Social Infrastructure
Social Infrastructure
Social Infrastructure
8.1 Improving social infrastructure for the marginally and it stood at 978 in 2001 as
sustainable and improved living stadards of against 972 in 1991. The sex ratio in the state
people, is one of the prime objectives of the is higher than all India ratio of 933. The sex
state. Besides, the development of economic ratio continues to show a favourable trend in
infrastructure for the improvement in the Nizamabad, Srikakulam and Vizianagaram
living conditions of the people; more impetus districts. District-wise sex ratio is given in
is necessitated on social sector parameters Annexure 8.2.
like education, healthcare, nutrition, Density
watersupply, housing, social security etc. In Density of population is an important
consonance with the commitment to ensure indicator. The state accounts for 8.37 percent
faster social development and achieving an of the country’s area and 7.41 percent of the
inclusive pattern of growth, the Government country’s population. The density of the state
continued its focus on social infrastructure is 277 persons/sq. km., as against 313
towards meeting basic minimum persons/sq. km. at all India level. Among the
requirements of the people especially districts, the density of Hyderabad continues
towards higher levels of social justice in to be the highest with 19,149 persons per
society in accordance with the goals of the square kilometer. Adilabad and Khammam
Eleventh Five Year Plan. districts, which account for large forest area,
Population continue to have the lowest population
Andhra Pradesh is the fifth largest state in the density. District-wise density of population is
Country, in terms of population. The state given in Annexure 8.3.
accounts for 7.2 per cent of the total
population in the country in the year 2001, Urbanization
having declined from 8.3 per cent in 1961. The percentage of urban population to the
The population of Andhra Pradesh almost total population in the state is 27.30 percent in
quadrupled in the last century from 19.1 2001 as compared to 26.89 percent in 1991.
million in 1901 to 76.2 million in 2001. Out Among all the districts, Hyderabad obviously
of which, 38.5 millions are males and 37.7 are is the only district with maximum urban
females. The decadal growth of population population. The next most urbanized district is
was, in fact, below 15 per cent until 1961; it Rangareddy with urban population of 54.20
rose till 1991 and the growth rate 24.2 percent percent. The least urbanized district is
during 1981-91 was the highest ever recorded. Mahabubnagar with only 10.57% of urban
Later, a dramatic decline, however, has been population. District-wise rural and urban
observed in the rate of growth of population population with percentage of urban
which was only 14.6 percent during 1991- population are given in Annexure 8.3. SC and
2001 and, was lower compared to the All- ST population is given in Annexure 8.4 and
India rate, at 21.53 percent. Population-wise, 8.5 respectively.
the State occupies 5th rank in the country after Literacy
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West
Bengal. Among the districts, East Godavari
continues to be the most populous, least being
Vizianagaram. Percentage decadal variation in
population (district-wise) is given as
Annexure 8.1. District-wise population and
sex ratio are given in Annexure 8.2.
Sex Ratio: Sex ratio is the number of females
per 1,000 male population. The sex ratio in
the state has shown decreasing trend till 1991.
For the first time, the sex ratio has increased
3rd round Mandals