Cho 2ND Sem 2019
Cho 2ND Sem 2019
Cho 2ND Sem 2019
A. Course Handout
Institute/School/College Name Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology
Department/Centre Name Department of Applied Sciences
Programme Name B.E-CSE
Course Name Modern and Computational Session 2019-2020
Course Code PH121 Semester/Batch 2nd/2020
Lecture/Tutorial (Per Week) 3-1- 0 Course Credit 4
Course Coordinator Name Dr. Chinky Jaggi
5. Course Plan:
a. Lecture Plan
Lecture Topics
1 Electrodynamics: Vector and scalar fields
2-3 Gradient, divergence, curl and their physical interpretation
4 Gauss’s theorem and Stoke’s theorem (Statement only), Equation of continuity, Green’s
5-6 Maxwell’s equations (differential and integral form), Maxwell’s equations in free space,
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space and its applications in daily life
7-8 Laser: Introduction, Laser characteristics such as coherence, monochromaticity, collimated and
angular divergence, laser action, stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated
emission, Population inversion and pumping. Derivation of Einstein’s coefficient relation
Tutorial-2 & Assignment-I
9-10 Various level lasers, two level, three level, four level, Ruby laser, Helium-Neon laser.
11-12 Semiconductor laser, concepts of Holography, LASER Applications in engineering
13-14 Fiber Optics: Basic principle of optical fibre, step index and graded index fibers
15 Parameters of optical fibers, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, normalized frequency, No.
of modes
ST-1 (Syllabus covered from 1-15 lectures)
b. Tutorial Plan
Tutorial Topics
1 Numericals based on gradient, divergence and curl
2 Numericals based on lasers
3 Numericals based on optical fibres
4 Numericals based on magnetic materials
5 Numericals based on superconductivity
6 Numericals based on quantum mechanics
7 Worksheet based on gaming sciences
Total 100%
*Out of 03 STs, the ERP system automatically picks the best 02 STs marks for evaluation of the STs as final marks.
**Out of 2 IEC’s the ERP system automatically picks the best 01 IEC marks for evaluation.
As defined in Academic
ST 01 Upto 40%
As defined in Academic
Component 02 ST 02 41% - 80% 30%
As defined in Academic
ST 03 100%
Total 100%
*As per Academic Guidelines minimum 75% attendance is required to become eligible for appearing in the End Semester
No of
Topics lectures
Unit-I : Electrodynamics:
Vector and scalar fields, Gradient, divergence, curl and their physical interpretation, Gauss’s
theorem, Stoke’s theorem and Green theorem (Statement only), Equation of continuity,
Maxwell’s equations (Integral & differential form), Maxwell’s equations in free space, 6
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space.
Unit-II : Laser:
Introduction, Laser characteristics such as coherence, monochromaticity, collimated and
angular divergence, laser action, stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated
emission, Population inversion and pumping. Derivation of Einstein’s coefficient relation,
Various level lasers, two level, three level, four level, Ruby laser, Helium-Neon laser,
Semiconductor laser, concepts of Holography, LASER Applications in engineering.
Unit-III : Fiber Optics:
Basic principle of optical fibre, step index and graded index fibers, Parameters of optical
fibers, acceptance angle, acceptance cone, numerical aperture, normalized frequency, No. of
modes, Attenuation in optical fibers, intermodal and intramodal dispersion (no derivation),
optical fibers in communication, Applications of optical fibres in engineering.