Feed-Forward Feedback Examples Not Feed-Forward Feedback Examples
Feed-Forward Feedback Examples Not Feed-Forward Feedback Examples
Feed-Forward Feedback Examples Not Feed-Forward Feedback Examples
Feed-forward feedback
Sometimes the feedback in quizzes for correct answers was “Watch videos again”. This did not help
as I was not sure what to watch for specifically. Sometimes, there was informative feedback on the
quizzes explaining why a given answer was right or wrong. Other times the feedback was just
“correct” or “incorrect” with instructions to re-watch the videos. It would be great if all the quizzes
could have the feedback that reinforces the learnings. Overall, I thought that the course covered the
material well – although it seemed like a lot of grammar was covered each week.
Actionable feedback
I would improve the quality of the audio at the very least for the demo videos. The downloaded Excel
workbooks need to match and be consistent with the videos. The sequencing on some of the
workbooks were not matching the lectures. Some of the workbooks were already filled out. Students
didn't need to do anything for the student do part of the workbooks. I would leave those sections
blank so students can follow along in the video and complete the workbooks. More practical!
Not Actionable
Actionable Feedback Examples
Feedback Examples
I like how you answered the question in two paragraphs, as the
Good job!
instructions asked for. One way to improve it can be….
Please limit your answer to 2 paragraphs of 5-8 sentences each. This is too long.
Your charts convey all the required information. It can be made Your chart isn't very
more readable by changing the axis limits clear.
You commented on the business’ financial position but did not Your argument isn’t
include supporting data. Include specific profitability and liquidity strong. It’s not very
data to support you argument. clear.
Feedback amount
Examples of Good Amounts of
Examples of Bad Amounts of Feedback
Selecting two or three main points Giving feedback on every single aspect of the task
about a task for comment without prioritizing
Giving feedback on the main Giving feedback on marginal elements of the learning
elements of learning targets targets before giving feedback on the main ones.
Commenting on at least as many Providing comments on poor-quality performance and
strengths as weaknesses almost nothing on good-quality.
Timing feedback
Timely Feedback Somewhat Timely Feedback Not Timely Feedback
Within 1 day after request 2-3 days after request 1 week or more after request
Feedback is given in a Feedback is given in a
Feedback is given after the
timeframe that still allows timeframe that somehow still
fact and does not enable any
actions towards allows actions towards
improvements or action
improvements improvements
Feedback tone
I think the professor could try to explain some things more intuitively. I knew the topic before but for
a novice they could benefit from it. Also like in this case perhaps second time in my Coursera history I
found the professor presenting style little bit disturbing. I mean she was kind of yelling while
Examples of Good Tone and Word Choice Examples of Bad Tone and Word Choice
Using words and phrases that assume the Using directive words and phrases that
learner is an active learner “lecture” or “boss”
Telling the learner what to do—leaving
Asking questions/making suggestions
nothing up to the learner's choice
Assuming that your feedback is the last word,
Sharing what you are wondering about
the final expert opinion