Classroom Management Plan

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By: Robin Randolph

Table of Contents:

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Philosophical Statement
Section 3: Frist Day
Section 4: Classroom Environment
Section 5: Classroom Procedures
Section 6: Discipline System
Section 7: Student Motivation
Section 8: Classroom Engagement
Section 1:

Hello, and welcome to my classroom management plan! I created this plan to give

some insight on what my future classroom may look like. I designed this plan for 4

and 5 graders of all content areas. I am very excited to create this plan and organize

all of my ideas for my future students!

Being able to create this plan means that I get to put all of ideas down on paper

and I hope to keep this plan with me for when I begin teaching. Having something like

this is important because some of these ideas can be lost and forgotten about. Have a

lot into all of my ideas and what teaching means to me.

Section 2:
Philosophical Statement:

My classroom management plan is mainly child centered with the focus on ensure

that every student feels welcome and happy in their environment. I think that instilling a

positive environment in a classroom is essential to student success. I want my students

to know that they are going to receive the best education possible and that I will always

be there to help them. It’s my job to educate the future, so it’s important to teach them

the skills and responsibility to be outstanding adults.

Classroom management is an important element to a successful classroom with

successful students. My students’ success is one of the most important things to me

and my classroom management plan will reflect that. Shaping young minds is hard work

but it is always worth it.

Section 3:
First Day
First Day of School Script
When students first arrive- meet them at the door and give them their seat assignment
Start of class- introduce myself and give a brief overview of my life
Moring Activities- Give out a get to know me activity. Mine will be projected on the white
board for reference. After everyone has filled this out I will ask people to call out some things
that they would like to share. After this is completed I will pass out a reading interest inventory
to evaluate what books the students enjoy reading. Allot enough time to finish and turned into
Mid-Morning Activities- We will begin going over the classroom rules and procedures. Ex.
Where to hang their back packs, how to line up for lunch, etc... Ask the students any input they
would like on classroom rules in which I will take into consideration some of them. This will take
the rest of the morning until lunch. Before then be sure to go over lunch and recess
Lunch- After doing the lunch procedure walk them down to the lunch room and go over proper
Recess- Walk the students to recess while going over how we walk in the hallway. (They are
older, so they should know this)
Afternoon Activities- Once back from recess do a warm up activity of watching a music
video to get the students going again. After this I will go over some of the content that they
will be learning this year and some major projects that they need to be aware of. Pass out the
take home letter for parents and materials they may need for the year. Then go over stations,
such as computers, library, reading corner, and math center. Split the students into groups so
they can do a get to know you with each other and demonstrate how they should work in
groups and voice level.
Dismissal- Go over dismissal and the proper procedures again. Ensure everyone knows where
they are going and what their ride home is. Thank them for being there today.

On the first day of school, especially for new teachers, having a script is important so that the
teachers have something to follow. The first day can also be crazy so this helps keep things organized.
First Day Book

The importance of reading is something that I will stress every day in my class, so reading a book on
the first day is very important. I choose one that tells a story about the first day. Being able to build a
community of readers is important and I plan on reading a book every single day.

Having bingo on the first day of school is a good ice breaker without having the students have to
share about themselves in front of the class. When I was a student I hated doing that so I like the idea
of bingo where they can learn more about their peers on their own.
On the first day, handing out a sheet such as this one is a great way to learn all about your students.
Knowing information such is what type of learner they are and what subjects they like best is key to
student’s success.
Section 4:
Classroom Environment
Classroom Blueprint

This is my classroom blueprint that I have developed and I labeled

each area based on content. Having this idea of where you want
things located as well as the things in the classroom is important.
The placement of things need to be effective for student success.

In my room, there will be

various centers such as a
math and reading center.

It’s important to have centers in the

classroom to help with organization. Kids
also enjoy going to centers that are
decorated in a fun way that looks inviting. It
makes it so that reading and computer time
seem more fun and it’s not just at their
Section 5:
Classroom Procedures
List of Procedures:
• Entering the classroom: how to enter, where to put backpack, etc.
• How to line up: order of the line, when to line up, no talking while in a
line, etc.
• Lunch procedure: what to do in the lunchroom, who is clean-up crew,
• Turning in assignments: how to turn it, where to turn in, name order,
• Restroom: how to ask, where to go, what you should do once allowed,
• Independent work: noise level, working the entire time, asking
questions, etc.
• Teacher signal: what to do once signal is made, knowing the signal, etc.
• Transitions: how they work, signal when time, noise level, etc.
• Group work: noise level, how to work in groups, question asking, etc.
• Recess: how to go, when you lose it, how to act properly, etc.
• Classroom Library: how to treat books, putting in correct spot, etc.
• Computer station: how to log on, how many at a time, websites allowed,
• Fire/Emergency drills: what to do when the signal is heard, etc.
• Handing out papers: how to do it, when to do it, who is in charge, etc.
• Dismissal: how we dismiss, where to sit depending on ride home, etc.
• Free time: what is allowed during free time, timing for it, etc.
These procedures are ones that I feel all of my students should follow for the class to run smoothly.
Having a set of procedures also teaches some responsibility to the students.
One procedure that I think is super important to teach is turning in papers.
Having this organized is important so that the teacher can keep track of the
papers and who didn’t turn it in.
These are some of the
anchor charts that
explain some of the
procedures in the

Having anchor charts such as these

are good to put around the room for
children to reference. This is also
helpful for the teacher so that they
don’t have to continue to repeat
Where are you?

Having a where are you chart is great for classroom procedures. Teaching this is important so that
the teacher and students always know where someone is. If there is an emergency in the school,
knowing where ever student’s whereabouts is important.
Section 6:
Discipline System
Classroom Expectations:
• BE KIND!! Everyone is everyone’s friend. I will not tolerate bullying or
• Follow directions, if you aren’t sure what they are ask your neighbor
and then me.
• Be a good listener, to both the teacher and the peers
• Ask the teacher to go to the restroom, put up the hand signal. If it is
an emergency (throwing up, etc.) then go! No need to ask.
• Stay on task, no wandering around or sitting and doing nothing
• During free time, you can only do the activities that are allowed for the
day. It will be written on the board.
• Raise your hand if you want to speak when the teacher is talking. Wait
to be called on
• Clean up after yourself and always make sure your area is clean before
you leave.
• RESPECT. Be sure to respect the teacher, classmates, and yourself.
• No bad language or inappropriate behavior
• Come to class every day prepared to learn and be on your best
• Most importantly: Remember, that your education is important and I
will always be here for you no matter what.

These are some of my expectation that I will have in the class. I will have a poster with these written
on it and posted on the wall. I think that making some of these expectations positive is good so that
the students feel that they are cared about.
This is a classroom hierarchy that is a great guide for how to implement consequences. Posting this on
the walls benefits the students so that they are aware of what their consequences will be if they
continue to have behavioral problems.
I like the idea of giving this think sheet out to students who are misbehaving. This gives the student the
chance to calm down and think about what they have done wrong. I also like that he gives the chance
for the child to choose their own consequence which may help them get over the situation.
Parent Contact Form

What incident occurred during class today?


Consequence I received?

What I learned from my actions


Parent Signature ________________________

When there are incidents that are not minor but don’t need the teacher to call home, I think that these
are a good medium. They allow the parents to know that the incident occurred and what the child
received for punishment. Papers like these may prevent the student from repeating bad behavior.
Section 7:
Student Motivation
Daily Quote

I love the idea of having daily quotes on the board for the children to find motivation in. I think that
sometimes students need to find motivation through the words of others, someone who may not be
their teacher.
Having a reward system is a huge motivator for students. If they are a good student in class, get
several good grades, or demonstrate being a role model, giving out rewards is beneficial. The rewards
can be as simple as 15 minutes of free time, or lunch with the teacher, but it motivates students to do
Section 8:
Classroom Engagement
Music Video Dance

Dance breaks get the students to get back engaged with what they were learning. There have Just
Dance music videos where the students can follow along and get their blood pumping. Kids love it and
they have songs that are kid friendly, a good break for everyone.
Musical Chairs

After completing a lesson, playing musical chairs is a good way to see how much they learned and help
them retain it. If they learned a math lesson, then give them a problem, let them get the answer, then
play the game. They can only keep the chair if they got the answer correct. It’s fun and a good way
for students to want to learn the information.
Music video:
Musical chairs:
Student rewards:
Where are you?:
Turn in papers-
First day of school book:
Daily quote:
Think sheet:
Sub rules:
Working in pairs:
Reading center:
Computer Center:
All about me sheet:

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