Nativity of Christ - Matins Service

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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed
Marguerite Paizis
Archondissa & Teacher By Divine Grace

Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese Of Good Hope
Holy Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God
Port Elizabeth

Po Box 28348
Sunridge Park
Matins Service
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The Nativity of Christ
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Published - 17 December 2010

25 December 2010
(Katavasias Of The Nativity 1 & 2)


Tr is a gio n P r aye r s ✞Kyrie, Doxa Si. (3) Thee, the Sun of
✞ Evlogitos O Theos imon, pantote ✞Blessed is our God always
Righteousness, and to know
nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton now and ever, and to the Ages Thee as Orient from on High.
eonon. of Ages. ✞O Lord, Glory to Thee! (3)
✞Doxa Si, O Theos, Doxa Si! ✞Glory to Thee, O God, Glory to
Vasilei Ouranie, Paraklite, to
O Heavenly King, O Comforter,
Pnevma tis Aklithias, o
Panatahou paron ke ta panta the Spirit of Truth, Who art in
pliron, o Thisavros ton Agathon all places and fillest all things;
ke Zois Korigos elthe ke Treasury of Good Things and
skinoson en imin ke katharison Giver of Life: come and dwell
imas apo pasis kilidos ke soson, in us and cleanse us from every
Agathe, tas psihas imon.
stain, and save our souls, O
Gracious Lord.
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Agios Athanatos, Eleison imas. Immortal, have mercy upon us.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞Glory to the Father, and to the
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
tous eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to the Ages
of Ages.
Amin Amen
✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. ✞All Holy Trinity have mercy
Kyrie, elas thiti tes amarties upon us. Lord, wash away our
imon. Despota, singhorison tas sins. Master, pardon our
anomias imin. Agie Ipiskepse, ke
iase tas asthenias imon, eneken transgressions. Holy One, visit
tou Onomatos Sou. and heal our infirmities for Thy
Name’s sake.
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3]
✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞Glory to the Father, and to the
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
tous eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to the Ages
of Ages.
Amin Amen
Ou r Lo rd ’s P r aye r

Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:

Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
eltheto i Vasilia Sou, genithito Kingdom come. Thy Will be
to Thelima Sou, os en Ourano done on earth as it is in
ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton imon Heaven. Give us this day our
ton epiousion dos imin Daily Bread, and forgive us
simeron. Ke afes imin ta our trespasses as we forgive
ofelimata imon, os ke imis those who trespass against us.
afiement tis ofiletes imon. And lead us not into
Ke mi isenengis imas is temptation, but deliver us
pirasmon, alla rise imas apo from the evil one.
tou ponirou.


Evlogitos I, Kyrie, O Theos ton Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God ✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i PRIESTFor Thine is the Kingdom, the
Pateron imon, ke Eneton ke Dinamis ke i Doxa tou Patros, ke Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
of our Fathers, and praised and tou Iou, ke tou Agiou Father, and of the Son and of
Dedoxasmenon to Onoma Sou is glorified is Thy Name unto the Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
tous Eonas.
Ages. eonas ton eonon. and to the Ages of Ages.
Amin Amen Amin PEOPLE Amen

Genito, Kyrie, to eleos Sou ef imas, May Thy Mercy O Lord, be upon
Tr o p ari on t o ou r L ord an d S avi ou r, Je s u s Ch ri st
kathaper ilipisamen epi Se.
us, as we have put our hope in Soson Kyrie ton laon Sou ke O Lord, Save Thy people, and
evlogison tin klironomian Sou, Bless Thine Inheritance,
Thee. Nikas tis Vasilevsi kata
✞Evlogitos i, Kyrie, didaxon me ta ✞Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach varvaron doroumenos ke to son
granting to our God5fearing
Rulers Victory over all
Dikeomata Sou. [3] filatton dia tou Stavrou Sou
me Thy Statutes [3] Politevma. adversaries, and by Thy Cross
Kyrie, katafigi, egenithis imin en Lord, Thou hast been our Refuge preserving Thine Estate.
genea ke genea. Ego ipa: Kyrie,
from generation to generation.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
eleison me, iase tin psihin mou Pnevmati. Son, and to the Holy Spirit
oti imarton Si. I said: Lord, have mercy on me,
heal my soul, for I have sinned O ipsothis en to Stavro ekousios, ti Do Thou Who, of Thine own Good
eponimo Sou keni politia tous Will, upon the Cross was lifted
against Thee. up, bestow Thy Bounties upon
Kyrie, Pros Se katefigon; didaxon
O Lord, to Thee have I fled; teach
iktirmous Sou Dorise, Hriste O
me tou piin to Thelima Sou, oti Theos. Evfranon en ti Dinami the new State, which is called
me to do Thy Will, for Thou art Sou tous Pistous Vasilis imon, by Thy Name, O Christ God;
Si I O Theos mou.
Nikas horigon aftis kata ton make glad with Thy Might our
my God. polemion. Tin simmakian ehien God5fearing Rulers granting
Oti para Si Pigi Zois; en to Foti Sou For with Thee is the Fountain of tin Sin, oplon Irinis, Aittiton
Victory over adversaries to
opsometha Fos. Tropeon.
Life; in Thy Light we shall see those who have Thine Aid,
Light. which is a Panoply of Peace, a
Paratinon to Eleos Sou tis
ginoskousi Se. Extend Thy Mercy to those who Trophy Invincible.
know Thee. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and the Ages of
eonon. Ages.
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Agios Athanatos, eleison Immortal, have mercy on us. Amen
imas.[3] [3] The ot oki on
✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the ✞Prostasia fovera ke akateskinte, ✞O Champion Dread, Who cannot
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit, mi paridis, agathi, tas ikesias be put to confusion, despise
tous eonas ton eonon. imon, panimfite Theotoke. not our Petitions. O Good
now and ever, and to the Ages Stirixon Orthodoxon politian.
of Ages. Soze nothen tin Nikin. Dioti One, All Lauded Birth5giver of
Amin our God, establish Thou the
Amen etekes ton Theon, Moni
State of those who hold the
✞Agios Athanatos, eleison imas. ✞Holy Immortal, have mercy on Orthodox Faith; Save our
us. God5fearing Rulers, whom
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Thou has called to rule over
us, and bestow upon them
Agios Athanatos, Eleison imas. Immortal, have mercy on us.
Victory from Heaven: for Thou
Apolytikion of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour – Tone 4 gave Birth to God, O Only
I Gennisis Sou Hriste O Theos Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, Blessed One.
imon, anetile to kosmo to Fos to has caused the Light of Lit an y of Fe rve nt Su p pli cat io ns
tis gnoseos. En afti gar it is
astris latrevontes, ipo asters
Knowledge to rise upon the Eleison imas O Theos, kata to PRIEST Have Mercy on us, O God,
world. For therein the Mega Eleos Sou, deometha Sou, according to Thy great Mercy,
edidaskonto, Se proskinin, ton
worshippers of the stars were epakouson ke Eleison. we pray Thee, hear us and have
Ilion tis Dikeosinis, ke Se
ginoskin ex ipsous anatolin. by a Star instructed to worship Mercy


Kyrie Eleison [3] PEOPLE Lord have mercy [3] anthropis evdokia. cry aloud without ceasing:
Glory to god in the Highest,
Eti deometha iper ton eusovon ke PRIEST Again, let us pray for all
and on earth, Peace and Good
Orthodoxon Hristianon. devout and Orthodox
Will among men!
Kyrie Eleison [3] PEOPLE Lord have mercy [3] Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas Now and ever, and to the Ages of
ton eonon. Ages.
Eti deometha iper tou PRIEST Again, we pray for our
Arhipiskopou (Sergiou) ke pasis Archbishop (Sergios) and all
Amin Amen
tis en Hristo Adelfotitos. our Brotherhood in Christ.
The G re at D o xol og y
Kyrie Eleison [3] PEOPLE Lord have mercy [3] TH E BELL S AR E R UNG AND A LL THE LIGHT S AR E SWIT CHED ON

Oti eleimon ke Filanthropos Theos PRIEST For Thou art a Merciful and ✞Doxa Si to dixanti to Fos. ✞ Glory to Thee Who has shown
iparhis ke Si tin doxan Loving God, and to Thee we us the Light!
anapempomen ✞ to Patri ke to give Glory, to the ✞ Father, and ✞Doxa en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis ✞ Glory to God in the Highest,
Io ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke
to the Son, and to the Holy Irini, en anthropis Evdokia. and on earth Peace, Goodwill
ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.
Spirit, now and ever, and to the among men.
Ages of ages. Imnoumen Se, Evlogoumen Se, ✞We Praise Thee, we Bless Thee,
Amin PEOPLE Amen Proskinoumense, Doxologoumen we Worship Thee, we Glorify
Se, Efharistoumen Si, dia tin
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, In the Name of the Lord, Bless Megalin Sou Doxan.
Thee, we give Thee Thanks for
us, Father. Thy Great Glory.
✞ Doxa ti Agia ke Omoousio ke PRIEST ✞Glory to the Holy, ✞ Kyrie Vasilef, Epouranie Thee, ✞ Lord, King, God of Heaven,
Consubstantial, Life5giving and Pater Pantokrator; Kyrie Ie Father Almighty: Lord, Only
Zoopio ke Adiereto Triadi,
pantote, nin ke ai ke is tous Monogenes, Isou Hriste, ke Begotten Son, Jesus Christ and
Undivided Trinity, always, now
eonas ton eonon. Agion Pnevma. Holy Spirit.
and ever, and to the Ages of
Ages. Kyrie O Theos, O Amnos tou Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
Theou, O Ios tou Patros, O eron
Amin PEOPLE Amen tin amartian tou Kosmou,
the Father, Who takes away the
eleison imas, O eron tas sin of the world, have mercy
P r ai se s t o Al mig hty G od
amartias tou kosmou. upon us; O Thou Who takes
✞Doxa en ipsistis Theo ke epi gis ✞ Glory to God in the Highest, away the sins of the world.
and on earth Peace, Good
irini, en anthropis evdokia. [3] Prosdexe tin deisin imon, O Receive our Prayer, Thou Who sits
Will towards mankind. [3]
kathimenos en dexia tou Patros, at the right Hand of the Father,
Kyrie, ta hili mou anixis, ke to O Lord, open Thou my lips, and ke eleison imas. and have mercy on us.
stoma mou anageli tin enesin my mouth shall show forth
✞Oti Si i Monos Agios, Si i Monos ✞For Thou alone art Holy, Thou
Sou. [2] Thy praise [2] Kyrios, Iisous Hristos, is Doxan
M AKE THE SIGN O F THE CRO SS & BO W DOWN TO GOD alone art Lord, Jesus Christ, to
Theou Patros
The Six Psalms the Glory of God the Father.

P s al m 3
Amin. Amen
HELP FOR THE AFFLICTED Kath’ ekastin imeran Evlogiso Se, Every day I will Bless Thee, and
Kyrie ti eplithinthisan i thlivontes Lord, how are they increased who ke enesio to Onoma Sou is ton praise Thy Name forever and
me! trouble me! eona ke is ton Eona tou Eonos.
to the Ages of Ages.
Polli epanistante ep eme. Many are those who rise up
Kataxioson, Kyrie, en ti emera tafti Grant, O Lord, this day to keep us
against me.
anamartitous filahthine imas. without sin.
Polli legovsi ti psihi mou, ouk esti Many say of my soul, There is no
Sotiria afto en to Theo aftou.
help for him in his God.


Defte animnisomen, tin Mitera tou O come, let us sing the praises of Si de Kyrie, Antiliptor mou i doxa But Thou, O Lord, art my
Sotiros, tin meta tokon palin the Mother of our Saviour, who, mou, ke ipon tin kefalin mou. Defender; Thou art my
ofthisan Parthenon. Heris Polis after Child5bearing still Worship, and the Lifter5up of
empsihe, tou Vasileos ke Theou, my head.
remained Virgin. Rejoice, Thou
en i Hristo ikisas, sotirian
Living City of God the King, in Foni mou pros Kyrion ekeraxa, ke I called upon the Lord with my
irgasato. Meta tou Gavriil epikouse mou ex Orous Agiou voice, and He heard me from
animnoumen Se, meta ton which Christ has dwelt, aftou. Dipalma. His Holy Mountain.
pimenon doxazomen krazontes. bringing to pass our Salvation.
Theotoke Presveve, to ek Sou
Ego ekimithin ke ipnosa, I lay down and slept, and rose up
With Gabriel we sing Thy exigerthin, oti Kyrios antilipsete
sarkothenti, sothine imas. mou. again; for the Lord sustained
praises; with the Shepherds we
Glorify Thee, crying: O
Theotokos, Intercede for our Ou fovithisome apo mnriadon I will not be afraid of ten
laou, ton kiklo epitithemenon mi. thousands of people who
Salvation with Him Who took
surround me and have set
Flesh from Thee! themselves against me.
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Anastra Kyrie Soson me O Theos Arise, O Lord, and help me, O my
Pnevmati Son, and to the Holy Spirit mou. God!
By Germanos - Tone (6) Plagal 2 Oti Si epataxas pantas tous For Thou smites all my enemies
ehthrenontas mi mateos,
Ote keros, tis epi gis parousias When it was time for Thy Coming odontas amartolon sinetripsas.
upon the cheek5bone; Thou
Sou, proti apografi ti ikoumeni upon earth, the first census of has broken the teeth of the
egeneto tote emelles ton ungodly.
the world was held; and then
anthropon apografesthe ta
Thou began to enrol the names
Tou Kyriou i Sotiria, ke epi ton Salvation belongs to the Lord; and
Onomata, ton Pistevonton to laon Sou i Evlogia Sou. Thy Blessing is upon Thy
took Sou. Dia touto to tiouton of all who believed in Thy Birth.
dogma, ipo kesaros exefonithi. For this cause, Caesar
Tis gar eoniou Sou Vasilias to published such a Decree, since Ego ekimithin ke ipnosa, I lay down and slept, and rose up
anarhon ekenourgithi. Dio Si exigerthin, oti Kyrios antilipsete again; for the Lord sustained
Thy timeless and Eternal mou.
prosferomen ke imis, iper tin Kingdom was newly made
hrimatikin forologian,
manifest. Therefore, as we pay
P s al m 3 7 [ 38 ]
Erthodoxou ploutismon A PSALM OF REPENTANCE
our earthly monetary tribute,
Theologias, to Theo ke Sotiri Kyrie, mi to thimo Sou elegxis me, O Lord, do not rebuke me in Thy
ton psihon imon! simultaneously we offer Thee
mide ti orgi Sou pedevsis me. Oti Wrath, nor chasten me in Thy
the Wealth of our Orthodox ta veli Sou enepagisan mi, ke hot displeasure! For Thine
Faith, O God and Saviour of our epestirixas ep eme tin Hira Sou.
arrows pierce me deeply and
Thy Hand presses me down.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas Now and ever, and to the Ages Ouk estin iasis en ti sarki mou apo There is no soundness in my
ton eonon. of ages. prosopou tis Orgis Sou, ouk estin Flesh in the Sight of Thine
Amin Amen Irinin tis osteis mou apo
Anger, nor any Peace in my
prosopou ton amartion mou.
By St John the Monk - Tone 2 Bones because of my sin.
Simeron O Hristos, en Vithleem Today Christ is Born of the Virgin Oti e anomei mou iperiran tin For mine iniquities have
Gennate ek Parthenou. in Bethlehem. Today He Who kefalin mou, osi fortion vari overwhelmed me; they are like
Simeron O anarhos arhete, ke O has no beginning now begins to evapinthisan ep eme.
a heavy burden, beyond my
Logos sarkoute. E dinamis ton
be, and the Word becomes strength.
Ouranon agalonte, ke i gi sin tis
anthropis evfrenete. I Magi ta Flesh. The Powers of Heave Prosoxesan ke espisan i milopes My wounds are foul and festering
dora prosferousin. I Pimenes to greatly rejoice, and the earth mou, apo proopou ti afrosinis
because of My foolishness.
Thavma kirittousin. Imis de with mankind celebrates. The mou.
akatapavstos voomen. Doxa en Magi offer gifts, the Shepherds
ipsistis Theo, ke epi gis irini, en proclaim the Marvel, and we


Etaleporisa ke katekamfthin eos I am troubled and bowed down
telous, olin tin imeran greatly; all day long I mourn. Eufrenesthe Dikei! Ourani Make glad, O you Righteous!
skithropazon eporefomin. agalliasthe, skirtisate ta ori, Greatly rejoice, O you Heavens!
Oti i psihi mou eplisthi empegmon, For my loins are filled with Hristou Gennithentos. You mountains, dance for Joy!
ke ouk estin iasis en ti sarki burning pains, and there is no Parthenos kathezete, ta
Christ is Born! And like the
mou. heaklth in my flesh. Herouvim mimoumeni,
vastazousa en kolpis, Theon Cherubim, the Vigin makes a
Ekakothin ke etpinothin eos sfodra, I am numbed and severely Logon sarkothenta. Pimenes Throne, carrying at Her Bosom
irfomin apo stenagmou tis ton tehtenta doxazousi. Magi to
crushed; I groan with anguish God the Word become Flesh.
kardias mou. Despoti dora porsferousin.
of heart. Shepherds Glorify the New
Angeli animnountes legousin.
Ke enantion sou pasa i epithimia O Lord, all my desire is before Akatalipte Kyrie Doxa Si.
Born Child! Magi offer gifts!
mou, ke o stenagmos mou ouk Thee and My sighing is not Angels sing praises, saying: O
apekrivi apo sou. hidden from Thee. Lord past understanding:
I kardia mou etarahthi, egkatlipe My heart throbs; my strength
Glory to Thee!
me i ishis mou, ke to fos ton Enite afton en iho salpingos. Praise Him with the sound of the
fails me; the very light of my Enite afton en psaltirio ke
ofthalmon mou ouk esti met trumpet; praise Him with lute
emou. eyes has failed me kithara. and harp.
I fili mou ke i plision mou ex My friends and my companions O Patir evdokisen, O Logos sarx The Father was well5pleased: the
enantias mou ingisan ke estisan. stand back because of my egeneto, ke i Parthenos eteke,
Word became Flesh; and the
affliction; my neighbours stand Theon enanthropisanta. Asir
minii: Magi proskinousi! Virgin gave Birth to God Who
afar off.
Pimenes Thamazousi! Kei ktisis became Man. A Star reveals
Ke i engista mou makrothen Those who seek my life lay snares Agallete! Him! Magi bow in worship!
estisan, ke exeviazonto i for me and they look to my
zitountes tin psihin mou. Ke i Shepherds marve! And Creation
zitountes ta kaka mi elalisan misfortune, they speak of rejoices!
destruction, and they plan
mateotitas, ke dolistitas olin tin Enite afton en timpano ke horo. Praise Him with timbrel and
imeran emeletisan. deception all day long. Enite afton en hordes ke dance; praise Him with
Ego de osi kofos ouk ikonon, ke osi But I, like a deaf man, do not organo. strings and pipe.
alalos ouk anigon to stoma hear; I am like a mute who Theotoke Parthene, i tekousa ton O Virgin Theotokos who has
aftou. Ke egenomin osi does not open his mouth. I Sotira, anetrepsas tin protin borne our Saviour, Thou hast
anthropos ouk akouon, ke ouk kataran tis Evas. Oti Mitir
have become like a man who overthrown the ancient Curse
ehon en to stomati aftou gegonas, tis evdokias tou
elegmou. neither hears nor has a retort of Eve. For Thou hast become
Patros, Vastazousa en kolpis,
in his mouth. the Mother of Him in Whom
Theon Logon sarkothenta. Ou
Oti epi Si Kyrie ilpisa, Si isakousi For Thee, O Lord, I wait; Thou, O feri to Mystirion erevnan. Pisti the Father is well5pleased, and
Kyrie O Theos mou. Lord my God, will answer. moni touto pantes doxazomen, hast carried in Thy Bosom God
Oti ipa, mi pote epiharosi me i When I say:, “Let them not be glad krazontes meta Souk e legontes. the Incarnate Word. We cannot
ehthri mou, ke en to salefthine Anerminefte Kyrie Doxa Si! fathom this Mystery: but by
on my account who, when my
podas mou, ep eme foot slips, glory over me.” Faith alone we all Glorify It,
emegalorrimonisan. crying with Thee and saying: O
Oti ego is mastigas etimos, ke i For I am very near to falling, and Lord Incomprehensible, Glory
algidon mou enopion mou my grief is always with me. to Thee!
Enite Afton en kimvalis evihis. Praise Him with tuneful cymbals;
Oti tin anomian mou anangelon , Indeed, I acknowledge my guilt; I Enite Afton en kimvalis praise Him with loud cymbals.
merimniso iper tis amartias alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato Let everything that has breath
grieve over my sin.
mou. ton Kyrion. praise the Lord.


by Thy Grace. I de ehthri mou zosi, ke kekrateonte But my undeserved enemies are
Amin/Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Amen/Lord have mercy iper eme, ke eplithinthisan i strong; those who hate me
✞ Tis Panagias, ahrantou, misountes me adikos.
ipere PRIEST ✞ Calling to remembrance wrongfully have multiplied.
vlogimenis, endoxou Despinis our Most Holy, All Pure, Most I antapodidontes kaka anti Those who render evil for good
imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou
Blessed and Glorious Lady, Agathon, evdievallon me, epi are my adversaries, because I
Marias meta panton ton Agion
Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke Theotokos and Ever Virgin katediokon Dikeosinin. follow Righteousness.
alilous ke pasan tin zoin imon Mary, with all the Saints, let us Mi egkatalipis me Kyrie O Theos Do not forsake Me, O Lord; O My
Hristo to Theo parathometha. commit ourselves and each mou mi apostis ap emou. God, be not far from me!
other, and all our life to Christ Proshes is tin voithian mou Make haste to help me, O God
our God. Kyrie tis Sotirias mou! [2] of my Salvation! [2]
P s al m 6 2 [ 63 ]

✞Si Kyrie PEOPLE ✞To Thee, O Lord! O Theos O Theos mou pros se O God, Thou art my GodWhom I
✞Oti Se Enousi pase e Dinamis ton PRIEST For all the Powers of Heaven orthrizo; edipise Se i psihi mou, seek; my flesh longs for Thee
Ouranon, ke Si tin doxan posaplos si i sarx mou, en gi like the earth, which is
praise Thee, and to Thee we
anapempousi, to Patri, ke to Io, erimo ke avato ke anidro.
ascribe Glory: ✞ to the Father, parched, lifeless and without
ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke water.
is tous eonas ton eonon. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, now and ever, and to the Outos en to Agio ofthin Si, tou Thus have I gazed towards Thee
Ages of Ages. idin tin Dinamin Sou ke tin in the Sanctuary to see Thy
Amin Doxan Sou.
PEOPLE Amen Power and Thy Glory.
The Exapostilarion of the Nativity of Christ our Savour – Tone 3 Oti krisson to Eleos Sou iper zoas;
For Thy Mercy is a Greater Good
ta hili mou Epenesovsi Se.
Epeskiepsato imas, ex ipsous O Our Saviour, the Dayspring from than life; my lips shall
Sotir imon, anatoli anatolon, ke PraiseThee.
the East, has visited us from on
i en skoti ke skia, evromen tin High, and we who were in Outos Evlogiso Se en ti zoi mou; en Thus will I Bless Thee while live;
alithian. Ke gar ek tis lifting up my hands, I will call
darkness and shadow have to Onomati Sou aro tas hiras
Parthenou etehthi O Kyrios. (3)
found the Truth: for the Lord is mou. upon Thy Name.
Born of the Virgin. (3) Osi steatos ke pititos emplisthii i As with the riches of a banquet
Lauds: The Praises to God - Psalm 148 – Tone 4 psihi mou, ke hili agaliaseos shall my soul be satisfied, and
with joyful lips my mouth shall
Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Let everything that has breath praise Thy Name.
Enite ton Kyrion ek ton praise the Lord. Praise the
Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis Lord from the Heavens; praise
I emnimonefon Sou epi tis stromnis I shall remember Thee on my bed
ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Him in the Highest. To Thee mou, en tis orthris emeleton is and meditate on Thee through
praise is due, O God. Se. the night watches.
Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Oti egnithis Voithos mou, ke en ti For Thou art my Helper and I
Him, all His Powers. To Thee skepi ton Pterigon Sou
Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e rejoice in the shadow of Thy
praise is due, O God. agaliasome.
Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi Wings.
imnos to Theo.
Stihera – Heirmologic – by St Andrew of Jerusalem - Tone 4 Ekollithi i psihi mou opiso Sou, My soul clings fast to Thee. Thy
emou antelaveto i Dexia Sou. right Hand upholds me.
Enite Afton epi tes Dinasties Praise Him for His Mighty Acts;
Anti de is matin exitisan tin psihin But those who seek to destroy my
Afton. Enite Afton kata to praise Him according to the
plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. greatness of His Majesty. mou, iselefsonte is ta katotata life shall go into the depths of
tis gis, paradothisonte is hiras the earth. They shall be
romfeas, merides alopekon
delivered to the sword, and
shall be the prey of jackals.


O de Vasilefs evfranthisete epi to The King, however, shall rejoice Megalinon psihi mou, tin Magnify, O my soul, Her who has
Theo, epenethisete pas o onmion in God; everyone who swears litrosamenin, imas ek tis delivered us from the Curse!
en afto oti enefragi stoma by Him shall glory, but the kataras.
lalounton adika. Pothou tetevhos, ke Theou Having been granted the longed
mouths of those who speak
lies shall be stopped. Parousias, O Hristoterpis Laos for experience of the Advent
En ixiomenos, nin potniate tis
tis orthris emeleton is se: oti Through the night watches I have palingenesias, os Zoopiou. Tin
of God, the Christ5pleasing
egnithis Voithos mou, ke en ti meditated on Thee: for Thou people tearfully pray to behold
Harin de Parthene, nemis
skepi ton Pterigon sou the Regeneration, the Life5
art my Helper and I rejoice in ahrante, Proskinise to Kleos.
agaliasome. giving Baptism. O All Pure and
the shadow of Thy Wings.
Holy Virgin, grant us the
Ekollithi i psihi mou opiso Sou, My soul clings fast to Thee. Thy
emou antelaveto i dexia Sou. favour of Venerating that
right Hand upholds me.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Katavasia of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
tous eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to theAges Megalinon psihi mou, tin Magnify, O my soul, Her who is
of Ages. Timioteran, ke Evdoxoteran more Honourable and more
Amin Amen ton ano Stratevmaton. Glorious than the Heavenly
Alleluia [3] ✞ Doxa Si, O Theos Alleluia[3] ✞Glory to Thee, O
God [3]
Mystirion Xenon, oro ke A strange and most wonderful
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3]
paradoxon: Ouranon to Mystery do I see: The cave is
Spyleon! Thronon Herouvikon, Heaven! The Virgin is the
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio
✞ Glory to the Father, and to the tin Parthenon! Tin fatnin
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is Throne of the Cherubim! The
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, horion! En O aneklithi O
tous eonas ton eonon. ahoritos, Hristos O Theos! On manger is a grand space, in
now and ever, and to the Ages
animvountes Megalinomen! which Christ, the God Whom
of Ages.
nothing can contain, is laid!
Amin Amen Him do we praise and magnify!
P s al m 8 7 [ 88 ]
THE DARKNESS OF DEATH Megalinon psihi mou, tin Magnify, O my soul, Her who
litrosamenin, imas ek tis has delivered us from the
Kyrie O Theos tis Sotirias mou O Lord, God of my Salvation, by
kataras. Curse
imeras ekeraxa ke en nikti day I cry out; at night I clamour
Evantion Sou. in Thy Presence.
Stergin men imas, os akindinon It would be easier for us, because
fovo, raon siopin. To potho de
Iseltheto enopion Sou i prosefhi Let my Prayer come before Thee. Parthene, imnous ifenin,
free from all danger, to keep
mou klinon to ous Sou is tin silence in fear while it is hard
Incline Thine Ear unto my cry, sintonos tethigmenous, ergodes
disin mou, Kyrie. indeed, O Virgin, in love to
O Lord. Estin. Alla ke Mitir sthenos, osi
pefiken, i proeresis didou devise songs harmoniously put
Oti eplisthi kakon i psihi mou, ke is For my soul is full of troubles and together. But do thou, O
zoi mou to adi ingise. my life draws near to the grave. Mother, give us strength that
Proselogisthin meta ton I am counted with those who go so we may fulfil our good
katavenonton is lakkon, intent
down to the pit; I am a man
egenithin os anthropos The S m all Li ta ny
avoithitos, en neris eleftheros, without strength, like the slain
osi trafmatie errimmeni who lie in the grave, whom Eti ke eti, en irini tou Kyriou PRIESTAgain, yet again, in peace let
kathendontes en tafo, on ouk Thou remembers no longer, deithomen. us pray to the Lord.
emnisthis eti, ke afti ek tis hiros and who are cut off from Thy
sou aposthisan. Care.
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy
Antilavou soson, Eleison ke PRIEST Help us, save us, have mercy

diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si upon us, and keep us, O God,



land by that same Star, they Ethento me en lakko katotato, en Thou hast plunged me into the
returned, not to Herod, but skotinis ke en skia thanatou. bottom of the pit, into the dark
mocked the wicked murderer abyss.
of children. Ep eme epestirihthi O Thimos Sou, Thy Wrath lies heavy upon me,
Iambic Canon – Tone 1 ke pantas tous metorismous Sou
and Thou hast afflicted me
epigages ep eme diapalma.
Simeron i Parthenos, tikti ton Today the Virgin bears the with all Thy Storms.
Despotin, endon en to Spileo. Master within the Cave Emakrinas tous gnostous mou ap Thou hast taken away my
IRMOS Stergin men imas, os HEIRMOS It would be easier for us, emou, ethento me vdeligma
acquaintances far from me;
akindinon fovo, Raon siopin. being free from all danger, to eaftis; patedothin ke ouk
exeporefomin. Thou has made me an
To potho de, Parthene, Imnous keep silent through fear: while
ifenin, sintonos tethigmenous abomination to them; I am
it is difficult indeed, O Virgin, imprisoned and I cannot
Ergodes estin. Alla ke, Mitir,
sthenos, Osi pefiken i proeresis, to devise songs harmoniously escape.
didou. with Love. But Thou, O
I ofthalmi mou isthenisan apo My sight has grown dim because
Mother, grant us strength to
ptohias. of affliction.
fulfil our Good Intent.
Simeron O Despotis, tiktete os Today, our Master is Born as an Ke ekekraxa pros Se Kyrie; olin tin Daily I call upon Thee, O Lord; to
vrefos, ipo Mitro Parthenou. imeran, dipestasa pros se tas Thee I strech out my hands.
Infant to His Virgin Mother.
hiras mou.
IRMOS Stergin men imas, os It would be easier for us, Wilt
akindinon fovo, Raon siopin.
Mi tis nekris piisis thavmasia? Thou work wonders for the
being free from all danger, to dead?
To potho de, Parthene, Imnous
keep silent through fear: while
ifenin, sintonos tethigmenous
it is difficult indeed, O Virgin,
I iatri anastisofsi ke Shalt the dead arise and praise
Ergodes estin. Alla ke, Mitir, Exomologisonte Si? Thee?
sthenos, Osi pefiken i proeresis, to devise songs harmoniously
didou. with Love. But Thou, O
Mi diigisete tis en tafo to Eleos Sou, Shalt Thy Mercy be declared in
ke tin Alithian Sou en ti apolia? the grave? Or Thy Truth in the
Mother, grant us strength to
fulfil our Good Intent. place of destruction?
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio
✞ Glory to the Father, and to
Mi gnosthisete en to skoti ta Shalt Thy Wonders be known in
Pnevmati Thavmasia Sou, ke i Dikeosini
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit the dark? And Thy
Megalinon psihi mou, tis Sou en gi eplelismeni?
Trisipostatou, ke Adieretou,
Magnify, O my soul, the Power of Righteousness in the Land of
the Three Hypostases and Oblivion?
Theotitos to Kratos!
Undivided Godhead! Kago pros se Kyrie ekeraxa, ke But I, O Lord, cry to Thee; with my
Tipous afengis ke skias
We have seen, O Pure Mother, the toproi i prosevhi mou profthasi Morning Prayer I wait upon
parigmenas, O Miter Agni, tou Se.
Logou dedorkotes, Neou past obscure types and Thee.
fanentos, ek Pilis Keklismenis, shadows of the Word fulfilled, Inati Kyrie apothis tin prosevhin Why, O Lord, dost Thou reject
Doxoumeni te, tis Alithias Faos, and now that He has newly mou, apostrefis to Prosopon Sou me? Why dost Thou hide Thy
Epaxios sin Evlogoumen Appeared from the Closed ap emou? Face from me?
Gastera. Gate, we who are counted Ptohos imi ego ke en kopis ek I am afflicted and in agony since
worthy to behold the Light of neotitos mou; ipsothis de my youth; I am distraught with
Truth, rightly Bless Thy Womb. etapinothin ke exiporithin.
the burden of Thy Fear1.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas Now and ever, and to the Ages Ep eme diilthon e Orge Sou; ke i
ton eonon. of ages. Foverismi Sou exetaraxan me.
Thy fierce Wrath has swept over
me; Thy Fear has cut me off.
Amin Amen


Ekiklosan me os idor, olin tin They encompass me like water all THE BELLS ARE RUNG AT THIS POINT
imeran periehon me ama. day long; they close in on me
9th Ode – Tone 1
from all sides.
Megalinon psihi mou, tin Magnify, O my soul, her who is
Emakrinas ap emou filon, ke tous My companions and friends, Thou Timioteran, ke Evdoxoteran more Honourable and more
gnostous mou apo taleporias. Exalted in Glory than the
hast taken from me, and my ton ano Stratevmaton.
only acquaintance is Darkness. Heavenly Hosts.
Kyrie O Theos tis Sotirias mou O Lord, God of my Salvation, by IRMOS Mystirion Xenon, oro ke HEIRMOS A strange and most
imeras ekeraxa ke en nikti paradoxon: Ouranon to
day I cry out; at night I clamour wonderful Mystery do I see:
evantion Sou. Spyleon! Thronon Herouvikon,
in Thy Presence. The cave is Heaven! The Virgin
tin Parthenon! Tin fatnin
Iseltheto enopion Sou i prosefhi Let my Prayer come before Thee. horion! En O aneklithi O
is the Throne of the Cherubim!
mou klinon to ous Sou is tin Incline Thine Ear unto my cry, ahoritos, Hristos O Theos! On The manger is a grand
disin mou, Kyrie. O Lord. animvountes Megalinomen! space, in which Christ, the God
P s al m 1 02 [ 1 03 ] Whom nothing can contain, is
Evlogi i psihi mou ton Kyrion, ke Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all magnify!
panta ta entos mou to Onoma my being, Bless His Holy Name! Troparia of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour
to Agion aftou.
Megalinon psihi mou, ton ek tis Magnify, O my soul, God Born in
Evlogi i psihi mou ton Kyrion ke mi Bless the Lord, O my soul, and Parthenou, Theon Sarki the Flesh from the Virgin!
epilanthanou pasas tas Enesis forget not all His Benefits: He tehthenta!
Aftou: Ton evilatefonta pases
tes anomies sou; ton iomenon
Forgives all your iniquities; He Exesion dromon, Orontes i Magi, The Magi, beholding the strange
Heals all your afflictions; He asinithous neou Asteros course of an unknown and
pasas tas nosous sou; ton
litroumenon ek fthoras tin zoin Redeems your life from artifaous, Ouraniou newly shining Star that
sou; ton stefanounta se en Elei destruction: He Crowns you iperlampontos, Hriston Vasilea
exceeded the brightness of all
ke Iktirmis; ton empiplonta en with Mercy and Compassion; etekmiranto, en gi Gennithenta
Vithleem, is Sotirian imon. Heavenly Light, learnt thereby
Agathis tin epithimian sou; He Fills your life with Good that Christ the King was Born
anakenisthisete os meou i neotis Things so that your youth is
sou. on earth in Bethlehem for our
renewed like the eagle’s. Salvation.
Pion eleimosinas O Kyrios, ke
krima pasi tis adikoumenis.
Lord secures Righteousness Megalinon psihi mou, ton en to Magnify, O my soul, the King
and Justice for all who are Spileo, tehthenta Vasilea! Born in a cave!
oppressed. Neigenes, Magon legonton, Pedion The Magi enquired: Where is the
Egnorise tas odous aftou to Mosisi He made known His Ways to anax, ou Astir efani, pou estin, New Born Infant King Whose
tis Iis Israil ta Thelimata Aftou Moses and His Deeds to the is gar ekinou proskinisin
ikomen, manis O Ierodis Star we have seen? For we
. Children of Israel.
etaratteto, Hriston anelin, O have come to worship Him. In
Iktirmon ke Eleimon O Kyrios, Merciful and Gracious is the Lord; Theomahos friattomenos. his wild madness Herod, the
makrothimos ke polieleos. enemy of God, was troubled
slow to anger, and abounding
in Mercy. and plotted to kill Christ.
Ouk is telos orgisthisete, oude is He will not always reprimand us, Megalinon psihi mou, ton ipo ton Magnify, O my soul, God Who
ton eona minii. Magon, Theon proskinithenta! worshipped by the Magi!
nor will He keep His Wrath
forever. Ikrivose hronon Irodis asteros, ou Herod ascertained the time the
tes igesies i Magi en Vithleem,
Ou kata tas amartias imon epiisen He does not deal with us proskinousi Hristo sin doris, if’
Guiding Star appeared, which
imin, oude kata tas anomias according to our sins, nor does ou pros Patrida odigoumeni, led the Magi to Bethlehem,
imon antapedoken imin. dinon pedoktonon, egkatelipon there to worship Christ with
He punish us according to our
crimes. pezomenon. gifts. Led back to their own


flogos, estotes epsallon. O Ton the midst of the flames, they Oti kata to ipso tou ouranou apo For as high as the heavens are
Pateron Theos evlogitos i. sang “O God of our fathers, tis gis, ekrateose Kyrios to Eleos above the earth, so exceeding is
Blessed art Thou.” Aftou epi tous Fovoumenous His Mercy towards those who
To pantanaktos exefavlisan potho, Caught and held fast by Love for Afton; kathoson apehousin
Fear Him; as far as the East is
itahimenontos igkistromeni, anatole apo dismon, emakrinen
the King of all, the children from the West, so far has He
Pedes tirannou, distheon af’ imin tas anomias imon.
glossalgian, “Is ikathe gir despised the impious threats removed our transgressions
aspeton, to Despoti, legousin: Is of the tyrant in his from us!
eonas, Evlogitis I!” boundless fury; and as the Kathos iktiri patir iious oktirise As a father has compassion for
terrible fire withdrew before Kyrios tous fovoumenous afton. his children, so the Lord has
them, they said to the Master: Oti aftos egno to plasma imon. Compassion for those who
“Unto all Ages Blessed art Mnisthiti oti hous esmen.
Fear2 Him. For He knows how
we were formed; He
✞Enoumen, Evlogoumen ke remembers that we are sand.
✞We praise, we Bless and we
Proskinoumen ton Kyrion worship the Lord! Anthropos, osi hortos e imere Man’s days are like those of the
Thavmatos iperfious i drosovolos, The furnace moist with dew was
aftou, osi anthos tou agrou grass; as a flower of the field,
exikonise kaminos tipon. Ou outos exanthisi. Oti pnevma so he flourishes; the wind
the image and figure of a diilthen en afto, ke ouk iparxi,
gar ous edexato flegi neous, os sweeps over him and he is
oude pir tis Theotitos, Wonder past nature. For it ke ouk epignosete eti ton topon
aftou. gone, and the place remembers
Parthenou in ipedi nidin. Dio burnt not the Children
him no longer.
animnountes anamelpsomen. whom it had received, even as
Evlogito is ktisis pasa ton the Fire of the Godhead
To de Eleos tou Kyriou apo to But the Mercy of the Lord is from
Kyrion, ke iperpsouto, is pantas Eonos ke Eos tou Eonos epi tous Eternity to Eternity for those
consumed not the Virgin’s Fovoumenous Afton. Ke i
tous eonas. who fear Him; and His
Womb into which It had Dikeosini Aftou epi iious iion,
descended. Therefore in praise tis filassousi tin Diathikin Aftou, Righteousness towards
let us sing: Let the whole ke memnimenis ton Entolon children’s children of those
Creation Bless the Lord and Aftou tou Piise Aftas. who keep His Covenant, and
Exalt Him above all for ever! remember to fulfil His
Mitran aflektos, ikonizousi Koris, i The Children of the Old Covenant Commandments.
tis paleas pirpoloumeni nei, who walked in the fire, yet Kyrios en to Ourano itimase ton The Lord has established His
YperfIos, kiousan Thronon Aftou, ke i Vasilia Throne in Heaven and His
were not burnt, prefigured the
esfragismenin, amfo de drosa, Aftou panton despozi.
Womb of the Maiden that Kingdom rules over all.
Thavmatourgia mia Laous pros
imnon, exanistisi Haris. remained sealed, when she Evlogite ton Kyrion pantes Angeli Bless the Lord, you His Angels,
gave Birth in a fashion past Aftou, dinati ishii piountes ton
who excel in strength, who
Logon Aftou, tou akouse tis
nature. By the same Divine fulfil His Commandments and
Fonis ton Logon Aftou.
Grace both these Wonders obey the Voice of His Word.
were brought to pass in a Evlogite ton Kyriou passe e Bless the Lord, all you His Hosts,
Miracle and rouses all people Dinamis Aftou, Litourgi Aftou you Ministers of His who do His
to sing in praise. piountes ta Thelimata Aftou
The Magnificat of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour

✞Tin Theotokon ke Miter to Fotos: ✞The Theotokos and Mother of

en imnis timontes meglinomen. the Light: with hymns let us
honour and magnify !. 2


Evlogite ton Kyrion pante ta Erga Bless the Lord, all you His Works, Virgin, for the Renewal of the
Aftou, en panti topo tis in all places of His Dominion. people.
Despotias Aftou. Evlogi i ODI 5 ODE 5
Bless the Lord, O my soul! [2]
pshihi mou ton Kyrion. [2] Theos on Erinis, Patrir iktirmon, tis As Thou art God of Peace and
P s al m 1 42 [1 4 3 ] Megalis Voulis Sou ton Angelon, Father of Mercies, Thou has
WAITING IN THE [SPIR ITUAL] DARKNESS FOR THE [DIVINE] LIGHT Erinin parehomenon, apestilas sent to us Thine Angel of Great
Kyrie isakouson tis Prosefhis mou; O Lord hear my Prayer; hear my imin. Othen Theognosias, pros
Counsel, granting us Peace. So
enotise tin deisin mou en ti Supplication in Thy Fos Odigithentes, ek niktos
orthrizontes, Doxologoumen Se we are guided towards the
Alithia Sou, epakouson mou en Faithfulness; in Thy
ti Dikeosini Sou. Filanthrope Light of the Knowledge of God,
Righteousness answer me. and watching by night, we
Ke mi iselthis is krisin meta tou And do not enter into Judgement Glorify Thee, O Lover of
doulou Sou, oti ou Dikeothisete with Thy servant, for in Thy mankind!
enopion Sou pas zon. Sight no5one living is Ek niktos ergon, eskotismenis From the night of deeds of dark
Righteous. planis, Ilasmou imin Hriste, tis error we watch vigilantly, and
egrigoros, nin Si telousin imnon,
Oti Katedioxen O ehthros tin For the enemy has persecuted my
os evergeti, elthis porizon evheri
sing to Thee, O Christ, as to
psihin mou. Etapinosen is tin soul; he has crushed my life to te tin trivon. Kath in our Benefactor. Come to us
gin tin zoin mou, ekathise me the ground; he left me dwelling and grant us cleansing; make
anatrehontes evrimen kleos.
en skotinis os nekrous eonos.
in darkness, like those who the Path easy for us, whereby
have long been dead. we may ascend and so attain
Ke ikidiasen ep eme to pnevma Therefore my spirit is Glory.
mou; En emi etrahthi i kardia ODI 6 ODE 6
overwhelmed; and my heart is
mou. Splaghnon Ionan emvrion The sea monster spat forth Jonah
apimesen, enalIos thir, ion as it had received him, like a
Emnisthin imeron arheon. Ke I remember the days of old; I
edexato. Ti Partheno de,
emeletisa en pasi tis Ergis Sou, babe from the womb while the
meditate on all Thy Works; the enikisas O Logos, ke sarka
en piimasi ton Hiron Sou Word, having dwelt in the
Works of Thy Hands I ponder. lavon, dililithe psilaxas
emeleton. adiafthoron. Is gar ouhipesti Virgin and taken Flesh, came
Dipetasa pros se tas hiras mou; i I stretch out my hands to Thee; my pevseos, tin tekousan kateshen forth from her yet kept her
psihi mou os gi anidros Si. soul thirsts for Thee like a apimanton. uncorrupt. For being Himself
parched land. not subject to decay, He
preserved His Mother free from
Tahi isakouson mou, Kyrie, exelie Hasten to answer me, O Lord, for harm.
to pnevma mou! my spirit fails me!
Mi aspostrepsis to Prosopon Sou Do not hide Thy Face from me lest Neon Ionas, en mihis thalattiis, Enclosed in the uttermost depths
Elthin edito ke zalin aparkese. of the sea, Jonah entreated
ap emou, ke omiothisome tis I be like those who go down Nigis ego de, to tirannountos Thee to come and still the
katavenonsin is lakkon.
into the pit. Veli, Hriste prosavdo, ton
storm. And I, O Christ,
At kakon aneretin, Thatton molin
Akouston piison mi to proi to Eleos dawn let me to hear Thy
Se tis emis rathimias. pricked by the dart of the
Sou, oti epi Si ilpisa. Loving Kindness, for in Thee do tyrant, call upon Thee, the
I trust. Slayer of evil, beseeching Thee
to come quickly and deliver me
from my slothfulness.
O U R E N E M I E S ARE NOT ONLY OUR PHYSICAL, HUMAN ENEMIES, BUT ESPECIALLY THE INVISIBLE ENEMIES I Pedes evsevia sintrafentes, Scorning the impious decree, the
eptoithisan, all en meso tis in godliness feared not the
ALIENATION FROM GOD AND EVERYTHING GOOD! threat of fire, but, standing in


Ison te Patri, ke Vrotis His own Will has He been Born Gnorison mi, Kyrie, odon en i Show me the Way in which I
doxazoumen. from a Virgin, and so He porevsome, oti pros Se ira tin should walk, for to Thee I lift
establishes a Path for us psihin mou. up my soul.
whereby we may mount to
Heaven. We glorify Him Who
Exelou me ek ton ehthron mou, Deliver me from mine enemies, O
Kyrie, oti pros Se katefigon. Lord, for in Thee I shelter.
in Essence is equal to the
Father and to mortal men.
Didaxon me tou piin to Thelima Teach me to do Thy Will, for Thou
ODI 3 ODE 3 Sou, oti Theos mou is Si. art my God.
To pro ton eonon, ek Patros To the Son Who was Begotten of To Pnevma Sou to agathon odigisi May Thy Good Spirit guide me on
gennithenti arrefstos Iio, ke ep me en ti evthia.
the Father without change a level Path.
eschaton ek Parthenou,
sarkothenti asporos, Hristo to before all ages, and in the last
Eneka tou Onoma Sou, Kyrie, zisis For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord,
Theo Voisomen. O anipsosas to times was without seed made me; en ti Dikeosini Sou exexis ek preserve me; in Thy Justice,
keras imon, Agios i Kyrie. flesh of the Virgin, to Christ thlipseos ton psihin mou; ke en free me from distress, and in
our God let us cry aloud Thou to Eleei Sou exolothrevsis tous Thy Mercy destroy my enemies;
hast raised up our horn, Holy ehthous mou; ke apolis pantas
tous thlivontas tin psihin mou, bring to nought all my foes, for
art Thou, O Lord! I am Thy servant.
oti doulos Sou imi ego.
Nevson pros imnous iketon Graciously accept, O Benefactor,
Kyrie isakouson tis prosefhis mou, O Lord hear my Prayer; hear my
Energeta, Ehthrou tapinon tin the praises of Thy servants, and enotise tin deisin mou en ti Supplication in Thy
epirmenin ofrin. Feronte bring down the spiteful, alithia Sou, epakouson mou en Faithfulness; in Thy
Pantepopta tis amartias, ti Dikeosini Sou.
haughty looks of the enemy. O Righteousness answer me.
Iperthen akloniton,
estirigmenous, Makar, melodous Blessed Lord Who sees all, raise Ke mi iselthis is krisin meta tou And do not enter into Judgement
tin Vasi tis Pisteos. us up far above sin, and doulou Sou, oti ou dikeothisete with Thy servant, for in Thy
establish Thy singers firm and enopion Sou pas zon. [2] Sight no-one living is
unshaken upon the foundation Righteous. [2]
of the Faith.
To Pnevma Sou to agathon odigisi May Thy Good Spirit guide me on
me en ti evthia. a level Path.
Ravdos ek tis rizis, Iesse, ke anthos Rod of the Root of Jesse, and
✞ Doxa
ex aftis, Hriste, ek tis Parthenou Flower that blossomed from
Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
anevlostisas. Ex orous O enetos, Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
his stem, O Christ, Thou hast tous eonas ton eonon.
kataskiou daseos, ilthes now and ever, and unto Ages
sprung from the Virgin. of Ages.
sarkothis es apirandrou, O ailos
From the Mountain Amin
ke Theos. Doxa ti Dinami Sou Amen
Kyrie! overshadowed by the Forest
Thou hast come, made Flesh
Allelouia [(3) ✞ Doxa Si, O Alleluia [3] ✞Glory to Thee, O
Theos! [3]
God. [3]
from her that knew not
wedlock, O God Who art not I Elpis imon, Kyrie, doxa Si! Our Hope, O Lord: Glory to Thee!
formed from matter. Glory to The G re at Lit a ny
Thy Power, O Lord!
En irini tou Kyriou deithomen PRIESTIn Peace let us pray to the
Genous Vrotiou, tin anaplasin pale, Of old Habakkuk the Prophet was Lord
Adon Profitis, Avvakoum counted worthy to behold
prominii, Idin afrastos, axiothis Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy
ineffably the Figure and
ton tipon. Neon vrefos gar ex
Symbol of Christ’s Birth, and
Iper tis anothen Irinis ke tis PRIEST For the Peace from Above and
orous tis Parthenou Exilthe laon Sotirias ton psihon imon, tou
he foretold in song the renewal for the Salvation of our souls,
is anaplasin Logos. Kyriou deithomen...
of mankind. For a Young Babe, let us pray to the Lord...
the Word, has now come forth Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy
from the Mountain that is the


Iper tis Irinis tou simpantos PRIEST For the Peace of the whole The Oikos of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour
kosmou, efsthias ton Agion tou world, for the well5being of the Tin Edem Vithleem inoixe, defte Bethlehem has opened Eden:
Theou Ekklision ke tis ton Holy Churches of God, and for idomen. Tin trifin en krifi
panton enoseaos tou Kyriou come, and let us see. We have
the union of all, let us pray to evromen, defte lavomen, ta tou found Joy in secret: come, let
deithomen... Paradisou endon tou Spileou.
the Lord.... us take possession of the
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy
Eki efani riza apotistos,
Paradise that is within the cave.
Vlastanousa afesin. Eki evrethi
Iper tou Agiou Ikou toutou ke ton
PRIEST For this Holy Temple, and for frear anorikton, ou piin David There the unwatered Root has
meta Pisteos, evlavias ke Fovou prin epethimisen. Eki appeared, from which
Theou isionton en afto, tou those who enter with Faith,
Parthenos tekousa Vrefos, tin forgiveness flowers forth: there
Kyriou deithomen... Reverence and the Fear of God, dipsan epavsen evthis, tin tou is found the undug Well,
let us pray to the Lord... Adam ke tou David. Dia touto
whence David longed to drink
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy pros touto epihthomen, ou
of old. There the Virgin has
etehthi, Pedion Neon, O pro
Iper tou Patros imon: Papa ke PRIEST For our Father: Pope & eonon Theos. Borne a Babe, and made the
Patriarhi (Theodorou) ke tou Patriarch (Theodoros) and for thirst of Adam and David to
Arhiepiskopou imon (Sergiou) our Archbishop (Sergios,) for cease instantly. Therefore, let
tou timiou Presviteriou, tis en the venerable Priesthood of the us hasten to this
Hristo diakonias, pantos tou Diaconate in Christ, for all the
Kyriou ke tou laou tou Kyriou
The Synaxarion
clergy and the laity, let us pray
to the Lord.
Ti KE’ tou aftou minos, I kata On the 25 day of this month we

sarka Gennisis tou Kyriou ke celebrate the Nativity according

Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy Theou ke Sotiros imon Iisou to the Flesh of our Lord and
Iper tis Koinotita ke poleos taftis, PRIEST For this Community and city, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
pasis poleos, horas, ke ton pisti and for every city and country, Ti afti imera, I proskinisis ton On this day we commemorate the
ikounton en aftes tou Kyriou and for the faithful who dwell Magon. Adoration of the Magi.
deithomen. therein, let us pray to the Lord
Ti afti imera, Mnimi ton On this day we commemorate the
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy theasamenon Pimenon ton Shepherds who beheld the
PRIEST For seasonable weather, for Kyrion.
Iper efkrasias aeron, eforias ton Lord.
karpon tis gis ke keron irinikon the abundance of the fruits of Afto i Doxa is tous eonas ton
To Him be Glory unto the Ages of
tou Kyriou deithomen. the earth, and for peaceful eonon.
times, let us pray to the Lord
Kyrie Eleison Amin Amen
PEOPLE Lord have mercy The Katavasia of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour – Tone 1
Iper pleonton, odiporounton,
PRIEST For those at sea, and those ODI 1 ODE 1
nosounton, kamnonton,
ehmaloton ke tis Sotirias afton who travel by land or air, for Hristos Gennate, Doxasate! Hristos Christ is Born: Glorify Him!
tou Kyriou deithomen. the sick and the suffering, for ex Ouranon, apantisate! Hristos Christ has come from the
captives and for their salvation, epi gis, ipsothite! Asate to
Heavens: receive Him! Christ
let us pray to the Lord Kyrio, pas i gi, ke en evfrosini
is on earth: elevate Him! O all
animnisate, lai, oti Dedoxaste!
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy the earth: sing to the Lord!
Iper tou risthine imas apo pasis PRIEST For our deliverance
from all Sing praises in gladness, O ye
thlipseos, orgis, kindinou ke affliction, wrath, danger and people, for He as been
anangis, tou Kyriou deithomen necessity, let us pray to the Glorified!
Lord Esose laon, thavmatourgon Of old the Master Who works
Despotis, iiron thalassis kima
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy hersosas pale. Ekon de tehthis
Wonders Saved His people,
ek Koris, trivon Vatin, Polou making the watery wave of the
tithisin imin. On kat ousian, sea into dry land; and now of


Ton Agion Evdoxon, Megalon Of the Holy, Glorious, Great Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke PRIESTHelp us, Save us, have Mercy
Martiron Theklas, Varvaras, Martyrs, Thekla, Barbara, Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si upon us, and Preserve us, O
Anastasias, Ekjaterinis, Kiriakis, Anastasia, Catherine, Kyriaki, Hariti. God, by Thy Grace.
fotinis, Marinis, Paraskevis ke Amin/Kyrie eleison
Photini, Marina, Paraskevi and PEOPLE Amen/Lord have mercy
Ton Agion Evdoxon ke Kallinikon
Irene... ✞ Tis Panagias, ahrantou, ipere PRIEST ✞ Commemorating our All

Martiron... Of the Holy, Glorious and vlogimenis, Endoxou Despinis

Holy, Pure, Most Blessed and
Victorious Martyrs... imon Theotokou ke
Ton Osion ke Theoforon Pateron Aiparthenou Marias meta Glorious Lady, Theotokos
imon ton en Askisei Of our venerable and godly panton ton Agion and Ever Virgin Mary, with all
Lampsanton... Ascetic Fathers... Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke Thy Saints, let us commit
Tou (Agiou tou Naou) allilous ke pasan tin zoin imon
Of (the Patron of the Parish) ourselves and one another
Hristo to Theo parathometha. and our whole life to Christ
Ton Agion ke Dikeon Theopatoron Of the Holy and Righteous
Ioakim ke Annis. ... .ke tin our God.
Ancestors of God, Joachim and
mnimin episteloumen. Ke Anna; of St …… whose memory
Panton Sou ton Agion...
we keep today, and of all Thy
✞Si Kyrie PEOPLE✞ To Thee, O Lord!
Oti prepi si pasa Doxa, Timi ke PRIESTFor to Thee belong all Glory,
Iketevomen Se, Mone Polielee Kyrie: We beseech Thee, the Only, Most Honour and Worship, ✞ to the
epakouson imon ton amartolon Proskinisis ✞ to Patri ke to Io ke
Merciful Lord: listen to us Father, and to the Son, and to
deomenon Sou ke Eleison imas. to Agio Pnevmati nin ke ai ke is
sinners who pray unto Thee, tous eonas ton eonon. the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and have Mercy on us. and to the Ages of Ages.
Kyrie Eleison [12] PEOPLE Lord have mercy [12] Amin PEOPLE Amen
✞Elei, ke Iktirmis, ke Filanthropia PRIEST ✞Through the Mercies and P s al m 1 17 / 1 18
tou Monogenous Sou Iou, meth Bounties and Compassion of PRAISE TO GOD FOR HIS EVERLASTING MERCY

ou Evlogitos is, sin to Panagio, Thine Only Begotten Son, with Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
ke Agatho, ke Zoopio Sou Whom Thou art Blessed, Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
Pnevmati, nin ke ai, ke is tous Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
together with Thine All Holy,
Eonas ton Eonon. Lord!
and Good, and Life5giving
Spirit, now and ever, and to the STIHOS 1:Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti VERSE 1: Give thanks to the Lord,
Ages of Ages. agathos, oti is ton eona to eleos for He is Good; His Mercy
aftou! endures forever!
Amin PEOPLE Amen
The Kontakion of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour - Tone 3 Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
I Parthenos simeron, ton iperousion Today the Virgin gives Birth to Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
tikti, ke i gi to Spileon, to Him Who is above all being, Lord!
aprosito prosagi. Angeli meta
Pimenon doxologousi. Magi de
and the earth offers a Cave to Panta ta ethni ekiklosan me,
STIHOS 2: VERSE 2: All the nations surrounded
Him Whom no man can ke to Onomati Kyriou iminamin me, but in the Name of the
meta Asteros odiporousi. Di
approach. Angels with aftous. Lord I drove them back.
imas gar egennithi, Pedion
Neon, O pro eonon Theos. Shepherds give Glory, and Magi Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
journey with a Star. For unto Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
us is Born a Young Child, the Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
Pre5Eternal God. Lord!
STIHOS 3:Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke VERSE 3: This is the Lord’s doing,
esti thavmasti en ofthalmis
and it is marvellous in our


Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has P r aye r o f Sal v atio n
Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He Soson O Theos ton laon Sou, ke PRIESTO Lord, save Thy people and
Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the Evlogison tin Klironomian Sou.
Lord! Bless Thine Inheritance.
A pol yti kio n o f t he N ati vity Episkepse ton kosmon Sou en elei Visit Thy world with Mercies and
ke iktirmis. Bounties.
I Gennisis Sou Hriste O Theos Thy Nativity, O Christ our God,
Ipsoson keras Hristianon
imon, anetele to kosmo, to Fos has given rise to the Light of Exalt the horn of Orthodox
Orthodoxon ke katamempson ef
to tis Gnoseos. En afti gar i tis Knowledge in the world; for Christians, and send down
imas ta Elei Sou ta Plousia..
astris latrevontes, ipo Asteros they who worshipped the Star upon us Thy rich Mercies.
edi daskonto, Se Proskinin, ton learnt therefrom to worship
Ilion tis Dikeosinis, ke Se Thee, O Sun of Justice, and to ✞Presvies tis Panahrantou ✞Through the Intercessions of
Ginoskin ex Ipsous anatolin. know that from the East of the Despinis imon Theotokou ke our All Pure Lady, the
Kyrie Doxa Si! Highest Thou came. O Lord: Aiparthenou Marias; Dinami Theotokos and Ever Virgin
Glory to Thee! tou Timiou ke Zoopiou Stavrou;
Mary, through the Might of the
The S m all Li ta ny Prostasies ton Timion,
Epouranion Dinameon Precious and Life5giving Cross;
Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou PRIESTAgain, yet again, in Peace let Asomaton... through the Protection of the
deithomen. us pray to the Lord honourable Bodiless Powers of
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy! Heaven...
Antilavou Soson, Ikesies tou Timiou, ke Evdoxou Of the honourable, glorious
Eleison ke PRIEST Help us, save us, have Mercy Profitou, Prodromou, ke
diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Prophet, Forerunner and
on us, and preserve us, O God, Vaptisou Ioannou; ton Agion
Hariti. Baptist, John; of the Holy,
by Thy Grace Endoxon ke panevfimon
Amin PEOPLE Amen Apostolon... Glorious and All Laudable
✞ Tis Panagias, ahrantou, ipere
PRIEST ✞Calling to remembrance our Ton
flogimenis, endoxou Despinis
en Agiis Pateron imon, Of our Fathers among the Saints
imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Most Holy, All Pure, Most Megalon Ierarhon, ke
the Great Hierarchs and
Marias meta panton ton Agion Blessed and Glorious Lady, Ikoumenikon Didaskalon:
Vasiliou tou Megalou, Grigoriou Ecumenical Teachers: Basil the
Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke Theotokos and Ever Virgin
tou Theologon ke Ioannou tou Great, Gregory the Theologian
allilous ke pasan tin zoin imon Maria, with all the Saints, let us
Hristo to Theo parathometha. Hrisostomou; Ananasiou ke and John Chrysostom;
entrust ourselves and one Kirillou, Patriarhon Athanasios, Cyril [and John the
another and our whole life to Alexandries... Almsgiver] Patriarchs of
Christ our God. Alexandria...
Nikolaou tou en Miris, Nektarios Of our Holy Father Nicholas,
PEOPLE✞To Thee, O Lord! Pentapolis, Spiridonos Archbishop of Myra in Lycia,
✞Si Kyrie episkopou Trimithountos, ton the Wonder5Worker, Nectarios
PRIEST For Thine is the Dominion,
✞ Oti son to Kratos ke sou Estin i Thavmatourgon of Pentapolis; Spyridon of
Thine is the Kingdom and the
Vasilea, ke i Dinamis ke i Doxa Trimithountos...
Power and the Glory ✞ of the
✞ tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Ton Agion Evdoxon Of the Holy and Glorious great
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is Father, and of the Son, and of Megalomartiron Georgiou tou
the Holy Spirit, now and ever, Tropeoforou, Dimitriou tou Martyrs: George the victorious,
tous Eonas ton Eonon.
and to the Ages of Ages. Mirovlitou, Theodorou tou Demetrios the Myrrh5flowing,
Tironos, Theodorou tou Theodore Tyron and Theodore
Amin PEOPLE Amen Stratilatou, Mina tou the General, Menas the Miracle5
Thavmtourgou, ke Ieromartirou worker, and the Hieromartyrs,
Haralambos ke Eleftheriou...
Charalambos and Eleftherios,


Thisia to Theo, pnevma A sacrifice to God is an afflicted The Fi rs t K at hi sm a o f the N ati vity - Tone 4
sintetrimmenon. Kardian
sintetrimmenin ke tetapinomenin
spirit: a contrite and humbled Defte idomen Pisti, pou egennithi O Come, O ye Faithful, and let us
heart, O God Thou wilt not Hristos. Akolouthisomen lipon, behold where Christ is Born!
O Theos ouk exoudenosi.
despise. entha odevi O Astir, meta ton Let us join the Magi, the Kings
Magon Anatolis ton Vasileon. from the East, and follow the
Agathinon, Kyrie, en ti Evdokia Sou Deal favourably, O Lord, in Thy Angeli imnousin, akatapavstos Guiding Star. Angels sing
tin Sion, ke ikodomithito ta tihi eki. Pimenes agravlousin, odin praises there without ceasing,
Good Will with Zion; that the
Ierousalim. epaxion, Doxa en ipsitis and Shepherds abiding in the
walls of Jerusalem may be built
legontes, to simeron en Spileo fields offer a fitting Hymn: ✞
up. tehthenti, ek tis Parthenou, ke Glory in the Highest to Him
Tote eudoisis Thisian Dieosinis, Then shalt Thou accept the Theotokou, en Vithleem tis Who in the Cave this day is
Anaforan ke Olokaftomata. Sacrifice of Righteousness, Ioudeas. Born of the Virgin and
Oblations and Whole Burnt Theotokos, in Bethlehem of
Offerings: Judah!
Tote aniisousin epi to thisiastirion Then shall they lay calves upon
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
Sou moshous! Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Thy Altar! tous eonas ton eonon.
Eleison me, O Theos! Have mercy on me, O God!
now and ever, and to the Ages
of ages.
Hy mn s o f N ati vity Amin Amen
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Defte idomen Pisti, pou egennithi O Come, O ye Faithful, and let us
Pnevmati Son, and to the Holy Spirit Hristos. Akolouthisomen lipon, behold where Christ is Born!
✞Ta simpanta simeron, Haras ✞All things are filled with Joy entha odevi O Astir, meta ton Let us join the Magi, the Kings
plirounte. Hristos etehthi ek today, for Christ is Born of Magon Anatolis ton Vasileon. from the East, and follow the
tis Parthenou. the Virgin. Angeli imnousin, akatapavstos Guiding Star. Angels sing
eki. Pimenes agravlousin, odin praises there without ceasing,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to Ages of
epaxion, ✞ Doxa en ipsitis and Shepherds abiding in the
eonon. Ages
legontes, to simeron en Spileo fields offer a fitting Hymn: ✞
Amin Amen tehthenti, ek tis Parthenou, ke Glory in the Highest to Him
✞Ta simpanta simeron, Haras ✞ All things are filled with Joy Theotokou, en Vithleem tis Who in the Cave this day is
plirounte. Hristos etehthi ek today, for Christ is Born of Ioudeas. Born of the Virgin and
tis Parthenou the Virgin. Theotokos, in Bethlehem of
Idiomelon – Tone (6) Plagal 2
Second Kathisma of the Nativity of Christ – Tone 4
STIHOS: Eleimon, eleison me, O VERSE: Have
Mercy on me, O God,
Theos, kata to Mega Eleos according to Thy Great Ti thavmazis Mariam? Ti Why art Thou filled with Wonder,
Souk e kata to plithos ton Mercy; and according to the ekthamvise to en Si? Oti O Mary? Why art Thou amazed
iktirmon Sou exalipson to abundance of Thy ahronon Ion, hrono egennisa at that which is come to pass in
anomima mou. Compassion, blot out my fisi, tou tiktomenou tin sillipsin Thee? Because I have given
mi diahthisa. Anandros imi, ke Birth in time to the Timeless
pos texo Iion? Asporaon gonin Son, yet understand not how I
✞ Doxa en ipsistis Theo ke epi gis ✞Glory to God in the Highest, and tis eoraken? Opou Theos de Conceived Him. I have not
Irini. Simeron dehete i on earth, Peace. Today voulete, nikate fiseos taxis, os known man: how then shall I
Vithleem ton kathimenon dia Bethlehem receives Him Who gegrapte. Hristos etehthi, ek tis bear a Child? Who has ever
pantos sin Patri. Simeron Parthenou, en Vithleem tis seen a Birth without seed? But,
at all times ever sits with the
Angeli to Vrefos to tehthen Ioudeas. as it is written: Where God so
Father. Today Angels Glorify
theoprepos doxologousi. ✞ Wills, the order of nature is
Doxa en ipsistis Theo, ke epi gis with Holy Hym,ns the Babe overcome. Christ is Born of the
Irini, en anthropis evdokia. Who is Bone. ✞ Glory to God Virgin in Bethlehem of Judah.
in the Highest, and on earth
Peace, Good Will among men!


✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Idou gar en anomies sovelifthin, ke For behold I was conceived in
Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit, en amarties ekissise me i mitir iniquities; and in sins did my
tous eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to the Ages mou. mother conceive me.
of ages.
Idou gar Alithian igapisas. Ta adila For behold Thou hast loved Truth:
Amin Amen ke ta krifia tis Sofias Sou edilosas the uncertain and hidden things
Ti thavmazis Mariam? Ti Why artThou filled with Wonder, mi. of Thy Wisdom Thou hast made
ekthamvise to en Si? Oti O Mary? Why art Thou amazed manifest to me.
ahronon Iion, hrono egennisa at that which is come to pass in Rantiis me issopo, ke
Thou shalt sprinkle me with
fisi, tou tiktomenou tin sillipsin Thee? Because I have given katharisthisome.
mi diahthisa. Anandros imi, ke Birth in time to the Timeless hyssop, and I shall be cleansed:
pos texo Iion? Asporaon gonin Son, yet understand not how I Plinis me, ke iper hiona Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be
tis eoraken? Opou Theos de Conceived Him. I have not made whiter than snow.
voulete, nikate fiseos taxis, os known man: how then shall I
gegrapte. Hristos etehthi, ek tis bear a Child? Who has ever Akoutiis mi agalliasin ke evfrosinin, To my hearing Thou shalt give joy
Parthenou, en Vithleem tis seen a Birth without seed? But, agaliasonte ostea tetapinomena. and gladness: and the bones
Ioudeas as it is written: Where God so that have been humbled shall
Wills, the order of nature is rejoice.
overcome. Christ is Born of the Apostrepson to Prosopon Sou apo tin Turn away Thy Face from my sins,
Virgin in Bethlehem of Judah. amartion mou, ke pasas tas
Third Kathisma of the Nativity of Christ – Tone 4 and blot out all my iniquities.
anomias mou exalipson.
Kardian Create a clean heart in me, O God:
O ahoritos panti, pos ehorithi en How is He contained in a Womb, katharan ktison en emi, O
and renew a right spirit within
gastri? O en kolpis tou Patros, Whom nothing can contain? Theos, ke pvevma evthes
pos en agkales tis Mitros: How can He Who is in the egkenison en tis egkatis mou. me.
Pantos os iden os ithelise ke os Bosom of the Father be held in Mi aporripsis me apo tou prosopou Cast me not away from Thy Face;
iidokisen. Asarkos gar on, the arms of His Mother? This is Sou, ke to Pnevma Sou to Agion and take not Thy Holy Spirit
esarkothi ekon. Ke gegonen O according to His Good Pleasure, mi antanelis ap emou. from me.
on, O ouk in di imas; ke mi as He knows and Wills. For
ekstas tis fiseos, meteshe tou being without flesh, of His own
Apodos mi tin agalliasin tou sotiriou Restore to me the joy of Thy
imeterou firamatos. Deplous Will He has become Flesh; and Sou, ke pnevmati igemoniko Salvation, and strengthen me
etehthi Hristos, ton ano He Who is, for our sake, has stirixon me.
with a perfect spirit.
kosmon, Thelon anaplirose. become that which He was not. Didazo anomous tas odous Sou, ke
I will teach the unjust Thy ways:
Without departing from His own asevis epi se apistrepsousi.
Nature, He has shared in our and the wicked shall be
substance. Desiring to fill the converted to Thee.
world on High with citizens, Rise me ex ematon, O Theos, O Deliver me from blood5guiltiness,
Christ has undergone a two-fold Theos tis Sotirias mou. O God, Thou God of my
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Agalliasete i glosou mou tin And my tongue shall extol Thy
Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Dikeosinin Sou.
tous eonas ton eonon. now and forever, and to the Justice.
Ages of ages.
Kyrie ta hili mou anixis, ke to stoma O Lord, Thou wilt open my lips:
Amin Amen mou aanangeli tin enesin Sou. and my mouth shall declare
O ahoritos panti, pos ehorithi en How is He contained in a Womb, Thy praise.
gastri? O en kolpis tou Patros, Whom nothing can contain? Oti i ithelisas thisian, edoxa an. For if Thou had desired sacrifice, I
pos en agkales tis Mitros: How can He Who is in the Olokaftomata ouk evdoxisis.
Pantos os iden os ithelise ke os Bosom of the Father be held in would indeed have given it:
iidokisen. Asarkos gar on, the arms of His Mother? This is with burnt offerings Thou wilt
esarkothi ekon. Ke gegonen O according to His Good Pleasure, not be delighted.
on, O ouk in di imas; ke mi as He knows and Wills. For
ekstas tis fiseos, meteshe tou being without flesh, of His own


Texete de Iion ke kaleseis to And she will bring forth a Son, imeterou firamatos. Deplous Will He has become Flesh; and
etehthi Hristos, ton ano He Who is, for our sake, has
Onoma aftou Iisoun. Aftos gar and you shall call His Name kosmon, Thelon anaplirose. become that which He was not.
Sose ton laon Aftou apo ton ‘Jesus,’ for He will Save His Without departing from His
amartion afton.
people from their sins. own Nature, He has shared in
Touto de olon gegonen ina plirothi So all this was done so that it
our substance. Desiring to fill
to rithen ipo tou Kyriou dia tou the world on High with citizens,
Profitou legontos: Idou i might be fulfilled, which was Christ has undergone a two-
Parthenos en gastri exi ke texete spoken by the Lord through fold Birth.
Iion, ke kalesousi to Onoma the Prophet, saying: Behold, The S m all Li ta ny
Aftou Emmanouil, O esti the Virgin shall be with Child,
methrminevomenon ‘Meth imon Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou PRIEST Again, yet again, in Peace let
and shall bear a Son, and they deithomen. us pray to the Lord.
O Theos.’
shall call Him Emmanuel,
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy
which is translated as ‘God
with us.’
Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke PRIEST Help us, save us, have mercy
diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si upon us, and preserve us, O
Diegerthis de o Iosif apo tou ipnou Then, Joseph, being aroused from Hariti. God, by Thy Grace.
epiisen os prosetazen afto O sleep, did as the Angel of the Amin/Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Amen/ Lord have mercy
Anglos Kyriou ke parelave tin
gineka aftou, ke ouk eginosken
Lord Commanded him and ✞ Tis Panagias, ahrantou, ipere PRIEST ✞Remembering our Most
took to him his wife, and did vlogimenis, endoxou Despinis
aftin eos ou eteke ton Iion aftis imon Theotokou ke Holy, All Pure, Most Blessed
ton Prototokon. not know until she had and Glorious Lady, Theotokos
Aiparthenou Marias meta
brought forth her Firstborn panton ton Agion and Ever Virgin Mary, together
Son. Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke with all the Saints, let us
allilous ke pasan tin zoin imon
Ke ekalese to Onoma Aftou Iisoun. And he called His Name Jesus. Hristo to Theo parathometha.
commit ourselves and each
other, and all our life to Christ
✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞Glory to Thee, O Lord:
our God.
P s al m 5 0/ 51
✞ Si Kyrie PEOPLE✞ To Thee, O Lord!
Eleison me, O Theos kata to mage Have Mercy on me, O God,
Oti Evlogite Sou to Onoma, ke PRIESTFor Blessed is Thy Name and
eleos Sou, ke kata to plithos ton according to Thy Great Mercy.
iktrmon Sou exalipson to dedoxaste Sou i Vasilia, ✞tou Glorified is Thy Kingdom, ✞ of
And according to the multitude Patros, ke tou Iiou, ke tou Agiou the Father, and of the Son, and
anomima mou.
of Thy Tender Mercies blot out Pnevmatos, nin ke ai, ke is tous of the Holy Spirit, now and
my iniquity. eonas ton eonon.
ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Epi plion plinon me apo tis anomias Wash me thoroughly from my Amin PEOPLE Amen
mou, ke apo tis amartias mou
katharison me. Oti tin anomie
iniquity, and cleanse me from An a b ath mi
mou ego ginosko, ke i amartia my sin. For I know my iniquity, The Ant ip ho n s – T one 4
mou enopion mou esti diapantos. and my sin is always before
Ek neotitos mou, pola polemi me From my youth up many
pathi al aftos andilavou, ke passions have warred against
Si mono imarton, ke to poniron To Thee only have I sinned, and soson, Sotir mou. [2] me. But do Thou succour and
enopion Sou epiisa. Opos an have done evil before Thee: save me, O Saviour. [2]
dikeothis en tis logis Sou, ke
nikisis en to krinesthe Se.
that Thou mayest be justified
I misoundes Sion, eshinthite apo Those who hate Zion shall be put
in Thy words, and mayest tou Kyriou; os hortos gar, piri to confusion by the Lord; like
overcome when Thou art esesthe apexirameni. [2] grass in the fire shall they be
judged. withered up. [2]
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
Pnevmati. Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Agio Pnevmati, pasa psihi zooute, Through the Holy Spirit is every The Ho ly G os pe l
ke katharsi, ipsoute, soul quickened and exalted in T H E P R I E S T READS THE HOLY GOSPEL FOR THE FEAST FROM THE ROYAL GATES [HOLY
lambrinete, ti Triadiki Monadi, purity, and Illumined by the DOORS] FACING THE CONGREGATION.
Triune Unity in Mystic
Ke iper tou kataxiothine imas tis PRIEST And that He will graciously
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of akroaseos tou Agiou Evangeliou grant us to hear His Holy
eonon. Ages. Kyriou ton Theon imon Gospel, let us pray to the Lord.
Amin Amen
Kyrie Eleison [3] PEOPLE Lord have mercy [3]
✞Agio Pnevmati, anavlizi ta tis ✞From the Holy Spirit do the
Sofia! Orthi! Akiousomen tou PRIEST Wisdom! Arise! Let us listen
Haritos reithra, arthevonda, streams of Grace well forth; Agiou Evangeliou
apasan tin ktisin pros to the Holy Gospel.
they irrigate everything Irini pasi!
created, so that Life can be
Peace be with you all.
P r oke i me no n of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour - TONE 4 Ke to pnevmati sou PEOPLE And with thy spirit
Ek Gastros pro Eosforou egennisa From the Womb before the Ek tou kata . . . A g i o u E v a n g e l i o u to PRIEST The Lesson is from the Holy
Se. Omose Kyrios, ke ou Morning Star have I Begotten anagnosma... Gospel according to St ...
metamelithisete. Thee: the Lord has sworn and
will not repent. (PSALM 109:3-4)
Proshomen Let us attend
STIHOS: Ipen O Kyrios to Kyrio mou. VERSE: The Lord said to my Lord: ✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞ Glory to Thee,
O Lord:
Kathou ek dexion mou, eos an Glory to Thee!
Sit at My right-hand, until I
tho tous ehthrous Sou ipopodion Make The Sign Of The Cross & Bow To God In Gratitude
make Thine enemies Thy
ton Podon Sou And Worship – Before & After The Holy Gospel
The Holy Gospel According to St Matthew 1 : 18-25
Ek Gastros pro Eosforou egennisa From the Womb before the
Se. Omose Kyrios, ke ou Morning Star have I Begotten Tou de Iisou Hristou i Gennisis Now the Birth of Jesus Christ was
metamelithisete. Thee: the Lord has sworn and outos in. as follows:
will not repent Mnistevthisis gar tis Mitros aftou After His Mother, Mary, was
Small Lit a ny Marias to Iosif, prin i sinelthin Betrothed to Joseph, before
aftous evrethi en gastri ehousa
Tou Kyriou deithomen PRIEST Let us pray to the Lord ek Pnevmatos Agiou.
they came together, she was
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy found with Child of the Holy
Oti Agios i, O Theos imon, ke en PRIEST For Holy art Thou, O our
Agiis epanapavi, ke Si tin doxan God, Who rests in the Saints, Iosif de O anir aftis, Dikeos on ke So Joseph, her husband, being a
anapempomen to ✞ Patri, ke to and to Thee we ascribe Glory: mi thelon aftin paradigmatise, Righteous man, and not
Io, ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke evoulithi lathra apolise aftin. wanting to make her a public
✞ to the Father, and to the Son,
ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. example, was minded to put
and to the Holy Spirit, now and
her away secretly.
ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Amin PEOPLE Amen Tafta de aftou enthimithentos idou But while he thought about these
Angelos Kyriou kath onar efani things, behold, an Angel of the
P r ai se s t o Al mig hty G od afto legon. Iosif Iios David, mi
TH E CONG REGA TION M U ST STA ND Lord appeared to him in a
fovithis paralavin Mariam tin
Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion [2] Let everything that has breath gineka sou. To gar en afti dream, saying: Joseph, son of
praise the Lord. [2] gennithen ek Pnevmatos estin David, do not be afraid to take
Enesato pnoi ... Pasa ton Kyrion Let the Lord be praised ... by Agiou. to you Mary your wife, for that
everything that has breath which is Conceived in her is of
the Holy Spirit.


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