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Die Casting Design PDF

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 Q. Die casting die Design process?

Ans: Die Casting die Design is a complicated

process. In which we need to considered so
many things and Calculation During Design.
For Example shape and size of the part,
material of the part, type and capacity of the
machine, lot size, and tolerances required.
Based on these parameters we design Cavity
layout ,parting Design, gating, runner system
and Cooling design.
Example of Die Casting
 There are some Step of Die design process.
1. Input From Customer (2D Drawing,3D Model & other)
2. Do Feasibility Study & Prepare a presentation.
3. Prepare a feasibility Sheet.
4.Drawing Numbering, Model Inspection,
5. Model Correction & Communicate with Customer through
feasibility ppt.
6. Design Cavity Layout .
7. Gating Design & Simulation.
8. Core, Cavity & Slide Extraction.
9. Insert & Slide Design (With Cooling, Loose punch Chill vent
path & Ejector pin position)
10.Mold Base Design according to M/C & Tonnage Selected.
Other Manufacturing Die manufacturing Related Steps :

11.Electrode Design.
12.Prepare WireCut data for Ejector pins and other required.
13.Prepare 2D Drawings for Manufacturing.
14.Prepare BOM for Inhouse & Outsource.
15.Trail Parameter
 Input From Customer (2D Drawing & 3D Model)
Good designs start with knowledge of the customer requirements.
 2D Drawing we get following point:
1.Alloy Specification
2.Dimension Tolerance
3.Porosity Requirement
4.Surface Finish, And any other type of requirement.
 Other Requirement (Gate position ,Ejector positions, Parting Line)
 3D Model we use for prepare casting model for Core & cavity
extraction and die design work.
 Do Feasibility Study & Prepare a presentation.
In feasibility study we analyse every thing before starting die
design from 2D Drawing to Final Machining Operation. We make
a presentation in which we add what we are planning for every
step of die design and shear this ppt with costumer. This ppt also
use for any Quarry ,modification required, General information
and communicate with costumer.
 For Example Following things we consider for
1. Define Moving Side ,Fix side & Slides Area on part.
2. Show parting line created in part by Moving side, Fix side,
Slides, Core pin & Loose punch.
3. Show Simple sketch for gate location and cavity layout.
4. Show Draft angle available on Moving side, Fix Side, and Slides
Area. Also show If any undercut formed.
5. Request for modified or approval for correction in part.
6. Show Ejector pin or Marking locations in part .
7. Analyse minimum radius, minimum wall thickness in model to
see it is feasible or not.
8. Any 2D open point from drawing mention it. Also mention
general information given in drawing.(Surface Finish, Porosity
Requirement, Tolerance Standard)
9. Do Feasibility study for every machining operation. If any
resting pad required take approval for that.(Resting pad,
Clamping, and locating holes)
10. General information about number of cavity, machine type &
In ppt we added these things in fusibility stage and shear this ppt
with costumer .
 Prepare a feasibility Sheet.
In a feasibility sheet we mention Total Shot weight, Component
Weight, Number of cavity, Machine tonnage and type, Surface
finishing required, Number of machine operation required,
Number of gauges required for inspection .This sheet also use for
costing.(for tools, gauges, manpower, electricity, surface treatment
operation And any other cost)
 Drawing Numbering, Model Inspection, Model
Correction & Communicate with Customer through
feasibility ppt for any quarry.
In this process we 1st Numbering the customer machining drawing.
After that we measure every dimension with 3D model and create
a report. After that if we find any NG Dimension we correct it or
request to customer for correction. Then we add draft on part
according to parting line.in correction process we also consider
tolerance of dimension and modified some dimension for
increase dimension stability during life of die. In this process We
also add machining allowance for making casting model.
 Cavity Layout Design?
Follow things consider for cavity layout design:
1. Try to keep gate location same in every component.
2. The Material should reach the gate same time.
3. Keep the Runner path as short as possible from Biscuit.
4. Keep the Runner path equal length from every component to
5. The shot design according to lode balance in tie bar .
6. During cavity placement keep in mind ,if component have a
slide and we are using cylinder for that .cylinder do not fall with
tie bar.
tie bar. cylinder tie bar.


tie bar. tie bar.

Example of Die Casting Die

 Gating and runner Design & Simulation?
 The gating system is the feeding system of die that help to flow the
molten metal from sprue to in cavities. Gating design is process of
creating a flow path and filling conditions. We determined the type,
size and location of gate, runner and overflow according to part
geometry and cavity layout to achieve proper filling in cavity &
defect free casing(or according to costumer requirement).By using
simulation we can see the filling pattern, Casting defects possible to
come in specific area. After seen result by simulation it is easy to
decide overflow location and improve gate location and size to
create defect free casting .
 The cross-sectional area of runner must be larger then the gate
area so it produce an increase of flow velocity in gate area. If
cavity have two or more gate, branch runners are used to
connect the gate with the main runner. The area of main runner
should be larger than the sum of the area of branch runner.
 Main runners turns should be smooth and gradual .When the
metal encounters sharp corners turbulence can be created
causing gas entrapment, which ends up as porosity .
 Excessively large runners slow the cycle time and increase
energy costs. Therefore, the designer is encouraged to design
the runner wisely.
Fan gate :- Ratio need to
G2 G1 1.AA=1.1XF
F G 3.CC=1.1XG
A A C C 5.EE=1.1X(BB+DD)
Gate Thickness B D 30̊̊ 30̊̊
Minimum 2.00mm D

2.00mm-2.5mm 35̊-45̊̊ b
Gate Land E E t Approach Angle
h b = 3:2,10:8
2XG2=F 10̊̊ 10̊̊
Scoop Gate :-

1.Use for vertical wall Casting .

2.Provide 0.5mm PAD.
3.Maintain cross section area as describe in fan gate.
Over lap gate:-

t A

1. A= Must be 1.25~1.5xt (Otherwise chip off occurs in casting.

2. B= 2mm ~ 2.5mm
3. Maintain cross section as per Fan Gate.
Tangential runner:-

25.4 7.95
Die Casting Gating Design –Flow Chart

Vent &
Over Flow
gate area
Fill time
Tonnage Watch My Die Casting Die Design Playlist
 There are some stapes for good gate design
1. Understand Casting Requirement.
2. Understand the flow pattern & create segment accordingly.
3. Calculate cavity fill time & metal flow rate for each segment.
4. Calculate gate area for different segment.
5. Design runner according to machine like fast shot velocity,
plunger sizes, and casting pressures.
6. Design the vent and overflow system.
7. Go for flow analysis through simulation software.
 Understand Casting Requirement
Casting requirement is set according to application of casting by
costumer . they may be Related to tolerance, Surface finish
,porosity ,etc.
the requirements for surface Finish or porosity may change
the machine needed, and may be need to change in the gating
design. If this is discovered after the die is built and many not
decisions have been made, any changes will be expensive for
 Understand the flow pattern & create segment accordingly
 Following Question you can ask to understand the flow pattern.

1. Where is the most logical and available place for the metal to
come in?
2. Where is the most logical and available place for the air to
3. What obstacles to the metal flow will be encountered inside the
4. What pattern is best to satisfy the quality requirements?
 Flow Pattern Guide Line:
1. Flow must be distributed.
2. Minimum gate thickness for aluminium 1mm.it can be less if
metal is clean enough.
3. Direct flow towards critical area’s.
4. Metal velocity higher then the normal.(40m/sec)Leads to better
finish surface but not exceed 50m/sec. gate velocity above
50m/s. Leads to gate erosion & soldering.
5. Minimum 2mm gate required to control porosity in case of
6. Provide thick gate near shrinkage porosity area.
7. Avoid direct hitting of material and vertical wall or core.
8. Avoid mixing of metal flow’s between Segments.
9. Avoid direct impact of flow in groove area’s.
 Calculate cavity fill time & metal flow rate for each
 Calculate gate area for different segment.
We already make video on how to calculate gate area, in video
you can also find to cavity fill time & metal flow rate.

To get calculation for different segment we need to divide volume

in different segment and calculate gate area according to segment
volume. According to each segment we provide a gate for each
segment after calculation.
#1 #2 #3
 Guide Line for Fill time:
1. Shorter fill time required for good surface finish.
2. For Shorter fill time more vent area required.
3. For reduce internal porosity slow fill time required.
4. Thin wall section required shorter fill time & thick wall required
longer fill time.
5. Long fill time required when metal temperature is high &
Shorter fill time required when metal temperature is colder.
 Design runner according to machine :
During designing runner we also consider machine parameters.
For Example Following things we consider:
1.Machine Tonnage .
2.Runner Balancing according to machine.
3.Plunger Size.
4.Active Sleeve Length
5.Plunger Tip penetration
6.Fill ration
7.PQ2 calculation
 How to get size of runner sprue?

Runner sprue
Plunger ø
Cone HT

Overflow use to reduce to mix non-metallic partial and air entrapment,
it help to improve the die filling and quality of casting.
If cavity have two or more gate,3D Model of casting divided
Into several segments according to the flow paths, the overflow of
each segment will be proportion to volume of segment. The flow
distance of molten metal also affects the volume of overflow due to the
heat loss. The overflow size is large when flow distance increases.
Generally the overflow is located at
the point the flow reaches last or the
point where two flows meet.
Vents are necessary in die casting .vent are use for scape the air
out from die during cavity filling. When air vent is not provided
in insert air mix with the metal and it will create gas porosity. It is
difficult in die casting to vent all the air. If the die is designed
with insufficient vents, over time the air will find a way out. The
die will flash, and some of the flash will stick to the die causing
inserts to be cracked .This all can be avoided by designing
proper vents.

Minimum Vent Area = Q / 8000

Q =flow rate
Vent Area = Ingate Area / 4
 Go for flow analysis through simulation software :

• Filling Simulations
• Modeling Solidification
• Thermal Die Cycling
 Core, Cavity & Slide Extraction :
Following things we consider during Core Cavity & Slide Extraction
• How much shrinkage to provide.
• Do draft analysis to see the under cut.
• Design parting line& Parting Surface for Core cavity and slide .
• Give draft according to parting Surface.
• Make Sure no week section made in tooling.
• Try to keep maximum griping area on moving side.
• Also understand the datum requirement & Tolerances.
• Understand the part machining requirements.
Watch my Mold Wizard
Tutorial to understand
More how to extract core
,cavity and slide.
 Insert & Slide Design (With Cooling, Loose punch Chill vent path &
Ejector pin position)
There is so many things we need to consider at same time
during Inserts & Slide .
• Proper matching area provided for insert and slide.
• Proper guide provided for slide holder when core is out.
• Insert Face 0.5mm up from Housing Face.
• Make a loose punch for week area.
• Locking provide for profile core pins & Pin with Cooling.
• Decide a Ejector pin position in moving insert (Ejector pin most be
• Provide relive in Insert ,Core Pin, Loose Punch & Ejector Pin.
• Dowel hole provided in inserts.
• Provide a line cooling and spot cooling.
• Provide ejection in fix side when it is necessary.
• Provide a Overflow ,Air vent & Chill vent path where required.
 Mold Base Design according to M/C & Tonnage
There are Some Example:
• Insert Size make According to M/C Tonnage.
• Give Ejector stock According to machine .
• Ejector Rod Threaded hole provide according to machine
• Slide and cylinder do not fall in tie bar.
• Sprue Bush and Diffuser design according to Plunger Size ,
Plunger Stock& Penetration Stock
• Die Height Decide according to Machine
 Electrode Design.
 Prepare WireCut data for Ejector pins and other
 Prepare 2D Drawings for Manufacturing.
 Prepare BOM for Inhouse & Outsource.
 Trail Parameter
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