Spatial Scheduling Algorithms For Wireless Systems
Spatial Scheduling Algorithms For Wireless Systems
Spatial Scheduling Algorithms For Wireless Systems
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Table 1. Simulated Annealing Table 3. Heuristic algorithms
I . Choose an initial solution G. This G x Q matrix contains 2 1. Build matrix D as in Eq. (IO).
user index at each position g,li, i.e. each row contains the 4 2. For the selected criterion, either MAX-MIN or MAX-RATIO.
users belonging to the same group. store the cost values in the vector c and keep the information
ponential profile T -
condition). After each run, we lower the temperature with an ex-
PT, fi = 0.9. We have chosen a low 0in
order to speed up the algorithm
of which corresponds to the channel of user k'. Note that Q' - 1
is the number of users belonging to group g' at that iteration.
The basic procedure for both algorithms is depicted in Table
3. They differ in the way the cost values are computed (step 2).
Whereas the MAX-MIN approach selects the minimum cost of as-
Table 2. Initialization procedure for heuristic algorithms signing a user to a group, i.e. the minimum of each row of D,
I, Compute the cost of all possible cumbinations of two users. The MAX-RATIO calculates the ratio between the maximum and mini-
cost of clustering together usen i and j is: mum cost for each user, i.e. the maximum and minimum values at
every row of matrix D. We shall remark that at each iteration we
assign at most G users, i.e. we do not assign two users to the same
group nor fill groups that are not optimal for the users.
where the matrix H,, is defined as in Eq. ( I ) , but in this cast Now, let us briefly explain the ideas behind the selected crite-
only for users i and j. ria. The MAX-MIN approach selects the best-suited group for each
2. Son the cos1 values of the matrix C in descendine " order in the user and it assigns then first those who are most difficult to cluster,
vector cs, keeping the information of the index 2, j in the matrix i.e. those having a maximum value of the minimum cost. In terms
c.Set 1 to 0. of performance. it does not take into account that a user may not
3. Increase 1. Select the lth position in vector cB. If the uscrs be assigned to its best-suited group, e.g. because it is already full.
i , j corresponding to the index I have not yet been assigned. Then, a big degradation may occur.
separate them in different groups g ( i ) # g ( j ) . Note that g ( i ) Instead, the selection criterion shall be related with the disper-
is the group where we put user i and that only one user shall be
&signed per group. sion of the cost values. We shall first allocate in the groups the
users that may provoke a high penalty in terms of power if they
4. lithe number of assigned users is not G. repeat step 3. are not assigned to the best group. This is the behavior of the
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Fig. 2. Example of two users that have to be assigned to groups.
MAX-MIN first allocates user j whereas MAX-RATIO selects user
i. If user i is not assigned to group 1 a high degradation occurs,
while if user j is not in group 1,the loss in performance is negligi-
ble. MAX-RATIO allocates first the users incurring in a big loss if
they are not in the best group, thus achieving a better performance. '4L w_DI-s