations. Power analysis was performed using G*Power
2013 and March 2015 were reviewed. 3.1 program (Apple Computers, Inc., Cupertino, CA)7
to determine the sample size necessary to give statisti-
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria cal reliability. A P value less than .05 was considered
The patients included in this study had either previ- statistically significant.
ous microkeratome-assisted LASIK (LASIK group) or
had an unremarkable ocular history (control group). RESULTS
Patients with a history of LASIK prior to 2001 were This retrospective chart review identified 760 eyes
assumed to have undergone microkeratome-assisted of 640 patients who underwent cataract extraction
LASIK because the first femtosecond laser platform performed by two surgeons (KD and SY) between Sep-
introduced for flap creation was approved by the U.S. tember 2013 and March 2015. From these 760 eyes, 50
Food and Drug Administration in 2001. Patients un- eyes of 38 patients (LASIK group) and 155 eyes of 136
dergoing LASIK after 2001 were only included if patients (control group) met the inclusion and exclu-
medical records were available specifically document- sion criteria and were included in the study. Signifi-
ing microkeratome use for flap creation. Patients who cant power was demonstrated for both groups (1.0).
had corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) between The LASIK group included 19 women and 19 men
20/30 and 20/200 at the time of cataract evaluation and the control group included 66 women and 70 men.
and 20/20 or better after cataract extraction were in- There was no statistically significant difference be-
cluded. Patients with limited visual potential (worse tween groups except for age (Table 1). The mean time
than 20/20 postoperative visual acuity) were excluded interval between LASIK and cataract extraction was
because their vision was limited by other ocular co- 14.7 ± 3.67 years (range: 7 to 23 years). There was a
morbidities. positive correlation between age at the time of LASIK
Patients with previous ocular surgery (other than and age at the time of cataract extraction for patients
microkeratome-assisted LASIK), corneal opacities, in the LASIK group (r = 0.88, P = .01). Negative corre-
corneal dystrophies, keratoconus, pellucid marginal lations were found between age at the time of cataract
degeneration, irregular astigmatism, potential catarac- extraction and axial length in the LASIK group and
togenetic factors (eg, diabetes, uveitis, trauma, glau- the control group (r = -0.18, P = .20 and r = -0.36, P =
coma, intraocular surgery, and topical or systemic ste- .01, respectively) (Figures 1-2).
roid use), and macular disease of any type were not
included in this study. DISCUSSION
Corneal laser refractive surgery has been associ-
Outcome Measures ated with cataractogenesis.2,3,5,6,8 As demonstrated in
CDVA before and after cataract extraction, uncor- animal models, both laser irradiation and increased
rected distance visual acuity (UDVA) before cataract suction by microkeratome devices may promote cata-
extraction, cataract grade using the Lens Opacities ract development.2,3,5,6,8 The initial assumptions on
Classification System III (LOCS III), age at the time of the use of argon fluoride excimer lasers in refractive
LASIK, age at the time of cataract extraction, and the surgery and the potential ocular tissue implications
time lapse between the two procedures were docu- (aside from the cornea), such as cataract develop-
mented. Additionally, refractive error of patients with ment or retinal toxicity, were supportive of no col-
LASIK before cataract extraction and the axial length lateral tissue damage based on the fact that the lasers’
of all patients were recorded. maximal corneal penetration was 1 to 3 µm (no irra-
diation dispersion).4 Later studies on animal models
Statistical Analysis have demonstrated that part of the laser’s irradiation
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for is neither reflected nor absorbed by the cornea and is
Windows software (version 22; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, transmitted as secondary irradiation reaching the an-
Characteristics Between Groups
Characteristic Microkeratome-Assisted LASIK No Prior Ocular Surgery P
No. of eyes 50 155 –
Gender .87
Male 19 (50%) 70 (51%)
Female 19 (50%) 66 (49%)
Age (y) 64.1 ± 7.2 73.0 ± 8.1 .005
AL (mm) (mean ± SD) 24.9 ± 1.56 24.8 ± 1.40 .67
Pre-CE CDVA (logMAR) (mean ± SD) 0.27 ± 0.11 0.3 ± 0.12 .11
Pre-CE UDVA (logMAR) (mean ± SD) 0.57 ± 0.29 0.66 ± 0.28 .09
Pre-CE spherical equivalent (mean ± SD) 2.03 ± 1.58 3.20 ± 3.40 .01
Cataract grade (LOCS III) (mean ± SD) 2.30 ± 0.54 2.31 ± 0.54 .46
AL = axial length; SD = standard deviation; CE = cataract extraction; CDVA = corrected distance visual acuity; UDVA = uncorrected distance visual acuity; LOCS
III = Lens Opacities Classification System III
Figure 1. Correlation between age at cataract extraction (CE) and axial Figure 2. Correlation between age at cataract extraction (CE) and axial
length in the LASIK group. Data show a nonsignificant inverse correlation length in the control group. Data show a significant inverse correlation
between age at CE and axial length (r = -0.181, P = .209). between age at CE and axial length (r = -0.363, P < .0001).
terior chamber and crystalline lens at cataractogenic safe outcomes. Globe stability is accomplished by the
wavelengths (290 to 320 nm).8 In support of the above, induction of high suction by microkeratome devices,
other studies mention that excimer laser irradiation and the result of this is increased intraocular pres-
can stimulate photo-oxidative stress at the level of the sure that reaches more than 65 mm Hg in most cases.1
anterior segment, resulting in phototoxic and cata- The sudden intraocular pressure increase causes ocu-
ractogenic effects.5 Nevertheless, this issue remains lar ischemia, as characterized by vision loss during
controversial; a study by Wachtlin et al. comparing microkeratome-assisted LASIK. When intraocular
PRK and LASIK demonstrated that laser irradiation pressure exceeds retinal artery pressure, it minimiz-
does not seem to be a risk factor for cataractogenesis es blood flow and induces mechanical stress on the
because it does not promote the presence of free radi- globe, resulting in contraction of the anterior segment
cals in the aqueous humor or the crystalline lens.9 and anterior-posterior compression with subsequent
Microkeratome-assisted flap creation requires a expansion of the globe.10 Increased intraocular pres-
stable globe to achieve repeatable, predictable, and sure associated with ischemic ocular stress may be
correlated with cataractogenesis because it has been and lenticular change. Fortunately, newer technology
shown that moderate mechanical stress may result in will also allow us to measure and track progression
a localized opacity near the surface of the lens.11 of lens density changes after refractive surgery. This
In our study, we found that microkeratome-assisted will help us further define potential relationships and
LASIK seems to be correlated with earlier cataract extrac- changes leading up to subsequent cataract extraction.
tion. Patients with a history of microkeratome-assisted There are two major potential confounding factors
LASIK demonstrate visually significant cataracts result- that may influence the timing of cataract surgery in this
ing in cataract extraction a decade sooner when com- cohort of patients: axial length and differences in sub-
pared to patients with similar demographic and ocular jective visual symptoms determining the timing of a pa-
parameters. These findings are in agreement with a re- tient’s presentation for cataract evaluation and potential
cent study by Iijima et al., which demonstrated a 10- to surgery. It has been well established that patients with
15-year earlier cataract extraction in patients with his- higher degrees of myopia develop cataracts at a faster
tory of LASIK when compared to a group of patients rate.14 To compensate for the known relationship be-
with no previous refractive surgery and matched axial tween increased axial length and cataract formation, pa-
length and to an unmatched control group.12 However, tients were matched by axial length. Additionally, we
this study did not mention flap creation technique and hypothesized that patients with a history of prior refrac-
mean time interval between LASIK and cataract extrac- tive surgery may be more scrutinizing of their vision,
tion. To add to this study, we found a negative correla- thus becoming more symptomatic from their cataract at
tion between axial length and cataract extraction age in an earlier age despite smaller degrees of cataract forma-
both groups, which is in accordance with the previous tion. To account for this subjective aspect of visual de-
studies.13,14 Therefore, because there was no difference cline, patients were matched by their CDVA at the time
in axial length between our groups, the potential con- of cataract evaluation (their last visit before surgery).
founding effect of increased axial length was eliminated Only patients with 20/30 visual acuity or worse were
as a factor from this cohort. considered for inclusion in the study. Another limita-
Our study demonstrated significant power with re- tion is the use of a subjective grading system for cataract
spect to the number of eyes included in both groups. density (LOCS III). The use of an objective cataract grad-
However, our results should be evaluated within their ing system would be ideal for matching the two groups
limitations, including the retrospective design of this of the current study; however, we are limited by the ret-
study. Because all patients in the LASIK group had rospective nature of this study.
microkeratome-assisted flap creation, we are unable to This study assessed the timing of cataract extrac-
compare our results to femtosecond-assisted flap cre- tion in patients with a history of microkeratome-as-
ation, which uses a significantly lower level of suction sisted LASIK and compared with a group of controls
for flap creation and thereby induces a smaller increase matched for gender, CDVA before and after cataract
in intraocular pressure.15 Furthermore, we are unable extraction CDVA, UDVA before cataract extraction,
to compare our results to PRK due to the small amount cataract grade, and axial length who underwent
of patients with PRK in our chart review. We did not cataract extraction without prior refractive surgery
have access to the pre-LASIK visual acuity in all pa- history. Patients with a history of microkeratome-
tients included in the LASIK group because some did assisted LASIK underwent cataract extraction a de-
not undergo surgery at our institution. Patients who cade earlier than patients with similar demographic
underwent LASIK at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and ocular characteristics. Our study is unique be-
all demonstrated a CDVA of 20/20 or better prior to cause it is the first evidence that shows premature
LASIK surgery. We assume that patients not treated cataract formation in patients after refractive sur-
at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute underwent LASIK in gery after controlling for the confounding factors of
accordance with accepted standards of care and that axial length and gender, and the subjective aspect
none underwent treatment while demonstrating ocular of patients with refractive surgery potentially being
pathology (eg, cataract) that could potentially impact more sensitive to changes in visual decline. Further
visual performance. Further studies include the effects studies with other refractive subgroups, prospective
of PRK and femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK on the design, and larger numbers will aid in further eluci-
age at the time of cataract surgery. Through an examina- dating this relationship.
tion of each of these three subgroups (microkeratome-
assisted LASIK, femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK, AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
and PRK) we are hoping to further elucidate the po- Study concept and design (NY, PC, VFD, KED); data collection
tential relationship between corneal refractive surgery (NY); analysis and interpretation of data (NY, DPW, SHY, KED);
writing the manuscript (NY, PC, VFD, KED); critical revision of the analyses. Behav Res Methods. 2009;41:1149-1160.
manuscript (VFD, DPW, SHY, KED); statistical expertise (NY, DPW); 8. Müller-Stolzenburg N, Schründer S, Helfmann J, Buchald HJ,
administrative, technical, or material support (NY, PC, VFD, KED); Müller GI. Fluorescence behavior of the cornea with 193 nm
excimer laser irradiation [article in German]. Fortschr Ophthal-
supervision (SHY, KED)
mol. 1990;87:653-658.
9. Wachtlin J, Blasig IE, Schründer S, Langenbeck K, Hoffmann
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