Applicability:: Application For Grant of Registration / Renewal
Applicability:: Application For Grant of Registration / Renewal
Applicability:: Application For Grant of Registration / Renewal
Every establishment which include a shop (any premises where any
trade or business is carried on or where services are rendered to
customers and includes a shop run by a co-operative society, an office, a
storeroom, godown, warehouse or work place whether in the same
premises or otherwise, used in connection with such trade or business),
restaurant, eating-house, residential hotel, lodging house, theatre or any
place of public amusement or entertainment and includes a commercial
establishment and such other establishment as the Government may, by
notification, declare to be an establishment for the purposes of this Act
are covered by the A.P. Shops and Establishments Act, 1988.
Shops/Establishments employing no
persons. 30
Registration /renewal of registration issued under the Act is valid upto 31
March of the third year. As per the AP Integrated Registrations Act, 2015,
the registration, wherever requires renewal, shall be renewed for a further
period of 3 years. The Registration certificate shall be issued
instantaneously. Application for grant of renewal of Registration shall be
made at least 31 days before expiry (Section 4 r.w. Section 4(4) of the AP
Integrated Act, 2015).
Registering Authority:
The following officers of Labour Department have been notified as licensing
authorities.(G.O.Ms.No.30 of LET&F Dept. Dated:27.08.2002)