Kub Erp System
Kub Erp System
Kub Erp System
Raissa Stephanie
Universitas Trisakti
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Jurusan Akuntansi
Tahun 2019/2020
Table of Contents
Complaints about ERP Consultant...................................................................................3
Advantages and Disadvantages of Big bang and Phased in Approach.............................4
Big Bang Approach.....................................................................................................................4
Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Bang Approach................................................................4
Phased In Approach...................................................................................................................4
Advantages and Disadvantages of Phased In Approach................................................................5
ERP Implementation were Failed.....................................................................................5
Complaints about ERP Consultant
Advantages and Disadvantages of Big bang and Phased in Approach
Phased In Approach
When the company chose to use the Phased In approach, the modules are
implemented one by one or in groups of modules which are generally carried out in one
particular location. This approach is a series of implementation sequences that consists of
designing, developing, testing and installing different modules. Unlike Big Bang, Phased In
requires special attention and care for the old system with the aim of facilitating integration
with the new system.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Phased In Approach
So from all of the explanation above the company could pick one of the approach that they
want to implement in their company by considering the size and complexity of the company,
the level of hierarchy and supervision of the company and readiness and support from all
over the management.
Unfortunately, most CIOs are more comfortable with technology than they are
business. The most successful ones, however, treat their ERP implementations as
business transformations rather than technical installations. After all, implementing
new ERP software is much more complex and has more impact on the business than
say, a Windows upgrade or antivirus software rollout. When compared to a more
basic technical installation, ERP implementations have a bigger impact on employees,
business processes and the overall strategy of your company. Be sure to plan and
execute your project accordingly.
Unrealistic expectations from ERP consultant and sales reps can kill your chances of
success before the project begins.
Starting a project with unrealistic expectations is often the first domino to fall
in an ERP failure. When an ERP consultant or sales rep lowballs the implementation
cost or duration, it leads to a host of bad decisions later. Corners will need to be cut,
additional money and time will be requested and key employees will most likely be
fired. It is critical to start the project with a realistic implementation plan and budget.
Remember that it is not the job of ERP consultant to manage your expectations – it is
your job to understand what it will really take to get the job done right.
Hall, James.A. Accounting Information System. 2011. Seventh Edition. Mason:Cengage