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Plant Disease Detection And it’s Solution Using Deep Learning for

Improving Farmer’s Income

Prepared By Guided BY
Ravi Balas (161020107003) Prof Anju Kakkad
Rushil Baldha(161020107004)
Raj Chovatiya(161020107007)
Hiten Sidapara (161020107027)
 Abstract
 Background of Project
 Objective
 Scope
 Application Area
 Diagram
 Prototype
 Conclusion
 Literature Reference
 This Project is About Plant Disease Detection using Deep
 The aim of this project is to develop a software system
answer that find and classify disease
 The step like loading an image, pre-Processing,
Segmentation, extraction and classification are involves
illness detection. The leaves pictures are used for detecting
the plant diseases
 Therefore use of image process technique to find and
classify diseases in agricultural applications is useful
Background of Project

 It’s important wherever in additional than

seventieth population of an Asian country is
depends on agriculture
 In early days, the monitoring and analysis of plant
diseases were done manually by the expertise
person in that field
 Disease on plant leads to the significant reduction
in both the quality and quantity of agricultural

 Automatic detection of diseases and identifying the

Symptoms present within the leaf pictures of plants
and even within the agriculture Crop production it
is through with using Deep Learning that helps in
farming to extend the production
 Provide Solution in mother- tongue
 Provide solution about Which fertilizer(Orgnaic
and Inorganic) and pesticide

 To quantify affected area by disease

 To detect diseased leaf, stem, fruit
 To find the boundaries of the affected area
 To determine the colour of the affected area
 To determine size & shape of leaf
 To identify the Object correctly
Application Area

 Agricultural
 Farms
 Garden
Literature Review
Author : Nivedita.R.Kakade,

 Summary
 Image processing
 Maintain Feature Database
 Parameter Comparison with Healthy Leaf
Literature Review(Cont..)
Research Paper Leaves Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network
Author : M. S. Prasad Babu, B. SrinivasaRao

 Summary
 Back propagation neural network
 training set -five spices for each type of leaf
 Increasing number of species in training set and no of output nodes can
enhance the recognition ability.
 quick training algorithms is used
Literature Review(Cont..)
Research Paper Detection of Diseases on Cotton Leaves and Its
Possible Diagnosis Auther : Mr. Viraj A. Gulhane,
Dr. Ajay A. Gurjar

 Summary
Using the color image segmentation method to exact intensity
Accuracy 85 to 91% based on quality of image
More train network leads to a very efficient diagnosis of the
diseases on the cotton leaf.
 Data Flow Diagram
 Use Case Diagram
 Activity Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
DFD Level-0
Data Flow Diagram
DFD Level-1
Use Case Diagram
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Prototype model
Project GUI
Planning of project

 Feasibility disciplines
 Requirement of systems
 Requirement Analysis
 Model Design
 Model Implementation
 Testing of system
 Maintenance
plant leaf diseases like pattern recognition
method, back propagation, neural network, deep
learning(CNN) etc. The basic concept of plant
leaf disease detection and various leaf diseases
symptoms. This model is effective compare to
Existing Working Model, Our classification
rates nearly 87% accurate.
 [1]. K. A. Garrett, S. P. Dendy, E. E. Frank, M. N. Rouse, and S. E. Travers, “Climate
change effects on plant disease: genomes to ecosystems,” Annual Review of Phytopathology,
vol. 44, pp. 489–509, 2006. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus
 [2]. S. M. Coakley, H. Scherm, and S. Chakraborty, “Climate change and plant disease
management,” Annual Review of Phytopathology, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 399–426, 1999. View at
Publisher · View at Google Scholar
 [3]. S. Chakraborty, A. V. Tiedemann, and P. S. Teng, “Climate change: potential impact on
plant diseases,” Environmental Pollution, vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 317–326, 2000. View at
Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus
 [4]. Mr. Viraj A. Gulhane, Dr. Ajay A. Gurjar, “Detection of Diseases on Cotton Leaves and
Its Possible Diagnosis”, International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (5) : Issue
(5) 2011.
 [5]. NaikDurgeshManikrao ,Dr.Prof.A.J.Vyavahare “ Disease Detection of Cotton Crop using
Image Processing Technique: A Survey” 2015
 [6]Python Documentation
 [7]Tensorflow Documentation
 [8]GCP Cloud
 [7]Flutter UI GitHub

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