GR2 Research

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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales



Prepared and submitted by Ma. Joice Anne Roque, Jessa Corpuz, Danila Flores, Rachel

Nomasnero, Janine Estrada, Mc Mon Longcop, Jomil Hilario, Jomar Magtibay

is hereby recommended for oral examination.

May Rowena B. Andres

Practical Research 2 – Adviser

Approved by the Committee Oral Examiners


Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

The researchers would like to express their deep gratitude and appreciation to the


First and foremost, to God Almighty for the knowledge, wisdom, strength,

courage, and guidance He gave to the researchers while doing the research;

To Mrs. May Rowena B. Andres, Practical Research adviser for extending her

hard work in giving advice to the researchers in improving their research;

To all Senior High School students of Castillejos National High School who

participated genuinely in answering the survey questionnaires given and cooperation in

making the research;

To the family and friends of the researchers for giving them invaluable support,

not only financially but also morally.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
Table of Content

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
List of Tables

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
List of Figures

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
Chapter I

The Problem and its Background


Students are required to have a proper haircut, so they can have a good looking

personality. Hair length of each student has an effect on child’s education. Parents should

teach their siblings to follow the school rules and regulation.

Over the years, we’ve been gathering our own haircut since we were young. First

of all, if the school has no rules and regulation about the proper haircut of their students,

a lot of them will feel less worried about their hairstyle. Second is we as teenagers is like

to explore or discover more things. We are the millennial that have new hairstyles and

new fashions on today’s generation. Some of us want to more unique other than students

in the school and have no rights to feel comfortable. Third is what’s wrong with students

want to have a hairstyle, it does not affect the student “smartness” or what so ever.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
II. Significance of the study

The finding of the study may provide deeper insights on how students will follow

having a proper haircut. The study determined the significant effect of having improper


To the students, the result may serve as a way to have a good school


Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
III. Statement of the problem

The purpose in this study is to inform each of the students of Castillejos National

High School to have a proper haircut because having a proper haircut is one of the school


Specifically, it seeks answers to the following question.

1. What are the effect on having an improper haircut?

2. What are the reason of having proper haircut?

3. How will this help them when they have proper hair cut?

4. Why does students having improper haircut?

5. Why does students need to have proper haircut?

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
IV. Scope and Delimitation

This study was focused on the factors of why students need to have proper

haircut. Some students of Castillejos National High School didn’t following the proper

haircut because they said that wasn’t good looking to me.

In this study, the students school performance affected by the improper haircut.

The study considered the Castillejos National High School as the research locale

of the research problem.

Specifically, the reason why we do a research about the proper haircut of the

study because we want to inform everyone why they are not following the proper haircut

and why they need to have it.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales




Incidents of Forced Haircut in Valencia City Central Elementary School

(VCCES). Sometime in November 2011, a few days after the celebration of All

Saint’s Day, an incident of forced hair cutting came to the attention of this author.

Several pupils in Grades 1 and 3 were subjected by a certain Mr. Flores to a forced

haircut. Flores entered each classroom and picked several pupils who were sporting

“un-prescribed haircut.” He then started cutting the hair (pinahakan) of hapless

students in front of the whole class. One pupil felt terribly embarrassed because his

classmates were laughing at him.

After the incident, this author visited the office of Ms. Margie M. Bayagna, the

principal of VCCES, to point out that forced hair cutting, as a form of disciplinary

measure, can be considered corporal punishment and tantamount to child abuse. It

clearly violates the DepEd’s standing order against the application of corporal

punishment in schools. Ms. Bayagna stressed that the pupils were informed about the

“scheduled forced hair cutting” during the previous day’s flag raising ceremony. She

also added that such disciplinary measure was a standing policy of VCCES.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

After a pleasant discussion and exchange of ideas, the good principal promised to

look deeply into the matter and make appropriate actions, if necessary. I belatedly

heard that in a general assembly called by the school in late November, the parents

were ‘advised’ that their children can be subjected to forced hair cutting if they

continue to sport ‘un-prescribed’ haircut.




Hair color and hair length do not, in any way, affect a student's academic

performance, and these surely do not determine an individual's morality. The

university being a Catholic institution would also not be considered a justification

since there is no Papal Encyclical, Apostolic/Pastoral Exhortation, or anything written

in the Bible which states that a person is immoral or less of a person because of his

hair color or hair length. Having short hair (for men) or having black or "earth-

colored" hair does not equate to being morally good. "Even Jesus Christ had long

hair," students would even point out. This is a clear manifestation that both hair color

and hair length do not define one’s being.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales
Moreover, it is misleading to reason out that students must look “decent”– for

there is no definite image of how a decent person must look like.

Also, the meaning of the word “decent” itself would be subjective to how people

would define it.

The idea that these students would eventually need to have “proper grooming”

once they enter the corporate world should also be crossed out since there are people

with corporate jobs having different hair color, long hair, or various hair styles, and

these do not affect their performance in their work.



Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

The study focuses on Hair Cut Preference for Student in Senior High School.

 Why the
students do not
follow the rules
of proper
haircut?  Because our
hair does not
 Why all the
affect our study.
students have
their own  As a millennial
hairstyle? we have our
 Survey
 Why is it unique style.
 Because it is
important to the
students to have one of our asset
their own to gain more
hairstyle? confident.

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

Student’s reason why they want to have unique hairstyle because they

want to have cool looking style. Teachers want them each of the students to have

one hairstyle.

Parents must discipline their own child to have the proper student haircut.

Because some of the student that have a different hairstyle or cool hairstyle was

always in trouble.

According to other students having with improper haircut their studying is

not affected when they have long hair. When you have long hair you can still have

higher grades. You will get higher grade when you focus on studying. They are

not caught in trouble because they are disciplined to carry their own hairstyle

even though they have cool hairstyle. All we need to do is to have discipline to

our self.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

Some of the students are not following the proper haircut and their

teachers get mad with them. The reason why students need to have proper haircut

because they get disturb by having long hair. In girls it’s okay to have long hair

because it’s their fashion. Students having improper haircut looks them cool and

they want to have unique hairstyle.

Parents are responsible for seeing that students comply with the dress code

as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook of Assumption Catholic School.

Faculty members and administration share the responsibility for enforcement. The

school reserves the right to decide whether a student’s grooming is in accord with

the school standards.

Those in violation of the uniform and personal appearance codes will be

given notices of violation and they will be sent home from school if the problems

are repeated. All students will wear uniforms from the first day of school until the

close of the school year. Notices of exceptions to this rule will be sent in advance.

While there are many dress regulations, the overriding consideration must be

common sense and appropriateness.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

1. Terribly - extremely bad: such as

a: notably unattractive or objectionable.

2. Embarrassed - to make someone feel confused and foolish in front of

other people.

3. Implement – an object used to do work.

4. Prohibition – the act of not allowing something to be used or done.

5. Manifestation – a sign that shows something clearly.

6. Encyclical – addressed to all the individuals of a group.

7. Decent – showing kindness seeming to care about the feelings or problems of

other people.

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Castillejos National High School
Senior High School
Castillejos, Zambales

8. Misleading – to cause someone to believe something that is not true.

9. Various – use to refer to several different or many different things.

10. Exhortation – an act or instance of exhorting.


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