Isometric Exercises For PDF

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Isometric Exercises for

Strengthening Your Neck

These exercises may be done while standing, sitting, or lying on your back.
The sitting position is usually the easiest. Repeat each exercise ____ times.

“ Neck Flexing
Bend your neck slightly forward and put your hand on your
forehead. Try to bend your head forward while pushing back
with your hand. Hold for _____ seconds.
“ Neck Extension
Keep your up and your neck straight and place your hands
at the back of your head. Try to push your head backwards
while pushing forward with your hands. Hold for a count
of _____ seconds.
“ Side Bending
Keep your head straight and your chin
level. Put your right hand on the right
side of your head. Try to bring your
head down to your right shoulder while
pushing up with your right hand. Hold
for _____ seconds.
“ Repeat the Side Bending, but to the left
side with your left hand.
“ Rotation
Put your left hand at chin level and turn your head slightly to
the right. Put your right hand on the right side of your face.
Turn your head to the right while pushing it back with your
right hand. Hold for a count of _____ seconds.
“ Repeat the Rotation Exercise, but on the left side of your face
and with left hand.

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© Copyright, (8/2004)
Department of Rehabilitation Services
The Ohio State University Medical Center
< Upon request all patient education handouts are available in other formats for people with special
hearing, vision and language needs, call (614) 293-3191.

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