Guide To The Preparation of Operations Manuals
Guide To The Preparation of Operations Manuals
Guide To The Preparation of Operations Manuals
1. Relevant regulations and other references 3
2. Acronyms 3
3. Definitions 4
4. Introduction 5
5. Creating an Operations Manual 5
6. Volumes of an Operations Manual 6
7. Format of the Operations Manual 7
8. Document control 8
9. Contents of Volume 1 – policy and procedures 9
10. Contents of Volume 2 – aircraft operations 23
11. Contents of Volume 3 – aerodromes and routes 52
12. Contents of Volume 4 – training and checking organisation 55
13. Annexes – Further information and examples 67
2. Acronyms
AAp Aerial Application
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AOC Air Operator’s Certificate
AOCH Air Operator’s Certificate Handbook
ASEA Approved Single Engine Aeroplane
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATSR Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005
3. Definitions
CHICAGO CONVENTION – The Convention on International Civil Aviation.
HEAVY AIRCRAFT – high capacity aircraft with a maximum seating capacity exceeding
38 seats or a maximum payload exceeding 4,200 kg.
4. Introduction
4.1 This document is intended to provide guidance for operators to prepare an Operations
Manual in line with the SARPs in Annex 6, Operation of Aircraft Parts I and III to the Chicago
Convention and CASA regulatory requirements.
4.2 Under Regulation 215 of CAR, an operator (of commercial operations) must create and
provide an Operations Manual for use by, and guidance of, the operations personnel of the
operator. The Operations Manual must contain all necessary information, procedures and
instructions to ensure the safe conduct of aircraft operations.
4.3 However, Operations Manuals normally contain a greater range of information than is
required by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and CASA, and operators should
use their own judgment as to how much extra information to include in the manual. Additional
headings should be included as required, but subjects not relevant to company operations
do not need to be addressed and may be marked ‘Reserved’.
4.4 The proposed Part 119 of CASR will require an operator to provide an exposition1 that
includes an Operations Manual setting out procedures for personnel to follow to comply with the
4.5 These guidelines, therefore, include requirements under existing legislation (i.e. CAR,
CAO and CASR), but also contain some requirements from Part 119 of CASR that are currently
optional, to assist operators to create or update their manuals in preparation for the
implementation of the new CASR parts. These future requirements are clearly marked in the
text with an asterisk (*). Although these provisions are optional, the guidance in this CAAP will
assist operators to meet current requirements and help to prepare for future changes.
4.6 CASA has made every effort to make these guidelines as comprehensive as possible.
Nonetheless, operators must satisfy themselves that all their operations are conducted in
accordance with the relevant acts, regulations, orders, and other secondary aviation legislation
and comply with the procedures and limits set out in the AIP.
The set of original or amended documents approved by CASA under the proposed Part 119 of CASR in
relation to the operator.
5.4 The essential philosophy should be to set-out procedures that enable operational staff
to comply with the legislative requirements applicable to the company’s operations without them
having to consult the legislative material itself. Given this, it is a requirement that each operator
keep an up-to-date, accessible reference library of all the publications referred to in the manual.
Operators may choose to include the information from other publications, but simple
reproduction or reference to legislative material is not acceptable. In this respect the operator
must consider how best to develop information, procedures and instructions to include in the
Operations Manual. A number of useful examples are set-out in the annexes to this CAAP and in
ICAO’s Preparation of an Operations Manual publication.
Table 1 - Example volume structure for an Operations Manual based on ICAO volumes
6.3 This CAAP proposes development of an Operations Manual that consolidates the
eleven ICAO volumes into a four volume structure. The relevant volumes and constituent parts
are shown in Table 2 below.
6.4 Where operations are to be conducted in accordance with subsidiary documents, such
as an Aircraft Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook, these must be referenced in the
Operations Manual and an explicit procedure included to ensure that the subsidiary documents
are kept up-to-date.
7.5 The Operations Manual should also have a master contents list, preferably in Volume 1.
In addition, each volume should have its own contents page. There should be a table of contents
at the beginning of each volume and for each section or chapter. Appendices and additional
headings and procedures should be included as required in suitable locations within the manual,
keeping in mind the need for usability and readability. Very large manuals should include an
8. Document control
8.1 Each volume of the manual should have a checklist of pages identifying page numbers
and dates of issue to ensure validity of the contents. Each amendment/revision and/or additional
page should be recorded on a page specially provided in each volume for that purpose and
signed for by the person making the amendment. All such amendments or revisions shall be
issued to all personnel that are required to use this manual. To ensure adequate control, each
volume of the Operations Manual should be numbered individually.
8.2 The operator’s executive responsible for control of the contents of the Operations
Manual should also be responsible for the issue of volumes to operations personnel and for
dispatching amendments as needed. This task may be delegated to another person or business
unit that reports to the responsible manager.
8.3 Records of the distribution of Operations Manual volumes to aircraft libraries,
operational offices and individual personnel must be kept.
8.4 Amendments, revisions and additions to the Operations Manual should be approved by
the executive responsible for the Operations Manual or applicable volume. In some cases this
will involve ensuring changes issued by the originator of the particular volume are correct and
appropriate to the Operations Manual. For example:
8.5 When changes are made by the aircraft manufacturer for the aircraft operating manuals
that would affect the company aircraft operations.
8.6 When amendments issued by a contractor providing aircraft performance data would
affect the aircraft performance, aircraft operations and perhaps the policy and procedures set out
in Volume 1.
8.7 The operator should develop a process or system that manages all document changes
to volumes of the Operations Manual and any consequential effects it may have on other
volumes of the Operations Manual. That is, if the Policy and Procedures volume is changed it
may also require changes to the Aircraft Operations volume or the Aerodrome and Route Guide.
8.8 In most cases amendments to the Operations Manual will be issued through normal
processes. In the case of urgent changes to information contained in the Operations Manual it
will be necessary to issue information using another notice system to personnel. This notice
should be replaced by an amendment to the manual as soon as possible.
8.9 Amendments to the Operations Manual should be produced as new or replacement
pages. Handwritten amendments to manuals are not normally acceptable.
8.10 Amendments to the Operations Manual should be easily identifiable, through use of a
vertical amendment line or similar marking (for example, highlighting the text).
8.11 Amendments to the Operations Manual should be accompanied by a cover letter
identifying the reason for changes. This is particularly important when changes are made to any
safety-related information.
8.12 A revision to the list of effective pages must be included with any amendments.
8.13 The operator should establish a process that allows users of the volumes of the
Operations Manual to provide feedback on its contents, particularly in respect of safety-related
information. Refer to Annex A to this CAAP for an example of a document control system.
1A1 Preliminary
1A1.1 Manual and volume title
1A1.2 List of volumes and contents of complete Operations Manual
1A1.3 List of amendments and revision history
1A1.4 AOC holder name, address, ABN (if any) and contact details*2
1A1.5 Operations headquarters, bases and facilities
1A1.6 Organisational structure*
1A1.7 Key position profiles*
1A1.8 Corporate structure*
1A1.9 Summary of operations*
1A1.10 Definitions
Explanation of Headings
1A1.1 The format should be [COMPANY NAME] Operations Manual – Volume 1 – Policy
and Procedures. Where the entire Operations Manual is a single volume, leave out the
volume number. (This information should be printed on the cover and on the title page
for each volume and in the header or footer of each page.)
1A1.2 Include in each separate volume a complete list of all Operations Manual volumes and
their contents.
1A1.3 A manual that is no longer relevant because it fails to take account of changing
circumstances will lose credibility. Subregulation 215 (5) of CAR 1988 requires an
operator to revise its manual from time to time. Subregulation 215 (8) requires that
amendments be properly incorporated in the manual and all holders of the manual to
receive such amendments. In order to maintain the integrity of the manual and to cope
with amendments made from time to time, the manual should contain a list of effective
pages and amendment pages which indicate that they are amendments, together with
the date and number of the amendment (see further information in Annex A to this
1A1.4 Include the AOC holder’s name, address, ABN (if any) and contact details as
1A1.5 CAR 213, relevant parts of CAO 82.1.2, 82.3.2, 82.5.2, 82.7.5 and their related
appendices contain the requirements for adequate facilities and equipment to ensure
the safety of operations.
1A1.6 Include a pictorial representation of the organisational structure showing position titles
and accountabilities. The references above (1A1.5) are relevant along with CASR
137.060 [Aerial Application (AAp)]3.
Headings marked with an asterisk (*) are future requirements under the proposed CASR Part 119 and
others, and are optional until the new standards are implemented. They are included here to help
operators future-proof their Operations Manuals.
1A1.7 Provide the names, responsibilities, accountabilities and proxies for each key position
in the organisation. The key positions are:
Chief Executive Officer;
Head of Flying Operations (Chief Pilot, Chief Flying Instructor (CAO 82.0.5, CAO
82.1.2, 82.3.2, 2A and 3.2, 82.5.2, 2A and 3.2 and 82.7.5 and 6);
Head of Training and Checking (CAO 82.1 Appendix 2.2, 82.3 Appendix 2.2 and 82.5
Appendix 2.1 and 2);
Safety Manager (CAO 82.3.2A, 82.5.2A); and
Head of Aircraft Airworthiness and Maintenance Control*.
Other key positions should be included if applicable (e.g. Head of Ground Operations,
Deputy Chief Pilot) where significant managerial functions are performed by separate
personnel. The person responsible in the short or long-term absence of a key position
holder should also be listed. These requirements are outlined in the proposed CASR
Subpart 119.F*
1A1.8 This is the legal structure of the organisation, including ownership interests and
company office holders. This information is required in the operator’s exposition under
the proposed Part 119*.
1A1.9 Provide details of all operations being, or planned to be, conducted including the areas
of operation, routes to be operated and bases to be used. Refer to the proposed
Part 119*.
1A1.10 Provide definitions for important terms in the Operations Manual to ensure clarity of
meaning; for example, words like ‘shall’, ‘will’, ‘should’, ‘note’, ‘caution’ etc.
1A2 Resources
1A2.1 Training, qualifications and experience of other personnel required
Aerial application operators may use a standard Operations Manual available from the Aerial Agricultural
Association of Australia along with a schedule of differences in accordance with Subpart 137.C of CASR
1998 or produce their own manual in accordance with the guidance in this CAAP and the relevant
regulations in Part 137 of CASR 1998.
Explanation of Headings
1A2.1/2 For each route or operation to be conducted, provide a matrix of suitable available
aircraft and crew complement, qualifications and experience. An example of such a
matrix is set out below.
Route/ Aircraft Crew Crew Crew Crew Crew Crew Crew Crew Other
Operation Quals Total Type Recency Type Route/ Training
Min. Hours Hours Recency op
YSCB - VH-AAA PIC ATPL 1500 300 90 days 45 days 180 days CRM
YPPH B737-400 Co-Pilot ATPL/ 300 100 EDTO
MPL(A) Proficiency
Cabin(3) CAO20.11
YMLT – VH-BBB PIC ATPL 1500 200 90 days 90 days 180 days Ditching
YKII C208 Co-Pilot CPL 300 50 survival
<2 years
Heli- VH-CCC PIC CPL(H) 400 50 45 days 45 days 1 year Winching
winching B412 Winch - 50 operations
Pilot route qualifications, minimum experience, recency and other requirements can be found in:
CAR 218 (for RPT)
CAR 219 (Charter)
CAO 40.1.5 (ATPL)
CAO 82.0.10 (EDTO)
CAO 82.1.4 (Charter/AWK)
CAO 82.5.9 [RPT(H)]
CASR 137.235 and 137.260 (AAp)
1A2.3 Detail procedures and restrictions in the event of a loss of qualifications or lack of
recency for any operational staff member.
1A3.2 Record of endorsements by operational personnel that they have read and understood
the manual.
Explanation of Headings
1A3.1 Include a statement of the requirement for all operational personnel to comply with the
Operations Manual [CAR 215 (9), proposed CASR subpart 119.H*].
1A3.2 Include a sheet in the manual for operational personnel to record that they have read
and understood the manual and subsequent amendments (see example at Annex A to
this CAAP).
1A3.3 Maintain a record of to whom each copy of the Operations Manual is issued, and the
location and availability of each copy in central areas for consultation by all personnel.
Initial issue and receipt of amendments should be acknowledged by signature of the
See references:
CAR 215 (6) and (7)
CAO 82.1 Appendix 1.2.2
CAO 82.3 Appendix 1.2.3
CAO 82.5 Appendix 1.2.3
CAO 82.7 Appendix 1.2.3
CASR 119.230*
CASR 137.055 (2) (AAp)
Subsection 28BH (4) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 (the Act).
1A3.4 Detail the Operations Manual review and amendment procedures. Note that different
people may be responsible for different sections of the manual (e.g. Dangerous
Goods). References include:
CAR 215 (8)
CASR 119.215(s), 137.080 and 137.090 (AAp)
Subsection 28BH (4) of the Act
Annex A to this CAAP.
1A3.5 Include any CASA exemptions from Operations Manual requirements; for example,
under CASR 137.055 (AAp).
1A4.2 Records
Flight plans
Navigation, trip and fuel logs
Load sheets, manifests and Dangerous Goods documents
Flight crew
Explanation of Headings
1A4.1 Provide details of how records are managed within the organisation, including how
new records are created and updated, how records are tracked within the organisation, security
arrangements and who has access to which records, back-up protection procedures for both
electronic and paper records, schedules for the destruction of out-dated records (see below for
regulatory record retention requirements) and referencing systems.
1A4.2 Details of required records can be found under the following references:
Aircraft – CASR 42.C.3 and 42.N
Flight preparation forms – CAR 233(3)
Navigation, trip and fuel logs – CAR Part 7
Flight Crew Training – CAO 82.1 Appendix 1.2.4, CAO 82.3 Appendix 1.2.5, CAO 82.5
Appendix 1.2.4, CAO 82.7 Appendix 1.2.5
Load sheets, manifests – CAO 20.16.1 Dangerous Goods (See AOCH)
Flight Crew – medical, flight time, recency and currency and route qualifications –
CAR 216, 218 (RPT) and 219 (Charter), CAO 82.1 Appendix 1.2.3, 82.3 Appendix
1.2.5, 82.5 Appendix 1.2.4 and 82.7 Appendix 1.2.4), Paragraph 14.6 of Civil Aviation
Order 48.1 Instrument 2013
AFM amendments – CAR 54, 322, 323 (See Annex A).
Note: Details of required training records, which can be found in Appendix 1 to CAO
82.1 and 82.7 and Appendix 2 to CAO 82.3 and 82.5, should be included in
the Training and Checking volume of the Operations Manual.
1A4.3 This refers to documents over which the operator has little or no editorial control,
including such publications as pilot operating handbooks and aircraft flight manuals, where these
are approved by the operator for use in operations. A process should be recorded here
explaining how these documents are managed to ensure their currency and availability to
relevant operational staff. See:
CAR 54, 138 and 139
CASR Part 21
CAO 101
CAAP 54-1(2).
Explanation of Headings
1B1.1-10 Detail the regulatory requirements and company duties of the listed operational
personnel, and any other positions, where applicable. For emergency and safety
critical functions, include a general description here and the specific requirements
under the relevant referenced headings later in the Operations Manual.
Explanation of Headings
1B2.1 Provide a statement of the policy the operator has in place in respect of fatigue risk
management. This may be CAO Part 48, a Standard Industry Exemption, a Fatigue
Risk Management System as an exemption under the old CAO 48, or Civil Aviation
Order 48.1 Instrument 2013 (the new CAO 48.1) applicable from 30 April 2016 or for
FRMSs approved from 30 April 2013.
1B2.2 Describe the company procedures to ensure flight crew are rostered and work in
accordance with CAO Part 48. CAR 5.55 details the types of things CASA may issue
directions on in respect of flight and duty time limitations. CASR 137 Subpart Q has
specific limitations for aerial application operators and pilots.
1B2.3 Describe the company procedures to ensure flight crew are rostered and work in
accordance with the exemption, and include guidance, if relevant, to clarify how
CAO Part 48 is modified by the exemption (see example at Annex A to this CAAP).
1B2.4 Include the FRMS details along with a statement of the scope of FRMS operations
and an explanatory statement of how it works in practice.
1B2.5 The new CAO 48.1 is applicable to all operators from 30 April 2016, or earlier if an
operator chooses to transition earlier. Additional guidance for operators under the new
CAO 48.1 is contained in CAAP 48-1, and includes guidance on various requirements
for information and procedures to be contained in the operations manual.
1B2.6 An operator’s FRMS approved under Appendix 7 of the new CAO 48.1 is required to
form part of an operator’s operations manual. See Appendix 7 of the new CAO 48.1
and ICAO FRMS Implementation Guide for Operators for guidance on the
development and implementation of an FRMS.
1B2.6 Include a statement of the conditions under which, and the process to be followed in
case of a need to exceed either CAO Part 48 or a Standard Industry Exemption.
1B3 Medical
1B3.1 General
1B3.2 Medical certificates
1B3.3 Medical equipment to be carried on aircraft*
1B3.4 Health requirements for international flights
1B3.5 Drug and alcohol prohibitions
1B3.6 Drug and alcohol management plans (DAMP):
Contact Officer
1B3.7 Incapacitation
1B3.8 Medical clearance for sick passengers and medical equipment
1B3.9 Cosmic radiation exposure
Explanation of Headings
1B3.1 General health guidance for air crew is at Annex A to this CAAP.
1B3.2 Provide guidance as to the required medical certificates for company operations and
to ensure that flight crew can continue to comply with the requirements and privileges
of CAR 5.04 and CASR Subpart 67.D
1B3.3 Include any medical equipment required to be carried on each flight. Note that future
Air Transport CASR (Parts 133, 135 and 121) will mandate the carriage of certain
medical equipment. Emergency Medical Services operators may want to put this
information in an appendix to this section.
1B3.4 Health requirements for international flights can be found in AIP-GEN Entry,
Transit and Departure of Passengers and Flight Crew.
1B3.5 Prohibitions on alcohol and drug affected operational staff are in CAR 256.
1B3.6 Include or reference the company DAMP (CASR Part 99), highlighting the rights and
obligations of management and operational staff. Identify the company DAMP Contact
Officer and Supervisor. Detailed information on DAMPs can be found at:
1B3.7 Detail the company policy and requirements for temporary incapacitation of
operational staff under CAR 115 (see further information in Appendix 8A of Annex A to
this CAAP).
1B3.8 Detail any procedures and requirements for carrying sick passengers and associated
medical equipment.4
1B3.9 Include requirements to monitor and record flight crew exposure to cosmic radiation.5
Note 2: Procedures for dealing with the in-flight incapacitation of crew should be
included under heading 2B4.9 in Volume 2.
See 2B3.6 for requirements for the carriage of passengers with special needs.
See Sections 4.2.11 and 6.12 of Part 1 and Appendix 2.1.32 of Annex 6, International Commercial Air
Transport – Aeroplanes, to the Chicago Convention. Also see the requirements of 2C3.6 in Volume 2 of
this CAAP.
Explanation of Headings
1C1.1 Operators should include or reference the company Safety Management System as
required under CAO 82.3.2A and 83.5.2A, highlighting the key procedures for
operational staff.
1C1.2 For operators required to have an SMS, the FDAP forms part of that system. For other
operators required to maintain a Flight Data Analysis Program (those operating
aeroplanes with a Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) greater than 27 000 kg or
Helicopters greater than 7000 kg), include a description of the program, and the
limitations on use and disclosure of data and identification of persons who report data
to the program (see Annex A to this CAAP). CAAP SMS-4-1(0) provides guidance on
Note 1: All Air Transport Operations under CASR Part 119 will require an SMS.
CASA recommends that current charter operators who are not required to
have an SMS at present consider the benefits of adopting one in advance of
the implementation of Part 119.
Note 2: Guidance material for developing an SMS is contained in the CAAP SMS
Package [CAAP SMS-1(0), CAAP SMS-2(0) and CAAP SMS-3(0)].
Explanation of Headings
1C2.1 Include company processes in the event of an accident, along with regulatory
requirements covering reportable matters, reporting times, responsible persons,
nominated officials, written reports and the preservation of accident sites, flight data
and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) information [see Part IIIA of the Act, CASR
Subpart 48.O, Transport Safety Investigations (TSI) Act 2003 Section 48 and Part 6,
TSI Regulations 2003 Part 2 and 5.4].
1C2.2 As with accident reporting processes, above, but provide a list of Routine Reportable
Matters (see the Act Part IIIA, TSI Act 2003, Section 48 and Part 6, TSI Regulations
2003 Part 2 and 5.4).
1C2.3 Detail or reference the rights and obligations of staff during an accident or incident
investigation and the powers of investigators (see the Act Part IIIA and TSI Act Parts
4, 5 and 6).
Note: Mandatory accident and incident notification contact details and forms are
available on the Australian Transport Safety Bureau’s website at:
Explanation of Headings
1D1.1 State the company’s policy for the carriage of dangerous goods. This may be all,
some or none of the items listed in the latest edition of the ICAO publication: Technical
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
1D1.2 Set out or append the procedures and instructions, including a dangerous goods
emergency response plan, for the handling and carriage of dangerous goods on the
company’s aircraft. Alternatively, specify where the procedures and instructions can
be found (see CASR Part 92, CAO and ACs 92-01, 92-02 and 92-03. Also
see Annex 6 and Annex 18, The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, to the
Chicago Convention).
1D1.3 Detail the company procedures and regulatory requirements to carry or consign
dangerous goods on board an aircraft where such carriage is not normally and
automatically allowed under Part 92 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 or
the ICAO Technical Instructions, as detailed in Advisory Circulars (AC) 92-04 and 92-
Note: Together these policies and procedures form the Dangerous Goods Manual,
for which detailed guidance can be found in the 92-series of ACs: 92A-1(0),
92-1(1), 92-2(0), 92-3(0), 92-4(0), and 92-5(0).
1D1.4 Set out the company policy and procedures for the carriage of live animals on board
company aircraft (see CAR 256A). For the transportation of live animals, consult the
International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Live Animals Regulations manual
(International Operations).
1E1 Security
1E1.1 Aircraft security
1E1.2 In-flight cockpit and cabin security
1E1.3 Passenger baggage and cargo
1E1.4 Carriage of persons in custody
1E1.5 Carriage of firearms
Explanation of Headings
1E1.5 This part should contain information on the operator’s security-related procedures.
This includes information on the training policy and syllabi of security training courses
to acquaint relevant employees with preventive measures and techniques in relation to
security matters. It may be necessary to develop separate information for each
aeroplane type in the fleet.
Procedures to be followed in the event of a breach of security should form part of the
Appendix A9 contains examples of the sorts of information that operators may include
in this section. Further information and advice pertaining to security matters is
available in the ICAO Security Manual, available to authorised (by ICAO) entities and
Note: Some operators are required to have a Transport Security Plan (TSP).
Information on TSPs is available from the website of the Department of
Infrastructure and Regional Development at:
Explanation of Headings
1F1.1 This section should contain any CASA-issued operational specifications in accordance
with CAO
2A0 Preliminary
2A0.1 Volume title
2A0.2 List of volumes and contents
2A0.3 List of amendments and revision history
2A0.4 Definitions and abbreviations
2A0.5 Unit conversion charts
Explanation of Headings
2A0.1 Volume title, preceded by manual title if a separate volume.
2A0.2 Include a complete list of the Operations Manual volumes and the contents of each if
they are separate volumes.
2A0.3 List amendments and revision history of the volume, unless a complete list for the
entire manual is in Volume 1.
As with other sections, headings marked with an asterisk (*) are future requirements under draft CASR
Parts 119 and others and are optional until the new standards are implemented. They are included here to
help operators future-proof their Operations Manuals.
Explanation of Headings
2A1.1 Detail the procedures and requirements for authorised flight of the company’s aircraft
and supervision of operations for both domestic and international operations. The
(CAR 145) emergency authority to deviate from relevant procedures and regulations
should also be noted.
2A1.2 Detail the conditions and procedures to be followed in the event of an intention or
need to substitute a charter flight for an RPT one (see CAO 82.0.3C, CAR 206).
2A1.4 Note the requirement to operate company aircraft in accordance with the up-to-date
Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) or other equivalent document (e.g. the company
Operations Manual Vol. 2A). (See CAR 54, 138 and 139).
2A1.5 Either include the minimum number of flight crew for each of the company’s aircraft
here or separately in Sub-volume 2A – Specific Aircraft Operating Procedures. Cabin
crew requirements are in CAO
2A1.6 Include a note that flight crew rosters are to be in accordance with the operator’s flight
and duty time policy as declared in Section 1B2.
2A1.8 Detail the company policy relating to flight attendants, including the duties and
responsibilities of the flight crew concerning the briefing and control of passengers in
normal and emergency operations in accordance with CAO (also see CAO
20.11.13 and
2A1.9 This relates to company and regulatory requirements regarding the following
prohibited and conditional activities:
Simulated Instrument Flight (CAR 153);
Training flights (CAR 249);
Asymmetric engine simulation (CAO 82.0);
Proving flights (CAR 222, The Act Sections 27AD and 28 [also see the Air Operator’s
Certificate Handbook (AOCH) Volume 2.11 for triggers and procedures]; and
Test flights (CAR 249 and 262AS).
2A1.10 Provide the conditions under which a passenger can occupy a control seat (see CAR
226 and CAO
2A1.11 Provide the policy for the carriage of goods in the cockpit and passenger
compartments of the company’s aircraft [see CASR 90.405 (3), CAO 20.16.2 and].
2A1.12 Carriage of persons in custody details may be included here or in Volume 1 Part E –
2A1.13 See CAR 225, 230 and 231 and CAO 20.9.5 for details on starting and ground running
of engines.
2A1.14-15 List the requirements and conditions for approved company personnel to taxi aircraft
and/or manipulate flight controls in flight (see CAR 228 and 229).
2A1.16 Detail the company’s policy for the entry to the flight deck by persons other than flight
crew assigned to the flight (see CAR 227, ATSR 4.66, 4.67E).
2A1.17 CASA has the power to assess the continued competence of an AOC holder by
inspection and monitoring of:
Crew records
Pre-flight preparation
Flight/dispatch procedures
Flight operations
Ground operations
Dangerous Goods processes
Safety and quality systems
For flight inspections, the operator shall ensure that any person authorised by CASA is
permitted at any time to board and fly in any aircraft operated in accordance with an
AOC issued by CASA and to enter and remain on the flight deck.
However, at any time, the pilot-in-command may refuse access to the flight deck if, in
his opinion, the safety of the aircraft would thereby be endangered (CAR 262).
Explanation of Headings
2B1.1 Detail how and where flight crew get their pre-flight briefing and company procedures
for creating and lodging operational flight plans.
Provide a flight planning terminology and format decoder to enable accurate and
standardised interpretation and understanding of the content of the flight plan
All IFR flights require flight notification to Air Traffic Services (ATS). RPT and charter
flights conducted under the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) may use a company flight note
system, but must submit flight details when nominating a SARTIME to ATS (see
CAR 241, AIP-ENR Provision of Operational Information).
When planning flights, except as provided for under CASR 137, for Aerial Application
operations, operators and pilots must use and take account of meteorological
conditions in authorised weather forecasts/reports (see CAR 120, 239, 240).
Also detail the company policy and regulatory requirements in relation to flight
category [see CASR 137.095 (AAp), CAO 82.3.7, 82.5.7].
Specify, where applicable, any airspace classification and tracking restrictions relevant
to company operations (see AIP-ENR Descent and Entry; Classes of Airspace; AIP-
GEN GNSS Flight Notification).
2B1.2 Include the processes and limitations for using any company computer-based flight
planning systems, including the use of electronic flight bags (EFBs) (see CAR 232A,
CAO 82.0.11 and ICAO Document 9376-AN/914 9.8).
2B1.3 Provide information to pilots about how and where NOTAMs are made available or
obtained. An explanation of the Airservices NOTAM service can be found in AIP-GEN
3.1 and 2.
2B1.4 Detail the route and aerodrome information the pilot-in-command must consult and
take into account when planning a flight (see CAR 239; AIP-ENR Flight Planning; AIP-
GEN Meteorological Services). Also see AIP-ERSA: Uncertified or Unregistered
Aerodromes Checklist.
2B1.5 Specify acceptable planning cruising altitudes and flight levels (see CAR 180 and AIP-
ENR Cruising Levels). Refer to the guidance in this CAAP under heading 2C3.6 for
information to include on cosmic radiation exposure limits.
CAO 52 relates to the use of Class A airspace, with further guidance in CAAP 181A-
(2). AIP-ENR RVSM describes the operational procedures relevant to RVSM
2B1.6 Detail any company procedures for flight in or near prohibited and restricted areas
(CAR 140; AIP-GEN Restricted and Danger Areas; AIP-ENR Airspace Reservation –
Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas and PRD Areas provide operational
requirements in relation to prohibited, restricted and danger areas.
2B1.7 Stipulate minimum altitudes for company operations (CAR 178 and AIP-ENR Holding
and IAL Procedures, AIP-GEN Air Route Details – Specifications and Chart
Depictions; LSALT refer.)
2B1.8 Specify general aircraft performance limitations in respect of holding and different
types of instrument approaches (AIP-ENR Holding and IAL Procedures and maximum
rate of descent, maximum angle of bank and speed restrictions if applicable (AIP-ENR
Handling Speeds).
2B1.9 Specify operations and routes for which Point of No Return/Alternate and Critical/Equi-
Time Point calculations are required.
2B1.10 Detail planning requirements for EDTO as required by CAO 82.0 Appendix 5 for heavy
aeroplanes (also see Attachment D to ICAO Annex 6 Part I Ch. 4 and AIP-ENR –
Aircraft Deviations ETOPS Aircraft).
2B1.11 Include the planning requirements for Approved Single Engine Aeroplane (ASEA)
operations, particularly those relating to passenger carrying, aerodrome and route
limitations and emergency procedures, in line with the approval issued by CASA in
this respect under CAR 174B and 175A.
2B1.12 Provide instructions about suitable aerodromes and HLS for company operations for
planning purposes. (CAR 239, CAO 82.0 Appendix 2, AIP-ENR Suitability of
Aerodromes, ERSA-FAC)
2B1.13 Also provide information relating to the level of Rescue and Fire Fighting Services
(RFFS) acceptable for company operations (See CAR 218 and 219, ICAO Annex 6,
Part I, International Commercial Air Transport – Aeroplanes, Ch. 4; Annex 14, Vol. I,
Aerodrome Design and Operations, Ch. 9; Annex 14, Vol. II, Heliports, and ERSA-
INTRO Section 31). Procedures for requesting or responding to RFFS are in AIP-GEN
Aerodrome Emergencies and Rescue and Fire Fighting Services.
The Operations Manual must give guidance on the rescue and fire-fighting category
appropriate to the aircraft operated and the operator’s policy on operating into
aerodromes with less than that category. ICAO Annex 6, Parts I and III (International
Operation – Helicopters), states that in determining that adequate facilities exist for a
flight, an operator needs to consider the adequacy of emergency facilities such as
those for fire-fighting and search and rescue.
The majority of operators establish policy on the minimum categories acceptable for
each aircraft type. In deciding what category is acceptable, an operator might wish to
give some guidance on the acceptability of lower categories in certain circumstances.
Table 3 lists the relevant aerodrome category for different sized aircraft.
2B1.14 Include the regulatory and any company requirements for the mandatory nomination
of alternate aerodromes. (CAR 239.2, CAO 82.0, Appendix 5). Other relevant
information is in AIP-ENR Alternate Aerodromes; Aeronautical Meteorological
Minima/Weather; Instrument Landing System; AIP-GEN Designated International
Airports; Landing at Other Than Designated International Airports for international
Also list the requirements for emergency en-route alternates for normal and EDTO
(CAO 82.0 Appendix 5.7 and 5.8). ICAO Annex 6, Part I, International Commercial Air
Transport – Aeroplanes, Attachment D provides the following definitions for en-route
An adequate alternate aerodrome is one at which the landing performance
requirements can be met and which is expected to be available, if required, and which
has the necessary facilities and services, such as air traffic control, lighting,
communications, meteorological services, navigation aids, rescue and fire-fighting
services and one suitable instrument approach procedure.
A suitable alternate aerodrome is an adequate aerodrome where, for the anticipated
time of use, weather reports, or forecasts, or any combination thereof, indicate that the
weather conditions will be at or above the required aerodrome operating minima, and
the runway surface condition reports indicate that a safe landing will be possible.
2B1.15 List regulatory and operational restrictions related to airspace classification for
company operations (CAR 99A, CAO 52).
2B1.16 Provide the planning conditions for safe flight over water, including the distances from
land aircraft can fly, flight notification requirements and carriage of survival equipment
(CAR 253, 258, CAO 20.11.5 to 7, AIP-ENR Flights Over Water).
CAO 95.7.2 provides certain exemptions for helicopters involved in water rescue
CASR 21.197 allows for special permits to be issued by CASA for particular types of
over-water operations, including non-AOC operations.
2B1.17 Detail any bird or animal avoidance procedures for company operations, including
checking with aerodrome operators, where applicable, about the presence of birds
and animals on or in the vicinity of their aerodrome (also see reference in AIP-ENR
Bird Migration and Areas with Sensitive Fauna).
Explanation of Headings
2B2.1-23 Provide comprehensive procedures for the use and management of fuel, including
computation of fuel quantities for all contingencies. CAR 220 requires that:
An operator shall include in the operator’s Operations Manual specific
instructions for the computation of the quantities of fuel to be carried on each
route, having regard to all the circumstances of the operations, including the
possibility of failure of an engine en route.
Note: For in-flight re-planning, operators should include procedures with regards to
in-flight requests for, or receipt of, weather reports or forecasts, or other
destination or alternate aerodrome information which may affect the ability of
the aircraft to land at the destination or alternate. In these situations, flight
crews must re-plan the flight to a suitable aerodrome for the aircraft to land
with reserves intact.
The following references are generally applicable to an operator’s fuel policy and
aircraft fuelling requirements (also see examples at Annex B to this CAAP):
CAR 220, 233, 234 and CAR 244
CAO 20.2, 20.9, 20.10, 20.10.1, 20.16.1, 82.0
CAO 82.1 Appendix 1
CAO 82.3 Appendix 1
CAO 82.5 Appendix 1
Aircraft Flight Manuals
Pilots Operating Handbooks
2B2.24 Provide general instructions for the management of engine oil including minimum and
maximum oil to be carried, consumption, required checks and replenishment
procedures (CAO 20.9.3).
Explanation of Headings
2B3.1 Set-out the ground organisation structure, responsibilities and communications
2B3.2 General aircraft loading procedures to ensure the safe loading, unloading and flight of
aircraft should be documented here. Where flight crew are charged with the
responsibility for these functions, this should be explicitly stated here. The loading
systems, including the procedures for cross-checking that the aircraft is correctly
loaded in respect of take-off and landing weights and in-flight aircraft balance, should
also be documented. (CAR 235, CAO 20.16.1, 2; CASR 137.195 and CAO 20.21.4, 6
(AAp), 82.5 Appendix 1)
2B3.3 Instructions regarding cargo stowage and restraint, relevant to the nature of the
intended operations, must be provided where it is intended to carry cargo. ‘Cargo’
means things other than persons carried in an aircraft. Particular attention should be
given to the carriage of cargo in compartments other than those specifically provided
for that purpose. These instructions must require the compliance of restraint system/s
and provide instructions for their use (see CAO 20.16.2).
2B3.4 CAAP 235-1 (1) Standard passenger and baggage weights provides information on
this topic (also see Annex B to this CAAP and CAR 235).
2B3.5 Specific procedures for the carriage of infants and children should be in accordance
with CAO and 13.
2B3.6 Similarly, carriage of passengers with special needs should be in accordance with
2B3.7 Carriage of live animals – see ‘Carriage of dangerous goods and live animals’ at
1D1.4 in Volume 1 (CAR 256A (1) (b) for permissions).
2B3.8 Operators will need to provide a load sheet template as part of the load system that
includes all the requirements of CAO
Procedures for the completion and carriage of cargo manifests should be included
here. (CAR 139, AIP-GEN Entry, Transit and Departure of Passengers and Crew)
When passengers are carried on a charter or regular public transport flight, the
operator or his representative shall compile a passenger list and leave it at the
aerodrome of departure. The list shall contain the aircraft registration, the names of
passengers carried, the date and estimated time of departure, and the places of
embarkation and destination (see CAO
2B3.9 Company policy and procedures for the refusal to carry passengers or cargo should
be detailed here. Note that requirements for pilots who may refuse to allow an
authorised person into the crew compartment should also be set out as in CAR 227.
2B3.10 The company policy in respect of intoxicated and/or offensive passengers should be
detailed in accordance with CAR 256.1 and 256AA. Powers of pilots-in-command are
at CAR 309 and 309A.
2B3.11 For Air Transport operations (charter and RPT), an operator is required to provide
policy and procedures in the Operations Manual for the pilot-in-command to off-load
passengers or cargo when any performance limit would otherwise be exceeded.
Procedures for off-loading fuel should be included under 2B2 ‘Fuel Policy’ above.
2B3.12-13 Directions for staff and passenger movement airside and passenger boarding should
be included here. (CAR 221, CAO Aero-bridge procedures are in AIP-AD
Visual Docking Guidance System and the aerodrome manual, where applicable.
(CASR 139.095)
2B3.14 Procedures should be in accordance with CAR 225 and 230, CAO 20.9.5 and 6 and
AIP-ENR Engine Start, Push-back and Taxi. The security of aircraft doors and hatches
must be confirmed prior to taxi (see CAR 244 and CAO20.2.3).
2B3.15 Where applicable, standard marshalling procedures as set-out in CAO 20.3 should be
Towing and parking of aircraft should be in accordance with CAR 196, 291 and CAO
20.3.3. AIP-ENR Security Awareness and ASRs 4.71 and 72 detail the security
measures needed for unattended parked aircraft (see Annex B to this CAAP for
Note: See Section 2B2, above, for fuelling procedures and precautions.
Explanation of Headings
2B4.1 Cabin safety procedures:
Provide requirements for the use of seats, seat belts and safety harnesses in
accordance with CAR 251, CAO 20.16.3 and CASR 137.130, 225 (AAp).
Precautions relating to the use and stowage of occupant restraints in occupied
and unoccupied helicopter seats can be found in CASR 90.115.
Requirements and content for oral briefings for general and disabled passengers
must be included here along with requirements for printed matter for each aircraft
type. Future Air Transport CASR Parts (121, 133 and 135) will also require
physical demonstrations of some of the briefing content [see CAR 253 (4) and
CAO 20.11.14].
For aircraft operations under 5 700 kg MTOW, include a statement of the
company policy on smoking in flight and the creation of a fire hazard and notices
in aircraft (see CAR 255 and 289 and CAO 20.16.3).
Detail the company policy and operations that must carry an Electronic Locator
Transmitter (ELT) and/or an approved portable ELT.
It is a requirement under CAO 20.4 to include information relating to the following
the procedures to be followed to check and operate the oxygen systems,
including protective breathing equipment, in the aircraft to which the
Operations Manual relates
the carriage, use and methods of administering oxygen to passengers,
including first-aid oxygen (CAO 20.4.9)
the methods of determining, by observation of the equipment, that oxygen is
being supplied to dispensing units
the variation of the duration of the oxygen supply with varying cabin pressure
2B4.2 State the company policy for the use of normal and emergency operations checklists
under CAR 232 and, for aircraft with a MTOW greater than 5 700 kg, CAO 20.13.
2B4.3 Detail procedures for hand-over and take-over of aircraft control for multi-crew
operations, including suitable phraseology (see examples at Annex B to this CAAP).
2B4.5 Set-out the company procedures for augmented crewing, including when and in what
circumstances the captain may leave the flight deck; the instructions the captain must
give to the relieving flight crew; to whom the PIC and ‘pilot flying’ responsibilities are
delegated in the captain’s absence and the situations in which the captain must be
recalled to the flight deck.
Note: The minimum type and general experience requirements, along with the
recency requirements for flight during augmented crew operations may be
included here or set-out in 1A2 above.
2B4.6 State the company policy for the phases of flight that require a sterile cockpit.
2B4.7 For operations that include in-flight meals, state the company policy and any
precautions that may be required.
2B4.8 Detail the company alcohol service policy and crew responsibilities.
2B4.9 State the procedures to be followed in the event of crew incapacitation during flight,
including the succession of command in the event of incapacitation of the designated
PIC (see example at Annex B to this CAAP).
2B5.2 Provide the operational requirements for the use and serviceability of GPWS’s in
accordance with CAO 20.18.9 and the IFR restrictions under AIP-GEN Ground
Proximity Warning Systems.
2B5.3 Operators intending to carry out operations using NVDs must do so in accordance
with the regulations and include in the Operations Manual all the requirements in CAO
82.6 Appendix 2, clauses 3 and 4.
2B5.4 Include the requirements for operation of ACAS/TCAS as specified in CAR 262AC,
AD, AE, AIP-ENR TCAS Selection and AIP-GEN Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
System and the pilot training and qualifications in CAO 40.0.5.
2B5.5 The circumstances for operation of ADSB equipment should be stated here (CAO 82.3
Appendix 6, 82.5 Appendix 4). Operational requirements are in AIP-ENR Operational
Requirements for ADS-B Transponder; ADS-B Emergency Codes; and AIP-GEN
ADS-B Approval and Operations.
2B5.6 Include procedures for operating the aircraft Altitude Alerting System. (CAO 20.18)
2B5.7 Detail general requirements for the operation of aircraft computer and Flight
Management Systems with respect to collision avoidance, as required under CAR
232A, and CAO 20.18.9A, including a reference to and the location of the operating
instructions for the computerised equipment.
2B5.8 Include procedures for the operation of weather radar in flight and on the ground (CAO
20.9.6 and AIP-GEN Airborne Weather Radar).
2B5.9 Include the requirements for pilots to maintain an adequate look-out and to display
external lights in accordance with CAR 146, 195 and 196.
2B5.10 Specific local information relating to bird and other animal avoidance should be
included in the aerodromes volume of the Operations Manual (also see Volume 1
2B6 Navigation
2B6.1 Navigation policy
2B6.2 Altimetry – standard altitude and flight levels
2B6.3 Navigation tolerances and position fixing
2B6.4 Identification of navigation aids
2B6.5 Flight Management System databases and navigation criteria
2B6.6 Global Navigation Satellite System/Area Navigation (GNSS/RNAV)
2B6.7 Systems pre-flight checks
2B6.8 RVSM and operations in trans-oceanic airspace
2B6.9 Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operations
2B6.6 The following references to GNSS/RNAV systems may be relevant: AIP-GEN Global
Positioning System; Area Navigation (RNAV) Systems; AIP-ENR GPS Reporting
Requirements and Procedures; Missed Approach Requirements – GPS/NPA; GPS
Prediction Analysis; Use of GPS in Oceanic and Remote Areas.
2B6.7 Insert the requirements for pre-flight cross-checking of on-board navigation systems,
including required systems and serviceability for different kinds of operations
(e.g. IFR).
2B6.8 Detail requirements for flight in RVSM under CAR 181U, T and S and pilot
requirements under CAO 52. Also include any special conditions on non-RVSM trans-
oceanic navigation (see AIP-ENR Reduced Vertical Separation Minima; and AIP-GEN
RVSM Approval and Operations and Examples in Annex B).
2B6.9 Provide the detailed procedures for operations in accordance with the company RNP
authorisations issued by CASA (see CASR 91.5170(c), AIP-ENR Required Navigation
Performance and examples in Annex B to this CAAP).
2B6.10 Include the company and regulatory requirements for the keeping and content of flight
navigation logs (see CAR 78 to 80, and forthcoming CASR Parts* 119, 121, 133, 135).
2B7 Communications
2B7.1 Radio frequency switching procedures
2B7.2 Air traffic control clearances
2B7.3 Position Reporting
2B7.4 Communications at non-controlled aerodromes
2B7.5 Pre-flight radio check
2B7.6 Datalink
Explanation of Headings
2B7.1 Standard communication, and any special radio frequency switching, procedures
should be included here or matched to specific routes and aerodromes in Volume 3 –
Routes and Aerodromes, consistent with the procedures in AIP-ENR General Rules
and Procedures.
2B7.2 Detail procedures for notifying Air Traffic Control (ATC) of a need or inability to comply
with ATC clearances in accordance with CAR 100. Further information is in AIP-ENR
Air Traffic Clearances and Instructions; Clearances – Pilot Responsibility.
2B7.3 Company position reporting requirements in line with CAR 158, CASR 101.210
(medium and heavy balloons), AIP-ENR En Route and AIP-GEN Appendix 2 - Full
Position Report should be detailed here.
2B7.4 Procedures to ensure aircraft are operated in accordance with CAO 82.3.5A and
82.5.5A at non-controlled aerodromes should be specified. Further information is in
AIP-ENR Climb and Cruise Procedures; Class G Airspace.
2B7.5 The check under CAR 242 and the listening watch under 243 are required.
2B7.6 Describe the use and management of non-voice data communications systems.
Explanation of Headings
2C1.1 Operators should detail procedures to comply with the pre-flight safety precautions
required by CAO 20.2, and and 2; the administrative requirements under
CAR 133, 244, including the use of EFBs and their interaction with aircraft systems;
and the daily inspection (CAR Schedule 5). AIP-GEN Pre-flight Information Service;
and Flight Information Service have further information.
2C1.2 CASR137.K (AAp) and CAO 20.18 Appendix1, 2, 4 and 6, 8, 9(Heli), 10 (Balloons and
Airships) are relevant. Note that aircraft used for VFR flights at night in conditions of
no visual horizon or insufficient visual cues (ground lighting) should be equipped for
instrument flight (see CAO 20.18) and flown by an IFR-qualified pilot.
2C1.3 CAR 177.2 and CAO 20.18 Appendix 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7-9 (Heli) are relevant.
2C1.4 Include procedures here to ensure crew baggage is handled and stowed correctly7.
2C1.5 Directions relating to aircraft exits and passageways while in flight in accordance with
CAR 254 should be inserted here.
2C1.6 Detail any additional pre-flight actions for operations requiring RVSM or RNP.
See CAO at
2C2.6 Instrument and visual departures (Class G/Common Traffic Advisory Frequency)
Explanation of Headings
2C2.1 Specify the procedures for aircraft ground handling including push-back, tow and taxi,
and include the requirements under CAR 196 and 246 for aircraft lighting and avoiding
collisions while operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome (also see AIP-
ENR Airways Clearances; Engine Start, Push-back and Taxi; Helicopter Operations at
2C2.2 Take-off precautions, including performance calculations for one-engine out obstacle
clearance, the physical inspections under CAR 245, the cockpit checks under CAO
20.13, and the requirement and considerations for a take-off emergency briefing
should be detailed here. A master copy of the checklist, both abbreviated and
expanded, for each aircraft type operated by the operator must be included here or in
a specific aircraft volume of the manual.
2C2.3 The general policy and procedures for the initial climb, relating to take-off flap and
gear retraction, the minimum altitude for turns and autopilot usage should be set-out.
Specific details should be in Volume 2A – Specific aircraft types.
2C2.4-6 Detailed company policy for instrument departures and take-off minima (CAR 257.3)
that at least meet the regulatory requirements should be stated here. AIP-ENR
Operations in Controlled Airspace; Standard Instrument Departures; Aerodrome
Meteorological Minima and Visual Meteorological Conditions – Take-off, En Route and
Landing have more information.
Explanation of Headings
2C3.1 Detail any exemptions from adherence to the LSALT requirements under CAR 178
and the acceptable method for calculating LSALT for routes without a published figure
(also see AIP-GEN Air Route Details, Specifications and Chart Depictions; Lowest
Safe Altitude).
2C3.2 Detail the procedures and requirements for use of supplemental oxygen in company
operations as set out in CAO 20.4.4 to 8:
the procedures to be followed in the operation of the oxygen systems in the
aircraft to which the Operations Manual relates
the methods of administering oxygen to passengers
the methods of determining, by observation of the equipment, that oxygen is
being supplied to dispensing units
the variation of the duration of the oxygen supply with varying cabin pressure
altitude and numbers of passengers
the conditions of operation under which crew members must use oxygen
(vi) the procedures for demonstrating the donning and use of oxygen masks
by passengers in accordance with paragraphs 4.4 and 4.5 of CAO 20.4
(vii) schematic diagrams of the oxygen systems installed in the aircraft to
which the Operations Manual relates.
2C3.3 State the conditions and procedures for the diversion of aircraft to an alternative
aerodrome due to weather or other operational factors (see AIP-ENR Diversion to an
Alternate Aerodrome; Flight Notification Amendment; Weather Deviations – General
2C3.4-5 Provide any specific company descent or arrival procedures in addition to regulatory
requirements (e.g. standard rates of descent) AIP-ENR Descent and Entry has
relevant information.
2C3.6 Provide details of maximum operating altitudes and durations as a function of latitude
that are permissible for the ongoing safety of crew see CAO 82.0 Appendix 6.2 (d).
Explanation of Headings
2C4.1 State the company policy on the timing of aircraft pre-landing checks in line with the
flight check system (CAO 20.13).
2C4.2 Provide general approach and landing precautions here, including performance,
stabilised approach criteria, or specific criteria in Volume 2A for each different type of
aircraft the company operates. (For further information, see AIP-ENR Holding,
Approach and Departure Procedures; Aircraft Speeds.)
2C4.3 State the company policy and conditions for carrying out visual approaches to
aerodromes (AIP-ENR Visual Approach; Operations in Class G Airspace) and use of
visual approach slope indicators (AIP-AD Visual Approach and Docking Guidance
2C4.4 Specify the company procedures for carrying out instrument approaches, including
any special night requirements, in accordance with the regulations (CAR 179). Also
include procedures for operations to aerodromes without authorised IALs.
Specify any additional, specific helicopter company procedures for carrying out
instrument approaches in accordance with the regulations, and the procedures for
operations to HLS without authorised IAL approaches (CAR 179) (also see AIP-ENR
Holding, Approach and Departure Procedures).
2C4.5 Specify the conditions, other than meteorological minima, for which a missed
approach or baulked procedure should be carried out (AIP-ENR Go Around and
Missed Approach Procedures in VMC; Missed Approach – Standard Procedures and
Missed Approach Procedures).
2C4.6 Set out the company policy and procedures relating to joining and flying in the circuit,
airspeed and altitude limitations and operations with strong crosswinds. For general
circuit procedures [see CAO 20.21.8 (Ag), CAAP 166-1 and AIP-ENR Landing; Circuit
Operations; Landing Manoeuvers].
2C4.7 Provide the general company policy relating to final approach & threshold speeds (see
AIP-ENR Aircraft Speeds; Handling Speeds).
2C4.9 Specify the immediate and other post-landing procedures for company operations,
Aircraft configuration clean-up
Taxi clearance [see AIP-ENR Taxi Clearance; Taxiing After Landing (CTA);
Taxiing After Landing (Heli)]
Parking and securing the aircraft (both at bases and away from bases)
Weather and animal protection
Wheel chocks and tie downs where required
Relevant equipment performance reports (e.g. RVSM).
2C4.10 Set out procedures to ensure company operations are in keeping with noise
abatement regulations and restrictions in accordance with AIP-ENR Noise Abatement
Procedures; AIP-GEN Aircraft Noise – Operational Restrictions.
2C4.11 Specify conditions for the use of enhanced and synthetic vision systems and head-up
displays. Refer to CAO 82.0.3D and Chapter 6.23 and Attachment J of Annex 6, Part I
International Commercial Air Transport — Aeroplanes, to the Chicago Convention.
Explanation of Headings
2C5.1-2 Detail the requirements for ground operations in cold weather, including pre-flight
procedures for inspection of aircraft in frosty and freezing conditions and use of anti-
icing and de-icing equipment. Also detail the procedures for the prevention and
removal of airframe and engine air intake icing while in flight, fuel freezing and altitude
correction. (CAR 238, CAO 29.8)
2C5.3 Provide company procedures for operations in very hot weather conditions.
2C5.4 Include the company policy and procedures for flight in the vicinity of
thunderstorms/hail and in moderate to severe turbulence, including heavy aircraft
wake turbulence (AIP-ENR Wake Turbulence Separation Standards; Weather and
Wake Turbulence System Alerts).
2C5.5 Set out the procedures to be followed to anticipate and respond to an encounter with
severe windshear during take-off and approach to land (AIP-ENR Windshear Warning
Service, AIP-GEN Hazardous Weather; Windshear – Pilot Reporting).
2C5.6 Detail company policy, techniques and performance requirements for landings on wet
or contaminated runways (see example in Annex B to this CAAP).
2C5.7 Detail company policy for flight, if at all, in or around various levels of atmospheric
volcanic ash (see AIP-ENR Airways Clearance – Volcanic Ash; AIP-GEN Volcanic
Activity; Volcanic Activity Advisory and Appendix B10 to this CAAP – Adverse weather
2C5.8 Provide any directions under CAR 175A (2) for single-engine flight in adverse weather
conditions (AIP-ENR Low Visibility Operations; Low Visibility Procedures Operations in
Oceanic Controlled Airspace and AIP-GEN Hazardous Weather) (also see guidance in
Annex B to this CAAP).
Explanation of Headings
2D1.1 Note the company policy and training qualification for pilots to participate in LAHSO
(see CAO 40.0.4 Appendix 1 and 2). Further information is in AIP-ENR LAHSO
Operations and AIP-AD Hold Short Lights.
2D1.2 Detail the company procedures necessary to meet the operational requirements of
CAO 82.0.3A to 3BC and Appendix 3 to 5 for Extended Diversion Time Operations
(also see AIP-ENR Operations in Controlled Oceanic Airspace and CAAP 82.
2D1.4 Include any low flying authorisations and conditions (see CAR 141 (FTO), 157,
CASR 137.140, 145 (AAp) and CAO Part 29).
2D1.5 Detail the procedures for water operations (floating hull and float-equipped aircraft) to
comply with CAR 169, 195, 197, 198 and relevant access lanes in line with CAO
2D1.6 Provide the company policy on mercy flights and, where applicable, the authorisations
and procedures necessary to comply with the AIP-ENR requirements under Special
Requirements – Mercy Flights and AIP-GEN Participation in Searches (also see CAO
95.23, 26 for coastal surveillance and SAR operations information). Detail any
helicopter water rescue operations procedures. CAO 95.7 provides exemptions from
certain CAR in carrying out this type of operation.
2D1.7 Include the strategies, procedures and plans in accordance with CAO 82.0.3BD and
Appendix 6 of the CAO for the conduct of polar operations. Note that procedures
relating to crew exposure to cosmic radiation should be detailed under heading 1B3.9
in Volume 1.
2D1.8 Provide the detailed information required for company operations to comply with CAO
82.6 and any other CASA directions/AOC conditions relating to company NVG
Operations. Note that the training and checking requirements for NVG operations
should be placed in Volume 4 of the manual (also see AIP-ENR Night Vision Devices
and Obstruction Lighting).
2D1.9 Include instructions to pilots, aircrew/winch operators and other personnel involved in
the conduct of winching and/or rappelling operations, as appropriate, covering:
equipment pre-flight and serviceability checks
all normal and emergency operating drills and procedures
operating crew duties
intercom procedures and phraseology
pilot qualifications, training and recency requirements
aircrew/winch operator qualifications, training and recency requirements
risk assessment of all aspects of particular flights
Any additional requirements mentioned in CAO 29.6 and 29.11.
Include instructions to pilots and other company personnel involved in the conduct of
sling load operations covering, in detail, all normal and emergency procedures and
risk assessment for particular flights (CAO 29.6 and 29.11). Also include any CAO 95
exemptions for these operations.
2D1.10 Guidance material relating to additional Operations Manual inclusions for firefighting
operations can be found on the National Aerial Firefighting Centre’s website at Operators are to ensure that information in their manuals following
this material is consistent with regulatory requirements.
2D1.12 Incorporate the procedures required for carrying out ‘other’ Aerial Work operations.
Some relevant references include:
CAR 144, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156.
CAOs 29.3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11.
CASR 137.175.
AIP-ENR Special Requirements.
2D1.13 Provide the additional procedures for operational staff carrying out duties in respect of
international flights. References include:
CAR 78(2), 147, 181 (RVSM), 223(2) 233(2)
CAO 82.3.9A, 82.5.9A, 95.9
AIP-GEN Entry, Transit and Departure of Aircraft; Passengers; Crew; and Cargo
ICAO Annex 6, Part 1, Section 6.23 which details carriage of documentation
2D1.14 Detail any special crew and aircraft requirements for high-altitude flight operations.
2D1.15 Include details of any CASA exemptions from the regulations and Orders
[e.g. CAO 95.7 (Heli); CAO 95.53, 95.7.2 and 3 (Balloons)].
2D1.16 In addition to the other requirements of this Part the operator of an aircraft engaged in
specialised operations should include information about the following matters relating
specifically to those operations (if not included elsewhere in the manual):
safety and risk management procedures and aerial work zone plan and
establishment processes
task and role specialised aerial work techniques
crew communication and work procedures
crew selection and training
equipment serviceability checks
operational safety and ‘go’, ‘no-go’ decision making
company operating and performance limitations
emergency procedures
handling and operation of specialised equipment
any additional procedures and instructions as required by CASA
procedures to monitor and review the effectiveness of their operations and make
improvements when and where required based on those reviews.
Explanation of Headings
2D2.1 Identify the company procedures for declaring an emergency or threat to safety of air
navigation (CAR 191-194. Also see AIP-GEN Aerodrome Emergencies and AIP-ENR
Emergency Procedures).
2D2.2 For multi-crew operations, detail the procedures to be followed in the event of
anomalous system indications, abnormal flight or in an emergency with respect to the
roles and duties of the Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM).
2D2.3 Detail the company policy for use of emergency checklists (CAO 20.13), including the
conditions for use and memory items.
2D2.4 Provide the procedures required for an emergency change of altitude. (AIP-ENR
Operations in Oceanic Controlled Airspace)
2D2.5 Provide the procedures to be followed and the use of non-radio signals in the event of
communication failure (see CAR 185 to 187, 189 and AIP-ENR Signals for the Control
of Aerodrome Traffic and Emergency Procedures).
2D2.6 Detail the company and regulatory procedures to be followed for the continuation of
flight in multi-engine aircraft with one engine inoperative (CAO 20.6).
2D2.7 Provide the procedures to be followed after failure of external or on-board navigation
equipment. See CAO 82.5 and AIP-GEN Abnormal Operation of Radio Navigation
2D2.8 State the company procedures to be followed in the event of single or multi-crew pilot
incapacitation in flight.
2D2.9 State the company procedures to be followed in the event of serious illness aboard an
aircraft in flight.
2D2.10 Detail the announcements and other strategies for passenger control in abnormal
situations (CAO 20.11.14).
2D2.11 Detail the conditions for and the procedures for using emergency/survival equipment
carried on the aircraft (CAO 20.11 and AIP-GEN Emergency Locator Transmitter).
2D2.12 Describe the company policy and procedures for action in the event of unlawful
interference, such as a bomb threat, hijack etc (see AIP-ENR Unlawful Interference).
This information is required here, so that crew can refer to it in flight.
2D2.13 Include the procedures to be followed in the event of interception of company aircraft
by military aircraft (AIP-ENR Visual Signals for use in the Event of Interception) in an
Australian or overseas territory (International Operations).
Explanation of Headings
2E1.1 Describe the key features of the system of maintenance for company aircraft for non-
maintenance operational staff. (CAR 39 or 41, CASR Subpart 42.B)
2E1.2 Detail company procedures to ensure flight and ground support crew conform to the
system of maintenance and comply with the regulatory requirements in relation to
Maintenance Releases and Flight Logs. Some relevant references include:
CAR Part 4A, Divisions 9, 10
CAR 248
CASR 42.C.4, 42.355, 42N.
2E1.3-4 Provide procedures for flight and ground crew on defect reporting and corrective
action procedures, including overweight and heavy landings (CAR 51, 51A, 51B and
52, CAAP 51-1(2))
2E1.6 Detail the maintenance tasks that can be carried out by pilots (CAR Schedule 8,
CASR 42.300, 42.M, 137.230).
2E1.7 Provide the company procedures for flight crew and ground support staff in the event
of a lightning strike to an aircraft.
2E1.8 Provide the company procedures for flight crew and ground support staff in the event
of a bird/animal strike to an aircraft.
2E1.9 Detail the procedures for pilots to follow in the event of an aircraft unserviceability
away from the company’s maintenance bases including, where applicable, overseas.
2E1.10 Detail precautions and restrictions for aircraft undergoing test flights (CAR 222 and
2E1.11 Where applicable, detail any specific equipment requirements or restrictions in respect
of EDTO (CAO 82.0 Appendix 3-5) and RNP (CASR Subpart 91.U).
2E1.12 Provide relevant operational airworthiness information for staff involved in ASEA
2E1.13 List any operational airworthiness requirements for Autoland operations for non-
maintenance staff, including monitoring of ‘required accuracy’ procedures.
2E1.15 Include any CASA authorisations related to initial and continuing airworthiness.
2E1.16 Provide the location of copies of the Maintenance Control Manual available for
operational staff to inspect.
Note: Add additional sub-volumes for each aircraft type on operator’s AOC. Also see
general information and examples at Appendix B1.
Explanation of Headings
2AA.1.1 Company, manual, sub-volume and aircraft type names, e.g.:
ABC Air Transport
Operations Manual
Sub-volume 2A
C 208 Flight Operations.
2AA.1.2 The aircraft flight manual (AFM) by itself, usually in conjunction with an aircraft
owner’s or manufacturer’s manual may contain the information required in this section
of the manual. When it is the operator’s intention that the aircraft is to be operated
strictly in accordance with the requirements of those manuals, the relevant part of
those manuals need only be referred to under the appropriate section of this sub-
volume. Where a manufacturer’s or owner’s manual is used, its nomenclature, date of
issue or amendment should be specifically identified. In addition, the operator should
mandate its carriage in the aircraft under the same conditions as the AFM.
Where different models of the same type of aircraft are operated the requirement here
may be met by the inclusion of a statement covering the differences between models
[see CAR 138, 139, CAR 54, CASR 137.245A (AAp)].
2AA.1.3 Include detailed type-specific flight conduct procedures either here or in an appendix
to each flight operations sub-volume.
Where the operator chooses to use procedures set out in the aircraft flight manual or
manufacturer’s or owner’s manual, reference may be made to the applicability of these
procedures. CASA will accept manufacturer’s procedures as the basis for an approval
under CAR 232.
For a CAR 232 approval, where the operator institutes procedures which are at
variance with those contained in manufacturer’s manuals, the operator will need to
provide CASA with written justification for each variation to the manufacturer’s
2AA.1.4 CAR 232 requires a flight check system to be established for each aircraft type, setting
out the procedures to be followed at take-off, in-flight, on landing and in emergency
situations. They are to be specified or set out in these sections. The use of checklists,
details of crew co-ordination and visual and instrument departure and approach
procedures should be included if they are specific to the aircraft type.
2AA.1.5 The specific duties of flight crew in respect to the operation of the aircraft should be
included (see Section 1B1 in Volume 1). Relevant references include CAR 208,
CAO 82.3.8, 9 and 82.5.8.
2AA.1.6 Detail the permitted operations and rectification schedules for permissible
unserviceabilities in accordance with the MMEL and CDL (see CAR 43, 49 and CAO
Generally, the MEL relates to items or equipment which may be inoperative without
affecting the airworthiness of the aircraft. The CDL defines the panels or parts which
may be missing from the aircraft structure without affecting airworthiness, but which
normally have an effect on the aircraft performance. The Operations Manual must
describe how the MEL and the CDL should be promulgated and used. The actual
status of the MEL/CDL, that is, whether they are approved by CASA and whether they
have extra items added by the operator, should be noted.
2AA.1.7 This section typically contains take-off and landing data for each usable runway at
each destination and alternate aerodrome. Where an operator has an extensive route
network, the information could be presented in separate volumes for different
geographical areas. The manual must contain information on the method of derivation
of the data presented, in agreement with the data presented in the flight manual.
Guidance on how to use the data presented and a number of examples of use of data
should be included.
The 20.7 series of CAO, detailing weight and performance for the operation of
aeroplanes and the Australian Performance Supplement of the approved aircraft flight
manual (AFM) for multi-engine helicopters, will be relevant to this subsection.
For aircraft which have no performance information or are unable to meet the required
performance standards (e.g. low performing piston-engined light twins), the
Operations Manual must include a method for determining the applicable minima for
all company operations. (CASR Part 135 E*). Further guidance is in Appendix B12 to
this CAAP.
Specific instructions relating to fuel usage rates for climb, cruise and holding which are
to be used in conjunction with the operator’s fuel policy as set out in Section 2B2 are
to be provided in this section.
2AA.1.8 Include the company procedures necessary to ensure the aircraft is operated in
accordance with the AFM weight and balance requirements (see CAR 235, CASR
137.5 and CAO 20.16.1 to 3).
2AA.1.9 List any additional operating limitations and/or reference the AFM where applicable.
2AA.1.10-11 Specify the emergency procedures in relation to the following events (CAO
20.11.10 to 12):
emergency decompression, where applicable;
fire on the ground or in the air;
flight crew compartment impact drill;
emergency evacuation;
ditching, where applicable;
in-flight warning systems alerts (including CAO 82.3 Appendix 5);
landing with undercarriage up or not locked;
declaring an emergency and liaison with RFFS (AIP-GEN Aerodrome
loss of aircraft control
other system failures or alerts.
As with other sections, headings marked with an asterisk (*) are future requirements under draft CASR
Parts 119 and others and are optional until the new standards are implemented. They are included here to
help operators future-proof their Operations Manuals
Explanation of Headings
3A1.1-4 Include any specific company policy and conditions for operations in different classes
of airspace. AIP-ENR ATC – Classes of Airspace; Classes of Airspace – Services and
Requirements contain information relating to the services and requirements for aircraft
operations in all types of airspace.
3A1.5 See Section 2B1 in Volume 2: Planning altitudes and flight levels and 2B6.8 Reduced
Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) operations.
3A1.6 See Section 2B6.9 in Volume 2 Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operations.
Also detail any exemptions from the CAR relating to helicopter operations at
aerodromes that the company may have under CAO 95.7.
3A2 Routes
3A2.1 Policy
3A2.2 Standard routes and limitations
3A2.3 RVSM routes
3A2.4 Levels
3A2.5 Position fixing, reports and waypoints
3A2.6 ASEA route restrictions
Explanation of Headings
3A2.1 State the company policy, if any, for the use of standard/flex/other routes. AIP-ENR Air
Route Specifications; Helicopter Routes; Other Routes; and AIP-GEN Air Route
Specifications and Chart Depictions contain or reference general information on ATS
routes and procedures. CAR 218 and 219, relating to pilot qualifications are also
3A2.2 Include the standard routes for all destinations served by the operator. This should
include the names of suitable alternate aerodromes for each route. Suitable contents
for a route guide can be found in Section 3 of Appendix 2 in CAO 82.5.
3A2.4 Detail the company policy, in accordance with AIP requirements, with respect to levels
for each route to be flown (AIP-ENR Cruising Levels; Changing Levels).
3A2.5 State the company policy with respect to position fixing, position reporting and
waypoints (see AIP-ENR Position Reports; Position Fixing; Name-Code Designators
for Significant Points; AIP-GEN Intersection Waypoints; Reporting Points).
Explanation of Headings
3A3.1 CAR 92 (1) is relevant. For operators who use aeroplane landing areas and helicopter
landing sites a policy is required. The operational aspects of CAAPs 92-1 and 92-2
may be relevant. For RPT operators CAR 92A is relevant and CAO 82.3 paragraph
5.3 is relevant to low capacity RPT operations (also see CAR 235A, 248, CASR 139,
CAO 82.3.5, 5A, Appendix 3, CAO 82.5.5, 5A, CASR 137.105 (AAp), AIP-ENR
Suitability of Aerodromes, AIP-AD Aerodromes/Heliports Availability and Index to
AIP-ERSA and DAP are acceptable references for aerodrome physical, technical and
approach information; however operators must have procedures to ensure that
operational personnel are able to comply with the requirements of these documents
(see Annex C to this CAAP for further information and examples).
3A3.2 See CAR 92A.4 and 4A. AIP-ERSA GEN-CON 1 provides a useful checklist for pilots
intending to use uncertified or unregistered aerodromes.
3A3.3 Describe the procedures and criteria by which pilots can assess the suitability of HLSs
(including on-shore and off-shore helidecks) and be satisfied that they can safely
operate to and from the site.
3A3.4-5 Describe the procedures and criteria by which pilots calculate the take-off and landing
distances and obstacle clearance gradients required for the range of conditions likely
to be encountered in company flight operations. (Relevant references include AIP-
ERSA Runway Distance Supplement and its introduction). Obstacle information is
available from aerodrome operators.
3A3.6 Where applicable, list any specific requirements for approach procedures at
nominated aerodromes. These procedures should be additional to the general
approach provisions provided earlier in the manual at 2C4 and 2C6.3.
3A3.9 Include the requirements for approval and evaluation of runways for Autoland
operations. (AOCH – Approval of runways for Autoland Operations.)
3A3.10 Where operations are conducted into aerodromes with runways narrower than that
required by the aircraft’s original type certificate, provide the procedures and
requirements necessary to ensure safe operations (see CAAP 235-1).
3A3.11 Include any CASA authorisations and conditions for operations to specific
Explanation of Headings
4A1.1 Describe the key positions, duties and accountabilities of the training and checking
organisation, along with a statement of its authority and role.
4A1.2 Describe the facilities, equipment and training aids available to the organisation,
including the location and contents of the training reference library.10
4A1.3 Provide the selection, recent experience and completion standards requirements for
training and checking personnel.
4A1.4 Detail the procedures for training, proficiency testing and approval of supervisory,
training and checking personnel.
As with other sections, headings marked with an asterisk (*) are future requirements under draft CASR
Parts 119 and others and are optional until the new standards are implemented. They are included here to
help operators future-proof their Operations Manuals.
The information in 4A1.1 and 2 is required here only if different or additional to that set-out in Part A of
Volume 1.
4A1.5 If CASA flying operations inspectors are authorised as part of the operating crew it will
be necessary to lay down their authority, qualifications and recency in respect to the
operation. Operators will need to consider their position in respect to any untoward
happenings to the aircraft, its crew and passengers in the event that a CASA inspector
is authorised as part of the operating crew.
Note: CAO 82.1.3, Appendix 2.4, 82.3.3, Appendix 2.4, 82.5.3, Appendix 2 and 82.7
Appendix 1-2.4, along with the Appendices to CAO 40.1.0 contain an outline
of the minimum information required to be included in this Volume with respect
to training and checking organisations (also see CAR 217).
Explanation of Headings
4B1.1 Provide detailed programs, including completion standards for the training and
checking of company staff and contractors for all aircraft systems and operations to be
carried out, including the emergencies listed at 2AA.1.10 and 2AA.1.11 (also see CAO
40.1.0 Appendix 2 to 5).
4B1.2 Provide detailed ‘differences and familiarisation’ programs for the training and
checking of relevant company staff.
4B1.3 Include the procedures necessary to ensure that flight crew are able to meet recurrent
training and checking requirements [see CAO 40.1.5 Appendix 2 (ATPL)].
4B1.4-7 Provide the programs and procedures to ensure that flight crew receive relevant Crew
Resource Management, Threat and Error Management, Human Factors and
Command training and the syllabi for these programs.
4B1.8-9 Where applicable, include the syllabi of training for approved steep approach and
short landing operations, including LAHSO. (CAO 40.0.4)
4B1.10 Provide the company procedures for the initial and recurrent training, proficiency
checking and competency evaluation for EDTO under the following headings (see
CAO 82.0 Appendix 5.10):
if standby sources of electrical power significantly degrade cockpit instrumentation
to the pilots — simulation of aerodrome approaches using standby power as the
sole power source
contingency procedures for each area of operation intended to be used
evaluation of, and response to, probable propulsion and airframe systems failures
4B1.11 Provide detailed procedures to ensure training in, and checking of, NVG operations
complies with CAO 82.6 Appendix 1 and the training and checking requirements under
Part 2 of Appendix 2 and Parts 3 to 6 of Appendix 3 of the Order.
4B1.12 Provide the details of training programs that comply with the standards for RNP
training programs set out in Subpart U of CASR Part 91 MOS (see CASR 91.5155 and
4B1.13 Provide the program and completion standards for ASEA operations for captains and
co-pilots, including:
Engine failure/malfunction, which necessitates stopping the aircraft on the ground.
Engine failure/malfunction, which necessitates a landing on the most suitable
terrain adjacent to an aerodrome, usually organised into two sets of procedures
depending on the height of the aeroplane at the time of the engine failure.
Engine failure/malfunction, which necessitates turning to execute a glide landing
upon a serviceable runway, including a ‘turn back’ manoeuvre. This procedure is
to contain a minimum indicated airspeed and altitude requirement before it may
be attempted.
Forced landing initiated from normal cruising altitude, during climb and descent
and from the approach to land phase, in VMC and IMC down to 1000 feet above
ground level.
Additional procedures for the conduct of a forced landing in IMC to ground level.
4B1.14 Present the program and completion standards for ACAS/TCAS operation training.
4B1.15 Detail the flight crew training program and completion standards for Autoland
operations (see CAO 82.0).
4B1.16 Present the program and completion standards for qualification as a company Load
4B1.17 Detail the required syllabus and frequency of training in dangerous goods handling
and carriage and the applicability to operational staff and contractors of the company.
[CASR 92.055 and 92.C, AC92-01(0), AC92-03(0) and the AOCH Volume 4 –
Dangerous Goods Training and Checking]
4B1.18 Detail the required programs of training for cabin crew in accordance with CAO
20.11.12, 13.3 and Appendix 4.
4B1.19 Provide the company program for crew emergency training (see CAR 253).
4B1.20-21 Include the training programs for ground support personnel and other staff and
contractors assigned to operational duties in connection with the preparation or
conduct of a flight, together with non-technical skills training for operations staff other
than flight crew. This should include completion standards.
4B1.22 The following guidance relates to the general development and conduct of training and
testing by operators.
Set out the various courses that the organisation is to conduct for example induction, aircraft
endorsement (command, co-pilot, other crew member), cabin attendant, maritime surveillance,
revalidation and currency training, conversion of overseas pilot licences [CAR 5.165(2) and CAR
5.174 (2)], ground or flight training covering the operation of specialist equipment for example
GPS, dangerous goods to meet the requirements of CASR Subpart 92.C, cockpit resource
management, human factors, LAHSO etc.
The courses conducted by the organisation will also need to include the courses required by
personnel for appointment to the staff of the training and checking organisation itself.
Include the course objectives, instructional hours requirements (flight hours, simulator and other
ground instruction) and the completion standards. The detail of these courses should be
included in appendices to this part.
Set out the various tests that the organisation is to conduct, for example flight proficiency (line
and route checks), instrument rating issue and renewal, proficiency in the execution of
emergency duties. List the periodicity of tests, the purpose of the test and whether the test
constitutes a check for the purpose of CAR 217(2).
For the purpose of standardisation the content of a test will normally be set down in a CASA or
company test form. In this way the form will also act as an aide memoire to both the checking
officer and the person being checked. Company devised test forms should be appended to this
Note: Base and line checks are only examples of the way in which an operator may
choose to meet the requirements of CAR 217(2).
Proficiency Checks
This term is commonly used to mean a test of proficiency specifically directed towards the
handling of an aircraft in normal flight manoeuvres and during the emergency or abnormal
operation of the aircraft’s systems. It may be desirable to conduct separate day and night
proficiency checks. Sequences that could be considered for inclusion in such a check are:
preparations for flight including:
loading, weight and balance considerations
pre-flight, use of lists and knowledge of crew immediate emergency actions
knowledge of emergency exits
starting and abnormal starts
simulated engine failures on take-off before and after reaching critical speeds
crosswind, night, visual and instrument take-off
reduced power take-offs
level and steep turns
engine failure in cruise and shut down in flight
cabin and engine fires in flight and on the ground
propeller, electrical and hydraulic systems failures
stall recovery in various configurations
emergency descent
instrument approaches
engine out landing or go around
landings with flap and brake malfunctions
minimum weather circuits
crosswind and night landings
theoretical knowledge (human factors, Operations Manual requirements).11
Note: See Appendix II of CAO 40.1.5 for specific ATPL(A) proficiency requirements.
Line Checks
This term is commonly used to describe a test of proficiency involving the performance of a real
or simulated company revenue flight on which a crew member is being tested in his assigned
role. The test involves an assessment on all phases of the flight, except that emergency
procedures or other procedures which are prohibited from being tested by CAR 249 or could
otherwise adversely impact on the nature of a revenue flight will not be tested. Sequences and
subjects that could be considered for inclusion in a line check are:
preparation for flight including:
flight planning
passenger and load documentation
crew briefing
equipment checks
fuel checks and pre-flight inspection
engine starting and ground manoeuvers
take-off, climb cruise, descent, approach and landing
in-flight checks
instrument flight techniques
approaches and procedures
ATS phraseology and airways operating procedures
appreciation of forecast and prevailing weather conditions
knowledge of aircraft systems
handling of any emergency or abnormal procedures (simulated or real)
command judgement or assessment in a support role
adherence to company procedures other than aircraft handling
interaction with passengers and with other crew members.
11 Note that amendments to CAO Parts 40 and 82 will require that, subject to availability, most training
and checking operations be carried out in a simulator or synthetic training device.
Explanation of Headings
4B2.1 State the company policy and requirements for pre- and post-flight briefings.
4B2.2-3 Consideration should be given to the circumstances in which the pilot being checked
may be either the pilot-in-command, acting in command under supervision or
undergoing dual instruction, and the allocation of command when two pilots of equal
status crew the aircraft (see 4A1.5 and 4A1.6 in Part A of this Volume).
4B2.4 In aircraft crewed by two or more pilots it will be necessary to allocate responsibility for
the normal and emergency operation of the aircraft. Such responsibilities are normally
allocated in respect to: Pilot-in-Command (PIC), Co-pilot (CP), PF and PM. The
allocation of these duties to pilots and to other flight crew members should be clearly
indicated on check lists where appropriate.
4B2.5 Company policy relating to the use of training checklists should be inserted here, while
training-specific checklists should be included either here or in an Appendix.
4B2.6 Matters that might be considered under this heading include: commonly occurring
faults to be found in flight crew in the performance of their duties and fault analysis
techniques; qualifications and minimum and maximum crew numbers required
(CAR 249) for aircraft operation during a test; minimum fuel loads for the simulation of
certain emergency situations; simulation of aircraft weight with ballast; minimum
weather conditions; limitations on flapless or touch and go landings; simulation of
instrument flight; methods, procedures and limitations related to practice simulated
engine failure and abnormal operations; procedures for night training (CAO 29.2) and
notification of flight tests to CASA (also see CAR 5.42, CAO
4B2.7 Insert procedures, requirements and privileges for the use of simulators and synthetic
training devices in company training in accordance with relevant sections of CAR
Part 5, CAOs 40.1.0, 12A,, 40.3.0, 82.0 and Regulation 137.240 of CASR
4B2.8 Detail the procedures for the conduct and security of examinations undertaken by
flight and ground crew.
4B2.9 Include procedures to be applied in the event that personnel do not achieve or
maintain the required standards.
Explanation of Headings
4C1.1 Detail the administrative procedures for conducting training and checking operations,
including frequency and duration, and use of flight test numbers to ensure compliance
with CAO 82.1.3, 82.3.3 and 82.5.3.
4C1.2-3 Detail procedures for recording and maintaining the records required under the
following references:
CAR 5.109, 5.107 – Retention of personal log books
CASR 92.145 – Retention of DG training records
CASR 119.255-270 – Keeping and accessibility of training files*
CASR 137.250 (AAp)
CAO 82.1 Appendix 1-2.4
CAO 82.3. Appendix 1-2.5, Appendix 2-5.1
CAO 82.5 Appendix 2-5.1
CAO 20.11-12 – Retention of emergency proficiency certificate.
4C1.4 Include procedures to ensure the company maintains the security of all examination
Explanation of Headings
4AA1.1 Detail the structure of the organisation, including duties, responsibilities and
accountabilities of operational staff, along with communications protocols between
instructors and the Head of Operations/Chief Flying Instructor (HOO/CFI) (CAR
4AA1.2 Include regulatory and any company-specific requirements (see CAO to 9).
4AA1.3 CAR 224, 233, 239 are also relevant to training flights.
4AA1.4 Provide the procedures that the HOO/CFI must follow to ensure the standardisation of
student instruction and to check the proficiency of instructors.
4AA1.5 CAR Part 2 Division 4, 5.07 and CAO 40.0.8 are relevant.
4AA1.6 Provide the company policy on credits for past training (CAR 5.83 is relevant.)
4AA1.7 Detail the policy and procedures for creating, maintaining, storing and content of
student records.
4AA1.8 Detail the retention period for student records, the processes for the transfer of
records to another flying training organisation and procedures for checking the validity
of incoming student records. (CAR 5.57)
4AA1.9-10 Include instructions for the keeping and recording of flight time in student and
instructor log books (CAR 5.51, 5.52, 5.85, 5.112, 5.159, 5.61, 5.73, 5.213, 5.214 and
CAO and 10).
4AA1.11 Include a requirement for students to be made aware of the relevant parts of the
company Operations Manual.
This information is required here only if different or additional to that set-out in Part A of Volume 1.
Explanation of Headings
4AB1.1-2 State the company policy for the authorisation of training and booking of solo flights.
4AB1.3 Detail the requirements for pre and post-flight student briefings.
4AB1.4 Describe company procedures and precautions for operations at the primary base,
including Search and Rescue (SAR) watch procedures and responsibilities (see AIP-
ENR Ab-initio flying training).
4AB1.5 Describe company procedures and precautions for operations at other training
locations, including SAR watch procedures and responsibilities and conditions relating
to flying training at temporary locations (see AIP-ENR Ab-initio flying training, AOCH
Volume 2.9 – Flying Training at Temporary Locations).
4AB1.6 Include requirements and a master copy of maps (1:100,000 or larger scale) depicting:
the boundaries and heights associated with general flying and aerobatic training
areas at the primary and other bases
travel corridors connecting aerodromes and training areas
low-flying training areas with power lines, towers and similar obstructions to low
flying aircraft marked. (CAR 141).
(Also see, where relevant, AIP-ENR Flying Training Areas in Controlled Airspace.)
4AB1.7 Include procedures and any company restrictions on cross-country training and solo
operations, including SAR watch procedures and responsibilities and any special
additional fuel requirements. Standard navigation routes for each training location
must also be included.
4AB1.8 Set-out the conditions for the carriage of passengers on training flights (CAR 5.72,
4AB1.9 Include any additional requirements for VFR training and solo flights with respect to
the observance of last light limitations.
4AB1.10 Detail the requirements for, and restrictions on, the simulation of instrument flight in
training operations (see CAR 153 and CAO
4AB1.11 Requirements for supervising night flying training can be found in CAR 5.01B and
CAO 29.2.
4AB1.12 Include procedures for conducting training in synthetic training devices (see CAR 5.60,
5.173 and 5.182 and CASR Part 60).
Explanation of Headings
4AB2.1 Daily inspections cannot be carried out by student pilots, but they may conduct pre-
flight checks under limited supervision at the discretion of the instructor.
4AB2.2-3 Detail the circumstances under which student pilots may operate the engines of an
aircraft with and without supervision (see CAR 225, 230 and 231 and CAO 20.9.5).
4AB2.3 Detail the circumstances under which student pilots may refuel an aircraft with and
without supervision and the pre and post-fuelling checks to be carried out.
4AB2.4 Include the conditions for taxiing of company aircraft by student pilots (CAR 228, 229).
4AB2.5 State the required procedures for reporting of unserviceabilities by student pilots.
4AB2.6 State the policy for the use of flight radiotelephone operation by student pilots (see
CAR 5.61, 5.66 and 83 to 85).
4AB2.7 Stipulate any restrictions beyond that specified in the relevant aircraft flight manual on
crosswind landings by students.
4AB2.8 State the company policy and procedures for the completion and submission of flight
plans by student pilots and instructors.
4AB2.9 Include the company policy in accordance with CAO 40.0.2 with respect to aerobatics
and spinning by student pilots.
4AB2.10 State the conditions and parameters for solo practice of forced landings by student
Explanation of Headings
4AC1.1-11 Provide the syllabi and programs for the qualifications offered by the operator. Syllabi
giving block flight hours and ground instructional time should be included here or as
appendices. The details of navigation flights, including standard navigation routes,
which form a part of the syllabus, are also to be listed as part of that syllabus.
Day VFR syllabi for aeroplanes and helicopters and the required flight hours of CAR
Part 5 for private and commercial pilot licence courses will be relevant. Other
references include:
Student Pilot – CAR Part 5 Division 4
Private Pilot – CAR 5.83-86.3, 93 (Heli), 94.3
Commercial Pilot – CAR 5.119.2, 3, 5.128.2, 3, 5, 5.137.2, 3, 147.2, 3, 5.164.2, 3
Multi-crew Pilot – CAO 40.1.8, 40.2.10A
Air Transport Pilot – CAR Part 5 Division 14, CAO 40.1.5
Instrument rating – CAO 40.2.1, 40.2.3
Night VFR rating– CAO 40.2.2 (including night VFR agricultural rating)
Flight Instructor rating – CAO 40.1.7, 40.3.7 (Heli), 40.7 (Balloons), CAAPs 5.14-
2(0), 5.14-3(0) (Heli)
Agricultural rating – 40.6
Balloons – CAR Part 5, Divisions 6, 11, CAO 40.7
Synthetic trainer operator – CASA Publication FSD 2
Ground Training Courses – As required.
Explanation of Headings
4AD1.1 Detail the company procedures to authorise ground and flight tests (see CAR 5.94,
5.119, 5.128, 5.137) and the names and responsibilities of delegated staff with
regulatory authorisations (see the Industry Delegates Management Manual on the
CASA website).
4AD1.2 Detail the procedures for the production, conduct, marking and regular review of tests
and examinations in accordance with CAR 298A to E and CAO 40.1.8 (MPL).
Notification under CAR 5.42 is also relevant.
4AD1.3 Provide any additional procedures and precautions for the conduct of these tests.
4AD1.4 Detail the company and regulatory requirements for the conduct of instructor rating
tests. (CAO