Exercise - Fracture Acidizing Calculation
Exercise - Fracture Acidizing Calculation
Exercise - Fracture Acidizing Calculation
Inputs Outputs
Fluid loss flux UN 3E-05 m/s Velocity of acid in y-direction
Acid injection rate qi 2.00E-03 m3/s/m Reynolds number based on the fluid loss
Acid concentration ratio C/Co 0.1 Reynolds number based on the fluid flow
average fracture depth w_ave 0.0025 m Peclect number
Acid effective diffusivity DA 1E-08 m2/s l_n = 0
Density of HCl wt15% ra 1070 kg/m3 G_n = 0
Viscosity of HCL wt15% ma 0.00115 kg/ms Power (2l2)/(3Pe)
Formation porosity f 0.1 ln[(C/Co)/Gn]
Acid dissolving power b 0.547 lbm/lbm ln(1-x/L)
Concentration of acid Co 0.15 x/L
Fracture length
Fracture acidized length
L m
th x m
5 1.00000
Pe = 5
0.00000 0.80000
0.70000 Pe = 3
0.00000 0.60000 Pe = 2.0
0.00000 Pe = 0.1
0.50000 Pe = 0.2
0.00000 Pe = 0.5 Pe = 1.0
0.00000 0.40000
0.00000 0.20000
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fracture Acidizing
Inputs Outputs
Fluid loss flux UN 3E-05 m/s Reynolds number
Acid injection rate qi 2.00E-03 m3/s/m Peclect number
Acid injection time t 600 seconds The fracture length
Dynamic fracture width w_dynamic 0.0025 m l_n = 0
Acid effective diffusivity DA 1.25E-08 m2/s G_n = 0
Density of HCl wt15% ra 1070 kg/m3 Power (2l2)/(3Pe)
Viscosity of HCL wt15% ma 0.00115 kg/m-s Fracture volume per thickness
Formation porosity f 0.1000 Volumetric dissolving power
Acid dissolving power b 0.5470 lbm/lbm The average fracture width
Concentration of acid Co 0.1500 Ideal fracture width
Rock embedment stren. SRES 3.10E+08 Pa Ideal fracture conductivity
Fracture gradient FG 18000 Pa/m Constant
Drawndown pressure DP 6.80E+06 Pa Constant
Reservoir depth D 3000.0 m Actual fracture conductivity
R a ti o o f Id e a l t o A v e r a g e F r a c t u r e W id t h
Acid penetration ration x/L 0.1 m/m Actual fracture conductivity
Acidized formation permeability
Coefficients to calculate the eigenvalues
n g_0,n g_1,n g_2,n g_3,n h_1,n h_2,n 0.00 0.10
0 1.68231 -0.226693 0.0067544 -0.000184 0.006759 -0.0046274
1 5.67053 -0.696 17.2931 -2.9304 1.0032 -3.4376
Coefficients to calculate the G_n constant
n g¯_0,n g¯_1,n g¯_2,n g¯_3,n h¯_1,n h¯_2,n
0 0.910378 -0.000238279 0.001493 -8.97E-05 -0.000708 -0.0001184
1 0.053126 0.000188909 -0.001254 8.135E-05 0.000402 3.5148E-05
mber Re* 0.0349
ber Pe 3.0000
length L 16.6667 m
(3Pe) 0.2489
ume per thickness V 1.20E+00 m3/m 3.66E+01
issolving power X = bCo 0.0821 m3/m3
fracture width W_bar m
e width wi m
e conductivity (wkf)i m3
c1 m3
re conductivity wkf m3
R a ti o o f Id e a l t o A v e r a g e F r a c t u r e W id t h
Pe = 0.1
6.00 Pe=0.3
5.00 Pe=0.5
4.00 Pe=1.0
3.00 Pe=3.0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Fracture Acidizing
Inputs Outputs
Acid injection rate qi 5.60E-02 m3/s Volume of acid
Acid injection time t 714 seconds Closure stress
Acid effective diffusivity DA 1.25E-08 m2/s Constant c2 value
Density of HCl wt28% ra 1140 kg/m3 Constant b value
Viscosity of HCL wt28% ma 0.00157 kg/m-s Optimum fracture length
Formation porosity f 0.1000 The stimulaiton ratio
Concentration of acid Co 0.2800 The optimum ideal width
Rock embedment stren. SRES 3.79E+08 Pa The optimum ideal width
Fracture gradient FG 15800 Pa/m Ideal fracture conductivity
Drawndown pressure DP 1.42E+07 Pa Constant
Reservoir depth D 1524.0 m Actual fracture conductivity
Formation permeability k 9.87E-15 m2 Actual fracture conductivity
Drainage radius re 200 m Acidized formation permeability
Wellbore radius rw 0.05 m
Formation fluid viscosity mf 0.001 kg/m-s
Rock density rrock 2801 kg/m3
Reservoir pressure PR 1.72E+07 Pa
Gross fracture height h 30.5 m
Dissolving power X 0.17 m3/m3
Flowing BH pressure Pwf 3.00E+06 Pa
cid Vacid m3
s sc Pa
value c2
alue b
cture length L* m
on ratio Js/Jo % increase
m ideal width Wi m
m ideal width Wi in.
e conductivity (wkf)i m3
c1 m3
re conductivity wkf m3
re conductivity wkf mD-in
mation permeability kf D