Tayasan National High School Tayasan National High School: Daily Time Record Daily Time Record
Tayasan National High School Tayasan National High School: Daily Time Record Daily Time Record
Tayasan National High School Tayasan National High School: Daily Time Record Daily Time Record
________________________________ ________________________________
(Name) (Name)
Employee No. _______Div. No. 036 Sta. No. _________ Employee No. _______Div. No. 036 Sta. No. _______
For the Month of______________________________ For the Month of______________________________
Official Time for Arrival: AM: _____________ Official Time for Arrival: AM: _____________
and Departure: PM: ____________ and Departure: PM: ____________
Days Arrival Departure Arrival Departure Undertime Days Arrival Departure Arrival Departure Undertime
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I HEREBY certify on my honor that the above is a true and I HEREBY certify on my honor that the above is a true and correct
correct hours work performed, record of which was made daily as the hours work performed, record of which was made daily as the time of
time of arrival and departure from the office. arrival and departure from the office.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
VERIFIED as to the prescribed office hours VERIFIED as to the prescribed office hours
Teacher in-Charge
Teacher in-Charge