Joints Guidelines EN Volume I - Section 2 - Part 9

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges


Joints are essential elements both during the construction and in the service life of structures, as
they enable a correct design of the construction technology, which influences substantially the
structural durability. Joints shall be already planned within the building permit design and the
project implementation design.

Both the design and the execution of the joints also depend on the structural scheme, properties of
the concrete placed, and the way of protection of the concrete being in contact with soil, ground
water or running water.

Areas at joints represent structural weak points. Therefore, the joints shall be properly conceived
and designed as well as carried out very thoroughly.

RS-FB&H/3CS – DDC 433/94 Volume 1 - Section 2 - Part 9 Strana 3 od 25

Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision


1 SUBJECT OF DESIGN GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 5

2 REFERENCE REGULATIONS ..................................................................................................... 5
3 EXPLANATION OF TERMS ......................................................................................................... 5
4 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Basic Considerations .......................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Purpose of Joints................................................................................................................. 5
4.3 Classification of Joints......................................................................................................... 6
5 EXPANSION JOINTS (EJ)............................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Definition ............................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Design ................................................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Execution............................................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Materials.............................................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Maintenance........................................................................................................................ 7
6 CONTACT JOINTS (CONTACTJ) .............................................................................................. 12
6.1 Definition ........................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Design ...............................................................................................................................12
6.3 Execution........................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Materials............................................................................................................................ 13
6.5 Maintenance...................................................................................................................... 13
7 FICTIVE JOINTS (FJ) ................................................................................................................. 16
7.1 Definition ........................................................................................................................... 16
7.2 Design ...............................................................................................................................16
7.3 Execution........................................................................................................................... 16
7.4 Materials............................................................................................................................ 16
7.5 Maintenance...................................................................................................................... 16
8 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS (CJ) ................................................................................................. 18
8.1 Definition ........................................................................................................................... 18
8.2 Design ...............................................................................................................................18
8.3 Execution........................................................................................................................... 18
8.4 Materials............................................................................................................................ 18
9 JOINTS IN CULVERTS .............................................................................................................. 20
9.1 Joints in monolithic culverts .............................................................................................. 20
9.2 Joints in pre-cast culverts.................................................................................................. 20
10 JOINTS IN FRAME AND BEAM SINGLE-SPAN BRIDGES ...................................................... 21
11 JOINTS IN FRAME AND BEAM MULTI-SPAN BRIDGES ......................................................... 23
11.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 23
11.2 Joints in Abutments ........................................................................................................... 23
11.3 Joints in Piers .................................................................................................................... 23
11.4 Joints in Superstructure .................................................................................................... 23
11.4.1 Slab Superstructure ....................................................................................................... 23
11.4.2 Beam Superstructure ..................................................................................................... 24
11.4.3 Box Cross-Section Superstructure ................................................................................ 24
11.4.4 Composite Superstructure With Pre-Cast Girders......................................................... 24
12 JOINTS IN RETAINING STRUCTURES .................................................................................... 24
12.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 24
12.2 Gravity Wall ....................................................................................................................... 24
12.3 Reinforced Concrete Wall of “L” Shape ............................................................................ 24
12.4 Anchored Wall Constructed in Segments From the Top Downwards............................... 24
12.5 Pile Wall ............................................................................................................................ 25

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges


4.1 Basic Considerations
In the present Design Guidelines, individual
joint types are defined. In addition, motives The basic reasons requiring execution of the
for designing and execution the joints are joints in structures are the following:
presented. - Size of the structure (area, concrete
Basic rules of the joint design are indicated. - Construction method (casting shifted by
- Creep and shrinkage phenomena.
The construction technology of major bridges
The following codes, norms and technical and other civil engineering structures shall be
regulations are included in the present thoroughly planned as to precisely define
Design Guidelines. casting of individual sections at different
times. Greater quantities of concrete, cast to
DIN codes construct individual structural elements,
DIN 1055, DIN 4227, DIN 1072, DIN 1045, essentially affect the magnitude of creep and
DIN 4019, DIN 7865, DIN 4060, DIN 1623, shrinkage phenomena in the structure. All
DIN 1541, DIN 4033, DIN 4062, DIN 4102, these factors condition the joints in a
DIN 18540. structure. Joints shall be already planned at
the stage of working out the building permit
Austrian Guidelines design and the project implementation
Wasserundurchlässige Betonbauwerke – design.
Weiße Wannen
(Waterproof Concrete Structures–White Joints are essential elements both during the
Tubs), construction and in the service life of a
Österreichischer Betonverein, March 1999 structure as they enable a correct conception
of the construction technology, which has a
great influence on the structural durability.
The joint design and execution depend,
Expansion joints (EJ) among others, on the structural scheme,
properties of the cast concrete and the
Expansion joint is a common term for an method of protection of the concrete being in
opening between two structural elements. It contact with soil, ground water or running
shall be so designed and executed as to water. Namely, structures can be made either
allow displacements and rotations of of
structural elements, as well as to be
waterproof at the same time. - Waterproof concrete in accordance with the
“white tub” principle, or
Contact joints (CONTACTJ) - Concrete protected with the black
waterproofing (“black tub”).
Contact joint is a common term for dividing of
individual parts of the same structural Areas at joints represent structural weak
element. points. Therefore, the joints shall be properly
conceived and designed as well as carried
Fictive joints (FJ) out very thoroughly.

Fictive joint is a common term for weakening 4.2 Purpose of Joints

of the structural element section, enabling
formation of controlled cracks. The reasons imposing execution of structural
joints are the following:
Construction joints (CJ)
- Separation of structural elements due to
Construction joint is a common term for a the size, the construction in stages or the
joint appearing between two structural construction of an additional element to the
elements or two parts of the same structural existing structure;
element cast at different times.

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

- A better accommodation of the structure to Expansion joints enable movements of

the properties of the foundation ground divided structural elements in several
where a non-uniform settlement of the directions. They also allow an eventual
structure is expected. The reasons of this rotation without constraints. This type of
phenomenon are the following: joints can also be called spatial joints as
variable properties of the foundation they allow settlements, elongations and
ground,variable ground water level, rotations of structural elements.
excavation of new and particularly deeper
construction pits, different dynamic effects Divided elements can move perpendicularly
of the traffic load, execution of individual to the joint plane (opening and closing of the
construction sections shifted by time. joint) without occurrence of constraints.
Transverse movements of joint can be
- Reducing of the effects of secondary forces prevented by means of notches. This type of
and moments due to concrete shrinkage joints can be called tensile joints. They
and creep, as well as by the temperature enable a change of structural element shape
effects; (length) due to phenomena of shrinkage and
creep as well as to temperature changes.
- Creation of logical construction segments
for major structures, thus simplifying the An expansion joint also allows movements of
formwork, reinforcement and casting; divided structural elements in the joint plane
(settlement of the element) without
- Taking of movements due to external load appearance of constraints. Such type of
applied to the structure; joints can be named separating joints or
joints allowing settlement. They enable a
- Taking of movements due to seismic non-uniform settlement of structural elements
action; for numerous reasons indicated in 4.2

- Formation of controlled cracks. The expansion joint width shall be

determined for each individual case.
4.3 Classification of Joints
Expansion joints in bridge superstructures
By the purpose and the method of execution, are not subject of these Design Guidelines as
the joints can be divided as follows: they are discussed in the DG 1.2.7
Expansion Joints on Bridges.
- Expansion joints (spatial joints)
- Contact joints (dividing joints)
- Fictive joints (joints for designed
- Construction joints


Fig. 5.1: Schematic presentation of an
5.1 Definition expansion joint

Expansion joint is a common term for an 5.2 Design

opening between two structural elements. It
shall be so designed and executed as to Expansion joints shall be so carried out as to
allow movements and rotations of structural fully divide adjoining structural elements. The
elements, as well as to be waterproof at the reinforcement is entirely interrupted, and the
same time. concretes of those elements are divided as
well. The joint is filled up with a special
Expansion joints are always required when material and so executed as to be
movements of structural elements due to waterproof.
internal (constrained) and external forces
have to be made feasible. In this way, the The water-tightness of expansion joints is
occurrence of tensile stresses in concrete provided by means of sealing strips. They
and the formation of cracks are prevented. shall be placed on the surface of a structural
element when its thickness amounts up to 50
cm, or into the cross-section interior when its
thickness is > 50 cm.

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

In certain cases, the expansion joint width 5.5 Maintenance

can be verified by calculation. However, it
shall often be determined empirically. This On the backside, the expansion joint shall be
particularly applies in cases where the executed in such a way that it is durable as
magnitude of movements is affected by no maintenance is feasible.
several factors, thus their total effect cannot
be exactly assessed. Anyway, such a width On the exposed surfaces, the mastic shall be
of a joint shall be specified that no secondary restored and mechanical damages to
forces or damages to the sealing material concrete made good (trapezoidal shape).
occur in the structure. The surrounding
temperature during concreting shall be taken When an expansion joint does not ensure the
into account in specifying the joint width. water-tightness, it shall be adequately
Both the spacing and the width of expansion
joints depend on the structural type, static
requirements, special construction states,
structural geometry, and action effects due to
shrinkage, creep, temperature, external
loading, etc.

As a rule, the expansion joint width shall

amount to 2 cm.

5.3 Execution

Expansion joints are executed

simultaneously with erecting the formwork
and placing the reinforcement.

To carry out an expansion joint, some flexible

material shall be used as a formwork, which
must not reduce the expansion joint opening
neither affect its purpose. Subsequently, the
expansion joint formwork is not removed.

On the exposed side, the joint shape is

achieved by means of a trapezoidal lath.

The water-tightness of a joint is ensured by

means of PVC or rubber strips, fixed in such
a way that they cannot be moved or

5.4 Materials

An expansion joint shall be made of a hard

foamy (polystyrene), rubber or bituminous
panel. On the exposed side it shall be sealed
with sealing mastic or a sealing strip of the
colour of concrete surface. On the backside,
a sealing strip shall be placed.

The sealing strips shall be made of durable

PVC material or synthetic rubber.

On the exposed side of the structure, the joint

shape is achieved by means of a trapezoidal

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

Fig. 5.2: Expansion joints for structural elements of a thickness < 50 cm, with a sealing strip on the
backfilled side

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

Fig. 5.3: Expansion joints for structural elements of a thickness > 50 cm with a groove

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

Fig. 5.4: Expansion joints for structural elements of a thickness > 50 cm with a sealing strip in the
cross-section interior

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

Figure 5.5: Expansion joints for structural elements of a thickness > 80 cm with a groove

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

6 CONTACT JOINTS (CONTACTJ) shall be placed on the surface of a structural

element when its thickness amounts up to 50
6.1 Definition cm, or into the cross-section interior when its
thickness is > 50 cm.
Contact joint is a common term for dividing of
individual parts of the same structural The spacing of contact joints without
element. interspacing depends on the construction
The following types are distinguished:
Contact joints with interspacing are carried
- Contact joints without interspacing (Fig.6.2) out during erecting the formwork and placing
- Contact joints with interspacing (Fig.6.3) reinforcement of a structural element. The
interspacing is shaped by means of a ribbed
Contact joints allow only insignificant ductile steel plate.
movements and rotations of individual parts
of a structural element. They render possible Both the width and the shape of an
a subsequent construction of individual parts interspacing depend on the spacing of
of a structural element. contact joints, the concrete thickness and the
type of the structural element, which they
Contact joint with an interspacing allow appear in.
movements due to shrinkage, temperature
action and settlement. As soon as the The reinforcement in the cross-section is not
changes of the length and of the position of interrupted.
individual parts of a structural element are
completed, the interspacing shall be cast. Contact joints with interspacing can be
sealed with a sealing strip on the surface or
Contact joints with an interspacing enable the in the interior of the structural element, or
change of the stiffness of a structural they are executed without sealing strip, when
element, the modification of the stress the structure is protected by means of a black
distribution, and the change of the static waterproofing.
system. For these properties, contact joints
can be distinguished from very similar Spacing of contact joints with interspacing
construction joints, which are exclusively depends on the structural and static
imposed by technological reasons. properties of the particular structure, or on
the construction method.

Both the shapes and the methods of

execution of contact joints with interspacing
are shown in sketches hereinafter.

6.3 Execution

Contact joints are executed simultaneously

Figure 6.1 Schematic presentation of a with erecting formwork and placing
contact joint without interspacing, reinforcement of a structural element.
and of a contact joint with
interspacing A contact joint without interspacing is
executed in such a way that the parts of a
6.2 Design structural element are cast one by one. The
reinforcement is interrupted, so that there is
Contact joints without interspacing are no homogenous connection between
carried out in such a way that the parts of a individual parts. The dividing layer can be a
structural element are cast one by one sort of coating, oiled paper, cardboard, etc.
without homogenous connection. The
reinforcement is interrupted. The concretes of The sealing PVC or rubber strips ensuring
the adjoining parts are divided by means of a the water-tightness shall be adequately fixed
thin dividing foil such as different types of to prevent their movement or damage. The
coatings, oiled paper, cardboard, etc. shape of a contact joint without interspacing
can be achieved by means of a triangular
The water-tightness of contact joints is lath.
ensured by means of sealing strips. They

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

A contact joint with interspacing shall be

formed during erecting formwork and placing
reinforcement of a structural element. A
ribbed ductile steel plate shall be applied as
the joint formwork. The contact joint shall be
appropriately reinforced as well.

The exposed sides of the contact joint on wall

elements shall be shaped by the aid of
trapezoidal laths.

6.4 Materials

The dividing layer of a contact joint without

interspacing can be a type of coating, oiled
paper, cardboard, etc.

The formwork for contact joints is made

either of a ribbed ductile steel plate or a
profiled panel.

The sealing strips are made of durable PVC

material or synthetic rubber.

The shapes of contact joints on exposed

sides of the particular structure shall be
achieved by means of trapezoidal, triangular
or rectangular laths.

6.5 Maintenance

On its backside, a contact joint shall be

executed in such a way that it is durable, as
no maintenance is practicable.

On exposed sides, mechanical damages to

concrete shall be made good (trapezoidal,
triangular shape).

When a contact joint does not ensure the

water-tightness, it shall be adequately

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

Fig. 6.2: Contact joints without interspacing

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

Fig. 6.3: Contact joints with interspacing

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision


The joint water-tightness is ensured with PVC
7.1 Definition or rubber strips, which shall be properly fixed
to prevent their moving or damage. Into the
Fictive joint is a common term for weakening cross-section interior, injection pipes enabling
of the structural element section, enabling subsequent injecting and sealing of the
formation of controlled cracks. cross-section can also be inserted.

Fictive joints are arranged on locations where In the cross-section, the reinforcement runs
tensile stresses and, as a consequence, continuously, or it is partly interrupted
cracks are expected due to creep and
shrinkage effects in young concrete. 7.4 Materials

The purpose of fictive joints is achieved when Inserting pieces used to carry out fictive joints
they weaken at least a third of the structural can be made of planks, hard plywood panels,
element cross-section. foamy panels or circular pipes. All those
materials shall be waterproof.
7.2 Design
Inserting pieces located out of the cross-
A fictive joint is carried out in such a way that section thus being covered with the
the cross-section of a structural element is protective concrete shall be treated with a
weakened by at least one third. For this special end strip.
purpose, different water-resistant materials
can be used. (Fig.7.2) The backside of a fictive joint shall be sealed
with an adequate strip made of durable PVC
In structural elements where shrinkage is material or synthetic rubber; it can also be
restrained, the distance between two sealed by means of a special sealing coating.
adjacent joints amounts to 5 – 8 m for a
concrete thickness up to 1.0 m. For greater On the exposed side the fictive joint shape is
concrete thicknesses, this distance shall achieved with the aid of a trapezoidal lath.
amount to 4 – 6 m.
7.5 Maintenance
In structural elements where shrinkage is not
restrained, these distances can be greater. On the backside, the fictive joint shall be
executed in such a way that it is durable and
no maintenance is required.

On the exposed surfaces, mechanical

damages to concrete shall be made good
(trapezoidal shape).

When a fictive joint does not ensure the

Fig. 7.1: Schematic presentation of a fictive water-tightness, it shall be adequately
joint repaired.
7.3 Execution

Fictive joints are carried out in such a way

that planks, hard plywood panels, foamy
panels or circular pipes are inserted into the
structural element cross-section during
erecting formwork and placing reinforcement.
These inserted pieces shall be waterproof.

The locations of cross-section weakening

shall be adequately sealed.

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

Fig. 7.2: Fictive joints

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

8 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS (CJ) moistened to achieve a better adhesion

between the existing and new concrete, and
8.1 Definition to prevent the existing concrete to absorb the
moisture from the new one.
Construction joint is a common term for a The construction joint surface shall also be
joint appearing between two structural adequately roughened (exposed coarse
elements or two parts of the same structural grains), which can be achieved by washing
element cast at different times. the concrete surface with a high-pressure
By means of construction joints, large bridges water jet immediately after striking the
and other civil engineering structures are structural formwork, by sandblasting of the
divided in smaller working units, which makes hardened concrete or by means of a
placing of formwork and reinforcement pneumatic hammer.
easier, and reduces the concrete quantity. Special attention shall be paid to the
The arrangement of construction joints formwork of the subsequent structural
depends on the structural type, on the way, element. In the joint area, the formwork shall
how the structure is used, on static be pressed tightly to the hardened, old
requirements, special construction states, concrete. In this way, a harmonized
structural geometry, and creep and shrinkage continuation of the following structural
effects in the concrete. element or construction segment is made
Construction joints can run either horizontally possible, as well as flowing-away of the
or vertically. cement wash and occurrence of “nests” in
As the construction joints are weak points in the concrete prevented.
the structure, they shall be reasonably Vertical construction joints are carried out
arranged and their number limited. with the help of a profiled formwork or ribbed
Notwithstanding the break of casting, a ductile steel plate, which are removed only in
construction joint shall represent a solid and cases where the structural elements are
waterproof contact between two construction subjected to a high loading.
segments, so that all the action effects In case that the construction joint formwork
appearing in the cross-section can be remains in its position permanently, no
transferred. further treatment of the construction joint
surface is required. Otherwise, it shall be
8.2 Design suitably protected, cleaned, roughened and
Construction joints shall be foreseen at those Construction joints can be carried out as
places in the structure where casting of waterproof. They are sealed with strips made
concrete is interrupted. They are located of durable PVC material or synthetic rubber
between individual structural elements placed on the outer side of the structural
(foundation – wall, wall – superstructure), or element. As sealing material within the cross-
within a structural element dividing it in section, strips made of steel plate can be
several units (carriageway slabs). used. They shall be adequately fixed to
Construction joints can be either horizontal or prevent their moving and damage during
vertical. casting operations.
Both the position of construction joints and Into the cross-section interior, injection pipes
the method of their execution shall already be enabling subsequent injecting and sealing of
determined at the design stage of bridges the cross-section can also be inserted.
and other civil engineering structures.
8.4 Materials
8.3 Execution
Vertical construction joints are carried out by
A construction joint takes rise at the spot of means of a profiled formwork or ribbed
interrupting casting of concrete. ductile steel plate.
The structural element reinforcement
continues without any disturbance. The Construction joints are sealed with the aid of
concrete surface of the cast segment shall be suitable strips made of durable PVC material
suitably after-treated. The concrete shall be or synthetic rubber placed on the external
protected from frost and drying-up, and side of the structural element.
washing-out of the fresh concrete shall be
prevented. Into the cross-section interior, pipes to
Prior to casting the subsequent segment, the perform injecting, and strips made of steel
surface of the construction joint of the plate are built-in.
existing element shall be cleaned and

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

Fig. 8.1: Construction joints

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

9 JOINTS IN CULVERTS a) pipe culverts encased in concrete

9.1 Joints in monolithic culverts

The following culvert types can be

- Pipe culverts encased in concrete;
- Box culverts;
- Arch culverts.

For longer monolithic culverts expansion

joints in transverse direction are designed.

The transverse expansion joints are placed at b) box culvert

spacing of 10 – 20 m, whereas their width
amounts to 2.0 cm.

The wall and slab thickness of monolithic

culverts is less than 50 cm. Therefore the
expansion joint shall be designed as shown
in Fig. 5.2.

The expansion joint arrangement depends on

the following:
- ground properties,
- fill thickness above the culvert,
- culvert geometry, c) arch culvert
- construction method.

In the cross-section of monolithic culverts

construction joints are foreseen. The
construction joint arrangement depends on
the culvert type and dimensions.

For culverts encased in concrete, horizontal

construction joints are designed in the culvert
walls only, 15 cm above the bottom slab (Fig.
9.1a). Fig. 9.1: Construction joints in transvers
direction of monolithic culverts
Contact joints between pre-cast pipes, which
serve as the inner formwork, are not treated. 9.2 Joints in pre-cast culverts
However, flowing-out of cement wash
through these joints shall be prevented. In the pre-cast culverts made of pre-cast
elements such as pipes, box elements or
For box culverts, construction joints are arch elements, the in-situ joint is actually a
foreseen at the contacts bottom slab – wall transverse expansion joint, which has to be
and wall – upper slab (Fig. 9.1b). The joint adequately treated.
detail is similar to that shown in Fig. 8.1b or
8.1c. In the pipe foundation, transverse expansion
or contact joints at spacing of 10 – 20 are
For arch culverts, horizontal construction located, depending on the ground properties
joints are only foreseen at the joint bottom and the fill thickness above the culvert (Fig.
slab – arch (Fig. 9.1c). The joint detail is 9).
similar to that shown in Fig. 8.1b or 8.1c.

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

a) wedged expansion – contact joint

Fig. 9.2: Cross-section of a pipe culvert not

encased in concrete

In Fig. 9.3 details of transverse expansion –

contact joints of pre-cast pipes are indicated b) straight expansion – contact joint
in dependence of the pipe wall thickness.

a) for φ100cm ( φ150cm)

Fig. 9.4: Detail of expansion – contact joint in

pre-cast box and arch culverts
b) for φ200cm



In frame and beam single-span bridges all

the types of joints can occur:
- expansion joints
- contact joints
- fictive joints
- construction joints.

Both the expansion and contact joints reduce

the negative effects of creep and shrinkage,
Fig. 9.3: Detail of expansion – contact joint in of temperature, as well as of variable ground
pre-cast pipe culverts properties.

In Fig. 9.4 details of transverse expansion – Fictive joints are designed in the walls of
contact joints of pre-cast box or arch wide frame structures, which are typical of
segments are shown. motorway bridges. By means of fictive joints
the cross-section is weakened, thus locations
of controlled cracks are achieved.

The horizontal construction joints are

imposed by the construction technology.

In a strip foundation, expansion or contact

joints can be foreseen, when this is required
by the ground properties.

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision

At the joint foundation – wall and wall – Both the expansion and contact joints are
superstructure horizontal construction joints designed particularly in case of wide bridges
appear. (on motorway and highways) and deformable
ground. They can also occur, when a new
The position of the horizontal construction bridge is constructed next to the existing one.
joint at the contact wall – superstructure is The fictive joints only weaken the cross-
selected in such a way that all the section, thus controlled cracks are allowed by
modifications of the section shape are carried the execution of those joints.
out in the joint plane (cantilever for transition
slabs, Fig. 10.1). Both the expansion and contact joints are
carried out either as smooth or grooved. The
In the frame wall, expansion, contact and latter is required when a static interaction of
fictive joints can be foreseen in the adjoining elements should be attained. The
transverse direction (Fig. 10.2). groove shape depends on the wall thickness.

Fig. 10.1 Arrangement of construction joints in bridge frame structures

Fig. 10.2: Arrangement of both expansion and fictive joints in the walls of frame bridge structures
on motorway and highways

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Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

11 JOINTS IN FRAME AND BEAM 11.2 Joints in Abutments

Abutments of a width of < 8.0 m comprise
11.1 General only horizontal construction joints (foundation
– wall and wall – superstructure or support
In frame and beam multi-span bridges all the upper part). Other types of joints are not
types of joints can occur: required.
- expansion joints
- contact joints Abutments of a width of 8.0 – 12.0 m
- fictive joints comprise, in addition to the abovementioned
- construction joints. horizontal construction joints, a fictive joint in
the wall as well.
Both the expansion and contact joints reduce
the negative effects of creep and shrinkage, In the abutments wider than 12.0 m,
of temperature, as well as of variable ground expansion, contact and construction joints
properties. can occur in the foundations and walls.
Construction joints in the foundations as well
Fictive joints are designed in the walls of as those in the walls shall be mutually
wide frame structures, which are typical of shifted.
motorway bridges. By means of fictive joints
the cross-section is weakened, thus locations In the walls, fictive joints are also possible,
of controlled cracks are achieved. yet it is recommended to unite them with the
construction joints.
The horizontal construction joints are
imposed by the construction technology. At the joints foundation – wall and wall –
superstructure (or support upper part)
In the strip foundation of frame structures, horizontal construction joints appear.
expansion or contact joints can be designed,
when this is required by the ground Both the expansion and the contact joints are
properties. executed as smooth or grooved. The latter is
required, when a static interaction of
At the joints foundation – wall (end, adjoining elements should be attained.
intermediate) and wall (end, intermediate) –
superstructure, horizontal construction joints 11.3 Joints in Piers
appear. In both end and intermediate walls of
a frame, expansion, contact and fictive joints In the piers, horizontal construction joints are
can be planned in the transverse direction. In foreseen at the joint foundation – wall (pier).
the superstructure, only contact joints can be In the wall piers of underpasses and
foreseen. overpasses of a length of > 10 m, both
expansion and contact joints can also be
In the strip foundation of beam structures, foreseen, when this is required by the ground
expansion or contact joints can be designed, properties.
when this is required by the ground
properties. Both the expansion and the contact joints are
executed as smooth or grooved. The latter is
At the joints foundation – abutment and required, when a static interaction of
foundation – pier, horizontal construction adjoining elements should be attained.
joints occur. In abutments and piers,
transverse expansion, contact and fictive 11.4 Joints in Superstructure
joints can be foreseen, when the abutments
and piers are designed as walls of greater 11.4.1 Slab Superstructure
In the superstructures, only contact joints are In the superstructure of a slab cross-section
possible. both construction and contact joints are
foreseen. They are imposed by the
Expansion joint structures bridging a movable construction method as well as by the creep
joint between the superstructure and the and shrinkage effects. Contact joints with
abutment or between two parts of the interspacing allow a modification of the
superstructure are discussed in an extra structural element stiffness, of the stress
Design Guideline. distribution, and of the static system as well.

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Joints in concrete bridges Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision
accentually vertical, horizontal or raster
11.4.2 Beam Superstructure components.

In the superstructure of a bean cross-section It is recommended to unite the fictive joints

both construction and contact joints are with the construction ones. The fictive joints
designed. They are imposed by the can also weaken the cross-section and allow
construction technology as well as by the the formation of controlled cracks.
creep and shrinkage effects. Contact joints
with interspacing allow a modification of the 12.2 Gravity Wall
structural element stiffness, of the stress
distribution, and of the static system as well. To execute a gravity wall, a horizontal
construction joint foundation – wall is
11.4.3 Box Cross-Section Superstructure required. The joint shall be grooved to take
the earth pressure more reliably.
For superstructures of box cross-section Gravity walls of a greater length are carried
horizontal construction joints are designed at out of longitudinal segments of 4.0 – 8.0 m in
the joint lower slab – web and web – upper length (most frequently of 6.0 m). Contact
slab. joints are foreseen between those segments.
In the longitudinal direction, both construction Expansion joints are designed at every two or
and contact joints are foreseen in three longitudinal segments, at spacing of 12
dependence on the construction method. – 13 m.
When a deck is constructed by means of the Both expansion and contact joints are
cast-in-situ free cantilevering or incremental executed as straight or grooved ones. They
launching method, construction joints are shall be waterproof.
foreseen, whereas contact joints are
designed in case of the segmental 12.3 Reinforced Concrete Wall of “L”
construction technology. Shape

11.4.4 Composite Superstructure With To execute a concrete wall of “L” shape, a

Pre-Cast Girders horizontal construction joint foundation – wall
is required. The joint shall be grooved to take
For composite decks with pre-cast girders the earth pressure more reliably.
both construction and contact joints are “L” walls of a greater length are carried out of
designed in the carriageway slab and above longitudinal segments of 4.0 – 8.0 m in length
the piers. Contact joints with interspacing (most frequently of 6.0 m). Contact joints are
allow a modification of the structural element foreseen between those segments.
stiffness, of the stress distribution, and of the Expansion joints are designed at every two or
static system as well. three longitudinal segments, at spacing of 12
– 13 m.
Both expansion and contact joints are
12 JOINTS IN RETAINING executed as straight or grooved ones. They
STRUCTURES shall be waterproof.

12.1 General 12.4 Anchored Wall Constructed in

Segments From the Top Downwards
In the retaining walls all the types of joints
can occur. Anchored walls constructed from the top
At the joint foundation – wall, a horizontal downwards, are executed of longitudinal
construction joint imposed by the segments of 3 x 2.20 m in width and of 2.55 –
construction method is foreseen. 3.0 m in height.
Expansion joints and contact joints can also At the joint of adjacent longitudinal segments,
be designed. They reduce negative effects of vertical contact joints occur. After the casting
creep and shrinkage, of temperature and of of three longitudinal segments is completed,
variable ground properties. an expansion joint is carried through at a
distance of approx. 20 m. The latter shall be
Fictive joints are foreseen in exceptional waterproof.
cases only. By means of these joints, visible At the joint of adjacent height segments and
effects in concrete due to the contact at the joint foundation – wall, horizontal
between formwork panels can be hidden, and contact joints are foreseen.
large exposed surfaces can be divided in

Strana 24 od 25 Volume 1 - Section 2 - Part 9 RS-FB&H/3CS – DDC 433/94

Guidelines for Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Joints in concrete bridges

12.5 Pile Wall the spacing of 10 – 12 m. In case that a wall

of 2.0 – 6.0 m in height is constructed above
For a pile wall, expansion joints with a groove the pile wall, expansion, contact and
are designed in the area of the beam, which construction joints are foreseen in such a
function is to interconnect the piles. wall, as it applies to “L” walls.
Expansion joint with a groove are placed at

Fig. 12.1: Joints in gravity walls with or without a relieving cantilever

Fig. 12.2: Joints in reinforced concrete walls of “L” shape

Fig. 12.3: Joints in anchored walls constructed in segments from the top downwards

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