(Course Outline) BUS301

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Course Outline: Spring 2016
International Business (BUS 301)

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them”

Days Time Room No

3 Sun & Tues 11:00 – 12:20 UB20203
4 Mon & Wed 05:00 – 06:20 UB20102

Instructor: Reem Quashem

Office : UB20704
E-mail : [email protected]

Consultation Hours


Sun & Tues 12:30-1:50 UB 20704
12:30-1:50 &
Mon & Wed UB 20704
03:30 – 4:50
Thurs 12:30 – 3:20 UB 20704

International Business is a core course for all the students in the BBA program. The course
focuses on firms that do not limit their operations to a single nation. The subject discusses
issues related to these firms and how they operate in the global market and the theories which
underlie it. This subject also examines the formal and informal institutions which may create
challenges on the environment the business is operating and how to overcome it.

Course Aims and Outcomes:

 Understand the main drivers of globalization, appreciate the changing nature of global
economy and familiarize with the processes of globalization is creating opportunities
and challenges for business managers.
 Identify the business and economic implications if differences in culture and develop an
appreciation for the economic and business implications of cultural change.

 Be familiar with the different theories explaining trade flows between nations and
understand the important implications that international trade theory holds for business
 Be familiar with the current trend regarding FDI in the world economy and understand
the benefits of FDI to both home and host countries. Be able to articulate the
implications for management practice of the theory and government policies associated
with FDI.
 Understand the economic and political arguments for and against regional economic
integration and be familiar with the history, current scope, and future prospects of the
world’s most important regional economic agreements.
 Understand how pressures for cost reductions and pressures for local responsiveness
influence strategic choice and be familiar with different strategies for competing globally
and their pros and cons.
 Be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the different modes that firms use
to enter foreign markets and identify the factors that influence a firm’s choice of entry

Mechanisms to achieve course objectives:

 Throughout the session the students will be provided with different reading materials
on International Business covering both local and international issues.
 Highly interactive class hours will be held for class discussion, clarifying the issues from
the text and reading materials.
 From time to case study analyses will be done on real situation on best practices of
international corporations.
 In order to gain more practical knowledge on foreign companies are operating;
assignments and other research work have to be done on local companies.
 At least one session will be conducted by a practitioner who will be an expert in
handling tools and tactics of international business.
 Orientation to business software used in organization to gauge employee behaviour will
be done through attending seminars and watching some related videos.

Skills to be developed:

1. Communication ( oral & written ) Through Assignments, case study discussions

and Examinations
2. Analytical Through Case studies and examinations
3. Team Work Through Case studies
4. Creative Thinking Through Case studies , assignments, classroom
5. Adaptability to change Through Case studies, and examinations,
assignments through changing group partners
6. Ethics Through Lectures and assignment

7. Use of Information Technology Through Use of PCs , Internet , Statistical data
base in the library
8. International issues Through case studies, assignments , classroom
discussion, and examination


The concepts will be discussed first in the class lectures. There will be discussion in the class
involving all the students and class participation will be highly encouraged. Students are
expected to make full use of the consultation hours along with the lecture classes to have full
understanding of the topics.

Teaching Techniques: Achieving Learning Objectives

The course will accomplish these learning objectives through a diverse mix of methods and
activities, including:

 Lectures and presentations

 Analysis and discussion of latest events
 Team & Individual Assignments
 Team-activities and exercises
 Case studies: Creative thinking & problem solving
 Interactive learning: Real-life examples
 Field Study/ Study Tour


1. Attendance & Participation:

Attendance and participation in class discussions (or lack thereof) will be evaluated and taken
into consideration when final grades are being prepared. Students cannot participate if they are
not present in class. Also, additional information may be covered in class which you will be
responsible for on unscheduled quizzes or on the mid-term examination. Students are expected
to contribute to class discussion by sharing their viewpoints, comments and questions.

2. Quizzes/Class tests:
Two announced quizzes will be taken throughout the semester. Best one will be considered.
There will be absolutely no make-up quizzes.

3. Examination
There will be two exams- midterm and final. The mid-term exam can be a combination of short
questions, broad questions and small cases. However, the final examination will be comprehensive.
Midterm exam will take place on the midterm week during regular class hour. It is a 70-80
minutes exam and the syllabus includes the concepts discussed by the middle of the semester.
The exam will comprise of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, problem solving.
Note: There will be no makeup midterm unless there is a valid reason and that again is at the
discretion of the registrar’s office.

4. Assignments:
Comprehensive problems related to the course will be assigned during the semester to be
solved. Assignments or case study should be hand written and submitted timely. Delay in
submission will result in cancellation of the allotted marks.

5. Punctuality:
The students of this university are expected to be punctual and manage time effectively and
efficiently. Thus students must strive to meet the deadlines. Marks will be penalized in case if a
student fails to meet the respective deadlines of assignments/course works/ projects/reports
Students are expected to attend classes ON TIME, preferably few minutes before the beginning
of the class.
No matter what, a student must not disturb others in any way or form in the class. Ringing of
cell phones hampers the environment of the class room. Therefore cell phones should be
turned off, or at least kept on silent mode.

6. Group project:
Written project: Each group will be assigned with a project topic by the course instructor. They
have to complete the project paper. The instructions for preparing it will be discussed in the
class. The term paper must be submitted on time.

Presentation The project paper has to be defended through group presentation. Groups are
expected to make professional presentations to classes. Students will also be expected to dress
in business attire when making their formal presentations.

7. Plagiarism:
No form of plagiarism or other academic dishonesty will be tolerated. A common form of
plagiarism today is cutting and pasting text from websites into one’s own page without
referencing or other attribution. This amounts to presenting another’s work as your own is not

-This specification is a rough guideline of the course, and the instructor reserves the right to
change/modify/add the contents of this specification at any time during the course with
sufficient notices.

Charles. W. L. Hill. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. 10 th Edition,
McGraw- Hill.

Additional References:
International Journals- Use Pro Quest and Finearticles.com
The Economist http://www.economist.com/
Wall Street Journal http://online.wsj.com/public/us
Far Eastern Economic Review http://www.feer.com
International Trade Association at http://www.ita.doc.gov
World Fact Book at http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook
World Bank at http://www.worldbank.org
International Monetary Fund at http://www.imf.org
Current country information at http://www.yahoo.com/regional/countries
European Union at http://www.europa.eu.int
World Export-Import Bank of the United States at http://www.exim.gov

I will assign supplementary reading from newspaper, magazine, article and other reading
materials as we progress. In addition to the assigned text material, we will discuss case studies
and relevant news about ongoing Global Business.

Attendance Policy
90% and above 5 Marks
85% to less than 90% 4 Marks
80% to less than 85% 3 Marks
75% to less than 80% 2 Marks
70% to less than 75% 1 Marks
Less than 70% 0 Marks

Course evaluation:

Quizzes 10%
Midterm Examination 20%
Final Examination 40%
Term Paper & Presentation 20%
Class Participation 5%
Attendance 5%
Total 100%

Day wise learning facilitation Schedule

Session Topics Attention
1 Orientation
2 Chapter: 01 Globalization
3 Chapter: 01 Globalization
4 Chapter: 04 Differences in Culture
5 Chapter: 04 Differences in Culture
Quiz 1
6 Chapter: 06
International Trade Theory
7 Chapter: 06 International Trade Theory
8 Chapter: 06 International Trade Theory
9 Chapter: 08 Foreign Direct Investment
10 Chapter: 08 Foreign Direct Investment
Quiz 2
11 Chapter: 09
Regional Economic Integration
12 Chapter: 09 Regional Economic Integration
13 Review
14 Midterm Exam
15 Chapter: 13 Strategy in International Business
16 Chapter: 13 Strategy in International Business
17 Chapter: 15 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances
18 Chapter: 15 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances
Quiz 3 (Ch: 12,14)
19 Chapter: 18
Global Human Resource Management
20 Chapter: 18 Global Human Resource Management
21 Chapter: 18 Global Human Resource Management
22 Review
23 Project Presentation
24 Project Presentation
Final Examination

**The course outline, calendar and any rules etc. mentioned here is a rough guideline for the course, and may
change if the need arises.

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