Flow Through Pipes PDF
Flow Through Pipes PDF
Flow Through Pipes PDF
Laminar flow is regular and smooth and velocity at any point practically remains constant
in magnitude & direction. Therefore, the flow is also known as stream Line flow. There
will be no exchange of fluid particles from one layer to another. Thus there will be no
momentum transmission from one layer to another. Ex: Flow of thick oil in narrow
tubes, flow of Ground Water, Flow of Blood in blood vessels.
Transition flow:
In such a type of flow the stream lines get disturbed a little. This type of flow
occurs when 2000< Re < 4000.
Consider the flow through a straight horizontal pipe of diameter D, Length L, between two sections (1) & (2)
as shown. Let P1 & P2 be the pressures at these sections. To is the shear stress acting along the pipe
(1) (2)
p1 D p2
Flow (V)
(1) (2)
(P1 − P2 ) πD = τ 0πDL
4τ L
or (P1 − P2 ) = 0 − − − (1)
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with the centre line of the pipe as
datum & considering head loss due to friction hf,.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 2 + hf
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 Pipe is horizontal
V1 = V2
Pipe diameter is
same throughout
P1 − P2
∴ = h f − − − (2)
4τ 0 L h γD
h f xγ = orτ 0 = f − − − (3)
D 4l
f=Darcy’s friction factor (property of the pipe materials Mass density of the liquid.
V = velocity
Equations (3) & (4)
f h γD or 4 LfρV 2
ρV 2 = f hf =
8 4L 8γD
fLV 2
∴ h f = − − − (5)
2 gD
8 fLQ 2
∴ h f = 2 5 − − − (6)
gh D
D1 D2 D4
L1 D3
L2 L4
The total head loss due to friction hf for the entire pipe system is given by
h f = hf1 + hf 2 + hf3 + hf 4
Pipes in Parallel
L = L1 = L2 = L3
D1 Q1
D2 Q2
D3 Q3
D1, D2 and D3 are the pipe diameters. Length of each pipe is same, that is, L1=L2=L3
For pipes in parallel hf1=hf2=hf3 i.e
Equivalent pipe
D1 D2 D3 == Q D
L1 L3 L= L1+L2+L3
In practice adopting pipes in series may not be feasible due to the fact that they may be of
unistandard size (ie. May not be comemercially available) and they experience other
minor losses. Hence, the entire system will be replaced by a single pipe of uniform
diameter D, but of the same length L=L1+ L2+ L3 such that the head loss due to friction
for both the pipes, viz equivalent pipe & the compound pipe are the same.For a
compound pipe or pipes in series.
h f = hf1 + hf 2 + hf3
8 fLQ 2
hf = − − − ( 2)
gπ 2 D15
= 15 + 25 + 35
D D1 D2 D3
15 + 25 + 35
D1 D2 D3
1) Find the diameter of a Galvanized iron pipe required to carry a flow of 40lps of water, if the loss of head
is not to exceed 5m per 1km. Length of pipe, Assume f=0.02.
D=?, Q=40lps = 40x10-3 m3/s
hf=5m, L=1km = 1000m. f=0.02
Darcy’s equation is
8 fLQ 2
∴D = 2
gπ h f
8 x0.02 x1000 x(40 x10−3 ) 2 5
∴D =
9.81xπ 2 x5
D − 0.22m = 220mm
2) Two tanks are connected by a 500mm diameter 2500mm long pipe. Find the rate of
flow if the difference in water levels between the tanks is 20m. Take f=0.016. Neglect
minor losses.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with (2) as datum & considering head
loss due to friction hf only,
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + h f − − − (1)
γ 2g γ 2g
3) Water is supplied to a town of 0.5million inhabitants from a reservoir 25km away and
the loss of head due to friction in the pipe line is measured as 25m. Calculate the size of
the supply main, if each inhabitant uses 200 litres of water per day and 65% of the daily
supply is pumped in 8 ½ hours. Take f=0.0195.
Number of inhabitants = 5million = 5,00,000
Length of pipe = 25km = 25,000m.
Hf = 25m, D=?
Per capita daily demand = 200litres.
Total daily demand = 5,00,000x200= 100x106 litres.
Daily supply = 65/100 x 100x106 = 65,000m3.
Supply rate
Q= = 2.1248m / sec
8 fLQ 2
hf = 2 5
gπ D
8 x0.195 x 25,000 x(2.1248) 2 5
9.81xπ 2 x 25
D = 1.487 m
4) An existing pipe line 800m long consists of four sizes namely, 30cm for 175m, 25cm
dia for the next 200m, 20cm dia for the next 250m and 15cm for the remaining length.
Neglecting minor losses, find the diameter of the uniform pipe of 800m. Length to
replace the compound pipe.
L1=175m D1=0.3m
L2=200m D2=0.25m
L3=250m D3=0.20m
L4=175m D4=0.15m
For an equivalent pipe
L L1 L2 L3 L4
= + + +
D 5 D15 D25 D35 D45
∴D =
175 + 200 + 250 + 175
0.35 0.255 0.25 0.155
5) Two reservoirs are connected by four pipes laid in parallel, their respective diameters
being d, 1.5d, 2.5d and 3.4d respectively. They are all of same length L & have the same
friction factors f. Find the discharge through the larger pipes, if the smallest one carries
D1=d, D2 =1.5d, D3=2.5d, D4=3.4d
L1=L2=L3=L4= L.
Q1=45x10-3m3/sec, Q2=? Q3=? Q4=?
For pipes in parallel hf1=hf2=hf3=hf4 ,i.e.
2.5d 5
( )
−3 2
Q2 = x 45 x10 = 0.4446m 3 / sec
3.4d 5
( )
−3 2
Q2 = x 45 x10 = 0.9592m 3 / sec
6) Two pipe lines of same length but with different diameters 50cm and 75cm are made
to carry the same quantity of flow at the same Reynold’s number. What is the ratio of
head loss due to friction in the two pipes?
D1=0.5m, D2 =0.75m
(Re)1 = (Re)2,
ρ 2 D2V2
Reynold’s number Re=
ρ1 D1V1 ρ 2 D2V2
∴ =
µ1 µ2
V1 D1 = V2 D2 (Θ ρ1 = ρ 2 ) (µ1 = µ 2 )
0.5V1 = 0.75V2 V1 = 1.5V2
fLV 2
From Darcy’s equation hf =
2 gD
hf1 D2 V12
∴ = x
hf 2 D1 V22
0.75 1.5V2
= x = 3.375
0.5 V2
7) A 30cm diameter main is required for a town water supply. As pipes over 27.5cm
diameter are not readily available, it was decided to lay two parallel pipes of same
diameter. Find the diameter of the parallel pipes which will have the combined discharge
equal to the single pipe. Adopt same friction factor for all the pipes.
8 fL
2 − − − (2)
8 fLQ 2 hf =
gπ D
2 5
h f = 2 5 − − − (1)
gπ D
8 fL
8 fLQ 2 2
2 5 = 2 5
gπ D gπ D
1 1
∴ =
D1 4 D 5
0.2755 5
D = 0.205m ≥ 0.275m
8) Two reservoirs are connected by two parallel pipes. Their diameter are 300mm &
350mm and lengths are 3.15km and 3.5km respectively of the respective values of
coefficient of friction are 0.0216 and 0.0325. What will be the discharge from the larger
pipe, if the smaller one carries 285lps?
D1=300mm=0.3m, D2=-.350m
L1=3150m L2=3500m
F1=0.0216 f2=0.0325
Q1=0.285m3/sec Q2=?
8 f1 L1Q12 8 f 2 L2Q2 2
For parallel pipes hf = 2 5
= 2 5
gπ D1 gπ D2
f1 L1Q12 D25 2
∴ Q2 = 5
f 2 L2 D1
0.0216 x3150 x0.2852 x0.355 2
∴ Q2 =
0.0325 x3500 x0.35
Q2 = 0.324m 3 / sec
9) Consider two pipes of same lengths and having same roughness coefficient, but with
the diameter of one pipe being twice the other. Determine (I) the ratio of discharges
through these pipes, if the head loss due to friction for both the pipes is the same. (ii) the
ratio of the head loss due to friction, when both the pipes carry the same discharge.
f1=f2 D1=2D2 L1=L2
8 fLQ 2
hf = 2 5
gπ D
8 f1 L1Q12 8 f 2 L2Q22
∴ =
gπ 2 D15 gπ 2 D25
5 5
Q1 D1 2 2 D2 2
= = = 5.656
Q2 D2 D2
10) Two sharp ended pipes are 50mm & 105mm diameters and 200m length are
connected in parallel between two reservoirs which have a water level difference of 15m.
If the coefficient of friction for each pipes of 0.0215. Calculate the rate of flow in each
pipe and also diameter of a single pipe 200m long which would give the same discharge,
if it were substituted for the Original two pipes.
D1=0.015m, D2=0.105m, L1=L2=200m
H=15m, f1=f2=0.0215,
a) Q1=?, Q2=?
(b) D=?, when Q=Q1+Q2
15 x9.81xh 2 x0.055 2 −3 3
Q1 = = 3.63 x10 m / sec
8 x 0 . 0215 x 200
15 x9.81xh 2 x0.1055 2
Q1 = = 0.023 m / sec
2 3
8 x0.0215 x 200
( −3
b) Q = Q1 + Q2 = 3.63 x10 + 0.0232 = 0.02684m / sec
8 fLQ 2
hf =
gπ 2 D 5
8 x0.0215 x 200 x(0.02684 )2 5
∴D =
9.81xπ 2 x15
∴ D = 0.1112m = 11.12cm
11) Two pipes with diameters 2D and D are first connected in parallel and when a
discharge Q passes the head loss is H1, when the same pipes are Connected in series for
the same discharge the loss of head is H2. Find the relationship between H1 and H2.
Neglect minor losses. Both the pipes are of same length and have the same friction
H1 = head loss due to friction = hf = hf2i.e.
8 fLQ12 8 fLQ2 2
hf = 2 hf 2 = 2 5
− − − (1)
gπ ( 2 D ) gπ ( D )
Q1 + Q2 = Q − − − (2)
5.66Q2 + Q2 = Q ∴ Q2 = Q
8 fL Q 2
∴ H1 = 6.66 = 8 fLx 0.02256Q − − − (3)
gπ 2 D 5 gπ 2 D 5
8 fLQ 2 8 fLQ 2
hf = 2 5 +
gπ D gπ (2 D)
2 5
8 fLQ 2 1 1
∴ H2 = +
gπ 2 D 5 1 25
1.0312 x8 xflQ 2
H2 = − − − (4)
gπ 2 D 5
H1 0.02256 x8 xflQ 2 gπ 2 D 5
∴ = x
H2 gπ 2 D 5 1.0312 x8 flQ 2
H1 0.02256
= = 0.021876
H 2 1.0312
= 45.71
12) Two reservoirs are connected by a 3km long 250mm diameter. The difference in
water levels being 10m. Calculate the discharge in lpm, if f=0.03. Also find the
percentage increase in discharge if for the last 600m a second Pipe of the same diameter
is laid parallel to the first.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with (2) as datum and
considering head loss due to friction hf
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 1 + hf
γ 2g γ 2g
10 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 + h f ∴ h f = 10m
8 fLQ 2
hf =
gπ 2 D 5
9.81xπ 2 x(0.25)5 x10 2
∴Q =
8 x0.03 x3000
∴ Q = 0.03624m 3 / sec
Case (ii)
h f = hf1 + hf 2 orhf 3
10 = 6472.66Q12
Q1 = 0.0393m 3 / sec
% increase in discharge = x100
3.066 x10 −3
= x100 = 8.46%
or , ∑ forces = a2 ( p1 − p2 ) − − − (ii )
( p1 − p2 ) = ρV2 (V1 − V2 )
Both sides by (sp.weight)
p − p2 V2 (V1 − V2 )
∴ 1 = − − − (iv)
γ g
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2) with the centre line of the pipe as
datum and considering head loss due to sudden expansion hLonly.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 2
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2C pipeishorizontal
p − p2 V12 − V22
∴ 1 = = hL
γ 2g
hL =
2V2 (V1 − V2 ) + V12 − V22 )
hL =
(V1 − V2 )
In Eq(V) hL is expressed in meters similarly, power (P) lost due to sudden expansion is
P = γQh f − − − (vi)
0.5V 2
hL entry =
hL exit =
KV 2
hL =
1) A 25cm diameter, 2km long horizontal pipe is connected to a water tank. The pipe
discharges freely into atmosphere on the downstream side. The head over the centre line
of the pipe is 32.5m, f=0.0185. Considering the discharge through the pipe
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (A) and (B) with (B) as datum & considering all
PA VA2 p v2
ZA + + = Z B + B + B + entryloss + frictionloss + exitloss
γ 2g γ 2g
V 2 0.5V 2 fLV 2 V 2
32.5 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + + + +
2g 2g 2 gD 2 g
V2 0.0185 X 2000
32.5 = 1 + 0.5 + + 1
2g 0.25
32.5 = 7.67V 2
V = 2.06m / s πD 2 2
πx 0.25 4 x 2.06 = 0.101m 3 / sec
Q = 101lps
2) The discharge through a pipe is 225lps. Find the loss of head when the pipe is
suddenly enlarged from 150mm to 250mm diameter.
Solution :
D1=0.15m, D2 = 0.25m Q=225lps = 225m3/sec
Head loss due to sudden expansion is
hL =
(V − V21 )
4Q 4Q 1
= 2 − X
πD1 πD2 2 g
16Q 2 1 1
= 2 − 2
2 gπ D1 D2
16 x0.2252 1 1
= 2
2 x9.81xπ 0.15 0.252
hL = 3.385m
3) The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 350lps. The diameter of the pipe
is suddenly enlarge from 200mm to 500mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is
15N/cm2. Determine (i) loss of head due to sudden enlargement. (ii) pressure intensity in
the larger pipe (iii) power lost due to enlargement.
D1=0.2m, D2=0.5m, P1=15N/cm2hL=?, p2=?, P=?
From continuity equation
4Q 4 x0.35
V2 = = = 1.78m / s
πD22 πx0.52
hL =
(V1 − V2 ) = (11.14 − 1.78)2 = 4.463mofwater
2g 2 x9.81
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) (1) and (2) (2) with the central line of
the pipe as datum and considering head loss due to sudden expansion hL only.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 = 0( pipehorizontal )
p2 = 166.68kN / m 2 = 16.67 N / cm 2
P = γQhL
= 9.81x0.35 x 4.463
P = 15.32kW
hL =
(V1 − V2 )
− − − (1)
p p
Given, Z 2 + 2 − Z1 + 1 = 8 x10 −3 m − − − (2)
γ γ
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with the central line of the pipe as
datum and neglecting minor losses (hL) due to sudden expansion.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
p2 p1 V22 − V12
Z 2 + − Z1 + + + hL = 0
γ γ 2g
πx0.12 πx0.152
V1 = xV2
4 4
V1 = 2.25V2
V 2 − (2.25V2 ) (2.25V2 − V2 )
2 2
∴ 8 x10 −3 + 2 + =0
2 x 9 . 81 2 x 9 . 81
8 x10 −3 − 0.1274V22 = 0
8 x10 −3 2
V2 = = 0.25m / s
πD22 πx0.152
Q= V2 = x0.25
4 4
= 4.428 x10 −3 m 3 / s
Q = 4.425lps
5) Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line which is 125mm diameter for the first 10m
and 200mm in diameter for the remaining 25m. The entrance and exit are sharp and the
change of section is sudden. The water surface in the upper reservoir is 7.5m above that
in the lower reservoir. Determine the rate of flow, assuming f=0.001 for each of the
From continuity equation
πx0.1252 πx0.2 2
V1 = V2
4 4
∴V1 = 2.56V2
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) in both the reservoirs with the water in
the lower reservoir as datum and considering all losses
pA VA2 p V2
ZA + + = Z B + B + B + entryloss + frictionloss + sudden exp ansionloss
γ 2g γ 2g
7.5 + 0 + 0} =
( )
0.5 2.5V12 0.01x10 x(2.56V2 )2 (2.56V2 − V )2 V22
+ + +
2 g 2 g 2 g 2g
7.5 = {3.2768 + 5.243 + 2.434 + 1}
πx0.2 2
Q= x 4.6 = 0.1445m 2 / sec
Flow Through Orifices
An orifice is an opening of any cross section, at the bottom or on the side walls of a
container or vessel, through which the fluid is discharged. If the geometric characteristics
of the orifice plus the properties of the fluid are known, then the orifice can be used to
measure the flow rates.
Classification of orifices
The pressure at Vena Contracta is assumed to be atmospheric and the velocity is assumed
to be the same across the section since the stream lines will be parallel and equally
spaced. Downstream of Vena contracta the jet expands and bends down. Figure shows
the details of free flow through a vertical orifice.
Applying Bernoulli's equation between (B) & (C) with the horizontal through BC as
datum and neglecting losses (hL)
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 ; = H, V1 = 0, V2 = V
∴H + 0+ 0 = 0+ 0+ +0
∴ Cd = act
∴ CV = act
Coefficient of Contraction (Cc): It is defined as the ratio of the area of cross section of
the jet at Vena of cross section of the jet at Vena Contracta (ac) to the area of the orifice
∴ CC = c
Qth a Vth
∴ act = c x act
Q a V
Cd = Cc xCc
pA VA2 p V2
ZA + + = Z C + C + C + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
p A = pB = 0(atmosphere)
ZA = H,
p A = pB = 0(actualvelocity )
VA = 0,
Va 2
∴H + 0+ 0 = 0+ 0+ + hL
Va 2
hL = ( H − )
ButVa = CV 2 gH
Torricellis equation
hL = ( H − HxCV )
hL = H (1 − CV )
x Or x
Va = t=
t Va
Since, the jet falls through a vertical distance y under the action of gravity during this
time (t)
gt 2 2y 2
y= t = − − − (2)
2 g
x 2y 2
Va g
Va = CV 2 gH
x 2y 2
CV 2 gH g
x g2
CV = 1 1 1
x 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
2 g H 2 y
CV =
2 Hy
CV =
4 yH
1. The head of water over the centre of an orifice 30mm diameter is 1.5m. If the
coefficient of discharge for the orifice is 0.613, Calculate the actual discharge.
d=30mm = 3x10-3
Cd = ;
Qact = Cd xQth = Cd xa 2 gH
(30 x10 −3 )
x(2 x9.81x1.5)2
= 0.613 xπx
Qact = 2.35lps
1 1
Qact = x 20 x103 x
2 24 x60 x60
= 0.1157 m 3 / s
we know
Qact = Cd a 2 gH
πxd 2
0.1157 = 0.615 x x 2 x9.81x1
d = 0.2325m = 232.5mm
3. A jet of water issuing from an orifice 25mm diameter under a constant head of 1.5m
falls 0.915m vertically before it strikes the ground at a distance of 2.288m measured
horizontally from the Vena Contracta. The discharge was found to be 102lpm. Determine
the hydraulics coefficients of the orifice and the head due to resistance.
Solution: d=25mm=25x10-3H=1.5m, y=0.915m, x=2.288m
Qact=102lpm = 102/60 = 1.7lps = 1.7x10-3m3/sec, Cd=?, Cc=?, hL=?
x2 2.2882
CV = = = 0.976
4 yH 4 x0.915 x1.5
Cd 0.638
Cd = CC xCV ∴ CC = = = 0.999
Cv 0.976
headlosshL = H 1 − Cv
= 1.5(1 − 0.976 )
hL = 0.0712m = 71.2mm
4. The head of water over a 100mm diameter orifice is 5m. The water coming out of the
orifice is collected in a circular tank 2m diameter. The time taken to collect 45cm of
water is measured as 30secs. Also the coordinates of the jet at a point from Vena Contract
are 100cm horizontal and 5.2cm vertical. Calculate the hydraulic coefficients of the
D=100mm=0.1m, H=5m
Qact = Area of collecting tankxheight of water collected / time
πx 2 2 0.45
= x = 0.0471m 3 / s
4 30
Qact 0.0471x 4
Cd = = = 0.605
Qth πx0.1 2 x9.81x5
C 0.605
CC = d = = 0.618
V 2 0 . 98 12
Cv = =
= 0.98
4 yH 4 x0.052 x5
5. The coordinates of a point on the jet issuing from a vertical orifice are 0.4m & 0.003m.
Neglecting air resistance, determine the velocity of the jet and the height of water above
the orifice in the tank.
X=0.4m, y=0.3m, V=? H=?
CV = 1
We know
CV =
4 yH
4 yHxG 2 = x 2
x2 0.4 2 H=1.33m
∴H = =
4 yxG 2 4 x0.03 x12
V = G 2 gH = 1x 2 x9.81x1.33 = 5.115m / s
6. A vertical orifice is fitted 0.2m above the bottom of a tank containing water to a depth
of 2m. If G=0.98. What is the vertical distance from the orifice of a point on the jet 0.6m
away from the Vena Contracta?
Head over the orifice H=(2-0.2)=1.8m
CV=0.98, y=?, x=0.6m
CV =
4 yH
0.6 2
or , (0.98) =
4 xyx1.8
0.6 2
y= = 0.052m = 52mm
4 x1 . 8 x 0 . 98
7. A closed tank contains water to a height of 2m above a sharp edged orifice 1.5cm
diameter, made in the bottom of the tank. If the discharge through the orifice is to be 4lps.
Workout the pressure at which air should be pumped into the tank above water. Take
Q=4lps = 4x10-3m3/s
D=1.5x10-2m, Cd=0.6
Qact = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.6 xπx
(1.5x10 ) −2 2
x 2 x9.81x 2 +
4 x10
4 11.772 x10
PA = 0.83kN / m 2 (Gauge)
8. A closed tank contains 3m depth of water and an air space at 15kpa pressure. A 5cm
diameter orifice at the bottom of the tank discharge water to the tank B containing
pressurized air at 25kpa. If Cd = 0.61 for the orifice. Calculate the discharge of water
from tank A.
d=5cm = 5x10-2m Cd=0.61.
Total head over the orifice
p − pB (15 − 25)
H = h + A = 3 +
γ 9.81
Qact = Cd a 2 gH = 0.61x x 2 x9.81x1.9806
9. A tank has two identical orifices in one of its vertical sides. The upper orifice is 4m
below the water surface and the lower one 6m below the water surface. If the value of Cv
for each orifice is 0.98, find the point of intersection of the two jets.
CV =
4 yH
x12 x2
= ( x1 − x2 )
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
from figure
y1 = y2 + (6 − 4 )
y1 = y2 + 2 − − − (2)
1.5 y2 = y2 + 2
0.5 y2 = 2
∴ y 2 = 4m
CV = gives
4 y2 H 2
0.98 = (points of intersection of the jets from
4 x 4 x6 the Vena contracts)
∴ x2 = 9.6m
10. Two orifices have been provided in the side of the tank, one near the bottom and the
other near the top. Show that the jets from these two orifices will intersect a plane
through the base at the same distance from the tank if the head on the upper orifice is
equal to the height of the lower orifice above the base. Assume Cv to be the same for
both the orifices.
To show that x1=x2 when H1=y2from figure y1=[y2+(H2-H1)---(1)
x12 x22 Or
Given, C V 1 = CV2 ∴ =
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
4 y1 H1 = 4 y2 H 2
[ y2 + ( H 2 − H1 ) H1 = y2 H 2 ]
y2 H1 + H1 H 2 − H12 = y2 H 2
H12 − H1 H 2 + y2 ( H 2 − H1 ) = 0
H1 = y2 ; y22 − H 2 y2 + y2 ( H 2 − y2 ) = 0
∴0 = 0
Problems on Orifices
A 4cm dia orifice in the vertical side of a tank discharges water. The water surface in the
tank is at a constant level of 2m above the centre of the orifice. If the head loss in the
orifice is 0.2m and coefficient of contraction can be assumed to be 0.63. Calculate (I) the
values of coefficient of velocity & coefficient of discharge, (ii) Discharge through the
orifice and (iii) Location of the point of impact of the jet on the horizontal plane located
0.5m below the centre of the orifice.
V = 2 gH = 2 x9.81x 2
V = 6.264m / s
Head loss
Va 2
hL = H −
2 g
Va 2
0.2 = 2 −
2 x9.81
Va = 5.943m / s
Coefficient of Velocity
Va 5.943
Cv = = = 0.943
V 6.246
Coefficient of discharge
Cd = Cv xCC = 0.949 x0.63
Cd = 0.598
Qact = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.598 x x0.04 2 x 2 x9.81x 2
= 4.707 x10 −3 m / s = 4.71lps
Cv =
4 yH
4 yHCV = x 2
∴x = 4 x0.5 x 2(0.949) 2
x = 1.898m
An orifice has to be placed in the side of a tank so that the jet will be at a maximum
horizontal distance at the level of its base. If the depth of the liquid int the tank is D, what
is the position of the orifice? Show that the jets from the two orifices in the side of the
tank will intersect at the level of the base if the head on the on the upper orifice is equal
to the height of the orifice above the base.
D y
----- ------------------
∴= Vt
V = 2 gH
1 2
y= gt
1 x
∴(D − H ) = g
2 2 gH
x 2 = 4 H (D − H ) Or
x = 4H (D − H )
For x to be maximum
4( D − 2 H ) = 0
∴H = D / 2
We know, x=Vt,
V = 2gH1
1 2
y + H2 = gt
1 x
= g
2 2 gH1
In such a flow the viscous forces are more predominent compared to inertia
Forces. Stream lines are practically parallel to each other or flow takes place
In the form of telescopic tubes.
This type of flow occurs when Reynold’s number Re< 2000.
In laminar flow velocity increases gradually from zero at the boundary to
Maximum at the center.
Laminar flow is regular and smooth and velocity at any point practically remains
constant in magnitude & direction. Therefore, the flow is also known as stream
Line flow.
There will be no exchange of fluid particles from one layer to another.
Thus there will be no momentum transmission from one layer to another.
Ex: Flow of thick oil in narrow tubes, flow of Ground Water, Flow of
Blood in blood vessels.
Transition flow:
In such a type of flow the stream lines get disturbed a little.
This type of flow occurs when 2000< Re < 4000.
Turbulent Flow: This is the most common type of flow that occurs in nature( flow in rivers, pipes).
This flow will be random,erratic,unpredictable. Thus motion of fluid particles result in eddy currents
& they mix up. Streamlines are totally disturbed or cross each other.
The velocity changes in direction and magnitude from point to point.
There will be transfer of momentum between the particles as they are continuously colliding with
each other.
There will be considerable loss of energy in this type of flow.
This type of flow cannot be truly mathematically analysed and any analysis is possible by stastical
For this type of flow in a pipe R e > 4000.
b)Minor Loss
a)Major Loss: As the name itself indicates, this is the largest of the losses in a pipe. This loss
occurs due to friction only. Hence, it is known as head loss due to friction (hf)
b)Minor Loss: Minor losses in a pipe occurs due to change in magnitude or direction of flow.
Minor losses are classified as (i) Entry Loss, (ii) Exit loss, (iii) Sudden expansion loss (iv)
Sudden contraction loss (v) Losses due to bends & pipe fittings.
(P1 − P2 ) πD = τ 0πDL
4τ L
or (P1 − P2 ) = 0 − − − (1)
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with the centre line of the pipe
as datum & considering head loss due to friction hf,.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 2 + hf
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 Pipe is horizontal
V1 = V2 Pipe diameter is same throughout
P −P
∴ 1 2 = h f − − − (2)
Substituting eq (2) in eq.(1)
4τ L h f γD
h f xγ = 0 orτ 0 = − − − (3)
D 4l
From Experiments, Darcy Found that
τ0 = ρV 2 − − − (4)
f=Darcy’s friction factor (property of the pipe materials
Mass density of the liquid.
V = velocity
Equations (3) & (4)
f h γD
ρV 2 = f
8 4L
4 LfρV 2
or , h f =
fLV 2
∴ h f = − − − (5)
2 gD
from Continuity equation V =
πD 2
8 fLQ 2
∴ h f = 2 5 − − − (6)
gh D
& (5) & (6) are known as DARCY – WEISBACH Equation
Pipes in Series or Compound Pipe
D1, D2, D3, D4 are diameters.(fig.4)
L1, L2,L3, L4 are lengths of a number of Pipes connected in series
(hf)1, (hf)2, (hf)3 & (hf)4 are the head loss due to friction for each pipe.
The total head loss due to friction hf for the entire pipe system is given by
h f = hf1 + hf 2 + hf 3 + hf 4
8 fL1Q 2 8 fL2Q 2 8 fL3Q 2 8 fL4Q 2
hf = + + +
gπ 2 D15 gπ 2 D25 gπ 2 D35 gπ 2 D45
Pipes in parallel
D1, D2 and D3 are the pipe diameters.(Fig.5)
Length of each pipe is same, that is, L1=L2=L3
For pipes in parallel hf1=hf2=hf3
8 fL1Q1 2 8 fL2Q 2 2 8 fL3Q 3 2
= =
gπ 2 D15 gπ 2 D25 gπ 2 D35
Q1 2 Q 2 2 Q 3 2
= = 5 − − − −(1)
D15 D25 D3
8 fLQ 2
for an equivalent pipe h f = − − − (2)
gπ 2 D15
Equating (1) & (2) and simplifying 5 = 15 + 25 + 35
D D1 D2 D3
or D=
L15 + L25 + L35
D1 D2 D3
1) Find the diameter of a Galvanized iron pipe required to carry a flow of 40lps of water, if the loss
of head is not to exceed 5m per 1km. Length of pipe, Assume f=0.02.
D=?, Q=40lps = 40x10-3 m3/s
hf=5m, L=1km = 1000m. f=0.02
8 fLQ 2
Darcy’s equation is hf =
gπD 5
8 fLQ 2
∴D = 2
gπ h f
8 x0.02 x1000 x(40 x10 ) −3 2 5
∴D =
9.81xπ 2 x5
D = 0.22m = 220mm
2) Two tanks are connected by a 500mm diameter 2500mm long pipe. Find the rate of flow if the
difference in water levels between the tanks is 20m. Take f=0.016. Neglect minor losses.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with (2) as datum & considering head loss due to
friction hf only, (Fig.7).
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + h f − − − (1)
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = 20m, Z2 = 0 (Datum); V1=V2 = 0 (tanks are very large)
p1=p2=0 (atmospheric pressure)
Therefore From (1)
20+0+0=0+0+0+hfOr, hf = 20m.
8 fLQ 2
But hf =
gπD 5
20 x9.81xπ 2 x0.55 2
8 x0.016 x 2500
3) Water is supplied to a town of 0.5million inhabitants from a reservoir 25km away and the loss
of head due to friction in the pipe line is measured as 25m. Calculate the size of the supply main,
if each inhabitant uses 200 litres of water per day and 65% of the daily supply is pumped in 8 ½
hours. Take f=0.0195.
Number of inhabitants = 5million = 5,00,000
Length of pipe = 25km = 25,000m.
Hf = 25m, D=?
Per capita daily demand = 200litres.
Total daily demand = 5,00,000x200= 100x106 litres.
Daily supply = 65/100 x 100x106 = 65,000m3.
Supply rate Q = = 2.1248m / sec
∴D =
175 + 200 + 250 + 175
0.35 0.255 0.25 0.155
D = Diameter of equivalent pipe = 0.189m less than or equal to 19cm.
5) Two reservoirs are connected by four pipes laid in parallel, their respective diameters being d,
1.5d, 2.5d and 3.4d respectively. They are all of same length L & have the same friction factors f.
Find the discharge through the larger pipes, if the smallest one carries 45lps.
D1=d, D2 =1.5d, D3=2.5d, D4=3.4d
L1=L2=L3=L4= L.
Q1=45x10-3m3/sec, Q2=? Q3=? Q4=?
For pipes in parallel hf1=hf2=hf3=hf4
Q12 Q22 Q32 Q42
= = =
D15 D25 D35 D45
1.5d 5 2
Q2 = (
x 45 x10
) 2
= 0.124m / sec
2.5d 5 2
Q2 = (
x 45 x10
) 2
= 0.4446m / sec
3.4d 5 2
Q3 = (
x 45 x10
) 2
= 0.9592m / sec
6) Two pipe lines of same length but with different diameters 50cm and 75cm are made to carry
the same quantity of flow at the same Reynold’s number. What is the ratio of head loss due to
friction in the two pipes?
D1=0.5m, D2 =0.75m
(Re)1 = (Re)2, =?
hf 2
ρ DV
Reynold’s number Re=
ρ1 D1V1 ρ 2 D2V2
∴ =
µ1 µ2
V1 D1 = V2 D2 ( ρ1 = ρ 2 ) (µ1 = µ 2 )
0.5V1 = 0.75V2 V1 = 1.5V2
fLV 2
From Darcy’s equation hf =
2 gD
hf1 D2 V12
∴ = x
hf 2 D1 V22
0.75 1.5V2
= x = 3.375
0.5 V2
7) A 30cm diameter main is required for a town water supply. As pipes over 27.5cm diameter are
not readily available, it was decided to lay two parallel pipes of same diameter. Find the diameter
of the parallel pipes which will have the combined discharge equal to the single pipe. Adopt
same friction factor for all the pipes.
8 fL
8 fLQ 2 2 − − − (2)
Solution:- h f = 2 5 − − − (1) hf =
gπ D gπ D
2 5
8 fL
8 fLQ 2 2
Equating 2 5 = 2 5
gπ D gπ D
1 1
∴ =
D1 4 D 5
0.2755 5
or D=
D = 0.205m ≥ 0.275m
8) Two reservoirs are connected by two parallel pipes. Their diameter are 300mm & 350mm and
lengths are 3.15km and 3.5km respectively of the respective values of coefficient of friction are
0.0216 and 0.0325. What will be the discharge from the larger pipe, if the smaller one carries
D1=300mm=0.3m, D2=-.350m
L1=3150m L2=3500m
F1=0.0216 f2=0.0325
Q1=0.285m3/sec Q2=?
8 f L Q 2 8 f L Q 2
For parallel pipes h f = 1 21 15 = 2 22 52
gπ D1 gπ D2
f L Q 2 D5 2
∴ Q2 = 1 1 1 5 2
f 2 L2 D1
0.0216 x3150 x0.2852 x0.355 2
∴ Q2 =
0.0325 x3500 x0.35
Q2 = 0.324m / sec
9) Consider two pipes of same lengths and having same roughness coefficient, but with the
diameter of one pipe being twice the other. Determine (I) the ratio of discharges through these
pipes, if the head loss due to friction for both the pipes is the same. (ii) the ratio of the head loss
due to friction, when both the pipes carry the same discharge.
f1=f2 D1=2D2 L1=L2(i)Given hf1=hf2 Q1/Q2=?
8 fLQ 2
From Darcy’s equation h f = 2 5
gπ D
8 f L Q2 8 f L Q2
∴ 1 21 51 = 2 22 52
gπ D1 gπ D2
5 5
Q1 D1 2 2 D2 2
= = = 5.656
Q2 D2 D2
(ii) Given Q1/Q2, hf1/hf2=?
5 5
hf1 8 f1 L1Q22 D2 D2
= = = = 0.03125
hf 2 gπ 2 D15 D1 2 D2
10) Two sharp ended pipes are 50mm & 105mm diameters and 200m length
are connected in parallel between two reservoirs which have a water level
difference of 15m. If the coefficient of friction for each pipes of 0.0215.
Calculate the rate of flow in each pipe and also diameter of a single pipe
200m long which would give the same discharge, if it were substituted for the
Original two pipes.
D1=0.015m, D2=0.105m, L1=L2=200m
H=15m, f1=f2=0.0215, a) Q1=?, Q2=? (b) D=?, when Q=Q1+Q2
a) For parallel pipes
8 f L Q 2 8 f L Q 2
h f = 1 21 15 = 2 22 52
gπ D1 gπ D2
15 x9.81xh 2 x0.055 2 −3 3
Q1 = = 3.63 x10 m / sec
8 x0.0215 x 200
15 x9.81xh 2 x0.1055 2
Q2 = = 0.023 m / sec
2 3
8 x0.0215 x 200
b) ( )
Q = Q1 + Q2 = 3.63 x10 −3 + 0.0232 = 0.02684m 2 / sec
∴ D = 0.1112m = 11.12cm
11) Two pipes with diameters 2D and D are first connected in parallel and
when a discharge Q passes the head loss is H1, when the same pipes are
Connected in series for the same discharge the loss of head is H2. Find the
relationship between H1 and H2. Neglect minor losses. Both the pipes are of
same length and have the same friction factors.
Solution (Fig.9)
8 fLQ12 8 fLQ2 2
H1 = head loss due to friction = hf = hf2 i.e. h f = 5
h = 2 5
− − − (1)
gπ ( 2 D ) gπ ( D )
2 f2
Q1 + Q2 = Q − − − (2)
5.66Q2 + Q2 = Q ∴ Q2 = Q
8 fL Q 2
∴ H1 = 6.66 = 8 fLx 0.02256Q − − − (3)
gπ 2 D 5 gπ 2 D 5
Case(iii) H 2 = hf1 + hf 2
8 fLQ 2 8 fLQ 2
hf = 2 5 +
gπ D gπ (2 D)
2 5
8 fLQ 2 1 1
∴ H2 = +
gπ 2 D 5 1 2 5
1.0312 x8 xflQ 2
H2 = − − − (4)
gπ 2 D 5
H1 0.02256 x8 xflQ 2 gπ 2 D 5
∴ = x
H2 gπ 2 D 5 1.0312 x8 flQ 2
H1 0.02256
= = 0.021876
H 2 1.0312
or = 45.71
12) Two reservoirs are connected by a 3km long 250mm diameter. The
difference in water levels being 10m. Calculate the discharge in lpm, if f=0.03.
Also find the percentage increase in discharge if for the last 600m a second
Pipe of the same diameter is laid parallel to the first.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with (2) as datum and
considering head loss due to friction hf (Fig.11)
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 1 + hf
γ 2g γ 2g
10 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 + h f ∴ h f = 10m
8 fLQ 2
9.81xπ 2 x(0.25)5 x10 2
hf = ∴Q =
gπ 2 D 5 8 x0.03 x3000
∴ Q = 0.03624m 3 / sec
hL =
V22 + V12 − 2V1V2
(V − V )
hL = 1 2
2g 2g
In Eq(V) hL is expressed in meters similarly, power (P) lost due to sudden
expansion is P = γQh f − − − (vi)
1) A 25cm diameter, 2km long horizontal pipe is connected to a water tank. The
pipe discharges freely into atmosphere on the downstream side. The head over
the centre line of the pipe is 32.5m, f=0.0185. Considering the discharge through
the pipe
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (A) and (B) with (B) as datum &
considering all losses.(Fig.15)
P V2 p v2
Z A + A + A = Z B + B + B + entryloss + frictionloss + exitloss
γ 2g γ 2g
V 2 0.5V 2 fLV 2 V 2
32.5 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + + + +
2g 2g 2 gD 2 g
V2 0.0185 X 2000
32.5 = 1 + 0.5 + + 1
2g 0.25
32.5 = 7.67V 2
πD 2 2
V = 2.06m / s Q= πx 0.25 4 x 2.06 = 0.101m 3 / sec
Q = 101lps
2) The discharge through a pipe is 225lps. Find the loss of head when the pipe is
suddenly enlarged from 150mm to 250mm diameter.
Solution: D1=0.15m, D2 = 0.25m Q=225lps = 225m3/sec
Head loss due to sudden expansion is
4Q 4Q 1 16Q 2 1 1
16 x0.2252 1 1
= 2 − X
= 2
πD1 πD2 2 g 2 gπ D1 D2
2 x9.81xπ 0.15 0.252
hL = 3.385m
3) The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 350lps. The diameter of
the pipe is suddenly enlarge from 200mm to 500mm. The pressure intensity in
the smaller pipe is 15N/cm2. Determine (i) loss of head due to sudden
enlargement. (ii) pressure intensity in the larger pipe (iii) power lost due to
Solution : (Fig.16)
D1=0.2m, D2=0.5m, P1=15N/cm2hL=?, p2=?, P=?
4Q 4 x0.35
From continuity equation V1 = = = 11.14m / s
πD12 πx0.2 2
4Q 4 x0.35
V2 = = = 1.78m / s
πD22 πx0.52
hL =
(V1 − V2 ) = (11.14 − 1.78)2 = 4.463mofwater
2g 2 x9.81
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) (1) and (2) (2) with the central line of
the pipe as datum and considering head loss due to sudden expansion hL only.
Power lost
p V2 p V2
Z1 + 1 + 1 = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 = 0( pipehorizontal )
150 11.14 2 p 1.782
0+ + = 0+ 2 + + 4.463
9.81 19.62 9.81 19.62
p2 = 166.68kN / m 2 = 16.67 N / cm 2
Power lost P = γQhL = 9.81x0.35 x 4.463
P = 15.32kW
8 x10 −3 2
V2 = = 0.25m / s
πD 2 πx0.152
Discharge Q = 2 V2 = x0.25
4 4
= 4.428 x10 −3 m 3 / s or Q = 4.425lps
5) Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line which is 125mm diameter for the
first 10m and 200mm in diameter for the remaining 25m. The entrance and exit
are sharp and the change of section is sudden. The water surface in the upper
reservoir is 7.5m above that in the lower reservoir. Determine the rate of flow,
assuming f=0.001 for each of the types.
πx0.1252 πx0.2 2
From continuity equation V1 = V2
4 4
∴V1 = 2.56V2
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) in both the reservoirs with the
water in the lower reservoir as datum and considering all losses
p A VA2 pB VB2
ZA + + = ZB + + + entryloss + frictionloss + sudden exp ansionloss
γ 2g γ 2g
0.5V12 fL1V12 (V1 − V2 )
7.5 + 0 + 0} = 0 + 0 + 0 + + +
2g 2g 2g
7.5 + 0 + 0} =
( )
0.5 2.5V12 0.01x10 x(2.56V2 )2 (2.56V2 − V )2 V22
+ + +
2g 2g 2g 2g
7.5 = 2 {3.2768 + 5.243 + 2.434 + 1}
∴V2 = (21.16 )2 = 4.6m / s
πx0.2 2
Q= x 4.6 = 0.1445m 2 / sec
Additional Problems
Flow through Pipes
1) Water flows upwards through a vertical pipeline. A mercury manometer
connected between two points 10m apart shows a reading of 40cm of mercury
when discharge is 450lpm. If the friction factor is 0.02. Determine the size of the
3) Two reservoirs are connected by three pipes of same length laid in parallel,
and the diameters are D, 2D & 3D respectively. If the coefficients of friction of all
the three pipes is same, and the discharge in the smallest pipe is 30lps,
determine the flow rates in the other two pipes.
5) Three pipes are connected in parallel between two points and the total
discharge is 3 cumecs. If the pipes are of length 1200m, 1400m & 1600m
diameter 1m, 0.8m & 1.2m respectively, and friction factor is the same for all the
pipes, determine the discharge in each pipe and the pressure difference required
to maintain the flow, assuming f=0.02.
6) A 450mm concrete pipe 1800m long connects two reservoirs whose difference
in water level is 15m. What is the discharge? If another concrete pipe line
300mm diameter is introduced in parallel what would be the percentage increase
in discharge and the discharge in each pipe. If the parallel pipe is introduced.
a)In the first half of the length. b)In the second half of the length
c)In the middle one – third of the length. Assume f=0.03 for all pipes and same
difference in the reservoir levels.
8) Two pipes of 5cm diameter and 10cm diameter are connected in series. They
have the same length and friction factor. If the head loss in the 10cm pipes is 1m,
what is the head loss in the 5cm pipe? If the discharge through the 10cm pipe is
10lps, what is the discharge through the 5cm pipe?
9) A pipe has D=40cm, L=10m, f=0.02. What is the length of an equivalent pipe
which has D=20cm and f=0.02.
10) An 8cm diameter pipe carrying water has an abrupt expansion 12cm
diameter at a section. If a differential mercury manometer connected to upstream
and downstream sections of the expansion indicate a gauge reading of 2cm.
Estimate the discharge in the pipe.
12) Three pipes A, B & C with details as given in the following are connected in
series. Calculate a) the size of a pipe of length 125m and f=0.020, equivalent to
the pipe line ABC b) the length of an 8cm diameter (f=0.015) pipe equivalent to
the pipe line ABC.
13) A horizontal pipe line carrying water at 0.03 m3/s reduces abruptly from 15cm
to 10cm diameter. Taking contraction coefficient CC=0.60. Determine the
pressure loss across the contraction. How this pressure loss compares with the
loss that would result if the flow direction is reversed?
14) Two pipes of diameter 40cm and 20cm are 300m each in length. When the
pipes are connected in series and the discharge through the pipe line is 0.1m3/s ,
find the loss of head incurred. What would be the loss of head incurred. What
would be the loss of head in the system to pass the same total discharge when
the pipes are connected in parallel, take f=0.03 for each pipe.
flow P2
V1 P1
Area = a1
Area = a2
1 2
Fig 14.(a)
Fig 14.(b)
Fitting collar
Fig 15
entry exit
Fig 17
1 2
Z1+p1/ Z2+p2/
1 2
Fig 16
1 2
V1 P2
1 2
Flow Through Orifices
An orifice is an opening of any cross section, at the bottom or on the side walls of
a container or vessel, through which the fluid is discharged.
If the geometric characteristics of the orifice plus the properties of the fluid are
known, then the orifice can be used to measure the flow rates.
Classification of orifices
Based on shape: circular, triangular, rectangular
Based on size :Small orifice (when the head over the orifice is more than five times its size I.e. H>5d,
Large orifice
Based on shape of the u/s edge :Sharp edge, Bell mouth
Based on flow: Free, Submerged
Flow through an orifice
As the fluid passes through the orifice under a head H, the stream lines converge
and therefore the jet contracts. The stream lines which converge are mostly
those from near the walls and they do so because stream lines cannot make right
angled bend in motion. This phenomenon occurs just down stream of the orifice,
and such a section where the area of cross section of the jet is minimum is know
hL = H (1 − CV )
x x
Va = or, t =
t Va
Since, the jet falls through a vertical distance y under the action of gravity during
this time (t)
gt 2 2y 2
y= or t = − − − (2)
2 g
Equating equations (1) & (2)
x 2y 2
= But , Va = CV 2 gH
Va g
x 2y 2
CV 2 gH g
x g2
CV = 1 1 1
x 1 1
2 2 2
2 g H 22 y 2
CV =
2 Hy
or CV =
4 yH
1. The head of water over the centre of an orifice 30mm diameter is 1.5m. If the
coefficient of discharge for the orifice is 0.613, Calculate the actual discharge.
Solution: d=30mm = 3x10-3 H=1.5m
Cd = act ; Qact = Cd xQth = Cd xa 2 gH
(30 x10 −3 )
x(2 x9.81x1.5)2
= 0.613 xπx
−3 3
Qact = 2.35 x10 m / s or Qact = 2.35lps
πxd 2
0.1157 = 0.615 x x 2 x9.81x1
d = 0.2325m = 232.5mm
3. A jet of water issuing from an orifice 25mm diameter under a constant head of
1.5m falls 0.915m vertically before it strikes the ground at a distance of 2.288m
measured horizontally from the Vena Contracta. The discharge was found to be
102lpm. Determine the hydraulics coefficients of the orifice and the head due to
Solution: d=25mm=25x10-3H=1.5m, y=0.915m, x=2.288m
Qact=102lpm = 102/60 = 1.7lps = 1.7x10-3m3/sec, Cd=?, Cc=?, hL=?
x2 2.2882
CV = = = 0.976
4 yH 4 x0.915 x1.5
Qact 1.7 x10 −3 x 4
Cd = = = 0.638
( )
Qth πx 25 x10 −3 2 x 2 x9.81x1.5
Cd 0.638
Cd = CC xCV ∴ CC = = = 0.999
Cv 0.976
headlosshL = H 1 − Cv ( 2
= 1.5(1 − 0.976 ) hL = 0.0712m = 71.2mm
4. The head of water over a 100mm diameter orifice is 5m. The water coming out
of the orifice is collected in a circular tank 2m diameter. The time taken to collect
45cm of water is measured as 30secs. Also the coordinates of the jet at a point
from Vena Contract are 100cm horizontal and 5.2cm vertical. Calculate the
hydraulic coefficients of the orifice.
D=100mm=0.1m, H=5m
Qact = Area of collecting tankxheight of water collected / time
πx 2 2 0.45
= x = 0.0471m 3 / s
4 30
X=100cm = 1m, y=5.2cm = 0.052m
Cd=?, Cv=?, Cc=?
x2 12
Cv = = = 0.98
4 yH 4 x0.052 x5
Qact 0.0471x 4
Cd = = = 0.605
Qth πx0.1 2 x9.81x5
C 0.605
CC = d = = 0.618
CV 0.98
5. The coordinates of a point on the jet issuing from a vertical orifice are 0.4m &
0.003m. Neglecting air resistance, determine the velocity of the jet and the height
of water above the orifice in the tank.
X=0.4m, y=0.3m, V=? H=?
We know CV =
4 yH
4 yHxG 2 = x 2
x2 0.4 2
∴H = =
4 yxG 2 4 x0.03 x12
V = G 2 gH = 1x 2 x9.81x1.33 = 5.115m / s
6. A vertical orifice is fitted 0.2m above the bottom of a tank containing water to a
depth of 2m. If G=0.98. What is the vertical distance from the orifice of a point on
the jet 0.6m away from the Vena Contracta?
Head over the orifice H=(2-0.2)=1.8m
CV=0.98, y=?, x=0.6m
CV =
4 yH
0.6 2
or , (0.98) 2 =
4 xyx1.8
0.6 2
y = = 0.052m = 52mm
4 x1.8 x0.98
D=1.5x10-2m, Cd=0.6
PA=? γ air = 11.772 N / m 3 = 11.772 x10 −3 kN / m 3
Total head over the orifice H = h + A
Qact = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.6 xπx
(1.5x10 )
−2 2
x 2 x9.81x 2 +
4 x10
4 11.772 x10
PA = 0.83kN / m (Gauge)
8. A closed tank contains 3m depth of water and an air space at 15kpa pressure.
A 5cm diameter orifice at the bottom of the tank discharge water to the tank B
containing pressurized air at 25kpa. If Cd = 0.61 for the orifice. Calculate the
discharge of water from tank A.
Solution: fig(20)
d=5cm = 5x10-2m Cd=0.61.
Total head over the orifice
p − pB (15 − 25)
H = h + A = 3 +
γ 9.81
Qact = Cd a 2 gH = 0.61x x 2 x9.81x1.9806
Qact = 7.47 x10 −3 m 3 / s = 7.47lps
9. A tank has two identical orifices in one of its vertical sides. The upper orifice is
4m below the water surface and the lower one 6m below the water surface. If the
value of Cv for each orifice is 0.98, find the point of intersection of the two jets.
CV =
4 yH
Given Cv is same for both the orifices
x1 x22
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
x12 x2
= ( x1 − x2 )
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
∴ 4 y1 = 6 y2 ory1 = 1.5 y2 − − − (1)
y1 = y2 + (6 − 4 )
from figure(21)
y1 = y2 + 2 − − − (2)
1.5 y2 = y2 + 2
Substituting eq(1) in eq(2) and simplifying 0.5 y2 = 2
∴ y 2 = 4m
x22 0.98 =
Again CV = gives 4 x 4 x6
4 y2 H 2
∴ x2 = 9.6m
(points of intersection of the jets from the Vena contracts)
10. Two orifices have been provided in the side of the tank, one near the bottom
and the other near the top. Show that the jets from these two orifices will
intersect a plane through the base at the same distance from the tank if the head
on the upper orifice is equal to the height of the lower orifice above the base.
Assume Cv to be the same for both the orifices.
To show that x1=x2 when H1=y2from figure(22)
x2 x22
Given, C V 1 = CV2 ∴ 1 =
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
or 4 y1 H1 = 4 y2 H 2
[ y2 + ( H 2 − H1 ) H1 = y2 H 2 ]
y2 H1 + H1 H 2 − H12 = y2 H 2
H12 − H1 H 2 + y2 ( H 2 − H1 ) = 0
H1 = y2 ; y22 − H 2 y2 + y2 ( H 2 − y2 ) = 0
∴0 = 0
11. A 4cm dia orifice in the vertical side of a tank discharges water. The water
surface in the tank is at a constant level of 2m above the centre of the orifice. If
the head loss in the orifice is 0.2m and coefficient of contraction can be assumed
to be 0.63. Calculate (I) the values of coefficient of velocity & coefficient of
discharge, (ii) Discharge through the orifice and (iii) Location of the point of
impact of the jet on the horizontal plane located 0.5m below the centre of the
=V = 2 gH 2 x9.81x 2
V = 6.264m / s Head loss
Va 2
=hL H −
Va 2
= 2−
2 x9.81
Va = 5.943m / s
Coefficient of Velocity
Va 5.943
v = = 0.943
V 6.246
Coefficient of discharge
Cd = Cv xCC = 0.949 x0.63 Cd = 0.598
(ii) Discharge through the orifice
Qact = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.598 x x0.04=
x 2 x9.81x 2 4.707 x10−3 m / s 4.71lps
(iii) Coefficient of velocity
Cv = or
4 yH
4 yHCV = x 2 ∴ x = 4 x0.5 x 2(0.949) 2 x = 1.898m
12. An orifice has to be placed in the side of a tank so that the jet will be at a
maximum horizontal distance at the level of its base. If the depth of the liquid int
the tank is D, what is the position of the orifice? Show that the jets from the two
orifices in the side of the tank will intersect at the level of the base if the head on
the on the upper orifice is equal to the height of the orifice above the base.
Solution: fig(23)
By definition, Velocity V=x/t
∴= Vt
V = 2 gH and y = gt 2
1 x
∴ ( D − H ) =g or
2 2 gH
=x2 4H ( D − H ) or
=x 4H (D − H )
For x to be maximum
4( D − 2 H ) =
∴H = D/2
We know, x=Vt, V = 2 gH1
1 2 1 x
y + H2 = gt = g
2 2 2 gH1
=x 2 4 H1 ( y + H 2 ) − − − (1)
x 2 4 ( H1 + y ) L / 2 − − − (2)
Equating (1) & (2)
4 H1 y + 4 H1 H 2 = 4 H1 H 2 + 4 yH 2
4 H1 y= 4 yH 2 ∴ H1= H 2
13. Two tanks with orifices in the same vertical plane are shown in figure.
What should be the spacing x for the jets to intersect in the plane of the base?
Assume CV=0.98 for each orifices. x=?
Solution: fig(25)
x12 x22
= − − − (1)
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
Assuming the coefficient of velocity CV to be the same for both the orifices, we
have (CV1) = (CV2)
y1 =2 − H1 =2 − 0.4 =1.6m
y2 =2 − H 2 =2 − 1.6 =0.4m
=H1 0.4 = m, H 2 1.6m
x12 x22
∴ =
4 x1.6 x0.4 4 x0.4 x1.6
CV1 =
4 y1 H1
∴ 0.98 = 1 = =
x1 1.568 m x2
4 x1.6 x0.4
∴ x = [ x1 + x2 ] = 2 x1.568 = 3.136m
14. A large tank has a circular sharp edged orifice 25mm diameter in the
vertical side. The water level in the tank is 0.6m above the centre of the orifice.
The diameter of the jet at Vena contracta is measured as 20mm. The water of
the jet is collected in a tank 1.2m long x 0.6m wide and the water level rised from
0.15 to 0.75 in 7 minutes. Calculate the orifice coefficients.
Solution: Dia of jet at vena contracta dc=20mm
Dia of orifice = d = 25mm
Head over the orifice H = 0.6m
Depth of water collected in the measuring tank h=(0.75-0.15)=0.6m
Depth of water collected in the measuring tank A = 1.2x0.6 = 0.72m2Time taken
for collecting 0.6m of water t=7min=7x60=420sec
Therefore actual discharge Qact = Area of measuring tank x depth of water
collected / time taken
Ah 0.72 x0.6
act =
t 420
= 1.0286 x10−3 m3 / s
( 25x10 )
Cd 0.61
We know, Cd=CcxCV Therefore, Coefficient of velocity C=
V =
Cc 0.64
∴ CV =
0.953 Coefficient of resistance
1 1
CC ==
2 − 1 Cr = 0.1008
CV 0.953
15. A jet of water issuing from a vertical orifice in a tank under a constant
head of 4m. If the depth of water in the tank is 12m, at what depth another orifice
to be mounted vertically below the former one, so that both the jets meet at a
common point on the horizontal at the bottom of the tank? Assume Cvto be the
same for both the orifices = 0.98.
Solution: fig(26)
x12 x22
=CV1 = , CV2
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
From figure, (y1-y2)=(H2-H1)
y1 = ( y − H1 ) = (12 − 4 ) = 8m
y2 =( y − H 2 ) =(12 − H 2 ) m
Equating the values of CV
x12 x22
4 y1 H1 4 y2 H 2
4 y1 H1 = 4 y2 H 2
x1 = x2
y1 H1 = y2 H 2
8 x=
4 (12 − H 2 ) H 2
∴ H 22 − 12 H 2 + 32 =
+12 ± 122 − 4 x1x32
∴ H2 =
2 x1
= 8mor 4m
H2 = 8m is the correct answer.
Hence, the second orifice should be 4m below the first orifice.
16. Water is to be discharged by two circular orifices under a constant head
of 1m above their centres. What should be the diameter of the orifices to give a
discharge of 20Mlpd? Assume a coefficient of discharge of 0.62.
Total discharge=20Mlpd
(million litres per day)
20 x106
= = 231.48lps
24 x60 x60
Therefore Discharge per orifices
=Q = 115.74lps
orQ = 0.11574m 2 / s
Q = Cd a 2 gH
0.62 x 2 x9.81x1
= 0.04214m 2
πd2 4 x0.04214 2
a= ∴ d=
4 π
Therefore, Diameter of each orifice d = 231.6mm
17. What is the discharge through the 60mm diameter orifice shown in figure,
assuming the oil level remains constant
Solution. Fig(27)
= 2+
Head of the orifice H
0.9 x9.81
∴H = 13.326mofoil Q = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.65 x
( )
x 60 x10−3 x 2 x9.81x13.326
= 0.02972m3 / s = 29.72lps
18. What is the discharge through a sharp edged slot 0.2 long x 10mm wide
at the bottom of a tank 0.5m diameter with 3m depth of water constant?
Head over the orifice H=(2-0.2)=1.8m
C=V 0.98,=
y ?,=x 0.6m
CV =
4 yH
(0.98) 2 =
4 xyx1.8
∴ y 0.052 = m 52mm
19. A vertical orifice is fitted 0.2m above the bottom of a tank containing
water to a depth of 2m. If CV=0.98. What is the vertical distance from the orifice
of a point on the jet 0.6m away from the Vena contracta?
= 0.61x 0.2 x x 2 x9.81x3
= 9.36 x10−3 m 2 / s
∴Q = 9.36lps
20. The coordinates of a point on the jet issuing from a vertical orifice are
0.4m & 0.3m. Neglecting air resistances, determine the velocity of the jet and the
height of water above the orifice in the tank. Assume CV=0.98.
X=0.4m, y=0.3m, V=?, H=?
x2 0.42
CV = 0.98 =
4 yH 4 x0.3 xH
∴H =
=V =
2 gH = 1.65m / s
2 x9.81x0.1388
Mouth Pieces
A mouth piece is a short tube or pipe connected in extension with an orifice
hL =
2g 2g
0.375 2
=hL V1 − − − (2)
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (A) and (1) (1) with the centre line of the
mouth piece as datum and considering head loss hL due to sudden expansion.
p V2 p V2
Z A + A + A = Z1 + 1 + 1 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
pA p1
Z= Z= 0, = H , = 0(atmosphericpressure)
A 1
γ γ
VA = 0( Negligible)
V12 0.375V12
∴0 + H + 0 = 0 + 0 + +
2g 2g
1.375 2
H= V1
2 gH
V1 =
=∴V1 0.853 2 gH − − − (3)
By definition, Coefficient of velocity
CV=Actual velocity/Theoretical velocity
0.853 2 gH
i.e, CV =
2 gH
∴ CV = 0.853
At the exit of the mouth piece CC=1
1. Find the discharge from a 80mm diameter external mouthpiece, fitted to a side
of a large vessel if the head over the mouth piece is 6m.
( )
d 80mm ∴=
a x 80 x10−3
= 5.026 x10 m Q = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.04652m3 / s
Q = 46.52lps
3. An external cylindrical mouth piece 60mm diameter fitted in the side of a tank
discharges under a constant head of 3m, for which CV=0.82
Determine i) the discharge in lps
ii) absolute pressure at Vena contracta
iii) Maximum head for steady.
Flow assuming that separation occurs at 2.5m of water absolute. Local
barometer reads 760mm Hg.
At the exit of the mouth piece CC=1
∴ C=d Cc xC=v 1x0.82
Q = Cd a 2 gH
( )
π x 60 x10−3
= 0.82 x x 2 x9.81x3
= 0.0178
= m3 / s 17.8lps
−7.836 =
V 2 7.836
= = 6.389mofwater
2 g 1.226
weknowV = CV 2 gH
V2 1
H= x
2 g CV2
∴ H max =
6.389 x = 9.5mofwater
pc pa
Alternatively, = − 0.82 H
γ γ
Hmax=9.49m of water
Submerged Orifice
A fully submerged orifice is one in which the entire outlet side or the downstream
side is completely under the liquid. It is also known as a drowned orifice.
Consider points (1) and (2) situated upstream of orifice and at the Vena contracta
H 1 =Height of water above the top of the orifice on the upstream side.
H 2 =Height of water above the bottom level of the orifice.
Height of water above the centre of the orifice on the downstream side
H − H2
= 1 −H
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2) with the horizontal passing
through (A) & (B) as datum and neglecting losses. (hL)
p1V12 p V2
Z1 + + = {Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
p1 H1 + H 2 p2 H1 + H 2
Z= Z= 0, = ; = −H
1 2
γ 2 γ 2
V1 = 0 (negligible)
H1 + H 2 H + H2 V2
∴0 + +0=
0+ 1 −H + 2 +0
2 2 2g
or =H ∴V2 =2 gH
From continuity equation
Discharge Qact=Cdxarea of orifice x velocity
∴=Qact Cd xb ( H 2 − H1 ) x 2 gH
Large Rectangular Orifice
An orifice is said to be large when the head acting on it is five times the depth of
the orifice. Unlike in the case of a small orifice, the discharge cannot be
calculated from the equation
for the reason that the velocity is not constant over the entire cross section of the
Consider an elementary horizontal strip of depth “dh” at a depth h below the free
surface of the liquid as shown.
Area of the strip
Theoretical velocity through the strip = 2gh
Discharge through the elementary strip dQ = bxdhx 2 gh
Therefore through the entire orifice is obtained by integrating the above equation
between the limits H1= and H2.
i.e, Q = ∫C
d xbx 2 ghdh
H2 1
= Cd b 2 g ∫
h 2 dh
2 32 3
= Q Cd b 2 g x H 2 − H 2 1
1. Find the discharge through a fully submerged orifice of width 2m if the
difference of water levels on both the sides of the orifice be 800mm. The height
of water from the top and bottom of the orifice are 2.5m and 3m respectively.
Take Cd=0.6
For a submerged orifice.
=Q Cd b ( H 2 − H1 ) x 2 gH
Where, Cd=0.6, b=2m, H2=3m, H1=2.5m, H=800mm = 0.8m
∴ Q 0.6 x 2 x ( 3 − 2.5 ) x 2 x9.81x0.8
= Q = 2.377 m3 / s
2. Find the discharge through a totally drowned orifice 1.5m wide and 1m deep, if
the difference of water levels on both the sides of the orifice is 2.5m, Take
b=1.5m, d=1m, H=2.5m, Cd=0.62
Q = Cd a 2 gH
= 0.62 x1.5 x1x 2 x9.81x 2.5
Q = 6.513m3 / s
3. Find the discharge through a rectangular orifice 3m wide and 2m deep fitted to
a water tank. The water level in the tank is 4m above the top edge of the orifice.
Take Cd=0.62.
2 32 3
For a rectangular orifice Q Cd b 2 g H 2 − H 1 2
B=3m, Cd=0.62, H2=(4+2)=6m, H1=4m.
2 3 3
Q x0.62 x3 x 2 x9.81x 6 2 − 4 2
% error=1.04 %
∫ dq = ∫ 2 xdhx
0 0
2 gh
H 1
Q = 2 2 g ∫ xh 2 dh
1 3H
= 2 2 g tan θ ∫ Hh 2 − h 2 dh
2 3
2 52
integrating Q 2 2 g tan θ Hh − h ∫
= 2
3 5 0
2 2
= 2 2 g tan θ H 2 −
3 5
= 4 2 g tan θ
( 5 − 3) H 52
= Q 2 g H 2 tan θ − − − (1)
∴ Qact =Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
Cd =Coefficient of discharge
In deriving Eq(1), velocity of approach Va is neglected. If the head due to this
velocity of approach is considered,
8 5 5
=then, Qact Cd 2 g ( H + ha ) − ha 2 tan θ − − − (3)
1. A triangular notch discharges 0.0110m3/s under a head of 0.2m. Find the
angle of the notch, if Cd=0.626.
= =
Q 0.0113 m3 / s, H 0.2m
Cd = 0.626
Q = Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
15 0.0110
tan θ = x 5
8 0.626 x 2 x9.81x ( 0.2 ) 2
θ = 22.6 0
= 2=
Therefore angle of the notch θ 45.20
2. A right angled triangular notch discharges 0.143m3/s. Find the head over the
notch if Cd=0.6.
2θ 90
= = 0
,θ 450
= =
Solution. Q 0.143 m3 / s, H ?
Cd = 0.6
Q= Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
15 0.143
H = x 0
8 0.6 x 19.62 x tan 45
∴= = 399.5mm
H 0.3995
4. Calculate the top width and depth of a triangular notch capable of discharging
700lps. The weir discharges 5.7 lps when the head over the crest is 7.5cm. Take
Solution. Q 700= lps 0.7 m3=
/ s, H ?
−3 3
=Q1 5.7 x10 = =
m / s, H1 0.075 m, Cd 0.62
Q= Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
5 5
Q 8 15
∴ =Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ x Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
Q1 15 8
Q H 2
Q1 0.075
0.7 H 2
= ∴H =
5.7 x10 0.075
Q = Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
15 0.7
tan θ = x 1 5
8 0.62 x ( 2 x9.81) 2 x ( 0.514 ) 2
= 2.523
=∴θ 68.38
= 0
or 2θ 136.760
0 0
Q = L 2g
h 2
∴ Q =L 2 g H 2
=Qact Cd 2 g LH 2 − − − (1)
Cd=Coefficient of discharge, its average value is about 0.62.
End Contraction
When the length of the weir(L) is less than the width of the channel (B), the
nappe contracts at the sides, and this is knows as end contractions.(fig34)
According to Francis, the effective length of flow over the notch is given by
Substituting this value in EQ(1) and simplifying
2 3
=Q Cd 2 g ( L − 0.1nH ) H − − − (2)
3 2
A notch without end contraction is known as a suppressed notch.
The total head over the weir will be the sum of static head (H) and velocity head
(ha), velocity head ha = a is due to the velocity of the liquid approaching the
On similar lines, considering a strip of uniform thickness dh at a depth h below
the liquid surface.
Discharge through the strip dq=area x = velocity. dQ Lxdhx 2 g ( H + ha )
Therefore Total discharge is given by
Q H 2
=∫ dq L 2 g ∫ ( H + ha ) dh
0 0
2 3 3
= L 2g ( H + ha ) 2 − ha 2
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g L ( H + ha ) − ha 2
Empirical Formula
3 3
(i)Francis Formula Q= 1.84 ( L − 0.1nH ) ( H + ha ) − ha 2
0.003 3
(ii)(ii)(ii)Bazin’s formula Q 0.405 + L 2g H
0.053 ( H + 0.011) 3
(iii)(iii)(iii)Rehbock formula Q = 0.403 + L 2 g ( H + 0.0011) 2
Considering velocity of approach and End contraction, we have
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g ( L − 0.1nH ) ( H + ha ) 2 − ha 2
Considering velocity of approach and End contraction, we have
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g ( L − 0.1nH ) ( H + ha ) − ha
2 2
5.Find the discharge over a rectangular notch of crest length 400mm. When the
head of water over the crest is 50mm. Take Cd=0.6.
Solution. Q = Cd 2 g LH 2
= x0.6 x 2 x9.81x0.4 x ( 0.05 ) 2
= =
Q 7.92 x10−3 m3 / s 7.92lps
6. A rectangular weir 9m long is divided into 3 bays by two vertical post each
300mm wide. If the head of water over the weir is 500mm, Calculate the
discharge, given Cd=0.62.
Solution. Q Cd 2 g ( L − 0.1nH ) H 2
n=number of end contractions=6.
L=clear length of weir=9-3x0.3=8.1
=∴Q x0.62 x 2 x9.81 ( 8.1 − 0.1x6 x0.5 ) x0.5 2
Q = 5.05m3 / s
7. The discharge over a rectangular weir is 0.4m3/s when the head of water is
0.20m. What would be the discharge if the head is increase to 0.3m?
Q1=0.4m3/s H1=0.20m
Q2=? H2=0.3m
Q2 H 2 2
Q1 H1
0.3 2
= =
or , Q2 0.4 x 0.735m3 / s
Velocity of approach
Va= Discharge/area of flow in the channel
∴Va = = 0.25m / s
Head due to velocity of approach a = ha
ha = 3.185 x10−3 m
2 x9.81
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g L ( H + ha ) 2 − (ha ) 2
ha = 0.05097 m
2 x9.81
−3 2
x0.62 x 2 x9.81x6 x ( H + 3.185 x10 ) − ( 3.185 x10 )
2 −3 2
= 1.5
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g L ( H + ha ) − (ha ) 2
∴H = 0.266m , And height of the weir
2 3 3
=Q Cd 2 g L ( H + ha ) 2 − (ha ) 2
2 3 3
=2.645 x0.6 x 2 x9.81xLx (1.2 + 0.05097 ) 2 − ( 0.05097 ) 2
∴ L 1.076
= m 107.6cm
11. Water passing over a rectangular notch flow subsequently over a right
angled triangular notch. The length of the rectangular notch is 600mm and
Cd=0.62. if the Cd value for the V-notch is 0.60, what will be its washing head,
when the head on the rectangular notch is 20cm.
Rectangular Notch.
Cd=0.62, H=0.2m
Q = Cd 2 g LH 2
= x0.62 x 2 x9.81x0.6 x ( 0.2 ) 2 Q = 0.09825m3 / s
2θ 90=
= 0
,θ 450=, H ?,=Cd 0.6
Since the same discharge of 0.09825m3/s is passing over the V-
notch, we have
Q = Cd 2 g H 2 tan θ
0.09825 = x0.6 x 2 x9.81x ( H ) 2 tan θ
H = 0.0693.
∴H = 0.3438m
Types of Nappe
The equations derived for the discharge over notches were under the assumption
that pressure under the nappe is atmosphere. However, when the liquid if flowing
over the notch (suppressed), it touches the walls of the channel and the air gets
dissolved or entrained in water, continuation of this process results in a negative
pressure i.e. partial vaccum under the nappe. Finally the nappe gets deflected
closer to the weir wall.
The pressure on the inner side of the the nappe decides its type in the following
a)Free Nappe
In this type, the stream of water passing over the weir the springs clear of the
weir. (fig.36a)
b) Depressed NappeIn this type, a partial vaccum is created between the nappe
and the weir. Discharge for such a flow situation is 8 to 10% greater than that
with a free nappe.(fig.36b)
c) Clinging NappeIn this type the nappe totally adheres to the face of the weir.
The discharge in this case would be 20 to 30% more than that in a fully aerated
Ventilation of Weirs
The nappe emerging from a weir should be of a correct form, so that the
discharge equations derived for them are valid.
For accurate gauging of flow the nappe should spring clear or it should be free. In
other words the space between the weir and nappe should be maintained under
atmospheric conditions, particularly when the weir is suppressed.
In practice ventilation holes are made on the weir walls so that air circulates
freely between the weir and the nappe.
This is known as ventilation or ventilation of weirs.(fig36d).
Submerged Weir
A weir is said to be submerged when water level on both the upstream and
downstream sides are above the crest level of the weir as shown in figure (37).
H1 and H2 are the heads over the weir on the upstream and downstream sides.
In the case of submerged weir, it is necessary to derive the discharge equation
considering that the flow over the weir is a combination of a free weir and a
submerged orifice.
In other words, the flow Q1 between H1 and H2 is considered as a free weir and
Q2 between H2 and the weir crest as a submerged orifice.
For a free weir Q1 = Cd1 L 2 g ( H1 − H 2 ) 2 − − − (1)
For a submerged orifice. Q1 = Cd 2 LH 2 2 g ( H1 − H 2 ) − − − (2)
∴ Q = Q1 + Q2 − − − (3)
Cd1=0.58 and Cd2 = 0.80 are usually considered for the weir and the orifice.
As in the earlier cases the head due to velocity of approach ha=Va2/2g can also
be considered.
3 3
In such a case Q1 = Cd1 L 2 g ( H1 − H 2 + ha ) 2 − ha 2 − − − (4)
Q1 = Cd 2 LH 2 2 g ( H1 − H 2 + ha ) − − − (5)
In all the above equation L=length of the notch or weir.
1) A submerged weir 1m high spans the entire width of a rectangular channel 7m
wide. Estimate the discharge when the depth of water is 1.8m on the upstream
side and 1.25m on the downstream side of the weir. Assume Cd=0.62 for the
Solution (fig.38).
Qsubmerged weir= Qweir+Qsubmerged orifice
= Cd1 L 2 g x(H1 − H 2 ) + Cd LH 2 2 g (H1 − H 2 )
2 3
3 2
= x0.62 x7 x 19.62 x(0.8 x0.25) + 0.62 x7 x0.25 x 19.62 x(0.8 − 0.25)
2 3
3 2
Q = 6.25m / s
2) The upstream and downstream water surfaces are 150mm and 75m above the
crest of a drowned weir. If the length of the weir is 2.5m, find the discharge, the
coefficients of discharge for the free and drowned portions may be taken as 0.58
and 0.8 respectively. Allow for velocity of approach.
H1=1500mm=15m, H2=75mm=0.075m
L=2.5m, Cd1=0.58, Cd2=0.8
Q = xCd1 xLx 2 g (H1 − H 2 )2 + Cd 2 LH 2 2 g (H1 − H 2 )
x0.58 x 2.5 19.62 (0.15 − 0.075)2 + 0.8 x 2.5 x0.075 19.62 x(0.15 − 0.075)
Q = 0.2698m / s3
Velocity of approach
Va =
areaofflowu / softheweir
= = 0.719m / s
2.5 x0.15
V 2 0.719 2
ha = a = 0.00264m
2 g 2 x9.81
x0.58 x 2.5 19.62 (0.15 − 0.075 + 0.0264 )2
Q = 3
+ 0.8 x 2.5 x0.075 19.62 x(0.15 − 0.075) + 0.0264
Q = 0.271m 3 / s
When the weir is suppressed and its height is large, the nappe emerging out may
be subjected to the problems of ventilation. Hence, in such cases the weir profile
downstream is constructed conforming to the shape of the lower side of the
nappe. Such a weir is known as a spillway or ogee weir.
The cross section of an ogee weir will be shown(39). The coordinates of the
spillway profile can be worked out for the head H using the equation.
x1.85 = 2 H 0.85 y
The u/s face of the spillway is generally kept vertical.
The discharge equation for an ogee weir will be Q = Cd 2 g LH 2
Same as that for a suppressed rectangular notch.
1. Calculate the discharge over an ogee weir of 8.5m length, when the head
over the crest is 2.15m and Cd=0.61.
L=8.5m, H=2.15m, Cd0.61
Q = Cd 2 g LH 2
= x0.61x 2 x9.81x8.5 x(2.15) 2 Q = 48.27 m 3 / s
∴ Q is maximum when =0
( )
∴ h H − h 2=0
∂ 1 ∂h
hx (H − h )2 + (H − h )2 = 0
dh ∂h
1 x1
hx (H − R )2 (− 1) + (H − h )2 = 0
1 1
− 1
+ ( H − h) 2 = 0
2( H − h) 2
h = 2(H − h )∴ 3h = 2 H
orh = ( H ) − conditionforQmax
Substituting the value of h in eq(2) and simplifying.
(Qact )max = Cd L 2 H x
2g H − H
3 3
2 H
= Cd LHx 2 g
3 3
(Qact )max = 2
Cd L 2 g H 2
3 3
1. Determine the discharge over a broad crested weir 26m long, the upstream
level of water is measured as 0.5m above the crest level. The height of the weir
is 0.6m and the width of the approach channel is 36m. Take Cd=0.9.
For a broad crested weir. (Qact )max =
Cd L 2 g H 2
3 3
= x0.9 x 26 x 19.62 x(0.5) 2
3 3
(Qact )max = 14.105m3 / s
Since, the width of the channel, we have to consider the velocity of approach Va
i.e, Va =
Areaofflow int hechannel
= 0.356m / s
36 x(0.6 + 0.5)
Va2 0.356 2
ha = = = 6.466 x10 −3
2 g 2 x9.81
(Qact )max = 2 Cd L 2 g (H + ha )2
3 3
( )
= x0.9 x 26 x 19.62 x 0.5 + 6.466 x10 −3 2
3 3
(Qact )max = 14.379m3 / s
2. A reservoir discharges water at 60,000 m3/day over a broad crested weir, the
head of length of the weir, if Cd=0.65.
H=500mm=0.5m Cd=?, L=?
(Qact )max = 2 Cd L 2 g H 2
3 3
3 3 x0.694
∴L = 3
2 x0.65 x 19.62 x(0.5) 2
L = 1.77 metres
3 3
Va2 Q 1
whereha = = x
2g A 2g
50 1
= x = 0.629m
45 19.62
x0.85 xLx 19.62 (1.6 + 0.0629 )2
2 3
∴ 50 =
3 3
50 = 3.1076 L
or L = 16.089m ≈ 16.1m
Fig 18
Vena contracta
H Centreline of orifice
B y
Fig 19.
Fig 21
X1 = X2
Fig 22
Y1 Point of intersection of the jet
Fig 23
Fig 24
H2 Y2
Fig 25
X1 X2
Fig 26
Fig 27
100 KN/m2
Oil s=0.9
Fig 28
Fig 29
1 2
Fig 30
H2 b
Fig 32
θ θ
Elemental Strip
Fig 33
Fig 34
Side wall
Fig 35
Fig 36. (a)
Fig 36 (c)
Fig 36.(d)
Fig 37
Q2 H2
Fig 38
1m 1.25m
Fig 39
Concrete or masonry
Fig 40
h v
Channel bed
(Additional Problems)
1.Find the diameter of a sharp edged orifice sufficient to discharge 3x106 litres of
water per day. Under a constant head of 12m. Take Cd=0.62
2.2.A closed tank partially with water upto a height of 2m has an orifice of 2.75cm
diameter at its bottom. Determine the air pressure over the water surface for a
discharge of 5 lps, through the orifice, Cd=0.62
3. Water is discharged vertically upwards through a 5cm diameter orifice under a
pressure of 180N/cm2. CV for the orifice is 0.92. Determine the height to which
the jet will rise, when
i) there is no air friction
ii) when the friction produces a retardation of 2m/s2.
4. In performing an experiment to determine the different coefficients of a sharp
edged orifice, a jet of water issuing horizontally from the orifice of 2.5cm diameter
under a constant head of 1.5m fell through 0.9m vertically and struck the ground
at 2.3m horizontally from Vena contracta. The time required to discharge 91litres
of water was found to be 53 seconds. Find the values of Cd, CV and CC for the
5. A Jet of water issuing from a vertical orifice 0.025m diameter under a constant
head of 1.5m falls 0.915m vertically, before it strikes the ground at a distance of
2.288m, measured from Vena contracta horizontally. The discharge was found to
be 0.102 m3/min. Determine Cd, CV, CC, & Cr for the orifice.
6. The centre of an orifice is situated 60cm above the bottom of a vessel
containing water to a depth of 2.4m. Assuming CV=0.98. Estimate how far the
water in the jet issuing from the orifice in the side of the vessel will fall in moving
horizontally a distance of 1m from the Vena contracta.
7. A large tank has a circular sharp edged orifice 2.5cm diameter in a vertical
side at a depth 0.6m below the constant water level. The jet diameter at Vena
contract is found to be 2cm. The water is found to be 2cm . The water discharged
is collected in a vessel having the inside dimensions of 1.2m x 0.6m x 0.6m. The
time required to fill the vessel is 7minutes. Calculate Cd, CV & CC.
8. Oil of S=0.85 issues from a 5cm diameter orifice under a pressure of 12N/cm2.
The diameter of jet at Vena contracta is 4cm and the discharge is 20 lps. What is
the coefficient of velocity?
9. A rectangular orifice 0.9m wide, 1.2m deep is discharging water from a vessel.
The top edge of the orifice is 0.6m below the water surface in the vessel.
Calculate the discharge through the orifice if Cd=0.6 and the percentage error if
the orifice is treated as a small orifice.
10. A closed tank contains kerosene S=0.8 to a depth of 3m. The top portion of
the tank contains air under a pressure of 27.5kpa. If a sharp edged circular orifice
of 3cm diameter Cd=0.62 is provided at the bottom of the tank, estimate the
discharge through the orifice.
11. A standard mouthpiece 5cm in diameter discharges water. Determine the
maximum head under which the flow would take place without the occurrence of
separation at Vena contracta. The coefficient of discharge for the mouth piece is
0.8, separation occurs when the absolute pressure is 2.44m of water.
12. Find the discharge through an external cylindrical mouth piece of 10cm in
diameter flowing under a head of 3.5m. What is the pressure at Vena contracta?
Take CC=0.62.
13. Calculate the value of V - notch angel to discharge 400lps under a head of
0.6m, assuming Cd=0.60.
14. During a test in a laboratory the water passing through a venturimeter is
made to flow over a 900V notch. Diameter at inlet is 25cm an that at the throat is
10cm. The pressure difference is 0.34m when the head over the V-notch is
steady at 18.2cm. If Cd for the venturimeter is 0.97, what is the coefficient of
discharge of the V-Notch?
15. Discharge varies in a rectangular channel from 0.0057 to 0.142 m3/s. At what
height should a 900 V-notch be placed above the bed of the channel, if the depth
should not exceed 1.2m, in the channel? What will be its depth for minimum
16. A 900 V-notch is provided in a rectangular channel 1.5m wide in order to
measure the channel discharge the channel is designed to carry a maximum
discharge of 0.4m3/s. With a depth not exceeding 1.8m. Find the position of the
apex of the notch from the bed of the channel.
17. A sharp crested rectangular weir 1.5m long and 90cm high is installed in a
rectangular channel 1.5m wide. If the head on the weir is 30cm, find the
a)Neglecting velocity of approach
b)Considering velocity of approach
18.A cipolletti weir of 40cm bottom width is Installed in a channel 75cm wide &
45cm deep. If the head over the weir crest is 25cm, find the discharge over the
a)Neglecting vel. of approach
b)Taking vel. of approach.
20.Two 900 V – notches & one cipolletti weir are to be used side by side to
measure a discharge of 0.85m3/s through a channel. If the head should not
exceed 30cm, what should be the dimensions of the weirs?
21. Find the discharge through a trapezoidal notch which is 1.2m wide at the top
and 0.5m at the bottom and is 40cm in height. The head of water on the notch is
30cm. Cd for the rectangular portion is 0.62 while for triangular portion is 0.60.
24. During an experiment in a laboratory 0.9 litres of water is flowing per second
over a V-notch when the head is 5cm and 5 litres/sec, when the head is 10cm.
Determine the values of k & n in the equation Q=KHn.
25. A triangular weir has one side sloping at 450 and the other side Z(H):1V.
Calculate the values of Z which gives a discharge of 0.12m3/s under a head of
0.3m. Cd=0.6
26. Water flows through a 900 V-notch with a free surface of water at a height of
10cm from the crest. The corresponding flow rate is 1000lpm. If the height above
the crest is increased by 50%, what would be the new flow rate?
27. A rectangular channel 6m wide carries a flow of 1.5m3/s. A rectangular sharp
crested weir is to be installed near the end of the channel to create a depth of
1m. Upstream of the weir, calculate the necessary weir height. Assume Cd=0.62.
28. A suppressed weir having a crest length of 4m, discharges under a head of
40cm. The height of the weir crest above the channel bed is 1m. Find the rate of
29. A rectangular sharp crested weir is required to discharge 645 m3/s of water
under a head of 1.2m. If the coefficient of discharge is 0.6 and the velocity of
approach near the weir is 1 m/s, find the length of the weir required.
30. A discharge of 1800m3/s is to pass over a rectangular weir which is divided
into a number of spans of 10m each. If the velocity of approach is 4m/s, find the
number of opening required such that the head over the crest does not exceed
31. A waste weir has to pass a flood discharge of 3m3/s. find the length of the
broad crested weir to suit the discharge such that the depth of water over the
weir crest will not be more than 42cm. Take Cd=0.97.
32. A 3m wide rectangular irrigation canal carries water with a discharge of
6m3/s. what height of rectangular weir installed across the canal will raise the
water surface to a level of 2m above the floor?
33. A rectangular weir 0.75m high & 1.5m long is to be used for discharging
water from a tank under a head of 0.5m. Estimate the discharge a) when it is
used as suppressed weir. b) when it is used as a contracted weir. Take Cd=0.61.
34. A trapezoidal sharp crested weir has a base width of 1.2m & side slopes of
1.5H to 1V. Calculate the discharge over the weir for a head of 35cm. Take
28. Calculate the bottom width and side slopes of a trapezoidal notch to
discharge 4m3/s at a head of 1.5m and 1.2m3/s at a head of 0.75. Assume
Cd=0.63.35. A Cipolletti weir of crest length 0.6m discharges water under of
0.36m. Find the discharge over the weir if the channel is 0.8m wide & 0.5m deep.
Take Cd=0.6.