Newletter Jan 2012
Newletter Jan 2012
Newletter Jan 2012
St John’s School news: The school Christmas Bazaar was a great success and raised
£1500. The library was transformed into a spectacular Christmas grotto and there was
the traditional visit from Father Christmas. The children also enjoyed shopping at the
Christmas gift shop to buy a secret present for someone special.
What a party!
„Everyone invited to a Bus Pass Christmas Tea party‟, they said, and more than fifty of us
went along to the village hall not sure what to expect. What did we get? An afternoon full
of seasonal good cheer.
Lovingly decorated tables were set out, each place with a small present, cracker, tea light
candle and fir cone Christmas tree.
Yes, Elizabeth Heeley had been at
work again and had excelled
Sandwiches, rolls, pastries, then
cake and Maureen Goff‟s fabled
meringues were served as we sat
listening to Sophie‟s seasonal music.
Later came a glass of sherry and
carol singing. Audrey Catford even
composed a poem for the occasion.
“Well, we never expected all that!”
one villager exclaimed.
Jim Goddard and Maureen Stokes, with their winning
Prizes were donated for a raffle
Christmas buttonholes
which raised over £90, thus largely
funding the event. Such a simple idea. But the thought and hard work that went into it
are something money can‟t buy and something Quidhampton is lucky to have. Thanks to
Maureen, Elizabeth and all the helpers.
Illness sadly prevented Viv Bass from at- Letter to the editor
tending but she is fully recovered now. A big Thank You to everyone involved for their
hard work in making the Bus Pass Tea Party
It was lovely to see John and Janice on such an enjoyable afternoon. I‟m sure I speak
their first village outing since leaving The on behalf of all who supported it.
White Horse. They were not allowed to go A personal thank you also to Maureen Goff for
without a rousing chorus of “For he‟s a jolly Ted‟s meringue birthday cake
good fellow/lady”. Peg Thornton
Richard Stokes is delighted to have won a competition organised by Crown Paints. The prize
is £3000 to spend on a holiday. This means he‟ll be celebrating his 50 th birthday (April 29) in
Jubilee Photographic Competition: further We are seeking sponsorship and would welcome
news suggestions, also donations for prizes.
There are three categories: Village events, Already received: gift token for a prize and a
Village people and Views of Quidhampton with donation to cover the cost of a photobook of
prizes for the best in each category and a the entries for the village archive and
prize for the best photo taken by a child mounting the winning photos for display in the
(under 12's, and 12-16's), by a village resident pub. Contact the editor, Sara Strawson at
or immediate family, and The People's Favour- The White Horse or Melinda Hilliard Wayback
ite to be voted for at the jubilee celebrations. House if you can help.
Photos can be taken between May 2010 and More details in future newsletters.
May 2012. Open entry but no professionals
Sloe gin competition: after an enjoyable The Bemerton Community Carol Concert
evening tasting the eleven entries there was at St John‟s was very well supported. Salis-
a “taste off” to decide first place which bury Chamber Chorus delivered a moving and
finally went to Sam Stokes with Bill West entertaining programme with opportunities
the close second. Congratulations to the for the audience to sing along. Thanks to
winners and happy drinking! Nigel Haynes and his team for such an enjoy-
The traditional events will be continuing at able evening. It was a huge financial success,
the pub. Sara and Peter say they were raising £2000 for the campaign to secure a
attracted to The White Horse because of future for St Johns. Thank you to everyone
the sense of community in Quidhampton and for such generous support.
although they may make changes they first Moira Packer, community fundraiser
want to know what villagers want. “The pub
belongs to the village,” Sara said, “and we‟d
Bemerton Film Society
like to see villagers make more use of it. In
Tuesday 17 January Bemerton St John‟s
one sense we are only caretakers.”
School 19.00 for 19.30
See flyer with Valley News for more details Mon Oncle: Monsieur Hulot struggles with
including bus pass lunches for £5.50 the coldness of modern technology in this
Mondays and Thursdays. award winning comedy from 1958
Achievements Contributors & Contacts
Sam featured in October‟s newsletter and we
Police non emergency number: 101
are proud to
St John‟s C of E Primary School:
publish his
photo. Now 25, White Horse Inn: 742157
he told the Parish Council clerk:
editor that Clare Churchill 743027
Greenwich was
the only Quidhampton-Parish-Council
University [email protected]
offering this 1 Tower Farm Cottages, Skew Rd.
Samuel Scott-Ison degree in Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100
paramedic science. There were 3000 Area Councillor Richard Beattie
applicants for 19 places. He is now enjoying tel: 01747 870285
every minute as a paramedic with the London
[email protected]
Ambulance Service.
The Rector of Bemerton
Quidhampton grandson Olympic hopeful: Rev Simon Woodley 333750
Margaret and John Wilcox are immensely Parish Office 328031
proud of their grandson, Joe Coombs, 20, who Problems with HGVs: contact
hopes to be selected for the Olympic canoe [email protected]
slalom team. He is a part-time student at
or leave a note in the black box.
Nottingham Trent University but began ca-
WI: Valerie Fry 742082
noeing in Salisbury, was chosen for the World
Village Hall bookings:
Class Olympic Development programme, and
Sabine Dawson 742843
has a UK ranking of 5 th.
What an achievement! The newsletter will Refuse collections in January:
report on Joe‟s progress. Friday 6 (recycling), 13, 20 (recycling)
27 Gift wrapping paper can go in the blue
Other achievers: it‟s unlikely that you have an lidded bin (not foil)
Olympic hopeful in your family but if your
child has achieved something important to
them recently why not congratulate them in 100 Club winners
the newsletter? Let Jo Penny (556559) know
and we will publish it.
1st 167 T Chappell
PC Pete Jung is having a well deserved
2nd 110 Sandy Smith
extended holiday in Australia. PCSO Sam
Spacey and Sgt Dean Garvin will deal with any
3rd 166 J & K Cater
problems you may have while he is away. November
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