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Cheddar Cheese

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Food Structure
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Effect of elevated temperature on the microstructure of full fat Cheddar cheese during ripening

Kevany Soodama,b,1, Lydia Onga,b,d, Ian B. Powellc,d, Sandra E. Kentisha,d, Sally L. Grasa,b,d,⁎
The Bio21 MOLECULAR Science AND Biotechnology Institute, The University of Melbourne, PARKVILLE, VICTORIA


Cheddar Elevated temperatures have been widely studied as a route to accelerate cheese
cheese ripening and decrease energy and storage requirements but the impact of
Ripening temperature on the underlying microstructure of the cheese during prolonged
temperature periods of ripening is poorly understood. In this study, Cheddar cheese was matured
Cheese at four different ripening temperatures (8 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C or a combination of 8
microstructure °C and 15 °C) and the impact on cheese mi- crostructure assessed using
cryo-SEM confocal laser scanning microscopy, cryo scanning electron microscopy and quan-
titative image analysis of 3D images. An increase in ripening temperature was
Confocal laser scanning
shown to alter the microstructure of the cheese protein network after only a few
microscopy Biogenic
weeks of ripening. Incubation at 20 °C significantly reduced branching within the
protein network, leading to thicker protein strands and larger pores after 33 days.
These structural changes coincided with increased proteolysis, consistent with
solubilisation of the protein network; they also led to a softer, less chewy and less
cohesive cheese. While the concentration of biogenic amines tryptamine and
tyramine were observed to increase with ripening temperature, the concentrations
were gen- erally low, confirming that biogenic amines do not represent a health
concern under the conditions examined. This study illustrates how 3D image
analysis can be used to observe and quantify the effect of process changes on
cheese structure, assisting our understanding of the link between structure and
function in Cheddar cheese.
and biochemical changes induced by high temperatures have
been well documented for Cheddar (Aston, Giles, Durward,
& Dulley, 1985; Cromie, Giles, & Dulley, 1987; Folkertsma,
Fox, & McSweeney, 1996) and the link between accelerated
flavour development and higher ri- pening temperatures
1. Introduction established (Aston et al., 1985; Folkertsma et al., 1996; Hannon
et al., 2005). Few studies, however, have probed the link
Ripening is a slow and lengthy process for rennet between elevated ripening temperature and Cheddar
coagulated cheeses, typically lasting from three weeks to microstructure. The link between this microstructure and
two or more years (Fox, 2002). During this period changes in cheese properties has also not been studied.
microbiological and biochemical changes occur, leading to Industrial Cheddar cheese is conventionally ripened at a
changes in cheese texture and the development of flavour constant temperature in the range of 6 °C–8 °C. Short
(McSweeney, 2004). Accelerated ripening of Cheddar can periods of 70 h at 25 °C were shown to have little impact on
be accomplished by increasing the ripening temperature, the the structure observed in Cheddar cheese by confocal laser
use of addi- tional cultures (derived from starters or non-starter
scanning microscopy (CLSM) (O’Reilly et al., 2003). The
lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) in live or attenuated form), or
structure observed was characteristic of Cheddar soon after
the use of enzymes (in many cases products of genetic
manufacture, which is typically described as containing a
modification, where legislatively approved) or cultures with
continuous protein matrix with irregular shaped fat globules
high enzyme activities. Such acceleration can reduce the
embedded within the protein network; curd junctions may
energy required for temperature control during maturation
and de- crease storage requirements leading to increased also be present in the structure (Auty, Twomey, Guinee, &
profitability. Among these options the application of a higher Mulvihill, 2001).
ripening temperature is the easiest to implement.
Our understanding of the impact of higher temperatures
on the microstructure of Cheddar cheese is far from
complete. The microbial

Corresponding author at: The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, The University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] (S.L. Gras).
Present address: Moorepark Food Research Centre, Teagasc Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Received 31 August 2016; Received in revised form 23 May 2017; Accepted 23 May 2017
K. SOODAM et AL. FoodStructure1

Proteolytic activity is known to be higher in Cheddar at treatment were analysed using the methods described below,
elevated ripening temperatures (Aston et al., 1985; except for the amine analysis which used six 500 g block
Folkertsma et al., 1996), leading to a softer cheese when samples.
ripened at 16 °C (Folkertsma et al., 1996). Lipolysis can also
be accelerated (Folkertsma et al., 1996). Other textural
changes reported include a more brittle and less springy 2.2.COMPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS of cheese
Cheddar cheese when the temperature was increased to
20 °C (Fedrick & Dulley, 1984). These changes all indicate a Cheeses were analysed in triplicate for fat, protein (%N x
breakdown in the protein network and potential 6.38), salt and moisture using the gravimetric method
rearrangement in the underlying mi- crostructure of the AS2300.1.3 (Australian Standard, 2008), the Kjeldahl
cheese that could be visualised using microscopic method AS2300.1.2.1 (Australian Standard, 1991), a
techniques. potentiometric method (AOAC, 2012) and the method
Another potential consequence of ripening at elevated described in AS2300.1.1 (Australian Standard, 1988) respec-
tempera- tures, not linked directly to the microstructure, is tively. The pH of the fresh and mature cheese was
that changes in the bacterial population and proteolysis determined by blending 10 g of cheese with 10 g of water
may affect the concentration of amino acids and biogenic purified to a resistivity of
18.2 MΩ (Millipore MilliQ, Billerica, MA, USA) and the pH
amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine. Both of the re-
amino acids and biogenic amines were observed to sultant slurry was then measured using an electrode pH
significantly increase with temperature and storage in meter (Orion 720A, Orion Pacific, Frankston, Australia).
Dutch type cheeses (Komprda et al., 2007; Pachlová,
Buňka, Flasarová, Válková, & Buňková, 2012), potentially
Microscopic techniques
introducing a health hazard for consumers. The final
concentration of amines in Cheddar cheeses ri- pened at
Cheese samples were analysed during ripening at days 1, 12,
high temperatures at the end of the accelerated ripening
33, 98, 194 by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM,
period would therefore be valuable data to assess the relative
Leica TCS SP2; Leica Microsystems, Heidelberg, Germany),
merits of incubation at high temperatures.
using a method described pre- viously (Soodam, Ong, Powell,
The aims of the current study were to investigate the
Kentish, & Gras, 2015). Stock solutions of Nile Red and Fast
impact of elevated temperature on the microstructure, texture
Green FCF were prepared at a concentration of 1 mg/mL in
and proteolysis of ripened Cheddar cheese, applying
dimethyl sulfoxide and water respectively. These solutions
quantitative image analysis to es- tablish structure-function
were then diluted 10 fold just prior to staining. A total of 6
relationships during ripening. Four treat- ments were
images and 3 three-dimensional pictures were collected for
applied: ripening at 8 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, or a two-stage ri-
each cheese treatment at each time point during ripening.
pening process involving ripening at 15 °C for 33 days
Reconstruction and analysis of the three-dimensional images
followed by ripening at 8 °C for the subsequent ripening
was carried out using Imaris image proces- sing software
period. The presence of biogenic amines was also
(Bitplane, South Windsor, CT, USA) as described pre-
assessed. This study provides new insights into the
viously (Ong, Dagastine, Kentish, & Gras, 2012) and yielded
microstructural changes that occur within Cheddar during
parameters as described by Soodam et al. (2015).
accelerated ripening and the link between changes in cheese
Cheese samples were also analysed with cryo scanning
structure and functionality. electron
microscopy (Cryo-SEM, Quanta; Fei, Hillsborro, OR, USA)
using a method described in a previous study (Ong, Dagastine,
2. Materials and methods
Kentish, & Gras, 2011). A total of 6 images were taken at a
magnification of 2000×, 4000× or 8000× from one
2.1.Cheese TREATMENT
representative cheese sample for each treatment at each
Three 20 kg blocks of commercial full fat Cheddar cheese, time-point (days 1, 12, 33, 98, 194) during ripening.
made with pasteurised milk and a defined-strain LACTOCOCCUS
LACTIS bulk starter culture, were obtained from the same vat of
2.3.Proteolysis DETERMINATION

cheese and the blocks were then cut and packaged into at least
The proteolytic pattern of the cheese during ripening
84 ∼500 g block samples, which were then individually
was de- termined using sodium dodecyl sulfate
vacuum packed into commercial cheese barrier bags. The
polyacrylamide gel electro- phoresis (SDS-PAGE). The
cheese samples were then stored at 8 °C (T8), 15 °C followed by
cheese stock solution was prepared using the method of Ong,
8 °C (T15-8),15 °C (T15) or 20 °C (T20) for the ripening period
Henriksson, and Shah (2006), except that 25 mg sam- ples of
(330 days, 21 blocks of cheeses for each treatment). For one
cheeses were used. The stock solutions produced were
treatment (T15- 8), the cheese was stored at 15 °C for 33 days
then di- luted ∼4-fold with Trisaminomethane (Tris, 10
and then 8 °C for the remainder of the trial. At selected time
mmol/L)–Ethylene- diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA 1 mmol/L)
points during ripening, three 500 g block samples of each

K. SOODAM et AL. FoodStructure1
pH 8.0 buffer. Standards of α-casein (CN), β-CN and κ-CN and amine standards (2 μL) were injected into the system.
(Sigma-Aldrich, Castle Hill, Australia) were also prepared Ions were monitored in the positive mode using a dynamic
at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL. An aliquot of multiple reaction monitoring (DMRM) method optimized for
each analyte. The source, collision energies and fragmentor
6.5 μL was mixed with 2.5 μL of Bolt LDS Sample Buffer voltages were optimized for each analyte by infusing a
(4×) and 1 μL Bolt Reducing Agent (10×) (Invitrogen, Mt derivatized standard with LC eluent. The source conditions
Waverley, Australia). The solution was heated at 70 °C for used were: sheath gas temperature 315 °C, gas flow 10 L/
10 min and then loaded into a 12% acrylamide Bis-Tris Plus min, nebulizer pressure 45 psi (310 kPa) and capillary
gel (Invitrogen). A set of molecular standards, SeeBlue Plus2 voltage 3800 V. Profiling experiments were performed by
pre-stained (Invitrogen), was also loaded in each gel. Bolt 2- multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) in electrospray ionisation
(N-morpholino) ethanesulphonic acid SDS Running Buffer (ESI) positive mode by collecting transition of each selected
(1×) (In- vitrogen) was used as buffer and the system precursor ion to 171.1+ aminoquinoline (Amq) fragment ion
was run for 75 min at 125 V. The protein bands were then using collision energy of 20 V within the mass range of
stained and destained as described by Ong et al. (2006) except 100–1000 m/z.
7.5% v/v acetic acid was used and the de- staining The mobile phases used were (A) 0.1% formic acid (Sigma
solution did not contain methanol. The gel was finally Aldrich) in water and (B) 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile.
scanned using a Fujifilm Intelligent Dark Box II with LAS- Liquid chromato- graphy separation was achieved by
3000 Lite V2.2 soft- ware and LAS-3000 Image Multi Gauge injecting samples into an Agilent Porshell 120 SB-C18 2.1 ×
(Fujifilm, Brookvale, Australia) to quantify the intensity of α- 100 mm, 2.7 μm column with a flow rate of 600 μL/min. The
and β-CN bands during ripening. The data presented are temperature was kept at 65 °C, resulting in operating pressures
representative of three gels. below 1000 bar with a 13 min run time. The gradient profile
used in the method is shown in Supplementary Table 1.
2.4.DETERMINATION of AMINE content The limit of quantification, defined as the concentration at
which quantitative results can be reported with reasonable
2.4.1. EXTRACTION of SAMPLES confidence (Armbruster, Tillman, & Hubbs, 1994), was
Hydrochloric acid (HCl, 1 mL, 0.1 M) was added to 0.1 0.001 μM.
g of grated cheese. The samples were then cryo-milled
(Precellys 24, Bertin Technologies, Île-de-France, France) at 2.4.4. Recovery experiments
−10 °C (program 2, 3 min total cycle; per cycle: 30 s spinning, The extraction was performed six times for the same
45 s waiting), followed by centrifugation for 10 min at 10,000 sample of cheese. Formic acid (30 μL) was added to the
rpm (∼Th9e0f0a0t gla).yer was removed and the supernatant (from the cryo-mill) of three of the samples (500
supernatant was then collected (10 μL) for derivatization, μL), acting as a negative control. The supernatant (500 μL
avoiding the casein fraction at the bottom of the tube. each) of the other three samples was spiked with a standard
solution containing a mixture of all the amines mon- itored
2.4.2. DERIVATIZATION of SAMPLES during this experiment (30 μL, 150 μM). The estimated recovery
The derivatization was performed using a method for each amine was then calculated as shown below:
described by Boughton et al. (2011). Borate buffer (200
mM boric acid (Univar, Ajax Finechem, Seven Hills, Recovery of amine = Concentration in spiked sample −
Concentration in non-spiked sample
Australia), 35.7 μM13C,15N L-Valine, 10 mM Tris (2- concentration of additional amine
carboxyethyl)-phosphine (Sigma Aldrich), 1 mM ascorbic × 100
acid (Sigma Aldrich) was prepared and adjusted to pH 8.8 The recovery was 82–105% of the amines monitored during
using 2 M sodium hydroxide. The supernatant (10 μL) was the ex- periment.
diluted 10 times using 0.1%formic acid and 10 μL of the
diluted sample was then mixed with 70 μL borate buffer 2.5.Texture profiles
and 20 μL of 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl
carbamate (AQC, Sigma-Aldrich, 10 mM in 100% acetonitrile) A texture analyser TA-XT Plus (Stable Micro Systems,
deriva- tization reagent. The mixture was vortexed for 30 s Surrey, England) was used to obtain the texture profile of
and mixed at 55 °C using a thermomixer (Eppendorf, cheese samples using the method described by Soodam et
Macquarie Park, Australia) for 15 min. The samples were al. (2015). Texture analysis was performed at least three
then centrifuged and transferred into HPLC vials for LC– times for each cheese treatment.
MS analysis.
2.4.3. Liquid CHROMATOGRAPHY–MASS spectrometry Experimental analysis was performed at days 1, 12, 33, 98 and
(LC–MS) ANALYSIS 194, except for the amine analysis, which was performed at
Quantitative analysis was performed using a 1290 LC- day 330. This delay was useful to determine whether the
system cou- pled to a 6490 Electrospray Ionisation-Triple ripening temperature had any effect on the amine content
Quadrupole MS (LC-QqQ- MS, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, after a longer ripening period, espe- cially as biogenic
USA) and a modified version of a method previously amines are known to increase with ripening time and
described in the literature (Boughton et al., 2011). Samples temperature. For all analyses except for the amine analysis, all
K. SOODAM et AL. FoodStructure1
cheese treatments were analysed in triplicate (three individual contain more large pores and thicker protein strands compared
∼500 g cheese blocks) and the results presented are the to the T8 samples.
mean of the three data points (n=3), where all replicate These qualitative observations are supported by image
chemical and physical analyses were averaged for each analysis, which indicates a significantly lower number of
cheese block. For the amine analysis, all cheese treatments vertices in the rendered image of the T20 samples
were analysed six times (six individual ∼500 g cheese blocks) compared to the T8 samples at day 33 (P < 0.05) (Fig.
and the data are presented as a mean 2a). This measure may provide a comparative in-
dication of branching within the protein network and it
of the six data points (n=6). Interactions be- tween ripening suggests that branching is more extensive in the protein
time and ripening temperature were also analysed using a network of cheese incubated at lower temperatures and is
general analysis of variance model in Genstat (VSN reduced at high temperatures where greater protein
International, Hertfordshire, UK) with the assumption that the solubilisation is expected to have occurred and the protein
individual ∼500 g cheese blocks are considered appears compacted into thicker strands. The number of
independent at the start of the study. If the effect of time or vertices was statistically similar for both T15 treatments
temperature was significant, the data were further analysed and the T8 or T20 cheeses (P > 0.05), however, showing
using Tukey’s paired comparison, with a significance level that the change in protein mi- crostructure is gradual with
of α = 0.05. In some cases, data at individual time points increasing temperature. No further major
may also be analysed using one way analysis of variance changes to the cheese microstructure appear to occur with
(ANOVA) and Tukey’s test, with a significance level of further ri- pening for any of the four treatments, as the 3D
0.05, with respect to the temperature treatment. microstructure images of the protein network collected later
Correlations were also analysed using Genstat (VSN in ripening at day 194 appear similar to the images
International). collected at day 33 (Fig. 1).

3. Results and discussion


The mean compositions of the cheeses used for the

maturation study, determined one day after pressing, are
shown in Supplementary Table 2. The composition of the
cheese was within the parameters re- commended for
Cheddar ripening at elevated temperatures (Folkertsma et al.,
1996), which include a moisture less than 37%, a moisture in
fat- free-substance (MFFS) less than 55% and a fat in dry
matter (FDM) greater than 50%.
Some changes occurred in the cheese at the later stages
of ripening due to the visible release of a small volume of
whey from the T15-8 and T20 cheeses from day 98
onwards. This whey was collected from the cheese bag,
weighed and then expressed as a percentage of the weight of
the cheese block it originated from. More whey was released
from the T20 cheeses (4.3 ± 0.1% w/w for the T20
cheeses compared to
0.3 ± 0.2% w/w for the T15-8 cheeses at day 194). The fat
contents of the cheeses were again analysed at day 194.
The release in moisture resulted in an effective increase in
the fat concentration at day 194 (37.5 ± 0.2% w/w)
compared to day 1 (36.0 ± 0.4% w/w) (P < 0.05) for
the T20 cheeses.

3.2.Microstructure of CHEDDAR cheese throughout


Qualitative changes could be observed in the protein

network of the Cheddar as a function of temperature. These
changes are most apparent in the 3D microstructure of the
cheese samples at day 33 after some ripening (Fig. 1),
where the protein network within T20 samples ap- pears to

Fig. 1. Three dimensional (3D) confocal microscopy images of the microstructure of the protein network of the
ripened cheese at day 33 and day 194. Protein is stained green (FCF). The images are 3D reconstructions built from 40
layers, with each layer separated from the next by ∼0.25 μm and a total depth of 9.8 μm. The scale bars are 10 μm in
length. Images in colour can be viewed in the electronic version of this manuscript. In the black and white version of
this manuscript, protein is lighter coloured (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article).

However, the number of vertices in the protein network between the temperature treatments are still visible
was also observed to decrease significantly across the 194 qualitatively after 194 days, there was no significant
day ripening period when analysed independently of difference in the number of vertices measured between
temperature treatment (P < 0.05). This observation is again treatments at this time point (P > 0.05, Fig. 2b), possibly
consistent with the protein solubilisation that is expected to reflecting the higher variability between replicate samples
occur over the course of ripening. While the differences towards the end of the ripening period.
Fig. 2. Number of vertices in the rendered protein network determined from 3D confocal microscopy images of the
ripened cheese at a) day 33 and b) day 194 for cheeses T8, T15-8, T15 and T20. The results are expressed as the mean
± the standard deviation of the mean (n=3). The number of vertices given is for a cheese volume of ∼140,000 μm3 with 40
layers, where each layer is separated by ∼0.25 μm, giving a total depth of 9.8 μm.

The distribution of the fat within the cheese did not granule formation. Johnson (2004) suggested that the movement
change during ripening, irrespective of the temperature of free whey within the cheese or to the surface of the
used for ripening. The number, sphericity and diameter of cheese helps to bring calcium lactate to nucleation sites,
the fat globules were not sig- nificantly affected by the from which granules (usually de- scribed as ‘crystals’) can
ripening temperature, ripening time or their interactions (P then develop. Higher ripening temperatures may also
> 0.05, data not shown). This observation is expected and increase the rate of calcium lactate deposition due to
is consistent with previous observations that no further lactate racemisation by cheese microflora (Chou,
clumping of fat globules occurs during the ripening of Edwards, Luedecke, Bates, & Clark, 2003). The presence of
Cheddar cheese due to the solid nature of the fat at the free whey and increased calcium lactate deposits may prove a
typical ripening temperature of 7 °C (Guinee, Auty, & deterrent to the industrial use of these high temperatures for
Fenelon, 2000). At 20 °C, however, the proportion of milk long maturation periods.
fat known to be liquid in milk is more than three times the
per- centage present at 8 °C (Norris, Gray, & Dolby, 1973). It 3.3.Proteolysis in CHEDDAR cheese throughout ripening
is likely that no further clumping or changes to fat were
observed in the context of cheese at 20 °C in this study, Proteolysis is one of the primary reasons for changes in
due to the constraints of the protein net- work, although cheese structure during ripening and the proteolytic
whey was released by the T15 and T20 cheeses from day breakdown of the protein network was expected to coincide
98 onwards. with the structural changes observed by quantitative image
Only minor changes could be observed between the analysis. Proteolysis was measured using SDS- PAGE, as
different treatments at the different stages of ripening by cryo- shown in Fig. 4, and the protein bands were identified by
SEM (images not shown). Gaps were observed at the interface comparison to casein and molecular weight standards in
between the protein net- work and fat towards the end of order to con- firm a correlation between the observed changes
ripening (day 194) when compared to images taken at day in microstructure and the well-established patterns of protein
1. These gaps are most likely an indirect result of breakdown that occur during ripening.
proteolysis, which causes a weakening of the protein network, Qualitatively there was a general decrease in residual
making the network more susceptible to changes during αs1-CN, αs2- CN and β-CN within the cheese with higher
sample preparation. ripening temperatures and with increased ripening time
Low magnification cryo SEM images show that more
(Fig. 4a). This trend could also be ob- served quantitatively
granules, possibly containing calcium salts, occur in the
when the percentage of αs1-CN, αs2-CN and β-CN remaining
cheeses matured at higher temperatures (T15 and T20
was determined by image intensity, with residual casein
treatments, Fig. 3). These structures may occur as a result of
significantly affected by both temperature and ripening
higher whey migration in these samples, which could result in
greater movement and concentration of salts, leading to
Fig. 3. Cryo-SEM microstructure of the ripened cheeses T8 (a), T15-8 (b), T15 (c) and T20 (d) at day 194. Images
were captured using a solid state detector at a magnification of 2000 x. The scale bars are 50 μm in length. Arrows in
white indicate possible crystalline salts.
Fig. 4. a) Image of a representative SDS-PAGE gel (4–12%) of day 1 cheese (Lane 1) and ripened cheeses T8
(Lanes 2, 6), T15-8 (Lanes 3, 7), T15 (Lanes 4, 8) and T20 (Lanes 5, 9) at day 33 (Lanes 2–5) and day 194 (Lanes
6–9), and changes in the proportion of b) αs1-CN, c) αs2-CN and d) β-CN, expressed as a percentage of the
concentration present at day 1 in T8 (■), T15-8 ( ), T15 ( ) and T20 ( ) cheeses at days 1, 33 and 194. Lane 1 was
used to indicate the cheeses at day 1, the starting point for all treatments. STD is the standard molecular weight
marker and α-CN, β-CN and κ-CN are pure standards of these compounds. The results are expressed as the mean ±
the standard deviation of the mean (n=3). The boxes contain the proteolytic products of αs-CN and β-CN, such as γ-

(P < 0.05, Fig. 4b–d). At the end of ripening at day 194, the cheese ripened at 16 °C compared to at 8 °C (Folkertsma et
de- gradation of αs1-CN, αs2-CN and β-CN was significantly al., 1996). While the cheeses were ripened for a shorter
higher for the T20 cheese incubated at the highest interval here (∼ 6.4 months), this trend was already apparent
temperature, compared to the control cheese T8 incubated for the T20 cheeses and it is expected that an additional
at the lowest temperature (P < 0.05). ripening period of 3 months, typically employed in cheese
This increase in proteolysis is consistent with changes in maturation, will further in- crease the differences between
Cheddar microstructure described above. Cheeses incubated the treatments.
at lower tempera- tures (T8) had lower proteolysis, consistent The concentration of proteolytic products of αs-CN and β-
CN, such
with the higher number of vertices (or network branches) in the
as γ-CN (regions A, B), also qualitatively increased with the
protein networks of these cheeses and lower number of large
increase in ripening temperature (Fig. 4a Lanes 2–9). This
pores. Cheeses incubated at higher tem- peratures (T20),
observation is consistent with the decrease in the
however, had greater proteolysis reducing the number of concentration of CN observed here and past reports of
vertices and leading to a compaction of the protein network, increases in proteolytic products. The relative amounts of α
with thicker protein strands and more large pores. The and β-CN proteolysis were also as expected. The rate of β-
increase in proteo- lysis over the period of ripening is also CN hydro- lysis, for example, was significantly lower than for
consistent with the reduction in the number of protein αs1-CN or αs2-CN at day 194 (P < 0.05, Fig. 4b–d), when
vertices in the cheese network during ripening as the protein analysed independent of temperature treatment, consistent
network is solubilised. with ∼ 50% of β-CN typically re- maining in mature
As expected, the trends in proteolysis are consistent with Cheddar (Banks, 2011).
reports in the literature where increased degradation of αs1- The consistency between the proteolytic patterns observed
CN and β-CN was observed in 9 month old Cheddar here and in the literature is valuable, as it allows comparison
between studies. It is likely that structural changes, similar
to those observed here, have also occurred and contributed
to the dynamics of cheese maturation in other studies
examining the effect of high temperature. It would be
interesting in future work, if appropriate labelling
techniques could be developed, to also map the
distribution of α and β-CN within the

structures observed by confocal microscopy, as the

differences in net- work structure and quantity of α-CN and
β-CN observed for the dif- ferent temperature treatments
suggest that the density of these proteins could also differ
within the protein network observed for the different
temperature treatments.

3.4.Texture profiles of CHEDDAR cheese throughout


A close relationship is known to exist between the

microstructure and texture of cheese; the structural changes
observed by microscopy were therefore expected to lead to
textural changes in the Cheddar cheeses. The hardness,
cohesiveness and chewiness were all sig- nificantly
affected by the ripening temperature, ripening time and
the interaction between these two variables (P < 0.05).
These observa- tions are consistent with the changes
detected in the microstructure of the cheeses at the early
stages of ripening (Fig. 1).
Towards the end of ripening at day 194, the T20
cheeses were significantly softer than the T8 and T15-8 Fig. 5. Changes in the a) hardness, b) chewiness and c)
cheeses (P < 0.05, Fig. 5a). This change is probably due cohesiveness of T8 (■), T15-8 ( ), T15 ( ) and T20 ( )
to accelerated proteolysis in T20, as cleaved casein has cheeses at days 1, 12, 33, 98 and 194. The results are
less ability to contribute to the protein network (Lawrence,
ex- pressed as the mean ± the standard deviation of the
Creamer, & Gilles, 1987). This suggests that the reduced
number of vertices and more compact protein network mean (n=3).
with thicker
protein strands and greater number of large pores correlate
with a softer texture. In contrast, the protein network with a
higher number of vertices and thinner protein strands in T8 that
has been less subjected to proteolysis has a harder texture.
As expected, the cheeses also softened significantly from
day 1 to day 98 (Fig. 5a), when analysed independently of
temperature treat- ment. From day 98 to day 194, however,
the hardness of the cheeses increased significantly (P <
0.05). This behaviour has also been re- ported in the
literature (Chevanan & Muthukumarappan, 2007). One
possibility is that as the cheese ages, further proteolysis into
water so- luble peptides results in the exposure of new ionic
groups which then compete for the available free water in the
cheese. The water previously available for partial
solubilisation of the protein network becomes as- sociated
with the new ionic groups, making the cheeses harder
(Lawrence et al., 1987). Interestingly, changes in the
structure of the cheese could be observed by quantitative
analysis of microscopy images early in maturation but not at
the end point of 194 days, where such increases in hardness
occurred. The association of water with soluble peptides
released from the protein network may make detection of any
structural differences between the treatments more difficult at cheeses.
this time point. It is worthwhile to note that the T8 and the T15-8
The chewiness and cohesiveness of the cheeses were also cheeses have statistically similar concentrations of
observed amino acids at day 330 (P > 0.05), despite the 33 days
to decrease significantly with ripening time (P < 0.05, Fig. spent ripening at an elevated tem- perature for the T15-8
5b and c). The interaction between ripening time and
cheeses. While the impact of a higher con- centration of
ripening temperature was also significant for both
such amino acids on the flavour of aged Cheddar cheese is
cohesiveness and chewiness (P < 0.05). The rates of
change for both textural parameters differ between not known, previous studies did not find any changes in
temperature treatments and are particularly noticeable cheese flavor intensity when high concentrations of
during the first 33 days, where T8 cheeses appear to have a amino acids were present (McGarry et al., 1994),
slower decline in these two texturalproperties (Fig. 5b and c). suggesting the impact on flavor may be small. The total
This observation is again consistent with the lower degrees of concentration of free amino acids measured in this study
proteolysis occurring at lower temperatures and the highly (Fig. 6a,b) is of the order of ∼20 g/kg when ripened at the
branched protein network observed in these samples. standard temperature of 8 °C. While different methods were
used, Fenelon, Guinee, Delahunty, Murray, and Crowe
3.5.Amine CONCENTRATION in CHEDDAR cheese AFTER (2000) reported comparable total free amino acids of ∼15
ripening for 330 DAYS g/kg of cheese in retail mature Irish cheeses, while Guinee et
al. (2008) reported a concentration range of 27–57 g/kg
The effect of accelerated ripening on the concentration cheese in retail mature/vintage full fat Cheddar cheeses.
of amines was also assessed after an extended period of Conversely, others report significantly lower levels of these
ripening of 330 days, close to the typical period of 12 acids (e.g.,
months maturation. Free amino acids and amines occur as McCarthy et al. (2017) and Banks et al. (2001))
a result of bacterial growth and metabolism, processes The concentration of biogenic amines in cheese can
known to be significantly affected by the temperature used increase with both age and temperature and become toxic at
during ri- pening (Pachlova et al., 2012). The results do high concentrations; this potential link has been established
not provide direct cor- relations to the cheese structure but in Dutch type cheeses (Komprda et al., 2007; Pachlová et
are instead useful as amines pro- vide another measure of al., 2012) but there appears to be only one report of
proteolytic and biochemical activity at the end of extended tyramine levels in American Cheddar ripened at 4 °C, 10 °C
ripening. Further, particular amines, known as biogenic or 16 °C (Dahlberg & Kosikowsky, 1949). A set of biogenic
amines, are a potential safety concern in cheeses ripened amines typi- cally monitored during cheese ripening
at elevated temperatures. including putrescine, cada- verine, tyramine, tryptamine,
The temperature treatments significantly (P < 0.05) phenethylamine and spermidine were therefore assessed here,
as shown in Fig. 6c. Only tryptamine and tyr- amine showed
affected the concentration of the most common amino clear trends with respect to ripening temperature.
acids (methionine, gluta- mine, glutamate, leucine, lysine,
phenylalanine, valine, tyrosine, serine, alanine, aspartate,
isoleucine, glycine, histidine, proline, triptophan) at day 330,
as shown in Fig. 6a, b, consistent with an acceleration of
ri- pening at high temperatures. The level of methionine
measured in this study was higher than reported in the
literature (Guinee, Kilcawley, & Beresford, 2008;
McCarthy, Kelly, Wilkinson, & Guinee, 2017), although the
reason for this difference is unknown. The T20 cheeses
have significantly higher concentrations of all amino acids
compared to the T8 cheeses, with the exception of
glutamine, which is lower in these cheeses. The cause for
the decrease of glutamine as a function of temperature is
not known, although some lactobacilli bac- teria are known
to deamidate glutamine to raise the pH of their im-
mediate environment, which in turn allows the bacteria to
grow in an environment where pH is the limiting factor
(Vermeulen, Gänzle, & Vogel, 2007). A past study
showed that ripening of Cheddar cheese at 15 °C resulted
in a higher glutamine concentration than ri- pening at 6 °C
(Puchades, Lemieux, & Simard, 1989). Proteolysis,
however, is quite complex and the lower glutamine
concentration may be due to increased breakdown as a
result of secondary biochemical changes in the T20
Fig. 6. Concentration of a, b) amino acids and c) biogenic amines, expressed as mg/kg of cheese, in T8 (□), T15-8 (
), T15 ( ) and T20 ( ) cheeses at day 330. The results are expressed as the mean ± the standard deviation of the mean
(n=6, except for T15-8: n=5).

The T20 cheeses having significantly higher concentrations than the T8 cheeses.
The concentrations of biogenic amines determined here (∼ < 25 mg/kg cheese) were lower than the concentrations reported
in the literature for Cheddar cheese aged more than 12 months (Laleye, Simard, Gosselin, Lee, & Giroux, 1987), where
concentrations can reach 140–580 mg/kg, 140–330 mg/kg and 140–250 mg/kg for tyramine, putrescine and cadaverine
respectively (Laleye et al., 1987). In that study, some cheeses only contained traces of putrescine and cadaverine.
Differences in hygienic conditions can have a large impact on the concentration of biogenic amines present (Velíšek, 2014),
suggesting that hygiene may be more critical than the temperature of maturation in avoiding high levels of biogenic amines. This
study confirms that biogenic amines are not a concern in the industrial samples examined even when matured at higher
temperatures, although the situation could vary depending on the microbial composition of the starter cul- ture used and the
non-starter cheese flora.

4. Conclusion
The microstructure of Cheddar cheese was found to be altered by ripening at elevated temperatures. An increase in protein
solubilisation, from increased proteolysis, could be visualised by CLSM with fewer protein branches, thicker protein strands and
larger pores appearing in the protein network ripened at 20 °C. The number of vertices de- termined by quantitative image
analysis of the rendered protein surface was also significantly less for cheese incubated at 20 °C. These changes in structure lead
to changes in textural properties; cheeses ripened at 20 °C for 194 days were softer, less chewy and less cohesive, as could be
expected for a protein network degraded by greater proteolytic activity with fewer protein branches. The concentrations of
biogenic amines were also observed to be low, confirming these compounds do not re- present a health concern under these
conditions. This study provides new insights into the structural changes that occur during accelerated cheese ripening and
illustrates the role microscopy and quantitative image analysis can play alongside existing analytical techniques to monitor
and finely control the development of cheese ripening.'
Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The authors acknowledge the Australian Government for providing the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) scholarship
and Dairy Innovation Australia Ltd and its member companies for financial and practical support for this project (project grant
08209C). We also thank the Particulate Fluids Processing Centre (PFPC) and the Bio21 Institute for access to equipment including
the Electron Microscopy Unit and the Biological Optical Microscopy Platform. Mr Roger Curtain also helped to operate the
scanning electron microscope in cryo mode. We also thank Dr Thusitha Rupasinghe, a research and development scientist of
Metabolomics Australia, School of BioSciences, the University of

Melbourne (Australia) who provided assistance in the PHYSICAL testing for the DAIRYING in- dustry −
design and in- terpretation of the amine data and facilitated GENERAL methods AND principles − DETERMINATION of
access to the equipment. We acknowledge Ms Rachel Sore, FAT − GRAVIMETRIC method. Australian Standard [AS
for her advice concerning the statis- tical analysis. Sally Gras 2300.1.3].
and Lydia Ong are supported by The ARC Dairy Innovation Auty, M. A. E., Twomey, M., Guinee, T. P., & Mulvihill, D. M.
Hub; a collaboration between The University of Melbourne, (2001). Development and application of confocal scanning
The University of Queensland and Dairy Innovation laser microscopy methods for studying the dis- tribution of
Australia Ltd sponsored by the Australian Research fat and protein in selected dairy products. JOURNAL of
Council's Industrial Transformation Research Program DAIRY RESEARCH, 68(03), 417–427.
(ITRP) funding scheme (project number IH120100005). Banks, J. M., Yvon, M., Gripon, J. C., Miguel, A.,
Brechany, E. Y., Williams, A. G., & Muir,
Appendix A. Supplementary data D. D. (2001). Enhancement of amino acid catabolism in
Cheddar cheese using α- ketoglutarate: Amino acid
Supplementary data associated with this article can be degradation in relation to volatile compounds and aroma
found, in the online version, at character. INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, 11(4), 235–
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Banks, J. M. (2011). Cheese | Cheddar-type cheeses. In J. W.
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