IFAA Field Manual
IFAA Field Manual
IFAA Field Manual
Annexure to:
Level 2
Instruction Manual
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Posture for shooting downhill with level feet
position .......................................................... 19
Contents Posture for shooting uphill on sloping ground:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................3 ........................................................................ 20
INTRODUCTION ........................................................4 Posture for shooting downhill on sloping
Shooting styles:.....................................................4 ground ............................................................ 20
Age groups ............................................................4 Shooting across a slope ...................................... 21
The shooting course: ............................................4 Target appearance on steep slopes ................... 22
SETTING OUT A COURSE ...........................................5 SETTING BOW SIGHTS ............................................ 23
General .................................................................5 The adjustable sight ........................................... 23
Typical field course layout ....................................5 The non-adjustable sight.................................... 23
Marking the shooting positions ............................7 RANGE FINDING ..................................................... 24
Measuring the shooting distance .........................7 Exercise techniques to range finding ................. 25
Basic setting-out requirements ............................8 Range finding without using a sight ............... 25
The practice course ..............................................9 Range finding with the use of a sight ............. 25
Allowing for equipment failure ......................... 10 PRACTICAL TRAINING TIPS ..................................... 26
Targets used by the IFAA ................................... 10 PERSONAL CARE ..................................................... 28
Setting out marked distances ............................ 11 Footwear ........................................................ 28
The Field Round ............................................. 11 Clothing in cold weather ................................ 28
The Hunter Round ......................................... 12 Clothing in hot weather ................................. 29
The Marked Animal Round ............................ 12 Clothing in rainy weather ............................... 29
Combining marked Rounds on a single course Accessories ......................................................... 29
....................................................................... 12 Binoculars ....................................................... 29
Setting out unmarked distances ........................ 13 Backpack and belt .......................................... 30
The Unmarked Animal Round ....................... 13 Spare parts ..................................................... 30
The 3D Hunting Round .................................. 13 Nutrition ............................................................. 30
The 3D Standard Round................................. 14 SAFETY .................................................................... 31
Combining unmarked Rounds on a single Safety in field archery ........................................ 31
course ............................................................ 14
Facilities.......................................................... 31
SHOOTING AND SCORING ..................................... 14
Directional signs / Danger tape ...................... 31
Entering a tournament ...................................... 14
Emergency action plan ................................... 31
Shooting sequence ............................................ 15
First aid ........................................................... 32
Marked distances .......................................... 15
Individual safety ............................................. 32
Unmarked distances ...................................... 16
Safety within the target group ....................... 32
Some general scoring rules............................ 17
Duty of care of participants ............................... 32
Some general safety rules ............................. 18
Personal protective clothing .......................... 32
SPECIAL FIELD CONDITIONS................................... 18
Lost arrows ..................................................... 33
Uphill and downhill shooting ............................. 18
Sighting for shooting uphill............................ 18
Sighting for shooting downhill ....................... 19
Posture for shooting uphill with level feet
position .......................................................... 19
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
World Archery (WA) kindly agreed that the IFAA may use their Field Archery Manual as the basis of this
Various pictures and graphics have been copied from the WA manual as well as the text relevant to the
IFAA of the following sections:
Range Finding
Special Field Conditions
Practical Training
Personal Care
Some graphics and pictures have been modified to be more IFAA specific.
With thanks to Tim Stone and Martin Koini for their input and proof reading this manual.
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
3. The longbow
When all the targets have been shot, the archer
There is no distinction made between the
returns to the administration tent and submits the
various “longbows”, flat bows, etc.
score sheet.
This principle applies to all the types of field
4. The Historical Bow
There is no distinction made between the vast
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
position a few days before the event to minimise The above range only has the first 7 targets in
the chance of vandalism. straight line and the remaining 21 targets in a circle,
which will reduce the time required shooting, when
compared to a full straight “herringbone” lay-out.
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Basic setting-out requirements back to the shooting line shall be at least 20
The following course layout requirements should be meters from the shooting lane.
considered at all times: j. Note: Normally this lay-out should be
1. Marked Rounds avoided.
a. The primary consideration for setting out a k. Bales or butts must not leak arrows. They
field range: The IFAA determines the best shall not be reinforced with any material
archer as the shooter with the highest score that may damage arrows.
and not necessary the fittest archer. Ranges
should be reasonable as far as walking is 2. Unmarked Rounds
concerned even though the shots may be a. Although the primary consideration for
very difficult. The range should not be a setting out an unmarked range is to
physical fitness course and special determine the best archer and not the fittest
consideration should be given to the veteran archer, the IFAA Bowhunter tournaments are
archers and the cubs. No one should be intended to represent a degree of “hunting”
“forced” to leave the tournament because of conditions. Targets should be placed in
physical or health problems. We are a shooting lanes to simulate hunting
“family” sport! conditions, but at the same time these
b. Direction of the paths must be clearly marked shots should be good, clean (not clear)
to avoid archers walking into the shooting and safe. Remember, realistic bowhunting
lane practice shots.
c. Shooting distances used shall be those given b. Direction of the paths must be clearly marked
in the latest edition of the IFAA By-laws. to avoid archers walking into the shooting
d. All butts must be stable so there is no lane.
danger of tipping. If such a chance exists, c. All distances may be measured with an
then they must be braced or anchored. accurate range finder and shall be within
e. Shooting lanes must be cleared wherever the range given in the latest edition of the
possible so that the lightest bows can shoot IFAA By-laws.
an arrow to the target without it being d. All butts and/or 3D targets shall be stable so
deflected by overhanging branches. Special there is no danger of tipping over. If such a
consideration should be given to the lady chance exists, then they must be braced or
longbow division. It is advised that an area anchored.
one quarter of the shooting distance shall e. Although shooting lanes must be naturally
be cleared in front of the butts. clear to accommodate the lightest bows,
f. Any person, regardless of height, must archers must determine their shooting stance
have a clear view of the full face of the to avoid any overhead branches. Archers may
target. have to bend down or even kneel for the
g. If the target has no backstop, one-half the shot.
shooting distance, to a maximum of 30 yards, f. Any person, regardless of height, must
shall be cleared behind the butt. If the butt have a clear view of the “kill” area o n the
has a backstop or is placed in front of an target.
embankment, then the area to such g. If the target has no backstop, one-half the
backstop or embankment shall be cleared target distance shall be cleared behind the
so that arrows may easily be found. butt. If the butt has a backstop or is placed
Consideration must be given for our class in front of an embankment, then the area to
“B” and “C” archers. Arrows are expensive such backstop or embankment shall be
and an excessive loss of arrows should be cleared so that arrows may easily be found.
avoided. Note: an embankment is seen to be a wall of
Note: an embankment is seen to be a wall of earth or gravel. Rocks, boulders or big trees
earth or fine gravel. Rocks, boulders or big may not be used as a “back stop”.
trees may not be used as a “back stop”. h. Paths between targets should be clearly
h. Paths between targets should be clearly marked.
marked and cleared enough for easy i. Paths shall leave the butt/3D target
walking without obstructions. sideways and away from the shooting line.
i. Paths shall leave the butt sideways and Paths that bring the archers back to the
away from the shooting line. Paths that lead shooting line should be avoided, but if that
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
is not possible the path shall be at least 10
meters from the shooting lane.
j. Bales or butts and 3D targets must not leak
arrows. They shall not be reinforced with
any material that may damage arrows. In
the event of 3D targets, the centre piece
must be replaced or the entire target should
be replaced if the target becomes shot out.
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Allowing for equipment failure Targets used by the IFAA
The rules of the IFAA allow and archers with 1. Marked distances
equipment to leave the range under guidance of The IFAA uses different target faces for the
one of the range officials. various Rounds:
The archer is allowed reasonable time to repair the
equipment, while the other members of the
shooting group either wait (a short period only) or Field face
continue the shoot without the archer.
The archer later re-joins the group and continues
the shoot. The targets that were skipped may be
shot under guidance of the range official, but time Hunter face
is limited by the time the score cards must be
handed in. No time extension will be given!
2. Unmarked distances
The normal animal faces can be used for events
where un-marked distances are shot.
The same grading applies as that of the marked
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
The IFAA has no preference in 3D targets The Field Round consists of a standard unit of 14
provided they last for the day’s shooting and do targets which is made up of the following marked
not leak arrows. distances and target sizes:
3D targets must be life size; the further the
distance, the larger the animal. Number Diameter Number Distance in yards
It is recommended that targets are tested for of of face in of Veterans Juniors Cubs
faces cm shooting Adults
durability before a large number is ordered for a positions Young
tournament. Adults
1 Ø 65 4x1 80,70,60,50 50 30,25,20,15
1 Ø 65 1x4 65 50 30
1 Ø 65 1x4 60 45 25
1 Ø 65 1x4 55 40 20
2x1 Ø 50 4x1 45,40,35,30 As adult 20
2x1 Ø 50 4x1 35,35,35,35 As adult 20
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 50 As adult 20
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 45 As adult 15
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 40 As adult 15,15,15,15
2x2 Ø 35 1x4 30 As adult 10
Also the 3D targets are graded in accordance
with the size of the “high scoring” area, which is 2x2 Ø 35 1x4 25 As adult 10
measured from the top line to the bottom line of 2x2 Ø 35 1x4 20 As adult 10
the high score area through the centre of the 2x2 Ø 35 1x4 15 As adult 10
“ring”. 4x4 Ø 20 4x1 35,30,25,20 ft As adult 20 feet
Group 1: A>250mm Junior distances may not be more than 50 yards and
Group 2: A=201-250mm Cubs shoot distances no more than 30 yards.
Group 3: A=150-200mm The colour of the shooting markers for the Field
Group 4: A<150mm Round may differ for each age group to avoid
possible confusion.
Neither the indicator board nor the markers
must show the shooting distance! Field Round markers:
Although the IFAA has no official ruling on what
targets should be used and what should not be
Age group Target size Distance Marker colour
used, it is sound policy not to used faces that
depict: Adult, Veteran,
All sizes All distances White*
Young Adult
Great apes like chimpanzee, gorilla, etc.
Ø 65 50, 50, 45, 40 Blue
Large cats like lion, tiger, cheetah, etc.
Rhinoceros, elephant and similar All other
All other sizes White *
Large raptors
Other images that may be seen as offensive Cub All sizes All distances Black
by the media or in any way may damage
the image of the IFAA. *: The marker can be a combined white and blue
colour to avoid possible confusion by
Setting out marked distances inexperienced juniors.
The IFAA recognises various Rounds with marked 1
: The number of faces depicted allows for shooting
(known) distances. They include the Field Round, the face with four archers in the target group
the Hunter Round and the Animal Round. There are without having to score and draw arrows after
other rounds, however they are not that popular the first two archers have shot. If half the
with the archers and not often offered as number of faces is used (i.e. 2=1 and 4=2) arrows
tournaments. must be drawn after the first two archers have
shot and scored to minimize damage to arrows.
The Field Round
A single or double marker lay-out may be used;
The Field Round is the first integral round of the
however a double marker lay-out is preferred for
IFAA in the World Field Archery Championships and
IFAA sanctioned tournaments.
the various Regional Field Championships.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
The Hunter Round The Marked Animal Round
The Hunter Round is the second integral round in The Marked Animal Round is the third integral
the World Field Archery Championships and the round in the World Field Archery Championships
various Regional Field championships. and the various Regional Field championships.
The Hunter Round consists of a standard unit of 14 The Marked Animal Round consists of a standard
targets which is made up of the following marked unit of 14 targets which is made up of the following
distances and target sizes: marked distances and target sizes:
Number Diameter Number Distance in yards No. Group Maximum Distance of furthest marker in yards
of of face in of Veterans Juniors Cubs of size of number of Veterans Adults Juniors Cubs
faces cm shooting Adults faces face shooting Young Adults
positions Young positions
Adults 1 1 3 60-40 From adult 30-25-20
1 Ø 65 4x1 70-65-61-58 50 30-25-20-15 1 1 3 3x5 yard walk-up front marker 30
1 Ø 65 4x1 64-59-55-52 50 30 1 1 3 25
1 Ø 65 4x1 58-53-48-45 45 25
1 2 3 45-30 As adult 20
2x1 Ø 50 4x1 53-48-44-41 41 20
1 2 3 3x3 yard walk-up 20
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 48 As adult 20
1 2 3 20
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 44 As adult 20 1 3 1 35-20 As adult 20
2x1 Ø 50 1x4 40 As adult 20 1 3 1 Single marker 15
2x1 Ø 50 4x1 36-36-36-36 As adult 15 1 3 1 15-15-15-15
2x2 Ø 35 4x1 32-32-32-32 As adult 15-15-15-15 1 3 1 10
2x2 Ø 35 4x1 28-28-28-28 As adult 10 2x1 4 1 20-10 As adult 10
2x2 Ø 35 2x2 23-20 As adult 10 2x1 4 1 Single marker 10
2x2 Ø 35 2x2 19-17 As adult 10 2x1 4 1 10
2x2 Ø 35 2x2 15-14 As adult 10 2x1 4 1 20 feet
4x4 Ø 20 1x4 11 As adult 20 feet
Marked Animal Round markers:
Junior distances may not be more than 50 yards and
Cubs shoot distances up to 30 yards. Age group Target group Distance Marker colour
The colour of the shooting markers for the Hunter Adult, Veteran,
All groups All distances Yellow
Round may differ for each age group to avoid Young Adult
possible confusion. Group 1 Blue
Junior All other
All other groups Yellow *
Hunter Round markers:
Cub All distances Black
Age group Target size Distance Marker colour *: The marker can be yellow and blue to avoid
Adult, Veteran, possible confusion by inexperienced juniors.
All sizes All distances Red
Young Adult
Ø 65 50, 50, 45 Blue A double marker lay-out shall be used for all IFAA
Junior Ø 50 41 Blue sanctioned tournaments.
All other
All other sizes Red *
distances Combining marked Rounds on a single course
Cub All distances Black When tournaments are hosted with less than 120
participants, the three Rounds can be combined on
*: The marker can be red and blue to avoid possible a single course.
confusion by inexperienced juniors. In this way the course is “maximised” and the same
: See comments below the Field Round Markers target butts can be used for the full tournament,
table. thus greatly reducing the costs as well as minimizing
the required number of Range Marshals and other
A single or double marker lay-out may be used; maintenance volunteers.
however a double marker lay-out is preferred for Care must be taken when setting out a combined
IFAA sanctioned tournaments. course: Always set out the Cub distance first to
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
assure that there are no obstacles closer to the Setting out unmarked distances
target. (see illustrations on page 3) The IFAA recognises three different unmarked
Rounds, all of which are shot in the Wold
The way to read the chart: Bowhunter Championships and the various Regional
Bowhunter Championships:
Read the distances from left to right. The Unmarked Animal Round
The first target will have a 65cm face for the Field The lay-out of the Unmarked Animal Round is
Round and the Hunter Round and a Group 1 face identical to the Marked Animal Round; however the
for the Marked Animal Round. shooting distances are not marked on the indicator
board or on the markers. The walk-up distances
On that target the Cubs shoot the four arrow 30 however are the same.
Yard walk-up for the Field and Hunter Round and Markers are the same as those for the Marked
the three arrow walk-up for the Animal Round. Animal Round. (Double marker lay-out)
The Unmarked Animal Round can be either made
The Veterans, Adults and Young Adults shoot on the up of animal faces or 3D targets, but may not be
same target, but they shoot the four arrow 80 yards combined on the same course.
walk-up for the Field Round and the 70 yards walk- Unlike the Marked Animal Round, where a standard
up for the Hunter Round. unit consists of 14 targets, the Unmarked Animal
The Juniors shoot 50 yards on the same target. Round standard unit consists of 28 targets.
For the Marked Animal Round the Veterans, Adults The 3D Hunting Round
Like the Unmarked Animal Round, this Round also
and Young Adults shoot the same distances (see the
consists of 28 targets.
table in the left column) as a walk-up of maximal
This round only allows for 3D targets and faces or
three arrows and Juniors shoot all arrows from the
silhouettes may not be used.
front marker.
Keep in mind that distances do not follow the chart
A single or double marker layout is permitted.
in sequence, but distances are mixed at random.
Markers are the same as those of the Unmarked
Animal Round (yellow, blue and black).
No distances shall be shown on the indicator board
or on the markers.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
The distances for each group of target will be as Normally the scoring is indicated on the score sheet
follows: that an archers carries with him during the day’s
shoot to record the score of each arrow.
Target Number of Maximum distance On completion of the day’s shoot the archer
Group targets per Veterans/Adults/ summarises the score and signs the score sheet off
number Group Juniors Cubs
Young Adults as being correct, countersigned by the scorer of the
1 6 60 Y 50 Y 30 Y target group. Irrespective of what the scorer
2 6 45 Y 45 Y 25 Y records, the archer must check the score before
3 8 35 Y 35 Y 20 Y signing off. The archer remains responsible for the
4 8 20 Y 20 Y 10 Y correctness of the score!
It is recommended that waterproof pens are used
for score recording, especially in rainy weather.
The 3D Standard Round
Like the 3D Hunting Round, this round also consists
of 28 targets and only 3D targets shall be used.
The 3D standard round however has two markers,
each at a different distance from the target.
Shooting sequence
Shooting positions and shooting sequence vary
from Round to Round and from target to target:
Marked distances
Field Round.
This round has ten targets with a single shooting
position, meaning that there is only one marker per
shooter and each shooter shoots four arrows from
the same marker. An arrow must break the score dividing line to be
scored the higher value.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Unmarked distances
The Unmarked Animal Round
The Unmarked Animal Round may either be made
up of flat animal faces or 3D targets. They may
however not be combined on the same course.
Figure 1
The arrows must break through the line!
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Note: Shooting more or less straight up or straight
down, archers have to see it to believe it, let them
try their 20 yards mark/sight pin.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
The downhill standard position is a swing in the hips Or even face the target with whole body and twist
to the rear and a wide stance. upper body towards the target face. Although
For steep downhill shots let the archer take an open anatomical not reasonable it is only for a maximum
stance and move their hips away from the target; of four shots and archer has a good balance.
have the archer straighten their upper body before
the draw. The steeper downhill the shot the more Examples of common mistakes
the archer has to open their stance. Hips not forward enough, giving wrong shoulder
and bow arm position, shorter draw length and
probably a bad release.
Tilting the bow causing left or right hits.
Bent knees give unstable shooting.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
When shooting at a target across a slope the
probability of hitting on the downhill side of the
face is greater than hitting on the uphill side.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
An archer should not adjust the sight when the Prepare the shot by leaning the top of the bow
arrows hit the downhill side of the target. He should towards the hill. At full draw, check your vertical
just aim uphill on the next arrow or tilt the bow in alignment using the image of the vertical trunk
the uphill direction. of a tree, or through an imaginary vertical line
through the target.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
towards the target until all archers in the group distance. An error of X% in the 10 yards guess
have completed their shots implies an error of X% error in the estimated
Exercise techniques to range finding 7. Try to find a point half-way to a “target” and
Unless you regularly practise the various techniques estimate the distance to that point. Then double
of range finding, you will never become a good 3D this distance and find the estimated distance to
archer or “bowhunter” and you will lose or break that target. X% error in the half-way guess will
many arrows during a tournament. result in a 2X% error in the estimated distance.
Range finding without using a sight
1. Judging by feel
This means that an archer learns to judge the
distance by “feeling” the size of the target in
relation to the distance. In order to do this he
needs to practice a lot, e.g. take different 3D
targets or animal faces and place them in the
field at random and judge the distance and then
measure them.
2. Notice the different sizes of animal faces or 3D
targets on various distances (start with the
maximum distances), shoot at the targets while
getting accustomed with their sizes.
3. Locate the animal faces or 3D targets in the field,
judge the distance by ‘feeling’, shoot at them,
measure the distance using a measuring-line or
by counting steps. Always remember the Range finding requires various techniques,
maximum distance 3D target according to the depending on the preferred shooting style of the
rules. It is common to judge the distance too archer.
4. A good distance training exercise is that the 8. An archer can get some information by looking
archer takes a distance finder and goes for a through the binoculars at arrow holes punched
walk in the countryside, woods or mountains. in the animal face or 3D target. If, for example,
Guess the distance to randomly chosen trees, most of the holes are below the kill zone, it
plants or objects. Then check the accuracy by indicates that many of the preceding archers did
measuring with the range finder. underestimate the distance. An archer might
5. Learn how distances of 10 yards look like in therefore deduce that the target is further away
various terrains. than it looks like.
Irrespective of the position of most of the
arrow holes, trust your own judgement!
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
To practice shooting on soft ground use an inner shoot standing and kneeling to get the feeling of
tube from a tyre, filled with air to approximately shooting uphill and downhill.
three quarters and a strong board placed over it
in the middle. Let the archer focus his attention
on the target which will distract his attention
from the stand.
Open and closed stances should be practiced.
Place a chair with the back facing the target and
let the archer shoot with one foot on the seat.
Observe the body alignment; the standing leg,
on which the archer puts the bodyweight, should
be in a straight line with the body whilst the
other leg is ‘resting’ on the chair.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Practice the uphill and downhill circumstances kind of weather conditions and with a couple pairs
by stretching all the way up as far as possible of socks to be used only at training sessions and
and then come back to straight shooting position tournaments.
when you haven’t got a target placed at high Make sure that the walking boots have a good
position profile to deal with the natural surroundings that
(Arrows should not be in the bow for this may be very slippery due to rainy weather and soft
exercise). underground. Solid walking boots are necessary for
To simulate shooting uphill you could make use a good stance in the field, to protect the ankles (to
of a target at high level with a pulley avoid a sprained ankle) and for a safe walk from one
construction, downhill can be practiced from a target to another in natural surroundings in all
table platform as used by building contractors. weather conditions.
For rainy weather or for high grass, boot protection
is advisable and some form of canvas gators may be
The field archer needs to plan for the whole course,
decide what kind of food and drinks they need for a
whole day of competition, which spare equipment
to take along on the field. They have to carry
whatever they need through the field them self.
As weather conditions can change, they have to
learn to experiment with clothing and equipment in
order to be prepared for ‘everything’. Clothing
The archer has to make a choice of footwear,
waterproof walking boots. Try out the boots in all
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Gloves are recommended for the periods between
shooting. Also a pouch (self-made) attached to the
archer’s belt to warm the hands is recommended;
there are different kinds of warming devices which
can be placed into the pouch.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
Some archers may carry with them a small first aid
kit and spray against insects and sun protection.
Some archers prefer a belt to carry their needs,
besides the quiver, during the field tournament but
many archers prefer a backpack with a seat so that
they can sit down during the waiting time at
A good backpack must be waterproof and strong
enough to sit on, have different compartments,
good shoulder pads / carrying strap.
Such backpack should include a small towel to dry
parts of the equipment as well as cleaning aids for
Binoculars should be easily reachable to use. Get the various sight parts and glasses.
used to using the binoculars after each shot or even Try and get used to carrying the backpack on two
before shooting to gather information from the shoulders. Carrying the backpack on one shoulder
target face. could overburden this shoulder.
As arrows are shot from different angles at target
faces and 3D targets the impact of the arrows are Spare parts
such that the archer may see the arrow nock in the The IFAA allows an archer to leave the course under
“4” while the arrow point lies in the “5”. guidance of a Range Officer in the event of a
“Spotting”, meaning that another archer in the genuine equipment breakage (e.g. broken limb or
target group checks the position of the arrow and riser, snapped bow string, trigger release, etc.).
let you know, is allowed in IFAA archery, however Damage to equipment caused by wear and tear is
always keep in mind that you always will be seen to be part of bad equipment maintenance and
responsible for the arrow score and have no cause the archer will need to make repairs on the range.
to ask for another arrow when the “spotter” reads
the position of the arrow wrong. Always check the Decide which spare equipment to take along on the
arrow position with your binoculars before you field course. This is an individual mater for the
move away from the shooting marker. archer and the shooting style. A compound archer
will most probably take more spare parts into the
Backpack and belt field than a longbow or bare bow archer.
An archer should familiarise himself with the sort of A knife should be part of the archer’s equipment.
backpack or belt that would be best for him. A good
backpack is a must for field archery as the archer Nutrition
may stay out on the field course the whole day Decide what kind of food and drinks to take along
without the opportunity to leave the field and fetch for a whole day of competition.
something. Nutrition is one of the most important aspects for
The archer needs for example up to 2 litres# of athletes because of the increased need for energy.
drinks, food, spare parts and possibly wet weather The energy expenditure of an adult amounts to
clothing. approximately 2000 to 2800 calories per day.
Note #: IFAA tournaments require at least two rest Physical activity by means of competition will
areas where drinks and food will be available. increase the daily expenditure by 1000 to 2000
During very dry and hot conditions free water must calories, depending on physical fitness, duration,
be made available to the competitors on every and type of intensity of the activity. For this reason
seven targets. an archer must adapt the energy intake by
increasing food consumption, according to the level
of daily energy expenditure.
This increased food intake should be well balanced.
Large perspiration losses may pose a risk to health
by inducing severe dehydration, impaired blood
circulation and heat dissipation, leading to heat
exhaustion and collapse.
Food and meals to be ingested shortly before and
during training, or during a small break between
training or competition periods, should be adapted
to specific ingestion and assimilation conditions,
30 | P a g e
IFAA Field and 3D Archery
which depend on the nature and circumstances of No tracks or roads may be situated directly
our sport. behind a target.
The archer should find the right balance for food Inspect the field for hazardous objects especially
intake and drinking. It has to be tried out during after stormy weather conditions.
training and competition. Inspect the targets in the mornings, before the
As field archers may have to carry their food and shoot starts: the target butts or 3D should be
drinks for the whole day (i.e. not use the catering firmly anchored so that they will not tip over.
facilities on the courses), the archer should carefully Beware of the safety zones especially with uphill
consider what to take. Advisable are the rich in targets before the start of the shoot and make
carbohydrate biscuits, chocolates and other high sure all is free of obstacles, and livestock.
energy foods as well as isotonic drinks that Have danger tape to mark safe walking paths to
replenish salts that are lost through perspiration. each target.
Again it is up to the archer to see what food and Have reserve target faces laid down behind the
drinks suits best and the only way to experience targets.
that is during an intensive training program and
competition. Always insure that there is sufficient Directional signs / Danger tape
water available. Care must be taken in the placement of the safe
path directional arrows. Although not mandatory in
Below are some basics concerning food and drinks: law, they are there for the guidance and safety of
the archers when they are travelling between
Have breakfast at least two hours the targets.
competition. They must not direct the archers, or spectators into
Drink only small amounts before the areas where there is a risk of flying arrows, or an
competition. area that may be considered a hazard due to the
Drink and eat small portions all day. If you thirsty terrain.
or hungry during the competition it is too late, If needed, extra directional arrows should be used,
you are already dehydrated and it could and an alternative route sought to guide those
influence your concentration. persons away from any hazard, but keeping them
Archers need up to 4 litres of liquid a day within the course boundaries.
especially during competition. Where an alternative cannot be found, the targets
After a day competition eat a carbohydrate rich in the area concerned must be relocated
meal within two hours. accordingly.
Shortly after the activity the body takes up the Any dangerous areas shall be taped off with the use
carbohydrates more easily than at a later time. A of danger tape.
spaghetti or macaroni meal is excellent. Unused tracks need be closed to archers and
Be careful with caffeine products such as coffee spectators to prevent people wandering around the
as they have the tendency to waste body fluid course.
(not to mention the heartbeat effects). Entrance to and exit from the course must be
Do not drink liquid that is too cold. clearly indicated, as well as any emergency exits.
Under no condition are archers or spectators
allowed to walk back against the layout “flow” of
SAFETY the course!
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
An emergency vehicle i.e. ambulance and first When looking for lost arrows make sure a bow is
aid personnel must be stationed at a central part placed in front of the target, or place a person
of the course(s) and be contactable at all times. near the target, so that it is visible for oncoming
A map that shows points of entrance to the archers to see that the target is not available.
various courses will be available at the
emergency vehicle as well as at all rest areas.
Rest areas should be accessible by motorised
Everyone on the course must be aware of the
basic IFAA rule to stop shooting when the
arranged emergency signal is given (e.g. three
loud blasts or shots).
First aid
It is the duty of every tournament organizer to have
a first aid station, supervised by a competent
person, established to cater for all situations likely
to occur.
At World or Regional Championship tournaments
the tournament organisers will require a mobile
emergency vehicle or ambulance for the duration of
the tournament.
In addition a means of communication must be
present, to enable help to be summoned from Keep in mind that “looking for arrows” may not
emergency services such as fire, police and delay the following groups. An archer is
ambulance. This can be in the form of a mobile expected to bring enough arrows to complete
telephone or two way radio base station, regardless the day’s shoot.
of which, it must be tested by a competent person
to ensure that a connection can be made to the Duty of care of participants
relevant Services before the event commences. It is the responsibility of each archer
participating in any field archery event to ensure
Individual safety that the equipment they use is in a safe
Behave in a responsible manner and behave in condition and within the guidelines laid down by
the manner described in the IFAA Code of the equipment manufacturer and rules of the
conduct. tournament, and is capable of withstanding the
Do not move into dangerous terrain. requirements of a field archery course.
Watch where they walk going to a target to It is their further responsibility to decline any
score, and when walking on to the next target. shot that they consider too dangerous. The
When going downhill try and keep equipment in target captain shall report to the Range Officer
one hand, away from the hillside, thus keeping any matter that is deemed to be hazardous to
the other hand free for safety reasons. the health and safety of any participant or
Be alert for the unexpected in the field such as spectator.
wanderers, bikers, dogs, horse riders, etc. Participants can also be in breach of the duty of
Do not run! care regulations by not adhering to laid down
rules and regulations, which result in negligence,
Safety within the target group
caused by their own acts or omissions.
Safety in the group is the responsibility of all the
members in the group. When two archers are Personal protective clothing
shooting the rest of the group will be on the Field Archery can be a hazardous sport both from
lookout for any dangerous situations. the equipment in use and the condition of the
Under no circumstances should anyone shoot if course. It is the responsibility of each archer to take
someone is in the field near the targets, this also whatever steps deemed necessary to ensure their
includes all animal life. personal safety and protection against equipment
Care should be taken when drawing arrows out failure in addition to the elements of weather and
of the target, especially when there is an uneven terrain.
area in front of the targets.
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IFAA Field and 3D Archery
For cubs, the onus is on the tournament organizers
or appointed guardians to ensure those in their care
are suitably protected
Lost arrows
Every effort should be made to recover lost arrows
on the course.
If they cannot be found during the course of the
day’s shoot (you are not allowed to unduly delay
the following group), the archer is expected to
come back later and try to retrieve the lost arrows.
Archers who find lost arrows that do not belong to
him are expected to bring these arrows at the end
of the day’s shoot and deposit them in the
collection bin at the registration offices.
Normally a concentrated search should be carried
out to recover any arrows, so as to reduce the
possibility of injury at a later date to either
pedestrians or livestock.
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