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A er E ects: Out of memory.

Feb 18, 2019

I cannot for the life of me figure this one out, Google has not shown me any answers. I am
editing some masks of an AI file in After Effects and I will randomly get the following error:
"After Effects: Out of memory. (5059K requested)
Forcing me to the Task Manager and end AE's process to close it all down and restart the
This will happen when doing ANYTHING really, the content or what task I am performing does
not matter, this will happen at random anytime I am working in AE. Now, everything online says
people with similar errors might need more RAM. I do not see that being the case here since I
have 32 GB in this PC. I allocate 26 GB of that RAM to Adobe products, so how it ever runs out
of memory is beyond me.
I will admit that I have not attempted to reinstall or anything yet due to time constraints, but it is
at a point now that is almost impossible to work with. Please let me know what is going on here
and what solutions might help.

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Adobe Community Professional , Feb 19, 2019

Whats the resolution of the Ai file and the comp setting on AE

A good habit to get used to is to purge memory every now and again while in a project

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Feb 20, 2019

In this case, the comp setting is 1920x1080. The AI file is 250x276. I purged memory AND
disk cache before my session today and it STILL gave me this error. It's not just this file
either. If I start working with text layers inside AE, it will still do this.

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Apr 02, 2019

(Read all to understand the causes and troubleshooting steps)

I had After Effects CC 2019 throw all popular errors on me:

- out of memory
- display acceleration disabled
- unspecified drawing error
- keylight out of memory
After trying all solution proposals I could find, like...

- reinstalling the software

- changing and clearing the cache
- changing settings (mercury transmit, skipping frames, hardware acceleration, cpu/gpu
rendering etc.)
- resetting settings (ctrl+alt+shift while launching the app)
...the errors were still there.

The last thing I didn't try was to disable all startup/tray-running apps. And guess what? AE
started to work stable again!Then I wanted to pin-point which of the startup apps was
responsible for the "damage", so I disabled them one by one and checked how AE behaved. And
guess what? Errors came back! So none of the startup apps was to blame.
This time I've decided to check systems Event Viewer for more clues...
Every time AE crashed, the event viewer issued a warning "Resource-Exhaustion-Detector" with
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details like "Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following
programs consumed the most virtual memory: ..."
This kind of error usually reflects a paging file problem. This moment I also realized I've turned
off my paging files completely once I bought 32GB of RAM assuming it wont be needed anymore
with this amount of memory on board.
Re-enabling "automatic managing of paging file for all drives" in system settings brought stability
and performance back to AE and it didn't throw me any of above mentioned errors again.

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