Electronics 08 01088 PDF
Electronics 08 01088 PDF
Electronics 08 01088 PDF
Face Recognition via Deep Learning Using Data
Augmentation Based on Orthogonal Experiments
Zhao Pei 1,2, *, Hang Xu 2 , Yanning Zhang 3 , Min Guo 2 and Yee-Hong Yang 4
1 Key Laboratory of Modern Teaching Technology, Ministry of Education, Xi’an 710119, China
2 School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China; [email protected] (H.X.);
[email protected] (M.G.)
3 School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China;
[email protected]
4 Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E8, Canada;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 31 August 2019; Accepted: 23 September 2019; Published: 25 September 2019
Keywords: face recognition; data augmentation; class attendance; deep learning; orthogonal
1. Introduction
Taking class attendance in university classes is one of the commonly used methods to improve
the performance of students studies in many universities. Louis et al. [1] highlights a strong relevance
between student’s attendance and academic performance; low attendance is usually correlated with
poor performance. To guarantee the correctness of a student’s attendance record, a proper approach
is required for verifying and managing the attendance records. The traditional attendance-taking
approach is to pass an attendance sheet around the classroom during class, and to request students
sign their names. Another popular approach is roll call, by which the instructor records the attendance
by calling the name of each student. One advantage of these manual attendance-taking methods is that
they require no special environment or equipment. However, there are two obvious disadvantages in
these manual methods. First, these methods not only waste a lot of valuable class time, but also have
the risk of including imposters. Second, the form of class attendance records is hard to manage
and easy to be lost if not careful. As a result of the progress of technologies, there are many
new attendance-taking systems available, e.g., RFID [2], bluetooth [3], GPS [4], fingerprint [5,6],
face [7–9], etc. The above problems related to the traditional attendance-taking methods can be
handled by these new attendance-taking methods, in particular, those that use face recognition.
Face recognition is one of the most attractive biometric technologies. With the rapid development
of technology, the accuracy of face recognition has greatly improved. Many methods for face
recognition have been proposed and applied to many areas, such as face identification, security,
surveillance, access control, identity verification [10–12], and so on. There are three advantages
of using face recognition in a class attendance-taking method. First, it reduces the burden for the
instructor and the students. Also, it can prevent imposters of assuming the attendance of registered
students of the class. Last but not least, the operation required from an instructor involves taking a
picture of the class using a smartphone without any additional hardware or setup in the classroom.
Recently, with the emergence of deep learning, face recognition achieves impressive results.
A convolutional neural network (CNN), one of the most popular deep neural networks in computer
vision applications, shows an important advantage of automatic visual feature extraction [13]. There are
two kinds of methods to train CNN for face recognition, one is based on the classification layer [14], and
another is based on metric learning. The main idea of metric learning for face recognition is maximizing
interclass variance and minimizing intraclass variance. For example, FaceNet [15] uses triplet loss
to learn the Euclidean space embedding in which all faces of one identity can be projected onto a
single point. Sphereface [16] proposes angular margin penalty to enforce extra intraclass compactness
and interclass discrepancy simultaneously. The authors of [17] propose an Additive Angular Margin
Loss function that can effectively enhance the discriminative power of feature embeddings learned
via CNNs for face recognition. CNNs trained on 2D face images can effectively work for 3D face
recognition by fine-tuning the CNN with 3D facial scans [18]. In addition, the three-dimensional
context is invariant to lightening/make-up/camouflage conditions. The authors of [19] take some
linear quantities as measures and rely on differential geometry to extract relevant discriminant features
from the query faces. Meanwhile, Nicole et al. [20] propose an automatic approach to compute a
minimum optimized marker layout to be exploited in facial motion capture. Despite considerable
success in 2D and 3D recognition, face recognition using CNNs in class attendance-taking encounters
some challenging problems, such as difficulty in getting sufficient training samples, because CNNs
require a lot of data for training. Generally, a large volume of training samples are helpful to achieve a
high recognition accuracy. Overfitting usually occurs when the quantity of training samples is small
compared with the number of network parameters. As a result, an insufficient number of samples
decreases the accuracy of face recognition. Because a CNN has a powerful learning ability, it requires
for each object different views of its face. However, collecting such a dataset for only one class is not
only time-consuming, but also impractical. Additionally, training samples of faces of various poses,
occlusion, and illumination are often required. Meanwhile, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the
instructor to spend too much time taking photos during class. Due to the restriction of time and scene,
it is difficult to acquire enough face images in class.
To address the issue of insufficient samples, an effective method is the data augmentation
technique [21,22]. The basic idea of data augmentation is to generate virtual samples to increase
the size of training dataset and reduce overfitting. In this paper, geometric transformation, changes in
image brightness, and operation using different filter operations are utilized to enlarge the training
samples. In addition, we analyze the effect of the above processing methods on the accuracy of face
recognition using the method of orthogonal experiments. Then, the original training samples are
extended by the best data augmentation method based on the result of the orthogonal experiments.
Finally, we compare our proposed class attendance-taking method with two typical face recognition
algorithms, namely, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Local Binary Patterns Histograms
(LBPH). The result shows that our class attendance-taking method with data augmentation achieves an
accuracy of 86.3%, and with more data collected during a term, the accuracy can be improved to 98.1%.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 3 of 16
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the related works are presented.
Section 3 describes our method. The experiments and results are presented in Section 4. Section 5
contains discussions. Finally, our conclusions are presented in Section 6.
2. Related Works
Manual class attendance-taking methods are time-consuming and inaccurate, especially in large
classes. As a result, automated attendance system can help improve the quality and efficiency of class
attendance. Modern attendance-taking systems generally consist of hardware and software. There are
many successful cases of using automated attendance-taking systems. Mittal et al. [23] propose an
attendance-taking system based on a fingerprint recognition device. To attend a class, students are
recognized based on their fingerprints. As well, the fingerprint recognition device can be connected to
a computer through an USB interface so that the instructor can manage the attendance records. This
system provides a simple method to generate the attendance record automatically and reduces the risk
of fraudulent attendance by imposters. However, students need to line up to get their fingerprints
recognized, which is consuming for a large class. In addition, the fingerprint recognition device is
usually very sensitive, and a sweaty finger or a finger with cut may fail to be recognized as a legitimate
registered student. Nguyen et al. [24] develop an attendance-taking system using Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID). Each student is issued a unique RFID card. To register for attendance, students
only need to place their RFID cards by an RFID tag reader. The attendance information is kept on
a website, allowing instructors to view or modify the records easily. Recently, some instructors use
smartphones to capture class attendance. Pinter et al. [25] design an application for smartphones
based on the bluetooth technique. When taking attendance, students turn on the bluetooth of their
smartphones and choose a class from a class list for registering. Finally, instructors can login to
their apps and see the IDs and names of students who have attended the class. Allen et al. [26]
use smartphones as a QR code reader to speed up taking attendance. At the beginning of a class,
the instructor displays an encrypted QR code on a screen for students to scan it using a special app
installed on their smartphones. Along with the student’s geographical position at the time of scan,
the application will then communicate the information collected with the server to confirm attendance
of the student automatically. These automated attendance-taking methods are faster than traditional
manual methods. In addition, the operation is simple and the attendance record is easy to access
or manipulate. With an automated attendance-taking system, instructors can save lecture time and,
thus, enhance student learning experience. However, these methods also have some drawbacks. First,
most of the above methods require special equipments such as the fingerprint recognition device or
an RFID tag reader. If all the classrooms were equipped with these devices, the total cost would be
high for schools with many classrooms. Second, any damages to the equipment, such as an RFID
card or the reader, may create incorrect attendance records. Third, some methods still cannot avoid
imposters. For example, a student can bring other students’ phones or RFID cards to help them fake
their attendance.
Face recognition is one of the commonly used biometric identification methods in the field of
computer vision. An attendance-taking system based on face recognition generally includes image
acquisition, creating a dataset, face detection, and face recognition. Unlike a fingerprint, a face
can be recognized easily by a human. Thanks to its convenience in acquisition and reliable and
friendly interaction, human face recognition systems have become an important tool in automatic
attendance-taking systems. Rathod et al. [27] develop an automated attendance-taking system based
on face detection and recognition algorithms. After installing the camera in a classroom, it captures
the frames containing the faces of all students sitting in the class. Then the student’s face region is
extracted and preprocessed for further processing. Later, this system can automatically detect and
recognize each student. After recognizing the faces of students, the names are updated into an Excel
spreadsheet. In addition, an antispoofing technique, like the eye blink detector, is used to handle the
spoofing of face recognition. In particular, the count of detected eyes and the count of iris regions
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 4 of 16
detection are compared. Based on this, the count of eye blink can be calculated to handle spoofing.
Wei et al. [28] solve the problem of in-class social network construction and pedagogical analysis with
a multimedia technique. In data acquisition, an instructor takes some photos of students in a class and
these photos are combined into a single image using an image stitching algorithm. Then, the course
website allows the instructor to upload the stitched photo. Then, face detection, student localization,
and face recognition algorithms are used to identify students’ names and positions. Then, students
login in the website to check their attendance to complete the attendance record and annotate their
faces with their names after each class. At the end of the semester, their sitting positions can be used to
construct the social network. With the statistics of social network, students’ academic performance
and the pedagogical analysis about co-learning patterns can be constructed automatically.
Recently, a number of research papers have been published on using deep neural networks in the
field of facial biometrics with impressive results. Compared with traditional algorithms [29] for face
recognition, CNNs are trained using a data-driven network architecture. In addition, CNN models
combine feature extraction and classifier into one framework [30]. A CNN model mainly includes
convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully-connected layers, as well as an input and an output layer.
Based on its shared-weight, local connectivity and subsampling, CNNs are better in extracting features
and making significant breakthrough in face recognition. Taigman et al. [14] propose a DeepFace model
based on an architecture of CNN. This model is trained with 4.4 million face images of 4000 identities
on the LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) dataset and reaches an accuracy of 97.25%. Sun et al. [31]
develop a model named DeepID that has multiple CNNs rather than a single CNN, by which a
powerful feature extractor is developed. The input of DeepID is patches of facial images and features
extracted from different facial positions. The DeepID model is trained on 202,599 images and reaches
an accuracy of 97.45%. Then, Sun et al. propose an extension of DeepID called as DeepID2 [32],
which uses both identification and verification signals to reduce intraclass variations while enlarging
the interclass differences. DeepID2 is also trained on 202,599 images and reaches an accuracy of 99.15%.
Later, DeepID2+ [33] is proposed to improve the performance of DeepID2. DeepID2+ adds supervisory
signals to all convolutional layers and increases the dimension of each layer. Additionally, DeepID2+
is trained on a larger training dataset which contains 450,000 images. Additionally, DeepID2+ achieves
an accuracy of 99.47%. Schroff et al. [15] propose the FaceNet model, which learns the mapping
from a face image to an Euclidean space, in which the distance of two faces measures their similarity.
On the LFW dataset, FaceNet achieves an accuracy of 99.63% with 200 million training samples.
Simonyan et al. [34] propose a deep CNNs architecture named VGG-16 and achieve an accuracy of
98.95% with 2.6 million images. This model requires fewer training data than DeepFace and FaceNet
and uses a simpler network than DeepID2. However, building such a large dataset is beyond the
capabilities of most academia groups especially in the context of taking class attendance. In this paper,
we propose a system that can alleviate the above discussed issues.
3. Our Method
1h1h4096 1h1h54
112h112h128 56h56h256 28h28h512 14h14h512 7h7h512
224h224h64 56h56h128
h 28
Convolutional layer
112h112h64 Max pooling layer
Fully-connected layer
Softmax layer
The training dataset is used to train the model, and the forward propagation is used to compute
the output of different layers in the neural network. Denote the output feature map of the convolutional
layer as C,
C = φ( H ( x, y)), (1)
where φ(.) denotes the ReLU function φ( H ( x, y)) = max (0, H ( x, y)) and
where W denotes the weight matrix of kernel and b the bias. φ(.) is used as the activation function;
compared with other activation functions like tanh and sigmoid, the output of the ReLU function can
reduce the computation and accelerate the convergence of the network. In addition, with the increase
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 6 of 16
of absolute value of H ( x, y), the gradient of sigmoid or tanh function approaches 0. Thus, the sigmoid
and tanh activation functions are prone to the vanishing gradient problem, whereas ReLU does not
have such a problem when H ( x, y) > 0.
The convolutional layer is followed by the max pooling layer with a 2 × 2 kernel. A pooling
layer is used to reduce the spatial size and the number of parameters in the network. It can prevent
overfitting as well. The output map of the pooling layer denoted as P can be calculated by
P = g ( C ), (3)
where g(.) denotes the function to calculate the max value. As the window moves across C, g(.) selects
the largest value in the window and discards the rest. Dropout layers are used to alleviate overfitting.
In a dropout layer, the output of a neuron is set to 0 with a probability of 0.5 at each update during the
training phase. These neurons are “dropped out” and do not contribute to the forward propagation
and back-propagation, which helps prevent overfitting.
Later, the output of the fully-connected layer at neuron q denoted as Fq is computed as
Then, the softmax-loss function denoted as L is used as the network’s loss function, and our
model is trained with the MBGD (Mini-Batch Gradient Descent) method,
M ∑ ∑ Ti log( pq ), (5)
i =1 q
where M denotes the number of images in a batch of one iteration (batch size set to 64) and pq the
output of the network at neuron q, i.e., the probability of the model’s prediction which can be calculated
by the softmax function,
exp( Fq )
pq = J . (6)
∑ Z=1 exp( FZ )
The back-propagation algorithm is used to update the weight w, and the update rule is
∆vt = µ∆vt−1 − α , (7)
where µ denotes the momentum coefficient which can accelerate convergence (we used µ = 0.9), ∆vt−1
denotes the previous updated value of weight, wt denotes the current weight at iteration t, and α
denotes the learning rate, the basic learning rate α0 is 0.001. The update rule of α is
α j = α j −1 ∗ γ u , (9)
where γ denotes the gamma parameter(γ = 0.1) and u the stepsize (u is 10,000).
The workflow of our method is shown in Figure 2 and Algorithm 1. First, the original training
samples from class pictures are acquired using a face detection algorithm. Second, data augmentation
is used to increase the number of training samples using geometric transformation, image brightness
manipulation or filter operations. Then, the CNN model is trained with the augmented training
samples. During testing, an unknown student’s image is input to the trained model, then the output is
the name of the student.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 7 of 16
Face detection
Data augmentation
in CNN
Train C model
Figure 2. The workflow of our class attendance-taking method. First, the instructor takes a photo
of the class with all the students’ faces. Then, face detection is used to capture each student’s face.
Data augmentation is performed to increase the number of training images in the dataset. Finally,
the convolutional neural network (CNN) can be trained to generate a model that can be used to predict
a student’s name.
was a failure of the face recognition system and, if so, identify the appropriate face in the class photo
to correct the attendance record.
where ∆x and ∆y denote the shifting in horizontal and vertical direction. The rotated image IkR is
generated by
IkR ( x, y) = Ik ( xcosθ − ysinθ, xsinθ + ycosθ ), (11)
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 9 of 16
where θ denotes the rotated angle. The zoomed image IkZ is generated using bilinear interpolation
with Equation (3).
IkZ ( x, y) = Ik (c x x, cy y), (12)
where c x and cy denote the zoom factor in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. An image
brightness enhancement algorithm is used to generate a new image by changing the brightness.
The corresponding image IkB can be obtained by
IkB ( x, y) = Ik ( x, y) + τ, (13)
Figure 3. Geometric transformation and image brightness manipulation. (a) The original face image.
(b) Result of image translation. (c) Result of image rotation. (d) Result of image zoom. (e) Result of
changes of image brightness.
The filter operations include mean filter, median filter, Gaussian filter, and bilateral filter (see
Figure 4). With different filter operations for each image Ik , the corresponding virtual images IkMean ,
IkMed , IkGau , and IkBil are generated. The mean filter is used to smooth an image that replaces the central
value by the average of all the pixels in the nearby window. The equation is
IkMean ( x, y) =
S ∑ Ik ( x + m, y + n), (14)
where S is the total number of pixels of the kernel in the neighborhood s; m and n denote mth row and
nth column in the kernel, respectively. Similarly, a median filter is usually used to reduce noise and
replace the central pixel with the median value of the nearby pixels. The image Imed is generated by
where f (.) denotes a function to compute median value. A Gaussian filter is a two-dimensional
convolution operator, which follows a Gaussian distribution. The central value is replaced by the
weighted average of neighbouring pixels, and the central pixel has the heaviest weight while nearby
pixels have smaller weights. Its equation is
where G (m, n) denotes the weight of the Gaussian kernel. A bilateral filter is similar to a Gaussian
filter, which can reduce noise and preserve edge fairly sharp. The update of the center value is replaced
by the weighted average of nearby pixels. The image IkBil can be obtained via
∑(m,n)∈s Ik ( x + m, y + n) E( x, y, x + m, y + n)
IkBil ( x, y) = , (17)
∑(m,n)∈s E( x, y, x + m, y + n)
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 10 of 16
m2 + n2 || Ik ( x, y) − Ik ( x + m, y + n)||2
E( x, y, x + m, y + n) = exp(− − ), (18)
2σs2 2σr2
where σs and σr denote the spatial and range kernel’s parameters of the Gaussian function, respectively.
Figure 4. Filter operation. (a) The original face image. (b) Result of using a mean filter. (c) Result of
using a median filter. (d) Result of using a Gaussian filter. (e) Result of using a bilateral filter.
After data augmentation of the set I of original face images, the augmented set of images denoted
as = { IkT , IkR , IkZ , IkB , IkMean , IkMed , IkGau , IkBil | k ∈ [1, N ]} can be generated. In supervised learning, each
input sample has a corresponding category label. Denote the training dataset as D = {( Ii0 , Ti )| i ∈
[1, U ]}, where Ii0 denotes a training image from I 0 , Ti is the corresponding label, and U is the total
number of training images.
5. Discussion
The analysis of our class attendance-taking method consists of three parts. Part 1 demonstrates the
effect of fine-tuning. In the second part, the performance of the face recognition with data augmentation
and VGG-16 network is compared to the traditional methods. Part 3 investigates the relationship
between the number of training samples and the recognition performance.
To get better results with less time, fine-tuning is used in the training process. Instead of training
a CNN from scratch, a pretrained VGG-16 model for face recognition on the VGG-Face dataset is used.
Fine-tuning is then used to refine the weights. Before fine-tuning the VGG-16 model, we keep the
weights before the fully connected layers fixed, i.e., weights obtained in pretraining. The weights of
the fully connected layer are initialized from zero mean Gaussian distribution with standard deviation
of 0.01. As shown in Figure 5, we fine-tune the VGG-16 network; the accuracy of the model without
fine-tuning is 70.4%, whereas with fine-tuning 79.6%. Additionally, the model with fine-tuning achieves
a higher accuracy with fewer iterations. Thus, fine-tuning can improve the efficiency of training and
get a better result with fewer iterations.
In our experiment, different data augmentation methods are used to enlarge the number of
original training samples for fine-tuning the CNN model. To verify the effectiveness of our CNN
model, which is based on the augmented training samples, our methods are compared with traditional
face recognition methods such as PCA and LBPH. PCA is often used to reduce the dimensionality of
datasets while keeping the values which contribute most to variance. It decomposes the covariance
matrix to obtain the principal components (i.e., eigenvector) of the data and their corresponding
eigenvalues. The LBPH method is based on the Local Binary Patterns (LBP), which is proposed
as a texture description method. For texture classification, the occurrences of the LBP codes in a
face image are collected into a histogram. The classification is then performed by computing the
similarity between histograms. In terms of the accuracy for face recognition, our methods are better
than the PCA and LBPH methods (see Table 4). The experimental results show the effectiveness of the
prediction approach with various virtual samples. This approach is an effective and robust method
for class attendance taking. In terms of face recognition with a small number of samples, our method
using CNN with data augmentation has more advantages than that of the PCA and LBPH methods.
However, there are still some drawbacks compared with other CNN models. Our dataset is small and
acquired in a natural uncontrolled environment, whereas nearly all of the state-of-the-art approaches
are developed using large datasets acquired in well-controlled environments. The quality of our
training samples is lower than that of standard face datasets. First, compared with other data-driven
based methods, the number of our training images is still insufficient. Second, only a single viewpoint
is available in our original training samples. Third, some students may be occluded by others in
the photos.
Test accuracy
Finetune 1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Iterations 104
Iterations 104
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Training the model with different initialization methods. (a) Accuracy vs. Iterations on the
CNN architecture. (b) Test loss vs. Iterations on the CNN architecture.
Method Accuracy
PCA method (18/54) 33.3%
LBPH method (19/54) 35.2%
CNN with geometric transformation and brightness augmentation method (45/54) 83.3%
CNN with filter operation augmentation method (41/54) 75.9%
We also investigate the relationship between the quantity of training samples and the recognition
accuracy in a class. In particular, we take videos of students in a classroom, and each video is
approximately two minutes. During the video taking process, we instruct the students to change
their expressions and head postures to enrich variations in the facial samples. Later, the AdaBoost
algorithm is used to extract students’ faces from each frame in the video to update the dataset. Finally,
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 13 of 16
we choose a different number of training samples for the experiments with VGG-16. Additionally,
the best data augmentation method is used in the last three experiments. As shown in Figure 6,
the more training samples are used for fine-tuning, the higher the accuracy and performance of the
model is. Additionally, with 0.11 million samples, the accuracy can achieve an accuracy of 98.1%. This
indicates that if the instructor can take videos in the first few classes, the number of training samples
for each student can increase substantially, and therefore can improve the recognition performance
significantly for the rest of the term.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we propose a novel method for class attendance taking using a CNN-based face
recognition system. To acquire enough training samples, we analyze different data augmentation
methods based on the orthogonal experiments. According to the orthogonal table, the best data
augmentation method can be determined. Then, we demonstrate that the CNN-based face recognition
system with data augmentation can become an effective method with sufficient accuracy of recognition.
The experimental results indicate that our method can achieve an accuracy of 86.3%, which is higher
than PCA or LBPH method. If videos could be taken during the first few classes, the accuracy of our
method could reach 98.1%.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.P.; data curation, H.X.; methodology, Z.P. and Y.Z.; resource,
M.G.; software, Z.P. and H.X.; supervision, Y.Z. and Y.-H.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, Z.P. and H.X.;
writing—review and editing, Y.-H.Y.
Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61971273,
No. 61877038, No. 61907028, No. 61501287), the Key Research and Development Program in Shaanxi Province
of China (No. 2018GY-008, No. 2016NY-176), the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province
of China (No. 2019JQ574, No. 2018JM6068), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2018M640950),
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. GK201702015, No. GK201703058), and
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the University of Alberta.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the support from NVIDIA Corporation
for providing them with the Titan Xp GPU used in this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1088 14 of 16
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