Engineering Structures Who Failed in Their Geologic Environment

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Detail of the fault structures on the church Karanlik - a crack in the tuff Internal part of the church Karanlik (mined cavern) with original paintings
material: a) ruined part of the church, b) crack in the upper part of the from the 12th century. The view from the narthex
church, c) detail of crack.

Church Karanlik
This shows a failure in tuff rock material on the walls of the church Karanlik. The structure of the rock mass is
determined by the shape, size, spatial arrangement of the rock bodies and blocks, which are limited by discontinuities.
Discontinuities may have lithological character, mechanical, or physical with different genesis. Discontinuities may have been
created since the genesis of the rock mass or may occur later.
There are discontinuities caused after the genesis of rock massif, in the case of the said church. They are caused by
weathering processes. These are mainly mechanical and physical disorders. This is a long-term effect of exogenous factors and
the effects of gravity that is the weight of the overlying strata. The area is tectonically still active. It plays an important role in the
formation of cracks. Behaviour of ground mass in Cappadocia also examined [12] in connection with the effects of an earthquake.

Malpasset Dam
 Post-failure studies and expertise during a trial revealed poor field investigations on a micaschist rock foundation
crisscrossed by faults, and poor management of construction of the structure. The failure was ascribed to uplift, which moved a
rock dihedron defined by a conspicuous fault and a tear along foliation. 
Straightened Transcona Grain Elevator
Tilted Transcona Grain Elevator

Transcona Grain Elevator

The foundation failure and righting of the Transcona Grain Elevator in 1913 is a truly remarkable case history made
famous by its collapse during filling after foundation pressures exceeded the bearing capacity of the underlying clay
foundation soil.

Los Frailes Tailings Dam

It seems to be clear so far that a separation dam between two parts of the impoundment experienced a foundation
failure, that is, the soil beneath the base of this dam lost its mechanical integrity. The separation dam is located between
the basins filled with tailings from pyroclastic rock and from pyritic rock. The foundation failure of the separation dam
then initiated the break of the main dam.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The tower began to lean during construction in the 12th

century, due to soft ground which could not properly support the
structure's weight, and it worsened through the completion of
construction in the 14th century. By 1990 the tilt had reached 5.5
degrees. The structure was stabilized by remedial work between
1993 and 2001, which reduced the tilt to 3.97 degrees.

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