Nativity of Christ - Matins Service
Nativity of Christ - Matins Service
Nativity of Christ - Matins Service
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The Nativity of Christ
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25 December 2010
(Katavasias Of The Nativity 1 & 2)
Genito, Kyrie, to eleos Sou ef imas, May Thy Mercy O Lord, be upon
Tr o p ari on t o ou r L ord an d S avi ou r, Je s u s Ch ri st
kathaper ilipisamen epi Se.
us, as we have put our hope in Soson Kyrie ton laon Sou ke O Lord, Save Thy people, and
evlogison tin klironomian Sou, Bless Thine Inheritance,
Thee. Nikas tis Vasilevsi kata
✞Evlogitos i, Kyrie, didaxon me ta ✞Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach varvaron doroumenos ke to son
granting to our God5fearing
Rulers Victory over all
Dikeomata Sou. [3] filatton dia tou Stavrou Sou
me Thy Statutes [3] Politevma. adversaries, and by Thy Cross
Kyrie, katafigi, egenithis imin en Lord, Thou hast been our Refuge preserving Thine Estate.
genea ke genea. Ego ipa: Kyrie,
from generation to generation.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
eleison me, iase tin psihin mou Pnevmati. Son, and to the Holy Spirit
oti imarton Si. I said: Lord, have mercy on me,
heal my soul, for I have sinned O ipsothis en to Stavro ekousios, ti Do Thou Who, of Thine own Good
eponimo Sou keni politia tous Will, upon the Cross was lifted
against Thee. up, bestow Thy Bounties upon
Kyrie, Pros Se katefigon; didaxon
O Lord, to Thee have I fled; teach
iktirmous Sou Dorise, Hriste O
me tou piin to Thelima Sou, oti Theos. Evfranon en ti Dinami the new State, which is called
me to do Thy Will, for Thou art Sou tous Pistous Vasilis imon, by Thy Name, O Christ God;
Si I O Theos mou.
Nikas horigon aftis kata ton make glad with Thy Might our
my God. polemion. Tin simmakian ehien God5fearing Rulers granting
Oti para Si Pigi Zois; en to Foti Sou For with Thee is the Fountain of tin Sin, oplon Irinis, Aittiton
Victory over adversaries to
opsometha Fos. Tropeon.
Life; in Thy Light we shall see those who have Thine Aid,
Light. which is a Panoply of Peace, a
Paratinon to Eleos Sou tis
ginoskousi Se. Extend Thy Mercy to those who Trophy Invincible.
know Thee. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and the Ages of
eonon. Ages.
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Agios Athanatos, eleison Immortal, have mercy on us. Amen
imas.[3] [3] The ot oki on
✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the ✞Prostasia fovera ke akateskinte, ✞O Champion Dread, Who cannot
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit, mi paridis, agathi, tas ikesias be put to confusion, despise
tous eonas ton eonon. imon, panimfite Theotoke. not our Petitions. O Good
now and ever, and to the Ages Stirixon Orthodoxon politian.
of Ages. Soze nothen tin Nikin. Dioti One, All Lauded Birth5giver of
Amin our God, establish Thou the
Amen etekes ton Theon, Moni
State of those who hold the
✞Agios Athanatos, eleison imas. ✞Holy Immortal, have mercy on Orthodox Faith; Save our
us. God5fearing Rulers, whom
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Thou has called to rule over
us, and bestow upon them
Agios Athanatos, Eleison imas. Immortal, have mercy on us.
Victory from Heaven: for Thou
Apolytikion of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour – Tone 4 gave Birth to God, O Only
I Gennisis Sou Hriste O Theos Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, Blessed One.
imon, anetile to kosmo to Fos to has caused the Light of Lit an y of Fe rve nt Su p pli cat io ns
tis gnoseos. En afti gar it is
astris latrevontes, ipo asters
Knowledge to rise upon the Eleison imas O Theos, kata to PRIEST Have Mercy on us, O God,
world. For therein the Mega Eleos Sou, deometha Sou, according to Thy great Mercy,
edidaskonto, Se proskinin, ton
worshippers of the stars were epakouson ke Eleison. we pray Thee, hear us and have
Ilion tis Dikeosinis, ke Se
ginoskin ex ipsous anatolin. by a Star instructed to worship Mercy
Oti eleimon ke Filanthropos Theos PRIEST For Thou art a Merciful and ✞Doxa Si to dixanti to Fos. ✞ Glory to Thee Who has shown
iparhis ke Si tin doxan Loving God, and to Thee we us the Light!
anapempomen ✞ to Patri ke to give Glory, to the ✞ Father, and ✞Doxa en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis ✞ Glory to God in the Highest,
Io ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke
to the Son, and to the Holy Irini, en anthropis Evdokia. and on earth Peace, Goodwill
ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.
Spirit, now and ever, and to the among men.
Ages of ages. Imnoumen Se, Evlogoumen Se, ✞We Praise Thee, we Bless Thee,
Amin PEOPLE Amen Proskinoumense, Doxologoumen we Worship Thee, we Glorify
Se, Efharistoumen Si, dia tin
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, In the Name of the Lord, Bless Megalin Sou Doxan.
Thee, we give Thee Thanks for
us, Father. Thy Great Glory.
✞ Doxa ti Agia ke Omoousio ke PRIEST ✞Glory to the Holy, ✞ Kyrie Vasilef, Epouranie Thee, ✞ Lord, King, God of Heaven,
Consubstantial, Life5giving and Pater Pantokrator; Kyrie Ie Father Almighty: Lord, Only
Zoopio ke Adiereto Triadi,
pantote, nin ke ai ke is tous Monogenes, Isou Hriste, ke Begotten Son, Jesus Christ and
Undivided Trinity, always, now
eonas ton eonon. Agion Pnevma. Holy Spirit.
and ever, and to the Ages of
Ages. Kyrie O Theos, O Amnos tou Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
Theou, O Ios tou Patros, O eron
Amin PEOPLE Amen tin amartian tou Kosmou,
the Father, Who takes away the
eleison imas, O eron tas sin of the world, have mercy
P r ai se s t o Al mig hty G od
amartias tou kosmou. upon us; O Thou Who takes
✞Doxa en ipsistis Theo ke epi gis ✞ Glory to God in the Highest, away the sins of the world.
and on earth Peace, Good
irini, en anthropis evdokia. [3] Prosdexe tin deisin imon, O Receive our Prayer, Thou Who sits
Will towards mankind. [3]
kathimenos en dexia tou Patros, at the right Hand of the Father,
Kyrie, ta hili mou anixis, ke to O Lord, open Thou my lips, and ke eleison imas. and have mercy on us.
stoma mou anageli tin enesin my mouth shall show forth
✞Oti Si i Monos Agios, Si i Monos ✞For Thou alone art Holy, Thou
Sou. [2] Thy praise [2] Kyrios, Iisous Hristos, is Doxan
M AKE THE SIGN O F THE CRO SS & BO W DOWN TO GOD alone art Lord, Jesus Christ, to
Theou Patros
The Six Psalms the Glory of God the Father.
P s al m 3
Amin. Amen
HELP FOR THE AFFLICTED Kath’ ekastin imeran Evlogiso Se, Every day I will Bless Thee, and
Kyrie ti eplithinthisan i thlivontes Lord, how are they increased who ke enesio to Onoma Sou is ton praise Thy Name forever and
me! trouble me! eona ke is ton Eona tou Eonos.
to the Ages of Ages.
Polli epanistante ep eme. Many are those who rise up
Kataxioson, Kyrie, en ti emera tafti Grant, O Lord, this day to keep us
against me.
anamartitous filahthine imas. without sin.
Polli legovsi ti psihi mou, ouk esti Many say of my soul, There is no
Sotiria afto en to Theo aftou.
help for him in his God.
✞Si Kyrie PEOPLE ✞To Thee, O Lord! O Theos O Theos mou pros se O God, Thou art my GodWhom I
✞Oti Se Enousi pase e Dinamis ton PRIEST For all the Powers of Heaven orthrizo; edipise Se i psihi mou, seek; my flesh longs for Thee
Ouranon, ke Si tin doxan posaplos si i sarx mou, en gi like the earth, which is
praise Thee, and to Thee we
anapempousi, to Patri, ke to Io, erimo ke avato ke anidro.
ascribe Glory: ✞ to the Father, parched, lifeless and without
ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke water.
is tous eonas ton eonon. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, now and ever, and to the Outos en to Agio ofthin Si, tou Thus have I gazed towards Thee
Ages of Ages. idin tin Dinamin Sou ke tin in the Sanctuary to see Thy
Amin Doxan Sou.
PEOPLE Amen Power and Thy Glory.
The Exapostilarion of the Nativity of Christ our Savour – Tone 3 Oti krisson to Eleos Sou iper zoas;
For Thy Mercy is a Greater Good
ta hili mou Epenesovsi Se.
Epeskiepsato imas, ex ipsous O Our Saviour, the Dayspring from than life; my lips shall
Sotir imon, anatoli anatolon, ke PraiseThee.
the East, has visited us from on
i en skoti ke skia, evromen tin High, and we who were in Outos Evlogiso Se en ti zoi mou; en Thus will I Bless Thee while live;
alithian. Ke gar ek tis lifting up my hands, I will call
darkness and shadow have to Onomati Sou aro tas hiras
Parthenou etehthi O Kyrios. (3)
found the Truth: for the Lord is mou. upon Thy Name.
Born of the Virgin. (3) Osi steatos ke pititos emplisthii i As with the riches of a banquet
Lauds: The Praises to God - Psalm 148 – Tone 4 psihi mou, ke hili agaliaseos shall my soul be satisfied, and
with joyful lips my mouth shall
Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Let everything that has breath praise Thy Name.
Enite ton Kyrion ek ton praise the Lord. Praise the
Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis Lord from the Heavens; praise
I emnimonefon Sou epi tis stromnis I shall remember Thee on my bed
ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Him in the Highest. To Thee mou, en tis orthris emeleton is and meditate on Thee through
praise is due, O God. Se. the night watches.
Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Oti egnithis Voithos mou, ke en ti For Thou art my Helper and I
Him, all His Powers. To Thee skepi ton Pterigon Sou
Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e rejoice in the shadow of Thy
praise is due, O God. agaliasome.
Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi Wings.
imnos to Theo.
Stihera – Heirmologic – by St Andrew of Jerusalem - Tone 4 Ekollithi i psihi mou opiso Sou, My soul clings fast to Thee. Thy
emou antelaveto i Dexia Sou. right Hand upholds me.
Enite Afton epi tes Dinasties Praise Him for His Mighty Acts;
Anti de is matin exitisan tin psihin But those who seek to destroy my
Afton. Enite Afton kata to praise Him according to the
plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. greatness of His Majesty. mou, iselefsonte is ta katotata life shall go into the depths of
tis gis, paradothisonte is hiras the earth. They shall be
romfeas, merides alopekon
delivered to the sword, and
shall be the prey of jackals.
ou Evlogitos is, sin to Panagio, Thine Only Begotten Son, with Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
ke Agatho, ke Zoopio Sou Whom Thou art Blessed, Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
Pnevmati, nin ke ai, ke is tous Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
together with Thine All Holy,
Eonas ton Eonon. Lord!
and Good, and Life5giving
Spirit, now and ever, and to the STIHOS 1:Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti VERSE 1: Give thanks to the Lord,
Ages of Ages. agathos, oti is ton eona to eleos for He is Good; His Mercy
aftou! endures forever!
Amin PEOPLE Amen
The Kontakion of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour - Tone 3 Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
I Parthenos simeron, ton iperousion Today the Virgin gives Birth to Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
tikti, ke i gi to Spileon, to Him Who is above all being, Lord!
aprosito prosagi. Angeli meta
Pimenon doxologousi. Magi de
and the earth offers a Cave to Panta ta ethni ekiklosan me,
STIHOS 2: VERSE 2: All the nations surrounded
Him Whom no man can ke to Onomati Kyriou iminamin me, but in the Name of the
meta Asteros odiporousi. Di
approach. Angels with aftous. Lord I drove them back.
imas gar egennithi, Pedion
Neon, O pro eonon Theos. Shepherds give Glory, and Magi Theos Kyrios ke epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has
journey with a Star. For unto Evlogimenos O ergomenos en appeared to us. Blessed is He
us is Born a Young Child, the Onomati Kyriou! Who comes in the Name of the
Pre5Eternal God. Lord!
STIHOS 3:Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke VERSE 3: This is the Lord’s doing,
esti thavmasti en ofthalmis
and it is marvellous in our