Goods Shipment Goods Shipment: User Checker User Checker
Goods Shipment Goods Shipment: User Checker User Checker
Goods Shipment Goods Shipment: User Checker User Checker
User Checker
•Diako Mobile Warehouse Link
•Login Secreen
•Goods Shipment Operation
Used Device: Hand Held
Login Secreen
Checker press Goods Shipment Menu
Goods Shipment List
Checker selects the order to be checked.
The selected shipment appears on the screen
Checker reads the case barcode on the case, inputs the
case quantity.
He continues this step for all the product.
If he want can edit Goods Shipment
Not: If you doing Partial Picking,
you receive the such a warning.
Press the button to complete the process.
Click DONE