Stream A: Karnataka State Council For Science and Technology
Stream A: Karnataka State Council For Science and Technology
Stream A: Karnataka State Council For Science and Technology
Stream A
1. Name of the College : sri Jagadguru Chandrashekaranatha Swamiji
Institute of Technology
Name: Bindhu R
Name: Chandana S
USN No.:1SJ16EC020
Mobile No.:9148677277
Name: Shilpa V B
USN No.:1SJ16EC091
Mobile No.:7022880944
Name: Pranathi M
USN No.:1SJ16ECO75
Mobile No.:8296630161
7. Team Leader of the Project :
Name: Shilpa V B
USN No.:1SJ16EC091
Mobile No.:7022880944
8. Processing Fee Details (Demand Draft should be drawn from Canara
Bank / State Bank of India only):
(processing fee of Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of Secretary, KSCST, Bangalore – 12)
Note :Please write Team leader name, Project Title and Name of the
College on the backside of the DD.
9. Date of commencement of the Project :
12. Methodology:
It states that after instalising the system the reader will scan for RFID tags. RFID tag
is found reader reads the tag and sends the information to microcontroller which then
compares it with data stored in memory. If the tag matches with the that stored it will
display data on the LCD. If item keep on adding it goes on adding to the total
amount. If item from trolley is removed then it deducts cost of that specific item
from total amount. Then after adding items is done total amount is send to central
billing unit.
Yes / No : No
Budget Amount
b) Labor 3000.00
d) Report 4000.00
e) Miscellaneous 1000.00
Total 200000
(Name &Signature of Project Guide with Seal) (Name &Signature of HOD with Seal)
Email Email id:
Contact No.:9620192484 Contact No.:
We, the project team hereby declare that the details enclosed in the project proposal are
true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and we undertake to inform
KSCST of any changes therein in the project tile, students name will be intimated
immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading, we are aware that we may be held liable for it. We hereby authorize sharing of
the project information with this project proposal with the Karnataka State Council for
Science and Technology, Bangalore.
We are aware that the project team has to exhibit / demonstrate the project in the nodal
centre and interact regarding project with the experts and to exhibit the project in the State
Level Seminar and Exhibition (if selected). If the student team fails to attend the evaluation
in nodal centre or fails to attend the State Level Seminar and Exhibition, the supported
project amount will be returned back to KSCST.
1. Bindhu R
2. Chandana S
3. Shilpa V B
4. Pranathi M
(Name & Signature of (Signature of HOD with Seal) (Signature of the Principal
Project Guide with Seal) with Seal)