Ijd2018 2135381
Ijd2018 2135381
Ijd2018 2135381
Research Article
Prevalence of Anterior Dental Trauma and Its Associated
Factors among Preschool Children Aged 3–5 Years in Khartoum
City, Sudan
Received 6 January 2018; Revised 1 March 2018; Accepted 19 April 2018; Published 24 May 2018
Copyright © 2018 Alaa Gamaleldin Sulieman and Elhadi Mohieldin Awooda. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Background. Traumatic dental injury (TDI) is a challenging public health problem. Its incidence and prevalence vary within
countries, states, and different social groups. Aim. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of traumatic dental
injuries in primary incisors among 3–5-year-old Sudanese preschool children and associated factors such as age, sex, and size of
overjet and anterior open bite. Materials and Methods. Descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 600 preschool
children (3–5 years old) selected by multistage cluster technique from preschools located in Khartoum city, Sudan. The data
regarding age, sex, causes, and treatment of TDI were collected from the mothers through structured interview questionnaire.
Children were examined in an upright position, using mouth mirror and torch. A single examiner assessed the type of trauma, the
tooth involved, and overbite/overjet. The data were analyzed statistically through descriptive analysis, and the chi-square test was
used to compare between different variables with P < 0.05. Results. The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) was 18.5%.
Enamel fractures were the most common type (74.8%), followed by enamel and dentin (11.7%). The maxillary central incisors were
the most commonly affected teeth, and the home was most common place for TDI. The prevalence rate was 45% in boys and 55%
in girls with a statistically significant difference (P � 0.02). Conclusions. The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries to the primary
anterior teeth among the Sudanese preschool children was relatively high (18.5%). Factors such as overjet size, overbite size, and
lip competency were not significantly correlated with dental trauma among the studied population.
1. Introduction delay eruption time, and tooth malformation [9, 10]. Preschool
children are more prone to TDI due to their poor stability,
Traumatic dental injury (TDI) is a challenging public health passive reflexes, and indefinite movements [3, 10]. Predisposing
problem to professionals, and it has been seriously neglected factors to TDI include physical features such as increased incisal
[1]. The incidence of dental trauma among the primary school overjet, open bite, protrusion, and lip incompetence [8].
children is an emerging dental health problem. Epidemio- In many countries, high cost, low standard of living, and
logical data showed a wide variation in the prevalence of lack of knowledge regarding urgent treatment of dental
dental injuries in preschool children [2–4]. Several studies trauma may result in delaying the treatment [8, 11]. Studies
revealed that the prevalence of traumatic injuries in children of TDIs among the preschool children are of paramount
has increased during the last few decades [5, 6]. Dental trauma importance, as individuals with previous trauma in the
can result in displacement, fracture, or loss of tooth [4]. The primary dentition are prone to further trauma in the per-
consequence of traumatic injuries to primary teeth includes manent dentition [12].
alteration in physical appearance, speech defects, and emo- A recent meta-analysis study on February 2018 through
tional impacts, thus affecting the child’s quality of life [7, 8]. literature search (publication years 1996–2016 of the prev-
TDI to primary teeth may eventually create problems to the alence of TDIs) aimed at covering as many countries,
underlying permanent teeth, such as hypoplasia, discoloration, communities, and ethnic groups as possible. They showed
2 International Journal of Dentistry
that more than one billion living people have had TDI [13]. used to enhance visualization. One of the parents or
Research studies on TDIs among the Sudanese population schoolteachers sometimes helped to carry very young
are not well documented to be part of the global frequency, children. A sample of 15 children was used to train and to
so data from the Sudan are needed to achieve high gener- calibrate the examiner and test the feasibility of the intraoral
alizability. The objectives of this study were to determine the visual examination, diagnosis of TDI, and the interview
prevalence of TDI among the Sudanese preschool children procedures. Training was performed with the help of an
aged 3–5 years and to assess the relation among associated experienced endodontist and paedodontist from the Uni-
factors such as overbite, overjet, age, gender, and site to the versity of Medical Sciences and Technology. No changes
severity of TDI. were made on the methods previously proposed, and the first
author carried out all the procedure.
2. Materials and Methods The criteria for the diagnosis of anterior dental trauma were
assessed according to the method used by Andreasen et al. [15].
A cross-sectional study was carried out on children aged 3–5 The number of injured teeth, type of trauma, type of tooth, and
years, of both sexes, living in Khartoum city. The inclusion location in the upper or lower jaw were recorded. The presence
criteria were the child being healthy and of Sudanese na- of anterior open bite was assessed based on the criterion of lack
tionality attending a public or private preschools. The ex- of vertical overlap of the incisors in the occlusal position [9]. The
clusion criteria included children who experienced overjet size was measured in millimeters by a metal ruler. Root
significant dental anxiety and those who were identified by fracture was not recorded, and no intraoral radiographs were
the preschool authority to have medical or intellectual taken. The data were subjected to simple descriptive analysis, and
problems. Data collection began on November 2016 over the statistical analysis was performed by SPSS version 21 (SPSS
a period of two months. The sample size was determined Inc., Chicago, USA). Statistical significance for the association
after obtaining the total number of preschools in Khartoum between the occurrence of dental trauma and the distribution of
locality, the number of public preschools was 13, and the dental injuries by age, gender, children’s incisal overjet size, and
number of private preschools was 507 with a total number of overbite size was determined using the chi-square test with the
children within these schools compromising 23,000. We level of statistical significance set at P < 0.05.
estimated that a minimum sample size of 585 children was
required to achieve the level of precision with a standard 3. Results
error of 4% or less and the 95% confidence interval level and
a prevalence of dental trauma of 50% used for the calcu- A total of 600 children aged 3–5 years and all attending
lation. The decision to use a prevalence of 50% was due to the preschools in Khartoum locality, Sudan, were included in
lack of information of the actual published prevalence of this study; the overall children affected by TDI were 111 with
TDI among preschool children in Sudan. However, any the prevalence of 18.5%. The prevalence rate was 45% in boys
calculation using a different figure than 50% would require and 55% in girls, and a statistical significant difference was
a smaller sample size to achieve the same precision [14]. The found between them (P � 0.02).
number was rounded to 600. The maxillary central incisors were the most common
Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethical teeth affected by trauma (54.9%), the right maxillary central
Committee of the University of Medical Science and incisor accounted for 35.1% of the injuries, and the left
Technology. Local authorities (Ministry of Health and maxillary central incisor accounted for 19.8% followed by
Ministry of Education in Khartoum state) provided the the maxillary lateral incisors (32.4%); meanwhile, the per-
necessary information for the construction of a sample centage of mandibular incisors was 6.3%, and the least af-
frame including names, locations of preschools in fected tooth was found to be the canine (Table 1).
Khartoum, their addresses, contact information, and the Enamel fracture accounted for 74.8% and was the most
total number of children in the locality. Permission to common type of TDI in maxillary and mandibular teeth,
examine the children was obtained from the school au- followed by fractures involving both enamel and dentin, while
thorities concerned. A letter was handed to all parents complete avulsion affected only 9.9% as displayed in Table 2.
explaining the objectives of the study and requesting the TDIs occurred at home accounted for 71.2%. Tripping and
acceptance of voluntary participation themselves to an- falling were the most common causes of TDI with a per-
swer the questionnaire and their children to be examined centage of 63.1% (Table 3). Regardless of the dental injuries,
for the presence of TDI. Those who agreed to participate we found that 95.5% of the subjects did not receive any dental
were signed informed written consent. treatment or control of the problem. There is no statistical
Data were collected through intraoral examination of significant difference between the size of overjet and overbite
eligible children and their mother’s response to a self- with occurrence of TDI as seen in Tables 4 and 5.
administered closed-ended questionnaire including de-
mographic data, etiology, localization, place, time elapsed 4. Discussion
between injury and treatment, and the treatment provided.
The data were collected in the classrooms, and a single The most common type of facial injuries is traumatic dental
examiner, who is the first author, performed the clinical injury accounting for as high as 18% of the all facial injuries
examination. The examined child was seated in classroom [16]. This cross-sectional survey identified the prevalence of
chair in the upright position; mouth mirror and torch were dental trauma to the primary anterior teeth in 3–5-year-old
International Journal of Dentistry 3
Table 1: Distribution of the study sample according to the type of Table 4: The relationship between traumatic dental injury and
the traumatized tooth. overbite size among the studied preschool children.
Overbite Total P value
Right maxillary central incisor 39 35.1 Yes No
Right maxillary lateral incisor 24 21.6 Count 107 459 566
Right maxillary canine 3 2.7 Normal
% of total 17.8% 76.5% 94.3%
Left maxillary central incisor 22 19.8 Count 4 30 34
Left maxillary lateral incisor 12 10.8 Open bite 0.681∗
% of total 0.7% 5.0% 5.7%
Left maxillary canine 1 0.9 Pearson’s
Cross Count 0 0 0
Left mandibular central incisor 4 3.6 R (0.017)
bite % of total 0 0 0
Left mandibular lateral incisor 1 0.9 Count 111 489 600
Left mandibular canine 3 2.7 Total
% of total 18.5% 81.5% 100.0%
Right mandibular central incisor 2 1.8
TDI: traumatic dental injury, ∗ P > 0.05 indicates no significant relation
Total 111 100.0 between TDI and overbite.
Table 2: Distribution of the study sample according to the type of Table 5: The relation between traumatic dental injury and overjet
dental trauma to the anterior teeth. size among the studied preschool children.
Code N % TDI
Size of overjet Total P value
1 No injury seen 1 0.9 Yes No
2 Treated dental injury 1 0.95 Count 109 477 586
3 Enamel fracture only 83 74.8 0–3 mm
% of total 18.2% 79.5% 97.7%
4 Enamel/dentin fracture 13 11.7 Count 2 12 14
5 Enamel/dentin and pulp injury 2 1.8 3–6 mm 0.298∗
% of total 0.3% 2.0% 2.3%
6 Missing tooth due to trauma 11 9.9 Pearson’s
More than Count 0 0 0
7 Excluded tooth 0 0 R (0.043)
6 mm % of total 0% 0% 0%
Total 111 100 Count 111 489 600
% of total 18.5% 81.5% 100.0%
P value ≥ 0.05 indicates no significant difference between TDI and overjet
Table 3: Distribution of the study sample according to the cause of size.
anterior dental trauma.
Type N % that there is an increase in TDI among girls and this
Trips and falls 70 63.1 increasing trend of dental trauma among girls is probably
Collision with objects or person 15 13.55 because of their increasing participation in sports or
Bicycles 0 0 physical activities formerly practiced by boys only [24].
Road traffic accident 0 0 Majority of them have enamel fracture; this finding cor-
Violence or fights 2 1.8 responds with previous research studies carried out on dif-
Do not remember 24 21.6 ferent populations [3, 18, 25, 26]. Other studies have reported
Other (specify) 0 0 different results; one such study, which surveyed Turkish
Total 111 100.0 children, found that avulsion and crown fractures were the
most common injuries [27]. Others reported subluxation
preschool children in Khartoum city. In this city, there are and avulsions as the most frequent types of dental trauma
no clear variations in socioeconomic status; the city is [28, 29]. The difference in the findings of these different
a melting pool of different ethnic groups coming from other studies may be due to the population being examined.
states and regions in the Sudan, so with some cautions, we Similar to the results of other studies [4, 18], traumatic
can generalize the results to the whole Sudan. The prevalence dental injuries occur more in the maxilla than in the
of TDI was higher when compared to another study [17] and mandible. This may be due to relative prominence of the
lower when compared to most studies of trauma to primary maxillary anterior teeth. The maxillary central incisors are
teeth [18]. However, it is difficult to compare the prevalence the teeth most commonly affected, similar to what was
figures found in different studies due to lack of uniformity in obtained by previous studies [3, 4]. The reason may be due to
selected population, dental examination procedure, di- its central position which is more prone to direct assault. In
agnostic criteria, and age groups [19]. addition, the upper central incisors are generally more
Contradicting the majority of previous studies [20–22], proclined than the lower centrals and tend to be the first to
which reported a higher frequency of dental trauma among receive a direct blow [3]. Also, the upper jaw is fixed to the
boys than among girls, our study results are consistent with skull which makes it rigid, while the lower jaw, being
the results of the study done by Rai et al. [23] and Vuletić et al. a flexible part, tends to reduce the impact forces directed on
[5] that girls tend to experience more dental injuries than the lower anterior teeth by movement [30].
boys, while the results of other studies revealed no statistically The majority of TDIs occurred at home and at school
significant differences [3, 17]. However, some studies showed during a physical activity that lead to fall, as demonstrated in
4 International Journal of Dentistry
this study; 63.1% of dental trauma occurred due to a fall Conflicts of Interest
followed by a collision with an object or person. Our results
were consistent with the literature that reported the most The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
common cause of injury was a fall and the home being the regarding the publication of this paper.
commonest place [18, 31]; however, some studies concluded
that TDIs occur most common in a field/playground or Acknowledgments
outdoors [27, 32].
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overjet >3 mm and inadequate lip coverage and the occurrence Sciences and Technology, Sudan.
of dental trauma in permanent teeth [3, 8, 11, 18, 31]. A few
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33, 34]. Our results reveal that there is no significant relation References
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