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Soal Uts Kelas X Semester 1 2017

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Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 3 Oktober

Waktu : Kelas : X/

A. Choose the correct answer A,B,C,D or E for b. like e. likes

each number by giving (X). c. is like
1. Boby : …, Ms. May. 10. .........… we too late to catch the bus?
Ms. May : Morning, Boby. How are you? a. are d. is
Boby : I’m fine, thank you. b. am e. does
a. Good morning d. Bye c. were
b. Good afternoon e. Hi 11. Dina : Sukma, I’d like to introduce
c. How are you you to my friend, Arry.
2. Deva : Hi, Maya. Sukma :…
Maya : …, Deva. How’s life? Arry : How do you do.
Deva : Great! a. Hi, see you later
a. Hello d. How are b. Good. How are you?
you? c. I’m Sukma. How do you do?
b. See you e. I’m very well d. Hello, see you tomorrow
c. Good bye e. Good bye, arry.
3. Dewi : Hi, Juan. Long time no see. How 12. Ana : Hi, I found this on my table. Is
are you? this yours?
Juan :… Deny : Yes, …
a. I must go now a. It’s mine. Thanks.
b. I’m fine, thanks b. It’s my own. Thanks.
c. I’m in hurry c. I don’t know
d. It’s nice to see you d. It’s me
e. See you e. It’s yours
4. Teacher : Hello, students. How’s life? 13. A : Jane, …..... I forget to bring your
Students : Hello, Sir. … umbrella.
a. Don’t worry B : It’s OK, bring it tomorrow.
b. Nice to meet you a. thanks d. I’m sorry
c. Very well, thank you b. it’s OK e. it doesn’t
d. They are fine, thanks matter
e. You are fine, thanks c. no problem
5. Jea : Hello, Patrick. How’s 14. A : Thank you for the wonderful cake, Rei.
everything? B:…
Patrick : Fine, thanks. Where are you a. Don’t eat too much
going, Jea? b. I want it too
Jea :Library, I want to borrow a c. Give me a piece
book. Goodbye, Patrick. d. Thank you
Patrick :… e. It’s my pleasure
a. Fine d. good afterno 15. A : Excuse me! Please allow me to
introduce myself. My name is Rosa.
b. Good morning e. good bye B : Hello, I’m Yoni. How do you do?
c. Very well A : ….... nice to meet you.
6. My friends … in a nice house. a. I’m fine, thank you
a. live d. lives b. Very well, thank you
b. are live e. lived c. How do you do
c. leave d. Good to see you
7. We … not a child anymore. e. How are you
a. do be d. did 16. ....… friends go to Medan.
b. do are e. are a. Us d. We
c. is b. Our e. It
8. It … a bright day today. c. her
a. is d. are 17. The singers are wonderful. … sing the song
b. am e. does together.
c. was a. They d. Their
9. Do you … ice cream? b. Them e. Theirs
a. liked d. liking c. our
18. Mrs. Marry is wonderful. She loves … child, e. It’s beautiful and expensive
very much. 25. Manager : Riska, what is your new
a. she d. him
secretary look like?
b. his e. her
c. he
Riska : ….
19. The teacher gives … home work. a. I put it on the table
a. they d. us
b. their e. she b. She is typing letter
c. me c. They can’t keep a secret
20. The frog can’t jump quickly. … leg is hurt.
d. She is busy to meet
a. is d. it’s
b. it e. its e. She’s very efficient
c. are 26. The shape of a coin is …..
21. A : What is the second day of Sunday? a. Triangle d. Rectangle
B : It is …. b. Crescent e. Circle
a. Sunday d. Monday c. Round
b. Tuesday e. Friday 27. The size of elephant is ….
c. Saturday a. Long d. Thin
22. Suryana is from Bogor. His country is …. And b. Light e. big
his language in Indonesian. c. Small
a. China d. Indonesia 28. The shape of … is cylinder.
b. Japan e. London a. Ball d. Book
c. Singapore b. Coin e. Table
23. Ali : Hi, Rika where do you work? c. Pipe
Rika : I work in the hospital, I 29. The antonym of these words; beautiful, tall,
always examine the patients. and slim are…
Ali : So, you are … aren’t you? a. Handsome, tall, slim
a. Nurse d. baby sister b. Fat, tall, short
b. Driver e. mechanic c. Slim, ugly, good
c. Doctor d. Ugly, short, fat
24. Rima : Rob, how does Andy’s painting look e. Bad, beautiful, fat
like? 30. How do you say in English 2015?
Roby : wow …. a. Two thousand and fifteen
a. It’s given to my mother b. Two thousand fifteen
b. It is inside the room c. Two thousand and one five.
c. I will sell it next week d. Two thousand one five
d. The painting is bad e. Two hundred

B. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative!

1. (+) My mother buys fruits every week.

(- ) _______________________________________
(? ) _______________________________________
2. (+) Mila and Milo buy some sugars.
(- ) _______________________________________
(?) _______________________________________
3. (+) My Parents get a new car.
(- ) _______________________________________
(? ) _______________________________________
4. (+) We go to Paris by plane.
(- ) _______________________________________
(? ) _______________________________________
5. (+) She sings a good song.
(- ) _______________________________________
(? ) _______________________________________
C. Answer the questions use possessive adjective and possessive pronoun!

No Questions Answer Answer

possessive adjectives possessive pronouns

1. Is it her magazine? No, that’s not ______ magazine. No, that’s not _______ .

2. Are they your friends? Yes, they are ______ friends. Yes, they are _________ .
3. Are they Sutha’s candles? No, __________________ . No, __________________ .

4. Is it your sister’s skirt? Yes,____________________ . Yes, _________________ .

5. Is it their boarding house ? No, ____________________ . No,_________________.

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