Social Infrastructure

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses social infrastructure and demographic trends in Andhra Pradesh such as population growth and density, literacy rates, and government programs aimed at rural development.

Some key points about population trends in Andhra Pradesh are that its population has grown significantly over the past century, its growth rate peaked in the 1980s-90s, and the state now accounts for around 7% of India's total population with varying densities across districts.

The main factors discussed around literacy rates in Andhra Pradesh are that rates have risen dramatically from around 44% in 1991 to 60.47% in 2001, though they remain below the national average, and that the improvement was particularly strong in the 1990s despite the state starting from a lower baseline.


8.1 Improving social infrastructure for the marginally and it stood at 978 in 2001 as
sustainable and improved living stadards of against 972 in 1991. The sex ratio in the state
people, is one of the prime objectives of the is higher than all India ratio of 933. The sex
state. Besides, the development of economic ratio continues to show a favourable trend in
infrastructure for the improvement in the Nizamabad, Srikakulam and Vizianagaram
living conditions of the people; more impetus districts. District-wise sex ratio is given in
is necessitated on social sector parameters Annexure 8.2.
like education, healthcare, nutrition, Density
watersupply, housing, social security etc. In Density of population is an important
consonance with the commitment to ensure indicator. The state accounts for 8.37 percent
faster social development and achieving an of the country’s area and 7.41 percent of the
inclusive pattern of growth, the Government country’s population. The density of the state
continued its focus on social infrastructure is 277 persons/sq. km., as against 313
towards meeting basic minimum persons/sq. km. at all India level. Among the
requirements of the people especially districts, the density of Hyderabad continues
towards higher levels of social justice in to be the highest with 19,149 persons per
society in accordance with the goals of the square kilometer. Adilabad and Khammam
Eleventh Five Year Plan. districts, which account for large forest area,
Population continue to have the lowest population
Andhra Pradesh is the fifth largest state in the density. District-wise density of population is
Country, in terms of population. The state given in Annexure 8.3.
accounts for 7.2 per cent of the total
population in the country in the year 2001, Urbanization
having declined from 8.3 per cent in 1961. The percentage of urban population to the
The population of Andhra Pradesh almost total population in the state is 27.30 percent in
quadrupled in the last century from 19.1 2001 as compared to 26.89 percent in 1991.
million in 1901 to 76.2 million in 2001. Out Among all the districts, Hyderabad obviously
of which, 38.5 millions are males and 37.7 are is the only district with maximum urban
females. The decadal growth of population population. The next most urbanized district is
was, in fact, below 15 per cent until 1961; it Rangareddy with urban population of 54.20
rose till 1991 and the growth rate 24.2 percent percent. The least urbanized district is
during 1981-91 was the highest ever recorded. Mahabubnagar with only 10.57% of urban
Later, a dramatic decline, however, has been population. District-wise rural and urban
observed in the rate of growth of population population with percentage of urban
which was only 14.6 percent during 1991- population are given in Annexure 8.3. SC and
2001 and, was lower compared to the All- ST population is given in Annexure 8.4 and
India rate, at 21.53 percent. Population-wise, 8.5 respectively.
the State occupies 5th rank in the country after Literacy
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West
Bengal. Among the districts, East Godavari
continues to be the most populous, least being
Vizianagaram. Percentage decadal variation in
population (district-wise) is given as
Annexure 8.1. District-wise population and
sex ratio are given in Annexure 8.2.
Sex Ratio: Sex ratio is the number of females
per 1,000 male population. The sex ratio in
the state has shown decreasing trend till 1991.
For the first time, the sex ratio has increased

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 106

A person aged 7 years and above who can “Education” has meant children in schools, it
both read and write with understanding is equally important to address the learning
in any language is considered as needs of adults.
Literate. The literacy rate of the state is Education is a fundamental right, which leads
60.47 in 2001 as against 44.08 in 1991. for the road map to achieve the goal of
The literacy rate of the state is lower “Education for All”. Over the years
than that of all India literacy rate at concerted efforts have been put in at state
64.84. The best record in literacy so far and national level to achieve this goal. As per
at both the national and state levels was Article 45 of the constitution of India
during the nineties. The literacy rate in Universalisation of Elementary Education is
India increased from 52.2 to 65.4 per a directive principle of state policy to provide
cent during 1991-2001. Whereas the free and compulsory education for the
decadal improvement at the national children upto age of 14 years. As per the
level had been not more than 8 article 21A and 93rd Constitutional
percentage points till 1991 and the Amendment in 2009, education has become a
nineties witnessed an improvement of fundamental right. This article clearly spells
13.8 percentage points. Literacy in out the responsibility of the state to the extent
Andhra Pradesh increased over 16 of providing free and compulsory education
percentage points during the 1990s to all the children from the age of 6 to 14
from 44.1 per cent in 1991 to 60.47 years.
percent in 2001. In spite of this faster To make more effective and meaningful
rate of growth, the literacy rate in implementation of this obligation, elementary
Andhra Pradesh is still lower than the education is brought under “Sarva Siksha
all-India average. While the literacy Abhiyaan” (SSA) to universalize elementary
rate of Andhra Pradesh was about education. Similarly, secondary education
three-fourths of the all-India level in has been brought under the flagship of
1961, the state has made substantial “Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyaan”
progress subsequently, especially in the (RMSA). These two schemes are aimed at
last two decades. While the overall the strengthening of school education in
literacy rate has gone up from 44.1 per terms of access, enrolment, retention and
cent in 1991 to 60.47 percent in 2001, quality.
the male literacy rate has increased
from 55.1 to 70.32 per cent. What is ACCESS: For achieving universal access in
encouraging is that the female literacy school education, provision of schooling
rate has gone up by more than 54 facilities is aimed at –
percent, i.e. from 32.7 percent in 1991 • Elementary level should be within
to 50.43 percent in 2001. Among the walkable distance of 1 km of all the
districts, Hyderabad is at the top with habitations and
78.80 percent. The least literate district • Secondary level should be within the
is Mahabubnagar with 44.41 percent. radius of 5 kms.
District-wise literacy rate is given in
Annexure 8.6. In this regard, our state has achieved 99%
access at elementary level and 85.03% at
SCHOOL EDUCATION secondary level. Primary schools and
secondary schools have started in areas not
8.2 Education is key to sustainable development, served earlier.
peace and stability within and among During 2008-09, in the Elementary
countries, and an indispensable means for Education sector there were 65,609 Primary
effective participation in the economy of the Schools and 14,942 Upper Primary schools
21st Century, which is witnessing rapid and under Secondary Education there were
globalization. While traditionally 17,376 High Schools and 100 Higher

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 107

Secondary schools. Management-wise Classes I-V (Primary Level) during 2008-09,
Schools 2008-09 are shown in the Table 8.1. while it was 43.63% during 1998-99.
Similarly, in classes VI-VII (Upper Primary
Table 8. 1 Level), the dropouts were 34.89% during
Management-wise Schools 2008 – 09 2008-09 while it was 62.63% during 1998-
Management Primary
Upper High
Second Total 99. At classes VIII-X (Secondary Level), the
Primary Schools
ary dropouts were 60.73% during 2008-09 while
- 33 59 112 it was 78.1% during 1998-99. The details of
Govt. 20 drop outs are given in Annexure 8.7.
State Govt. 5,060 372 1,693 - 7,125
MPP/ZPP 50,309 8,590 8,155 - 67,054 Teachers:
Municipal 1,633 164 306 - 2,103 Teacher is the most important human
Pvt.Aided 2,212 433 841 - 3,486
resource factor in the school education
system, who acts as a facilitator for learning.
Pvt.Unaided 6,375 5,383 6,348 41 18,147
Teacher is instrumental in developing
Total 65,609 14,942 17,376 100 98,027
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
Source: School Education Department
among children at any stage of education. As
such, teachers should be in position in
Enrolment: schools as per the optimum teacher-pupil
Several innovative strategies and ratio to achieve the goal of universal
interventions are being made to improve enrolment, retention and achievement of
access to primary schools, which has resulted children.
in, increased enrolment. The strategies
adopted for universalisation of elementary Keeping this in view, sustained efforts are
education involves strengthening of the being made by government ever since
existing schools, opening new primary formation of Andhra Pradesh to provide
schools, establishment of alternative schools teachers in all types of schools to maintain a
and other type of educational facilities in reasonable teacher-pupil ratio.
smaller and unserved habitations. With these Rationalization of teachers, deployment of
interventions and several other programmes teachers, creation of new posts and massive
enrolment has significantly increased in all recruitment of teachers helped in overcoming
stages. imbalances in the demand and supply of
There was an enrolment of 136.59 lakhs in teachers. During 2008-09, there were
the state as on 30-09-2008 in all types of 4,49,145 teachers in position in the state in
schools in the state, out of which 56.86 lakhs all types of schools in the state.
were in Primary schools and 24.92 lakhs and During 2008-09, 1,83,197 teachers were
53.70 lakhs were in Upper Primary and High working in primary schools; 94,662 teachers
schools respectively. In Higher Secondary, were working in upper primary schools and
there was an enrolment of about 1.11 1,67,159 teachers were working in High
lakh.The enrolment figures revealed that schools. In higher secondary schools, 4,127
about 52.04% of the enrolled children are in teachers were in position.
Primary stage (I-V) where as 18.56% and
24.13% children enrolled are in upper Details of Teachers in schools are furnished
primary (VI-VII) and secondary stage (VIII- in Table 8.2.
X) respectively. Table 8.2
Management-Wise Teachers in 2008-09
Dropouts: Higher
Against the enrolment of school age group Upper
Primary High Seconda
Year Primary
children into the schools, the problem of Schools
Schools ry
retention is observed at various levels. Due to
various programmes implemented, the Govt.
186 - 581 1,898
percentage of dropout is coming down over State
the years - the dropouts being 15.65% at 10,130 1,737 18,833 -

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 108

Mandal achievement of the students in the
1,11,696 41,856 69,649 -
Parishad examination of the terminal class in that
Municipal 3,872 687 3,642 - cycle. Hence, the number of students
appearing and passing the VII class common
Pvt.Aided 6,702 2,554 8,190 - examination at the end of upper primary
50,611 47,828 66,264 2,229
stage and S.S.C. Examination at the end of
Unaided secondary stage (cycle) play a significant
Total: 1,83,197 94,662 1,67,159 4,127 role. The percentage pass of students in
Source: School Education Department S.S.C examinations during 2008-09 is 78.83
Teacher Pupil Ratio: which is higher than the previous year pass
A major element of approach in of 75.47%. Year wise performance in S.S.C
strengthening education will be to improve Examinations is furnished in Annexure 8.9.
current learning levels by lowering the
teacher pupil ratio. Government have already Examination Reforms
committed itself to fill-up all the existing • This year, a decision was taken to
teacher vacancies and sanction the additional implement OMR Bar Coding system in all
posts necessary to achieve teacher pupil ratio subjects from SSC Examinations, March
of 1: 40. The Teacher Pupil Ratio (with 2010.
Vidya Volunteers) for Primary, Upper • Government has issued orders for supply of
primary and High Schools are shown in Xerox copies of valued answer scripts in
Table 8.3. First Language and Second Language
Table 8.3
subjects to the candidates on payment basis
Teacher Pupil Ratio from the SSC Public Examinations March,
Upper High
2010 on wards.
Year Primary • A decision was taken to introduce Grading
Primary School
2000-01 45 38 34 System in SSC Public Examinations from
March 2010 onwards.
2001-02 41 39 34
2002-03 37 33 29 Mid-Day Meal Scheme
Midday Meal Scheme is being implemented
2003-04 35 31 31
in the State from January 2003 to the
2004-05 29 25 30 children of classes I to VII and to the
2005-06 28 25 30 children of classes VIII to X from October,
2006-07 29 24 29 2008.
The main objectives of the program are to
2007-08 28 23 28
improve Nutritional status and to motivate
2008-09 27 22 29 the children to attend the school regularly,
Source: School Education Department provide Nutritional Support to the children.
During 2009-10, 86.07 lakh children are
The details of number of Schools, Enrolment covered under this program. Out of which,
and Teachers are given in Annexure 8.8. 46.89 lakh are in Primary (I to V), 23.77 lakh
Examination Results: in Upper Primary (VI to VIII) and 14.21 lakh
In assessing the efficiency of educational children in High Schools (IX and X). Salient
system, performance of students at different features of the scheme are :
levels of education has been conventionally The menu is flexible. Mostly rice and
considered as an indicator of achievement. Sambar is being given. Pulihora is also being
The internal efficiency of education system given. Egg or banana is being given twice a
depends upon the number of pupils who week.
successfully complete a given cycle of DWCRA/CDS/SelfHelp Groups/SEC/Other
education. Completion of a given education agencies like temple, NGOs of proven track
cycle depends on the performance and record, charitable trusts/group of parents (in

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 109

this order of preference) are identified by the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
MROs are the implementing agencies in rural (RMSA)
areas. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
In Urban areas, the implementing agencies (RMSA) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme
are, Community development societies with an objective to achieve a General
(CDS)/NGOs/Urban SHGs / DWCUA/SEC/ Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 75% in Classes
Other Agencies like Temples/NGOs of IX and X within 5 years. 10,187 High
proven track record/ charitable trusts/Group Schools (8,155 Zilla Parishad, 306
of Parents (in this order of preference) are Municipal, 1,726 Government) with
identified by a committee headed by the 32,49,900 Children are being covered under
MRO. the Scheme.
The MDM Programme is being implemented A Society was registered under AP Societies
through M/s Naandi Foundation in twin cities Act, 2001 called “Andhra Pradesh Secondary
of Hyderabad and Secunderabad 1.50 lakhs Education Society” in October,2009 at
children in 891 schools and 300 Schools in Hyderabad to implement the RMSA and
Visakhapatnam City and through ISKCON in related Schemes.
Tirupati Municipality covering 75 primary Physical Targets of the Scheme
Schools, in Tadipatri 23 primary Schools.
• To improve enrolment ratio for IX and X
ICT @ 1300 Schools Computerization
classes from 65% to 100%
The computer education Programme is under • Strengthening of existing secondary
implementation in 5000 schools from 2008- schools.
09. The Computer education Programme • Appointment of additional teachers.
Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme with • Construction of additional classrooms.
75% and 25% share of Central and State Government of India will bear 75% Project
Government is being implemented in 1300 Expenditure as Central Share and 25% will
high schools for five years from 2009-10 be met by the State Government as State
with an objective to provide computer Share during 11th Five Year Plan (2007-08 to
knowledge to the students of VI – X classes. 2011-12)
DSC-2008 Teachers Recruitment Civil Works:
The DSC-2008 Teacher recruitment test was To improve the quality of Secondary
notified in the month of December, 2008 and education, the department has taken up
the posts of 11,674 School Assistants, 6,314 several initiatives. One of them is improving
Language Pandits and 2,504 Physical the existing infrastructure and Creating new
Education Teachers were filled up in the infrastructure facilities in all High Schools
month of October, 2009. under Government sector.
Vocationalization of Secondary Education Government have accorded sanctions for
The Scheme of Vocational Education was improving the infrastructure facilities in High
introduced in Andhra Pradesh during the year Schools / Institutional buildings under the
1984-85 and 1985-86. The main objective of following ongoing schemes.
the Scheme is to make the pupils learn but 1.Construction of additional infrastructure
also to equip them with latest skills required facilities in 1,176 High School with an
for gainful employment. Vocational estimated cost of Rs. 302.99 crores under
Education is imparted in 297 High Schools of RIDF-XI, NABARD
Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal and
Aided Managements in the State. 28 Mandal 2.Repairs to High School buildings with an
Vocational Educational Centers are estimated cost of Rs.90.00 crores under XII
functioning in the State. Vocational Finance Commission
Education is imparted to 34,800 children 3.Construction of additional infrastructure
studying in classes VIII, IX and X in High facilities in 135 High School with an

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 110

estimated cost of Rs.120.27 crores under Government has upgraded 23 Teacher
RIDF-XI, NABARD. Training Institutes into District Institute of
Education and Training (DIET) in phased
Community Participation: (School manner. In 13 DIETs, Urdu medium parallel
Management Committee) sections are functioning and 65 lecturer posts
For the first time in the country, Government have been sanctioned. The Tamil Medium
of Andhra Pradesh have enacted parallel section with intake of 50 is
“Community Participation Act 1998” functioning at DIET, Chittoor at
involving the community in school Karvetinagar.
management. Resources are transferred to
School Committees empowering them to Education for Minorities:
plan, manage and promote quality education. The Government of Andhra Pradesh is
In terms of 73rd and 74th Constitutional committed to the advancement and
Amendments, the Sarpanches/Ward upliftment of Minorities in the State. With a
Councilors have been made the Chairpersons view to promoting Urdu Language in the
of the School Management Committees. State, 300 Urdu teacher Posts have been
created additionally in 1997-98 and
District Institute of Education and continued. Further, three more schemes are
Training (DIET): under implementation for the welfare of
Muslim Minorities as detailed below.
Area Intensive Programme for
Educationally Backward Minorities:
A programme of action under National
Education Policy suggested area approach for
upliftment of educationally backward
minorities and accordingly formulated a
100% Centrally Sponsored scheme of Area
Intensive Programme to be implemented in 9
blocks, identified by Government of India as
concentrated areas of educationally backward
minorities. The identified blocks are
Musheerabad (Hyderabad), Zaheerabad
(Medak), Bodhan (Nizamabad), Kurnool,
Atmakur, Nandyal (Kurnool), Kadiri
(Anantapur), Kadapa and Rayachoty
(Kadapa) in the state.
Under the Scheme funds were released to
Provide infrastructure facilities like
construction of additional class rooms,
drinking water, toilets, electricity, computers
and teaching learning material during 10th
plan period.
An amount of Rs, 3878.25 lakhs has been
released by the Government to the above
District and Andhra Pradesh Residential
Educational Institutions Society (APREIS) .
Modernisation of Madarasa Education:
The scheme of Modernisation of Madarasa
education is implemented in State with 100

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 111

per cent central assistance with an objective Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
to encourage traditional institutions like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has been introduced
Madarasas and Makhtabs to introduce during 2001-02, with an aim to provide
modern subjects of Science, Mathematics, useful and relevant Elementary Education for
Social Studies and English in their all children in the 6 to 14 age group.
curriculum. Financial assistance is provided Besides, the SSA intends to bridge social,
towards salaries of teachers teaching modern regional and gender gaps, with the active
subjects in urdu in these centers @ Rs. participation of the community in the
3000/- per month per teacher (i.e., Rs. 36,000 management of schools. SSA has now been
per annum per teacher) restricted to two renamed as ‘Rajiv Vidya Mission’.
teachers in the centers. Pattern of Funding:
Voluntary Organisations/ Societies/Trusts 75:25 between GOI and State Govt. upto
which are registered under Central/State 2006-2007, 65:35 between GOI and State
/Government and Act of Wakf Boards and Govt. in 2007-08 and 2008-09 and 60:40
which are in existence for the past three years between GOI and State Govt. in 2009-10.
are eligible to apply for assistance under the Coverage: 2001-02 in East Godavari, West
scheme. Godavari, Krishna and Hyderabad and from
Improvement of Urdu Education – 2002-03 onwards in all 23 districts in the
Appointment of Urdu Teachers: State.
The Objective of the scheme is to provide Objectives:
financial support to the State/Union • All children in school, Education
Territories/ Governments for appointing Guarantee Centre, Alternative School,
Urdu Teachers/Honorarium to existing Back-to-School camp.
teachers for teaching Urdu to the students • All children complete eight years of
with a view to promote Urdu in the elementary schooling.
State/Union Territories wherever necessary. • Focus on elementary education of
The Central Assistance (100% CSS) on satisfactory quality with emphasis on
approved pattern shall be admissible to the education for life.
State Government for appointment of Urdu
• Bridge all gender and social category
teachers on new posts and giving honorarium
gaps at elementary education level
to the existing Urdu Teachers for teaching
Urdu in Schools. • Universal retention.
The Scheme is being implemented in 9 areas/ 2) Interventions:
blocks identified by the Government of India 1. Opening of Primary Schools
as Educationally Backward Minorities 2. Upgradation of Primary schools into
concentrated areas viz.., Kurnool, Nandyal, Upper Primary Schools
Atmakur in Kurnool District, Kadapa, 3. Upgradation of EGS/ALS to Primary
Rayachoti in Kadapa District, Kadiri in Schools
Anantapur District, Musheerabad in 4. Regular Teachers to New Schools –
Hyderabad District, Bodhan in Nizamabad Primary and Upper Primary Schools
District and Zaheerabad in Medak District. 5. Additional Teachers to existing Primary
and Upper Primary Schools
Rajiv Vidya Mission 6. Civil Works – Construction of School
Rajiv Vidya Mission, Andhra Pradesh is Buildings, Addl. Classrooms, MRC
implementing three schemes viz. Sarva Buildings, Rooms for School Complexes,
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), National provision of Compound wall, Toilets,
Programme for Education of Girls at Electrification and drinking water
Elementary Level (NPEGEL) and Kasturba facilities.
Gandhi Baalika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) in the 7. Strengthening of Mandal Resource
State for Universalisation of Elementary Centres and Teacher Centres
Education. The achievements are detailed 8. Maintenance grant to Schools with own
below: buildings.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 112

9. Grant to Schools and Teacher Grants 661 Educationally Backward Mandals, 5765
10. Teaching Learning Equipment to New MCSs were identified. Each cluster is
Primary and Upper Primary Schools having about 5-10 habitations and on an
11. Training to Teachers average each block consists of 8-10 clusters.
12. Innovations – Girls Education, Early This girl-child friendly infrastructure is used
Childhood Education, Education of SCs, by all the schools in that cluster, on rotation.
STs, Minority, Urban deprived Children Major interventions under the program:
and Computer Education for U P A non - recurring grant worth Rs.30,000/- is
Schools. provided to every Model Cluster School for
13. Research, Evaluation, Supervision and purchasing Library Books, Vocational
Monitoring. Equipments and Games and Sports material.
14. Support to Children with Special Needs. A recurring grant Rs.60,000/- per annum will
15. Training of Community Leaders be available to each cluster to implement
16. Interventions for Out of School Children additional interventions for promotion of
girls education viz.,Remedial and supportive
A. National Programme for Education material for slow learners, Bridge Camps,
of Girls at Elementary Level Honorarium to part time volunteers, ECCE
(NPEGEL) centres, Training to teachers on gender
Government of India launched a new sensitization etc.
programme called National Programme for C. Kasturba Gandhi Baalika Vidyalaya
Education of Girls at Elementary Level (KGBV)
(NPEGEL) in 2003 as an amendment to the Government of India launched a new scheme
scheme of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan for during 2004-05 called “Kasturbha Gandhi
providing additional components for the Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV)” with boarding
education of girls at elementary level. facilities at elementary level for girls
Objectives: belonging predominantly to SC, ST, BC and
• To develop and promote facilities to Minorities in Educationally Backward
provide access and to facilitate retention Blocks in the state.
of girls and to ensure greater participation
of women and girls in the field of Objectives:
education. • To ensure access and quality education to
• To improve the quality of education the girls of disadvantaged groups of
through various interventions and to society by setting up Residential Schools
stress upon the relevance and quality of with boarding facilities at Elementary
girls education for their empowerment. level.
Coverage: 661 Educationally Backward • To provide quality education for dropped
mandals in 23 districts where female literacy out girls in low female literacy mandals
rate is less than 46.13 of national average and by mainstreaming from Residential
gender gap is more than 21.59 as per 2001 Bridge Course Centers.
census selected for implementation of the KGBVs are being run by different
programme. Notified urban slums are also Residential Educational Institutions Societies
eligible for NPEGEL programme such as Andhra Pradesh Residential
implementation. Educational Institutions Society (APREIS),
NPEGEL programme is being implemented on Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential
Model Cluster School approach in a Educational Institutions Society
decentralized manner. (APSWREIS), Andhra Pradesh Tribal
Model Cluster School (MCS): Welfare Residential Educational Institutions
A Model Cluster School is a model girl-child Society (APTWREIS) and Disabled Welfare
friendly High school or Upper Primary Department.
school at cluster level identified in all the
Educationally Backward Mandals. In all the Achievements

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 113

Access and coverage of out of School • During the academic year 2009-10, 822
Children Resource Teachers (Special Educators)
I. Access have been engaged to provide Home
To provide access to school less habitations, Based Education to 12,330 children
2,799 Education Guarantee Centers (EGS) belonging to severe and profound
were opened during the academic year 2009- category.
10 covering 60,838 children. • Aids and appliances were provided to
10,231 children.
II. Coverage of out of school children • Barrier free access was provided to
As against the target of 1,71,414 out of 31,559 schools by constructing ramps
school children, 1,07,839 covered through with rail.
the different strategies.
• Corrective surgeries were done to 92
Badi-Bata 2009-10 children who had minor problems in
Badi Bata (Enrolment Drive) was conducted 2009-10.
in all the habitations in the state from 12th to • World Disabled Day is being organized
27th June 2009. During the campaign every year in all mandals covering 78,357
• 12,02,934 children who have completed 5 schools across the state. During the
years were enrolled into 1st class. celebrations, Gramsarpanches, MPTCs,
• 58,530 out of school children and recent ZPTCs, MLAs, MPs and other public
drop outs in the age group of 5-8 years representatives were participated.
were enrolled into regular schools V. Civil works
directly. As against the target of 19,107 works, 8,458
• 12,35,910 children of 5th class and works have been completed and the
11,25,833 children of 7th class were remaining 10,649 are in progress.
transited into 6th and 8th classes VI. Teacher Training and Quality
respectively. (A) Teacher Training:In service training
• Samuhika Aksharabhyasam was was provided to 1,88,746 teachers during
conducted for the new entrants on 12th 2009-10 as against the target of 3,09,692.
June, 2009. (B) Quality Initiatives:Programmes
III. Support to Madarsas being implemented during 2009-10
966 Madarsas have been supported and Following are the programmes being
85,220 children are covered (Cumulative). implemented in the state in primary
2,176 Vidya Volunteers are sanctioned. education under SSA. Several concerted
Training was provided to all Vidya efforts have been made to improve the
Volunteers, Text books provided to all quality of primary education in the state.
children from state funds. Mid day meal Reforms have been planned and implemented
extended to all Madarsas on par with regular to improve classroom processes, professional
schools. support to teachers, improving children
performance etc. Following are the important
IV. Inclusive Education reforms proposed and being implemented in
The following activities were taken up under primary education under SSA in the State.
this intervention: 1. Learning Enhancement Programme
• 57 special Residential Bridge Course (LEP): A comprehensive quality programme
camps (RBCs) and 30 NRBCs are being is being implemented to address quality in a
run covering 3,106 out of school children holistic and sustainable way viz., Learning
with special needs. Enhancement Programme (LEP). The focus
• 3,568 children were mainstreamed in is to address children achievement of basic
2008-09 from Home Based Education competencies in all subject areas from Class I
and special RBCs. to V, meaningful engagement of children in
learning processes and appropriate

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 114

professional support to the teachers for Konda. Multi Lingual Education is a
improved classroom processes. Following programme providing primary education in
are the major components of LEP: mother tongue of the tribal children and
gradually moving to languages of wider
i. Achievement of Class specific, subject
communication i.e., regional language
specific essential learning
Telugu. Curriculum is based on local culture
using local knowledge, customs and
i. Improved Teaching Learning Process –
resources to make primary education more
100% utilization of learning time and
contextual and meaningful to the children.
engagement of children – Time-on-task.
Curriculum reflects child’s context,
ii. Improved Assessment Procedures
environment and culture. As a part of the
which are competency specific – Oral,
programme, tribal dictionaries have been
Written and Performance.
developed in eight tribal languages. The
iii. Performance Indicators – Teacher,
programme is being implemented since 2004
Head Master, MEO and other
– 05 onwards on pilot basis and upscaled into
functionaries at System Level making
monolingual schools during 2009 – 10.
them accountable with role clarity.
5. Development of Children Literature
iv. Improved participation of parents in
and Strengthening of School Libraries:
school matters.
Development of Children Literature and
Necessary material, modules have been
strengthening of school libraries is one of the
developed on the LEP as above and adequate
quality initiatives under SSA. This initiative
training was provided to all the teachers and
is to develop reading habits among all
field functionaries to implement the
children and make them independent readers.
Habit of reading is the foundation for lifelong
Under LEP, grade specific and subject
specific competencies have been identified
6. Community and Parent Participation in
and is being followed for providing
school matters through Academic
competency specific learning process and
Monitoring Committees: Considerable
undertaking competency based pupil
progress has been made in achieving
assessment procedures. The children
universal enrolment and retention with the
performance is being graded.
active participation of community. The focus
2. Grading of Schools based on Children’s
has therefore been, now shifted to
performance: Schools are being graded into
achievement of “Quality” with community
A, B, C, D based on children performance.
participation. For this purpose, Academic
This is being implemented under CLIP /
Monitoring Committees (AMCs) have been
CLAPS and also now in LEP. If 80% of
constituted in all the schools. AMCs consist
children are able to perform the competencies
of parents of best performing and least
of literacy and numeracy the school is graded
performing children @ 2 per class. Sufficient
as ‘A’ The schools grades are being
representation is given to the focus groups
displayed in all schools for public reference.
i.e., SC, ST, OBC and Minorities. The
3. Star Grading of schools based on School
Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat is the
Functional Aspects (25 Performance
Chairperson and the Head Master of the
Indicators): Schools are also graded based
concerned school is the Member Convenor.
on school functional aspects against 25
AMCs meet every month to review and
Performance Indicators. The schools are
discuss issues of “Quality”, Infrastructure,
graded from no star to 3 star.
basic amenities etc., with teachers and Other
4. Implementation of Mother Tongue
stakeholders. Demonstration of children
based Multi Lingual Education in Eight
performance to the AMC members i.e.,
Tribal Languages: Mother tongue based
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic etc. Discussion
multi lingual education is being implemented
on utilization of various grants released to
in eight tribal languages viz., Savara, Kuvi,
schools and support to School Infrastructure,
Adivasi Oriya, Gond, Kolami, Koya and

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 115

monitoring the quality of mid-day meal and
Table 8.4
children, teachers attendance etc are the other Category and Number of Junior Colleges
Category Number
7. Computer Aided Learning(CAL):
Computers were provided to 576 Upper Government Junior Colleges 804
Primary Schools @ 5 per school during 2008
Private Aided Junior Colleges 205
– 09. So far, 3,063 schools covered under
CAL Programme including the schools Private Aided Composite Degree
provided with computers under SSA, Colleges offering Intermediate 70
MPLADs, School Education etc., covering
Private Un-Aided Junior Colleges 2,483
about four lakh children. 12 C.Ds consisting
64 titles replicated and provided to CAL Exclusive Vocational Junior
Colleges (Pvt.)
schools. Exclusive Vocational Junior
8. Distance Education – Trainings and Colleges (Govt.)
Capacity building through Incentive Junior Colleges 176
Teleconferences: Others (APRJC, GOI, Social
Welfare, etc)
3-days of teleconferencing per month is
Total 4,611
being organised in different interventions.
About 2.5 lakh Teachers, Field Functionaries Source: - Intermediate Education
are participating. Teleconference receiving ***
facility is being provided in school INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION
complexes and MRCs. Trainings and
capacity building programmes for teachers 8.3 In 1964, an important policy decision was
and field functionaries are being organized taken to the effect that the structure of the
by the State Level Resource Groups. The Secondary School system should be of 10
training strategies are – panel discussions, years duration instead of 11 years, and that it
interviews, showing video films and should be followed by two years
discussions, question hour to clarify the Intermediate collegiate Education in place of
doubts raised by the participants. the existing Higher Secondary and
Multipurpose system. The Plus two stage
VII. Girls Education Education was introduced in Andhra Pradesh
• 1693 ECE centers were opened with an under 10+2+3 pattern from 1969-70. The
enrolment of 32066 children to make Directorate of Higher Education has been
them ready for primary education. bifurcated into two Directorates i.e., Director
• National Programme for Education of of Intermediate Education and Directorate of
Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) Collegiate Education with effect from 1-11-
programme is being implemented in all 1989. Directorate, Intermediate Education
the 5,765 model clusters identified in 661 was established with the main objective of
Educational Backward mandals. administrating the Intermediate colleges,
• Various vocational training programmes particularly public funded institutions.
such as preparation of sanitary napkins, There are 804 Government Junior Colleges
embroidery works, preparation of and 12 Government Vocational Junior
candles, toys etc., were organized under colleges under the administrative control of
NPEGEL. the Director of Intermediate Education. The
• Remedial teaching programme was functioning of 205 Private Aided Junior
organized to slow learners among girls by Colleges with regard to the utilization of the
providing Vidya Volunteer and remedial Grant-in-aid, service conditions and
material. academic matters is also looked after by
• 394 Kasturba Gandhi Baalika Vidyalayas Director of Intermediate Education.
(KGBVs) were operationalized with an Four Regional Joint Directors of Intermediate
enrolment of 40,231 girl children. Education offices at regional level located at,

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 116

Rajahmundry, Guntur, Kadapa and Warangal b. Vocational Courses:
and 18 District Vocational Education officers 51,443 candidates appeared for 2nd year I.P.E
at district level started functioning from the March 2009 for Vocational Courses. Out of
year 1999-2000. which 42,523 candidates are regular
Conventional courses in Science, Arts, candidates and 8,920 are private candidates.
Commerce and Vocational Courses are Out of the regular candidates, 24,664 have
offered at the Intermediate stage of passed. Of these 7,035 have passed in ‘A’
Education,. 34 Vocational courses are also Grade, 15,669 in ‘B’ Grade, 1,889 in ‘C’
offered in 1244 Junior colleges in the field of Grade and 71 have passed in ‘D’ Grade. The
Engineering and Technology, Agriculture, overall pass percentage is 58%. Girls’
Home Science, Para-medical, Business and performance at 64% is better than that of
Commerce and Humanities. boys at 53%.
The details of district wise and category wise Out of 8,920 Private candidates, 2,661
junior colleges functioning are given in candidates have passed (30%).
Annexure 8.10. Abolition of Shift System in Government
Junior Colleges:
The status of Junior colleges functioning
Earlier, 269 Government Junior Colleges
under various managements is shown in
were functioning under shift system.
Table 8.4.
Significant reform measures have been
Enrolment of Students introduced in public funded institutions in
The enrolment of students (as per fee paid to Intermediate Education in the last three
B.I.E.) both in conventional and vocational years. With the concerted efforts made
courses for last five years are shown in Table during the last two years, many Government
8.5. Junior Colleges have been brought back to
General / Regular working hours of 9.45 AM
Table 8.5 to 4.30 PM (i.e. 2 sessions) dispensing with
Enrolment in Junior Colleges
the unhealthy practice of shift system.
(Lakh students)
Conventional Vocationa Total Funds have been provided in phased manner
Year for construction of permanent buildings for
Courses l Courses
2005-06 6.26 0.30 6.56 Government Junior Colleges, which possess
2006-07 6.56 0.42 6.98 own land. This is aimed to over-come the
2007-08 7.04 0.47 7.51 scarcity of accommodation and enable all the
2008-09 7.48 0.57 8.05 Government Junior Colleges to function in
2009-10 7.84 0.68 8.52
Source: - Intermediate Education
the general/regular timings of 9.45 AM to
4.30 PM. The removal of undesirable shift
Results of Intermediate Public Examination system is most effective in promoting the
March 2009: academic progress / advancement of the
a. General Courses: students. There is a facility / convenience of
8,40,010 candidates appeared for 2nd year utilizing the lunch break of 55 minutes in
I.P.E March 2009 for General Courses out of between as study hours depending upon the
which 6,60,341 candidates are regular interest of the students and staff. The same
candidates and 1,79,669 are Private would facilitate the students and staff to
Candidates. Out of the regular candidates become refreshed and to concentrate on their
3,97,170 have passed. Of these, 1,71,973 studies in the evening/second session,
have passed in ‘A’ Grade, 1,40,610 in ‘B’ bestowing required concentration.
Grade, 66,053 in ‘C’ Grade and 18,730 have Presently, 131 Government Junior Colleges
passed in ‘D’ Grade. The overall pass were functioning in Shift System along with
percentage is 60.15%. Girls’ performance at Degree Colleges/ Polytechnics/ Schools. The
62% is better than that of boys at 58%. 51 new Government Junior Colleges and 12
Out of 1,79,669 Private candidates, 44,132 New Government Vocational Junior Colleges
candidates have passed (24.56%). sanctioned during 2008-09 and 39 newly

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 117

sanctioned Government Junior Colleges Tele-Lessons (MANA TV)/‘e-Class Room’:
during 2009-10 are also running in Shift Through MANA TV live Tele-lessons on
System. Steps are to be taken to remove the important subjects were transmitted for the
shift system and to function in General benefit of students in 540 Government Junior
timings in those colleges by providing Colleges in the state. The introduction of the
suitable accommodation. Audio Visual instruction has improved the
Redeployment of Surplus Staff: results of IPE.
From the last four years many Aided Junior Tele-lessons were also broadcasted through
Lecturers who are working without sufficient Doordarshan Saptagiri channel. It is also
workload in Private Aided Junior Colleges proposed to transmit the lessons through
have been identified. The surplus Junior Broad Band Connectivity to all Government
Lecturers in private Aided Junior Colleges Junior Colleges in the state in phased
are being redeployed to needy Government programme in addition to Doordarshan
Junior Colleges or adjusted in other Aided Saptagiri channel. Electronic class rooms
Junior Colleges to meet the requirement of were established in 501 Government Junior
classroom teaching and to reduce the burden Colleges in the state with the latest
on Government by way of Contract Faculty. technology and the content C.D.’s are
Appointment of Contract Faculty provided by B.I.E. Further, the content in
About 7,294 Junior Lecturers have been digital mode is to be developed and provided
engaged on contract basis in Government for usage in addition to the establishment of
Junior Colleges in the state during the equipment and for maintenance of
academic year 2009-10. Steps are taken to Computers, Printers, Screens, Projectors,
provide contract faculty from the date of Audio Equipment etc.
reopening to the last working day of the Academic Guidance and Monitoring Cell.
college. Academic Guidance and Monitoring Cells
Contract Faculty are being engaged in have been created in Intermediate Education
Government Junior Colleges duly following at State, Regional, District and College level
the rule of reservation at Zonal level, during from the academic year 2005-06 for effective
the academic year 2009–10. functioning and monitoring of the academic
Orders have been issued to engage Contract schedules in Junior Colleges.
lecturers at the beginning of the academic Training orientation programmes are
year in the vacant posts in Government designed in the academic and administrative
Junior Colleges and the remuneration was matters for the Principals, Sr. Assistants and
enhanced to Rs.7,500/- in Urban Areas and to Officers of the Department and also to Junior
Rs.8,500/- in Rural Areas from 2008. Lecturers of General and Vocational
The contract faculty engaged will not be Courses.
renewed automatically in successive years Special EAMCET Coaching Classes:
unless they reach the pass percentage of the 23 Government Junior Colleges have been
district average for two consecutive years in identified to give EAMCET Coaching to
the relevant subjects. Science Students beyond class room work
Recruitment of Junior Lecturers:-530 with the financial assistance from A.P. State
vacancies of Junior Lecturers have been Council of Higher Education from 2006– 07.
identified in Government Junior Colleges This programme is continued during this year
during 2007-08. Out of 530 vacancies, 510 with an intake of 4000 students for 1st and 2nd
vacancies have been filled through Andhra years.
Pradesh Public Service Commission during Supply of Text Books by T.T.D:
2008-09 and 20 vacancies are unfilled. T.T.D.,Tirupati has provided funds for
Further, 20 Un-filled vacancies and 1,100 supplying text books to all the girl students
more new vacancies have been have been (who are below poverty line and not
notified by the A.P.P.S.C., in Nov. 2008. receiving any type of scholarships) studying
in all Government Junior Colleges and Aided

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 118

Junior Colleges in the State in the name of Attached Hostel Buildings in Junior Colleges
“Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Pusthaka at 5 places were sanctioned during 2008-09
Prasadam” benefitting 92,900 Girls Students. for the benefit of Backward Class students
The Books which were printed by EFLU and and at 3 places for the benefit of Schedule
Telugu Academy and Environmental Caste and Schedule Tribe Girl students at
Education from E.M.E.S.C.O., have been Intermediate level. The construction work is
supplied to all the Government Junior in progress.
Colleges and Private Aided Junior Colleges
in the state. Vocationalisation of Education:
Establishment of New Government Junior In the National Policy of Education 1986,
Colleges Vocationalisation of Education is given high
Government have sanctioned 51 New priority. The main objectives of the scheme
Government Junior Colleges and 12 of Vocationalisation of Education are spelt
Exclusive Government Vocational Junior out in National policy on Education 1986 and
Colleges from the year 2008-09 with M.P.C., accorded priority for diversification of
B.P.C., C.E.C., and H.E.C. Further courses of study for enhancing the
Government have also accorded permission employability of students and reduction of
for starting 39 Government Junior Colleges the gap between demand and the supply of
during 2009-10 in the state. skilled man power and for reduction of the
Rural infrastructure Development Fund pressure on universities for admissions. For
(RIDF): effective implementation of the programme,
Under Rural Infrastructure Development Government of India has provided liberal
Fund, construction of buildings, toilets and financial assistance to the state during the 8th
Drinking Water facilities are being provided Five year plan period. State Government
in Government Junior Colleges in the State. have released the amounts duly converting
the plan schemes to non-plan schemes during
Under RIDF XI, an amount of Rs.43.40
10th Five year plan period
Crores was sanctioned for 388 projects, out
of which, an amount of Rs. 38.00 Crores was 290 new sections have been sanctioned
released till 2009-10. The total works are during 10th five year plan under centrally
expected to be completed by March 2010. sponsored scheme and the total cost of this
scheme is Rs.16.00 Crores. The classes have
Under NABARD RIDF –XIII, administrative
sanction was accorded approving 272 commenced from the academic year 2007-
08. Vocational Education is to be promoted
projects at a cost of Rs.58.85 crores towards
as part of national policy on Education for
construction of additional accommodation in
acquiring of skills and self-employment.
needy Government Junior Colleges located in
rural and semi urban areas and the works are
Vocational graduates are sponsored for one
under process.
year Apprenticeship Training with
Remote Interior Area Development
Hospitals /Business firms/Industry. The
selected candidates are entitled to a stipend
During the year 2008-09, administrative
of Rs. 1440/- per month during this one-year
sanction was accorded for Rs. 21.31 Crores
training period, half of which will be
under Remote Interior Area Development
reimbursed to the training Agencies by
Scheme towards construction of additional
Government of India through Board of
accommodation and toilets in 36 Government
Apprentice Training, Chennai. During
Junior Colleges located in R.I.A.D. areas.
2009-10, 4 Job Melas (Under Rajiv Udyoga
The project is proposed for completion
Sri) and 6 Apprenticeship Melas are
during the years 2008-09 and 2009-10. The
conducted and 4,108 candidates have got
construction work is under progress.
placements upto December, 2009.
Attached Hostel Buildings:

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 119

The intake capacity in vocational courses at Aided Colleges 179 1,84,505
+2 level is 80,000 and the enrolment during
2009– 10 is 68,085 in 1st year. Total 428 3,64,726
Source:Commissionerate of Collegiate
Short Term Vocational Courses Education
There are 58 short term Vocational Courses.
State Institute of Vocational Education wing Important Programmes / Initiatives
in the Commissioner of Intermediate Starting of New Courses:
Education is authorized to conduct Keeping in view the recent developments in
examinations and issue certificates for the Higher Education, the department started
short term Vocational Courses to the students introducing need based, job oriented new
from the academic year 2006-07. Nearly, courses like Biotechnology, Industrial
14,022 students are admitted in these courses Chemistry, Microbiology, Computer Science,
for 3 modules for the year 2009 in various Communicative English, Tourism,
Short-term Vocational institutions through Advertising and Sales Promotion etc., in
out the State. The State Institute of Government Colleges during the last few
Vocational Education is conducting 3 years on partial self financing basis.
months, 6 months, and 1-year duration Similarly, PG courses on self-financing basis
certificate courses for the benefit of drop outs are also sanctioned every year on the basis of
and others, like SSC failed / pass, Inter demand and facilities available. These
failed/passed through out the state. It is courses are accessible to the students
aimed at improving the employable skills and belonging to the poor and marginalized
employment i.e., both wage and self- sections. UG Restructured and PG courses
employment. started during the last two years is shown in
Table 8.7.
Table 8.7
*** UG Restructured and PG courses
Year College Section Courses
U.G. Restructured Courses
2008-09 35 58 22
8.4 The department of Collegiate Education
2009-10 18 25 15
monitors the administrative functions, Total 53 83 37
academic and quality standards in 249 P.G.Courses
Government degree coleges and 179 aided 2007-08 31 39 16
colleges. It monitors the implementation of 2008-09 10 24 18
various programmes for sustaining and Total 41 63 34
promoting the quality of education with the Source:- Commissionerate of Collegiate Education
objective to provide a purposeful education Establishment of Womens’ Hostels: To
to all particularly to students hailing from encourage women education, the department
marginalized sections of the society. The is motivating the colleges to provide hostel
department also attends the development facility to women students. UGC has
requirements of all the Government colleges. sanctioned construction of hostel buidlings in
Number of Degree Colleges and their 14 Government Degree colleges at a cost of
strength is shown in Table 8.6. Rs.10.34 crores during 2007-08 and the work
Table 8.6 is in progress.
Degree Colleges and Students, 2009-10
(Nos) Jawahar Knowledge Centres (JKCs):
Type Colleges Students Jawahar Knowledge Centre, initiated by
249 1,80,221
Government of Andhra Pradesh has evolved
Colleges to become a dynamic and student friendly
platform to equip them fulfill the job

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 120

aspirations of students in degree colleges. 3. Software Development for
JKC provides training to students in skills Results Analysis Information System
relevant to the needs of the job industry and 4. E-learning
is continuously helping them to equip for 5. Establishment of English
facing the competitive employment Language Labs
environment. 276 JKCs were established in Accreditation of Colleges by National
degree colleges and students are trained in Assessment and Accreditation Council
Communication skills, Soft skills, Analytical (NAAC): The department took several
skills and Computer skills. Students of the measures and motivated the staff and the
commerce stream undergo training in Tally students of the colleges to obtain the
Financial Accounting Package. The students accreditation from National Assessment and
trained in JKCs are shown placement Accreditation Council, which is a significant
opportunities in noted and well placed parameter for assessing the performance
companies. It is targetted to increase the quality of the college. Out of 130 Govt.
placement percentage during 2010 – 11. colleges accredited, 120 got grades at the
The achievements are shown in the Table level of B or above as on Sept.08. The
8.8. average grade achieved by the Government
Table 8.8 Colleges in the state is one of the highest at
Students Trained in JKC and Jobs Secured the country level. The grades obtained by
Aided colleges are equally good. 34
Trained in Jobs Secured
Year Government Degree Colleges in the state are
2006-07 619 354 getting ready for the re- acrreditation process
2007-08 20,787 4,193 during 2010-11. Table 8.9 shows different
2008-09 27,161 2,088 grades secured by colleges in the state.
2009-10 9,311 407
Source: Commissionerate of Collegiate Education Table 8.9
Accounting Executive Course: Apart from Grades obtained by Govt. and Aided Colleges
the above programs under JKC, a short-term (Number)
Accounting Executive Course for Commerce Grade Govt. Aided Total
Colleges Colleges
students is initiated with an objective to
A 4 23 27
provide employable and work oriented skills
B, B+ and
to students for securing employment. The B++
116 66 182
duration of the course is 240 hours spread C,C+ and
over a period of four months. Intensive 10 2 12
training will be given in Tally Financial 3 stars
0 4 4
Accounting Package, Communication skills and 4 stars
and Computer skills. A total of 5,211 Total 130 95 225
Source- Commissionerate of Collegiate Education
students in 116 Government and Private
Aided Colleges are enrolled so far. Second State Quality Assurance Cell (SQAC):
spell of enrolment is in progress. The State Quality Assurance Cell (the functional
trained students will be placed for Campus unit of SLQACC) has been established with
Recruitment drives/Job melas. the following objectives.
IT initiatives : Some of the other IT • To plan and organize activities and
initiatives taken are: programmes that help expediting the
1. Software Development for NAAC accreditation of institutions in the
College Management Information State
System • To take up quality enhancing activities
2. Application Development of • To plan and organize post accreditation
Accredited Colleges, Management activities in the institutions
Information system (networking of Keeping above objectives in view, SQAC
NAAC Accredited Colleges) organized number of workshops,

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 121

conferences, meetings, seminars etc., for Govt. Degree Colleges have started
creating quality awarness across the State. Consumer Clubs, Eco Clubs, Red Ribbon
MANA TV: Department of Collegiate Clubs and Heritage Clubs to educate the
Education is facilitating the telecast of students and society about consumer
curriculum based degree lessons of 12 awareness, AIDS awareness, protecting the
conventional and 3 restructured subjects environment and ecological balance and
through MANA TV, which supports and preservation of Heritage and cultural
supplements the normal teaching by monuments.
providing the latest information. It is a State Teacher Awards: Government gives
modern and innovative learning resource and State Teacher Awards to the meritorious
the telecast is received by 169 Govt. Colleges University and College teachers every year
in the State benefiting large sections of the commemorating the birthday of Dr.
students belonging to rural areas. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great scholar,
Innovative live programmes like the former President of India. This year, 33
Teleconferences, Telecounselling and Panel Awards to University Teachers and 36
discussions were organized through MANA awards to College teachers were presented.
TV, which generated huge enthusiasm among English Language Labs: Establishment of
teachers and students and led to several such 75 English Language Labs in Govt. Colleges
discussions in colleges. In addition to the is nearing completion. The students are
above, training programmes and certificate trained online about using the most advanced
courses were arranged live in communicative audio-visual modes of learning through
skills for presenters as well as students. computers. The software installed in these
District Resource Centres: District labs is highly beneficial to the student
Resource Centres (DRC) were established in community and its three packages viz.,
21 Districts covering all the Government Academic lab, Aptitude lab and Career lab
Colleges in the state to provide additional which help the students speak fluently and
support to the students of Govt. Degree improve their analytical and listening skills.
Colleges situated in semi urban, rural and
remote areas. The DRCs have been ***
conducting activities like sharing of teacher
expertise, labs, library, playgrounds and other TECHNICAL EDUCATION
infrastructural facilities and support services
like Computer centre, Health centre etc. Joint 8.5 Technical Education department promotes
activites like additional coaching, career Technical Education in the State with the aim
guidance, linkages, summer programmes, to help in bringing out good engineers and
competitions etc., are conducted at the technicians with profound knowledge, skill,
district level. positive work culture, improved efficiency
The department in association with and productivity. The ultimate goal is to
concerned DRCs conducted three two-day ensure effective working of our industries
awareness workshops on strengthening of and to shape our students to be competitive
District Resource Centres and enhancement in global market.
of quality in teaching learning practices at The department is responsible for
Government Degree Colleges Rajahmundry, development of Technical Education both at
Mahabubnagar and Nellore, where in Degree(Graduate Engineers) as well as
Principals and Lecturers of all Government Diploma (Technician) levels.
Degree Colleges of the respective districts The department coordinates with All India
participated. Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in
Extension Programmes: The department is processing the applications for the
working towards promoting certain establishment of Engineering Colleges,
community development programmes with Polytechnics and Institutions offering
the help of the colleges under its control. 150

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 122

Pharmacy, MCA, MBA and Architecture and improve their skills to fit into the best
enhancement of sanctioned intake in them. production centers in the country
Intake: There are 656 Engineering Colleges, • The department and the State Board of
703 MCA Colleges, 881 MBA Colleges, 278 Technical Education and Training A.P.,
B.Pharmacy Colleges and 213 Polytechnics Hyderabad arrange transmission of
functioning in the state(includes 370 MCA recorded technical lessons and live
and 224 MBA stand-alone colleges). The interaction between students and lecturers
intake of the students is 2,26,870 in through KU Band and teach students via
engineering courses, 47,595 in MCA courses, electronic classroom simultaneously
59,676 in MBA courses, 16,675 in around the State.
Pharmacy, and 63,075 in Polytechnics. • Provides facilities for Career Guidance
and counselling for the students of
Activities: Engineering Degree/Diploma institutions,
• The department encourages qualitative to enable them to plan in advance for a
Technical Education at Degree and future, after the completion of their
Diploma levels through improved respective courses.
standards set by National Board of • Encourages establishment of Industry-
Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE and Institution-Interaction Cell with the aid
NAAC of UGC. from AICTE. Thus, industry can
• Encourages upgradation of equipment participate in the development of skills of
through a scheme of Modernization and the students and staff in different
Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS) practical areas.
of AICTE. • The Department and the Board, provide
• Facilitate in establishing SONET academic improvement at Diploma level
(Society for Networking for Excellence for in-service candidates, through
in Technical Education) to provide Correspondence cum Contact Courses
interconnectivity among Engineering (CCC).
Colleges, to adopt innovative Teaching • Encourages Internal Revenue Generation
practices, Digital library, Video (IRG) throughout the State in the
conferencing etc. throughout the State, to Polytechnics, to update their skills and
benefit all Technical Institutions. SONET find out resources for institutional
today is providing latest International development.
technical journals to its member colleges
benefiting number of students. Initiatives to improve access:
• Conducts Web based admissions as per New Government Polytechnics: 33 New
the ranks secured by the candidates at 50 Government Polytechnics were started after a
EAMCET and 37 EEP Helpline centers long gap, during the academic year 2008-09.
in Andhra Pradesh. This enables the The intake in each of the new Polytechnic is
student to attend counselling at any one 120 and they are being run on shift basis in
of the above places in the State as per existing Govt. Degree/Junior colleges/High
their convenience and select college and schools. The Government accorded
course of his choice. administrative sanction for starting 16 more
• Coordinates with Board of Government Polytechnics and admissions are
Apprenticeship Training (BOAT), in progress. Including these 49 new
Ministry of Secondary and Higher Government Polytechnics, the total no. of
Education, Govt. of India and various Government Polytechnics increased to 112.
organizations/industries to provide In addition, there are 4 aided and 49 unaided
apprenticeship training to thousands of Private Polytechnics in the state. The total
Engineering Graduates and Diploma intake of the students in all these 165
holders including sandwich courses to Polytechnics is 59,770. Besides, there are 48

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 123

D.Pharmacy institutions with an intake of • e-lessons implemented from
3,305. 2008-09.
24 New Courses were started in 23 b). Faculty training and other measures
Govt.Polytechnics during 2008-09. Second o All 37 Newly promoted
shift is permitted in 27 Government, 1 Aided principals are provided training in
and 23 Private Unaided Polytechnics for the administrative skills.
first time in the state during 2008-09 and o 515 Lecturers are provided
2009-10. Polytechnic as Second shift has training in instructional Design and
been introduced in 65 Engineering colleges Development System and training will be
and admissions are in progress. provided for remaining 600 lecturers in
New Engineering Colleges: next 3 months.
• Indian Institute of o 14 Programmes were
Technology, Hyderabad at Kandi, in conducted for 455 Teaching and
Medak District was established by Govt. Ministerial staff in office Automation,
of India and admissions were taken up administrative procedures, CAD and
from the year 2008-09. An Amount of graphic design, C-programming, IT&C,
Rs.19.00 Crores was released for IIT, Satellite and Optical fibre
Hyderabad in July,08 for land Communication, Power protection in
acquisition. electrical Systems and teaching
• Birla Institute of Technology methodology during 2008-09.
and Science o All the English lecturers are
(BITS) was established in Hyderabad. trained in participatory teaching
• One engineering college each methodology
is established i.e., under Yogi Vemana o English communication labs
University at Proddatur of Kadapa have been setup in 60 Govt. Polytechnics
District, at Tirupathi,S.P.Mahila o 1126 latest computers have
Uniersity, at S.K.University and at been supplied in 61 Govt. Polytechnics
Nagarjuna University.
c). State Board of Technical Education:
Quality initiatives: Reforms:
To improve the Quality in Technical Syllabus revision to make Diploma
Education, following measures are being courses on sandwich pattern
taken: It is decided to make all Diploma Courses as
a) e-Lessons: Sandwich courses to benefit the students to
e-Lessons is a Prestigious Project of the know the needs of the industry and will
department taken up during 2008-09 provide hands on experience:
• As a teaching aid – Not self  In five semesters all the students have to
learning material study theory subjects out of 6 Semesters.
• To ensure minimum standards  During the Vth semester of the course,
in Teaching every student has to undergo compulsory
• To enable in easy Practical training of 6 Months duration in
understanding of the subject by student any one of the industry.
and improve Pass Percentage.  The Expert committee was constituted.
• 432 class rooms have been The industrialists are invited to
provided with LCD projector and participate in the workshop on syllabus
computer. revision and their advice and suggestions
• e-lessons are prepared by are invited and are taken into
Polytechnic teachers pertaining to all consideration in finalization of syllabus
subjects taught in polytechnics out of so as to prepare the student suitable to the
30,000. needs of the industry.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 124

 Syllabus last revised in 34 Courses SAPNET: Govt.of Andhra Pradesh have
during 2005-06 signed Memorandum of Understanding
 Syllabus of Diploma in Automobile (MOU) with ISRO for effective and efficient
Engineering Revised in 2008-09 utilization of satellite resource for
 Syllabus revision for 10 Diploma Transmission of Technology through MANA
Courses is almost completed and TV- e- Class room method. Live Lectures are
remaining Diploma courses is in progress being telecast in all Government
and is decided to be implemented w.e.f. Polytechnics for the benefit of Polytechnic
2009-10. students.
Other reforms like introduction of unit tests Adoption of Polytechnics by Industries:
and sessional marks, issue of Xerox copy of The Concept of Adoption of Govt.
valued answer scripts and revaluation and Polytechnic by nearby Industry is taken up to
streamlining of scheme of valuation have extend the following facilities for mutual
been implemented. benefit of the industry and the polytechnic.
d).Modernization and Removal of 1. Better Industry-Institution-Interaction
Obsolescence Scheme (MODROBS): 2. Increased employability of students
The Government Polytechnics are receiving 3. More industrial exposure by
funds from AICTE, New Delhi for arranging Industrial visits and training
procurement of Modern and sophisticated 4. Consultancy Services of faculty with
equipment for the laboratories to train the industry
polytechnic Students, during 2008-09. 5. Guest lectures by industrial Personnel
e).Technical Education Quality for the benefit of students
improvement Programme (TEQIP): 6. Training to technical staff of industry
TEQIP is an Externally Aided Project (EAP) in improving their Knowledge and
for the quality improvement programme and theoretical skill
is implemented in 11 engineering colleges 7. Better Practical Training (on hand
and 1 Govt.Polytechnic. experience) to students on sophisticated
The TEQIP-I Project with an outlay of Rs. machines in industry.
142.62 Crores commenced in 2004- 05 was Pratibha Scholarships: It was introduced in
completed on 31-3-2009. 1999 by for promoting quality and excellence
The TEQIP-II Project with an anticipated in education under which meritorious
outlay of Rs. 218.00 Crores is likely to students will be awarded Merit certificate,
commence from Jan’/April, 2010. The Memento and Scholarship. Pratibha
project is proposed to be implemented in 20 Scholarships are provided for different
engineering colleges. courses @ Rs.10,000 for Diploma
f).Other measures Courses(CEEP); Rs.17,500 for EAMCET –
• English curriculum restructured Engineering; ECET, ICET (MBA and
o introduced in all 3 years MCA); and Rs.22,500 for EAMCET -
o student workbook on EEE Medicine.
Remote and Interior Area Development
o focus on LSRW Skills
(RIAD) Scheme:
o employability skills introduced
RIAD scheme is implemented for
o Teachers Handbook prepared infrastructure development in four
• Biometric attendance introduced Government Polytechnics located in Remote
experimentally in 93 Polytechnics for areas i.e., Bhadrachalam, Kothagudem,
students and staff Srisailam and Paderu since 2008-09.
• Teaching through video conference is
experimentally started in GMR Rajiv Udyoga Sri
Polytechnic, Paderu. Department of Technical Education is
Other important Schemes of the implementing Rajiv Udyoga Sri training
Department: programmes in Polytechnics utilizing the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 125

infrastructure facilities available for the two years of education by and large
benefit of unemployed youth. The scheme correspond to intermediate syllabus and the
aims to improve the skills and their subsequent four years are meant for
employability. The No. of candidates Trained engineering education.
are 7575 and placements are shown for 4838 The pedagogy followed at RGUKT is based
out of a Target of 10000 during 2008-09 and on learning to learn and life long learning
3406 candidates are undergoing training, philosophy. All education is imparted
The programmes covered under training are through the use of Information and
House Wiring and Repair of Domestic Communication Technology. Each student is
Electrical Appliances, Computer Hardware, given a lap top.
Computer software, TV repairing, Plumbing, ***
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Two FAMILY WELFARE
wheeler servicing, Modern Surveying on
Total station, Tailoring and Embroidery, 8.6 Family Welfare Department is providing
Basic Bakery, Machine Embroidery, Zardosi maternal health care, child health care and
Work, Knitting and Fabric Painting, family welfare services to the people through
Beautician etc. 12,522 Sub-centers; 1,570 Primary Health
21st Centuary Gurukulams Centres in rural areas; 82 Post Partum Units;
21St Centuary Gurukulams are Residential 131 Urban Family Welfare Centres and 267
Technical Institutions to provide enhanced Urban Health Centres in Urban Areas.
opportunities for meritorious Rural Youth of The estimated Birth rate, Death rate and
Andhra Pradesh. Its primary purpose is to Infant Mortality Rates for the year, 2008 in
provide Remedial Education and Information the case of state are 18.4, 7.5 and 52
Technology for the most meritorious students respectively as against 22.8, 7.4 and 53 for
among the Rural Youth. The main aim of the All India (as per Sample Registration
21st century Gurukulams is to provide quality System, October, 2009). Expeted life at
candidates by imparting training to the Rural Birth,(2006-10) for Male and Female in the
Youth to International level of excellence in State are 65.4 and 69.4 as against 65.8 and
specially designed Technical Education 68.1 for All India. Maternal Mortality Ratio
Courses. Presently it is started at 6 centers. (MMR) is defined as the proportion of
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
Technologies (RGUKT): reported, which is 154 in the state as against
Government of Andhra Pradesh have 254 in All India in 2004-06 as per the Sample
established Rajiv Gandhi University of Registration System, April,09.
Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) in the A. Maternal Health Care Services:
year 2008 through Act 18 of 2008 to cater to Maternal Health Care Services are being
the educational needs of the rural youth. provided to the pregnant woman by
Three fully residential IIITs have been implementing the following schemes/
established under the RGUKT at Basar in interventions:
Adilabad District, Nuzvid in Krishna District • Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
and R.K. Valley in Kadapa District. These • FRUs strengthened with CEMONC services
institutes are meant to specialize in teaching (Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and
and research in Information Technology and Neo-natal Care)
emerging areas of Engineering and Science. • Blood Bank and Blood Storage Centres
Around 2000 students are admitted in each • 24-hours Mother and Child Health centres
IIIT in the academic year 2008-09. The • Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme
Under Graduate Programme at these IIITs A.1 Accredited Social Health Activist
leading to a B.Tech Degree is six years (ASHA):
duration. Admissions are made after the SSC This scheme was started during the year
level (Class X) on the basis of marks 2005-06 with an objective of providing the
obtained in the board examination. The first services of the health resource person very

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 126

near to the community in rural areas. It is and 48,396 deliveries are conducted during
implemented in 21,916 villages (67,561 2009-10 (upto Ocober 2009).
70,700 ASHAs(55,400 in rural areas, 10,000 A.5 Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) :
in tribal areas and 5,300 in urban areas) have This scheme was started during the year
been identified in all habitations across the 2005-06 with an objective to encourage
state through the Gram Panchayat Health pregnant women for institutional delivery in
Committees, to acts as health-resource Government/Private Institution which
persons of first resort in all maternal and contributes for the reduction of Maternal
child health services and they are in position. Mortality and Infant Mortality.
They provide services to the pregnant Under this scheme, Rs.1,000/-(Rs.700/-
woman, infants and eligible couples. under JSY (GOI) + Rs.300/- under
A.2 FRUs strengthened with CEMONC Sukhibhava scheme (State) is being paid to
services (Comprehensive Emergency rural BPL woman who undergoes
Obstetric and Neonatal Care): institutional delivery. From 1st April 2006,
This scheme was started during the year JSY has been extended to BPL urban
2005-06 with an objective of providing the families also.
services of life-saving emergency care to The number of JSY beneficiaries were
mothers and children (caesarian, neonatal 5,51,206 during 2008– 09 and 1,29,496 in
care, etc). Every CEMONC centre is 2009-10 so far.
designed to have 4 obstetricians, 1
pediatrician, 1 anesthetist, blood bank or B. Child Health Care Services:
blood storage center; and additional budget Child Health Care Services are being
for drugs and consumables per each case of provided to the Infant and Children by
delivery. 158 CEMONC Centers have been implementing the following schemes /
functioning. interventions:
A.3 Blood Bank and Blood Storage • Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Centres • Main Activities
This scheme was started during the year • Implementation of Universal
2005-06 with an objective to provide the Immunization Program
blood to the caesarian surgery cases. 20 new • Convergence
blood banks and 89 blood storage centers are • Neo-natal intensive care units
to be set up in Comprehensive Emergency
Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEMONC) B.1 Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs):
centres. All children are being vaccinated against VPD
The Indian Red Cross Society is appointed as such as Whooping Cough, Diphtheria,
the State Level Nodal Agency to set up Tetanus, Polio, TB, Measles, and Hepatitis-B.
Blood Banks and Blood Storages Centers. 10 The names of the vaccines used under
Blood Banks and 74 Blood Storage Centres immunization are - B.C.G, O.P.V., D.P.T,
are functioning. The remaining are under Hepatitis-B, Measles and TT will be given to
process. the pregnant women.
A.4 24-hours Mother and Child Health
(MCH) centre: B.2 Main Activities:
This scheme was started during the year a) Routine Immunization including Vitamin-A
1997-98 with an objective of providing round Bi-annual administration during January
the clock services for conducting normal and July of every year.
deliveries, to identify the high risk pregnancy b) Campaign – Intensified Pulse Polio
cases and to refer them to FRUs. 800 PHCs Immunization
are functioning as 24 MCH Centres. 79,984 c) Surveillance – Polio and Measles
deliveries were conducted during 2008-09 surveillance

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 127

B.3. Implementation of Universal It is proposed to establish 160 NICUs in the
Immunization Program: State (in 13 Teaching Hospitals, 23 Dist.
Following immunization activities are being Hospitals, 16 Area Hospitals and 108
implemented as Part-C under RCH-II with CEMONC centers). 14 Pediatricians are
additional inputs: positioned against 124 posts sanctioned.
1) Additional Mobility support to DIOs, 2)
Vaccine transport, 3) Cold chain repairs and It is planned to position two Staff Nurses and
maintenance, 4) Computer assistants to assist two ANMs on contract basis in each unit. So
the DIO, 5) Alternative vaccine delivery, 6) far, 161 Staff Nurses are positioned. District
Focus on slum and underserved areas in Selection Committees are requested to fill-up
urban slums, 7)Mobilization of children by the remaining vacancies and it is under
WHV. process.
In addition to the above, the following
activities are also taken up for strengthening C. Family Welfare Services:
routine immunization: Family Welfare Services are being provided
a. Conducting Village Health and Nutrition to the eligible Couples by implementing the
Day in the villages once in a month for following schemes/interventions:
providing immunization and treatment • Permanent Methods
for minor ailments. • Spacing Methods
b. Organizing immunization catch-up • MTP Services
campaigns in tribal districts as and when • Family Planning Insurance Scheme
felt necessary. • State Population Policy
c. Organizing Measles and AFP C.1: Permanent/Spacing Methods:
surveillance campaigns as per necessity. This scheme was started during the year 1952
d. By publicizing through IEC activities to with an objective to control the population
bring awareness in all sections of public growth by providing family welfare services
about the immunization particularly in to the eligible couples who want to adopt
the SC/ ST and weaker section areas, spacing or small family norm on voluntary
habitations and outreach areas. basis.

B.4. Convergence: The services of tubectomy and vasectomy

For effective implementation of Health under permanent methods and IUD, Oral
activities in the districts, Convergence Pills and Nirodh pieces under spacing
sessions are being conducted among the methods are being provided to the eligible
Health, Medical and Family Welfare, couples. The Government is providing
Women Development and Child Welfare and Family Planning Incentive towards
DRDA departments at the state, district, PHC Compensation loss of wages for female
and sub-centre level. sterilizations (BPL/SC/ST) – Rs.600/- and
Rs.250/- for APL people and male
B.5 Neonatal Intensive Care Units sterilization (BPL/SC/ST) –and Rs.1100/- for
(NICUs) : all people.
This scheme was started during the year
2006-07 with an objective to provide C.2 Medical Termination of Pregnancy
emergency neonatal care services to new Services (MTP):
born and neonates to reduce Infant mortality The objective of the scheme is to provide the
rate and to improve the quality of pediatric MTP services to the eligible couples for
care services in remote, interior, tribal areas termination of unwanted pregnancy. The
and urban areas. services are being provided at all the Govt.
hospitals in the state. The number of
beneficiaries during 2008–09 are 6,132.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 128

This scheme was started during the year 2000
C.3 Family Planning Insurance Scheme: with an objective to provide Preventive,
This scheme was started during the year 2005 Promotive and Curative Services to the
with an objective to provide insurance to people living in urban slum areas. 192 Urban
sterilization acceptors as per MOU signed Health centres are functioning in the state
with insurance company. Details of the through NGOs with State Government
scheme are shown in Table 8.10. Funds. Each urban health centre covers
15,000 population in slum area. 75 UHCs
Table 8.10 were established so far under RCH-II.
Family Planning Insurance D.1 Tribal Health Services:
Sl. Issues covered Limit of
The following additional initiatives are taken
No. indemnity
1 Death due to sterilization up to strengthen the health services in the
operation in Hospital or Rs.2,00,000 tribal areas
within 7 days from the date • 8,500 Community Health Volunteers
of discharge from the working in tribal areas are converted as
ASHAs. They are being paid
2 Death occurring due to
sterilization operation Rs.50,000 performance based incentive on par with
between 8 to 30 days from other ASHAs in addition to the
the date of discharge from honorarium being paid to them since
the hospital inception of the scheme.
3 Failure of sterilization
• Initiatives under RCH-II from
operation (payable once Rs.30,000
only) 2005-06 onwards:
4 Expenses for treatment of Actual,  Birth Waiting Homes: Tribal area birth
medical complication due to subject to waiting homes are being constructed to
sterilization operation maximum of enable women from distant and interior
(within 60 days of operation) Rs.25,000
habitations to reach the delivery care
Source: Family Welfare Department
institution a couple of days before the
expected date of delivery as to prevent
C.4 State Population Policy:
the complications of arrival in late
The State Population Policy was formulated
labour. The construction of 29 Birth
during the year 1997 with an objective to
Waiting Homes is completed and
improve the quality of services under Family
handed over so far and 9 are to be
Welfare programme. During the Family
Planning Camps, the facilities like
arrangement of Shamiyanas, Drinking Water  30 Mobile Medical Units are
Bottles, Beds, Transport, etc. are being functioning in all the tribal areas to
provided to the sterilization acceptors. provide the services at the door step of
Further, on the eve of the World Population the tribal people.
Day on 11th July of every year, an incentive
of Rs.10,000/- is being paid to 69 E. Community Involvement Activities:
sterilization acceptors at the rate 3 per district E.1.Sub-Center un-tied funds
who are being selected on lucky dip basis at The scheme was started during 2005-06. The
district level to the following categories: Objective of this scheme is to provide funds
a) Couples accepted sterilization with one at Gram Panchayat level to meet the
child requirements for maintenance of sanitation
b) Couples accepted sterilization with two and public health at village level and to
girl children improve the facilities at the sub-centre level.
c) Couples accepted vasectomy with two An amount of Rs.10,000/- is being released
children to each sub-centre per annum and this
amount will be deposited in a joint account to
D. Urban Slum Health Services : be operated by the Village Sarpanch and the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 129

The untied funds for maintenance of • The Govt. of AP initiated the scheme to
PHCs/CHCs is being given for getting minor enable the rural poor to have easy access
repairs done; to get the PHC/CHC to the hospital health care services free of
compounds clean on a regular basis; to cost in times of emergency particularly in
arrange for scientific bio-medical waste respect of maternal and neonatal / infant
disposal; to meet expenses for NRHM review health emergencies.
with MPHA (Male and Female) and ASHAs • The Emergency Management Research
and to provide referral transportation in Institute (EMRI), an NGO set up by the
exceptional situations etc. at PHC/CHC level. Satyam Foundation is identified as nodal
The amounts given for PHC/CHC is briefed agency by Government of Andhra
below. Pradesh.
E.2.Untied funds for Maintenance of • A common toll-free telephone number
PHCs: 108 is provided for 24 hours and 365
The scheme was started during 2006-07. The days for accessing ambulance services.
budget for untied funds is Rs.25,000, annual • An operational cost of Rs.1,12,499/- per
maintenance grant is Rs.50,000 and for month per ambulance is being paid by the
Hospital Development Societies (HDS) is Rs. Government.
One lakh per annum. • Every ambulance is provided with trained
E.3.Untied funds for Maintenance of technical staff.
• Total 752 Ambulances are covering the
The scheme was started during 2006-07. The
entire state of Andhra Pradesh.
budget for untied funds is Rs.50,000 and
HDS is Rs. One lakh per annum. • The average number of trips for
E.4.Village Level Health and Sanitation transporting emergency patients per day
Committees: is 8 trips per ambulance.
This scheme was started during the year • 70% of the trips are towards
2006-07 with an objectives to ensure optimal transportation of SC/ST and BPL
use of health service in the village; improve pregnant women and children below 5
participation of the village level health and years of age to the nearest FRU’s.
sanitation committees in maintaining quality • Each ambulance is covering 50 kms. per
health services and sanitation; to prevent trip approximately for both ways of
occurrence of epidemics in the villages. transport covering 400 kms per day
The Village Health and Sanitation approximately by each ambulance.
Committees are formed with Panchayat • The no. of average calls received per day
Sarpanches as chairpersons, and ward are 68,000.
members, Anganwadi Workers, ANMs, and • Total number of lives saved is 54,000 so
Women Health Volunteers as members and far (since inception).
MPHAs (M), and MPHAs (F) as member • Total number of emergencies attended
conveners. 21,916 Village Health and since August, 2005 is 34.17 lakhs.
Sanitation Committees are constituted and F.2. Health Information Helpline – (104):
amount of Rs.10,000/- is being given to each This scheme was started during the year
Village Health and Sanitation Committees 2007. It is a Public Private Partnership with
for annum under NRHM. Health Management Research Institute by
F.Public and Private Partnership Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. The objective of
Activities: the scheme is to provide Health Information
The following activities are being advice, counseling to the public on Toll free
implemented under Public and Private No.104. On average 36,000 calls are being
Partnership Activities in Andhra Pradesh. attended by HIHL.

F.1.Rural Emergency Health Special Features:

Transportation Scheme - EMRI) -108 :

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 130

It is a unique, innovative scheme being 3. Chronic ailments including National
implemented for the first time in India. An Health Programmes
individual can also utilize 108 emergency 4. Enhanced Integrated Disease
ambulance services to transport emergency Surveillance Programme
seriously ill patients through HIHL 104. 5. School Health.
Information on referral services at various Each mobile health vehicle serves one
Government Hospitals and the people can habitation in the morning from 8.00 am to
also lodge complaints on functioning of 12.00 noon while the other habitation is
Health Institutions of Govt. sector which will served from 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM for 28 days
be referred to concerned HODs for redressal in a month. At present the services are being
and further action. Information on epidemic rendered with 475 MHUs in all districts
out breaks can be passed on to Director of except Hyderabad.
Health and other HODs through 104. G. Preconception and Prenatal
Diagnostic Techniques (PCandPNDT):
F.3.Fixed Day Health Services – (104):
The Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic
The Fixed Day Health Services is a Mobile
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection)
Health Vehicle based service that provide a
Act 1994 and Rules 1996 are being
convergence of comprehensive services for
implemented in Andhra Pradesh to prevent
the identification, diagnosis, monitoring and
Female foeticide and to improve the female
treatment, record keeping and referral of high
sex ratio in the State. Under this Act - 3620
risk cases in each rural habitation to nearest
Medical Facilities (Scanning Centres) are
Government Hospital for management and
registered in Andhra Pradesh as on
31.03.2009. 10 cases are filed so far in
Each Mobile Health Unit is equipped with an
various courts for violation of PC PNDT Act.
ultrasound machine, an extended roof
The expected Level of achievements and
canopy, basic laboratory equipment to
actual achievements of family welfare
perform basic lab tests, a cold chain unit to
programme and immunization are furnished
store vaccines and blood samples and a
in the Annexure 8.11.
laptop computer to enable store and forward
technologies for improved beneficiary profile ***
tracking. The vehicle also incorporates a Rajiv Aarogyasri Health Insurance
video projection system for public health Scheme:
education. 8.7 There was a felt need in the State to provide
Fixed Day Health Service is a once-a-month financial protection to families living below
fixed day service at the rural habitations poverty line for the treatment of serious
through a Mobile Health Vehicle. These ailments such as cancer, kidney failure, heart
Mobile Health Vehicles are serving the Rural diseases etc. Available network of
Population of around 4 crores who are government hospitals do not have the
located 3 km beyond a Health Care Delivery requisite pool of specialist doctors to meet
institution such as Primary Health Centres the statewide requirement for such treatment.
(PHCs) and Community Health Centres Consequently, many such people go to
(CHCs). private hospitals and incur huge costs. In
The services are being provided through a many cases, patients died in harness unable
Mobile Health Vehicle, which physically to access medical treatment, which is beyond
visiting each habitation on a fixed day every their means. Mounting medical expenses is
month with a population of 1500 each identified as one of the causes leading to
according to pre-determined calendar with a pauperization of the farming community.
staff of six (6) Para Medics to provide the Aarogyasri Health Care Trust was therefore,
following services: set up to implement a Community Health
1. Pregnancy monitoring and care Insurance Scheme named Aarogyasri (now
2. Infant and Child health Aarogyasri-I) to begin with in three districts
of Mahabubnagar, Anantapur, Srikakulam

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 131

from 01-04-07. The scheme has since been subject to limits, in any of the network
extended to the entire State with certain hospitals. The benefit on family is on floater
modifications in a phased manner. The Trust basis i.e. the total reimbursement of Rs.1.50
also established a network of hospitals, fixed lakhs can be availed of individually or
the diagnostic and treatment protocol to keep collectively by members of the family.
the cost of administering the scheme low. • A separate fund is maintained as
Government and private hospitals fulfilling Buffer/corporate floater to take care of
minimum qualifications in terms of expenses; if it exceeds the original sum i.e.
availability of inpatient medical beds, Rs.1.50 lakhs per Individual/family. In such
laboratory equipments, operation theatres etc. cases, an amount upto Rs.50,000 per
and a track record in the treatment of individual/family is additionally provided.
specified diseases are enlisted for providing • Participating hospitals are required to be
treatment under the scheme. Premium under empanelled with selected insurance
the scheme is fully borne by the Government. company, based on pre-fixed criteria of
Salient features of the scheme: availability of infrastructure, equipment and
• Provides financial protection upto Rs. qualified personnel. Choice of hospital for
2.00 lakhs to each family in a year for treatment from among empanelled hospitals
medical treatment. All BPL ration card is given to patient. Patient facilitation is
holders (white card) are eligible for the done through a dedicated team of
benefit. Diseases covered include Heart, Aarogyamitras (health workers), 24 x 7
Cancer, Neuro Surgery, Renal, Burns and Call Center (Toll Free Number 1800-425-
Poly-trauma cases(330 major procedures). 7788) and a Help Desk at each network
• The entire operation is cashless for the hospital. Treatment is to be provided in
patient from date of reporting to hospital till hospitals as per pre-fixed medical protocols.
discharge. Free diagnostic and treatment • All Primary Health Centers (PHCs),
facility is provided for all patients, which are the first contact point, are
irrespective of surgery. Hospitals have to provided with Aarogyamitra (Health
conduct at least one free medical camp in a Workers) selected by women self-help
week, thereby taking advanced evaluation to groups to help illiterate patients.
the doorstep of patient. • The Scheme is implemented on line
• Cashless arrangement with network through an IT portal for efficiency,
hospitals is one of the key elements of the transparency and accountability. An IT
scheme, whereby beneficiary once registered company is engaged to develop and maintain
in network hospital does not have to pay at software, hardware and all data and medical
all for the entire process of treatment. This records pertaining to the scheme.
has become possible by evolving package Since the coverage of diseases under
rate, which in addition to actual cost of Aarogyasri-I was restricted, a large number
treatment includes cost of conducting health of poor patients continued to represent to
camps, screening of patients, diagnostics, provide assistance from Chief Ministers’
testing and treatment, food, transport and Relief Fund (CMRF) for treatment of other
follow-up. ailments. An assistance of Rs.425 crores was
• Insurance company undertakes the health so far provided in 1.25 lakh such cases from
insurance and provides risk cover, on CMRF in last 4 years to meet part of the
payment of premium. Selection of insurance treatment cost. This, however, did not help
company is done through a process of 30 percent of the rural poor, being unable to
competitive bidding (technical and financial) meet balance expenses. The Trust, therefore,
and quote of lowest premium. constituted 31 teams of specialist doctors
• The Scheme provides coverage for from government and private hospitals and
meeting expenses of hospitalization and analyzed all the diseases afflicting the poor
surgical procedures of beneficiary members patients, listed more than 1100 medical and
up to Rs.1.50 lakhs per family per year surgical procedures and finally basing on the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 132

criterion of being emergency and life saving requirements of BPL population.
in nature and such that specialist doctors Government hospitals treating Aarogyasri
required for treatment are in shortage in
Table 8.11
government hospitals, finalized a further list Hospitals and Beds
of 533 diseases for inclusion in Aarogyasri Type of Hospitals Hospitals Beds (No.)
scheme (named as Aarogyasri-II). (No.)
District Hospitals 17 4400
Aarogyasri-II was launched in the State on Area hospitals 58 5800
17th April, 2008 at Nellore for cashless Community Health 122 4840
treatment of these additional diseases (389 Specialty Hospitals 10 824
surgical and 144 medical) thus enable many Dispensaries 26 0
more BPL families obtain cashless treatment Total 233 15864
and lead a healthy life. Further, based on the Source:- AP Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
feedback the coverage under the scheme was patients are entitled to receive same payment
extended to another 77 new procedures, in as the private and corporate hospitals.
Obstetrics, Eye, ENT, Cardiology and in life Government hospitals have obtained
saving areas in Trauma and Critical care. It is approvals worth Rs.150 crores till date under
also extended to fund the Behind- the-Ear, the scheme. 65 percent of the revenue goes to
Analog hearing aid for hearing impaired. hospital development society and remaining
Thus, the total number of diseases covered 35 percent to the team of treating doctors and
under Aarogyasri is 942. While the front end paramedics as incentive. This system is
of both Aarogyasri – I and II schemes viz. motivating more and more government
network hospitals, Aarogyamitras, Health hospitals to participate in the scheme and
Cards etc., are one, pre-authorization and utilize the revenue earned to improve
claim settlement for Aarogyasri-I scheme is facilities to provide quality medical care and
done by the Insurance company, while for thus bring reforms in tertiary medical care.
Aarogyasri-II, it is done by the Trust directly Officials from several States and foreign
and funded from CM Relief Fund. dignitaries have visited the state and
Hospitals are now providing minimum of appreciated the efforts. The scheme is
25% beds in their hospitals. Beneficiaries are providing much needed help to poor families
allowed 48 hours time to produce Health for treatment of serious ailments, thereby
Card/White Card in case of emergencies. saving them from debt-trap. It is also
Government created revolving fund of Rs.10 bringing advanced surgical treatment within
crores to assist government hospitals to their reach and helping many an invalid
expand their capacity to treat Heamodialysis young and elderly patients to resume their
patients. It is decided to retain 20% of livelihood.
earnings by the Government Hospitals to Achievements (as on 14th January 2010)
create further fund to regularly assist these Since inception (Aarogyasri-I from 1st April,
hospitals to improve their infrastructure. 2007 and Aarogyasri-II from 17th July, 2008)
Aarogyasri scheme is unique in its 15,353 Medical camps were held by the
applicability, since no other state/ network hospitals in rural areas and 26.81
government agency has provided universal lakh patients were screened in these health
health coverage to the poor for major camps. So far, 7.2 lakh patients treated as
ailments. The entire process from the time of out-patients and 5.7 lakh patients treated as
conduct of health camps to the screening, in-patients in 340 network hospitals under
testing, treatment, follow-up and claim the scheme. 4.94 lakh patients underwent
payment is made transparent through online surgery/ therapy worth Rs.1478.56 crores.
web based processing to prevent any misuse ***
and fraud. The scheme is complimentary to
facilities available in government hospitals
and put together fully meets the medical VIDHANA PARISHAD

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 133

8.8 Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad These hospitals are provided with
(APVVP) was established in November, professional staff (Doctors, Nurses and
1986 to manage secondary level hospitals in Paramedics) and medical equipment
the State. 159 hospitals were developed depending upon their service levels and bed
under World Bank funding during 1995- strength.
2002. They are provided with new buildings, The drugs are provided to all the hospitals by
minor and major equipment. Staff was given the central drug stores under APHMHIDC as
training in skill updation to better manage the per the requirements specified by APVVP.
hospitals and provide patient care. Staff Position:
Subsequently, Primary Health Centres were 1,569 Doctors on regular basis and 427
transferred to secondary health care and now doctors on contract basis, 3,337 regular
there are 233 hospitals spread over the entire Nursing Staff and 343 Nursing Staff on
State. Details are shown in Table 8.11. contract basis, 2,161 regular paramedical
staff and 119 paramedical staff on contract
APVVP Activities: basis are working in these hospitals.
APVVP Plans, monitors, guides, supports
and evaluates both physical and financial ***
aspects in the following areas at all the
secondary hospitals that are under its control. HEALTH
• Maintenance of hospital buildings and
sanitation. 8.9 National Iodine Deficiency Disorders
• Provision, maintenance and supervision of Control Program
major and minor equipment. National Iodine Deficiency Disorders
• Provision of drugs and consumables. Control Program is 100% Centrally
• Posting, transfers, training, punishments and Sponsored Scheme. Iodine Deficiency is the
rewards for all employees. single most common cause of preventable
• Review of Hospital performance.
mental retardation and brain damage. Iodine
• Allocating funds.
Deficiency in pregnant women may cause
Hospitals Activities:
miscarriages, still birth, and birth defects.
APVVP hospitals provide the Outpatient
Children with Iodine Deficiency grow up
services, Inpatient services (including
stunted, less active and may retard with
emergency and surgical), Diagnostic services
impaired movement or hearing.
and Laboratory services. Along with the
Primary Health Centres and Teaching
hospitals (Tertiary hospitals), these hospitals • To promote awareness on Goitre and
act as a platform for implementation of Iodine Deficiency Disorder and their
various national health programs like prevention among people living in endemic
Malaria. Tuberculosis, Family Welfare, areas.
AIDS, etc. • To educate the masses to use IodizedSalt.
District Hospitals provide service with a bed • To conduct surveys to assess the magnitude
strength that ranges from 200-350 and ten of the Iodine deficiency disorders.
clinical specialities like Obstetrics and Prevention
Gynaecology, Pediatrics, General Medicine, • Daily consumption of Iodised Salt prevents
General Surgery, Orthopedics, Dental, ENT the spectrum of disorders causes due to
Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Radiology Iodine Deficiency.
and others. • The daily requirement of Iodine for adults
Area Hospitals provide service with 100 beds is 150m gms.
and four clinical specialities like Obstetrics • Iodization of salt is a low cost. Highly
and Gynecology, Pediatrics, General effective means of prevention of Iodine
Medicine and General Surgery. Deficiency Disorders.
Community Health Centres provide service Action Plan 2009-10:
with 30-50 beds and one clinical speciality.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 134

• Conducting surveys in the district assess h) Availability of toilets, their
the magnitude of IDD. numbers and sanitary status.
• Conducting awareness campaign in the i) General sanitary environment and
District to create awareness about IDD and sanitation inside the hostel.
using of Iodized salt. j) Availability of emergency drugs
• Coordinating with the civil suppliers (Many of Ashram Schools are
department to ensure supply of Iodized salt provided with some money to
through PDS. purchase drugs as well as for the
Activities and Achievements in 2009-10: honorarium to engage a doctor on
• Distributed 3,333 salt testing kits so far. part time basis.)
• 60654 Samples were tested upto the month k) Availability of mosquito
January 2010 and 22,411 samples of repellants and nets.
Iodized salts found confirmed to the l) To create awareness among the
standards. boarders of SC/ST Hostels on
School Health Programme: Preventive Measures of Vector borne
The A.P school health programme was diseases like Malaria, Chikun guniya,
started in 1985. The objectives of the Dengue, Gastroenteritis and Diarrhea
programme are: etc.
Achievements during the2009-10 are:
• Promotion of Health of the School going
children. • No of Children Enrolled: 80,39,060
• Prevention of diseases by early detection • No of Children examined: 64,77,411
and prompt treatment. • No of Children treated: 32,88,708
• Health appraisal of the pupils by the School • No of Children referred: 32,190
teachers. Performance under school health programme
• Preliminary Screening of all the pupils by is given in Annexure 8.12.
the School teachers. Tobacco Related Diseases and Control
Usage of Tobacco and tobacco products
• Quarterly medical examination by the
causes a wide range of major diseases i.e.
several types of cancer, heart diseases and
• First-Aid and treatment of minor ailments. lung diseases. It requires considerable public
Activities during 2009-10: support for prevention and control of tobacco
• Plan to send the doctor to the Hostels of use.
SC, ST students for 100% coverage of State Government have issued notifications
SC/ST Boys and Girls. on prohibition of smoking and health
• Medical officer visits the boarders once a protection Act with the following objectives.
month whereas the Para Medical Staff Objectives:
examines the children twice a month. • To promote awareness in the community
• During the visits, special attention will be by enlightening the public about the ill
paid to the following aspects in addition to effects of tobacco products.
the routine examination. • To create awareness among teenagers
a) Personal Hygiene of the Boarders. about the ill effects of using tobacco
b) Status of Protected water supply. products.
c) Conduct of Mid day meals • Educate public about prevention and
programme. control of deadly diseases caused by the
d) Quantity and Quality of food. usages of tobacco products like cancer of
e) Place of Preparation of food and mouth, throat, lung, urinary bladder etc.
that of distribution. Action Plan:
f) Conductions of Vessels and other
• Intensification of Information, Education
and Communication (IEC) activities to
g) Protection of food from flies and
other insects.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 135

create awareness on tobacco related was launched in 1958 with encouraging
diseases in the community. results in its implementation. The modified
• Educate the community not to smoke and plan of operation stabilized malaria incidence
not to use tobacco products. around 2 million cases annually, since 1977.
• 4,284 cases were booked against the Enhanced Malaria Control Project was
violators on smoking in public places and introduced in 1997, aided by World Bank,
penalty also collected. covering the tribal areas of 10 districts in the
Diabetic Care and Control Program: State. The problem is mostly concentrated in
Government have taken up the Diabetic care 105 Primary Health Centers in Tribal areas of
and control program with the following the State and the project is extended to 128
objectives. PHCs including tribal and non-tribal areas.
The program has been changed to NVBDCP
• Early detection of the diabetic in the in the year 2004. NVBDCP deals with
community Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Suspected
• One day of every month is free for the Viral Encephalitis, Dengue, Chikungunya,
diabetic tests in all PHC’s Filaria and Kala azar under an umbrella
• To create awareness of the diabetes and its program.
effects. Objectives:
• Encouraging public to get diabetic tests 1. Prevention of deaths due to vector
done periodically. borne diseases.
• Extending treatment for positive cases and 2. Reduction of morbidity.
making them self monitoring, if necessary, Strategies Adopted:
referring them to referral hospital. o Early Diagnosis and Prompt Treatment of
Action Plan: all vector borne disease cases by weekly/
• To organize Health and other departments fortnightly surveillance, through Para
and NGO’s at PHC level/ District level to Medical Staff.
create awareness on Diabetes. o Integrated Vector Control Measures by
• To conduct screening camps for Diabetics adopting insecticidal spray operations,
at every PHC on a day in a week/month. personal prophylactic measures like bed
• To supply the required drugs and nets usage, biological control measures
equipment to PHC’s/Districts for control of with Gambusia fish release and source
diabetes. reduction methods.
National Vector Borne Diseases Control o Capacity building by conducting induction
Program (NVBDCP) and re-orientation level trainings to in-
Table 8.12
service staff and other voluntary
Vector Borne Diseases organizations useful to the program.
2008 2009 o Intersectoral co-ordination between other
Cases Deaths departments and the medical and health
s services.
Malaria 26,424 0 23,369 3 o Health education through Information.
Dengue 313 2 1,190 11 Education and Communication (IEC) to
Confirmed 5 0 117 0 create awareness among the public
Chikungunya regarding the diseases and its prevention
J.E. 16 0 34 0 and control.
Source: Health Department Details on Vector borne diseases are shown
Malaria has been a major scourge in India in Table 8.12.
contributing 17 Million cases and 0.8 Million TB Control Program
deaths every year, prior to the launching of The Revised National TB Control Program
National Malaria Control Program in 1953. (RNTCP) was launched in the year 1995 with
The National Malaria Eradication Program DFID aid. GFATM is aiding the program
from November, 2005.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 136

The first two districts to start RNTCP in the • Refractive errors detection – School Eye
state are Hyderabad and Medak in the year Screening – Distribution of Free Spectacles
1995-96. RNTCP coverage of AP has been - Special Report on Blind Schools.
completed in a phased manner by February • Eye Donation and Strengthening of Eye
Table 8.15
School Children Eye Screening (Nos.) • Early detection of Glaucoma and Diabetic
2009-10 Retinopathy
Annual Achievem
(upto Sep.09)
Annual Achieveme
• Newly initiated Tele-Ophthalmology by
Target ent Target nt REH-Visakhapatnam to Paderu and
11,000 10,828 11,000 3,427 Yelamanchili.
School • DFID –Tribal Eye Care Project by
Children APRTSS in all ITDA areas.
Screened 9..52 13.92 15.00 7..52
(in lakh Objectives:
Nos.) 1. To provide high quality of Eye care to the
affected population.
detected 66,667 69,111 90,000 34,368 2. To expand coverage of Eye care services
with Reff.
Errors Table 8.13
Free Performance of RNTCP
Glasses 20,000 33,118 27,000 7,384
distributed Total case
Source:- Health Department
2004. There are 177 TB Units and 918
DMCs (Designated Microscopy Center) and
80,000 DOT (Directly Observed Treatment)
centers in the State under the Program. New smear
Objectives e Cure rate
Year detecti expected
• To achieve 90% sputum conversion rate on (85%)
and 85% cure rate among new sputum achieve
positive TB cases registered. d
• To detect 70% of the estimated new
sputum-positive cases after achieving first
objective.The performance of RNTCP is
shown in Table 8.13.

National Program for Control of Blindness 2004 105835 44669 84%

National Program for control of Blindness 2005 108679 44097 84%
was started in 1976 aiming to reduce the 2006 107051 44867 84%
prevalence of Blindness from 1.4% to 0.3%. 2007 111292 49085 85%
2008 114624 49759 86%
Disease Control: 2009
86521 37972 87%
• Free Cataract Surgeries, both in (3rd qtr)
Source: - Health Department
Government and NGO sector.
to the under-served areas.
Cataract Operations conducted during 2008-
09 and 2009-10 are shown in Table 8.14.
Table 8.14
Cataract Operations
Year Target Achievement % on
The target and achievement of School
Target Children Eye Screen during the years 2008-
2008-09 5,50,000 5,82,318 105.9 09 and 2009-10 are shown in Table 8.15.
2009-10 5,50,000 2,95,955 107.62
Source:- InfrastructureNYS0702
Department 137
State Health Education Bureau sexual partners, high prevalence of sexually
The State Health Education Bureau (SHEB) transmitted illnesses, low condom use with
is functioning with the divisions viz., non-regular sexual partners, large migrant
Administrative wing, Training, Student population, and large network of national
Health Education, Media, Educational, Field highways, trafficking of girls and most
Study and demonstration centre and State importantly awareness not resulting in
health museum. behavioural change.
Important activities under SHEB include - As per the latest HIV Sentinel Surveillance,
Preparation of IEC material in Telugu on all 2007, Andhra Pradesh is one of the high
the National Health Programs, Providing prevalent States in the Country in terms of
Technical guidance for Traditional Media, HIV prevalence among the adult population.
and conducting Orientation Training The estimated adult population living with
programs to Para Medical trainees at State HIV/AIDS is 5.4 lakhs. The trend of HIV
Health Museum. prevalence among various groups involved in
the sentinel surveillance is presented in Table
*** 8.16.
Table 8.16
8.10 A.P. State AIDS Control Society was Risk Group 2005 2006 2007
registered in September, 1998 for HIV/AIDS Antenatal
2.00 1.51
(Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus women 1.00
/Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) STD patients 22.8 24.0 17.2
Female Sex
programs. HIV/AIDS has been a constant Workers (FSWs)
12.8 8.8
threat to the country and in particular to the Men-sex-Men
State, as Andhra Pradesh is one of the six 6.5 10.25
(MSMs) 17.24
high AIDS prevalent states in India Source: - AP State Aids Control Society
(Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Mode of Transmission: Out of total HIV
Manipur and Nagaland). Among these six positive cases in 2009-10, (April to
states, Andhra Pradesh is one with the November, 2009) of about 54,000 people,
highest prevalence rates of 2% among 93.9% were due to hetero-sexual followed by
attendees of Ante Natal Clinics and 22.8% 4.4% parent to child, 0.49% infected syringes
among STD clinic attendees in the year 2005 and needles, 0.31% blood and blood products
posing a great challenge for prevention and and 0.9 % non-specified/ unknown reasons.
control of this infection. However, with
Policy Initiatives: The National AIDS
sustained efforts, during the last two years,
Control Programme- Phase III (2007-12) has
the prevalence rate has come down, and as
commenced on 6th July 2007, to take forward
per reports of the year 2008, it is 1% among
the initiatives on HIV/AIDS control
attendees of Anti Natal Clinics. HIV still
programme in the country.
remains a matter of concern among people
In accordance with the goal of NACP – III,
having high-risk behaviour. In order to
the State of Andhra Pradesh aims to reverse
augment the efforts to prevent the further
the epidemic by aiming to reduce new
spread of HIV/AIDS, Government have
infections, as estimated in the first year of the
initiated several measures, focusing not only
program, by sixty percent in the State by
prevention, but also providing services for
testing, treatment, care and support to the
This is aimed to be achieved by introducing
people infected with HIV/AIDS.
focused prevention interventions by
Out of all the infections, 93.49% was through
implementing community-led structural
sexual transmission and 92% are in the
interventions for key population groups, by
reproductive age group of 15-49 years
motivating and enabling community
(Reports by Voluntary Counseling and
ownership of the HIV/AIDS Programme and
Testing Centres). The reasons for such high
translating awareness and knowledge into
prevalence of HIV were high non-regular

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 138

behaviour change with adoption of safe treatment. While the AASHA Campaigns
practices at an individual level. generated awareness with people’s
participation in the HIV/AIDS awareness,
Strategy for High-risk Population:
‘Be Bold’ campaign resulted in massive
The prime strategy of targeted interventions
uptake of services. The BSS 2006, indicated
for high risk population is to achieve
that, more than 90% of people have become
saturated coverage among key population
aware of HIV/AIDS as a result of awareness
groups like female sex workers (FSW), male
campaigns, where as the number of people
sex workers (MSW) and men who have sex
got tested for HIV to know their services has
with men (MSM) and transgender (TG). The
increased from 6 lakh per annum from 2006
program will also address the needs of the
to more than one million in 2008. It is
bridge population groups (clients/partners of
estimated that, during 2009-10, more than
the key population, like truckers, prison
two million people would get tested
inmates and migrants). Under Targeted
voluntarily to know their HIV status in the
Interventions, 88% of the Key populations
state. The number of people accessing ART
are covered with programs taken up by
services and services in CCCs has also
APSACS and partners like BMGF. At
increased to 60,000 in each area.
present, there are 41 FSW, 7 MSM, 5 IDU
“Mee Nestam” Campaign: Continuing
interventions by SACS for High Risk Groups
these efforts and in view of the scaling up of
covering 40% of these populations and the
services like 677 ICTCs, mobile ICTCs, 95
partners are covering the rest 60% HRGs. In
CCCs, 30 ART centres, etc., the ‘Mee
addition, 12 interventions for migrants and 7
Nestam’ campaign is launched as an
interventions for truckers have also been
overarching campaign primarily to fight
started to saturate the coverage of all key
stigma and discrimination and encourage the
populations. It is estimated that, at present
health care providers to offer services in a
two lakh persons of the High Risk Groups
friendly and congenial atmosphere.
are being covered with these interventions.
This is in tune with the strategic program
The mapping of the High Risk Groups has
implementation approach and aimed at
commenced to estimate the correct picture of
enhancing the participation and ownership
these groups.
among service providers and the recipients
Prevention of new infections in general
by launching a brand name and
programmatic medium. ‘Mee Nestam’
Prevention among general population is
campaign, is thus, much different from a
aimed to be achieved by scaling up
routine IEC campaign launched to bring in
interventions to increase awareness, bring
greater awareness about the intervention
about community ownership leading to
available in the community and also to de-
adoption of safe behaviour. This would be
stigmatize the community.
through effective communication,
All the service providers are branded as ‘Mee
community mobilization, advocacy and
Nestam’ with badges and all the new
sensitization. Partnerships with not-for-
initiatives of APSACS like the Mobile
profits and NGOs will also be a crucial
ICTCs, IEC programs were branded as Mee
component of the program.
Nestam giving all the activities of APSACS a
generic and unified spirit. The campaign thus
Information Education and
strategically helped in establishing linkages
Communication (IEC):
between various services of APSACS.
APSACS has taken up intensive campaigns An interactive tele-in program is started on
like AASHA and Be Bold in the past which Rainbow FM channel called ‘Mee Nestam’
were aimed creating 100% awareness on on every Thursday broadcast from 6.00 p.m.
HIV/AIDS and encourage people to access on HIV/AIDS. This program is scaled up and
the services provided for HIV/AIDS now on AIR across the state. Similar
counseling, testing, care, support and programs are aired through private FM

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 139

Channels – Radio Mirchi and Big FM the state. 100 more STD clinics are started
focusing on youth and adolescents. during the year 2008-09. Counselors are
“AASHAVANI” a bi-monthly news placed in the Govt. STD Clinics in the state.
magazine is published highlighting the Color Coded Drugs were introduced for
activities of APSACS which disseminates Syndromic Case Management of STD cases
information to all the stakeholders in the in the state.
state. Aiming to reach the un-reached Antiretroviral Treatment: More than
populations, four ‘Mee Nestam’ mobile 60,000 AIDS patients are being provided
Information, Education and Communication with the Anti Retroviral Therapy medicines
Vans were started to create awareness among free of cost in 31 ART Centres in the state. In
tribal populations and remote areas. addition to 14 link ART Centres, it is
Adolescence Education Program on proposed to start 26 more Link ART Centres
HIV/AIDS in schools and colleges for to increase the access to ART medicines in
students of 9th class and above was held rural areas to AIDS patients. 2nd line of ART
successfully covering all the schools and medicines are also started on a pilot basis in
40% of colleges. Hyderabad for the first time in the state.
Care and Support Centres: The number of
Integrated Counseling and Testing community care centres to provide treatment
Centres (ICTCs): To encourage voluntary to People Living with HIV/AIDS has been
counseling and testing to know their status, increased to 95 and more than 60,000
so that services to stop further infections can patients have accessed the services during the
be stepped up, 677 ICTCs, 8 mobile ICTCs, year 2009-10 so far.
80 Facility Integrated ICTC in 24 hour
PHC’s, 80 Private sector health facilities PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS)
under PPP which offer ICTCandPPTCT Network: Under Greater Involvement of
services have been established. Efforts are People Living with HIV/AIDS, a new wave
being made to increase the number of mobile has been created in the state to involve more
ICTCs, Facility Integrated ICTCs and ICTCs PLHAs to participate in all HIV/AIDS
under Public Private Partnership. All these initiatives in the State. So far, around 80,000
ICTCs are supported with counselors, lab PLHAs have been motivated to become
technicians, test kits and consumables etc. Of members of this network to work towards
the 677 ICTCs, 266 located in PHCs and reducing stigma and discrimination.
CHC level are managed by Nurse Mainstreaming: Under mainstreaming
Practitioners who provide counseling, testing efforts, a new program called “Abhaya” has
and conduct deliveries for HIV+ve women. been started in association with Andhra
The remaining ICTCs are manned by Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation to
counselors and LTs. provide HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and
Blood Safety: To ensure the availability of treatment services to the RTC employees and
safe blood, voluntary blood collection has their families. Similarly, “Raksha”
also increased to 2,15,000 units during 2009- programme was started in Prisons with HIV
10(April to November 09) which is 71% of testing centres in 7 Prison Hospitals and 25
the total blood collection in the state during counselors in prisons. During 2009-10, more
this year. 208 licensed blood banks are than 40,000 persons were reached with
working in the state where steps are taken to messages and 120 Prisoners have been
provide tested safe blood for HIV. 66 Blood identified with HIV infection so far. To train
Storage centres were also started and 25 60,000 Anganwadi Workers on HIV/AIDS
Blood banks are provided with Blood and engage them in the prevention of mother
Component Separation units. to child transmission, ‘Jagruti’ programme
Early STI (Sexually Transmitted has been started in association with Women
Infection) Detection and Treatment: There and Child Development Department.
are 85 STD clinics functioning at present in

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 140

District Project Management: Under a new Women and Children in 3 to 4 Mandals in
initiative, “District AIDS Prevention Control the Project area assisted by 5 to 8
Units” (DAPCUs) were established in all the Supervisors depending on number of AWCs
districts for convergence with NRHM and sanctioned in the Project. At each Village
decentralizing the programme one or more AWCs are functioning.
implementation and all the posts in DAPCUs Programmes and Schemes:
were filled as sanctioned by the Govt. Institutions:
Identity cards and Pensions to People The Department is running 93 Institutions for
Living with HIV/AIDS: Children and 35 Institutions for Women to
“SAHARA” Identity cards for the patients cater to the needs of Children and Women in
receiving the Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) difficult circumstances.
medicines are provided, which would help
them to access the benefits provided by the Women Institutions:
Govt. like concessions for travel, priority in Service Homes:
housing schemes and pensions etc., without Five Service Homes are functioning in the
any stigma or discrimination. More than state at Kannapuram (West Godavari District),
24,000 persons receiving the ART medicines Nellore, Anantapur, Warangal and Hyderabad.
are issued with the SAHARA Identity cards At present, there are 354 inmates as against
so far. the sanctioned strength of 730. These Homes
Pensions to the AIDS patients receiving are meant for rehabilitation of socially and
ART have been announced by the economically deprived categories of Women
Government @ Rs.200/- per month for in the age group of 18-35 years. The inmates
Below Poverty Line families along with are provided necessary training for skill
Health Insurance Cards/White Ration Cards upgradation in various trades and condensed
on par with other social welfare pensions. courses for appearing in 7th and 10th Class.
It is envisioned that, by the end of the year Food, shelter, clothing and medical care is
2010, there will be increased access to provided in the Home.
voluntary HIV testing, STD treatment, State Homes:
condom usage, treatment for opportunistic Four State Homes are functioning in the state
infections and availability of ART medicines, at Srikakulam, Rajahmundry, Mahabubnagar
besides reduction of stigma and and Hyderabad with 152 inmates as against
discrimination. the sanctioned strength of 375. These Homes
*** are meant for Women discharged from
correctional Institutions and Women who are
unable to protect themselves. Food, shelter
CHILD WELFARE and clothing are provided besides imparting
8.11 The activities of Women Development and training in various trades for self-
Child Welfare Department can be broadly employment, wage employment / job
classified into three Categories. employment.
• Management of the Institutions for the Rescue Home:
welfare of Women and Children in need. One Rescue Home is functioning in
• Implementation of the ICDS Programme Hyderabad with 24 inmates as against the
universalized throughout the state with sanctioned strength of 30. Women who are
385 ICDS Projects covering all Mandals. rescued by the Police and are facing trial in
• To take care of the Social, Legal and the court are given shelter during the trial
Empowerment issues relating to Women period. They are provided shelter, food,
and Children. clothing, medical and training in skill
In each erstwhile Block, one ICDS Project is development.
functioning, headed by CDPO. The CDPO is Homes for Aged:
in-charge of implementation of all ICDS There are two Homes functioning in the State
Services, Social and Empowerment issues at Hyderabad and Chittoor with 51 inmates at

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 141

present, against the sanctioned strength of introduced in Children Homes viz.,
60(30 each). These Homes provide peaceful Computer Training / Sports Yoga / special
and comfortable living for the Old destitute coaching for 6th to 10th Classes/ Bul Buls and
Women of above 60 years of age with food, guides, training in creative arts etc.
shelter and clothing. Up to 2007-08, the Diet charges are provided
to child @ of Rs.338/- per month upto 7th
Homes for Collegiate Girls: class and @ Rs.412/- per month per boarder
There are 6 Homes functioning in the State at from 8th to 10th class. The Diet charges have
Vizianagaram, Tanuku, Guntur, Tirupati, been enhanced on par with Social Welfare
Warangal and Hyderabad with 228 inmates at Department in June, 2008 @ Rs.475/- per
present, as against the sanctioned strength of child upto 7th class and @ Rs.535/- per month
250. Inmates of Children Homes who passed per child for students from 8th to 10th class.
10th Class and in 15-25 years age group are Sishuvihar/Sisugruhas: In the
admitted in these Homes to pursue higher Sishuvihars and Sisugruhas, abandoned
studies and they are allowed to stay for a infants and orphans below six years of age
maximum period of 5 years. are admitted. The Children of Sishuvihar are
being given for legal adoption to Childless
Working Women's Hostels: couples. There are two Sishuvihars in the
16 Hostels are functioning in the State with State. One at Hyderabad and the other at
977 inmates at present, as against the Chittoor. The sanctioned strength of each
sanctioned strength of 890. These Hostels Sishuvihar is 30. The Sishuvihar, Hyderabad
provide food, shelter and security to the is accommodating more than 150 Children at
Middle Class working Women. Those who a time irrespective of sanctioned strength.
earn monthly income of less than Rs.5,000/- The present strength in Sisuvihar Chittoor is
are eligible for admission in Class ‘A’ cities 15. During 2009(upto Nov.), 217 Children
and Rs.4,500/- are eligible for admission in are given for adoption for Childless couple.
other cities and towns. The inmates
contribute mess charges and other
administrative expenditure i.e., water and The Department of Women and Child
electricity. Development, Government of India have
Smt. Durgabai Women's Technical formulated schemes for the development of
Training Institute: Women and Children for improving their
The institute is located at Ameerpet, overall quality of life. The schemes are
Hyderabad. The institute provides Diploma implemented through NGO’s, Corporations
courses in Civil, Architecture, Computer and etc. The details of schemes, for which
Electronics, instrumentation courses. The financial assistance is given by Women and
students are selected by the Director of Child Welfare Department, Government of
Technical Education through the Common India are:
Entrance Test. Sanctioned strength in Civil Short Stay Homes for Women and Girls:
and Architecture Courses is 60 each and in The Home provides counseling and
Computer and Electronics and guidance, medical and psychiatric check-up
Instrumentation Courses is 40 each. and treatment, development of skills and
Children Institutions: rehabilitation to women and girls in moral
Children Homes: danger, family discord, emotional
There are 81 Children Homes functioning in disturbances etc. The total Short Stay Homes
the State. The sanctioned strength of each in the state are 40.The sanctioned strength of
Home is 60. As against the total sanctioned each Home is 30.
strength of 5,330, there are 5,054 children Swadhar Shelter Homes for Women in
admitted. difficult circumstances:
For overall improvement of Children’s
knowledge, certain innovative schemes were

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 142

The Scheme for Women in difficult The A.P. Foods (Govt. under taking)
circumstances aims at covering primary prepares and distributes the food in 222
needs of shelter, food, clothing, care besides ICDS Projects.
emotional support, counseling and a package The Modified Therapeutic Food is being
for rehabilitation and reintegration supplied to the age group of 6 months to 3
specifically for the women and girls rescued years children. Modified Therapeutic Food
from trafficking. containing Roasted Wheat Flour, Sugar, Full
The Home strength is ranging from 50 - 200 Fat Soya Flour, Vanaspathi and Fortified
beneficiaries. 32 Swadhar Shelter Homes are with Vitamins, Minerals. 110 grams of food
sanctioned. Out of that, 31 Homes are run by is being given to children as Take Home
NGO’S and 1 Home is under the control of Ration and it contains 490 K.Cal and 14
Women Development and Child Welfare, grams of protein and Double ration is being
Hyderabad. provided to malnourished children.
Integrated Child Development Services
Hot Cooked Food:
The ICDS Scheme is a centrally sponsored Instant hot food mixes i.e., Upma mix, Halwa
scheme and is the single largest integrated Mix and Kichidi Mix is being provided to the
programme of child development. It was ICDS beneficiaries to the age group of 3 to 6
started in 1975-76 in 2 Blocks of the State on years children and Pregnant and Lactating
a pilot basis. The concept of Universalisation mothers.
of ICDS with quality and the revised norms
of AWCS / ICDS in April, 2007 increased Local Food Model:
the spread of ICDS. The details are shown in Local Food Model is implemented in 159
Table 8.17. ICDS Projects with a view to enhance the
Table 8.17
Services provided by ICDS Scheme
ICDS Projects
• Supplementary Nutrition to 6 months to 6 Total No.
years aged children, Pregnant and Perio of Urban Rural Tribal Mini
Lactating Mothers. d Projects AWC
/ AWCs
• Immunization to Children and Women. Projects
• Health check-ups to Children and Up to 363 34 300 29
Women. 2005
• Referral services to Children and AWCs
66,101 5,798 55,765 4,538 4,211
Women. Projects
• Nutrition and Health Education to By 385 56 300 29
Mothers and Adolescent Girls. 2008 AWCs
• Non-formal Pre-School Education to 3-6 73,944 7,021 61,880 5,043 6,479
years Children. Source: Women Development and Child Welfare
me: Dept.
Supplementary Nutrition Programme is being community ownership of the SNP and also to
implemented in 385 ICDS Projects covering improve the quality and acceptability of SNP
73,944 Anganwadi Centers. At present the by the beneficiaries. Hot Pongal, Broken
coverage of beneficiaries under SNP Wheat Kichidi, and Snack Food with
component is 76 (average by saturation) for required calories of Protein are provided.
1,000 population. Government of A.P. have Community Managed SNP:
accorded permission to incur the expenditure The Community Managed SNP has been
on SNP under ICDS Scheme as per GOI started to enhance the target community
revised norms. ownership of the SNP component of
ICDS in collaboration of CARE A.P. in 4
Modified Therapeutic Food: ICDS Projects in 2002 i.e., Siricilla,
Vemulawada, Kunavaram and Tirupati.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 143

Mothers committees prepare food and supply are supplied to all the Anganwadi
to the A.W Centers. They are supplying Centres every year at a cost of Rs.600
Jowar Mix containing Jowar, Groundnuts, per AWC as per GOI norms.
Roasted Chenna and Sugar. To make pre-school more effective
orientation training programmes are
Nutrition Progamme for Adolescent Girls
conducted and trained all 2,200
Under National Nutrition Mission, assistance
Supervisors, 400 CDPOs, 23 PDs and
is provided to nutritionally backward
6 RDDs on implementation of
districts. The programme is being
curriculum at AWCs. Arranged demo
implemented in two districts of Adilabad and
classes and involved 60 AWTCs and
Mahabubnagar in the State. Selection of
4 MLTCs Instructors to make the
beneficiaries will be done in grama -Sabhas
orientation session more effective.
on the basis of weight monitoring on
20.10 lakh Children are attending
quarterly basis.
Pre-school Education activities in
Each undernourished Adolescent Girl below
Anganwadi Centres.
35 Kgs weight would be provided 6 kgs rice
per month. If any beneficiary crosses the
cutoff point, they will be out of this Objectives of the Scheme:-
programme. • To eliminate prejudice against the girl
The beneficiaries covered under the scheme child through direct investment from the
for the year 2008-09 is 2,20,843 in Adilabad Government.
and 2,32,716 in Mahabubnagar district. • To encourage enrolment of the girl child
Early Childhood Care and in school and to ensure her education at
Education (ECCE): least up to the Intermediate level.
The main objective of this • To encourage girls to get married only
programme is to cater to the needs of after the age of 18 years (which is the
the development of children in the prescribed statutory limit).
age group of 3-6 years. Pre-school • To reduce school drop out rate among the
education aims at ensuring holistic girls.
development of the children and to • To encourage parents to adopt family
provide learning environment to planning norms with two girl children.
children which is conducive for
• To provide social and financial
promotion of social, emotional,
empowerment to the girl child.
cognitive and aesthetic development
of the child. • Eliminate all forms of discrimination
The Pre-school activities strengthen against the girl child.
the child to get ready for primary • Eliminate negative cultural attitudes and
school education with required skills practices against girls.
to performance better candidate for • Promote and protect the rights of the girl
school entry and also better child and increase awareness of her needs
performance for regular attendance in and potential.
school. It aims at improving school • Eliminate discrimination against girls in
enrolment and school retention in education and provide skill development
rural areas, relieve the older sibling and training.
mostly girls from the burden of child • Eliminate discrimination against girls in
care and enable her to attend school health and nutrition.
and to prepare the children to adjust • Strengthen the role of the family in
to formal school going. improving the status of the girl child.
The Pre-school material like story Salient Features:
cards, charts, indoor and outdoor play 1. Families having undergone Family
material, color concept, puzzles, Planning operation with annual
school readiness kit, Activity kits etc

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 144

income below Rs.20,000/- per annum for naturally not be eligible for education
Rural areas and Rs.24,000/- per annum scholarships.
for Urban areas and having single girl 4. Therefore, all destitutes orphans and
child from 0-3 years of age will be differently abled girls born after May
given first priority. Among these 2005 shall also necessarily be enrolled in
categories, preference shall be given to a school and continue up to, XII class to
the victims of atrocities of trafficking and be eligible for the benefit under GCPS.
prostitution. These shall apply to all girl children
2. Second priority will be for families including Orphans, destitute and Disabled
having two-girl children out of which girls. In case of abandoned orphan children,
the age of the second girl child should not the head of the institutions based on a
be more than 3 years. medical certificate shall ensure the birth
3. The age of the child on the date of registration is completed. In case the caste is
application shall be the criterion unknown, the caste of all such children shall
for determining the eligibility of the child be recorded as “Casteless”.
for the benefit under the Scheme. Special Dispensation for Disabled Girls
1. Differently abled girls will include
a) In case of single girl child she is mentally challenged girls as per the
entitled to receive Rs.1.00 lakh after criteria of disability as prescribed by the
completion of 20 years of age. Government from time to time.
b) In case of two girl children, both of 2. All such disabled girls who have not
them are entitled to receive Rs.30,000/- crossed 18 years of age as on MAY, 2008
each after completion of 20 years of will be eligible for the benefits under
age. GCPS. The benefit of “Jana Sree Bhima
4. The girl child is entitled to receive Yojana” and “Siksha Sahyog Yojana”
Rs.1200/- per annum as scholarship from Scheme as per eligibility will be
9th to 12th class as a benefit under the applicable as per guidelines of existing
scheme. GCPS.
5. Risk coverage for life insurance of the girl 3. The condition of formal education is
child will commence from the age of 3 relaxable in respect of Disabled girls,
years. who are born before May 2005. Those
Special Dispensation for Orphans and girls who do not pursue education beyond
Destitutes: 8th class will naturally not be eligible for
1. ‘Orphan’ defines a girl child not having Education Scholarships.
both parents. Destitute will mean girl 4. Therefore, all differently abled born
child from a BPL Family not having after May 2005 shall necessarily have to
either of the parents or trafficked girls be enrolled in a school and continued
etc., forsaken by their family/parents. upto XII class to be eligible for the
2. All such destitutes or orphans who have benefit under GCPS.
not crossed 18 years as on May 2008 will
be eligible for the benefits under Girl Relaxation of Education, Income and Girl
Child Protection Scheme. The benefit of Sibling Conditions For Severely Disabled
“Jana Shree Bhima Yojana” and “Shiksha Girls:
Sahyog Yojana” as per eligibility will be
applicable as per guidelines of existing 1. Those who pursue education after 8th
Girl Child Protection Scheme. class will be eligible for the scholarships
3. The condition of formal education will be under Shiksha Sahyog Yojana as
relaxed in respect of orphans, destitutes prescribed under Girl Child Protection
and differently abled girls, who are born Scheme.
before May, 2005. Those girls who do 2. Those girls whose disability is more than
not pursue education beyond 8th class will 80% shall accordingly be eligible for the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 145

benefits under Girl Child Protection • 2 Counsellors, 2 Home-Guards and One
Scheme provided the income of their DEO Sanctioned for each district.
Parents / Guardian from all sources does Initiatives Under Anti-Trafficking
not exceed Rs.1.00 lakh per annum. This • 34 Swadhar Homes are sanctioned by
is a special dispensation only to severely GOI to ensure rehabilitation of
differently abled girls. VOCSETs (Victims of Commercial
3. In respect of severely Disabled Girls Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking )
(more than 80% disability) the condition • 842 VOCSETs are provided vocational
of the Girl Child being either single or trainings in various trades along with job
two girls alone shall not apply. A Girl placements, 799 VOCSETs are reunited
with one or two male siblings will also be with their families and 84 VOCSETs are
eligible for the benefit of Girl Child re-married and mainstreamed to society.
Protection Scheme. • 35,012 Balika Mandals have been formed
4. Separate guidelines issued on the mode of to create awareness on Anti-Trafficking
payments of maturity amount of issues and 31,465 Community Vigilant
Rs.30,000/- / Rs.1.00 lakh to the girls Groups have been formed to prevent
/girls child as case may be, on attaining trafficking of women and children at
the age of 20 by the Government in village level.
consultation with CEO, IKP (Self help
groups) etc., Construction of AWC Buildings
• 14,668 AWC Buildings are so far
These relaxation / special dispensation may constructed with State funds in the last 10
be extended to orphans / destitutes differently years (20% of the total AWCs) with
abled girls as specified supra, subject to all World Bank Assistance and 15% General
other conditions being continued at present. Funds of Zilla Parishads.
Additional conditions for eligibility under • 1,976 AWC Buildings are sanctioned
GCPS for all girls w.e.f., June 2008. with an outlay of Rs.56.32 Crores under
1. All girl children born after June, 2008 NABARD during 2007-2008.
shall have to register their Birth under • 2,500 AWC Buildings sanctioned with an
RBD (Registration of Birth and Death), outlay Rs.100.00 Crores during 2009-
Act. 2010.
2. All girl children born after June, 2008 • 4,530 Buildings are sanctioned under
should complete the immunization as Backward Region grant fund with an
per schedule. outlay of Rs.129.00 Crores during 2007-
Details of Girl Child Protection Scheme are 2008. The work is in progress.
shown in Table 8.18.
Table 8.18
Domestic Violence Act 2005 and Rules Girl Child Protection Scheme
2006 (Central Act No.43 of 2005) No. of Beneficiaries under GCPS
Initiatives by the Andhra Pradesh
Year Single Girl Two Girl Total
The Protection of Women from Domestic 2005-06 5217 36838 42055
Violence, Act – 2005 and Rules 2006 has 2006-07 7421 78506 85927
come into effect from 25th October, 2006.
2007-08 7205 89283 96488
• 104 Protection Officers Appointed.
2008-09 2484 28610 31094
• 77 Shelter Homes identified. 2009-
• 72 Service Providers Registered. 10(upto 3799 43793 47592
• 4,117 Cases Booked and DIRs Filed. 11/09)
• 410 Interim Orders and 813 Final Orders Total 26126 277030 303156
Pronounced. Source: Women Development and Child Welfare

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 146

• 81 Model Anganwadi Buildings are taken Indoor Games – one Fish Pond and Fishes
up by the Department during 2009-2010. (3 Sets of Fishes for Alphabets in Local
Language i.e., Telugu, English and
Initiatives: numbers from 1-10) and second flash
To reach Millennium Development Goals, a cards on Alphabets and numbers are
State Plan of Action for children “Ensuring supplied to all AWCs
child well – being 2007 – 2010 is prepared.
 Imparted Master Trainers
The objectives set for reducing the IMR,
Training to 132 functionaries i.e.,
CMR and MMR are:
Supervisors, AWWs and Instructors of
1. Universalisation of Integrated Child
Training Centers for 16 days through
Development Services through out the
‘SODHANA’ – Charitable Trust,
Vizianagaram during 2008-2009.
2. Ensure 100% Cholostrum feeding within
1 hr.  Introduced award of Pre-school
3. Ensure 100% awareness on best infant Certificates to all children with effect from
and young child feeding practices. 2009.
4. Ensure management of neonatal and  Proposal to appoint local tribal
childhood illnesses. girls as Supervisors providing 1 year
5. Universalizing Immunization to all diploma training in home science college is
children < 2 yrs. under active consideration
6. Improving the nutrition status of pregnant  Proposal to introduce to self
and nursing mothers and young girls. Appraisal and accreditation of AWCs and
7. Improving the standards of Growth Sectors is under finalization for being
Monitoring according to new WHO introduced as a pilot project
growth standards. Monitoring System
1. ICDS Services taken up through 1. Five Protocols developed to
Campaign Mode to reach the un reached improve delivery of services:
and Vulnerable communities (Nov. 08 to • Fixed Nutrition and Health Day.
Dec.09). • Prioritized home visits.
2. Intensive training on Infant and Young • Supportive supervisory visit.
Child feeding Practices and early • Structured sector meeting.
childhood education and creating • Commodity supply chain
awareness to family members. management.
3. Attempts to improve monitoring and 2. Grading Anganwadi Centers basing on
accountability through accreditation and their capabilities and thereby identify
technical support. their training needs.
Pre-School Education 3. For immediate access to information and
 A.P. is the only State to have analysis of data GMIS Monitoring is
developed and launched an activity based introduced in Hyderabad District and
Pre-school curriculum to promote holistic proposed to scale up to 4 districts.
development in children.
 Organized (4) days refresher DISABLED WELFARE
training in AWTCs and MLTCs for AWW, 8.12 As per the ‘Persons with Disability
AWH and Supervisors totalling to 84,137 (equal opportunities, protection of rights and
during 2008 - 2009 and upto October, full participation) Act, 1995’, disability
2009. means - the persons with blindness, low
 Pre-school kit containing vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment,
Kanjeera (Daphli), Story Books, locomotor disability, mental retardation and
Conversational Charts, Sequential Cards, mental illness. As per 2001 Census, the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 147

disabled population in Andhra Pradesh is amount for supply of one set of bedding
13,64,991. material is increased from Rs.120/- p.a. to
An independent Corporation in 1981 and a Rs.300/- p.a. Additional toilets and
separate department in the year 1983 were bathrooms are provided in Hostels.
established to look after the welfare of  Enhanced the amount of marriage
disabled in the state. The department is incentive award from Rs.3,000 to
working towards implementation of Persons Rs.10,000 for the marriages between
with Disabilities Act, 1995 and National differently abled persons and normal
Trust Act, 1999 and ensures multi-sectoral persons.
coordination with various Government  Extended the benefits like pensions,
departments for Prevention, Early scholarships, IAY houses, economic
identification and detection, Education, support schemes etc., to the disabled
Employment, Rehabilitation, Mainstreaming, persons.
Networking and monitoring of Government  Direct loans are being sanctioned to
of India grant-in-aid projects of NGOs. severely challenged students studying
Category wise Disabled Population in post graduate and professional courses to
Andhra Pradesh is as shown in Table 8.19. purchase motorized vehicles,
sophisticated prosthetic aids etc.
Table 8.19
Category wise Disabled Population (2001 Census)
 Enhanced the Post-matric scholarships,
Category Population Percentage re-imbursement of tuition fees and
(Nos.Lakhs) special fees to disabled students on par
Visually Impaired 5.82 42.60 with scheduled castes students from the
Mentally Retarded 1.55 11.37 year 2008-09.
Orthopaedically 4.16 30.47  Enhanced the annual income ceiling of
Speech Impaired 1.39 10.18 the parents from Rs.12,000 to
Hearing Impaired 0.73 5.38 Rs.1,00,000 for the educational schemes
Total 13.65 100.00 implemented by the department.
Source:-Disabled Welfare Department  Laptops are being provided to visually
challenged students which will be an
Achievements assistive device for promoting access to
 Government have enhanced the Diet quality education and enhancing their
charges to the inmates and boarders professional skills.
staying in hostels, homes, residential
Programmes Implemented:
schools and attached hostels of training-
cum-production centre for disabled
• Maintenance of 40 hostels and 3
persons from Rs.338/- p.m. to Rs.473/-
homes with a sanctioned strength of
p.m. for boarders up to 7th class and from
Rs.412/- p.m. to Rs.535/- p.m. for
• 11 Residential Schools (6 for Hearing
boarders from 8th to Intermediate from
Impaired and 5 for Visually Impaired)
the academic year, 2008-09.
with a sanctioned strength of 1850.
 The cosmetic charges given to hostel • 2 Residential Junior Colleges, one for
boarders are also increased from Rs.20/- hearing impaired and another for visually
to Rs.50/- for boys/men and from Rs.25/- impaired with a sanctioned strength of 60
to Rs.75/- for girls/women. The stitching each.
charges are increased from Rs.20/- per • 7 KGBV schools for disabled girls.
pair to Rs.40/- per pair. Hair cut charges
• A training Centre to train the teachers
are increased from Rs.5/- to Rs.12/-.
of visually impaired persons is
 The number of uniforms supplied is established and functioning in
increased from 2 to 4 pairs per annum per Hyderabad.
boarder from the year 2008-09. The

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 148

• Tuition fee reimbursement to the Braille Press:
students studying Post metric courses. The Corporation prints and supplies the
• Sanction of 2,852 pre-matric braille books to school going visually
scholarships and 399 post-matric disabled students from 1st Class to 10th Class.
scholarships to the students up to Dec,09. Training:
• Sanction of 700 scholarships to Imparting training to disabled persons in
Mentally Retarted Students up to Dec,09 I.T.I. and Non-I.T.I. trades in the Training-
as against the annual target of 2055. cum-Production Centers (TCPCs) established
in 11 districts in the State.
Social Security ***
• Sanctioned subsidy @ Rs.3000/-
each to 1,695 disabled persons under BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE
economic rehabilitation scheme up to 8.13 Backward Classes population falls under
Dec,09 as against the annual target of 135 communities pursuing traditional
6600 beneficiaries. activities such as cattle and sheep rearing,
• Sanctioned Incentive Awards for toddy tapping, earth works, fishing, weaving,
marriages between disabled and normal goldsmith, blacksmith, brass smith,
persons for 295 persons @ Rs.10,000/- carpentry, stone carving, laundry, pottery, oil
• Sanction of Petrol subsidy to the pressing, basketry, hair dressing, tailoring
disabled persons who are having and dyeing etc.
motorized vehicles. Hostels: Hostels have been opened for
A.P.Vikalangula Cooperative Corporation providing free boarding and lodging to
The Corporation has taken up the following enable B.C. students to pursue their Pre-
rehabilitation programmes. Matric studies. Rs.475/- per month for III to
1. Supply of Prosthetic Aids and Mobility VII class boarders, and Rs.535/- per month
Aids. for VIII to X class boarders is being paid
2. Supply of educational aids to individuals towards diet charges per boarder, besides
and institutions. cosmetics at the rate of Rs.50/- per month for
3. Facilities to impart training in various boys and Rs.55/- per month for girls up to
technical and non-technical trades. class VII and Rs.75/- per month for Girls
4. Organizing employment generation from class VIII to X class. Boarders are also
production units with assured market for supplied Note Books and four pairs of
products. dresses every year. At present, there are
5. Creating awareness among parents for 1,422 Govt. B.C. hostels (1,102 hostels for
early detection and stipulation and boys and 320 hostels for girls) including 14
treatment of various disabilities. hostels for De-notified and Nomadic Tribes.
The following schemes are being A total strength of 1,73,086 boarders were
implemented by the A.P.Vikalangula admitted in the B.C. hostels during 2008-09
Cooperative Corporation. and 1,78,969 have been admitted during
Rehabilitation and supply of Prosthetic 2009-10. All these hostels have a
aids: combination of 76% Backward Classes, 10%
The A.P.Vikalangula Cooperative Scheduled Castes, 5% Scheduled Tribes, 3%
Corporation is supplying aids and appliances Minorities and 6% other castes for the
like tricycles, wheel chairs, calipers, purpose of Social Integration. Out of 1,422
crutches, artificial limbs etc. to the needy hostels, 802 hostels are located in
disabled persons. Government buildings. Out of the remaining
Sound Library: hostels, 135 buildings are under construction
Tape Recorders and cassettes with lessons under Matching Grant Programme and under
recorded for intermediate and above classes Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide a
are supplied to visually disabled students to clean and healthy atmosphere to the boarders
pursue their studies.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 149

of hostels. Still, 485 buildings are to be and 4,16,673 students were sanctioned during
constructed. 2009-10 upto December 2009. Similarly,
Results of X Class Students in B.C. Welfare 10,03,118 students have been sanctioned
Hostels is shown in the Table 8.20. Reimbursement of Tuition Fee during the
Table 8.20 year 2008-09 and 1,67,591 students were
Results of X Class Students sanctioned Reimbursement of Tuition Fee
in B.C. Welfare Hostels
during the year 2009-10 upto December
Year Results in Hostels State Average
(%) (%) 2009.
2005 77.67 72.41 College Girls Hostels
2006 77.75 73.16 To encourage the BC Girls to pursue higher
2007 78.36 71.65 education, 300 new BC college girls hostels
2008 83.32 75.47 are opened @ one in each Assembly
2009 85.46 78.83 constituency in the State with a sanctioned
Source: Backward Classes Welfare Department
strength of 100 boarders per hostel during the
Residential Schools: 44 B.C. Residential
year 2008-09.
Schools (28 for Boys and 16 for Girls) with a
Out of 323 (23 BC Girls Hostels were
total strength of 14,792 students are
permitted to be converted as College Girls
functioning in the state. Results of X Class
Hostels during the year 2005-06, but only 15
Students in Residential Schools is shown in
were converted and 300 newly sanctioned
the Table 8.21.
College Girls Hostels during 2008-09), 265
Table 8.21
Results of X Class Students hostels have been started upto December
in B.C. Welfare Residential Schools 2009 with an admitted strength of 11,137.
Year Results in Res. State Average
Schools (%) (%)
AP Study Circles for BCs
2005 98.93 72.41 There are 8 BC Study Circles functioning in
2006 99.60 73.16 the State to provide free coaching facilities to
2007 99.54 71.65 eligible BC unemployed graduates and Post
2008 99.24 75.47 graduates, who are appearing for various
2009 99.60 78.83 competitive examinations like Civil Services,
Source:Backward Classes Welfare Department
State Group-I, Group-II and other
examinations and also Government have
Post-Matric Scholarships and sanctioned 7 new study circles. From the
Reimbursement of Tuition Fee year 2007-08, new courses in the BPO sector
Post Matric Scholarships and Reimbursement have been started in the AP Study Circles.
of Tuition fee and Spl. Fee to all eligible BC Training in medical transcription and
Students are sanctioned on par with Social Computer animation skills have been started
Welfare Dept., for category “A” students in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Anantapur
from the year 2008-09. The income limit of Study circles for 60 students in each course
Parents/Guardians of BC Students for getting and also industrial automation course has
scholarships and other educational benefits been started for B.E., B.Tech., and Diploma
has been revised. The present ceiling of holders at Hyderabad. 4,886 students have
Rs.33,500/- per annum for getting been benefited during the year 2008-09 and
scholarships in non professional courses and 2892 students were benefited during the year
the ceiling of Rs.44,500/- per annum for 2009-10 upto December 2009. It is also
obtaining scholarships in Professional proposed to give training in GATE and CAT
courses has been enhanced to Rs.1,00,000/- for BC Engineering students to obtain better
per annum for both professional and non grades.
professional courses. Further, the scholarship
rates have been enhanced on par with Social A.P.Backward Classes Cooperative
Welfare and Tribal Welfare Departments. Finance Corporation
9,77,536 students were sanctioned Post The A.P.Backward Classes Cooperative
Matric Scholarships during the year 2008-09 Finance Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad was

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 150

established in the year 1974 for the economic assistance of Rs.432.15 lakhs as against
upliftment of the Backward Classes in the budget allocation of Rs.500.00 lakhs.
state. The Corporation is implementing the Andhra Pradesh Washermen Co-Op.
following schemes. Societies Federation
1. Margin Money The A.P. Washermen Co-op. Societies
2. Rajiv Abhyudaya Yojana Federation Ltd., Hyderabad was established
Margin Money (2009-10): in the year 1982 for the economic upliftment
Margin Money Programme is aimed at of Washermen in the State. The Federation
providing financial assistance to the B.C. implements the following schemes:
beneficiaries in the activities under 1. Construction of Dhobighats,
Agriculture and Allied Sectors, Small 2. Financial Assistance Scheme.
Business and Industry, Service and Transport Construction of Dhobighats:
Sectors. The scheme was implemented upto The unit cost of each Dhobighat is enhanced
the year 2007-08 with 20% Margin Money from Rs.1.25 lakhs to Rs.2.00 lakhs in the
from Corporation, 70% Bank Loan and 10% year 2008-09. 90% of the cost is sanctioned
Beneficiary Contribution. as subsidy by the Federation and the
From the year 2008-09 onwards, the funding remaining 10% is contributed by the
pattern of the scheme has been revised with beneficiaries. In case, the cost exceeds
subsidy component from Corporation. The Rs.2.00 lakhs the balance needs to be borne
funding pattern of the restructured scheme is by the respective local body.
as follows. Govt. have provided an amount of
1. Subsidy of 50% unit cost not exceeding Rs.2057.50 lakhs for construction of
Rs.30,000/- per beneficiary. Dhobighats, since the formation of the
2. 10% of the unit cost as beneficiary Federation i.e., 1982. About 2,970
contribution. Dhobighats have been taken up for
3. 40% or balance unit cost as Bank Loan. construction with an amount of Rs.2046.67
4. The benefit of the scheme of “Pavala lakhs. So far, 2,560 Dhobighats have been
Vaddi” as applicable to the Women Self completed and the work in 412 Dhobighats
Help Groups shall be extended to the are in progress.
bank loan component of the units
grounded under this scheme. During 2009-10, an amount of Rs.50.00
lakhs is allocated for taking up 25 new
During the year 2009-10 (upto November,
2009), 1953 units have been sanctioned
covering 2249 beneficiaries with financial Financial Assistance Scheme:
assistance of Rs.231.39 lakhs. Medium term loans are sanctioned to the
Rajiv Abhyudaya Yojana (2009-10): eligible Primary Washermen Co-operative
Rajiv Abhyudaya Yojana scheme launched Societies ranging from Rs.2,000/- to
during the year 2005-06 is aimed at Rs.5, 000/- per member at a simple interest
providing financial assistance to the of 5% repayable in 36 equal monthly
B.C.Artisans/ B.C.Occupational Groups in installments. From 1982-83 to 2009-10, 2281
urban areas. The scheme is being Primary Washermen Co-op. Societies,
implemented for a period of five years from consisting of 1,62,200 Rajakas have been
2005-06 to 2009-10. affiliated to this Federation.
The scheme was implemented upto 2007-08 1,199 Primary Washermen Cooperative
with the funding pattern of 20% as Term Societies, consisting of 62,015 beneficiaries
Loan by the Corporation, 70% by the have been sanctioned medium term loans
Commercial Banks and 10% as Beneficiary with an amount of Rs.729.40 lakhs.
Contribution. During the year 2008-09, a new Economic
During the year 2009-10 (upto November, Support scheme called the “Financial
2009), 2,653 units have been sanctioned Assistance Scheme” has been introduced by
covering 4,069 beneficiaries with financial way of Subsidy with bank credit linkup

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 151

instead of Medium Term loans. The unit cost The Andhra Pradesh Vaddera Cooperative
fixed is Rs.1.50 lakhs for a group of 15 Societies Federation Ltd., was established in
members with (50%)subsidy Rs.75,000/-, the year 2006. The main object of the
(40%) bank loan Rs. 60,000/- and (10%) Federation is to implement various schemes
beneficiary contribution Rs.15,000/- for economic upliftment of poor Vaddera
An amount of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for Community. 2,086 primary vaddera societies
2009-10 for implementation of Financial are registered and affiliated to the Federation.
Assistance scheme. So far, Rs.12.50 lakhs Since inception, 68 societies have been
released to 17 Primary Washermen extended financial assistance under the
Cooperative Societies to cover 250 Rajaka scheme.
beneficiaries. During the year 2008-09, ‘Financial
Andhra Pradesh Nayee Brahmins Co- Assistance Scheme’ was introduced for
Operative Societies Federation extending economic support to members of
The Andhra Pradesh Nayee Brahmin registered primary co-operative societies.
Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd., was The scheme contains subsidy with bank
established in the year 1989 for economic up credit linkage with an unit cost of Rs.1.50
liftment of Nayee Brahmins and the lakhs for a 15 member primary society with
following schemes are implemented by the (50%)subsidy Rs.75,000/-, (40%) bank loan
Federation for their upliftment. Rs. 60,000/- and (10%) beneficiary
Financial Assistance. contribution Rs.15,000/-.
Medium term loans are sanctioned to the During the year 2009-10, an amount of
eligible Primary Nayee Brahmins Rs.13.50 lakhs was spent by way of release
Cooperative Societies ranging from Rs. of subsidy to 18 societies covering 270
2,500/- to Rs. 5,000/- per member at a simple vaddera beneficiaries.
interest of 5% repayable in 36 equal monthly ***
From 1989-90 to 2009-10, 1732 Primary SOCIAL WELFARE
Nayee Brahmins Cooperative Societies have 8.14 The Scheduled Caste Population in the
been affiliated to this Federation. 701 state has increased from 105.92 1akhs in
Primary Nayee Brahmins Cooperative 1991 to123.39 lakhs in 2001 registering a
Societies consisting of 34,778 beneficiaries growth of 16.50 percent. As per the Census
have been sanctioned Medium Term Loans 2001, the Scheduled Castes population forms
with an amount of Rs. 437.84 Lakhs. 16.19 per percent of the total population of
During the year 2008-09, ‘Financial Andhra Pradesh. More than 82% of the
Assistance Scheme’ was introduced by way Scheduled Castes are living in rural areas.
of Subsidy with bank credit linkup instead of Sex Ratio among the Scheduled Castes is
Medium Term Loans in the federation with a 981, which is higher than the State average of
unit cost of Rs.1.50 lakhs for a group of 15- 978. The percentage of SC population in
member society with (50%)subsidy rural areas has declined from 88.9 percent in
Rs.75,000/-, (40%) bank loan Rs. 60,000/- 1961 to 82.8 per cent in 2001. The literacy
and (10%) beneficiary contribution rate among SCs was 53.52 in 2001, lower
Rs.15,000/- . than the All India percent of 54.69.
An amount of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs is provided The principal objectives of Social Welfare
for 2009-10 for implementation of Financial Department are Educational Advancement,
Assistance scheme. So far, Rs. 12.75 Lakhs Socio-Economic Development, Welfare and
is released to 17 Primary Nayee Brahmins Protection of Scheduled Castes.
Cooperative Societies to cover 271 Nayee
Brahmin beneficiaries. Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan (SCSP):
Andhra Pradesh Vaddera Cooperative Under the Special Component Plan for SCs,
Societies Federation it has been imperative for all the Government
departments to earmark 16.2 % of their Plan

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 152

Outlay i.e. in proportion to the SC population Samkshema Bata: An innovative exercise
in the State, exclusively for the development was taken up, in which the Hon’ble Ministers
of SCs. and MLAs personally visit Social welfare
The Nodal Agency under the Chairmanship hostels to list out the repairs to be taken up in
of Hon’ble Minister (SW) and the Apex the hostels. For repairs of Government
Committee under the Chairmanship of Hostel Buildings and to provide
Hon’ble Chief Minister review the infrastructure facilities an amount of Rs.50
allocations and expenditure under SCSP crores was provided, i.e, Rs.35 crores for
during the year. repairs and Rs.15 crores for construction of
The SCSP outlay for 2009-10 is Rs. 5,243.17 new toilets and bathrooms for hostel boarders
crores, and the expenditure under SCSP @ of 1:10 boarders. 1910 works have been
during 2009-10(upto December,09) is Rs. takenup and out of which, 1457 have been
1708.69 Crores indicating an achievement of completed and remaining works are in
32.59%. progress.
Table 8.22
Educational Programs: Ananda Nilayams
Hostels: During 2009-10, there are 2,358
hostels (Boys 1,691 and Girls 667) in the Year Institut Boys Girls Total
State with an intake of 2.48 lakhs. ions
Government have enhanced the mess charges 2005-06 79 4061 3189 7250
2006-07 79 3475 3180 6655
in Govt. Hostels from Rs.338/- p.m. to 2007-08 79 3709 3236 6945
Rs.475/- p.m. for boarders up to 7th class and 2008-09 79 4100 3263 7363
from Rs.412/- p.m. to Rs.535/- p.m. for 2009-10 79 3962 3275 7237
boarders from 8th to 10th class from the Source: Social Welfare Department
academic year, 2008-09. The cosmetic Ananda Nilayams: At present, there are 79
charges given to hostel boarders are also Ananda Nilayams functioning in the State. 50
increased from Rs.22/- to Rs.50/- for boys percent of the seats in Ananda Nilayams are
and from Rs.40/- to Rs.75/- for girls. The filled up with orphan students and the
stitching charges are increased from Rs.20/- remaining 50 percent with the children
per pair to Rs. 40/- per pair. Hair cut whose parents are engaged in unclean
charges are increased from Rs.5/- to Rs.12/-. occupations. The inmates in these Ananda
The number of dresses supplied is increased Nilayams are provided all facilities on par
from 2 to 4 dresses per annum per boarder with the boarders in Social Welfare hostels.
from the year 2008-09. Further, medical The details of Ananda Nilayams are shown in
insurance is also being provided to the hostel Table 8.22.
boarders covering accidental death cases
Results: There has been considerable
improvement in the results of 10th class in
Table 8.23
SSC Results of Students in SW Hostels Social Welfare Hostels. During March 2009,
Year Appe Passed % of % of 24,482 students appeared for SSC
ared hostel State examinations and 20,518 students passed in
results Average the State. The overall pass percentage is
2003 13919 10530 75.65 75.00 83.81 as against the State average of 78.83.
2004 16294 13853 85.02 80.55
During the year 2009-10, 3,684 S.C. boarders
2005 19299 14478 75.02 72.41
2006 23742 18101 76.24 73.16 who obtained good marks in SSC were
2007 22250 17286 77.69 71.36 admitted in reputed Junior Colleges like
2008 22072 17728 80.31 75.31 Narayana, Chaitanya, etc. SSC results of
2009 24482 20518 83.81 78.83 students in Social welfare hostels are shown
Source: Social Welfare Department in Table 8.23.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 153

Colleges Hostels: Prior to 2009-10, there The allocation of house-sites among various
were 152 Scheduled Caste College Hostels sections of population is as follows:
(71 for Boys and 81 for Girls) functioning Scheduled Castes - 40%
with an intake of 100 students for each Scheduled Tribes - 10%
hostel. 21,182 students are admitted in the Backward Classes - 30%
hostels during 2009-10. Government is Minorities - 10%
providing electricity charges, house rent, Other Economically poor - 10%
water charges and scholarships. The students During 2009-10, an amount of Rs.60.00
themselves are maintaining the mess through crores was allotted. Under INDlRAMMA
mess committees. Government have programme 1st phase 4,09,433 house sites
sanctioned 400 college hostels i.e., 200 for were provided. Similarly, 4,66,681 house
boys and 200 for girls during 2009-10. sites were distributed upto September 2009
Post-Matric Scholarships: Residential and under INDIRAMMA 2nd phase and 2,40,506
Non-Residential scholarships are being house sites have been distributed so far under
awarded to all eligible Post-Matric students INDIRAMMA Programme 3rd Phase.
belonging to the Scheduled Castes. This
scholarship amount includes maintenance Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes
charges for the students and non-refundable Cooperative Finance Corporation
fee payable to the institution, expenses on Ltd:
study tours and typing charges of thesis etc. A.P. Scheduled Castes Cooperative Finance
The existing income ceilings for the award of Corporation Ltd., was established in the year
Post-Matric scholarships is Rs.1.00 lakh per 1974.
annum from the year 2008-09. SC Research Objectives:
scholars in M.Phil course will get a • To plan, promote and take up Economic
fellowship of Rs.500/- per month and Assistance programs in the fields of
Rs.1,000/- per annum towards contingent Agriculture Development, Animal
expenditure on data collection, etc. The Husbandry, Marketing, Processing, Supply
Scheduled Caste Research Scholars in Ph.D. and Storage of Agriculture Products, Small
Course would be sanctioned a sum of Scale Industry, Cottage Industry, Trade,
Rs.600/- per month towards maintenance and Business or any other activity which enables
Rs.1,500/- per annum towards contingencies. the members of Scheduled Castes to earn for
During 2009-10 an amount of Rs. 600.62 a better living and helps them to improve
Crores is provided to cover six lakh SC their standard of living.
students. From the year 2008-09, applications • To undertake programs of employment
for scholarships and sanction of scholarships oriented Cottage and Small Scale Industries
were made ‘online’ to ensure that etc., by providing technical know-how,
scholarships reach the students by the 1st of managerial assistance and financial
every month and also to ensure transparency assistance, which may be required to achieve
by keeping all the information in the public the above objectives, including necessary
domain. financial guarantee to its members.
Distribution of House Sites: The income During 2008-09, an amount of Rs. 376.57
ceiling for allotment of house sites to weaker Crores was incurred as expenditure towards
section families, free of cost, is Rs.11,000/- financial assistance for the benefit of 2,54,357
per annum. Each family is eligible for Scheduled Caste beneficiaries.
allotment of an extent of 3 cents of wetland During 2009-10, an amount of Rs. 129.07
or 5 cents of dry land or 60 sq. yards per Crores was incurred as expenditure towards
family in urban areas towards house sites. In financial assistance for the benefit of 1,12,451
the acquisition program, land is also allotted S.C beneficiaries as on 30-11-2009.
for common purposes like internal roads, Investments:
schools and community halls etc. The Corporation, since inception i.e., from 1974
upto 2008-09, has grounded various economic

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 154

support programmes benefiting 46,08,197 beneficiaries has been waived and made
Scheduled Caste families with an outlay of Rs. them free from corporation loans.
3,614.60 Crores. The Corporation has adopted • The subsidy component has been enhanced
model schemes to serve as incentives to the to Rs.30,000/- from Rs. 10,000/- or 50% of
prospective Scheduled Caste beneficiaries. The the unit cost whichever is less.
District Societies have, however, been allowed • Special Rehabilitation Scheme for
to take up any new scheme which is viable and Scheduled Caste released Prisoners is being
feasible. During the year 2009-10, an amount of implemented.
Rs. 13 Crores is allocated by GoI and Rs. 14.99 • Pavala Vaddi is made applicable to promote
crores allocated by Government of A.P towards prompt repayment of Bank Loans.
Share Capital. • The per capita investment which was Rs.
Government of Andhra Pradesh announced 730/- during 1974-75, has gradually been
Waiver of loan with interest upto Rs. 1.00 lakh increased upto Rs. 18,000/- in recent years.
per beneficiary and all welfare Corporations It is expected to reach upto Rs. 50,000/- in
shall as facilitators to obtain institutional finance the Action Plan of 2009-10 with a view to
duly providing Rs. 30,000/- or 50% of the attain sustainable income to poor SC
scheme cost whichever is less as subsidy. beneficiaries.
Accordingly, A.P.S.C. Cooperative Finance
Corporation has adopted the new pattern of Rs.
30,000/- or 50% of the scheme cost as subsidy TRIBAL WELFARE
from SCA provided by Government of India and 8.15 The tribal population of Andhra Pradesh
other subsidies provided by State Government. according to 2001 Census is 50.24 lakhs
Special Central Assistance (SCA): constituting about 6.59% of the total
Special Central Assistance provided by population of the State. The Scheduled areas
Government of India is being utilized for extend over 31,485.34 sq. Kms, which is
providing subsidy and for non-recurring items about 11% of total area of the State with
like making the schemes given to the target 5,938 villages distributed in Srikakulam,
groups really bankable and effective and to Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East
provide infrastructure to meet backward and Godavari, West Godavari, Khammam,
forward linkages at district level. During 2009- Warangal, Adilabad and Mahabubnagar
10, an amount of Rs.45 crores is allocated under Districts. There are no scheduled areas in the
SCA to Special Component Plan. other districts. There are 35 ST communities
Economic Support Program: living in the State. Of the 50.24 lakhs tribal
Many of the SC families have been assigned population, 30.47 lakhs are found in the
agriculture lands but the income derived from above mentioned 9 districts. The remaining
such land is very meagre. It is therefore, essential tribal population of 19.77 lakhs is distributed
to provide irrigation facilities to these lands to in the other districts.
enable the assignees to reap maximum benefit. Tribal development did not get translated
Emphasis is made to cover these lands by into a definite program of action till the 4th
providing irrigation facilities, land development, Five Year Plan period until the socio-
horticulture and minor irrigation etc., in the economic development of STs was accepted
Action Plan for 2009-10. as a general goal. The concept of tribal sub-
plan strategy was evolved after a detailed
Initiatives: comprehensive review of the tribal problem
• Government issued orders in July, 2009 to was taken during 5th Five Year Plan. For
waive Margin Money, NSFDC and implementation of the strategy, Integrated
NSKFDC loans with interest of less than Rs. Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs) were
One lakh for Scheduled Caste loanees, who conceived. During 6th Five Year Plan,
availed these loans and outstanding as on 29- Modified Area Development Approach
02-2008. An amount of Rs.1176.82 crores of (MADA) was adopted to cover smaller areas
loans of 17,80,842 Scheduled Caste of tribal concentration and for still smaller

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 155

areas the cluster approach was adopted. Now, purchasing minor forest produce with
there are 41 MADA Pockets and 17 Clusters. monopoly rights in 38 items.
During 7th Five Year Plan, the programs
were extended to Dispersed Tribal Groups A.P. Scheduled Tribe Co-Operative
(DTGs) also. By the end of 9th Five Year Finance Corporation (TRICOR):
Plan, the Program priorities of Tribal Welfare The A.P. Scheduled Tribe Co-operative
Department are provision of incentives to Finance Corporation (TRICOR) is providing
students by way of free boarding and lodging margin money needed for the tribals to draw
for hostellers and package of incentives like institutional finance for the economic
supply of text books, note books, dresses etc. development programs.
For the first time, 82 Primary Health Centers Tribal Welfare Engineering Wing:
were sanctioned during 2004 exclusively for Tribal Welfare Engineering wing is looking
tribal areas to improve access to primary after construction of Ashram Schools,
health care. All efforts are being made to Hostels, Residential Schools/ITIs/
ensure that all the tribal habitations are Polytechnics/Degree Colleges, formation of
provided with safe drinking water. roads in agency areas, Construction of
Areas inhabited by primitive tribal groups Community and Individual latrines and
and remote areas of the ITDAs and MADAs works sponsored by other agencies.
are by and large lacking in necessary
infrastructural facilities required for a A.P. Tribal Welfare Residential
minimum standard of living. The availability Educational Institutions Society
of infrastructure facilities in the tribal areas is (GURUKULAM): It is established in the
far below the State and National averages. year 1999 bifurcating from A.P. Residential
The general literacy rate is 60.5% as per Educational Institutions Society and renamed
2001 Census, while the ST literacy is as GURUKULAM. It takes care of enrolment
37.04%. Government accorded high priority and retention of tribal children and
for the accelerated development of tribals by improvement in the quality of education. It
implementing socio economic development is responsible for the effective management
programs. Major focus is on Education, of the institutions.
Health and Land based schemes. A.P. Tribal Power Company Limited
Tribal Welfare Department assists the tribal (TRIPCO):
population in the field of education, Government of Andhra Pradesh promoted
economic development and other programs. Tribal Power Company to establish, generate
Tribal Cultural Research And Training and operate Mini Hydel Power Projects and
Institute (TCR & TI): other non conventional power projects like
It is established in the year 1963. The key Solar, Bio-mass etc., in tribal areas. Projects
functions of the institute are to conduct will be owned and managed by local tribals
ethnographic studies on tribes of AP, constituted into a project committee.
carryout socio economic and bench mark A.P. Tribal Mining Pvt. Limited
surveys, formulate perspective plans for (TRIMCO):
Integrated Tribal Development Agencies Tribal Mining limited was established under
(ITDAs) and Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs) companies Act 1956 during the year 2001 as
and impart various types of orientation Joint Venture Company (JVC) of AP
trainings to officials and non officials TRICOR (74%) and APMDC (26%). The
engaged in tribal development. objective is to facilitate mining operations in
tribal areas for the benefit of tribals by
Girijan Cooperative Corporation (GCC): framing Tribal Mining Cooperative Societies,
Efforts to eliminate exploitation by private and providing safe and scientific mining
traders are being continued. The Girijan Co- methods to the tribals.
operative Corporation Ltd., Visakhapatnam is Budget: The Department’s budget for 2009-
10 is Rs.770.99 cr. consisting of Rs.400.27

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 156

cr. under Non-Plan and Rs.370.72 cr. under syllabus from 2009-10 in 2 sections of class
Plan (Including Rs.61.39 cr. under CSS). 5th and 6th in 158 tribal welfare Ashram
71% of the budget Rs.610.42 Cr. was Schools and 74 Residential Schools
allocated towards tribal education. benefiting 32,307 students.
Achievements during 2009-10:
Education: Tribal Welfare Department is Corporate Education in Intermediate:
maintaining 599 Ashram Schools with 2,751 ST students were admitted in reputed
strength of 1,59,203, 442 Hostels with corporate colleges for quality education in
strength of 79,640 and 4,317 Girijana Vidya Intermediate by paying Rs.35,000/- per
Vikasa Kendras (Single Teacher Schools) student per year.
renamed as Government Primary Schools One D.Ed College was sanctioned at
(TW) with a strength of 1,01,852. Bhadrachalam in 2008.
There are 56 Residential Schools, 12 75% of seats in the degree colleges located in
Residential Schools for Primitive Tribal agency areas are reserved for local ST
Groups (PTGs), 4 English Medium Schools, students.
49 Residential Junior Colleges, 2 Upgraded Results: 78% of students in Hostels, 86% of
Residential Junior Colleges, 3 Schools of students in Ashram Schools and 93% of
Excellence, 3 Colleges of Excellence, 41 students in TW Residential Schools passed
Mini Gurukulams and 90 Kasturba Gandhi SSC Public Examinations held in March,
Balika Vidyalayas with a strength of 73,081, 2009.
of which 34,081 are boys and 39,000 are 49% of students in TW Residential Junior
girls. Colleges passed in Intermediate 1st year
5,030 seats increased in residential Examinations held in March, 2009.
institutions during 2009-10. 68% of students in TW Residential Junior
7,774 ST students admitted additionally over Colleges passed in Intermediate II year
previous year in TW GURUKULAM Examinations held in March, 2009.
institutions. Health Insurance: The “health insurance
Enhancement of diet charges: Government scheme” has been renewed for 2009-10 also
have enhanced diet charges of ST boarders with National Insurance Company Limited
by 40% in 2008-09. and an amount of Rs.89,45,356/- was paid as
New Menu: In tune with increased diet annual premium @ 26/- per boarder
charges the revised menu along with detailed (including service tax) to cover 3,11,924 ST
guidelines on the procedure, quality, hygienic student boarders studying in ashram schools,
and other practices were communicated to all hostels, K.G.B.Vs, residential schools,
Project Officers of ITDAs and DTWOs. The residential junior colleges and Mini
menu charts have been displayed in the Gurukulams. 1673 cases were treated and
hostels, ashram schools and residential reimbursed an amount of Rs.35,17,470/- up
institutions. The menu was also published in to November, 2009.
telugu daily news papers for public Pre-Matric Scholarships:
information. Government have enhanced pre-matric
Revised incentives: Government have scholarships by 10% during the year 2008-
enhanced/revised certain incentives that are 09. 5,918 ST students studying in 112
being provided to the ST boarders from reputed schools under Best Available
2008-09. Supply of bedding material is made Schools Scheme are receiving pre-matric
once in every year, four pairs of dresses are scholarships @ Rs.8,800/- to Rs.20,000/- per
being supplied every year and hair cutting/ annum per boarder. ST students are
cosmetic/stitching charges were also sponsored for admission in Hyderabad Public
enhanced. Schools (HPS) to get quality education. 304
ST students are studying in Hyderabad
CBSE Syllabus: Government have Public Schools and receiving quality
introduced English medium with CBSE education during this year.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 157

Post-Matric Scholarships: 81,517 ST assets, ensure proper and equitable
students are receiving Post-Matric development to the Tribal Sub Plan villages
Scholarships during the current year (up to in the state. Financial powers of VTDAs has
30-9-09). An amount of Rs.45.34 crores was been enhanced from Rs.5.00 lakhs to
spent on Post- Matric Scholarships. Rs.10.00 lakhs for all building works, road
Government enhanced income ceiling limit works other than BT roads, minor irrigation
of parents of ST students for sanction of works and all maintenance works.
Post- Matric Scholarships to Rs.1,00,000/-. Strengthening of Tribal Welfare
Government have issued orders to sanction, Educational Institutions: As a part of
drawal and disbursement of post matric strengthening of 231 Educational Institutions,
scholarships through online from the Government decided to provide toilets and
academic year 2008-09. 1,03,615 fresh bathrooms at the rate of 20 toilets and 20
applications and 95,505 renewal applications bathrooms for each institution. An amount of
were received through on line from ST Rs.25.13 crores was sanctioned.
students (as on 19-12-2009). Maintenance Girijan Co-operative Corporation: Girijan
charges for ST students were enhanced by Co-operative Corporation is targeted to
30% during 2008-09. procure Rs.22.80 crores worth of Minor
Samkshema Bata: Government have Forest Produce and Agricultural Produce
sanctioned an amount of Rs.55.07 crores during 2009-10 The activity wise
towards essential repairs and construction of performance depicted in the Table 8.24.
new toilet blocks in 1,174 TW educational
institutions (as on 31-10-2009). Table 8.24
Conservation cum Development Plan for Performance of GCC during 2009-10
PTGs: Conservation cum Development Plan
for the Primitive Tribal Groups of AP for the Activity Target Achievement
XI Five year plan with a total cost of MFP/AP Procurement 22.80 3.46
Rs.115.98 crores was prepared and submitted Sales of ECs and
to Government of India. The GoI have Other DRs. 173.25 81.28
released an amount of Rs.8.60 cr. to take up Credit Disbursement 6.00 1.53
priority projects like establishment of Credit Recovery 8.00 0.35
nutritional rehabilitation centers, land RMD Sales 25.00 5.72
purchase, viability gap funding for Total 235.05 92.34
indiramma houses and coverage of balance of Source: - Tribal Welfare Department
PTG families under Janasri Bhima Yojana
for the welfare of PTGs and the same was TRICOR: For the year 2009-10, TRICOR has
released to the concerned 7 Districts. prepared action plan with an out lay of Rs.309.58
Nine branch drug stores were sanctioned at cr. to benefit 3,77,677 ST beneficiaries under
ITDA head quarters. economic support schemes including training
Village Tribal Development Associations and employment generation programs. An
(VTDAs): Government have issued orders to amount of Rs.35.78 crores was spent so far,
organize village development Associations covering 1,51,970 ST beneficiaries.
(VTDAs) duly replacing the village Subsidy: Government have taken a decision to
development committees (VDCs) in all tribal increase subsidy from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.30,000/-
habitations having more than 70 households from 2009-10 onwards. It will be limited to 50%
and located in TSP areas and which are not of the total unit cost or Rs.30,000/- whichever is
major Gram Panchayats. The main purpose less. Units costing more than Rs.10.00 lakhs will
of this concept was to ensure participation of be assisted by specialized agencies under
the tribal community in all development Industries and Commerce department.
activities in addition to the works/functions Coffee Project: Coffee plantation project during
already being performed by VDCs and to XI Five year plan has been contemplated with
inculcate a sense of ownership of community financial assistance from Coffee Board (25%),

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 158

GOAP (25%) and (50%) beneficiary contribution implementation of RoFR Act were issued by
in the form of labor to take up coffee in 60,000 Government and communicated to all
acres with an out lay of Rs.148.00 cr. Coffee District Collectors/Project Officers of ITDAs
including pepper was taken up in 12,000 acres and other concerned officers. 3,27,143 claims
and Silver Oak in 20,000 acres with an were received covering an area of 19,11,074
expenditure of Rs.148.82 lakhs in Paderu ITDA acres, 1,82,093 claims were approved
area of Visakapatnam District. covering 14,21,904 acres and 1,73,106
Rubber Project: During the current year, certificate of titles were issued covering
plantations were taken up in 4,962 acres with an 13,68,098 acres.
expenditure of Rs.3.89 cr in R.C.Varam ITDA Infrastructure Development: As part of
area. strengthening infrastructure facilities in tribal
Organic farming project: The Organic farming areas, 77 road works have been taken up
project is under implementation in 3 ITDAs i.e., under RIDF–XIV (NABARD) in 2008-09
Seethampeta, Eturunagaram and Bhadrachalam. with an estimated cost of Rs.136.85 crores.
The project is jointly funded by TW department Under Article 275 (i), 25 road works have
and Horticulture department. An amount of been taken up with an estimated cost of
Rs.64.98 lakhs was spent to benefit 3,171 ST Rs.15.55 cr. in ITDA areas.
beneficiaries. Weeding out false ST Claims: 8,049 cases
Land Transfer Regulations: 76,651 cases were were scrutinized before admission into
detected, 74,807 cases were disposed and 36,354 various courses like Medical, Engineering,
cases were decided in favor of STs. Polytechnic etc., and 41 were found to be
doubtful or false.
Mini Hydel Projects (TRIPC0): 23 Fresh
Establishment of Integrated Tribal
DPRs and PFRs for Mini Hydel Projects were
Development Agency (ITDA) for
prepared for sanction with an estimated capacity
Development of Scheduled Tribes in Plain
of 24.38 MW and with an estimated project cost
Areas: Government accorded administrative
of Rs.143.75 cr. Reconnaissance survey for 25
sanction for establishment of Integrated
locations is completed by specialist agencies. 3
Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) for the
Mini Hydel Power Projects have been taken up at
development of STs in plain areas in Feb,
Vetamamidi, Pinjarikonda and Mitlapalem in
2009. The jurisdiction of the ITDA subject
ITDA, Rampa Chodavaram, East Godavari
to the exclusion of areas included in ITDAs
Chenchus at Srisailam and Yanadies at
Under Village energy security program (VESP),
Nellore shall extend to the districts of
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GoI
Krishna, Gunture, Prakasam, Nellore,
have sanctioned three Bio Fuel Energy based
Chittor, Kadapa, Anantapur, Kurnool,
projects at Marripalem, Biligondapenta and
Mahabubnagar, Hyderbad, Ranga Reddy,
Chinnarutla villages in Prakasam district at a cost
Medak, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and
of Rs.53.48 lakhs.
Referral Fund: 200 Tribal people suffering
from chronic ailments were given financial
Dr. Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy Study Circle
assistance for treatment in referral hospitals.
for STs: Government have issued orders in
Inter Caste Marriages: 31 couples received
September, 2009 establishing a study circle-
incentives so far for inter caste marriages, if
cum-pre–examination-training centre to cater
one of the spouses belongs to ST.
to training needs of the educational tribal
Tribal Sub Plan(TSP): During the year
youth in the State with a sanctioned strength
2009-10, the Tribal sub-plan outlay is
of 100 seats and started with 75 admitted
Rs.2370.86 crores, which is 7.08% in the
total state plan outlay. The expenditure
incurred is Rs.833.76 crores indicating an ***
achievement of 35.17% (upto December,09). MINORITIES WELFARE
Recognition of Forest Rights Act, 2006
(RoFR): Operational guidelines for

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 159

8.16 India is a vast nation with a fabric like A.P. State Minorities Finance Corporation
interwoven society with many religious and and A. P. Christian Finance Corporation
ways of life. As a secular country, The Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Finance
Government’s endeavor has always been to Corporation Limited was incorporated under
ensure carrying its entire population, the Companies Act, 1956 in the year 1985, to
including the Minorities, on the path of assist the weaker sections of Minorities viz.,
progress. The Department of Minorities Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis etc. for
Welfare was created in the year 1993 with their socio economic development through
the transfer of related subjects from the banks for which the corporation provides
departments of Revenue, General subsidy component only for the schemes viz.
Administration, Employment, Youth i) economic assistance for setting up of
Services and Education. Schemes and businesses, Industrial, Service, Agriculture
policies have been put in place to ensure the and allied viable activities and Grant in Aid
upliftment of Minorities under the aegis of for Welfare Schemes. A separate
the Minorities Finance Corporation. The Corporation viz., Andhra Pradesh State
advancement of Minorities requires attention Christian Finance Corporation has been
from several angles. As per 2001 Census, the established in 2009 for welfare of weaker
population of Minorities in Andhra Pradesh sections of Christians.
is around 82.00 lakhs, which constitutes over Activities during 2009-10: (30/09/09)
11 % of the total population of the State. The Subsidy Grant for Bankable Scheme: The
population of Minorities is generally urban- corporation envisaged to provide Subsidy for
based. A large segment of Minority Bankable Scheme to 2667 beneficiaries to
population is living below poverty line. The the tune of Rs. 400.00 lakhs.
share of Minorities in different economic
support schemes has also been very low. The Pre Matric Scholarships: The Corporation
Minorities in general and their women envisaged to provide Pre Matric Scholarships
counterparts in particular, have been highly of Rs. 1195.31 lakhs to 1,70,759 students.
backward, both educationally and Post Matric Scholarships: The
economically. The Main problems of Corporation envisaged to provide Post
Minorities and the Governmental Matric Scholarships to 1,28,701 students the
intervention are attempted in the following tune of Rs. 3378.69 lakhs.
areas: Reimbursement of Tuition Fee: The
• Economic Development; Corporation envisaged to extend an amount
• Women Development; of Rs. 5875.00 lakhs towards Tuition Fee
• Educational Development; Reimbursement.
• Protection and Development of Wakf Maintenance of Pre and Post Matric
Properties; Hostels for Minorities: The Corporation
• Protection and Development of Urdu has provided Rs.400.00 lakhs towards
Language; maintenance of Pre and Post Matric Hostels
• Social and Cultural Development; and for Minorities.
• Removing the sense of discrimination. Improvement and Development of
Government have taken various initiatives Residential Schools and colleges for
for the overall development of the minorities minorities: An amount of Rs.600.00 lakhs
Some of them are briefed below: was provided for development of Residential
A.P. State Minorities Commission: Schools.
It was constituted in 1979. Subsequently, Andhra Pradesh State Wakf Board:
Government, in 1998, have enacted the A.P. Government have sanctioned Rs. 70.67
State Minorities Commission Act, 1998. The crores for the Wakf Board from 1995-96 to
Minorities Commission is looking into 2008-09 for various schemes like Repair and
specific issues being faced by minority Maintenance of Wakf Institutions, Repairs,
community. Revolving Fund for construction of Shopping

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 160

Complexes, Grant-in aid towards payment of in order to perform Haj. Haj Committee
legal expenses and repayment of loans, constituted by A.P. Government has been
Construction and maintenance of Haj House, providing all the required facilities to Hajis.
Conduct of Marriages to Poor Muslim Girls, A total amount of Rs. 70.00 lakhs is provided
Maintenance assistance to Muslim Divorced as Grant-in-Aid during 2009-10 to A.P. State
Families, etc. Haj Committee.
Urdu Academy : ***
The Urdu Academy was established in 1975
for Promotion, Protection and Development YOUTH SERVICES
of Urdu Language and Literature. It provides 8.17 The Youth Welfare Schemes are
Grant-in-Aid towards -- preserving and categorized as (a) providing Self
promotion of Urdu language, Scholarships Employment to the un- employed youth, (b)
and fees re-imbursement to urdu medium Training to provide employment and (c)
students, Vocational training in Urdu other participatory programmes. Rajiv
computer education Courses, providing Yuvashakthi Programme is implemented to
Infrastructure facilities in Urdu Schools and provide financial assistance, to create self
assistance to AP Open(Urdu) school etc. employment opportunities to the eligible
Centre for Educational Development of unemployed youth to establish Self
Minorities(CEDM) employment units in Industry, Service and
Under this scheme, CEDM is taking steps to Business Sectors. Suitable training
improve the Classroom Performance of programmes are designed and implemented
School Children Belonging to Minorities. It as per the market demand and needs of the
has adopted the schools with dismal youth to make them employable in
performance to provide basics and improve association with the Industry. To facilitate
the performance in SSC Examination. the unemployed youth for enrolment into
Centre distributes workbooks in Maths-I, Army, CRPF and other allied services,
Maths-II, Physical Sciences, Biological Commissionerate of Youth Services is
Sciences, English and Telugu (7) to X class organizing suitable training programmes in
Urdu Medium students (coaching and non- association with Police and NCC officials in
coaching) throughout AP. all Districts. In addition to Self Employment
The free coaching programme covers a and Training Programmes, youth
period of six months from August to empowerment programmes like Youth
February every year. Leadership Training Programmes, Youth
Dairatul Maarif-Il - Osmania: Exchange Programmes, Youth Festivals,
The Dairatul Maarif is an autonomous body. Shramadan programmes, Mass mobilization
It is one of the leading institutions of India, programmes like Aids Awareness Campaign,
which carries out research on Arabic works Literary, Family Planning etc., are organized.
written during the classical and mediaeval Rajiv Yuvashakthi Programme:
era. Each and every work selected goes An employment generation programme,
through the process of careful transcription Rajiv Yuvashakthi was taken up by
and diligent collation of different Government of Andhra Pradesh for the
manuscripts available by a team of renowned benefit of unemployed youth. Three types of
scholars before it goes for printing and schemes are being implemented under this
publication. The Dairatul Maarif-il-Osmania self employment programme viz. Individual
has so far published about 175 works of (Rs. 1.00 Lakh), Group (Rs. 3.00 Lakhs to
seminal importance all being welcomed 5.00 Lakhs) and Petty (Rs. 0.50 Lakh) with
warmly by the world of learning. 20% Subsidy, 10% Beneficiary Contribution
A.P.State Haj Committee: and 70% Bank Loan.
During 2008-09, 24,724 units were grounded
To perform religious duties, thousands of
with a project cost of Rs.159.42 crores,
Muslims of the State proceed to Saudi Arabia
involving a subsidy of Rs.31.63 crores.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 161

The achievements under Rajiv Yuvashakthi at the objective of National Housing Policy
Programme are given in Annexure 8.13. of “Shelter for all” and committed to making
Pre Army Recruitment “Housing for all” a reality. Key principles
Scheme of Pre Army Recruitment training is followed in implementing the housing
aimed for eligible unemployed youth to programme are:
enable them for enhancing chances of • Providing affordable housing with
recruitment in ARMY, Air Force, CRPF and adequate amenities and healthy
other Allied services. The training is environment for Economically Weaker
designed for 30 days prior to the Recruitment Sections.
rallies with free boarding and lodging besides • Facilitating access to affordable housing
academic assistance. for the Lower Income Groups both, in
• Department of Youth Services is rural and urban areas.
extending necessary administrative • Complementing construction of housing
support to authorities for recruitment with provision of basic services to ensure
rallies whenever held in the districts. clean and comfortable cities and towns.
• During 2007-08, 1,931members have
undergone training and 1,887 youth have The pioneering effort of the Andhra Pradesh
got selected. State Housing Corporation Limited
• During 2008-09, 5,175 members have (APSHCL) in motivating and educating
undergone training and 3,824 youth have beneficiaries and introducing the concept of
got selected. “Self-Helf and Mutual-Help” has succeeded
Skill Development Training Programme not only in creating awareness among the
Commissionerate of Youth Services is beneficiaries to drive away from exploitation
identifying employment opportunities in by middlemen and in reducing the cost of
private sector by conducting market survey in construction by adoption of Cost-Effective
association with the departments/ training and Eco-Friendly Technologies, but also
institutions, like Reddy’s Foundation, helped in capacity building and utilization of
APITCO, APPC, SRTRI, NIIT, Handlooms human resources among rural and poor. The
and Textiles, LIDCAP etc. Skill development introduction of Beneficiaries’ Melas and
training programmes are taken up to impart Preconstruction orientation programs helped
employable skills to unemployed youth. The immensely in increasing the willing
skill upgradation trainings are organized in participation of the beneficiaries.
various demand oriented courses like security To meet the demand of building materials
services, masonry, bar bending, IT enabled and also to minimize the cost of construction,
services, LMV driving; bedsides nursing APSHCL is encouraging the production and
assistants, Call Centre executives, hotel usage of Cost Effective and Eco Friendly
management, garment making, Auto Cad, materials by the beneficiaries. 88 Nirmithi
hardware etc. and assisting the youth in Kendras/ Sub Nirmithi Kendras were
getting placement in various private established all over the State on spreading the
organizations as a part of wage employment. use of such materials and technologies. So
During 2008-09, placements were provided far, Rs.412.60 Lakhs worth of building
to 32,682 members with a minimum salary of components such as Sand Cement Blocks,
Rs.2,500/- and above. Fal- G Blocks, Pre-Cast door and Window
For the year 2009-10, a sum of Rs.1,924.13 frames, Cement Jallies, RCC Rafters etc.,
lakhs is provided and is targeted to provide have been produced and utilized for the
benefit to 6,000 youth in ongoing programs. housing program.
Under Weaker Section Housing Program,
since inception till the end of September
HOUSING 2009, 91,73,067 houses have been completed
8.18 Andhra Pradesh has been the pioneer in comprising of 84,36,505 in rural area and
implementing “Housing for all” duly aiming 7,36,562 in urban areas. Year wise

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 162

achievements upto September 2009 are given The funds for implementing schemes / works
in Annexure 8.14. meant for providing drinking water facilities
Rajiv Swagruha: and sanitation facilities to the habitations are
Government of Andhra Pradesh embarked allocated under various programmes of State
upon a unique and ‘affordable housing’ and Central Government such as ARWSP,
scheme called “Rajiv Swagruha” for SMP, DDP, TFC, Ambedkar Jeevan
moderate income groups in the urban area of Dhara(AJD), Rajiv Pallebata, Sector
the State in the year 2007. The project is Reforms, Swajaladhara and other external
demand driven and self financed. It provides agencies as well. Funds are being tapped in
an ‘enabling environment’ for fulfilling the the form of loans from NABARD, HUDCO
shortage of appropriate housing to the needy. also.
The mandate of the state government is to Infrastructure Created
provide the houses at cost 25% less than the There are 3,26,506 hand pumps, 47,839 PWS
prevailing local market. Schemes and 476 CPWS Schemes (incl. SSP
Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Limited is Schemes) existing as on 01.04.2009.
incorporated as a ‘special purpose vehicle’ Rural Water Supply: Ongoing program
for implementing the scheme During the year 2009-10, 13,375
Demand Assessment: (13016+259) works are on hand with a cost
A Demand survey was conducted to assess of Rs.3019.75 Crores to cover 9,513
the choice of applicant for each category of habitations. So far, Rs.332.14 Crores was
flats/houses during March - April’07 and spent covering 5,558 habitations. The
1.75 lakh applications in 98 Municipalities balance works are in progress.
were qualified for construction. Initially, the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)
‘tentative cost’ is notified. The final cost is The TSC projects are sanctioned in 22
calculated at the finishing stage of the districts in the State in a phased manner from
project. 1999-2000 to 2006 by GOI with matching
Progress: share from State Govt. beneficiaries and
The construction of housing programme panchayats. The programme is sanctioned
under Rajiv Swagruha is under progress. with a target of 67,18,607 Individual Sanitary
Projects were prepared for construction of Latrines (ISLs) to be constructed in rural
85,961 houses/flats; out of which projects areas for BPL families, 1,14,871 School
have been awarded and grounded for toilets and 15,645 Anganwadi toilets. Against
construction of 49,353 units upto September whch, 39,39,689 ISLs, 96,823 School
2009. Construction of 1,140 flats at Toilets, and 4,789 Anganwadi toilets have
Chandanagar, Hyderabad has been been constructed upto March, 2009.
completed. Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)
*** emphasizes more on information, education
RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND and communication (IEC), human resource
SANITATION development, and capacity development
activities to increase awareness and demand
8.19 The Government is determined to solve the
generation for sanitation facilities.
drinking water problem in rural areas with
State Government have taken up massive
the following objectives -
programme by providing matching share for
• Delivery of safe, potable drinking water the amounts released by the GOI.
to all rural people. During 2009-10, so far, 98,048 ISLs, 1795
• Safe water to fluoride, brackish and other School toilets and 632 Anganwadi toilets
polluted habitations. have been constructed so far as against the
• Upgradation of all habitations to fully targeted 8,44,535 ISLs, 19,167 school toilets
covered status. and 10,873 Anganwadi toilets.
• Proper sanitation facilities to all ***

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 163

PUBLIC HEALTH AND During 2009-10, 12 water supply schemes
MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING were completed and commissioned so far,
under plan, UIDSSMT and HUDCO grants,
8.20 An independent department of Public duly adding 129.03 MLD of water at a cost
Health and Municipal Engineering and a of Rs.161.27 crores.
separate service called Public Health and After commissioning of the above Water
Municipal Engineering Service were Supply Schemes, the water supply scenario
constituted in June 1960. in the State is as follows:
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation The normal daily water supplies in various
Public Health and Municipal Engineering Urban Local Bodies are varying from 65
Department is incharge of Investigation, LPCD to 100 LPCD and water supply is
Design, preparation of Estimates and Plans regulated as detailed below.
and execution of Water Supply and Sewerage Daily - 81
Schemes in all 110 Municipalities and 12 Alternate Days - 30
Municipal Corporations (excluding Greater Once in three days - 8
Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Once in four days and above - 3
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation and • A total of 34,293 Nos. bore wells are
Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal existing (Power and Hand bores) in 122
corporation.) Urban local bodies. 33,119 Nos. are
Water Supply Improvement Schemes are functioning.
being taken up in Urban Local bodies from • At Present 901 Nos. of tankers are
time to time to improve per capita water making 4,119 Nos. of trips per day to un-
supply on par with National Standards. In served areas in 122 Urban Local Bodies.
addition to the above, the technical control Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban
over all engineering works is done by Renewal Mission (JNNURM):
Engineer-in-Chief (PH). The operation and Government of India has launched the
maintenance of Water Supply and Sewerage JNNURM in the year 2005-06 with a
Schemes is being attended by the respective budgetary provision of Rs.50,000 crores for a
Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. period of seven years, the mission will
initially cover about 60 cities and provide
Status of Water Supply: grant assistance to them for specified
As per the standards stipulated in Central activities.
Public Health Engineering Environmental UIDSSMT (Urban Infrastructure Develop-
Organization (CPHEEO) manual, the rate of ment Scheme for Small and Medium Towns)
drinking water supply to be maintained is as Scheme is a component of JNNURM
follows: Programme launched with an aim to provide
• Town with Under Ground Drainage – Urban Infrastructure in the Sector of Water
135 lpcd Supply, Under Ground Drainage, Storm
• Town without Under Ground Drainage Water Drains, Solid Waste Management and
– 70 lpcd Transportation in Non-mission Urban local
The State Government has given top priority bodies (ULBs) in a planned manner.
to provide protected drinking water to all The scheme applies to all ULBs in the state
urban local bodies by strengthening the excluding mission Cities i.e., Hyderabad,
existing infrastructure and service levels. Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam.
During last five years, 54 water supply The funding pattern is in the ratio of
schemes with an estimated cost of Rs.508.17 80:10:10 between Government of India,
crores were completed adding 365 MLD of Government of Andhra Pradesh and ULB.
water, raising the installed capacity from 934
MLD to 1,299 MLD and thereby the average Schemes under Implementation:
water supply was raised from 63LPCD to

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 164

Urban Infrastructure Development costing Rs.446.79 crores under HUDCO, and
Scheme for Small and Medium Towns 7 water supply schemes costing Rs.117.80
(UIDSSMT): crores are targeted to be completed, duly
98 projects costing Rs.3399.35 Crores have adding 846 MLD. By completing all the
been cleared so far, in various SLSCs above said schemes, the installed capacity
covering 76 ULB’s. The funding pattern is will be raised from 1299 MLD to 2274 MLD
80 % and 10 % grant by Central Government and thereby the average water supply will be
and State Government respectively and the raised from 85 LPCD to 153 LPCD.
balance 10% and inadmissible component Under Ground Drainage Schemes:
could be raised by the ULB/ nodal/ Presently only one town, Tirupathi is fully
implementing agencies from the financial covered with under ground drainage system
institutions. In our state, the ULB share is in the ongoing schemes. Eluru, Rajamundry,
being borne by the State Govt. Guntur, Nellore and Tenali are covered about
Out of 98 projects sanctioned, 68 are under 10% to 20%. Works of under ground
water sector costing Rs.2268.22 Crores, 12 drainage system are in progress in Tadipatri
are under Sewerage sector costing Rs.625.86 and Pulivendula towns.
Crores, 13 are under Storm Water costing UIDSSMT- under ground drainage
Rs.374.40 Crores, 4 are under Roads costing Three under ground drainage schemes for
Rs.127.00 Crores and 1 under Solid Waste Municipal Corporations are sanctioned at an
costing Rs.3.87 Crores. So far, GOI has estimated amount of Rs.243.11 Crores by
released funds in respect of 84 Projects and 2 GOI for 1.Karimnagar 2.Kadapa 3.Nizambad
projects converted into UIandG. Out of these and works are awarded to agencies and
98 projects, 12 Projects of water supply and 2 works are under progress. Another three
Projects of SWD and 1 project of UGD and 1 under ground drainage schemes, other than
project of road are completed and the Municipal Corporations, are sanctioned at an
remaining projects are in progress. estimated amount of Rs.133.30 Crores by
Integrated Housing and Slum GOI for Nalgonda, Miryalaguda and
Development Programme ( IHSDP): Narsaraopet municipalities and works are
43 projects costing Rs.480.39 Crores have under progress.
been sanctioned covering 41ULB’s with a Another Six Under ground drainage schemes
funding pattern of 80:10:10 between Central are sanctioned at an estimated cost of
Government, State Government and ULB. Rs.249.45Crores for which GOI Releases are
Out of 43 Projects, execution of 30 Projects awaited for Tirupati, Proddutur,
costing Rs.409.86 Crores has been entrusted. Yemmiganur, Nandyal, Tadepalligudem and
27 projects are in progress and the balance 3 Nagari ETP.By March 2011, the balance 12
projects are at tender stage. UGD schemes costing Rs.675.86 crores
HUDCO and Plan Schemes: under UIDSSMT and 1 UGD scheme costing
15 Nos. of schemes are under progress with Rs.78.38 crores under Plan are targeted to be
HUDCO loan (14 WS and 1 UGD) at a cost completed.
of Rs 542.83 Crores. Out of these,1 water ***
supply scheme and 1 UGD are completed MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION
and the balance schemes are in progress.
13 Projects are taken up with Plan grants (10
WS, 1 UGD, 1 SWD, 1 Traffic and 8.21 Urban Sanitation- Door to Door Garbage
Transportation) at a cost of Rs 276.63Crores Collection:
with an MLD of 57.35. Out of these, 3 water There are 124 urban Local bodies i.e., 110
supply schemes are completed and the Municipalities and 14 Corporations in the
balance schemes are in progress. state, except Greater Hyderabad Municipal
By March 2011, the balance 56 water supply Corporation (GHMC). The total garbage
schemes costing Rs.2079.26 crores under generated is 8,701 MTD and the garbage
UIDSSMT, and 11 water supply schemes lifted is 8,178 MTD (94%). About 92% of

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 165

the 32,50,857 households in these ULBs • Providing houses to eligible houseless
were covered. The length of drains cleaned is under permanent Housing/VAMBAY
21,381.22 Kms against total drains length of schemes.
23,240.46 Kms.(92%). The length of roads • Providing minimal infrastructure in
swept is 18,627.57 Kms as against the total community and religious institutions like
roads of 19,816.57 Kms length (94%). temples mosques, churches etc.
Municipal Solid Waste Management • Creating sufficient employment
The 12th Finance Commission has opportunities through building of required
recommended allocation of Rs 374.00 crores skills.
to the State during the years 2005-10. The Under the program, a total 748 assurances
Government of Andhra Pradesh have taken a have come up with a cost of Rs.4,296.16
decision to utilize the entire amount for crores, of these 618 assurances have been
implementation of Solid Waste Management redressed with an amount of Rs.3,021.56
in the ULBs and an amount of Rs.337.18 crores.
lakhs was released to the ULBs so far. The INDIRAMMA in Municipal Areas
emphasis is mainly on acquisition of land for The scheme is aimed to develop all the wards
compost yards. Government decided to in the Municipal Area over a period of three
utilize TFC grants for acquisition of Land for years by saturating them with identified basic
the purpose of compost yards in the State on infrastructure facilities and welfare measures
need basis. in a focused and time bound manner.
The following is the status of availability of Government have notified that 1,270 wards
land in the ULBs. in the 1st phase, 1,380 wards in the 2nd phase
• No. of ULBs having no land - 16 and 1,279 wards in 3rd phase are to be
• No. of ULBs having partial land covered under this programme.
(below 10 acres) - 86
• No.of ULBs having adequate land - 22 Pensions
(more than 15 acres) The old age, widow, weaver and disabled
Instructions were already issued to the persons are assisted by way of pensions. In
Municipal Commissioners to purchase land the 1st phase 1,95,141 pensioners, in the 2nd
where no/inadequate land is available for phase 2,56,747 and in the third phase
composting as per norms. 1,94,868 pensioners have been assisted under
Progress on Waste to Energy Projects: INDIRAMMA Programme.
All Urban Local Bodies are grouped into 19 Mission for Elimination of Poverty in
clusters for management of Municipal Solid Municipal Areas (MEPMA) (IKP-
Waste in Urban Local Bodies. Approvals URBAN)
have been accorded to 5 Waste to Energy The poor in urban areas are organized into
projects after the recommendations of the Self Help Groups and they are brought
Technical Committee and State Level together into Slum Level Federations at slum
Official Committee covering 62 ULBs in 5 level and in to Town Level Federations at
clusters. town level. There are 21.78 lakh women in
Rajiv Nagara Bata (RNB) 1,98,019 self help groups in the 125 urban
An innovative program called “Rajiv Nagara local bodies. 90 % of the urban poor living in
Bata” (RNB) had been launched from 9th 7,447 slums in the state are organized into
January 2005 in all the Urban Local Bodies SHGs.
with the following objectives: Upto December 2009, 5,797 Slum Level
• Provision of adequate water, drainage Federations and 17 Town Level Federations
system, street lighting, roads etc., with an have come into existence.
emphasis on basic infrastructure in areas MEPMA is taking up placement linked skill
inhabited by the poor people. development training under the training
• Ration cards to households to all eligible component of SJSRY/RUS. During 2009-10,
people below poverty line. (upto December,09) 2,108 urban youth

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 166

persons were trained, of which, 1,163 got 1. P.V.N.R. Elevated Expressway:
placements. Another 12,082 persons are The Project has been taken up to provide
undergoing trainings. express connectivity to the International
Under urban self employment programme Airport at Shamshabad.
5,381 units were sanctioned for setting up of The project consists of:
gainful self employment ventures/micro a) ‘Elevated Expressway’ from Sarojinidevi
enterprises upto December,09. Eye Hospital to Aramghar Junction on
SHG Bank linkage- Pavala Vaddi Sheme NH 7 via Retibowli and Inner Ring Road.
The government is facilitating loans from It is a Four-lane elevated divided
Institutional sources to SHGs @ 3% interest carriageway of 2 lanes on either side. The
rate under pavala vaddi scheme. During total length of the elevated portion is
2009-10, Rs.683.91 crores bank loans were 11.633 Km.
given to 64,875 SHGs. Under pavala vaddi b) An ‘underpass’ to NH at Aramgarh
scheme, Rs.1.84 crores was provided upto junction to facilitate traffic from and to
December,09. elevated corridor towards Chandrayana
gutta and Vijayawada highway.
Disability intervention c) A ‘trumpet interchange’ at Shamshabad to
IKP urban has adopted a participatory facilitate easy access to the International
approach to support the persons with Airport on NH - 7. It’s a four lane
disabilities in all local bodies by building carriage way.
their capacitites to improve life skills and self d) Along with the Elevated Expressway it is
esteem. 0.65 lakh persons with disabilities also proposed for Upgradation and
are organised into 10,175 exclusive SHGs Widening of existing four –lane
and they are federated into 96 Town carriageway of Inner Ring Road from
Vikalangula Samakhyas. 97 Parent Retibowli Jn to Aramgarh Jn to Six-lane
Associations for mentally retarded also carriageway to a total length 8.70 Km
formed during this year. along with necessary improvements of
Under Dr.Y.S.R Abhayahastam /
Insurance Scheme, 12,252 eligible The estimated cost of works is Rs. 450
pensioners were provided with pensions for Crores. The overall project cost is Rs. 600
the month November, 2009. Crores including Land Acquisition, Shifting
MEPMA has takenup various other new of utilities, environmental management plan
initiatives like Rickshaw Bandhu for etc.
Rickshaw pullers, AASARA for the senior
citizens, conducting street vendors survey, The project is taken up on EPC Basis. Period
and slum survey(profiling) etc. in all the of completion is 26 months. The work was
urban local bodies. entrusted to at a cost of Rs 439 Crores. The
work was commenced on 1-9-2006.
HYDERABAD METROPOLITAN Status as on 30-09-2009:
• Trumpet Interchange on NH7 at Airport Jn.
- Completed and opened to traffic on 15-
8.22 The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development 09-2008.
Authority (HMDA) was constituted on • Under Pass on NH7 at Aramghar Jn.
24.8.2008 (previously known as HUDA) for - Completed and opened to traffic on 7-2-
the purpose of planning, co-ordination, 2009.
supervising, promoting and securing planned • Expressway - Completed expect certain
development of the Hyderabad Metropolitan finishing Works.
Region. The important development 2. Flyover at Lungerhouse Junction:
programmes implemented are:

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 167

To tackle the heavy traffic congestion at The Spinal Road connecting NH-9 to
Lungerhouse Junction on Hyderabad Madhapur area is completed by HMDA. The
Chevella Road, it is proposed to construct a construction of ROB on Spinal Road at
flyover at a cost of Rs.17 Crores. The Kukatpally near MMTS Station is taken up.
foundation stone for the project was laid on 4-lane divided carriageway with 910 mts
1st January 2007. length and 21.5 mts Width and the estimated
Salient features of the Flyover: cost is Rs. 25 Crores. The foundation stone
• Proposed flyover alignment - along the for ROB was laid in December 2006. An
direction from Nanal Nagar chowk to Bapu Agreement was concluded with M/s IJM
Ghat. Infrastructures Ltd
• Total Length of the flyover is 695 mts. Status as on 30-09-2009.
Carriage Way – Four lane divided • 45% work of substructure and
carriageway (two lane each direction). superstructure completed.
Width of the proposed flyover – 15 mts • Expected Date of Completion August 2010.
(O/S of Crash barrier) 5. Stadium cum Sports Complex at
• Tenders called on EPC basis and work is Katedhan:
let out in January 2007. HMDA proposed to take up mini stadia in
Status as on 30-09-2009: the surrounding municipalities of erstwhile
• 75% of work completed. MCH Area to promote sports and
• The balnce work is in active progress and recreational activities. Initially one sports
programmed to be completed before complex is proposed at Katedhan.
March, 2010. Status as on 30-09-2009:
Administrative Sanction for an amount of Rs.
3. Development and construction of Bus 7.50 Crores was issued for Katedhan sports
Terminus and Business Center at Old complex. The sports complex is planned with
Gandhi Hospital Site, Secunderabad the following features - Basketball, Hand
The Government have issued instructions to ball, Volley ball and tennis courts and Indoor
develop and construct the Bus Terminus cum stadium. All works except Indoor Stadium
Business Center in an area of 11 acres at old are nearing completion.
Gandhi Hospital site, Secunderabad. The Hussain Sagar Lake and Catchment Area
HMDA has prepared the conceptional plans Improvement Project funded by Japan
by engaging Consultants. The proposal International Cooperation Agency
consists of 3 basement floors ground and 23 formerly JBIC
upper floors for parking 4 wheelers, 2 Hussain Sagar Lake and Catchment Area
wheelers Bus Terminus, Business Centers, Improvement Project covers aspects of
Restaurant and food court and also improvement of lake water quality by
accommodations for railways and APSRTC preventing pollutants entering into the lake,
offices with access to bus terminus from catchment area improvement and
MRTS through foot-over-bridges. The construction of additional STP, ugradation of
estimated project cost is revised to Rs. 600 existing STP, dredging the contaminated
Crores. sediments of the lake bed and increasing the
Status eco-tourism potentiality.
• M/s STUP Consultants and M/s Capital The project cost is Rs. 370 Crores, of which
Fortunes are the Technical and Financial JICA is funding Rs. 310 Crores as a soft
consultants (respectively) for the Project. loan. The Government of India and JBIC
• Tenders were invited on BOT basis and have entered into an agreement on 31-3-2006
there is no response. for Rs. 310 Crores for “Hussain Sagar Lake
• Financial Restructuring of the Project is and Catchment Area Improvement Project”.
on the way. The Project period is 2006-2012.
4. ROB on Spinal Road at Kukatpally: Project Progress:
M/s. NJS Consultants of Japan were

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 168

appointed as Project Management Development Area by developing and
Consultants for preparation of DPRs and supplying various types of seedlings for
construction and supervision of the Project. multiple urban uses like ornamental plants,
The works of construction of 30 Mld STP at shade bearing plants, fruit bearing plants,
Picket Nala, 5 Mld STP at Rangadhamuni fodder and fuel needs of the urban and peri
Cheruvu, upgradation of 20 Mld STP at urban population. It is proposed to raise 5.00
Balkapur Nala are in progress. Lakh seedlings with 40 varieties of species
The shoreline improvement activity under during 2009-10 in 11 central nurseries by the
Shore Area Development is in progress. Urban Forestry wing all around HMA area.
I&D works at Picket Nalla, Balkapur Nalla, Outer Ring Road Project - Status
Fatehnagar, Prakash Nagar and Necklace Government of Andhra Pradesh have taken
Road at Kukatpally Nalla all under up major infrastructure facilities in
construction. Hyderabad City and one among them is
1600mm dia RCC Ring Main from construction of Outer Ring Road. The 158
Kukatpally Nala at Necklace Road to Buddha Km long Outer Ring Road passes through
Bhavan, 1600mm RCC Pipe Jacking at Boats Patancheru (on NH-9) – Kandlakoi near
Club, Trunk Main and diversion weir at Medchal (on NH-4) – Shamirpet (on Rajiv
Rangadhamuni Lake (IDL), 1400mm RCC Rahadari) – Ghatkesar (on NH-202) – Pedda
Bala Nagar Main all in progress. Amberpet (on NH-9) – Shamshabad (on NH-
Dredging pre-qualification in progress. 7) – Patancheru (on NH-9) providing
Repair of Surplus Weir – under review. connectivity to various National Highways,
Installation of Aeration Equipment – review State Highways and MDRs. The ORR is
of techniques in progress being taken up as an eight lane access
Shoreline Improvement – in progress e.g controlled expressway with a design speed of
Khairatabad Flyover, proposed Ecopark 120 KMPH. In addition, 2-lane service roads
opposite KIMS, Sanjeevaiah Park to Boats on either side are being provided. The entire
Club shore improvement works project is being implemented in 3 phases.
Nalla Improvement – in progress e.g walls Phase-I - From Gachibowli to Shamshabad-
constructed along nallas 24.38 Km. The works are taken up in
Public awareness and Community contract packages at an estimated cost of
development activities are under progress Rs.699 crores and works commenced in July
through 5 NGO Groups in 22 lake 2006. 4-lane of ORR is completed and the
surrounding colonies. stretch opened for traffic during November,
Urban Greening Programme: 2008. The phase-I works are expected to be
During 2009-10, HMDA proposed urban completed by June, 2010. The progress of
greening activities under Government Vacant work by the end of December, 2009 is
Lands, Greenbelts along road margins and Rs.317.27 crores on both the packages.
homestead planting components with the Phase-IIA: From Narsingi to Patancheru and
financial outlay of Rs. 1725 Lakhs. Shamshabad to Pedda Amberpet of length
The prime objectives of the urban greening 62.30Km is divided into 5 contract packages.
programme are: These works (with an estimated cost of Rs.
Greening the HMDA area to reduce air, noise 2439 Crores) are taken up on BOT
and water pollution. (Annuity). Works are commenced on
Conversion of unproductive lands into December, 2007 and are expected to be
greenery to provide gainful employment to completed as per schedule (i.e.) by June,
rural poor especially women. 2010. The progress of work by the end of
Income generation for the women through Dec. 2009 is Rs. 1251.36 Crores on all the 5
Nursery raising activity. Packages.
HMDA Nurseries: Phase-IIB: From Patancheru to Pedda
HMDA caters to the environment Amberpet via Kandlakoi, Shamirpet,
upgradation of Hyderabad Metropolitan Ghatkesar of length 71.30 Km is divided into

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 169

6 contract packages. The estimated cost is account the work load involved in watershed
Rs.3,558 Crores and are being taken up with and wage employment programmes.
the loan assistance of JICA. The 3 Packages The Government have constituted a Water
works from Patancheru to Shamirpet were Conservation Mission (WCM) with the
commenced in June, 2009 and to be Commissioner, Rural Development as the
completed by November, 2011. An amount Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the year
of Rs.104.93 Crores is spent on all the 3 2000. Under the Water Conservation
Packages by the end of Dec’ 2009. Mission, large scale water conservation /
Procurement for the balance 3 Contract water harvesting activities were taken up in
Packages and Supervision Consultancy all the 22 rural districts. While implementing
Contract in the stretch from Shamirpet to these activities a need was felt to have
Pedda Amberpet has been initiated and is in separate wing for water management in the
progress. 10 non-DPAP districts also. Towards this,
*** separate establishment for water management
and wage employment at district level was
RURAL DEVELOPMENT created in 2001. For the sake of uniformity
all the projects handling watersheds and
8.23 Rural Development was a part of Forest wage employment programmes have been re-
and Rural Development Department prior to designated as District Water Management
1985. Rural Development wing from the Agencies (DWMAs). The DWMAs are
Secretariat has been transferred to the implementing both DPAP and Wage
Commissionerate of Panchayat Raj and Rural Employment programmes .
Development in October,1985 for effective 50% of our lands are degraded and nearly
implementation of various rural development 30% of our people are poor (below poverty
programmes. A separate Commissioner of line). With proper planning, scientific
Rural Development was posted as Head of approach and efficient management it is
the Rural Development department in the possible to increase the productivity of
year 1994, de-linking it from the Panchayat degraded lands, while creating huge
Raj wing. The department had two major employment opportunities for the poor. It is
wings namely DPAP and Wage Employment now firmly believed that the development of
and SHGs wing. The Commissionerate of degraded lands is an important input required
Rural Development was further bifurcated in for eradication of poverty.
the year 2001, into a)Commissionerate of Towards this direction following
Rural Development and b) Commissionerate programmes are being implemented by office
of Women Empowerment and Self of Commissioner, Rural development.
Employment. The Women Empowerment 1. Watersheds Development Programmes
and Self Employment wing was again (DPAP, DDP, IWDP)
merged with the Commissionerate of Rural 2. Comprehensive Land Development
Development in 2005. Programmes (Indira prabha under RIDF
At the district level, the District Rural IX, X XIII),
Development Agencies (DRDAs) are 3. Wage Employment Programmes
implementing the programmes of Rural (NREGS-AP)
Development sponsored by Government of All the three programmes are being
India under the administrative control of the implemented and monitored through the
Commissioner, Rural Development. software solution RAGAS (Rashtra
A separate Project Directorate was Grameena Abhivridhi Samacharam). The
sanctioned in 1991 for implementing entire data is every day uploaded into central
Watershed and Wage Employment server and the reports are visible in
Programmes for Ananthapur district. respective websites, thus bringing in
Subsequently, Project Directorates were transparency and accountability to these
created in the 11 DPAP districts taking into programmes.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 170

supported by DFD provided the necessary
Watershed Development Programmes learnings on providing sustainable
In order to combat the recurring drought livelihoods to the rural poor. The GoI had
conditions in the state, Watershed issued comprehensive Guidelines on
Development Programmes are being Watershed Development Projects in 1995
implemented under centrally sponsored and revised them from time to time. In 2003-
DPAP, DDP and IWDP schemes. Watershed 04, Hariyali guidelines were issued by GoI to
programmes are concentrated only in rainfed provide more role for the Gram Panchayats.
areas which have undulating terrain and are In 2008, GOI have issued New Common
prone for degradation of soil (soil erosion). guidelines for Watershed Development
These areas are generally characterized by Projects bringing all schemes under one
very poor groundwater profile. umbrella and providing for cluster approach
A series of structures like sunken pits, wherein contiguous areas upto 5,000 ha. will
rockfill dams, percolation tanks, check dams, be taken up for treatment. So far, 9,301
farm ponds, earthen bunding vegetative Watersheds covering an area of 46.50 Lakh
barriers, plantations etc., are constructed to have been sanctioned, of which, 4,741
reduce the velocity of water and allow Watersheds with an area of 23.70 lakhs are
percolation. They also control soil erosion completed. These watersheds include
and improve vegetative cover on the land so sanctioned under other programmes like
as to augment productivity. Status of EAS, APRLP and APHM etc. Presently, the
watershed development is shown in following schemes are under implementation.
Drought Prone Area Programme –
Table 8.25 (DPAP/DDP)
Progress of Watersheds This is a centrally sponsored scheme funded
by Central and State on 50:50 basis upto IVth
Sanctioned Comple Under
Scheme batch i.e., 1998-99 and 75:25 cost sharing
ted progress
DPAP 4,242 1,608 2,634 basis from 1999-2000 onwards. It is aimed at
DDP 1,054 206 848 developing the drought prone areas with an
IWDP 1,499 421 1,078 objective of drought proofing by taking up
Others soil and moisture conservation, water
(EAS, APRLP, 2,506 2,506 -
APHM) harvesting structures, afforestation and
Total 9,301 4,741 4,560 horticulture programmes on a comprehensive
Source: Rural Development Department micro watershed basis. DPAP scheme is
being implemented in 94 DPAP Blocks of 11
districts and Desert Development Programme
Integrated Natural Resources Management,
(DDP) is being implemented in 16 Blocks of
following the ‘ridge-to-valley’ approach in
Ananthapur District since 1995-96.
selected micro watersheds of approximately
500 ha. area, with total participation of the Integrated Waste Land Development
local community is the main objective of the Programme (IWDP)
Watershed Development Programme. Soil Rapid depletion of green cover and vast
and Moisture Conservation, Water stretches of marginal lands lying fallow,
Harvesting, Ground Water Recharge, found to be causing enormous ecological
Improvement of vegetation and Bio-mass, imbalance and productivity is also negligent
Wasteland Development etc., are the main on account of soil erosion and
components of Watershed Development marginalization of lands. To arrest this,
Programmes. Apart from these, the massive integrated wasteland development
promotion of Watershed based livelihoods project was under taken during 1992 with
for the resource poor is also included as one 100% central assistance. The programme of
important component since 2004, after the dry land development in A.P. under went a
Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project major change from 1995-96 with the

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 171

introduction of new watershed guidelines. National Rural Employment Guarantee
IWDP is implemented in non-DPAP blocks Scheme (NREGS as on 9-10-2009)
of DPAP districts and in all non-DPAP National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
districts. The Government of India has gives legal guarantee of providing at least
communicated new guidelines called 100 days of wage employment to rural
Hariyali, is implemented in the watersheds households whose adult members are willing
during the year 2003-04.The area is treated to do unskilled manual labour. This Scheme
with soil and moisture conservation works, is implemented in 22 districts of Andhra
water harvesting structures, afforestation Pradesh, 13 districts in Phase I, 6 districts in
from ridge to valley concept. Phase II and 3 districts in Phase III (except in
A total of 83 (1078 watersheds) ongoing Hyderabadad)
projects are under implementation to treat an First time in the history of the country, this
area of 5.38 lakh Ha. So far, 4.79 lakh Ha Act gives entitlement to every rural
area has been treated out of the total area of household to demand for wage employment.
7.45 lakh Ha under IWDP in A.P. It is State government’s responsibility to
Indira Prabha : Comprehensive Land provide 100 days of employment to each
Development Project (CLDP) household. The Act also gives entitlements
Objective of the Scheme: The main like worksite facilities such as safe drinking
objective of the scheme is to provide an water, shade at worksite, crèche for the
Integrated and Comprehensive Livelihood children under five years etc., Under this Act,
options centered and development of if an applicant for employment under the
compact blocks of assigned land owned by scheme is not provided such employment
poor SC, ST, BC and Others. A minimum of with the receipt of application within 15 days
50% of physical and financial benefits would he shall be entitled to a daily unemployment
go in favour of SCs and 10% for STs. The allowance. The rate of unemployment
Project was launched in November 2004. allowance shall be ¼ of the wage rate for the
An amount of Rs.599.18 crores has been first 30 days and half-of-the wage rate for the
sanctioned under RIDF-IX, X and XIII remaining entitled period of the financial
Projects covering an area of 5.28 lakh acres year.
belonging to 3.54 lakh families. RIDF-IX The program has been grounded in AP on a
and RIDF-X were launched in November strong footing with the following non-
2004 and RIDF-XIII was launched in negotiables.
October 2007.  Contractors and labour displacing
RIDF-IX: NABARD has sanctioned 827 machinery shall not be engaged.
Projects with financial outlay of Rs.200.31  Every registered rural household shall be
crores and so far an expenditure of Rs.160.41 provided not less than 100 days of wage
crores has been incurred. employment in a financial year.
RIDF-X: NABARD has sanctioned 836  Payment of wages shall be made at least
Projects with financial outlay of Rs.248.60 once in a fortnight.
crores and so far an expenditure of Rs.165.30  Equal wages shall be paid to men and
crores has been incurred. women. Works approved by the
RIDF –XIII: NABARD has sanctioned 22 Grampanchayat (identified in the Gram
projects, one in each district, with a financial Sabha) at village level, Mandal Parishad
outlay of Rs. 150.26 crores and so far, an at Mandal Level and Zilla Parishad at
expenditure of Rs. 51.48 crores has been District level, only shall be taken up.
incurred. Best Practices - MIS:
Government released an amount of • Total program is being run through a
Rs.445.88 crores so far under RIDF(IX,X specially designed software to make the
and XIII) and an amount of Rs.377.19 crores system more accountable and transparent.
has been spent as on 30.09.2009 and 3.51 This helped to minimize corruption and
lakh acres has been developed.

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 172

to minimize the time taken for various Post Office Accounts. So far, 1.26 Crore
processes. individual accounts are opened.
• Pay slips are generated in Computer and Major initiatives towards livelihood
distributed to the labour at their door security under NREGS-AP:
steps. Pay slips carry information about 1. Indiramma Cheruvulu - Comprehensive
the amount of wages deposited in the restoration of MI tanks: 18,131 tanks are
accounts of labour taken up with an estimated cost of Rs. 1,778
• Entire information about Job card crores. Out of which, 15,961 tanks are in
holders, works, muster rolls, expenditure, progress. So far, Rs 1,673.24 crores
and progress are put in public domain (including desiltation) has been spent. 8,216
through website tanks are restored, stabilizing 9.3 lakh acres.
• The above information can be accessed at 2. Horticulture: Horticulture is taken up on
District, Mandal, Village and household the lands of the poor in 3.91 Lakh acres at an
level. estimated cost of Rs.800 Crores. Ongoing
Social Audit: SHM and APMIP projects are converged in
Andhra Pradesh is the only State which this initiative.
established a full-fledged Social Audit Unit 3. Land Development: An extent of 5.96
at the State level with exclusive Staff. The Lakh acres land lying fallow belonging to
Unit works independently and reports to SC/ST/ BPL families have been developed.
Government. So far, Social Audit has been Activities like Land Leveling, silt
completed in 27,256 Gram Panchayats, application, clearance of bushes, deep
covering 960 mandals in 22 Districts in the ploughing etc. are taken up.
1st round, 364 mandals in 2nd round and 20 Awards
mandals in 3rd round. This is an effective tool The NREGS-AP software and website have
to check corruption and to enhance the been recognized as one of the best ICT
accountability to people. So far, more than solution in the Country and world wide. So
2,550 functionaries have been removed from far, ICT solution of NREGS –AP has won
services or disciplinary actions have been the following awards.
initiated. Rs.4.32 crores has been recovered i. Award for Excellence in e-governance
from erring officials. 2006
Rural Standard Schedule of Rates ii. Manthan award for best e content website
(RSSR): 2007
• Rural Standard Schedule of Rates has iii. Bronze Medal in National e-governance
been prepared by conducting work time awards for government website 2007-
motion studies. This is an initiative first 2008
of its kind in rural development which iv. Special mention at “Stockholm Challenge
ensured earning of minimum wage by Award – 2008” on 22-05-08 for its
workers. excellence in the use of Information
• 30% extra wages are being allowed in Technology.
summer season keeping in view the v. Finalist in Stockholm GKP awards 2007.
increased fatigue levels of the labour due vi. Runner up in Thailand egov. awards
to high temperature. 2007.
• 30% allowance is also paid to disabled Smart Card
group through out the year. The It is a pilot initiative to make payments of
additional allowance is to compensate Government benefits to the beneficiaries
decreased output due to disability. through Smartcards which are backed by
Wage Payments through Post Office bank accounts. The overall objectives of the
Accounts initiatives are:
To avoid middlemen and to make the i. Provide a operational frame work for
payments directly to the labourers, wage increasing the outreach of main stream
payments are being made through individual

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 173

banking and financial services to the 18,131
No. of minor irrigation
poorest of the poor by using technology tanks(Indiramma
based solutions. Cheruvulu) taken up
ii. Ensure efficient and timely transfer of
govt. benefits to the poor. Estimated amount of 1,778
iii. Minimize the possibility of fraudulent MI Tanks (Rs. Crores)
iv. Ultimately to achieve Total Financial No. of Indiramma 8216
Cheruvulu completed
Inclusion through Smartcards.
Details of NREGS are shown in Table 8.26. 1673.24
Expenditure on
Indiramma Cheruvu
Table 8.26 (including desiltation
Overview of NREGS and related) - Rs.
During Cumulative Crores
2009-10 (upto 9-10-09)
Total No. of Job Cards Source: Rural Development Department
issued 5,81,630 1,19,08,018
Total No. of works 13,80,208 18,75,372 Andhra Pradesh Water, Land And Trees
sanctioned Act-2002(APWALTA)
Total Value of works 19,827 23,719 The government of AP promulgated the
administratively Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act-
sanctioned (Rs. Crores)
2002 to promote water conservation, Tree
No. of Works
1,63,500 6,58,812
cover and regulate the exploitation and use of
Completed ground and surface water for protection and
Total Expenditure 2462 7566.5 conservation of water sources, land and
(Rs. Crores) environment in the entire state. The Act came
No. of Households into force with effect from 19-04-2002.For
provided wage 52,17,509 81,01,048 effective implementation of the Act,
No.of Individuals provision was made for the constitution of
provided wage 94,63,337 1,50,91,905 subsidiary authorities at District and Mandal
employment levels. In view of the indiscriminate drilling
Person days generated 24.12 73.41 for bore wells, the ground water has been
( Crores)
depleting fast. Added to it, unscientific and
No. of households 6,04,884 15,63,691 reckless drilling has resulted in failure of
completed 100 days bores leading to farmers incurring heavy
Average no. of days
losses. Keeping this in view, the government
employment provided 46.23 of AP have suitably amended the
per household
APWALTA Act and consequently, through
Average Wage rate
85.36 comprehensive Rules-2004 have also been
per day per person - 89.05
(Rs.) brought out for effective implementation of
the Act.
No. of Mandals Social 960
Audit completed
The most important feature is introduction of
Single-Window Approach for speedy
364 clearance of the applications for new bore
2nd round Mandals

3rd round Mandals

No. of Gram 27,256

Panchayats Social
Audit completed

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 174

Single-Window Approach: The farmers
desiring to drill a bore will apply to the Institution and Human Capacity Building
Village Secretary/MRO. The MRO takes the The Institution and Human Capacity
feasibility of electricity from the Building facilitates the formation and
APTRANSCO and feasibility of ground strengthening of self managed institutions of
water from the Ground Water Department. the poor and helps in building social and
When both are feasible, the MRO gives human capital. There are 106.61 crore Self
permission for drilling of new borewell. Help Group(SHG) members in 9.33 lakh
Failed Borewell compensation scheme: All SHGs organized into 36,391 Village
farmers who obtain permission for drilling of Organizations (VOs) and 1099 Mandal
new agriculture borewells from the Samakhyas(MSs). The SHGs in A.P.
concerned WALTA authority are covered constitute 27.74% of all SHGs in the country.
under this “failed Borewell Compensation In addition to above (MSs), there are 126
scheme”. If any bore well drilled after Mandal Vikalangula Sangams, 17 Chenchu
securing necessary permission from the Mandal Samakhyas, 7 Fishermen Mandal
concerned authority fails the farmer will be Samakhyas and 20 Yanadi Mandal Samakyas
eligible to get compensation up to in the State. District Federations called Zilla
Rs.10,000/- All the cases will be settled by Samakhyas (ZS) have come into existence in
the Project Director concerned. all the 22 districts. 33,260 (93%) Village
Progress under APWALTA from 2005-06 Organisations and 1,090 (99%) Mandal
to 2008-09 : Samakhyas 15 ZSs are registered under
• 22.44 lakhs Agriculture Wells are Andhra Pradesh Mutually Aided Co-
registered. operative Societies Act 1995, to provide a
• 2,577 rigs are registered. legal entity and status to the federations.
• 261 Geologists are empanelled.
• 9,951 applications are received Micro Finance and SHG Bank Linkages
for permission of new well The SHG-Bank Linkages is a great success
sinking. story in A.P. 25 Commercial Banks, 16
• Feasibility given for 6,837 new Regional Rural Banks and more than 4,000
agriculture wells. branches are participating in the programme.
• 3,449 Villages are notified as over Bank lending has dramatically increased
exploited banning drilling of new from Rs.197.70 crores in 2001-02 to
bore wells. Rs.6,649.44 crores in 2008-09. Andhra
• 1,076 sand mining cases are Pradesh leads the country in SHG-Bank
booked. Linkage Program with 50% of all bank loans
• Rs. 62.35 lakh collected toward given to SHGs in India. During the year
penalty. 2009-10, SERP has facilitated Rs 2545.77
crores of bank loans to 1,78,513 SHGs up to
*** November, 2009 as against the target of
Poverty Alleviation and Social Rs.9,000 crores. The year-wise progress is
Assistance Programs given in Annexure 8.15.
8.24 Society for Elimination of Rural
Poverty(SERP): Financial Access and Pavala Vaddi
Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) Incentive
The main objective of Indira Kranthi Patham To encourage the women’s groups further
is to enable all the rural poor families in 22 and also to achieve 100% repayment, the
rural districts of Andhra Pradesh to improve State Government have introduced the
their livelihoods and quality of life. All PAVALA VADDI scheme, where in the
households below the poverty line, starting government is reimbursing the SHG
from the poorest of the poor are the target members any interest paid by the SHGs over
group of Indira Kranthi Patham. and above 3% per annum. This has led to

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 175

significant improvement in loan repayment. lean season. The total quantity and the value
Under this initiative, 4,75,164 SHGs were of the milk procured and supplied by the
given Rs. 52.67 Crores in 2004-05 and 2005- SHG managed BMCUs during the year
06. 2,90,825 SHGs were given Rs.50.02 2009-10 is 49,248 MTs and Rs.9849.60
Crores during 2006-07 and 5,54,359 SHGs lakhs. 25 Andhra Pradesh Bajra Napier
were given Rs112.30 Crores during 2007-08. (APBN) fodder nurseries (perennial fodder)
During the year 2008-09, Rs. 195.31 crores have been established during this year for
interest subsidy was given to 7,14,930 supplying fodder slips to the farmers. About
groups. During 2009-10 (up to Nov. 09), an 1,025 acres of APBN is grown by
amount of Rs.111.00 crores is given to 4.92 community members to supply green fodder
lakh groups. Thus, an amount of Rs. 521.30 to the Milch animals in 412 villages of 16
crores is given to 25.28 lakh SHGs districts.
(repeated finance) as Pavala Vaddi incentive 69 Mini Feed Mixing Plants have been
from inception of the Scheme. sanctioned under PM package to BMCU
Mandal Samakhyas for preparation and
Community Investment Fund (CIF) supply of Concentrate feed to community
The CIF provides resources to the poor members under feed credit programme. Out
women SHG members to improve their of the 69 plants sanctioned, 25 plants have
livelihoods. This component supports the been installed and were sanctioned a working
poor in prioritizing livelihood needs by capital of Rs.3.00 Lakhs each. 9 plants have
investments in sub-projects proposed and already begun supplying feed to community
implemented by the Community Based member farmers.
Organizations (CBOs). The cumulative CIF
expenditure up to November 2009 is Rs. Land Purchase/Accessibility
913.38 Crores and the total number of Under this component, productive and ready
beneficiaries are 23,68,765. to use land with assured irrigation facility is
being given to the poorest of the poor
Dairy Intervention households in the rural areas. As on March
The dairy activity is a major livelihood 2009, an extent of 4,539.24 acres of land was
opportunity for the rural poor in Andhra purchased and handed over to 5,303 poor
Pradesh. Milk procurement activity was families, out of which 2,799 (53%) are from
taken up on pilot basis in Nizamabad and SC families and 1979 (37%) are from ST
Mahabubnagar districts during 2006-07 and families. Under the Land Access Programme
it has helped the milk producers to get better up to November 2009, 2.58 lakh cases related
price for milk and promoted transparency in to land disputes of poor were resolved and
Milk Procurement. This also triggered created the accessibility of 3.62 lakh Acres to
intervention in milk productivity in the the SHG members.
villages. Based on the success evidenced in
the pilots, the same model is replicated in 18 Community Managed Sustainable
more districts in the state during the year Agriculture (CMSA)
2008-09. Bulk Milk Cooling Units (BMCUs) Community Managed Sustainable
with a capacity of 2000 to 5000 liters to Agriculture (CMSA) is meant to support the
collect and chill to the desired temperature of poor farmers to adopt sustainable agriculture
40 C were established in 171 mandals in the practices, to reduce the costs of cultivation
state. In collaboration with the APDDCF and increase net incomes to improve and
Ltd., the SHGs and their federations have sustain agriculture based livelihoods.
taken over 162 BMCUs covering 3400 It is proposed to reach 4,024 villages in 300
Village Milk Procurement Centers with mandals of 21 districts. It is intended to
1,39,875 milk producers have contributed cover 20.00 lakh acres in 2009-10 by
2.57 lakh liters of milk per day in peak benefiting 6.45 lakh farmers. Out of the total
season and 1.79 lakh liters of milk per day in target set, for the year, 10.56 lakhs is covered

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 176

upto end of November 2009 by benefitting 2009-10
5.22 lakh farmers. Under CMSA, 154 Item 2007-08 2008-09 (up to
resource villages were developed and 743
MMS Involved 1036 845 559
seed banks were established to bring seed (No.)
sovereignty to farmers. VOs involved 2071 1662 1193
Under NREGS Non-Pesticidal Management (No.)
(NPM) convergence, 14,031 compost pits Families 3.01 2.17 2.32
were dug upto July, 2009 for effective Covered
( lakhs)
composting and timely supply of compost, Commodities 79 65 34
1,618 farm ponds were dug to conserve water Handled (No.)
and recharge ground water and 27,331 acres Volume 47.30 59.30 64.12
tank silt applications were taken up. (lakh Quintals)
Due to implementation of NPM practices, the Turnover (Rs. 320.15 492.16 593.03
cost of cultivation has drastically reduced. Crores)
The range of savings varied from crop to Source:- SERP-Rural Development Department
crop ranging from Rs.2,500/ha in case of Food Security
Paddy, to Rs.12,500/ha in case of Cotton and In the lean Agricultural season, many of the
Rs.37,500/ha for Chillies. During last year rural poor have barely one square meal a day.
total savings across the 18 districts reached to The Food Security Credit is a direct
an estimated amount of Rs.320.44 crores. intervention to tackle the hunger gap in rural
areas. Village Organizations (VOs) estimate
Collective Marketing the balance requirement of SHG members, in
The marketing strategy of the project is to respect of rice and other essential
enable the small, marginal farmers and NTFP commodities, negotiate and buy better
collectors to obtain the best price for their quality of commodities at bulk, from the
Forest Produce and agricultural commodities. open market and sell to their members at a
It also aims at to minimize the cost of inputs price lower than the retail outlets. Under this
to the rural poor farmers and offer initiative, 12,26,606 families in 1,24,650
remunerative prices for their produce. The SHGs in 9263 VOs were provided food
marketing intervention of IKP has registered security upto November, 2009.
a significant increase in this financial year
with pick up in paddy procurement activity.
The V.Os have successfully implemented Jobs for Rural Youth
village level collective marketing of Neem, Employment Generation and Marketing
Redgram, Greengram, Chillies, Paddy, Mission (EGMM) was set up to address the
Maize, Turmeric, Cashew, and NTFP besides needs of the next generation of the large net
Agricultural Inputs etc. Various marketing work of SHGs created and nurtured by IKP.
initiatives are taken up by SERP in 2008-09, It aims at to create employment/
among them Paddy procurement is employability for the rural/tribal
predominant in many districts. In the current underprivileged youth. It works in a public-
financial year, upto November 2009, the VOs private partnership mode to identify, train
have procured a total of 64.12 lakh quintals and place youth in entry level corporate jobs
of agriculture and NTFP commodities worth in hospitality, retail, sales, tourism, banking,
Rs. 593.03 crores. rural BPOs, manufacturing, textiles and
Details of the marketing intervention of last construction sectors. Total number of jobs
three years are shown in Table 8.27. created up to 2008-09, was 1,83,891.
Number of persons trained during the current
Table 8.27 year up to November 2009 are 34,126, out of
Collective Marketing which placements are shown for 17,417

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 177

Gender crores through CIF, Bank Loans and
Revolving Fund for enhancing their
The gender strategy envisages that the poor
Livelihood. Further, 2,862 Surgical
women are able to access and control over
Corrections were carried out and 20,612
assets, incomes, all services available at
PWDs were issued assistive devices at no
village and individual level. Gender
cost to them in the programme mandals.
programme helps women to increase their
understanding of intra-family equity issues,
Health and Nutrition
decision making levels, free mobility and
necessity of building a safe environment. The major goal of the Health and Nutrition
strategy under the APRPRP operates in a
Under this component, 516 Mandal Level convergent mode with the line departments
Social Action Committees are formed with by looking at gaps in the existing public
the membership of 4,734 members. health and nutrition services that are
Community Managed Family Counseling provided by the line departments. It is being
Centers run by SHG women are 283. implemented in 63 mandals including 8
Number of Village Organization Social Giripragathi mandals covering 2,289 Village
Action Committees formed up to November organizations in the state.
2009 are 11,832 with a membership of
80,812. Women are actively mobilized into Extensive Health and Nutrition strategies
V.O. Social Action Committees (VOSACs) being adopted across 63 mandals include
in the villages to work on social agenda and fixed schedule for regular capacity building
gender discrimination cases. Number of cases of stake holders at mandal and district levels,
dealt with by these committees and family institutionalization of the fixed Nutrition and
counseling centers together are 18,196 and Health Days (NH days) in convergence with
number of cases resolved are 12,906. SERP line departments and regular health savings
is playing important role to prevent by 2.73 lakh members in 26,748 SHGs to an
infanticide by organizing women into Self amount of Rs.2.74 crores as safety nets for
Help Groups. health emergencies. The intensive health and
nutrition strategies focus on intensive health
Disability CRP strategy. 800 best practitioners from the
pilot mandals have been identified as health
Recognizing that people with disabilities are
among the poorest and most vulnerable of the CRPs. Since January 2007, the health CRPs
strategy has been implemented in 680
poor, IKP has adopted a participatory
Village Organizations and established 713
development approach to support them by
Nutrition- cum-day-care centers. The impact
building their capacities to improve life skills
of perinatal and neonatal outcomes among
and self-esteem. IKP has extended the
the members attended Nutrition-cum-day-
support to enhance their livelihoods by
care centers shows 99% safe deliveries, 90%
creating accessibility to government benefits
normal deliveries, No low birth weight baby
and entitlements. Provision of assessment,
born. No maternal, infant and neonatal deaths
treatment and rehabilitation services were
happened in 4,200 deliveries occurred among
made through community managed
the members enrolled at 609 nutrition
interventions. Intensive activities are carried
out in 128 mandals.
2,13,889 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) Under Early Childhood Education (ECE),
are organized into 23,391 exclusive SHGs new centres have been started in the
both in the program and non-programme Yacharam mandal of Ranga Reddy district.
mandals in the State. A total of 52,581 Support is being continued for the
PWDs are given an assistance of Rs.63.14 Community Managed Pre-Primary Schools

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 178

in Adilabad, Vizianagaram, Visakapatnam, maximum of Rs. 2,000 per month. It also
East Godavari, Khammam and Warangal covers insurance to the women in addition to
districts. In all, 336 ECE centres established the monthly pension on attaining the age of
in 8 districts with the enrolment of 5,280 60 years. It is proposed to cover all SHG
children. women under this scheme. Enrolment of
members, third party verification, serving of
Under Corporate Education for Weaker the demand notices to the interested and
Sections, 8,009 seats were allocated to the eligible members has been completed.
districts during 2009-10, out of which, 7,674 Contribution collection from Forty One (41)
seats have been filled up. Education wing of lakh members and subsequent transfer of
SERP is in the process of facilitating funds to SERP has been completed.
convergence between the departments of
Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare The consolidation and reconciliation of
and Minorities Welfare for release of funds amounts at SERP and subsequent transfer to
pertaining to this scheme to the college LIC of India is under process. All the
managements. The list of students admitted is members enrolled into Abhaya Hastham are
placed in the ‘SERP’ website. also eligible for Janashree Bima Yojana
scheme. The scheme has come into effect
With the focus on total abolition of child from 1st November 2009 and commencement
labour and to ensure their right to education, has been marked by distribution of policy
Child Rights Protection and Community certificates by Hon’ble Chief Minister to the
involvement in Improving of Quality in enrolled members and pension cheques to the
schools is introduced. This project also deals eligible pensioners on that day.
with improvement in quality of education at
schools through women groups, gram Rs.15.00 crores is distributed to 3 lakh
panchayats, teachers and youth. This is being pensioners for the month of November, 2009
implemented in three tribal mandals in the under Dr. YSR Abhaya Hastham
ITDA Bhadrachalam area of Khammam Programme.
district and 307 children have been enrolled
in Residential Bridge Schools during this Besides above, Under Indira Jeevitha Bima
year. 180 children were mainstreamed Pathakam (Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana), the
between April and June 2009. Insurance cover has been renewed for 38
lakh rural landless agricultural labourers
Dr.Y.S.R.Abhaya Hastham - Insurance effective from 1st April 2009. Apart from the
Scheme above Life and disability insurance schemes,
Dr.Y.S.R Abhaya Hastham is a co- the Vizianagaram Zilla Samakhya is
contributory pension and insurance scheme implementing loan protection scheme by
visualized by the Government for the SHG providing insurance to the livestock.
women over and above 18 years age group
in rural and urban areas to provide social Project Expenditure
security in their old age. This scheme The cumulative total expenditure of IKP up
envisages contribution of Re. 1 per day by to November 2009 is Rs.2150.45 crores. The
the SHG and government co-contribution of details are given in Annexure 8.16.
Re. 1 per day into her pension account. The
contribution of the member and the co- Overall Performance of IKP
contribution of the Government are
periodically transferred to LIC of India for The overall performance of IKP is shown in
investing diligently for securing better Table 8.28.
returns on the investment. The corpus thus Table 8.28
generated till the age of 60 years will be used Overall performance of IKP
for giving monthly pension of Rs. 500 and

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 179

As on The objective of SGSY is to uplift the poor
Indicator November families above the poverty line by providing
them income generating assets through a mix
No. of SHGs under the project 9,33,585
No. of members in women SHGs 1,06,60,968 of bank credit and government subsidy. The
No. of SHGs of Persons with key elements in this programme are, the
Disabilities choice of activity based on local resources
No. of Persons with Disabilities
2,13,889 and aptitude as well as the skills of
in SHGs Swarozgaries. Funds under the scheme will
No. of Village Organizations
36,391 be utilized for providing assistance to SHGs
No. of Normal Mandal and individual swarozgaris and for creating
1099 infrastructure and for training of swarozgaris.
Samakhyas formed
Total No. of beneficiaries of The performance of SGSY is given in
Income Generating Activities Annexure 8.17.
No. of Households benefiting Women Self Help Groups (SHGs)
from Food Security
Self help movement through savings has
No. of acres of land purchased 4,539.24
No. of beneficiary families of been taken up on massive scale for rural poor
5,303 women. The success of the Self Help Groups
land purchase
Amount of Bank Linkage up to in Andhra Pradesh has been a national model
November 09 in 2009-10(Rs. 2545.77 with 9.33 lakh groups covering 106.61 lakh
crores) of rural poor women.
Source:- SERP-Rural Development Department
State Revolving Fund
Poverty Alleviation and Social Assistance For ensuring financial viability of SHGs, the
programme: state government is providing budgetary
The State has taken ‘Self Help Group’ as a support @ Rs.10,000 as revolving fund to
theme to eradicate poverty. It is each group. During the year 2009-10, an
contemplated to bring every woman amount of Rs. 25.77 crores has been
belonging to poorer section of the society provided in the budget. An amount of Rs.
into the fold of Self Help groups. Special 6.44 crores has been released. 6,804 groups
budgetary provision is being made in the have been assisted with a subsidy of Rs. 6.80
state budget for Self Help Groups apart from crores (upto Nov’2009). The achievements
the support from ongoing centrally sponsored are shown in Table 8.29.
scheme of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar
Yozana (SGSY) programme of self
Table 8.29
employment scheme. Similarly, banks are
Achievement under State Revolving Fund
also extending credit to SHGs in a big way Item 2008-09 2009-10 (upto
with Interest subsidy support to SHGs. Nov.09)
Deprived poor families are being assisted Groups Assisted 29,103 6,804
under pension programme and family benefit Subsidy disbursed
scheme. (Rs. In lakhs) 2,910.30 680.33

Source:- SERP-Rural Development Department

Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana
Social Assistance Programmes
This is a centrally sponsored scheme funded
All the pensions which were looked after by
by the government of India and the state
the departments concerned have been
government in the ratio of 75:25. All the
transferred to the Rural Development
existing schemes upto 1998 – 99 viz., IRDP,
department for implementation from the year
2006-07. The rate of pension is Rs. 200/-
MWS have been merged in the new scheme
p.m. for all pensioners except disabled
persons from 2006-07. Government is
distributing Rs. 200/- on first of every month
programme has come into existence w.e.f.
to Old age persons, Weavers, Widows and

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 180

Rs.500/- to Disabled Persons. A total of 2009-10 (upto Nov.09)
71,79,926 pensions are targeted to be (Amount Rs.Crores)
Scheme Alloc Relea Expe Pensioners
distributed every month. During the year (No.)
ation ses nditu
2009-10, an amount of Rs. 2,003.02 crores re
has been provided in the budget. Government NOAP 420.91 315.68 249.86 1510542
released an amount of Rs. 1,502.26 crores of Indiramma 476.50 357.37 330.74 826850
which, Rs. 1,122.82 crores has been Pensions to
distributed to 66,36,465 pensioners upto Disabled
November 2009. The details of pensions are: Indiramma 1105.60 829.20 701.67 42,99,073
Pensions to
1. Old Age Pensions (OAPS) Old Age
During the year 2009-10, an amount of Rs. Persons and
420.91 crores has been provided in the Widows
NFBS 10.00 5.00 4.75 9511
budget to cover 17,19,398 pensioners. An
Source:- SERP-Rural Development Department
amount of Rs. 315.68 crores has been
released and Rs. 249.87 crores is distributed
to 15,10,542 pensioners (upto November Remote and Interior Areas
2009). Development Programme (RIAD)
2. Indiramma Pensions to Old Age Persons
8.25 The Government of Andhra Pradesh is the
and Widows
only state in the country to have created a
During the year 2009-10, an amount of Rs.
separate wing in the General Administration
1105.61 crores has been provided in the
Department for implementation of the
budget to cover 46,27,385 pensioners under
Remote and Interior Areas Development
these categories. An amount of Rs. 829.20
program to co-ordinate the implementation of
crores has been released and Rs. 701.67
core socio-economic activities by various
crores is distributed to 42,99,073 pensioners
departments. The objective of the programme
(upto November, 2009).
is to wean away the youth living in the
Remote and Interior areas from the influence
3. Indiramma Pensions to Disabled Persons
of the left wing extremist ideologies by
Disabled persons having a minimum of 40% improving the socio-economic conditions of
disability is the criteria for eligibility. The the people.
rate of pension has been enhanced to Rs.
500/- p.m. from November 2008 onwards for 5,622 habitations were identified as Remote
all the Disabled Pensioners. During the year and Interior Areas for this project in 332
2009-10, an amount of Rs. 476.50 crores has mandals covering a population of 54.38 lakhs
been provided in the budget to cover in 18 districts i.e., Srikakulam,
8,33,143 pensioners. An amount of Rs Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East
357.38 crores has been released and Rs. Godavari, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore,
330.74 crores has been distributed to Anantapur, Kadapa, Kurnool, Adilabad,
8,26,850 pensioners (upto November, 2009). Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam,
Family Benefit Scheme Mahabubnagar, Nizamabad, Medak and
Under the Family Benefit Scheme, during the Nalgonda districts which are the most
year 2009-10, an amount of Rs. 10.00 crores backward areas in the State. To achieve this
has been provided in the budget and Rs. 5.00 objective, GOAP has identified the following
crores has been released and Rs.4.76 crores development activities viz., jobs, resolving
has been distributed to 9,511 families (upto forest revenue issues, Minor Irrigation
November 2009).Details are shown in Table program, Health, strengthening the
8.30. infrastructure under education, all weather
Table 8.30 roads to all the habitations, Rural water
Pensions under Social Assistance Program

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 181

supply and Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana as sanctioned during 2007-08 for providing
essential. additional accommodation/ repairs to 36
Employment and Job linked Training: Social Welfare hostels. An amount of Rs
It is estimated that there are about two lakh 10.00 Crores was provided during 2008-09
unemployed/underemployed youth in the for additional accommodation in Hostels/
RIAD areas. A computerized data base of other Social Welfare Educational Institutions.
bio- data of all the youth identified is being Rs 2.50 Crores provided during 2008-09
built up in Rural Development Department to under RIDF XIV-RIAD for providing SW
ensure follow up. During 2006-07, 16,722 College hostel buildings.
were trained by reputed organizations like To fill critical gaps in Degree College
Reddy Laboratories Foundation, National education in Tribal Areas, five degree
Academy of Construction etc., with funds colleges with attached hostels for boys and
available in D.R.D.As and 10,543 were given girls to these colleges were sanctioned during
placements. 2007-08 at Seetampeta in Srikakulam
Rs.70 Crores was sanctioned separately for district, Gumma Laxmipuram in
RIAD areas for the first time during 2007-08 Vizianagaram district, Chintapalli in
under Rajiv Yuva Shakti to train 43,035 Visakhapatnam district, Eturnagaram in
youth to make them employable mostly in Warangal district and Utnoor in Adilabad
the private sector. 8,875 candidates were district with a budget of Rs 15.52 Crores for
provided jobs after training and 5,355 are recurring and non recurring expenditure. Rs
undergoing training. 9.52 Crores was provided in 2008-09, for
Rs. 89.15 Crores was provided for Training completion of buildings and recurring
and Placements during 2008-09 under Rajiv expenditure.
Udyog Sri, of which, 40% spent in RIAD An amount of Rs 22.28 Crores was
areas. In the 2008-09 annual programme, an sanctioned during 2008-09 under RIDFXIV–
amount of Rs 36.00 Crores has been RIAD for taking up construction of hostel
provided to train and provide placements to buildings in 13 Government Junior Colleges.
40,000 youth. EGMM (Employment Similarly, Rs. 10 Crores was sanctioned for
Generation and Marketing Mission) of Rural additional accommodation to 17 existing
Development entered agreement with reputed Junior Colleges from state plan of Higher
trainers and employers to train rural youth Education Dept. and Rs 20.00 Crores from
and provide placement. RIDFXIV-RIAD in 2008-09 for construction
Strengthening the infrastructure under of hostel buildings attached was provided to
Education: 17 out of 36 Junior Colleges in RIAD areas.
Additional accommodation for High Schools / To fill critical gaps in Junior College
hostels: A Master Plan for providing education for tribal girls, six TW Residential
additional accommodation for the 752 Zilla Junior Colleges have been sanctioned during
Parishad High Schools in the RIAD areas 2007-08 at P. Konavalasa in Vizianagaram
with an estimated cost of Rs. 157.20 Crores District, Chintapalli in Visakhapatnam
has been prepared. An amount of Rs 25.00 district, Rampachodavaram in East Godavari
crores is provided under RIDF XIV for district, Eturunagaram in Warangal district,
additional accommodation in 156 schools Utnoor in Adilabad district and Mahanandi in
during 2008-09. Rs 25.60 Crores was Kurnool district with a budget of Rs 8.75
sanctioned under RIDF XIII during 2007-08 Crores as recurring cost and for buildings.
for providing additional accommodation in During 2008-09, Rs 15.00 Crores was
36 Tribal welfare Ashram High Schools for provided under this scheme.
Girls. Large number of teacher posts reserved for
An amount of Rs 22.80 Crores is provided Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled areas and
under RIDF XIV for additional outside have been lying vacant. Hence, B.Ed
accommodation in Ashram/ Residential colleges at Araku (Visakhapatnam District)
Schools during 2008-09. Rs 4.25 Crores was and Utnoor (Adilabad District) and D.Ed

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 182

colleges at Rampachodavaram (East Rs 139.00 Crores was sanctioned and all of
Godavari District) and Bhadrachalam them are in entrustment stage.
(Khammam District) were sanctioned. 100 An amount of Rs 100.00 Crores is provided
additional seats in existing B.Ed college at during 2008-09 under RIDF.
Bhadrachalam (Khammam District) were Under RIDF XI (NABARD), 122 works with
also sanctioned. Rs 4.00 Crores is also an estimated cost of Rs 102.36 Crores were
provided for construction of buildings to two sanctioned during 2006-07. 77 works were
B.Ed., and two D.Ed., Colleges and completed with an expenditure of Rs 63.00
additional accommodation to existing B.Ed Crores. During 2007-08, 55 works were
College at Bhadrachalam under RIDF XIV – sanctioned with an estimated cost of Rs
RIAD. 84.72 Crores and 44 were cleared by
Resolving Forest-Revenue issues: The most NABARD.
important land problem in these RIAD areas During 2008-09 and 2009-10, 26 R&B works
is lack of survey and settlement of reserve with an estimated cost of Rs. 70.00 Crores
forest boundaries and non-settlement of were sanctioned.
rights of people as per provision of Forest An amount of Rs 100.00 Crores was
Acts. About 12.34 lakh hectares of RF in provided for this programme during 2008-09
986 reserve forest blocks are yet to be finally under RIDF XIV-RIAD. A revised proposal
notified and rights of people to be settled as for sanction of Rs 410.85 Crores to take up
per the procedure laid down under Sections 4 365 roads under PMGSY was submitted to
to 15 of Andhra Pradesh Forest Act of 1967. Government of India.
18 posts of Forest Settlement Officers with Government of India indicated an amount of
supporting staff were sanctioned by the Rs 175 Crores under 12th Finance
GOAP. The work is started. Commission Award for taking up B.T. roads
in RIAD areas from 2006-07 to 2009-10. In
All weather roads to all the habitations in
the first two years (2006-07 and 2007-08),
the project area: Provision of all weather
112 works with an estimated cost of Rs
roads to these remote and interior habitations
115.69 Crores were sanctioned. Of which, 68
will greatly strengthen the government’s
works are already grounded. During 2008-09
efforts to improve the socio-economic
and 2009-10, 27 PR works with an estimated
conditions of people living in the areas and
cost of Rs.23.14 Crores were sanctioned.
wean them away from the influence of left
During 2009-10, Rs.87.40 crores were
wing extremism and also strengthen the
released to carryout the ongoing programmes
administration in combating Naxalism in the
under 12th Finance Commission Grants which
state. A comprehensive master plan to
are being executed by PR(RIAD) department
provide all weather connectivity to each of
and R&B NABARD also.
the RIAD habitations was prepared by the
Minor Irrigation Programme: There is
R&B department and the Panchayat Raj
substantial potential for constructing small
department in the state with a total estimated
irrigation structures and Lift Irrigation that
cost of Rs.2,628.70 Crores. The plan details
can provide irrigation facility to the lands in
the existing roads, roads under construction
the remote areas to increase productivity.
and remaining roads to be taken up to ensure
Master plan consisting of 112 MI works
all weather connectivity to all the 5,622
with an estimated cost of Rs 210.00 Crores is
RIAD habitations in all the 18 districts. The
under implementation. Rs 19.79 Crores were
programme is phased over three years
sanctioned from RIDF XIV-RIAD to take up
starting from 2006-07.
two Lift Irrigation schemes during 2006-07.
During 2006-07, 43 R&B works with an
Ten more schemes under state plan were
estimated cost of Rs 64.03 Crores were
also taken up during 2007-08and 2008-09 in
sanctioned. Of which, 14 works were
RIAD areas with an estimated cost of Rs
completed and others are in progress. During
308.55 Crores.
2007-08, 58 works with an estimated cost of

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 183

Rural Water Supply: District wise master works. It includes 9,969 works with an
plans were prepared for Rural Water Supply. amount of Rs. 81.89 crores under SC Sub-
The estimated cost is Rs 141.29 Crores to Plan and 5,874 works with an amount of
cover 2,465 RIAD habitations. Rs 40.16 Rs.47.30 crores under ST Sub-Plan. An
Crores was already provided during 2007-08 amount of Rs.249.34 crores have been
to cover 826 habitations. Rs 51 Crores was released to the districts.5608 works worth of
provided during 2008-09 for 11 PWS Rs.76.84 crores were completed and the
schemes in RIAD areas. remaining works are in progress.
Health: Two ANM training Centers have
been sanctioned at GL Puram and Utnoor in Rajiv Palle Bata
ITDA areas. In order to improve health 8.27 Rajiv Palle Bata, essentially is a
infrastructure facilities in RIAD areas, Rs. 60 programme involving dialogue between the
Crores was provided during 2008-09 for Leader and people. As it is well known,
construction of 705 Sub Centers, two ANM people and their elected representatives are
Training Centers, one Nutritional the twin motors powering our vibrant
Rehabilitation Center and 29 PHCs. democracy.
Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY): To During the process, people get an opportunity
remove regional imbalances between some to represent their problems directly to their
districts, Government of India has introduced Leaders. The leadership, in turn, is benefited
RSVY in 10 districts of Andhra Pradesh. by the public feedback about governmental
Each district was allocated Rs.45 crores @ policies. The resultant symbiosis reinforces
Rs.15 crores per annum for schemes that the democratic process. During his visits to
would address problems of low agriculture districts, Hon’ble C.M. receives petitions and
productivity, unemployment and fill critical gives assurances to people serving
gaps in infrastructure. An amount of community needs.
Rs.352.50 crores has been released so far. The programme was started in 2004. In all,
From 2008-09, the name of the programme is 54,540 petitions have been received in the
changed as Backward Region Development entire state, of which about 96.66% have
Fund (BRGF) and extended to 3 more been responded to. In all, 1,195 assurances
districts. Rs.381.91 crores is provided during have also been made during public
2008-09 under BRGF. interactions out of which, 1,079 (90.30%)
*** have been redressed and 107 (8.95%)
Backward Region Grant Fund assurances are under different stages of
implementation while 9(0.75%) are yet to be
8.26 Government of India have launched a new
The assurance given during the programme
programme called B.R.G.F commencing
was generally fulfilled by meeting the
from 2007-08. The main objective of the
expenditure from the budget of the
programme is to redress regional imbalance
respective departments. However, from
in development by providing funds for
2005-06 onwards, Government have started
bridging critical gaps in local infrastructure.
earmarking some plan funds under Rajiv
The programme is being implemented in 13
Palle Bata Scheme – which is meant to act as
selected districts in the State (1st phase of
a limited cushion for sanction of works
N.R.E.G.A) with an allocation of Rs.335.28
wherever necessary. Upto 31.3.2009, an
crores under Development Grant and Rs.13
amount of Rs.438.22 crores has been
crores under Capacity Building.
sanction under the programme.
District plans for 13 BRGF Districts were
During 2009-10, an amount of Rs.25.00
received from the District Planning
Crores has been provided under the
Committees and the Annual Plan for the
programme. These funds are fully utilized
year 2009-10 was approved by the High
being provided to various districts for taking
Power Committee with an estimated cost of
developmental works, as approved by
Rs. 337.09 crores for taking up 44,073

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 184

Hon’ble Chief Minister and as a part of as model to inspire and motivate all other
fulfillment of assurances of Hon’ble Chief villages to emulate the same path.
Minister. A Web-based Petition Monitoring Initiating action in line with the above
System (PMS) has been developed to innovative idea, Government have released
monitor the redressed status on line from an amount of Rs.172.27 crores during 2004-
anywhere at any point of time. 05 to 2008-09 to develop 103 identified
Pulivendula Area Development Agency villages covering 7 mandals in Kadapa
(PADA) district under “Model Village scheme” on
8.28 Villages in Andhra Pradesh are at different pilot basis.
stages of development. While those in the For continuing the infrastructure
prosperous regions of the State have achieved development in the identified villages of the
significant development, a majority of the area as per the action plan contemplated by
villages in backward areas remain under- the Pulivendula Area Development Agency
developed. On account of these, a more an amount of Rs.50.00 crores was released
workable strategy for the Government was to during year 2009-10.
identify a few villages where integrated
development can be brought about through
planned interventions and use these villages ***

8.Social InfrastructureNYS0702 185

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