CCNA Security Lab 17 - Cisco SDM One-Step Lockdown - SDM

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CCNA Security Lab 17 - Cisco SDM One-Step Lockdown - SDM

Lab 17

Cisco SDM One-Step Lockdown

Lab Objective:

The objective of this lab exercise is for you to learn and understand how use

the Cisco SDM One-Step Lockdown feature.

Lab Purpose:

The Cisco SDM One-Step Lockdown feature tests your router configuration for any

potential security problems and automatically makes any necessary configuration

changes to correct any problems found. This is similar to the Cisco IOS Auto

Secure feature.

Lab Difficulty:

This lab has a difficulty rating of 5/10.

Readiness Assessment:

When you are ready for your certification exam, you should complete this lab in

no more than 15 minutes.

Lab Topology:

Please use the following topology to complete this lab exercise:

Lab 17 Configuration Tasks

Task 1:

Configure the hostname on R1 as illustrated in the diagram. In addition to this,

configure Host 1 with the IP address illustrated. Because Host 1 and R1 are on

the same subnet, you do not need to configure a default gateway on Host 1.

However, ensure that Host 1 can ping R1.

Task 2:

Configure the username sdmadmin with

a privilege level of 15 and a password of security on R1. In addition to this, enable SSH using default parameters, as

well as HTTPS on R1. HTTPS users should be authenticated using the local router

database. Configure

as the domain name on R1.

Task 3:
Task 3:

Access R1 via SDM from Host 1 and navigate to the SDM One-Step Lockdow n feature.

Initiate this feature and familiarize yourself with navigating SDM to implement

One-Step Lockdown.

Lab 17 Configuration and Verification

Task 1:

Router(config)#hostname R1

R1(config)#int fastethernet0/0

R1(config-if)#ip address

R1(config-if)#no shutdown




Task 2:

R1(config)#username sdmadmin privilege 15 secret security

R1(config)#ip domain-name

R1(config)#crypto key generate rsa

The name for the keys will be:

Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your

General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take

a few minutes.

How many bits in the modulus [512]:

% Generating 512 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]

R1(config)#ip http secure-server

R1(config)#ip http authentication local



Task 3:

To access a Cisco IOS router using SDM, you either need SDM installed on the local machine or you can simply use
any web browser and connect to the router using the format to reach the device. Either method
works in the same manner. This example will be based on SDM installed on the local computer:

Next, log into SDM using the username and password pair configured on R1 and click OK:
Once you have successfully logged into SDM, navigate to the Configure radio button — next to the Home button —
in the top LEFT hand corner:
Next, click on the Security Audit button to take you to the next screen:
Once you are on the Security Audit page, click on the One-step lockdown radio button on the very bottom of the

This will bring up a warning; click on Yes to initialize the Security Audit:
When the Wizard has run, click on the Deliver radio button:

Once SDM has configured the router with the recommendations, click on Ok to accept:
To verify your work, click on View — at the top of the Taskbar — and select Running Config…
This opens up a box with the current running configuration. Scroll through the configuration an familiarize yourself
with the configurations that are implemented by One-Step Lockdown:

Lab 17 Configurations

R1 Configuration

R1#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3566 bytes

version 12.4

no service pad

service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp keepalives in

service tcp-keepalives-out

service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone

service password-encryption

service sequence-numbers

hostname R1



security authentication failure rate 3 log

security passwords min-length 6

logging buffered 51200

logging console critical

aaa new -model

aaa authentication login local_authen local

aaa authorization exec local_author local

aaa session-id common

no network-clock-participate slot 1

no network-clock-participate w ic 0

no ip source-route

ip cef

no ip bootp server

ip domain name

multilink bundle-name authenticated

crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-533650306

crypto pki trustpoint TP self signed 533650306

enrollment selfsigned

subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-533650306

revocation-check none

rsakeypair TP-self-signed-533650306

crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-533650306

certificate self-signed 02

30820249 308201B2 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030

30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274

69666963 6174652D 35333336 35303330 36301E17 0D303230 33303130 31323931

385A170D 32303031 30313030 30303030 5A303031 2E302C06 03550403 1325494F

532D5365 6C662D53 69676E65 642D4365 72746966 69636174 652D3533 33363530

33303630 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100

A10043E2 FB10C1D1 BA18F3AD 554F081C ACA14F4C EA48E0C1 4739653D B7759EE7

8EB29881 7F391723 E2BB7EC6 54EB6F25 B4E94520 DF8DA15C 3B9E6F7C 3AA57549

80AB643F A9427071 965DD56A 2D3E60CE 775F2ED5 C9014FCD F313F3EB B5189F62

09F461BC 32E3E78F F93C8B07 0740DDA8 7B880D1B A3185787 CE621B35 3511A9D5

02030100 01A37330 71300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301E 0603551D

11041730 15821352 312E686F 77746F6E 6574776F 726B2E6E 6574301F 0603551D

23041830 168014CD 63D2C471 B7ABA4AC F9C2B602 0D4A8954 71C7F930 1D060355

1D0E0416 0414CD63 D2C471B7 ABA4ACF9 C2B6020D 4A895471 C7F9300D 06092A86

4886F70D 01010405 00038181 0099F99A BE0C1D81 E0A31811 9FA6698A 7D703A20

7A5CA49E 61A7FB5C FB0168D9 82064939 C0304B8B F1FA8654 DF2823CD D73C2664

3B2B0C33 C1F6778C 4E3F59CB 08C11522 6BBC783C 6668E63C 7F6323EA F7E5FC8D

42036432 34ACE605 AF94F67D A963A77F 7DF221AD 98772A67 4E08D7BF 6558FF99

F5FA081C EC555DFC 49B89A6A 2E


username farai privilege 15 secret 5 $1$Eieg$ylhjr3td1Em4j/2K261Pm/

username sdmadmin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$Qfwn$rxYBRsMieBo4YDasMAI8B1


log config



ip tcp synw ait-time 10

ip ssh time-out 60

ip ssh authentication-retries 2

interface Null0

no ip unreachables

interface FastEthernet0/0

ip address

no ip redirects

no ip unreachables

no ip proxy-arp

ip route-cache flow

duplex auto

speed auto

no mop enabled

interface Serial0/0

no ip address

no ip redirects

no ip unreachables

no ip proxy-arp

ip route-cache flow

shutdow n

ip forward-protocol nd

ip http server

ip http authentication local

ip http secure-server

logging trap debugging

no cdp run



banner login ^CAuthorized access only!

Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!


line con 0

login authentication local_authen

line aux 0

login authentication local_authen

line vty 0 4

privilege level 15

password 7 13061E010803

authorization exec local_author

login authentication local_authen

transport input ssh

scheduler allocate 4000 1000


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