(BS EN 15015) - Plastics Piping Systems. Hot and Cold Water Piping Components. Requirements and Test - Assessment Methods For Pipes and Fittings

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This document provides information on drafting a British standard based on a European standard, including details on submitting comments and CE marking requirements.

The purpose of this document is to draft a British standard for plastic piping systems based on a European standard, and it provides guidance for submitting comments on the draft.

For CE marking, the document states that the name and address of the manufacturer, the last two digits of the year of marking, the standard number, and other product information must be included on the product and packaging.

Draft for Public Comment

Form 36

DPC: 11 / 30239909 DC

BSI Group Headquarters

Date: 21 March 2011
389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Origin: European
Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000
Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7400

Latest date for receipt of comments: 30 June 2011 Project No. 2010/03861

Responsible committee: PRI/88/2 Plastics piping for pressure applications

Interested committees:

Title: Draft BS EN 15015 Plastics piping systems - Hot and cold water piping components - Requirements and test/assessment
methods for pipes and fittings

Supersession information: If this document is published as a standard, the UK implementation of it will supersede BSEN15015 :
2007 . If you are aware of a current national standard which may be affected, please notify the secretary (contact details below).


This draft is issued to allow comments from interested parties; all comments will be given consideration prior to publication. No
acknowledgement will normally be sent. See overleaf for information on the submission of comments.

No copying is allowed, in any form, without prior written permission from BSI except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs
and Patent Act 1988 or for circulation within a nominating organization for briefing purposes. Electronic circulation is limited to
dissemination by e-mail within such an organization by committee members.

Further copies of this draft may be purchased from BSI Customer Services, Tel: +44(0) 20 8996 9001 or e-mail
[email protected]. British, International and foreign standards are also available from BSI Customer Services.

Information on the co-operating organizations represented on the committees referenced above may be obtained from the
responsible committee secretary.

The British Standards which implement International or European publications referred to in this draft may be found via the
British Standards Online Service on the BSI web site http://www.bsigroup.com.

Responsible Committee Secretary: Committee Service Centre (BSI)

Direct tel: 020 8996 7009
E-mail: [email protected]
This draft standard is based on European discussions in which the UK has taken an active part. Your comments on this draft are
welcome and will assist in the preparation of the consequent British Standard. Comment is particularly welcome on national,
legislative or similar deviations that may be necessary.

Even if this draft standard is not approved by the UK, if it receives the necessary support in Europe, the UK will be obliged to
publish the official English Language text unchanged as a British Standard and to withdraw any conflicting standard.

UK Vote
Please indicate whether you consider the UK should submit a negative (with reasons) or positive vote on this draft.

Submission of Comments
- The guidance given below is intended to ensure that all comments receive efficient and appropriate attention by the responsible
BSI committee. Annotated drafts are not acceptable and will be rejected.

- All comments must be submitted, preferably electronically, to the Responsible Committee Secretary at the address given on the
front cover. Comments should be compatible with version 6.0 or version 97 of Microsoft Word for Windows, if possible;
otherwise comments in ASCII text format are acceptable. Any comments not submitted electronically should still adhere
to these format requirements.

- All comments submitted should be presented as given in the example below. Further information on submitting comments and
how to obtain a blank electronic version of a comment form are available from the BSI website at:

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date: xx/xx/20xx Document: ISO/DIS xxxx

1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)

MB Clause No./ Subclause Paragraph/ Type of com- Commend (justification for change) by the Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations on each

No./Annex Figure/ ment MB comment submitted

(e.g. 3.1) Table/Note


Definition 1

Paragraph 2

Definition is ambiguous and needs clarifying. Amend to read '...so that the mains connector

The use of the UV photometer as an

alternative cannot be supported as

to which no connection...'

Delete reference to UV photometer.

serious problems have been encountered in its

use in the UK.

Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks, and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
March 2011

ICS 23.040.01 Will supersede EN 15015:2007

English Version

Plastics piping systems - Hot and cold water piping components

- Requirements and test/assessment methods for pipes and

Systèmes de canalisations en plastique - Composants de Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme - Bauteile für den Einsatz

canalisations pour eau chaude et froide non destinée à la in Rohrleitungen für Warm- und Kaltwasser -
consommation humaine - Exigences et méthodes Anforderungen und Prüf /Bewertungsverfahren für Rohre
d'essais/d'évaluation pour tubes et raccords und Formstücke

This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 155.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 15015:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Contents Page

Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................6
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................6
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................7
4 Requirements .........................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Reaction to fire .......................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Internal pressure strength ....................................................................................................................8
4.2.1 Determination of design pressure PD..................................................................................................8
4.2.2 Verification of pressure strength .........................................................................................................8
4.3 Dimensional tolerances ........................................................................................................................8
4.4 Tightness ................................................................................................................................................8
4.5 Durability ................................................................................................................................................9
4.5.1 Durability of internal pressure strength related to the material .......................................................9
4.5.2 Durability of the internal pressure strength of pipes and fittings ....................................................9
4.5.3 Durability of tightness of connections ................................................................................................9
4.6 Release of dangerous substances.......................................................................................................9
5 Test methods..........................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Reaction to fire .......................................................................................................................................9
5.2 Determination of the design pressure .................................................................................................9
5.2.1 Determination of design pressure for thermoplastics pipes and plastic fittings ...........................9
5.2.2 Determination of design pressure for multilayer pipes .................................................................. 10
5.3 Internal pressure strength ................................................................................................................. 10
5.4 Dimensional tolerances ..................................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Tightness ............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.6 Durability ............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.6.1 Durability related to internal pressure strength related to material .............................................. 10
6 Evaluation of conformity .................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Initial Type Testing – Type Testing ................................................................................................... 11
6.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Tests previously performed in accordance with the provisions of this standard, respectively
standards as listed in Annex B, may be taken into account provided that they were made
to the same or a more rigorous test method, under the same system of attestation of
conformity on the same product or products of similar design, construction and
functionality, such that the results are applicable to the product in question. ........................... 13
6.2.2 Test samples, testing and compliance ............................................................................................. 13
6.2.3 Test reports ......................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Factory production control (FPC) ..................................................................................................... 14
6.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 14
6.3.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3.3 Product specific requirements .......................................................................................................... 17
6.3.4 Procedure for modifications .............................................................................................................. 18
6.3.5 One-off products, pre-production products (e.g. prototypes) and products produced in
very low quantity................................................................................................................................. 18
Annex A (normative) Overall service (design) coefficients ........................................................................ 20
A.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 20

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

A.2 Overall service (design) coefficients ................................................................................................. 20

Annex B (normative) Application class S ..................................................................................................... 21
B.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 21
B.2 Test parameters for temperature cycling.......................................................................................... 21
Annex C (informative) Product standards for hot and cold water installations inside buildings ........... 22
Annex D (informative) Standards for assessment of conformity for hot and cold water
installations inside buildings ............................................................................................................. 24
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU
Construction Products Directive (CPD) ............................................................................................ 25
ZA.1. Scope and relevant characteristics ................................................................................................... 25
ZA.2. Procedure for attestation of conformity of plastics pipes and fittings .......................................... 26
ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity .................................................................................................. 26
ZA.2.2. CE Certificate and Declaration of conformity ................................................................................... 28
ZA.3. CE marking and labelling.................................................................................................................... 29
ZA.3.1 CE marking requirements ................................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................... 33

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

This document (prEN 15015:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 155 “Plastics piping
systems and ducting systems”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.

This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.

This document has been prepared under the mandate M/131 “Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not in contact with
water intended for human consumption” given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free
Trade Association and support essential requirements of EU Directives.

For relationship with EC Directives, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

This European Standard specifies only those characteristics of pipes and fittings for hot and cold water
applications with the exception of water intended for human consumption that need to be known to determine
if the works in which these are to be installed can satisfy the essential requirements of the EU Directive(s).
Additional characteristics are specified in the documents listed in Annex A or in other appropriate product

This harmonised European Standard covers pipes and fittings for hot and cold water installations.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements for plastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water

It is intended to be used for distribution of hot and cold water and for heating systems inside buildings with the
exception of water intended for human consumption.

It gives associated test/assessment methods.This standard does not cover adhesives joint sealings and

NOTE 1 For this standard the term fitting includes the term joint as meant by mandate M 131.
NOTE 2 Products complying with this document may be used for the transport of water intended for human
consumption if they comply with the relevant national, regional or local regulatory provisions applicable in
place of use. Compliance of a product with this document does not confer a presumption of fitness of the
product for the transport of water intended for human consumption within the meaning of the Directive

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 681-1, Elastomeric seals — Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage
applications — Part 1: Vulcanized rubber

EN 681-2, Elastomeric seals — Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage
applications — Part 2: Thermoplastic elastomers

EN 12293, Plastics piping systems — Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water — Test method
for the resistance of mounted assemblies to temperature cycling

EN 13501-1, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 1: Classification using
test data from reaction to fire tests

EN 13823 Reaction to fire tests for building products — Building products excluding floorings exposed to the
thermal attack by a single burning item

EN 16000, Plastics piping systems — Systems within the building structure — Mounting and fixing of
components in the test apparatus to thermal attack by a single burning item

EN ISO 1167-1, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination
of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 1: General method (ISO 1167-1:2006)

EN ISO 1167-2, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination
of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 2: Preparation of pipe test pieces (ISO 1167-2:2006)

prEN ISO 1167-3, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids —
Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 3: Preparation of components (ISO/DIS 1167-

prEN ISO 1167-4, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids —
Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 4: Preparation of assemblies (ISO/DIS 1167-

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

EN ISO 3126, Plastics piping systems — Plastics components — Determination of dimensions

(ISO 3126:2005)

EN ISO 9080, Plastics piping and ducting systems — Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of
thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation (ISO 9080:2003)

EN ISO 15874-2 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 2:

EN ISO 15874-3: Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 3:

EN ISO 15875-2 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 2: Pipes

EN ISO 15875-3 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 3: Fittings

EN ISO 15876-2 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 2:

EN ISO 15876-3 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 3:

EN ISO 15877-2 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 2: Pipes
EN ISO 15877-3 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 3: Fittings

EN ISO 21003-2 Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings — Part 2:
Pipes (ISO 21003-2:2008/DAM 1:2010)

EN ISO 22391-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 2: PipesEN ISO 22391-3 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold
water installations — Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 3: Fittings

ISO 1133 Plastics—Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume-flow (MVR) of

ISO 10508:2006, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Guidance for classification
and design

ISO 17456, Plastics piping systems — Multilayer pipes — Determination of the long-term strength

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and symbols apply.

nominal outside diameter
specified outside diameter, in millimetres, assigned to a nominal size

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

design pressure
highest pressure related to the circumstances for which the pipe or fitting has been designed and is intended
to be used

assembly of pipe(s) and fitting(s)

4 Requirements

4.1 Reaction to fire

The contribution of fire development of products falling under the scope of this EN is verified according to the
provisions of clause 5.1.

Test results shall be classified according to EN 13501-1

4.2 Internal pressure strength

4.2.1 Determination of design pressure PD

When determined in accordance with 5.2, the internal pressure strength of the pipe and fitting shall be
expressed as a design pressure PD of 4 bar, 6 bar, 8 bar or 10 bar for a given class of application according
to ISO 10508:2006 and shall be declared by the manufacturer.

4.2.2 Verification of pressure strength

The verification of the internal pressure strength of pipes and fittings shall be done in accordance with 5.2.3.

4.3 Dimensional tolerances

The manufacturer shall declare the relevant dimensional tolerances for the connection of pipes and fittings by:

a) reference to a specific European Standard listed in Clause 2

b) in the absence of a) , reference to a specific European product specification published by a recognized
European organization,
c) in the absence of a) and b), reference to an International Standard,
d) in the absence of a), b) and c), by stating the values of his own specification and associated jointing
Dimensions shall be measured in accordance with 5.3 and shall be within the declared tolerances.

4.4 Tightness

For products in accordance with this standard tightness is required. Pipes and fittings covered by this standard
and having passed the type testing in accordance with the assessment of conformity clause, are deemed to
be tight.Connections between pipes and fittings shall be tested in accordance with 5.5. No leakage shall occur
during the test period.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

4.5 Durability

4.5.1 Durability of internal pressure strength related to the material

The durability of internal pressure strength related to the material, from which the pipes and fittings are
manufactured, shall be assessed by testing in accordance with 5.6.1.

4.5.2 Durability of the internal pressure strength of pipes and fittings

The pipes and fittings for which the design pressure PD is declared in accordance with 4.2.1 and which have
been made of material meeting the requirements of 5.5.1, are deemed to have a reasonable economic
working life.

4.5.3 Durability of tightness of connections

The tightness of connections is deemed to be durable when the requirements of 5.5 are met. Any sealing
elements used, shall conform to EN 681-1 or EN 681-2, as applicable.

NOTE 1 The piping components are expected to last at least the lifetime of the network where they are

4.6 Release of dangerous substances

The products covered by this standard should not contain or release any of the substances considered
dangerous according to the existing national provisions.

5 Test methods

5.1 Reaction to fire

The reaction to fire is tested according to the applicable test methods

When tested in accordance with EN 13823 (SBI test), the mounting and fixing conditions of samples to be
tested shall be in accordance with EN 16000.

5.2 Determination of the design pressure

5.2.1 Determination of design pressure for thermoplastics pipes and plastic fittings

The hydrostatic stress properties of the material shall be determined by testing in accordance with
EN ISO 9080. Alternatively the hydrostatic stress properties may be determined by proving that the material
conforms to the reference lines specified in the basic material standards. The test results from EN ISO 9080
or the reference lines from the material standards shall be used to calculate the design pressure by using an
established method for calculating or determining the maximum allowable hoop stress applicable to pipes
and/or fittings exposed to a range of internal pressures and/or temperatures during their expected lifetime with
the service coefficients given in Annex A. One established method is described in EN ISO 13760 [1] taking into
account an applicable class of service condition according to ISO 10508:2006 and service coefficients
according to Annex A. Other national established methods may be used.

NOTE For advice see the material standards ISO 3213 [2] for PP, ISO 10146 [3] for PE-X, ISO 12230 [4] for PB,
EN ISO 24033 for PE-RT[5] and product standard EN ISO 15877-2 (see Annex B) for PVC-C.

For material not covered by Annex A the manufacturer shall declare overall service coefficients with
appropriate verification methods, e.g. by making reference to a European product specification [see 4.3 b)].

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

5.2.2 Determination of design pressure for multilayer pipes

For multi-layer pipes the hydrostatic stress properties shall be determined according to ISO 17456. The result
shall then be used as described in 5.2.1.The design pressure for designs where single dimensions are
pressure rated at specific temperatures can be calculated using the same procedure as in 5.2.1 but based on
pressure instead of hydrostatic stress.

5.3 Internal pressure strength

For checking the internal pressure strength testing shall be done in accordance with the appropriate parts of
EN ISO 1167 using temperatures and hoop stresses relevant for the material as given in the relevant product
standards in clause 2-

5.4 Dimensional tolerances

The dimensions shall be measured in accordance with EN ISO 3126.

5.5 Tightness

The leak tightness of connections between pipes and fittings shall be tested in accordance with EN 12293
taking the design pressure PD and the declared classification of service conditions as in ISO 10508:2006,
using parameters given in Table 1. For class 1S and 5S, see Annex B. The S classes have a highest test
temperature of 114°C instead of the ones in Table 1.

Table 1 — Test parameters for service classes (ISO 10508:2006)

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

Highest test temperature, in °C 90 90 60 80 95

Lowest test temperature, in °C 20 20 20 20 20
Test pressure, in bar PD PD PD PD PD
Number of cycles a 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000
Number of test pieces One set of fittings in accordance with the configuration shown in EN 12293
Pre-stress force b b b b b

a Each cycle shall comprise of 15 +1 min at the highest test temperature and 15 +1 min at the lowest test temperature.
0 0
b The tensile stress to calculate the pre-stress force is calculated using the following equation:
σt = α × ∆T × E
σt is the tensile stress, expressed in megapascals ( MPa);
α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, expressed per Kelvin (1/K);
∆T is the temperature difference, expressed in Kelvins (K);
E is the modulus of elasticity, expressed in megapascals (MPa).

5.6 Durability

5.6.1 Durability related to internal pressure strength related to material

Depending on the type of material from which the pipes or fittings are manufacturerd, the following tests shall
be performed:

a) PP: Melt flow rate using the test method and conditions as given in ENISO 15874-2 and ENISO 15874-3 ,
as applicable.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

b) PE-X: Degree of crosslinking using the test method and conditions as given in EN ISO 15875-2 and EN
ISO 15875-3 as applicable

c) PB: Melt flow rate using the testmethod and conditions as given in EN ISO 15876-2 and EN ISO 15876-3
as applicable

d) PVC-C: Vicat softening temperature using the test metod and conditions as given in EN ISO 15877-2 and
EN ISO 15877-3,as applicable

e) PE-RT: Melt flow rate using the test method and conditions as given EN ISO 22391-2 and EN ISO 22391-3

f) Multilayer: Melt flow rate of inside and outside layer material according ISO 1133 and conditions as given in
EN ISO 21003.

6 Evaluation of conformity

6.1 General

The conformity of pipes and fittings with the requirements of this standard and with the declared values
(including classes) shall be demonstrated by:

 initial type testing;

 factory production control by the manufacturer, including product assessment.
The manufacturer shall always retain the overall control and shall have the necessary means to take
responsibility for the product.

6.2 Initial Type Testing – Type Testing

6.2.1 General

Initial Type Testing and Type Testing shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with this European

All essential characteristics for which the manufacturer declares performance, are subject to Initial Type
Testing. In addition, the need to perform Type Tests applies to all other characteristics included in a standard
when the manufacturer claims compliance, unless the standard gives provisions (e.g. use of previously
existing data, CWFT and conventionally accepted performance) for declaring performances without
performing tests

For the purposes of testing, the manufactures products may be grouped into families, where it is considered
that the results for one or more characteristics from any one product within the family are representative for
the same characteristics for all products within that family.

NOTE 1 p Products may be in different families for different characteristics.

For type testing the following family groups applies.

a) Pressure groups for pipes and fittings as given in Table 2.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Table 2 — Pressure groups

Pressure group Design pressure, PD

1 ≤6
2 >6

b) Size groups for pipes and fittings as given in Table 3.

Table 3 — Size groups

Size group Range of nominal diameters,

1 dn ≤ 63
2 63 < dn ≤ 160

c) Product groups for fittings as given in Table 4.

Table 4 — Product groups

Group Product
1 Pipes
2 Elbows and tees
3 All fittings except those included in group 1
and group 2.

In addition, Type Tests or Initial Type Testing shall be performed for all characteristics included in the
standard for which the manufacturer declares performances:

 at the beginning of the production of a new or modified pipe or fitting design, the raw material or supplier
of the components;

 at the beginning of a new or modified method of production (where this may affect the stated properties);
they shall be repeated for the appropriate characteristic(s), whenever a change occurs in the pipe and fitting
design, in the raw material or in the supplier of the components, or in the production process (subject to the
definition of a family), which would affect significantly one or more of the characteristics.

This is not applicable for routine in-process adjustment and extension of the product range (see Table 3).

A change of supplier of a material or stabiliser does not lead to a change in performance if the chemical
composition remains the same.

Material modifications within certain limits are not considered as a change of material. Guidance for these
limits can be found in the standards given in Annex B.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Tests previously performed in accordance with the provisions of this standard, respectively standards as listed
in Annex B, may be taken into account provided that they were made to the same or a more rigorous test
method, under the same system of attestation of conformity on the same product or products of similar design,
construction and functionality, such that the results are applicable to the product in question.

Products marked in accordance with appropriate harmonised European specifications may be presumed to
have the performances stated with that marking, although this does not replace the responsibility on the
plastic pipe and fitting designer to ensure that the plastic piping system as a whole is correctly designed and
its components products have the necessary performance values to meet the design.

6.2.2 Test samples, testing and compliance

The initial type testing of the characteristics according to Clause 4 shall be performed in accordance with the
sampling procedure given under type tests (TT) of the applicable product specific standards for assessment of
conformity as given in Annex C. If the standard does not contain one or the other of the characteristics, then
testing as given in Table 5 shall apply.

For products where no such standard exists Table 5 shall apply.

Table 5 — Type testing of pipes and fittings

Requirement Testing relevant to
clause of this Sampling procedure
Characteristics I M D E Compliance criteria
European (minimum sampling)
Reaction to fire 4.1 +b +b — — Once/compound or See classification in EN 13501-1

Internal pressure 4.2.2 + + — — One diameter / Pass/fail

strength pressure group / size
group / product group /
material or formulation
Dimensional 4.3 + + + + One diameter / Pass/fail
tolerances pressure group/size
group / product group /
material or formulation
Tightness 4.4 + + + + One diameter / Pass/fail
pressure group / size
group / jointing system
/ material or
Durability related to 4.5.1 + + + + Once/compound or Pass/fail
internal pressure formulation
strength of
compound or
Durability of internal 4.5.2 + + + + Once/material or By the classification of the long-
pressure strength of formulation term strength performance
pipes and fittings

a I is initial type test in case of new system;

M is change of material;
D is change of fitting design;
E is extension of the product range with new pressure group, size group or fitting group;
+ denotes testing relevant for the characteristic-occurrence-combination.
b Only obligatory if subject to regulatory requirements applicable in the place of use.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

6.2.3 Test reports

All Type Tests and/or Initial Type Tests and their results shall be documented in test reports.

Test reports shall be retained by the manufacturer for at least 10 years after the last date of production of the
pipes and fittings to which they relate.

6.3 Factory production control (FPC)

6.3.1 General

The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products placed
on the market conform to the stated performance characteristics.

The FPC system shall consist of procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use
of the results to control raw and other incoming materials or components, equipment, the production process
and the product.

All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a
systematic manner in the form of written policies and procedures.

This production control system documentation shall ensure a common understanding of conformity evaluation
and enable the achievement of the required component characteristics and the effective operation of the
production control system to be checked.

Factory production control therefore brings together operational techniques and all measures allowing
maintenance and control of the conformity of the product with European standard.

6.3.2 Requirements General

The manufacturer is responsible for organizing the effective implementation of the FPC system.

Tasks and responsibilities in the production control organization shall be documented and this documentation
shall be kept up-to-date.

The responsibility, authority and the relationship between personnel that manages, performs or verifies work
affecting product conformity, shall be defined. This applies in particular to personnel that needs to initiate
actions preventing product non-conformities from occurring, actions in case of non-conformities and to identify
and register product conformity problems. Personnel performing work affecting product conformity shall be
competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience for which records shall be
maintained.In each factory the manufacturer may delegate the action to a person having the necessary
authority to:

 identify procedures to demonstrate conformity of the product at appropriate stages;

 identify and record any instance of non-conformity;
 identify procedures to correct instances of non-conformity.
The manufacturer shall draw up and keep up-to-date documents defining the factory production control.

The manufacturer's documentation and procedures should be appropriate to the product and manufacturing

The FPC system should achieve an appropriate level of confidence in the conformity of the product. This

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

a) the preparation of documented procedures and instructions relating to factory production control
operations, in accordance with the requirements of the reference technical specification to which
reference is made;

b) the effective implementation of these procedures and instructions;

c) the recording of these operations and their results;

d) the use of these results to correct any deviations, repair the effects of such deviations, treat any resulting
instances of non-conformity and, if necessary, revise the FPC to rectify the cause of non-conformity.

Where subcontracting takes place, the manufacturer shall retain the overall control of the product and ensure
that he receives all the information that is necessary to fulfill his responsibilities according to this European

If the manufacturer has part of the product designed, manufactured, assembled, packed, processed and/or
labeled by subcontracting, the FPC of the subcontractor may be taken into account, where appropriate for the
product in question.

The manufacturer who subcontracts all of his activities may in no circumstances pass these responsibilities on
to a subcontractor.
NOTE Manufacturers having an FPC system, which complies with EN ISO 9000 series [2] standard and which
addresses the requirements of this European standard are recognized as satisfying the FPC requirements of the Council
Directive 89/106/EEC. Equipment Testing

All weighing, measuring and testing equipment shall be calibrated or verified and regularly inspected
according to documented procedures, frequencies and criteria. Manufacturing

All equipment used in the manufacturing process shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure use,
wear or failure does not cause inconsistency in the manufacturing process.

Inspections and maintenance shall be carried out and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s written
procedures and the records retained for the period defined in the manufacturer's FPC procedures. Raw materials and components

The specifications of all incoming raw materials and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection
scheme for ensuring their compliance. In case supplied kit components are used, the attestation of conformity
level of the component shall be that given in the appropriate harmonised technical specification for that
component. Design process

The factory production control system shall document the various stages in the design of the products; identify
the checking procedure and those individuals responsible for all stages of design.

During the design process itself, a record shall be kept of all checks, their results, and any corrective actions

This record shall be sufficiently detailed and accurate to demonstrate that all stages of the design phase, and
all checks, have been carried out satisfactorily.

prEN 15015:2011 (E) Traceability and marking

Individual products and product batches shall be identifiable and traceable with regard to their production
origin. The manufacturer shall have written procedures ensuring that processes related to affixing traceability
codes and/or markings are inspected regularly. Controls during manufacturing process

The manufacturer shall plan and carry out production under controlled conditions. Product testing and evaluation

The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of the characteristics he
declares, are maintained.
The FPC of the characteristics according to Clause 4 shall be performed in accordance with the sampling
procedure given under batch release tests (BRT) of the applicable product specific standards for assessment
of conformity as given in Annex B. If the standard does not contain one or more of the characteristics,or if no
such standard exists, then testing as given in Table 6 shall apply.

Table 6 — Factory production control of pipes and fittings

clause of
Sampling procedure
Essential characteristics this Test method Acceptance
(minimum sampling)

Reaction to fire a 4.1 Identification of compound or Once/batch See

formulation classification in
EN 13501-1
Internal pressure strength 4.2.2 EN ISO 1167-1 and Once/batch Pass/fail
EN ISO 1167-2, -3, -4 as
appropriate b

Dimensional tolerances 4.3 EN ISO 3126 or according to the Once/batch Pass/fail

manufacturers quality plan
Tightness pipe/fitting 4.4 Indirect testing: see dimensional Once/batch Pass/fail
connections tolerances
Durability related to 4.5.1 Indirect testing: see standard Once/batch Pass/fail
internal pressure strength references in clause 5.6.1
related to material
Durability of internal 4.5.2 Indirect testing: see internal Once/batch Pass/fail
pressure strength of pipes pressure strength
and fittings
a Only obligatory if subject to regulatory requirements applicable in the place of use.
b The test parameters can be found in the relevant product standard given in Annex B.

prEN 15015:2011 (E) Non-complying products

The manufacturer shall have written procedures which specify how non-complying products shall be dealt

Any such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be kept for the period defined in the
manufacturer’s written procedures. Corrective action

The manufacturer shall have documented procedures that instigate action to eliminate the cause of non-
conformities in order to prevent recurrence. Handling, storage and packaging

The manufacturer shall have procedures providing methods of product handling and shall provide suitable
storage areas preventing damage or deterioration.

6.3.3 Product specific requirements

The FPC system shall:

 address this European Standard

 ensure that the products placed on the market comply with the stated performance characteristics.

The FPC system shall include a product specific FPC, which identifies procedures to demonstrate compliance
of the product at appropriate stages, i.e.:

a) the controls and tests to be carried out prior to and/or during manufacture according to a frequency laid
down in the FPC test plan,


b) the verifications and tests to be carried out on finished products according to a frequency laid down in the
FPC test plan.

If the manufacturer uses only finished products, the operations under b) shall lead to an equivalent level of
compliance of the product as if FPC had been carried out during the production.

If the manufacturer carries out parts of the production himself, the operations under b) may be reduced and
partly replaced by operations under a). Generally, the more parts of the production that are carried out by the
manufacturer, the more operations under b) may be replaced by operations under a).

In any case the operation shall lead to an equivalent level of compliance of the product as if FPC had been
carried out during the production.
NOTE Depending on the specific case, it can be necessary to carry out the operations referred to under a) and b),
only the operations under a) or only those under b).

The operations under a) refer to the intermediate states of the product as on manufacturing machines and
their adjustment, and measuring equipment etc. These controls and tests and their frequency shall be chosen
based on product type and composition, the manufacturing process and its complexity, the sensitivity of
product features to variations in manufacturing parameters etc.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

The manufacturer shall establish and maintain records that provide evidence that the production has been
sampled and tested. These records shall show clearly whether the production has satisfied the defined
acceptance criteria and shall be available for at least three years.

Where the product fails to satisfy the acceptance measures, the provisions for non-conforming products shall
apply, the necessary corrective action shall immediately be taken and the products or batches not conforming
shall be isolated and properly identified.

Once the fault has been corrected, the test or verification in question shall be repeated.

The results of controls and tests shall be properly recorded. The product description, date of manufacture, test
method adopted, test results and acceptance criteria shall be entered in the records under the signature of the
person responsible for the control/test.

With regard to any control result not meeting the requirements of this European standard, the corrective
measures taken to rectify the situation (e.g. a further test carried out, modification of manufacturing process,
throwing away or putting right of product) shall be indicated in the records.
Individual products or batches of products and the related manufacturing documentation shall be completely
identifiable and retraceable.

6.3.4 Procedure for modifications

If modifications are made to the product, production process or FPC system that could affect any of the
product characteristics required by this standard, then all the characteristics for which the manufacturer
declares performance, which may be affected by the modification, shall be subject to Initial Type Testing/Type
Testing, except as described in 6.2.1 and 6.3.5.

Where relevant, a re-assessment of the factory and of the FPC system shall be performed for those aspects,
which may be affected by the modification.
All assessments and their results shall be documented in a report.

6.3.5 One-off products, pre-production products (e.g. prototypes) and products produced in very low

Products produced as a one-off, prototypes assessed before full production is established, and products
produced in very low quantities (less than 20 per year) shall be assessed as follows.
For type assessment, the provisions of 6.2.1, 3 paragraph apply, together with the provisions of Table 5, with
the following exceptions:

 for reaction to fire the classification of other products made out of the same compound or formulation may
be used;

 external and internal pressure strength shall not be tested. It is assumed that by the defined geometry this
requirement is fulfilled;

 durability may not be tested. Nevertheless the manufacturer shall declare the PN of its product according
to the geometrical design and the used compound or formulation.

The FPC system of one-off products and products produced in very low quantities shall ensure that raw
materials and/or components are sufficient for production of the product. The provisions on raw materials
and/or components shall apply only where appropriate.

The manufacturer shall maintain records allowing traceability of the product.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

For prototypes, where the intention is to move to series production, the initial inspection of the factory and
FPC shall be carried out before the production is already running and/or before the FPC is already in practice.
The following shall be assessed:
 the FPC-documentation; and

 the factory.

In the initial assessment of the factory and FPC it shall be verified:

a) that all resources necessary for the achievement of the product characteristics required by this European
standard will be available, and

b) that the FPC-procedures in accordance with the FPC-documentation will be implemented and followed in
practice, and

c) that procedures are in place to demonstrate that the factory production processes can produce a product
complying with the requirements of this European standard and that the product will be the same as the
initial type testing samples, for which compliance with this European standard has been verified.
Once series production is fully established, the provisions of clause 6.3 shall apply.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Annex A

Overall service (design) coefficients

A.1 General
This annex gives the overall service (design) coefficients which shall be used to calculate the design pressure
PD in this document.

A.2 Overall service (design) coefficients

Table A.1 gives the overall service (design) coefficients for plastics materials for hot and cold-water

Table A.1 — Overall service (design) coefficients

Temperature a Overall service (design) coefficients, C

TD 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,8 1,5

Tmax 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,7 1,3

Tmal 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

Tcold 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,25 1,25 2,5 1,25

a TD is design temperature, i.e. temperature or a combination of temperatures of the
conveyed water related to the circumstances for which the system has been
Tmax maximum design temperature, i.e. highest design temperature, TD, occurring for
short periods only.
Tmal malfunction temperature, i.e. highest temperature that can be reached when the
control limits are exceeded. (See ISO 10508).
Tcold cold water temperature, i.e. temperature of conveyed cold water of up to
approximately 25 °C.
NOTE For design purposes 20 °C is used.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Annex B

Application class S

B.1 General
This annex gives the testing parameters for class 1S and 5S.

B.2 Test parameters for temperature cycling

Table B.2 gives the test parameters for testing in accordance with EN 12293

Table B.2 — test parameters for testing in accordance with EN 12293

Class S
Highest test temperature, in °C 114
Lowest test temperature, in °C 20
Test pressure, in bar PD
Number of cycles a 5 000
Number of test pieces One set of fittings in accordance with the configuration shown in EN 12293
Pre-stress force B

a Each cycle shall comprise of 15 +1 min at the highest test temperature and 15 +1 min at the lowest test temperature.
0 0
b The tensile stress to calculate the pre-stress force is calculated using the following equation:
σt = α × ∆T × E
σt is the tensile stress, expressed in megapascals ( MPa);
α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, expressed per Kelvin (1/K);
∆T is the temperature difference, expressed in Kelvins (K);
E is the modulus of elasticity, expressed in megapascals (MPa).

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Annex C

Product standards for hot and cold water installations inside buildings

EN ISO 15874-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 1:
General (ISO 15874-1:2003)

EN ISO 15874-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 2:
Pipes (ISO 15874-2:2003)

EN ISO 15874-3, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 3:
Fittings (ISO 15874-3:2003)

EN ISO 15874-5, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 5:
Fitness for purpose of the system (ISO 15874-5:2003)

EN ISO 15875-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 1: General (ISO 15875-1:2003)

EN ISO 15875-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 2: Pipes (ISO 15875-2:2003)

EN ISO 15875-3, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 3: Fittings (ISO 15875-3:2003)

EN ISO 15875-5, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked polyethylene
(PE-X) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system (ISO 15875-5:2003)

EN ISO 15876-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 1:
General (ISO 15876-1:2003)

EN ISO 15876-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 2:
Pipes (ISO 15876-2:2003)

EN ISO 15876-3, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 3:
Fittings (ISO 15876-3:2003)

EN ISO 15876-5, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 5:
Fitness for purpose of the system (ISO 15876-5:2003)

EN ISO 15877-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 1: General (ISO 15877-1:2003)

EN ISO 15877-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 2: Pipes (ISO 15877-2:2003)

EN ISO 15877-3, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 3: Fittings (ISO 15877-3:2003)

EN ISO 15877-5, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system (ISO 15877-5:2003)

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

EN ISO 21003-1, Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings — Part 1:
General (ISO/DIS 21003-1:2006)

EN ISO 21003-2, Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings — Part 2:
Pipes (ISO/DIS 21003-2:2006)

EN ISO 21003-3, Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings — Part 3:
Fittings (ISO/DIS 21003-3:2006)

EN ISO 21003-5, Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings — Part 5:
Fitness for purpose of the system (ISO/DIS 21003-5:2006)

EN ISO 22391-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 1: General

EN ISO 22391-2, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 2: Pipes

EN ISO 22391-3, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 3: Fittings

EN ISO 22391-5, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system

BS 7291-1:2006, Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes
and heating installations in buildings  Part 1: General requirements

NOTE This listing represents the situation at the time this document was published. It can be amended once new
standards are developed.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Annex D

Standards for assessment of conformity for hot and cold water

installations inside buildings

This annex is normative as far as the assessment of conformity information contained in the listed standards
and referred to in Clause 6 for the essential characteristics concerned. Otherwise it has the status of an
informative annex.

CEN ISO/TS 15874-7:2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene
(PP) — Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 15874-7:2003)

CEN ISO/TS 15875-7:2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Crosslinked
poyethylene (PE-X) — Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 15875-7:2003)

CEN ISO/TS 15876-7:2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB)
— Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 15876-7:2003)

CEN ISO/TS 15877-7:2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Chlorinated
poly(vinyl Chloride) (PVC-C) — Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 15877-7:2009)

prCEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2006, Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings –
Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 21003-7:2008)

BS 7291-2:2006, Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes
and heating installations in buildings. Specification for polybutylene (PB) pipes and associated fittings

BS 7291-3:2006, Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes
and heating installations in buildings. Specification for cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes and associated

NOTE 1 BS 7291-2 and BS 7291-3 are for assessment of conformity information. For batch release procedures this
standard applies.

NOTE 2 This listing represents the situation at the time this document was published. It can be amended once new
standards are developed.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Annex ZA

Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU

Construction Products Directive (CPD)

ZA.1. Scope and relevant characteristics

This European Standard has been prepared under Mandate M/131 "Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not in contact
with water intended for human consumption" given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association.

The clauses of this European Standard shown in this annex meet the requirements of the mandate given
under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).

Compliance with these clauses confers a presumption of fitness of plastics pipes and fittings covered by this
annex for the intended uses indicated herein; reference shall be made to the information accompanying the
CE marking.

WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives, not affecting the fitness of intended use, can be
applicable to plastics pipes and fittings falling within the scope of this European Standard.

NOTE 1 In addition to any specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this standard, there may be
other requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national
laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive,
these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

NOTE 2 An informative database of European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at the
Construction web site on EUROPA
(accessed through http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/construction/internal/dangsub/dangmain.htm ).

This annex establishes the conditions for the CE marking of pipes and fittings, intended for the uses indicated
in Table ZA.1 and shows the relevant clauses applicable.

This annex has the same scope as the relevant part in Clause 1 of this standard related to the aspect covered
by the mandate and is defined by Table ZA.1.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Table ZA.1 — Relevant clauses

Construction Product: Pipes and fittings made of plastics materials

Intended uses: Conveyance of hot and cold water inside buildings including heating

Essential characteristics Requirement and Levels Notes

clauses in this and/or
standard classes
Reaction to fire 4.1 A1 to F see classification in
EN 13501-1
Internal pressure strength 4.2.2 Pass/fail
Dimensional tolerances 4.3 Pass/fail
Tightness 4.4 Pass/fail
Durability related to internal pressure 4.5.1 Pass/fail
strength of compound or formulation
Durability of internal pressure strength of 4.5.2 Pass/fail
pipes and fittings

The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member States (MSs) where there are
no regulatory requirements on that characteristic for the intended use of the product. In this case,
manufacturers placing their products on the market of these MSs are not obliged to determine nor declare the
performance of their products with the regards to this characteristic and the option “No performance
determined” (NPD) in the information accompanying the CE marking (see ZA.3) may be used. The NPD
option may not be used, however, for durability and where the characteristic is subject to a threshold level.

ZA.2. Procedure for attestation of conformity of plastics pipes and fittings

ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity
The system of attestation of conformity of the plastics pipes and fittings indicated in Table ZA.1, established
by EC Decision (1999/472/EC and amendment 2001/596/EC) as given in Annex III of the mandate M/131 for
pipes, tanks and ancillaries not in contact with water intended for human consumption, is shown in Table ZA.2
for the indicated intended uses and relevant levels of classes.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Table ZA.2 — Systems of attestation of conformity

Products Intended uses Levels or classes Attestation of

conformity systems
[1] [1] [1] [1]
Hot and cold water not for A1 , A2 , B and C 1a
human consumption and [2] [2] [2] [2]
heating systems subject to A1 , A2 , B , C , D and E 3a
reaction to fire regulations (A1 to E)
and F 4a
Pipes and
Hot and cold water not for
human consumption and
heating systems not subject
to reaction to fire regulations
[1] Products/materials for which a clearly identifiable stage in the production process results in an improvement of the reaction to
fire classification (e.g. an addition of fire retardants or a limiting of organic material).
[2] Products/materials not covered by footnote [1].
[3] Products/materials that do not require to be tested for reaction to fire (e.g. products/materials of Class A1 according to
Commission Decision 96/603/EC, as amended).
a System 1: See Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) Annex III.2 (i), without audit testing of samples.
System 3: see Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) Annex III.2 (ii), second possibility.
System 4: see Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) Annex III.2 (ii), third possibility.

The attestation of conformity of plastics pipes and fittings indicated in Table ZA.1 shall be according to the
evaluation of conformity procedures indicated in Table ZA.3, Table ZA.4 or Table ZA.5, as applicable, a
resulting from the application of the clauses of this or other European Standard indicated therein.

Table ZA.3 — Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for pipes and

fittings under system 1

Tasks Content of task Evaluation of conformity

clauses to apply
Parameters related to
essential characteristics
Factory production
of Table ZA.1 relevant for 6.3
control (FPC)
the intended use which
Tasks under the are declared
responsibility of
the manufacturer Further testing of Essential characteristics
samples taken at the of Table ZA.1 relevant for
factory according to the intended use which 6.2
the prescribed test are declared
Task under the Initial type testing Reaction to fire 6.3.2
responsibility of
the product Initial inspection of Reaction to fire
certification body factory and of FPC
Continuous Reaction to fire and
surveillance, documentation of FPC
assessment and
approval of FPC
NOTE The factory production control procedures for reaction to fire to be carried out by the manufacturer may be
determined by agreement with the notified body.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Table ZA.4 — Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for pipes and

fittings under system 3

Tasks Content of task Evaluation of conformity

clauses to apply
Parameters related to
Tasks under the essential characteristics
Factory production control
responsibility of of Table ZA.1 relevant 6.3
the manufacturer for the intended use
which are declared

Tasks under the Reaction to fire

responsibility of a
Initial type testing 6.2

Table ZA.5 — Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for pipes,

fittings and their joints under system 4

Tasks Content of task Evaluation of conformity

clauses to apply

Parameters related to
Factory production control essential characteristics
Tasks under the (FPC) of Table ZA.1 relevant
responsibility of for the intended use
the manufacturer Essential characteristics
Initial type testing of Table ZA.1 1 relevant 6.2
for the intended use

ZA.2.2. CE Certificate and Declaration of conformity

In case of products with system 1: When compliance with the conditions of this annex is achieved, the
certification body shall draw up the EC Certificate of conformity, which entitles the manufacturer to affix the
CE marking. The EC certificate of conformity shall include:
 name, address and identification number of the certification body;
 name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and
place of production;
NOTE 1 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he
takes responsibility for CE marking.

 description of the product (type, identification, use, ...);

 provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN);
 particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions);
 number of the certificate;
 conditions of validity of the certificate, where applicable;
 name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the certificate.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

In case of products under system 3: When compliance with the conditions of this annex is achieved, the
manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA shall prepare and retain a declaration of conformity theEC
Declaration of conformity, which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking. This EC declaration of
conformity shall include:
 name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and
place of production;
NOTE 3 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he
takes responsibility for CE marking.

 description of the product (type, identification, use,...), and a copy of the information accompanying the
CE marking;
NOTE 4 Where some of the information required for the declaration is already given in the CE marking information,
it does not need to be repeated.

 provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN), and a reference to the initial type test
(ITT) report(s) and factory production control records (if appropriate);
 particular conditions applicable to the use of the product, (e.g. provision for use under certain conditions);
 name and address of the notified laboratory(ies);
 name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.

In case of products under system 4: When compliance with this annex is achieved, the manufacturer or his
agent established in the EEA shall prepare and retain theEC Declaration of conformity, which entitles the
manufacturer to affix the CE marking. This EC declaration of conformity shall include:
 name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and
place of production;
NOTE 5 The manufacturer may also be the person responsible for placing the product onto the EEA market, if he
takes responsibility for CE marking.

 description of the product (type, identification, use,...), and a copy of the information accompanying the
CE marking;
NOTE 6 Where some of the information required for the declaration is already given in the CE marking information,
it does not need to be repeated.

 provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN) and a reference tp the initial type test
report(s) and factory production control records (if appropriate;
 particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for the use under cerain
 name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the
manufacturer or of his authorised representative.
The above mentioned EC declaration of conformity or the EC certificate of conformity shall be presented in the
language or languages of the Member State in which the product is to be used.

ZA.3. CE marking and labelling

ZA.3.1 CE marking requirements
The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for the affixing of
the CE-marking. The CEmarking symbol to affix shall be in accordance with EU Directive 93/68/EEC and shall

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

be shown directly on the pipes, on the packageing of the fittings, or it may be or on the accompanying
commercial documents e.g. a delivery note.

The following information shall accompany the CE marking:

 identification number of the certification body (only for products under system 1);
 name or identifying mark and registered address of the manufacturer (see NOTE 2 in ZA.2.2);
 the last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed;
 number of the EC Certificate of conformity or factory production control certificate (if relevant);

 reference to this European Standard;
 description of the product
 information on those relevant essential characteristics listed in Table ZA.1 which are to be declared
presented as:
 declared values and, where relevant, level or class (including “pass” for pass/fail requirements,
where necessary) to declare for each essential characteristic as indicated in "Notes" in Table ZA.1;
 “No performance determined” for essential characteristics which the manufacturer does not intend to
declare ;
 as an alternative, a standard designation which shows some or all of the relevant characteristics
(where the designation covers only some characteristics, it will need to be supplemented with
declared values for other characteristics as above).
The "No performance determined" NPD option may not be used for durability and where the characteristic is
subject to a threshold level. Otherwise, the NPD option may be used when and where the characteristic, for a
given intended use, is not subject to regulatory requirements in the Member State of destination.

Figure ZA.1 gives an example of the reduced information to be given on the pipes.

Í CE conformity marking, consisting of the “CE”-symbol given in

Directive 93/68/EEC.
01234 !0 Identification number of the certification body (where relevant,
Í see NOTE 1)

Any Co Í Name or identifying mark of the manufacturer

10 Í Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed

PE-X Í Product material

16x2,2, 10 bar, Class 2 Í Dimension, design pressure and class

Figure ZA.1 — Example of CE marking information on pipes

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Figure ZA.2 gives an example of the reduced information to be given on the fitting packaging.

Í CE conformity marking, consisting of the “CE”-symbol given in

Directive 93/68/EEC.
01234 Í Identification number of the certification body (where relevant,
see NOTE 1)

Any Co Ltd., PO Box 21, B-1050 Brussels Í Name or identifying mark and registered address of the

10 Í Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed

EN 15015 Í Number of this European Standard

90° Elbow – PPSU Í Product name and material

16x16, 10 bar, Class 2 Í Dimension, design pressure and class

H Í Intended use (may be by code or by reference to a

specification). For guidance see CEN/TR 15438:2007 [3]

Figure ZA.2 — Example of CE marking information on fitting packaging

prEN 15015:2011 (E)

Figure ZA.3 gives an example of the complete information to be given on the commercial documents for pipes
and fittings.

Í CE marking, consisting of the “CE”-symbol given in Directive

01234 Í Identification number of the certification body (where relevant,
see NOTE 1)

AnyCo Ltd., PO Box 21, B-1050 Brussels Í Name or identifying mark and registered address of the
10 Í Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed

01234-CPD-00234 Í ECCertificate of conformity number (where relevant, see


EN 15015 Í Number of this European Standard

Pipe PE-X Í Product name and material

16×2,2 Í Dimension
10 bar – Class 2 Í Design pressure and class
H Í Intended use (may be by code or by reference to a
specification). For guidance see CEN/TR 15438:2007 [6]

Reaction to fire F Í Information on regulated characteristics

Internal pressure strength Pass
Dimensional tolerances (EN ISO 15875-2) Pass
Tightness o Pass
- related to internal pressure strength
of compound or formulation Pass
- of internal pressure strength of
pipes Pass

Figure ZA.3 — Example of CE marking information on commercial documents

NOTE 1 The identification of the notified body is only relevant for systems 1.

NOTE 2 Reference to the EC Certificate of conformity number shall only be made under systems 1.

In addition to any specific information relating to dangerous substances, the product should also be
accompanied, when and where required and in the appropriate form, by documentation listing any other
legislation on dangerous substances for which compliance is claimed, together with any information required
by that legislation.

NOTE 3 European legislation without national derogations need not be mentioned.

NOTE 4 Affixing the CE marking symbol means, if a product is subject to more than one directive, that it complies with
all applicable directives.

prEN 15015:2011 (E)


[1] EN ISO 13760, Plastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids under pressure — Miner´s rule — Calculation
method of cumulative damage (ISO 13760:1998)

[2] ISO 3213, Polypropylene (PP) pipes — Effect of time and temperature on the expected strength

[3] ISO 10146, Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes — Effect of time and temperature on the expected

[4] ISO 12230, Polybutene (PB) pipes — Effect of time and temperature on the expected strength

[5] ISO 24033, Pipes made of raised-temperature-resistance polyethylene (PE-RT) ― Effect of time and
temperature on the expected strength

[6] CEN/TR 15438, Plastics piping systems — Guidance for coding of products and their intended uses

[7] EN ISO 9000 series, Quality management systems — Requirements


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