A CPW-Fed CSRR and Inverted U Slot Loaded Triple Band Notched UWB Antenna
A CPW-Fed CSRR and Inverted U Slot Loaded Triple Band Notched UWB Antenna
A CPW-Fed CSRR and Inverted U Slot Loaded Triple Band Notched UWB Antenna
Abstract—A CPW-fed ultra-wideband (UWB) monopole antenna design which exhibits triple band
stop functions is demonstrated. The proposed antenna comprises a Split Ring Resonator (SRR) and
inverted U slots on a metallic patch to exhibit triple band-notch functions for WiMAX (3.3–3.6 GHz), C-
band (3.8–4.2 GHz) and WLAN (5.1–5.8 GHz) bands. The slot width optimization is examined to tune
the band-notch resonance frequency, and their effects are exhibited by surface current distributions.
The antenna has compact size of 26 ∗ 30 mm2 , and it functions over 3 to 11 GHz with VSWR < 2
except notched bands. The SRR loaded dual band-notched antenna and amended inverted U slot
integrated antenna both are fabricated and their VSWR, radiation characteristics measured. The
antenna demonstrates excellent agreement between measured and calculated results.
The present wireless communication development has a great demand of antennas with large bandwidth.
Particularly for short range communications, large bandwidth antennas are highly desirable to
communicate at high data rate and overcome the limitations of narrow band antennas. However, these
large bandwidth antennas accommodate narrowband applications too [1]. Large bandwidth antennas
are highly appreciated for UWB technology to fulfill the requirement of high data rate and overcome
other limitations like data encryption, minimum possibility of data interception and many more [2]. On
February 14, 2002, an unlicensed band called UWB from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with a span of 7.5 GHz was
declared by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for commercial applications [3]. Microstrip
or planar antennas are highly recommended for UWB technology because of their undisputed advantages
over other antennas and so forth [4].
A UWB technology device suffers from problems like electromagnetic interventions caused by other
existing narrow band spectra for communications such as WiMAX, WLAN systems, C and X-band
satellite communication (3.8–4.2 GHz and 7.25-8.4 GHz respectively).
In the last few years, to resolve the EM intervention complication, researchers have presented
diverse approaches. To develop antennas with band filtering features, recently few methods have been
reported namely, an L slot in the ground plane [5], an inverted U slot on a radiating structure [6], a
C-shape slot on a metallic patch [7], simple vertical and horizontal rectangular slots etched on metallic
patch for band stop feature at high frequencies [8], W and C slots [9], an SRR slot on a radiating patch
and N shape feed line miniature [10], elliptical and rectangular CSRRs to create triple band notches [11],
arc shape and elliptical SRR [12], rectangular SRR near feed line [13], meander shape stub, rectangular
SRR and inverted U slot with L shape parasitic stubs at ground plane [14] and CSRR, S shape feed
line miniature and circular SRR near feed line [15, 16].
Jaipur, India.
222 Yadav, Sharma, and Yadav
In the proposed antenna, we have put forward nested rectangular SRR etched on a radiating
structure to produce dual band-stop features in WiMAX, WLAN band and an inverted U-slot to
produce C-band notched feature. The frequency span between WiMAX and C-band notches is quite
small (200 MHz), but this unlicensed band can be used for short range communications without any
interfering signals. However here we analyze the much closed band notched characteristics without
affecting the other unlicensed frequency spectrum. In this paper, analysis of the parametric deviations
has been implemented for all the slots and their coupling effects presented through current distribution.
As mentioned above, many researchers have exhibited distinct methods to produce band notching
characteristics in UWB antennas, but all these methods have been exercised on slot length or parasitic
element length in terms of wavelength to tune the band notch frequency while they have failed to examine
the slot width or parasitic element width for the tuning of band-notched resonance frequency. Here we
have observed the slot width parametric variations to tune the band-notched resonance frequency. By the
parametric variation of slot width, we have realized that slot width is also an alternative to tune the band
notch resonance frequency keeping slot length constant for desired band notch resonance frequency. The
concept behind the slot width variation is its effects on effective capacitance. The effective capacitance
increases/decreases with narrowing/widening the slot width which produces lower/higher resonance
frequency for band notch. Another benefit of implementing this innovative idea is to overcome the RF
leakage from radiating patch. The presented antenna developed on the primary antenna is used in [8]
whereas SRR dimensions and their position have also been modified as the antenna in [17]. For better
understanding the fabricated antenna and its measured and simulated results are presented here with
detailed explanation.
The presented antenna designs have been prepared with commercially available electromagnetic
simulator Ansoft’s HFSS. The suggested design is constructed on FR-4 material with a depth of 1.6 mm,
permittivity εr = 4.4 and loss tangent of 0.02. The step by step evolution of designed antenna is
presented in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 depicts the UWB primary antenna which covers the complete UWB (3.1–
Figure 1. Proposed triple band notched UWB antenna integrated with inverted U-slot antenna, SRR-1
antenna and SRR-2 antenna. W = 26 mm, L = 30 mm, LU 1 = 6.1 mm, LU 2 = 13 mm, L1 = 8.3 mm,
L2 = 9 mm, G1 = 3 mm, WR1 = 1 mm, WU = 0.8 mm, L3 = 5.38 mm, L4 = 4 mm, WR2 = 0.48 mm and
G2 = 1 mm.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 89, 2019 223
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Proposed triple band stop antenna geometry. (a) Dual band notched UWB antenna. (b)
Proposed band notched UWB antenna.
106 GHz) spectrum. Primary antenna is integrated with WiMAX band-notched SRR-1 slot, WLAN
band-notched SRR-2 slot and inverted U slot to produce C-band notched function. To provide matching
with port impedance 50 Ω a feedline width of 2.8 mm was chosen. We have preferred primary antenna
as in [8] that covers complete UWB spectrum and revised the dimensions for optimum performance
of the antenna presented in [17]. Further, a prototype is manufactured and measured to validate the
band notching characteristics for WiMAX and WLAN applications. A triple band notched antenna
incorporates an inverted U slot on modified antenna and is shown in Fig. 2. During the optimization of
both the antennas, precautions have been taken to minimize their coupling effects on other slots, and
it can be verified from the current distribution presented in Fig. 9. The evolution of suggested antenna
has been described through three steps and discussed in this section.
An optimized length Leq of slot SRR-1 can be computed through Equation (1). The gap size GR1
can be used to optimize SRR-1 slot dimensions. The distinct VSWR results have been received with
varying gap dimensions and presented in Fig. 4. The slot resonance frequency of band notch is inversely
proportional to the effective inductance due to the slot length. Here we have kept slot width constant at
1 mm. From Fig. 4 it is clearly visualized that the proximity between SRR-1 and SRR-2 slots generates
an extra effective capacitance and causes the shift in resonance frequency of WLAN band with changes
in SRR-1 slot length. The aforesaid concept can be verified from the current distribution as shown in
Fig. 9(a).
The SRR-2 slot length LU eq can be optimized with Equation (1) and gap G2 . We have kept slot
width constant at 0.48 mm and altered gap dimension G2 to optimize the SRR-2 slot length, and VSWR
results are presented in Fig. 5. The length of SRR-2 decreases with increment in G2 , and resonance
frequency of notch band is shifted towards a higher frequency. In Fig. 5 one can see that there is
negligible effect of SRR-2 slot length, and the same result is derived in Fig. 9(c) which depicts the
current distribution of proposed antenna.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 89, 2019 225
Figure 5. SRR-2 gap G2 length alteration and Figure 6. Inverted U slot width variation and
VSWR results. VSWR.
Figure 7. SRR-1 slot width and VSWR. Figure 8. SRR-2 slot width and VSWR.
Figure 6 shows the width optimization of the inverted U slot, and it is evident that the resonance
frequency of the band notch can be tuned with variation in slot width. The result can be verified
by Equation (3). The effective capacitance also affects other slot characteristics to produce resonance
frequency of band notch.
In Fig. 7, the variation in width of SRR-1 produces the same variation as shown in Fig. 4. The
width of SRR-1 also affects the SRR-2 slot resonance frequency of band notch due to the effective
In Fig. 6, the effects of inverted U-slot on the VSWR of the triple notched band antenna are
presented. It is evident that tuning the resonance frequency of band notch through variation in slot
width can be compared with the results in Fig. 5. Tuning of slot width produces a more accurate result
than tuning the length of the slot, and it can be verified from the measured result in Figs. 11 & 12,
The consequence of current distribution on the suggested antenna at various frequencies is depicted
in Fig. 9. At chosen frequencies like 3.45, 4 & 5.5 GHz which are the stopbands, an inconsistent current
226 Yadav, Sharma, and Yadav
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9. Current distribution at distinct frequencies. (a) 3.45 GHz, (b) 4 GHz, (c) 5.5 GHz, (d)
4.6 GHz.
accumulation is found near edges of the corresponding slot whereas uniform current distribution for
passband (4.6 GHz) as displayed in Figs. 9(a)–(d). The nonuniform current accumulation at center
resonance frequency of WiMAX band notch is depicted in Fig. 9(a). A nonuniform current accumulation
produces impedance difference which bears positive sign to generate band notch phenomenon at the
desired frequency. However, the maximum current accumulation results in generation of an effective
inductance, and width of the slot represents effective capacitance. The effective inductance and
capacitance can affect the other slot characteristics. It can be seen from Fig. 9(a) that at 3.45 GHz
there is an accumulation of current around SRR-1 as well as around SRR-2 slot which changes the
effective inductance and capacitance of the SRR-2 slot, and it is evident in Fig. 4 and Fig. 7. In
Fig. 9(b), the current scattering at 4 GHz is presented, and maximum current accumulation is around
the inverted U slot open ends whereas minimum current is at the upper part of the slot, and it is an
evidence of impedance difference and causes the band notch at the desired frequency. It can be observed
in Fig. 9(b) that at 4 GHz current accumulation around SRR-1 and SRR-2 slot is found which changes
the effective capacitance. Due to changes in the effective capacitance (effective capacitance of SRR-1
is more than SRR-2 due to more current accumulation), the resonance frequency of band notch shifts
according to the loose or strong coupling capacitance as represented in Fig. 6. Likewise, Fig. 9(c) depicts
the current distribution at 5.5 GHz, and maximum current accumulation is found near the open end of
the SRR-2 slot which proves the band notch creation at the desired frequency. For the passband or the
frequency where the antenna is radiating or receiving the power, the current distribution is uniform,
and it can be verified from Fig. 9(d) which shows the current distribution at 4.6 GHz.
Figure 10 demonstrates input impedance characteristics of the recommended antenna with
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 89, 2019 227
frequency. The introduced antenna shows resistance approximately equal to 50 Ω for resonating
frequencies and approximately zero for reactances. At band-notched frequencies it can be seen that these
values are not uniform. At band-notched frequencies 3.5 and 4 GHz, it can be observed that resistance
varies from 75 to approximately 140 Ω whereas reactances at both the frequencies have positive derivative
which indicates a series type resonance to generate band notch function. Likewise, at 5.5 GHz, it can be
observed that the input resistance has a very high value approximately 200 Ω, and input reactance is a
negative derivative which produces a parallel resonance and an evidence to produce band-stop functions
at the desired resonance frequency of band notch.
The discrepancies between EM simulator generated and measured outcomes of dual band and triple band
notched antennas are presented in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, respectively. The primary antenna integrated with
SRR-1, SRR-2 and inverted U slots are positively producing dual notched band for WiMAX, WLAN and
C-band along with keeping UWB working from 3.1 to 11 GHz with satisfactory VSWR. The radiation
performances at distinct frequencies like 3.75, 4.5 and 7.5 GHz are represented in Figs. 13(a), (b) & (C).
The suggested triple band-notched antenna exhibits excellent agreement between calculated and
measured VSWRs. Fig. 12 shows that the proposed triple band-notched antenna has excellent agreement
↓ Band Notches →
Theoretical BW (GHz) 3.3–3.6 3.8–4.2 5.1–5.8
Designed Notch Frequency (GHz) 3.5 4 5.5
Simulated Notch Frequency (GHz) 3.42 4 5.45
Simulated BW (GHz) 3.27–3.59 3.82–4.19 5.12–5.79
Calculated Slot Length (mm) 26.13 22.86 16.63
Optimized Slot Length (mm) 27.6 22.8 17.84
% Error between Calculated and Optimized Length 5 0.2 7
228 Yadav, Sharma, and Yadav
Figure 11. VSWR of dual band antenna. Figure 12. VSWR of triple band antenna.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 89, 2019 229
(e) (f)
Figure 13. Simulated and measured E-field (XZ plane) and H-field (Y Z plane). (a) 3.75 GHz (E-
field), (b) 3.75 GHz (H-field), (c) 4.5 GHz (E-field), (d) 4.5 GHz (H-field), (e) 7.5 GHz (E-field), (f)
7.5 GHz (H-field).
between measured and simulated results which also verifies the proposed band notching methods. The
radiation characteristic of the suggested antenna has been measured in an anechoic chamber for co
& cross polarizations, and results are presented for various frequencies in Fig. 13. The proposed
antenna has good agreement between simulated and measured radiation characteristics in both the
planes namely XZ (E-field) and Y Z (H-field). The proposed antenna radiation pattern shows identical
pattern to dipole antenna in E-field (XZ plane) and omnidirectional pattern in H-field (Y Z plane)
which is essential for a UWB antenna. Radiation characteristics at high frequencies deviate from the
omnidirectional pattern in E-field due to the appearance of higher order modes.
Some useful information of presented work and used references is listed in Table 1.
Figure 14 shows the antenna efficiency and gain with frequency. It can be observed that
antenna efficiency for the band-notched frequencies like 3.5 GHz, 4 GHz and 5.5 GHz is very low and
230 Yadav, Sharma, and Yadav
approximately 10% which is the evidence that the proposed antenna cannot radiate or receive EM power
at these frequencies, whereas for the passband frequencies it shows an average efficiency of 80%. It can
also be observed that at notched-band frequencies the gain of proposed antenna is negative, which is
again an evidence that at notched frequencies antenna radiates or receives negligible power, whereas
for passbands it has a uniform gain approximately 4 to 5 dBi. The band notching structures etched
on primary antenna are the main cause (power leakage during resonance) which decreases the gain of
proposed antenna in comparison to primary antenna, and it can be seen from Fig. 14. Some useful
information about the presented antenna with respect to recently presented antenna is listed in Table 2.
A CPW-fed planar antenna with triple band-stop characteristic is designed to reduce prospective
EM interventions due to narrowband uses. Incorporating all band-notched elements namely SRR-1,
SRR-2 and inverted U slot utmost care has been taken to minimize their cross-coupling effect. The
recommended antenna operates over 3 to 11 GHz which includes the UWB spectrum for low power
applications. This antenna successfully exhibites triple band-notched characteristics and shows excellent
agreement between simulated and measured results. We have studied the slot width variation and found
that it is a good alternative to tune the resonance frequency of band notch, and the same is reflected
in various figures plotted. The suggested antenna has a very compact size of 26 × 30 mm2 with triple
band notched at WiMAX, C-band, and WLAN which make it a suitable candidate for band-notched
applications, short-range communications with improved interferences performance and applications
where small size is the figure of merit. The proposed antenna has very low efficiency (10%) for band-
notched frequencies and negative gain whereas 80% efficiency and gain vary from 4 to 5 dBi for passband
frequencies. Furthermore, the designed antenna may be improved in mathematical equations for tuning
the resonance frequency with slot width.
We are thankful to Prof. Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
for providing the measuring facility for radiation pattern measurement in RF microwave lab and an
anechoic chamber. We also admire the Vice-Chairman and Director of Global Institute of Technology,
Jaipur, India for providing VNA for the measurement in Center For Excellence.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 89, 2019 231
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