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Why Upstream Oil and Gas Poses

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Volume 93, Number 2 ■ January 14, 2019

Why Upstream Oil and Gas Poses

Lower Transfer Pricing Risks Than
Other Industries
by David Delahay and Karl Schmalz

Reprinted from Tax Notes Internaonal, January 14, 2019, p. 175

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Why Upstream Oil and Gas Poses Lower Transfer Pricing Risks
Than Other Industries

by David Delahay and Karl Schmalz

purchases are with a related company, there is
inherent suspicion that the prices might be
different from transactions with unrelated parties
and that net income might be shifted to reduce
taxes. If a company undercharges a related party
for what it sells or overpays a related party for
what it purchases, its net income and taxes will be
lower than had the transactions been between
unrelated parties. Transfer pricing refers to prices
charged for goods and services between related
entities, and when those prices deviate from a fair
market value, or the price that would have
occurred had the parties been unrelated (also
referred to as parties dealing at arm’s length), the
David Delahay and Karl Schmalz are senior tax authority is generally permitted to adjust the
advisers with the International Tax and prices to that arm’s-length amount and recompute
Investment Center in Washington. taxes due.
The authors would like to thank the members Transfer pricing can be a significant revenue
of the center’s Oil and Gas Taxation and risk for any country, but especially for a
Regulatory Dialogue for their review and developing country that might have limited
comments on this article, as well as Carole sources of industries generating tax or other
Nakhle and Alexandra Readhead for their revenue. A tax administration’s ability to
helpful review and suggestions.
challenge and adjust transfer prices depends on its
In this article, the authors discuss the unique human and financial resources, as well as on the
characteristics of the upstream oil and gas availability of comparable data to apply the arm’s-
industry and explain why and how those length standard. That concern receives much
characteristics limit the local country’s revenue attention from commentators, policymakers, and
risk regarding transfer pricing. tax authorities.
Copyright 2018 ITIC. All rights reserved. However, for international oil companies
engaged in oil and gas exploration and
Countries that impose taxes on net income are production activities in both developing and
rightfully concerned about how a taxpayer developed countries, there are several unique
calculates that income. In its simplest form, net characteristics that significantly reduce the risks
income is the difference between the prices 1
of transfer pricing or mispricing. Although some
charged by a taxpayer for what it sells — that is, its
revenue — and the prices it pays to others on what
it purchases — that is, its costs. When a taxpayer
sells to, or purchases from, an unrelated (or third) While those characteristics apply equally to developed and
developing countries, this article focuses mostly on developing
party at a market price, the simple revenue minus countries, given the attention commentators and international
cost formula works fine. But when those sales or organizations have paid to natural resource activities in those countries.


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commentators have recognized those factors, length. The combination of the fact that most
they can be overlooked or unrecognized by those large-scale oil and gas projects are conducted in
who may lack an understanding of the industry. joint ventures among several companies (often
Without a full understanding of the oil and gas including a national oil company) and that any
industry, tax authorities could end up spending related-party costs charged to the joint venture
more time on some transfer pricing questions are at cost, with no profit element, lets
than is commensurate with the level of risk, and governments verify transfer pricing for most costs
commentators could, with the best of intentions, incurred. That is not to say that there are no
end up creating misconceptions that might be transfer pricing risks for international oil
counterproductive to creating value from the companies, and this article attempts to identify
natural resources of developing countries.3 areas of most potential concern. However,
This article highlights and describes the because of the characteristics discussed, the areas
unique characteristics of the upstream oil and gas (and in most cases, even the amounts) involved in
industry and explains why and how they limit the transfer pricing risks are more limited than for
local country’s revenue risk stemming from many other industries.
transfer pricing. That there is widely and publicly
available pricing information for oil operates on I. Background
the revenue side to enable governments to assure The upstream oil and gas sector refers to the
themselves that transfer pricing associated with exploration, development, and production of
sales of crude oil to related parties is in fact arm’s crude oil and natural gas. The transportation,
processing, refining, and marketing of petroleum
is generally referred to as the downstream sector.
See, e.g., Stephen Shay, “An Overview of Transfer Pricing in Extractive In many developing countries, the oil and gas
Industries,” in International Taxation and the Extractive Industries (2016); Jack
Calder, “Transfer Pricing — Special Extractive Industry Issues,” in industry consists almost entirely of the upstream
International Taxation and the Extractive Industries (2016); Calder, sector, with most or all of the production being
Administering Fiscal Regimes for Extractive Industries: A Handbook (2014);
Maya Forstater, “Making Sense of International Tax ‘Big Numbers’: exported.
Billions and Trillions,” Hiya Maya (blog) (undated); Forstater and
Alexandra Readhead, “Inflated Expectations About Mineral Export
The initial upstream activity — oil and gas
Misinvoicing Are Having Real Consequences in Tanzania” (June 26, 2017); exploration — is an exceptionally risky activity
and Readhead, “What Mining Can Learn From Oil: A Study of Special
Transfer Pricing Practices in the Oil Sector, and Their Potential Application
that frequently is granted to companies that have
to Hard Rock Minerals,” CGD Policy Paper 128 (July 2018) (which outbid others for the right to explore. That
provides an insightful description, analysis, and discussion of the extent to
which oil industry characteristics reduce transfer pricing risks for that bidding process often provides the developing
industry, and whether those practices might be adopted or adapted to country with a substantial upfront payment and
similarly reduce transfer pricing risks for parts of the mining industry).
3 further work commitments by the investing
See, e.g., “Illicit Financial Flows: Report of the High Level Panel on
Illicit Financial Flows From Africa” (undated), report commissioned by company. Because of the large upfront payments
the AU/ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and and high additional investment risks,
Economic Development and chaired by former South Africa President
Thabo Mbeki, asserting that the African continent is losing over $50 international oil companies typically form a
billion per year from illicit financial flows. The definition adopted by the partnership or joint venture to develop and
Mbeki Commission for the term “illicit financial flows” was “money
illegally earned, transferred or used.” This paper focuses on traditional complete the project. Through those partnerships
transfer pricing practices involving activities that are not illegal but are
required under most countries’ tax laws when transactions between
related parties are involved. Taxpayers’ transfer pricing determinations,
generally required to be based on the arm’s-length principle, are (Footnote 3 continued)
sometimes challenged by tax authorities as being outside a range The legal practice of seeking to minimize a tax bill by taking
believed appropriate. Governments and nongovernmental organizations advantage of a loophole or exception to tax regulations or adopting
often assert that taxpayers use aggressive or even abusive approaches to an unintended interpretation of the tax code. Such practices can be
transfer pricing motivated by minimizing tax. Illegal transfer pricing prevented through statutory anti-avoidance rules; where such rules
practices have no place in proper management of natural resource (or do not exist or are not effective, tax avoidance can be a major
other) tax and financial practices, and any alleged illegal practices component of IFFs.
should be vigorously prosecuted. The issue of illegal activities (which Thus, the commission equates a legal practice with “money illegally
would include falsifying invoices regarding transfer pricing) is often earned, transferred or used.” Commentators also often fail to make the
confused and conflated with legal but disputed transfer pricing distinction of legal versus illegal, but it is a crucial one.
positions taken by taxpayers in estimating the FMV of an item at a See also Sebastian Beer and Jan Loeprick, “Profit Shifting: Drivers of
particular point in time. The Mbeki Commission itself demonstrates that Transfer (Mis)Pricing and the Potential of Countermeasures,” 22(3) Int.
confusion by defining trade misinvoicing as misrepresenting the price or Tax & Pub. Fin. 426 (2015); and Léonce Ndikumana, “Trade Misinvoicing
quantity of goods or services, which it notes can lead to tax evasion — in Primary Commodities in Developing Countries: The Cases of Chile,
itself an illegal activity. It distinguishes tax evasion from tax avoidance, Cote d’Ivore, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia,” UNCTAD (Dec. 23,
which it defines as: 2016).


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or joint ventures, companies diversify and reduce changing tax or royalty rates or adopting new oil
their risks on any particular project. In many joint taxes. Can those concerns lessen the likelihood of
ventures, the national oil company is a joint those companies taking aggressive pricing
venture participant, either as a full equity partner positions or implementing base erosion
or on a carried interest basis (with the other techniques that could create hostilities with the
partners funding its investment share). developing country? Perhaps, but countries
The joint venture or partnership is formal and cannot simply assume that to be the case and must
governed by a joint operating agreement. After exercise their own due diligence in verifying
the exploration and development stages of the transfer prices.
project are complete and the value of the reserves Before turning to characteristics of the oil and
in the developing country has been established, gas industry that can assist tax authorities in
the balance of power somewhat shifts to the performing their obligations regarding transfer
developing country. According to one pricing, a brief comment on fiscal structures is
commentator: needed.
While geological risks begin to diminish The two most common fiscal structures used
after discovery, political and financial by countries in the development of oil and gas
risks intensify . . . Once a resource project resources are tax or royalty regimes and
becomes commercial, bargaining power production sharing contracts or arrangements.6
really begins to shift. The large Under each, there is likely to be a joint venture of
investments for the development phase of multiple international oil companies, and
petroleum operations start out as a source possibly the inclusion of a government entity,
of strength for the contractor. By the time such as a national oil company. Production by the
production commences, capital joint venture partners is usually taken in kind and
investment is a sunk cost, and facilities separately sold by each participant, and in the tax
installed in a foreign country can or royalty regime, royalty production by the
represent a significant source of government may also be taken in kind and then
vulnerability to the contractor.
4 sold by the government. The same is true under
production sharing contracts. In most developing
Given that projects are expected to last countries — particularly for oil and, to a growing
decades, and that the nature of risks shifts over extent, for natural gas via liquefied natural gas —
project phases, investors benefit from trying to the production is exported. In most cases, the joint
develop and maintain a long-term relationship venture might not be a taxpayer, but the
with the country. Ideally, the contract or fiscal individual participants in the joint venture are.
terms that govern the project are flexible enough Finally, even if the joint venture is a taxpayer, the
so that as conditions change, the terms adjust, or individual participants might also be taxpayers
as differences arise, investors and the government for activities and costs not included in the joint
parties work to resolve them in a mutually venture. That is a particularly important feature
supportive way. of the oil and gas industry that will be discussed
Arguably, because of the shift in power noted in more detail.
above, international oil companies have a strong
incentive to maintain a positive relationship with
the developing country, including its tax For additional information about fiscal instruments in the
extractives sector, see The Taxation of Petroleum and Minerals: Principles,
authority. Those companies worry that the Problems and Practice (2010), particularly chapter 4, Carole Nakhle,
developing country might try to alter the financial “Petroleum Fiscal Regimes: Evolution and Challenges,” at 89-121.
terms of the arrangement by, for example, The joint venture structure provides an additional layer of review
beyond that already applicable to the individual members of the
venture. Internal and external audits, including government audits,
occur at the joint venture level, in addition to those at the individual
member level. Further, publicly traded international oil and gas
4 companies are subject to scrutiny, both publicly and legally, arguably
Daniel Johnston, International Petroleum Fiscal Systems and Production helping to lower risks of aggressive behaviors. For example, U.S.
Sharing Contracts 142 (1994). publicly traded companies are subject to SEC requirements, the Foreign
See, e.g., United Nations Handbook on Selected Issues for Taxation of the Corrupt Practices Act, independent auditor reviews, and their own
Extractive Industries by Developing Countries 260-289 (2017). internal audit practices and policies.


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II. The Revenue Side of Transfer Pricing low end of the PIP price range. It would then be
the company’s responsibility to document that its
A. Transparency of Product Prices price was in fact an arm’s-length value. As the use
Almost uniformly, commentators accept that of index pricing became more prevalent and the
product pricing poses the greatest transfer pricing volume of crude oil sales based on index pricing
risk for developing countries. In many sectors, the increased, the volume of transfer pricing disputes
value of an exported item, transferred to a related diminished and the need for PIP diminished; the
party, is subject to large variation because of the IRS ultimately eliminated the group.
product’s special features. For example, in trying Further, in many projects, the developing
to discern the wholesale value of designer textiles country or its national oil company markets its
or athletic footwear, the quality, brand, demand, own share of the production taken as a royalty in
location of markets, and many other factors come kind under a concession agreement or its share of
into the analysis. And the unique characteristics the production under a production sharing
of particular products make comparisons with contract. That firsthand knowledge of third-party
other products whose third-party prices might be market pricing provides additional information to
known a subjective and difficult exercise. tax authorities in developing countries. However,
1. Oil Pricing that practice could also create some concerns
about whether the government actually receives
In the past, that was also the case in the oil
the full value when it sells its own share of
industry. In fact, there were numerous major
production. While the government may well be
transfer pricing disputes between international oil
aware of third-party market pricing, there is a
companies and tax authorities both in the
concern that it might choose to deviate from that
producing country (claiming the price was too
on some of its own sales — suggesting an area of
low) and in the importing country (claiming the
potential corruption. Ironically, it seems
price was too high). Those disputes were based
government sales of its own royalty or other take-
principally on the lack of transparency in market
in-kind production might be where most transfer
pricing. However, it is now almost uniformly
pricing risk exists, while the investor share of
accepted that oil pricing is based on market 8
production poses the least amount of risk.
indices widely used in the industry and in
available publications, such as Platts and Argos. 2. Natural Gas Pricing
Most countries use realized prices as reported by Pricing domestic natural gas and exports of
a company and then check those prices against liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a bit more complex.
available published reference prices to audit Historically, natural gas markets have not been
consistency with their transfer pricing legislation. international, but rather limited to local — or at
Given the level of published price information most, regional — markets, with pricing
and accepted differentials for location and crude characteristics varying by location. Thus, that
characteristics, transfer pricing disputes over the pricing has not developed the same level of
value of oil have all but disappeared. international benchmarks, including quality and
To illustrate, an entire IRS group (the location differentials, and the noted revenue
Petroleum Industry Program, or PIP, group) protections available for oil are not as advanced or
focused principally on transfer pricing of crude available. However, when sold into domestic
oil. PIP was responsible for and had control of markets, natural gas is often subject to
crude oil transfer pricing for all U.S. taxpayers. government price regulation, and when that is the
Annually, PIP would analyze prices and develop
a range of acceptable transfer prices by month and
year for all crude oil imported into the United
States. If a company imported non-U.S. crude oil
in an intercompany transaction at a price above See, e.g., Alexandra Gillies, Marc Guéniat, and Lorenz Kummer, “Big
Spenders — Swiss Trading Companies, African Oil and the Risks of
the range published by PIP, the IRS would Opacity,” Natural Resource Governance Institute Report (July 2014),
propose a transfer pricing adjustment based on particularly at 18-20; and OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-
Based Development, “Summary Report of Ninth Meeting of the Policy
the difference between the transfer price and the Dialogue” (Jan.-Feb. 2018), particularly at 12-15.


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case, there is significant valuation or revenue sales, to related-party sales only, or to sales with
protection. values less than the stipulated government price
In its rapidly growing market, however, LNG (whether to a related or third party) only.
is becoming an internationally traded commodity Obviously, if the government stipulates the price
and reference pricing is becoming more available: to be used for calculating its take, there is no risk
of transfer pricing problems for the government
Domestic gas prices are in any case often for product sales. The government position of
subject to government regulation, so that stipulating a price for oil, if done appropriately,
(just as in the case of sales to LNG plants) provides certainty for the government and avoids
transfer pricing is not a factor: all sales are future litigation on pricing disputes. When some
priced on the same regulated basis, countries implemented that policy, there was
whether to an associate or not. much less transparency in pricing, but with the
International prices are potentially more current level of publicly available index pricing,
relevant to LNG exports, but, whereas the the administrative burden of implementing
huge growth in LNG international trade is government-stipulated pricing likely outweighs
likely to lead to more standardized spot any benefit.
pricing in future, for now there is In Angola, for example, detailed pricing
considerable regional variation based on requirements based on arm’s-length sales
local supply and demand . . . . LNG is principles are incorporated into the tax law. Prices
usually sold under long-term contracts are set quarterly. The national oil company and
rather than at spot prices. . . . If an LNG private oil companies producing oil in Angola are
plant sells gas to an associate, for example, required to submit market demand and price
a related marketing company, it is usually estimates at least 15 days before the start of each
under a similar long-term contract. . . . quarter to the Ministry of Petroleum. Private oil
Because long-term contracts determine companies are also required to submit actual
prices for years to come, there is a good arm’s-length sales data within 15 days following
case for governments to require terms to the end of each quarter or other agreed date.
be approved or agreed in advance if an Required data includes term and spot sales, sales
associate is involved. They should also volumes, buyers, prices received, credit terms,
carry out checks later to ensure that those and density information. Companies also must
terms are applied in practice (or modified calculate volumetrically weighted average prices
only with agreement). on a comparable density basis. The ministries of
However, unlike oil, natural gas frequently Finance and Petroleum jointly consider the data
does not have widely available comparables, so its submitted, as well as data from other sources they
transfer pricing can become highly fact-specific deem relevant, and jointly determine market price
and require significant attention.10 by reference to free on-board sales to third parties.
The quarterly market price is used for tax
B. Value Determined by the Local Government reporting (and cost recovery under the
production sharing contract).
In some countries, the government’s take is
In practice, tax is reported on a calendar-year
determined based on a government-determined
basis, with installments paid monthly. Payments
and published price. That price can apply to all
are due by the last day of the month following
lifting and are initially reported based on actual
sales prices. Once a quarterly reference price is
Calder 2014, supra note 2, at 75-76. On LNG, see also U.N. Handbook, determined, tax obligations are trued up to the
supra note 5, at 17. For an emerging spot market in LNG, see Henning
Gloystein and Jessica Jaganathan, “Oil Like Gas: S&P Global Platts Bags reference price. That occurs four times a year.
Asian LNG Price Benchmark,” Reuters (Feb. 25, 2018). For a long-term Revenue reported in the annual tax return ties to
contract approach involving customers in a joint procurement
arrangement, see Oleg Vukmanovic, “Centrica, Tokyo Gas Break Mould the quarterly reference prices for the year. The
in Mozambique LNG Deal,” Reuters (June 16, 2018).
prices are determined at or near the point of
See, e.g., Readhead 2018, supra note 2, at 17 (showing some 70 export, and thus what occurs beyond that point
ongoing natural gas transfer pricing disputes in Norway as of November
2017). does not affect tax reporting in Angola.


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Norway determines and publishes a norm value, and there is no mechanism to appeal the
price used for all sales of oil regardless of whether price stipulated.
sold to a related or third party. The Norwegian In general, companies prefer using their actual
norm price is a daily price set for each different prices (consistent with publicly available index
crude oil produced, based on a government pricing data available for auditing purposes)
analysis of pricing information gathered both rather than government-established prices.
from producing companies and third parties. Special transfer pricing rules:
Once stated provisionally, the norm prices are
are generally unpopular with investors
subject to appeal by the producing companies, but
because of the administrative burden of
once published as final, they must be used for the
substituting government-imposed
tax value of all sales.
transfer prices and the risk that the
The Norwegian system of pricing crude oil is imposed prices will overvalue sales in
a highly developed, formal approach, designed to practice, whether because of averaging or
establish a true arm’s-length price for oil. Separate because they use an inappropriate
government authorities were established to benchmark or pricing date or because they
manage that process. The Petroleum Price Board are applied asymmetrically. (The “heads I
gathers and evaluates the pricing information and win, tails you lose” application of special
issues the proposed norm prices quarterly, valuation rules is not uncommon — for
covering the previous quarter. Once proposed, example, Argentina and Nigeria apply
producing companies have an opportunity to them only where they produce a higher
review the prices and file a protest if there are value than the recorded price.)

prices the producer disagrees with. The protest is

filed with the Minister of Energy and Petroleum. C. Lack of Valuable Intangibles
The Norwegian regime could be considered a
A major contributor to transfer pricing
best-practices model for how a government
disputes is the existence of valuable intangibles
system for setting prices should be designed and
that affect the product value. Questions include
operated. While it was not uncommon for
who owns them, what jurisdiction has the right to
companies to contest prices in the early years of
tax them, and how they are valued. Intangibles
the system, continued refinements, along with
such as trademarks, trade names, and embedded
much improved publicly available index pricing,
technology all contribute to disputes. For
have resulted in there being virtually no legal
example, for a smartphone, it is critical to know
challenges to the Norwegian norm prices.
how the total value of the completed product is
Nigeria is another example of a country that divided among its various components: the
uses a government set price for taxing the income technology embedded in the phone; the value of
realized from the production and sale of oil by the manufacturing efforts; the phone’s trade
producing companies. However, the official name; the phone’s trademark; and the value of the
selling price set by the Nigerian government is not phone’s physical design.
necessarily tied to market prices and therefore can
None of those problems exists with oil and
result in increasing the effective tax rate above the
gas. There is no producer’s name attached to a
85 percent statutory rate. In the 1980s, the barrel of crude oil or an MCF of gas. A buyer does
disparity between the government-stipulated not care who produced the oil — the value is the
price and the market value got so large that same regardless of the producing company and is
companies were experiencing effective tax rates determined by the physical characteristics of the
over 100 percent. That resulted in companies oil, such as the API (American Petroleum
halting production and the government Institute) gravity and sulfur content, and the
revamping the tax model under a memorandum production location. For natural gas, while
of understanding designed to guarantee production might include some liquids and
producing companies a margin. That
memorandum expired, with valuation of crude
oil reverting to the official selling price. The
producing companies have no input into the Calder 2014, supra note 2, at 89-90.


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impurities, once processed and ready for sale, it is the country’s national oil company, to be the
a consistent product. formal structure for conducting exploration,
Thus, while intangibles and technology are development, and production activities. One of
involved on the cost side of transfer pricing — for the parties to the joint operating agreement is
example, technology involved in finding, appointed as the operator, with day-to-day
developing, and producing oil and gas — those responsibility for conducting operations and
intangibles do not translate into value of the reporting to the other party. The formal
commodity itself, unlike with the smartphone. Oil governance structure begins with the operations
produced in the most rudimentary way is valued management committee, which includes
no differently than oil produced with the most representatives of all joint venture participants
sophisticated technology. Aside from quality and (often including the national oil company).
location differences, a barrel of oil produced Several subcommittees are typically set up to
onshore from shallow depths is not inherently of make recommendations to the operations
greater or lesser value than one produced in deep management committee (which takes votes and
water, or in remote locations with severe makes joint venture decisions). There are often
environmental challenges. subcommittees for facilities, engineering, safety
Therefore, the risk of any intangible value and health, environmental, and finance (plus
affecting the sales price of oil and gas is virtually accounting) that generally meet quarterly to
zero, leaving the value to be determined in the review and recommend approving, modifying, or
open market based on the physical characteristics rejecting the operator’s plans.
and the production location of the oil and gas. The process starts with preparing an annual
planning and budget plan. The operator develops
III. The Cost Side of Transfer Pricing
both an overall plan and specific line items. It
A. Joint Operating Agreements and No-Profit Rule seeks agreement from the operations
Commentators frequently note that in management committee on an approved plan,
addition to questions regarding the transfer which will then become the base line for the year,
pricing of the product ultimately sold (or subject to ongoing review and approval of
exported), costs incurred by the business in the authorizations for expenditure — that is, those
developing country in earning its net or taxable over a specific, agreed dollar amount. There are
profit present other opportunities for transfer reviews of contracts and bid proposals, as well as
pricing concerns. The suggestion is that related, confirmations that items are for the sole benefit of
affiliated companies might charge the country the joint venture. Only approved costs, most of
costs, and that by overcharging for goods or which are third-party costs, can be billed to the
services provided, the multinational organization joint venture.
can artificially reduce the taxable profit of the in-
country business. Again, however, a unique
feature applicable to oil and gas activities While each joint operating agreement will be unique, most share
many of the provisions regarding governance. There will be specific
effectively eliminates that concern for most of the oversight, review, approval, and audit processes, including verification
costs involved in oil and gas projects. that all items charged into the joint venture are charged at cost. Further,
specific accounting procedures that are part of petroleum agreements or
“For petroleum, joint ventures are common applicable petroleum tax laws and regulations also contain rules
and impose cost restrictions that give defining costs eligible for recovery and tax deductibility.
governments significant protection from transfer The national oil company is frequently a member of the contractor
group (the international and national oil companies that form the joint
pricing abuse,” one commentator wrote. “It may venture to provide resources to design and implement the project, and
for this reason be prudent for governments to that jointly are party to the production sharing agreement with the host
government) and plays an active role in contractor selection. It will also
award petroleum licenses to joint ventures rather be part of the review and approval process, which includes putting
than to single companies.”12 As noted, it is together an agreed bid slate (identifying those contractors who are
technically qualified to perform the work) and evaluating them in the
common in the industry for unincorporated joint commercial (compensation) phase. The award of contracts may require
ventures among several investors, often including the approval of both the national oil company and the government (in its
role as resource owner and concessionaire). When approvals are not
given in advance, the national oil company or government has the right
to disallow cost recovery for work, which, because of the time it can take
12 to get approvals, puts the operator in a position to move forward and
Calder 2014, supra note 2, at 80 (especially n.21). take that cost recovery risk.


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The operator will be empowered (on behalf of undercharged, resulting in additional tax
all joint venture participants and subject to the revenue. That is clearly not the situation with any
supervision noted above) to contract for goods other industry, in which a developing country
and services to conduct operations, normally could be at risk of inflated charges for materials
from third parties (including drilling, and services billed to the local project. The no-
construction, fabrication, transportation, and all profit rule applies even though the country where
other needed items or services). The lion’s share of the services are being provided might require a
the costs for any joint venture project consists of markup on related-party services, therefore
third-party costs, all of which are backed up with resulting in double taxation for the taxpayer.16
the underlying contract plus invoices (available The long-standing no-profit practice was
in-country and to the government either as the essentially standardized in the earliest model joint
resource holder or joint venture participant). operating agreement, which was developed by
When the national oil company or government the American Association of Petroleum Landmen
seeks to have local content, the local contractors in 1956 and provided simply for cost
will be third parties. reimbursement for direct and indirect charges by
A second category of costs consists of the the operator of the joint venture. In 2016 the
operating personnel in the country, which may be association published the latest version of the
operator employees or contractors. Costs of those model agreement, which still allows only cost
personnel are again the actual and verifiable costs reimbursement. The Association of International
(salaries plus benefits, for example) — essentially Petroleum Negotiators also created a model
as with any other third-party-related cost. contract, last updated in 2012, that includes an
A final category of costs is headquartering or accounting procedure noting the no-profit, no-
other affiliate costs. Those are the smallest part of loss principle.
joint venture costs but are still supported by an The no-profit rule applies to all joint venture
annual certification process audited by the costs, including direct (third-party contractor
operator’s external auditor. Validation is of the costs, material purchases, direct labor,
total cost of the functions to be billed out and a transportation, and generally any expenditure of
certification that they consist of costs only — that direct benefit to the joint project) and indirect
is, no markup. Allocation of headquartering costs costs (generally operator costs allocated to the
to a particular joint venture is typically supported project to compensate the operator for items not
by time-writing.15 The operator supplies directly chargeable). However, no charge is
management and administrative services, usually allowed for the value of intangibles brought into
via its own personnel or from related companies, the project, for example.
by way of costs described in this category and the
Thus, for experienced personnel provided by
personnel category.
the operator, there is no markup for special skills.
Under the terms of standard joint operating The charge to the joint venture is the same cost the
agreements, an operator’s charges to an oil and gas 17
employer has (salary and benefits). That
joint venture are limited to costs. When the
operator procures materials for the project, it
cannot add a markup to the charge by the third- 16
One commentator has suggested that this transfer pricing method
party provider or for overhead costs (including the is in fact “the comparable uncontrolled price for costs between non-
procurement services in purchasing materials). associated participants in petroleum joint ventures worldwide.” Calder
2014, supra note 2, at 80. That argument has not been universally
Therefore, for oil and gas projects, the accepted, and the result is double taxation.
developing country is not only not overcharged Commentators often point out that inter-affiliate management or
service costs and financing are key areas for base erosion. See, e.g.,
for the costs of the joint venture, it is in reality Readhead 2018, supra note 2, at 20-21. An operator’s inter-affiliate
management or service costs are precisely the types of costs covered by
the no-profit or no-markup rule. They are incurred by nonoperators, and
while not covered by the no-profit rule because they are not billed to the
venture, are small in relation to any joint venture and are easily
In some cases, reimbursable indirect costs may be calculated by a identified. Financing costs are often not permitted in a joint venture, and
formula agreed on by the joint venture participants as a reasonable if they are — as in a project financing case — they are either with an
estimate of those costs, such as a small percentage of operating costs, unrelated third party or based on unrelated third-party arm’s-length
keeping in mind that it is a third-party negotiated rate among arrangements. See Section IV, infra, for further discussion of the types of
competitors. costs that may not be protected by the no-profit rule.


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essentially provides the developing country free operates to protect a government (and the
access to the value of the technology used there. nonoperator participants) from cost-related
Under the joint operating agreement, the transfer pricing problems, that does not
application of the no-profit rule is subject to audit necessarily carry over to the non-venture costs
by all co-venturers, including the government if it claimed on the separate tax returns of the
is a participant. That is particularly important to participants that incurred the costs:
tax authorities because the interests of the Transfer pricing risks are higher in the
nonoperating co-venturers that are not to be case of profit-based taxes, which, in an
overcharged by the operator are completely unincorporated [joint venture], are paid
aligned with their interests in not having inflated separately by each partner on its share of
costs charged to the country. For larger profit oil. Each partner will submit a tax
expenditures, the co-venturers review and return, which includes its share of costs
approve the charges before they are billed to the paid to the operator, as well as any
venture. expenses it incurs separately at the
Typically, there are annual audits, and the “partner level.” Costs paid to the operator,
starting point for the nonoperators will be the which for major oil projects will constitute
joint interest bill. The government has audit the bulk of the total costs, have undergone
rights, as a co-venturer and as the concessionaire, scrutiny by nonoperators and the
and often contracts with other companies (such as government for purposes of cost recovery,
international or other local accounting firms) for and thus those same costs pose limited
assistance. Tax authorities also have separate transfer pricing risk for profit tax
audit rights. Given all those parties, it is not purposes. However, for those costs that
uncommon for the operator to host auditors of fall outside the scope of the JV and which
one type or another year-round, supplying large are not recoverable, partners may
amounts of documents and data to support the nevertheless choose to offset them against
joint venture charges. The national oil company their individual tax bill depending on the
will often focus on items for cost recovery provisions of host country tax laws. The
purposes under the production sharing contract, lack of oversight by JV partners means
and the tax authorities will focus on costs for the that, to the extent that such costs are
permissibility, as well as the timing, of tax incurred with related parties, transfer
deductions. pricing risks remain and those costs
That raises an important distinction between should be scrutinized.

the level of costs chargeable to the joint venture

for cost sharing among venturers (and cost However, protection provided by the no-
recovery in production sharing contracts) and profit rule does carry over to joint venture costs
what each member claims as a deductible cost for claimed as tax deductions, making even the
income or profit tax purposes on its tax return. income or profit tax risk much lower because of
Technically, costs not charged or chargeable to a the information available to the government as a
joint venture may still be claimed as a tax result of the rule.
deduction by the member incurring the cost. Tax authorities will have all the records of
Therefore, while it has generally been what a nonoperator paid into the joint venture
acknowledged that for cost sharing and cost (anything else must be looked at, as noted above,
recovery among venturers, the no-profit rule but having the no-profit rule records clearly limits
the scope of the audit) and the level of transfer
pricing risks. Similarly, tax authorities will have
Neither the operator nor the nonoperator benefits from overpaying access to detailed records of the costs the operator
third parties, which reduces profitability of the joint venture activities charges the joint venture, so anything in addition
and each party’s share. The government, as a party and as tax
administrator, has the same interest in all third-party costs. For operator
inter-affiliate costs, all other partners (including the government) have
an interest in keeping those items at cost, per the agreements. Further, in
the overall context of the joint venture project, those types of costs are 19
small; thus, there is little risk in the inter-affiliate cost area. Readhead 2018, supra note 2, at 16-17.


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to costs claimed for income tax purposes can the funding. If so, what protections are available
easily be identified and reviewed. to a country and, for example, how can it
Because not all costs are covered by the no- determine whether the actual interest rates
profit rule, there could be areas of transfer pricing charged are within an arm’s-length range?
concern. Non-covered costs include not only any First, the amount of debt financing and the
the operator incurs that are disallowed as joint charges for it will be clearly identifiable. Thus,
venture costs, but other operator-incurred costs there is no concern about a hidden or hard-to-find
to, for example, maintain an office to oversee item. Second, many countries prescribe rules for
other activities in the country that might not be acceptable levels of debt (for example, by
related to one specific joint venture. Similar costs imposing debt-equity limits). Third, the interest
incurred by nonoperators are also relevant for the rates charged can be easily scrutinized, and again,
tax returns of those nonoperators. Overall, in a country may limit acceptable interest rates
developing countries, those types of costs are under rules or regulations, including by
likely to be relatively small and, perhaps more providing safe harbor ranges depending on the
importantly, clearly identified, because proper duration of the debt and adopting rules placing
venture-related costs are covered by a joint the burden of proof on the taxpayer for rates
interest bill, and all other costs will show up in the outside the safe harbor range.
accounting records as 100 percent costs to the The point is that while in some cases financing
particular entity. may be an area of transfer pricing concern, it is
Thus, because those types of costs are limited, visible and auditable and can be addressed by
transparent, identifiable, and fairly easy to audit, specific rules. Thus, the risks of inappropriate tax
they pose relatively low transfer pricing risks. base erosion are discrete, limited, and
Further, countries can adopt special rules or safe manageable.
harbors that address those limited areas as a way
to further reduce transfer pricing risks. C. Management Services and Oversight
Some specific items that might not be covered Home office management services and costs
by the no-profit rule follow. of oversight of the in-country affiliate that are not
billable to the joint venture are potentially
B. Financing deductible and therefore must be reviewed. In the
When financing is done at the project level grand scheme of a major oil and gas project, those
(nonrecourse project financing), and all partners types of costs are extremely small, and thus do not
(including a country’s national oil company) have pose a large transfer pricing risk. They are also
the same financing terms, the financing is clearly easily identifiable and subject to audit.
arm’s length and will generally involve a third- Accounting by the operator itself will separately
party lender. But financing can also be handled by identify those costs that are on-billed to the joint
each partner outside the project itself. venture and those that are not (often referred to as
For example, companies X and Y, based 100 percent costs in that they are borne entirely by
outside the country where the resource exists, the operator). For nonoperator costs — again,
form in-country subsidiaries (companies XX and ones associated with the project itself that are cash
YY, respectively) as their partners in the joint calls from the operator — these are clearly
venture. To fund the subsidiaries’ shares of marked, so all others would be in their equivalent
project investment, the subsidiaries receive a of 100 percent costs.
mixture of equity- and debt-based funding from
their parent companies. No debt is incurred at the D. Marketing and Insurance Costs
project level, and no financing expenses are In most cases, joint venture participants take
permitted for cost recovery under the applicable their production and separately market it — that
project agreement. The question that can arise is
whether, as XX and YY complete their income tax
returns, they can deduct the interest expense paid 20
For example, in many cases, debt financing of exploration costs is
to their parents on the debt-financed portion of not permitted or feasible. See U.N. Handbook, supra note 5, at 186.


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© 2019 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
is, there are generally no joint marketing activities For the revenue side of transfer pricing, the
that would be billed to the joint venture. (If there availability of international benchmarks and
were, they would be subject to the no-profit rule.) widely published indices, coupled with the
Given that most of the product is exported and relative homogeneity of the product itself and
that index pricing is used to determine the export accepted (and published) differentials for quality
price, marketing costs would not be involved in and location, makes it relatively easy for countries
determining the product’s value, but any costs to test the transfer pricing of oil and gas to assure
charged to the in-country affiliate would be proper valuation. A country may also establish its
clearly identified. If deemed necessary, a country own valuation rule based on knowledge it has
could impose safe harbor rules. from its own sales and available benchmarks for
Insurance requirements may be at the joint the product. When the government, either itself or
venture level or, more commonly, left to each via its national oil company, takes production in
partner to handle. If there is an agreement to kind and resells it, it will also have firsthand
obtain third-party insurance at the venture level, knowledge of the market against which to test
the insurance premium would be a venture transfer prices. However, it may be that
charge (and thus a third-party item). government sales of its own royalty or other take-
If, as is more common, the operator (and the in-kind production could be where significant
parties) self-insure, there is no insurance transfer pricing and possible corruption risks
premium cost at the venture level. But any losses exist.
are billed to the joint venture, and each partner On the cost side, the no-profit rule provides a
would bear its own share of that cost. However, substantial degree of protection against transfer
the venture member may choose to acquire pricing abuse. Most of the costs of any project will
insurance on its own, and while that is not a be subject to that rule, and information on the
venture cost, the member may claim a deduction actual costs will be freely accessible by the
for any premium it pays on its income or profit tax government. If outside the joint venture the
returns. If a related party provides the insurance, taxpayer seeks to add some type of markup, that
that will raise transfer pricing concerns and will will be clearly identifiable and subject to audit for
need to be reviewed by the tax authorities. Again, reasonableness. To maximize the transfer pricing
however, the existence of that type of cost will be protection available from the no-profit rule, a
highly visible. country’s national oil company and petroleum
ministry should share information with its tax
IV. Conclusion administration.
Large international upstream oil and gas There are some areas to which the no-profit
projects, especially those conducted via joint rule might not apply, and costs claimed in those
ventures (and often with a developing country’s areas must be scrutinized. It may be, however,
national oil company as a participant), pose that special provisions could be applied as safe
significantly lower transfer pricing (or harbors or fixed rules to minimize transfer pricing
mispricing) risks for investors than most risks. However, the types of costs not covered by
international projects in other industries. Project the no-profit rule are not limited to the oil and gas
characteristics, the transparency in market value industry. What is unique, and what provides a
of what is produced and sold, and unique major benefit to countries, is the extent of the costs
industry structure and practices make those of oil and gas projects that are subject to the no-
activities very low risk in terms of transfer profit rule that can effectively be taken off the
pricing. In fact, developing countries may want to table as presenting transfer pricing risks. 
consider requiring some degree of international
oil company joint venture participation in oil and
gas projects to avail themselves of the benefits of
the no-profit rule and other international
constraints on those companies. See supra note 7.


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