Rising Main
Rising Main
Rising Main
1) Design pumping rate = 24.88 lps
2) Pumping hours = 16.00 hrs
3) Length of rising main = 2200.00 m Suction : Delevery: Rising Main:
4) No.of working pump sets required = 2.00 sets 1) Friction Losses in sucn.pipe = 0.010 m 1) Velocity in delevery pipe = 0.704 mps 1) Velocity in R.Main = 0.792 m/s
5) Dia of rising main = 200.00 mm 2) Velocity in Suction pipe = 0.396 m/s 2) Friction losses in delry. pipe = 0.000 m 2) Velocity head(V^2/2g) = 0.030 m
6) Static delevery lift (HD.Pt.-PSL) = 664.00 m 3) Velocity Head V^2/2g = 0.008 m 3) Velocity Head V2/2g = 0.025 m 3) Friction losses in R.Main = 12.600 m
7) Static sucn. Lift (PSL-LWL) = -1.00 m 4) Entrance Losses = 0.004 m 4) Losses due to sluice Valve = 0.013 m 4) Losses due to bends at 5% = 0.63 m
8) Detail of system :- Suction Delevery 5) Losses due to sluice Valve = 0.004 m 5) Losses due to reflux valve = 0.025 m 5) Exit losses = 0.030 m
a) Dia of pipe = 200 mm 150 mm 6) Losses due to foot valve = 0.000 m 6) Losses due to Bend = 0.005 m 6) Rasidual head = 3.000 m
b) Length of pipe = 6 m 6 m 7) Losses due to Bend = 0.002 m 7) Losses due to expander = 0.025 m 7) Static head = 664.000 m
c) No. of L.R. bends = 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 8) Losses due to expender = 0.008 m 8) Total losses = 0.068 m 8) Total delivery head (Rising Main) = 680.260 m
d) Foot valve = 0 Nos. 0 Nos. 9) Static Suction lift = -1.000 m 9) NPSHA 9) Total head = 679.360 m
e) Sluce valve = 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 10) Total suction lift = -0.973 m Losses in NPSH due to V. Pressure = 0.226 m 10) Total BHP @ 70% eff. = 177.074 HP = 178.00 HP(say)
f) Reflux valve = 0 Nos. 2 Nos. Losses in NPSH due to Atm. Press. = 1.200 m 11) Each Pumping Machinery shall be = 178.00 HP as per manuf.range
g)Unequal T = 0 Nos. 0 Nos. Static suction lift = -1.000 m
I) Expender(increaser) = 1 Nos. 1 Nos. Total loss of NPSH = 0.426 m Provide total 4.00 No. Pump sets of 178.00 HP each
10) Altitude of Pump house = 1000 m.above MSL NPSHA = 9.594 m 2.00 No.working pumps and 2.00 Nos. as Stand-by)
11) Normal water temprature = 20 degree C Capacity of each pump = 12.44 lps & Tl. Head = 679.36 m
RL of End (delivery Pt.) = 1865.00 m 0.00 mm 0.00 mm Stress = Yld Str. = 75 % = 240.00 Mpa X-46 - 320
Co-eff.of pipe friction , 'C' =100 Mill Tolerance = 10.00 % Min. thk. Of Pipe wall = 4.80 mm X - 52 - 360
Corrosion allowance (thk) =1.50 mm Fibre Stress , S = 1/3 x 320 106.67 Mpa Mill Tolerance = 12.50 % X -60 - 415
Avr. Pipe thk. (Assumed) = 4.80 mm (for water Hammer effect) MSERW Pipe as per L-210
Mod.of elasticity of pipe = 2.10E+10 Kg/m2 Outer dia of Pipe 219.10
Wave velocity, C = 1199.76 m/ sec. Joint Efficiency, JE = 0.85 Grade of pipe 210 210.00
75 % 157.50
< -------------- DATA ------------------ >
R.L. of Lower Point
Hammer Pressure.
Recommended Pipe
Tl. Length of Pipe
MS Flange as per
Forged Flange as
Thickness worked
Max Static head
Wall thk.(Barlow
Pressure for
(i/c 3.0 m Residual
Water Hammer
Water Hammer
IS 6392:1971)
Refer Working
Tol. Frictional
Design Water
line (for losses)
tolerance &
(Critical time
Pipe Line (name)
design of
equ) t =P.D /(2.S.JE) corroson allowan.
Pr.in (15)
provided as per
Design Pr. For
Max. (11,12,13)
Pipe to be
(6 +7(2) +8)
(1st Pt)
1.5 x (6 +8)
pipe, P=
From (1st)
1.5 x (8)
(2nd Pt)
1990 (Part-
1990 (Part-I)
IS:1239 -
ISO:318 ISO:3183
IS:1239 -
3:2007 :2007 Type and Class of Pipe Line
Col.(6+8) 46 L210
From RD To RD
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) 46 L210 (mm) (mm) Reqd. Use
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7(1) 7(2) 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1) 0 200 1371.00 1830 7.15 78.77 129.25 129.25 497.00 756.22 745.50 633.40 756.22 504.15 0.00 4.06 6.19 -- 6.07 8.46 6.40 6.40 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 34 Butt Weld 0 to 200
2) 200 400 1422.45 1630 6.37 78.77 129.25 129.25 445.55 677.88 668.33 581.17 677.88 451.92 0.00 3.64 5.55 -- 5.60 7.74 5.60 5.60 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 34 Butt Weld 200 to 400
3) 400 600 1491.45 1430 5.59 78.77 129.25 129.25 376.55 573.20 564.83 511.39 573.20 382.14 0.00 3.08 4.69 -- 4.96 6.78 5.60 5.60 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 28 Butt Weld 400 to 600
4) 600 800 1602.78 1230 4.80 78.77 129.25 129.25 265.22 405.04 397.83 399.27 405.04 270.02 0.00 2.18 3.31 -- 3.95 5.23 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 28 Butt Weld 600 to 800
5) 800 1000 1634.35 1030 4.02 78.77 129.25 129.25 233.65 356.51 350.48 366.92 366.92 237.67 0.00 1.97 3.00 -- 3.72 4.88 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 23 Butt Weld 800 to 1000
6) 1000 1200 1673.43 830 3.24 78.77 129.25 129.25 194.57 296.72 291.86 327.06 327.06 197.81 0.00 1.76 2.68 -- 3.48 4.51 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 23 Butt Weld 1000 to 1200
7) 1200 1400 1721.10 630 2.46 78.77 129.25 129.25 146.90 224.04 220.35 228.14 228.14 149.36 0.00 1.23 1.87 -- 2.88 3.60 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 17 Butt Weld 1200 to 1400
8) 1400 1600 1769.80 430 1.68 78.77 129.25 129.25 98.20 149.82 147.30 178.65 178.65 99.88 0.00 0.96 1.46 -- 2.58 3.14 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 11 Butt Weld 1400 to 1600
9) 1600 1800 1830.10 230 0.90 78.77 129.25 129.25 37.90 58.20 56.85 117.57 117.57 38.80 0.00 0.63 0.96 -- 2.21 2.58 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 5 Butt Weld 1600 to 1800
10) 1800 1830 1853.80 30 0.12 78.77 129.25 129.25 14.20 21.48 21.30 93.09 93.09 14.32 0.00 0.50 0.76 -- 2.06 2.36 4.80 4.80 mm ISO:3183:2007 (X - 46 5 Butt Weld 1800 to 1830