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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Material science and device physics in SiC technology for high-voltage power devices
Tsunenobu Kimoto
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
Received November 28, 2014; accepted January 28, 2015; published online March 23, 2015

Power semiconductor devices are key components in power conversion systems. Silicon carbide (SiC) has received increasing attention as a
wide-bandgap semiconductor suitable for high-voltage and low-loss power devices. Through recent progress in the crystal growth and process
technology of SiC, the production of medium-voltage (600–1700 V) SiC Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) and power metal–oxide–semiconductor
field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) has started. However, basic understanding of the material properties, defect electronics, and the reliability of SiC
devices is still poor. In this review paper, the features and present status of SiC power devices are briefly described. Then, several important
aspects of the material science and device physics of SiC, such as impurity doping, extended and point defects, and the impact of such defects on
device performance and reliability, are reviewed. Fundamental issues regarding SiC SBDs and power MOSFETs are also discussed.
© 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

1. Introduction High Voltage

The improvement of energy efficiency (reduction of power Medium Voltage
consumption and dissipation) is one of the most critical
Rated Current (A)
problems of this century. In 2010, the world average ratio of 103 Traction

HEV/EV Factory
electrical energy consumption to total energy consumption Low Voltage Motor

was about 20%.1) This ratio is expected to rapidly increase in 102 Control
Automobile Home
the future. Regardless of the means by which electrical power Electronics Appliance
is generated, power conditioning and conversion are required converter
SW Power
for cost-effective and efficient delivery to the loads. It is 101 Supply
estimated that more than 50% of all electrical power flows PC Telecom. AC adaptor
HDD Lamp Ballast
through some form of power conversion. Electric power is 100 1 2
regulated and converted so that it can be supplied to the loads 10 10 103 104
in an optimum form. Electric power conversion includes Rated Voltage (V)
AC–DC, DC–AC, DC–DC (voltage conversion), and AC–
AC conversion (voltage or frequency conversion).2) The Fig. 1. (Color online) Major application areas of power devices plotted as
efficiency of power conversion is typically 85–95% using a function of rated voltage.
currently available technology, which is not high enough,
because approximately 10% of the electric power is lost as
heat at every power conversion. wide bandgap and high critical (breakdown) electric field
In general, the efficiency of power electronics is mainly strength. Among the many wide-bandgap semiconductors,
limited by the performance of semiconductor devices. As SiC is rather exceptional because it makes both n- and p-
shown in Fig. 1, major applications of power devices include type control across a wide doping range (1014–1019 cm−3)
power supplies, motor control, heating, robotics, electric= relatively easy. The ability of SiC to form silicon dioxide
hybrid vehicles, traction, lighting ballasts, and electric power (SiO2) as a native oxide is another important advantage for
transmission. The development of high-voltage and low-loss device fabrication. Because of these properties, SiC has been
power devices is also essential for the construction of future developed as a semiconductor for high-power and high-
smart grids. temperature electronics.6–13)
Silicon (Si) is currently the most commonly used However, the physical and chemical stability of SiC
semiconductor for power devices. The performance of Si made crystal growth extremely difficult and severely
power switching devices has been significantly improved hampered the development of SiC semiconductor devices
through the development of power metal–oxide–semicon- and their electronic applications in the last century. The
ductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) and insulated gate existence of various SiC crystal structures with different
bipolar transistors (IGBTs).3,4) Progress in Si LSI technology stacking sequences (otherwise known as “polytypism”)14)
and in device simulation has had a great impact on the devel- has also been an obstacle to the growth of electronic-grade
opment of Si power devices in recent decades. However, SiC crystals. Among the numerous SiC “polytypes”, 4H-SiC
now that Si power device technology is relatively mature, it is has been the choice for power devices9,12,15–18) owing to
not easy to achieve innovative breakthroughs using this the availability of high-quality epitaxial wafers and superior
technology. physical properties such as its high breakdown electric field
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a IV–IV compound material with strength,19) high electron mobility, and low anisotropy.20)
unique physical and chemical properties. The strong chemical Figure 2(a) shows a schematic of the crystal structure of 4H-
bonding between Si and C atoms gives this material high SiC, where the open and closed circles denote the Si and C
hardness, chemical inertness, and high thermal conductiv- atoms, respectively. This polytype exhibits a hexagonal
ity.5) The strong bonding also provides this material with a structure with four Si–C bilayers inside the unit cell. That is
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Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Table I. Main physical properties of SiC (4H-SiC) and Si at room

[0001] temperature.
SiC Si
Bandgap (eV) 3.26 1.12
Electron mobility for high-purity material
(cm2 V−1 s−1)
μ parallel to c-axis 1200 1350
μ perpendicular to c-axis 1020 1350
: Si : C Hole mobility (cm2 V−1 s−1) 120 450
Electron saturated drift velocity (cm=s) 2.2 × 107 1.0 × 107
Hole saturated drift velocity (cm=s) (∼1.3 × 107) 9 × 106
Breakdown electric field for material with a
(0001) doping density of 1016 cm−3 (MV=cm)
“Si face” EB parallel to c-axis 2.8 0.3
EB perpendicular to c-axis 2.2 0.3
c Thermal conductivity (W cm−1 K−1) 3.3–4.9 1.3–1.5
(1100) Relative dielectric constant 9.8 11.9
“M face” “A face”
a2 Inverter
DC bus
“C face”
rectifier M
(b) switch
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic crystal structure of 4H-SiC, where the open and
closed circles denote the Si and C atoms, respectively. (b) Hexagonal cell of phase: U V W
SiC, where the major crystal faces, (0001), ð0001Þ,  
and ð1100Þ, are
Fig. 3. Typical circuit of three-phase power inverter for motor control.

why this polytype is called “4H” according to the Ramsdell on GaN heteroepitaxially grown on large Si wafers show
notation.14) This stacking sequence is a kind of mixture of much promise for relatively low-voltage applications.21,22)
zincblende and wurtzite structures. Since 4H-SiC is the The performance, reliability, and cost of SiC and GaN power
default SiC polytype for electronic applications, the term devices will be determined depending on advances in growth
“SiC” will hereafter represent 4H-SiC in this paper, unless and device technologies of the two materials. The present
otherwise specified. Figure 2(b) illustrates the hexagonal unit review focuses on fundamental issues regarding SiC for
cell of SiC, where the major crystal faces, (0001), ð0001Þ, power device applications. The present understanding and
ð1120Þ, and ð1100Þ, are indicated. Here, (0001) and ð0001Þ  future challenges of the material science and device physics
are called the “Si face” and “C face”, respectively. Note are discussed.
that the standard face of commercial SiC wafers is almost
exclusively (0001). 2. Features of SiC power devices
Table I tabulates the main physical properties of SiC Power devices are key components in power conversion
and Si at room temperature. The unique properties of SiC systems. Figure 3 depicts a typical power conversion circuit
include its three times larger bandgap, roughly ten times (inverter) employed for three-phase motor control. In each
higher breakdown electric field strength, and three times phase with positive and negative polarities, the switching
higher thermal conductivity as compared with Si. Note that in operation of a pair consisting of a transistor (switching
SiC (i.e., 4H-SiC),20) the electron mobility along the 〈0001〉 device) and diode regulates the electric power supplied to
direction is about 15–20% higher than that perpendicular to the motor. In many applications, both rectifiers (diodes) and
〈0001〉, which is beneficial for the development of vertical switching devices having the same rating of voltage and
power devices on standard SiC{0001} wafers. current are required. In any case, power devices are either
Both SiC and gallium nitride (GaN) are wide-bandgap “on-state” or “off-state”, similar to logic devices in integrated
semiconductors, which are attractive for advanced power circuits. A switching operation is performed between the on-
devices because of their superior physical properties. and off-states, but the switching frequency is usually not very
Although it is difficult to predict how Si-, SiC-, and GaN- high, in the range from 1 kHz to a few 100 kHz.
based power devices will compete, SiC power devices are Figure 4 schematizes the current–voltage characteristics
more attractive for high-voltage applications owing to the of (a) a power rectifier (diode) and (b) a power switching
availability of reasonably high-quality epitaxial wafers and device, where the ideal and real characteristics are compared.
the more mature process technology than that of GaN. On the In ideal devices, a “zero” voltage drop in the on-state and
other hand, GaN-based lateral switching devices fabricated “zero” leakage current (and “infinite” breakdown voltage) in
040103-2 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Schottky Contact Ohmic Contact

Rectifier Switch

ideal real

real Si n- n+

RON real
RON SiC n n+

VB 0 Voltage

EC(SiC) 1

Electric Field
SiC Rdrift(SiC) R (Si)
real 500 drift
(a) (b) slope ~ ND (same blocking voltage)

Fig. 4. (Color online) Current–voltage characteristics of (a) power diode Si
and (b) power switching device, where the ideal and real characteristics are
0 Drift Layer Thickness

Fig. 5. (Color online) Electric field distribution in a one-sided abrupt

the off-state are expected. However, real devices exhibit a junction for SiC and Si at the same breakdown voltage. Because of the
finite semiconductor resistance and a finite leakage current approximately ten times higher breakdown field strength of SiC than that of
Si, the thickness of the voltage-blocking layers for SiC power devices can be
(and a maximum voltage limited by breakdown), which are reduced tenfold and the doping concentration can be increased by two orders
the main cause of the on-state and off-state loss, respectively. of magnitude compared with the Si counterpart with the same blocking
Furthermore, any transient behavior during the switching voltage.
operation results in switching loss. Therefore, the major
requirements for power devices include (i) low on-state
voltage (low on-resistance), (ii) low leakage current, and (iii)
Specific On-Resistance (Ωcm ) 100
fast switching with minimum current=voltage transients, Ron ~ VB2.5
which are directly linked to the on-state loss, off-state loss,


and switching loss, respectively. A high blocking voltage

i li
can, of course, be a requirement, depending on the appli-


cation. Furthermore, a large safe-operation area (robustness)

and reliability are also important because power devices must

withstand, for example, simultaneous high-voltage and high-

current stress for a certain period without any degradation. In
all these aspects, SiC shows promising potential, as described
below. : SiC JFET
Figure 5 schematically illustrates the electric field distri-
bution in a one-sided abrupt junction for SiC and Si at the 102 103 104
same breakdown voltage. Because the breakdown field Breakdown Voltage (V)
strength for SiC is about ten times higher than that for Si,
the thicknesses of the voltage-blocking layers in SiC power
Fig. 6. (Color online) Minimum specific on-resistance (drift-layer
devices can be one-tenth those in Si devices, and their doping resistance) for Si and SiC unipolar devices (so-called “Si limit” and “SiC
concentrations can be two orders of magnitude higher than in limit”) versus the blocking voltage. Experimental data for SiC power
their Si counterparts for the same blocking voltage. Thus, the MOSFETs and JFETs recently reported are plotted.
drift-layer resistance in unipolar devices can be reduced by
2–3 orders of magnitude at any given blocking voltage by where ε, μ, and EB are the dielectric constant, mobility,
utilizing SiC instead of Si. This is particularly important for and breakdown field strength, respectively. Here, η is the
high-voltage devices because the drift-layer resistance (Rdrift) ionization ratio for the dopants at room temperature. In the
increases with the blocking voltage (VB) in proportion to case of lightly-doped n-type SiC, η is about 0.85–1.0 owing
V 2:3­2:5
B and is the dominant factor determining the total to the relatively shallow nitrogen donors. This is especially
specific on-resistance (RON) of power devices.3,4) The on-state important for wide-bandgap semiconductors, where the
loss (PON) of a power device without a built-in voltage is incomplete ionization of dopants is often observed. In fact,
given by RON J2ON , where JON is the on-state current density p-type SiC Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) and power
(typically 100–300 A=cm2 at the rated current). Thus, the MOSFETs cannot compete with Si because of the low
extremely low drift resistance of SiC devices contributes to hole mobility and small ionization ratio for aluminum (Al)
the reduction of the on-state loss. Figure 6 plots the minimum acceptors at room temperature. In Fig. 6, the doping-
specific on-resistance (drift-layer resistance) against the dependent mobility and breakdown field were taken into
blocking voltage for Si and SiC unipolar devices. The mini- account to calculate the drift-layer resistance. The above-
mum specific on-resistance (drift-layer resistance) is given mentioned benefits of SiC power devices can be clearly
by4,12,23) recognized in this plot. Although the drift-layer resistance
(Rdrift) is proportional to V 2B in Eq. (1), the actual resistance
4V 2B increases in proportion to V B2:3­2:5 , as seen in Fig. 6, because
Rdrift ¼ ; ð1Þ
"E3B the breakdown field strength decreases in the lightly-doped
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SBD PiN diode Gate Gate SiO2
Source Source
ohmic contact
Schottky contact passivation passivation

p+-type anode n+ n+
p p n+ n+
p p
termination p-well
n-type drift layer n-type voltage-blocking layer n-drift layer n-drift layer

n+-type substrate n+-type substrate n+-substrate n+-substrate

ohmic contact ohmic contact Drain Drain

(a) (b) (c) (d)

JFET BJT (npn)

passivation thyristor IGBT (n-channel)
Gate Source Gate SiO2
Emitter Base
Anode Emitter
p passivation Gate passivation
n+ n+
p+ p+ n+ n+
p n n+

n-drift layer n: voltage-blocking layer n-blocking layer
p-blocking layer

n+-substrate n+-substrate p+-region


Drain Collector Cathode Collector

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Fig. 7. Schematic structures of various SiC power devices currently developed. (a) Schottky barrier diode (SBD), (b) PiN diode, (c) double-implanted
MOSFET (DIMOSFET), (d) trench MOSFET, (e) Junction FET (JFET), (f ) bipolar junction transistor (BJT), (g) thyristor, (h) n-channel insulated gate bipolar
transistor (IGBT).

materials employed for high-voltage devices. The depend- Figure 7 illustrates the structures of major SiC power
ence of the breakdown electric field strength on doping devices that have been developed. These device structures
density is discussed in Sect. 4. are basically similar to those of Si power devices, but
Another important feature of SiC power devices is fast some modifications have been made due to the unique prop-
switching with minimum reverse recovery (little current erties and problems of the current process technology. For
overshoot). For medium- and high-voltage applications, Si example, impurity doping by a diffusion process is unrealistic
bipolar devices such as PiN diodes, IGBTs, bipolar junction owing to the extremely small diffusion constants of dopants
transistors (BJTs), and thyristors are employed because in SiC.5,12) Thus, impurity doping is performed by either
the high on-resistance can be significantly reduced by a epitaxial growth or ion implantation. In SiC, a high density
conductivity modulation effect through minority carrier of deep levels and extended defects remains inside the ion-
injection.4) Bipolar power devices, however, suffer from implanted region as well as the implant-tail region, even after
minority carrier storage, leading to a slow switching speed high-temperature activation annealing. As a consequence,
and large reverse recovery in the turn-off operation. For these the carrier lifetimes near the implanted junction are very short
applications, SiC unipolar devices such as SBDs and FETs (<0.1 µs), which is not desirable for bipolar devices, where
are an ideal choice since the on-resistance of these devices is efficient carrier injection and diffusion are essential. There-
low and minority carrier storage is absent. Even SiC bipolar fore, pn junctions in SiC bipolar devices, such as PiN diodes,
devices can offer fast switching because the voltage-blocking BJTs, and thyristors, are fabricated exclusively by epitaxial
region is about ten times thinner and thus the stored charge growth. For the fabrication of SiC unipolar devices, such as
in the region is about ten times smaller compared with Si SBDs and MOSFETs, however, ion implantation is a very
bipolar devices.12,13) useful technique because nearly ideal breakdown character-
Owing to the wide bandgap and chemical stability of istics can be obtained with implanted junctions and no carrier
SiC, SiC electronic devices are operational at high temper- injection is involved in the normal operation of unipolar
atures (>250 °C). This is attractive in that it helps to avoid devices.12,13)
bulky cooling units, which are often required in Si-based Figure 8 shows the major territories of individual unipolar
power converters. Note that SiC devices themselves can and bipolar power devices for Si and SiC in terms of the
operate even at 500 °C or higher,24,25) but performance factors rated blocking voltage.26) The boundary between unipolar
such as their on-resistance generally degrade at such high and bipolar devices is located at 300–600 V in the case of Si
temperatures. Packaging technology represents another issue power devices. In SiC power devices, this boundary is shifted
in the commercialization of high-temperature operational toward a blocking voltage that is about ten times higher,
SiC power devices. namely several kV. It is expected that SiC unipolar devices
040103-4 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

rectifier In conjunction with the development of high-voltage
PiN SiC diodes, the fabrication of vertical SiC switching devices
MOSFET switch
Si started in the early 1990’s. In 1993, a vertical trench
MOSFET using 6H-SiC was demonstrated by Palmour
rectifier et al.40) Palmour and coworkers also extensively developed
PiN 4H-SiC trench MOSFETs, thyristors, and BJTs as important
SiC steps towards high-power electronics.41) In 1997, the first
BJT, IGBT, GTO planar double-implanted MOSFET (DIMOSFET) using
SiC with a blocking voltage of 760 V and a low on-resistance
100 V 300 V 600 V 1.2 kV 4.5 kV 10 kV 20 kV
Voltage rating (V) was reported by Cooper and coworkers.42) This group
demonstrated a 1.4 kV–15 mΩ cm2 SiC trench MOSFET
Fig. 8. (Color online) Major territories of individual unipolar and bipolar with a number of innovative design features in 1998.43)
power devices for Si and SiC in terms of the rated blocking voltage. A 660 V–1.8 mΩ cm2 SiC MOSFET with a unique channel
design was demonstrated in 2006.44) To avoid problems at
the SiC MOS interface, vertical junction FETs (JFETs) were
will replace Si bipolar devices in the blocking-voltage range developed,45,46) leading to the commercialization of SiC
from 300 V to about 6500 V. SiC bipolar devices will be power JFETs in 2006.36) Following the steady improvement
attractive for ultrahigh-voltage applications above 10 kV. of MOS channel mobility and oxide reliability, SiC power
DIMOSFETs have been commercially available since
3. Present status of SiC power devices 2010.29,47) These devices are well accepted by the market,
Since the 1980’s, sustained effort has been directed toward and industry is now reaping the benefits of SiC power
developing SiC material and device technology. Because switches. For example, the volume and weight of a power
device-quality SiC with a reasonable size was not available supply or inverter can be reduced by a factor of 2–10,
for many years, the breakthroughs in SiC crystal growth depending on the extent to which SiC components are
achieved in the 1980’s eventually triggered device devel- employed. In addition to the size and weight reduction,
opment. Tairov and Tsvetkov reported the basic concept of, a substantial reduction in power dissipation has been
and successful experimental data on, the so-called “seeded confirmed, leading to improved efficiency in electric power
sublimation technique” (or “modified Lely method”).27,28) conversion systems owing to the use of SiC components.
This technique was refined by Carter and coworkers, and the In research and development, double-trench MOSFETs with
first commercial SiC wafers were released in 1991.29) Low- a very low on-resistance of below 1 mΩ cm2,48) as well as
resistivity n-type SiC wafers with a diameter of 100–150 mm 10 kV DIMOSFETs49) have been demonstrated. However,
are currently commercially available. The high-quality these SiC power switching devices require further improve-
homoepitaxial growth of SiC was achieved by utilizing ment in performance and cost reduction. As examples
step-flow growth on off-axis {0001} substrates by chemical of ultrahigh-voltage switching devices, 15–20 kV thyristors,
vapor deposition (CVD).30,31) In the epitaxial growth of SiC, IGBTs, and BJTs have been demonstrated.38,50,51) For more
perfect replication of the SiC polytype without any polytype detail, please see recent conference proceedings.52) Figure 6
mixing is important and was first realized by step-flow plots the on-resistance and breakdown voltage of recently
growth (called “step-controlled epitaxy”).10,30,32) Since wide- reported SiC power FETs. Although a gap exists between
range n- and p-type doping is easy with this growth tech- the theoretical limit and experimental data, especially in
nique, the availability of epitaxial wafers with the desired relatively low-voltage (600–1200 V) devices, the perform-
doping density and thickness has accelerated device develop- ance is orders of magnitude better than the Si limit. Note that
ment since the 1990’s. the performance of SiC SBDs is closer to the theoretical limit
Matus et al. reported a 1 kV 6H-SiC pn diode and its of SiC (not shown).
rectification operation up to 600 °C.33) The author’s group It should be pointed out, however, that the basic under-
demonstrated a 1 kV 6H-SiC SBD with a low specific on- standing of the material science and device physics in SiC is
resistance and 400 °C rectification in 1993.34) In 1994, the on- still poor compared with Si technology. For example, many
resistance of high-voltage SiC SBDs was markedly reduced of its physical properties, which are important for accurate
by using 4H-SiC.35) After structure and process optimization, device simulation, are unknown. The behavior of defects and
the first SiC SBD products were released in 2001.36) One of their impact on device performance and reliability are under
the typical applications of SiC SBDs has been as fast diodes investigation. The mechanism of defect formation during
employed in the power-factor-correction circuit of switching- device processing steps such as oxidation and ion implanta-
mode power supplies.36) Because of the negligibly small tion remains poorly understood. Furthermore, several unique
reverse recovery of SiC SBDs, the switching loss can be features of device physics that are observed in SiC but
dramatically reduced and the switching frequency can be not observed in Si can be common in wide-bandgap
increased, leading to the downsizing of passive components. semiconductors. For example, the dominant process of
The market for SiC SBDs has grown rapidly over the last carrier generation in a space-charge region as well as the
several years, and SiC SBDs are employed in a variety of breakdown mechanism of SiC devices may be very different
power systems, including power supplies, photovoltaic con- from those of Si devices because of the different bandgap and
verters, air conditioners, and motor controls for elevators about ten times higher electric field strength for SiC. The
and railcars.37) In research and development, the maximum main purpose of this paper is to present a basic understanding
blocking voltage of SiC diodes has exceeded 25 kV.38,39) of SiC technology.
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Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Temperature (K) 2.0


Fermi Energy from Ei (eV)

1000 500 300 200 1.5
1015 ND =
Intrinsic Carrier Density (cm-3) 1.0 1x1019 cm-3
1x1015 cm-3 1x1018 cm-3
1010 0.5
1x1014 cm-3 1x1017 cm-3
1x1016 cm-3
0 Ei 1x1016 cm-3
105 1x1014 cm-3 1x1017 cm-3
Si 1x1015 cm-3 1x1018 cm-3
0 -1.0 1x1019 cm-3
10 NA =
10-5 SiC EV
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
10-10 Temperature (K)
1 2 3 4 5
1000 / T (K-1) Fig. 10. Fermi level for nitrogen- or aluminum-doped SiC as a function of
temperature and impurity density, taking into account the temperature
dependence of the bandgap and the incomplete ionization of dopants at low
Fig. 9. (Color online) Arrhenius plot of the intrinsic carrier density for temperatures.
SiC and Si.

Breakdown Electric Field Strength (V/cm)

4. Important aspects associated with material 107
properties 4H-SiC<0001>
The major physical properties of SiC are tabulated in Table I. <0001>
In this section, a few electronic properties peculiar to SiC
(or wide bandgap semiconductors) are briefly discussed.
Because of its wide bandgap, the intrinsic carrier density (ni) 106
in SiC is extremely low, 5 × 10−9 cm−3 at room temperature, 3C-SiC<111>
while the corresponding value for Si is 1 × 1010 cm−3. An
Arrhenius plot of the intrinsic carrier densities for SiC and Si Si
is shown in Fig. 9. In general, carrier generation is propor-
tional to n2i in the case of band-to-band generation and to ni in
the case of generation via a deep level.53) This is the main 105
1014 1015 1016 1017 1018
reason why SiC devices exhibit a low leakage current even -3
at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, it is of interest to Doping Density (cm )
estimate the equilibrium minority carrier density in SiC.
Consider n-type SiC having an electron density of 1 × 1016 Fig. 11. Breakdown electric field strength versus doping density for 4H-
cm−3, for example. The equilibrium hole density in this n- SiC〈0001〉, 6H-SiC〈0001〉, and 3C-SiC〈111〉. The data for Si are also shown
for comparison.
type SiC can be estimated to be (5 × 10−9 cm−3)2=(1 × 1016
cm−3) = 2.5 × 10−33 cm−3 at room temperature. Therefore, it
is reasonable to assume that no minority carriers are present a function of temperature and impurity density, taking into
in SiC unless intentional carrier injection or excitation is account the temperature dependence of the bandgap and the
performed. No minority carriers are involved during the on- incomplete ionization of dopants at low temperatures.12)
state operation of SiC unipolar devices, which is not the case Figure 10 indicates that chemical reactions and defect
for Si SBDs. In a SiC MOS capacitor, no inversion layer is stability in SiC crystals may exhibit a clear conduction type
created even if a sufficiently large bias voltage is applied, or doping density dependence during high-temperature treat-
which leads to the appearance of deep depletion because of ment. It has been reported, for example, that the thermal
the absence of minority carriers. These facts must be taken oxidation rate for SiC at 1100–1300 °C is dependent on
into account in analyzing the characteristics of SiC devices. the conduction type and doping density.57) A theoretical
Through advances in crystal growth and defect engineering, study has predicted that the formation energy and migration
semi-insulating SiC (SI-SiC) wafers have become commer- (diffusion) barrier of point defects in SiC strongly depend
cially available. When the Fermi level is pinned at 1.0 eV on the Fermi level.58) In SiC, this Fermi level dependence
below the conduction band edge (or above the valence band is maintained during high-temperature treatment above
edge), the majority carrier density is estimated to be as low as 1000 °C.
about 200 cm−3. Indeed, the resistivity of commercial SI-SiC Figure 11 plots the breakdown electric field strength versus
wafers is extraordinarily high, over 1011 Ω cm,54) which is the doping density for 4H-SiC〈0001〉, 6H-SiC〈0001〉, and
useful for the development of high-frequency devices55) and 3C-SiC〈111〉.12,19,59,60) The data for Si are also shown for
high-temperature integrated circuits.56) comparison. 4H- and 6H-SiC exhibit approximately 8–10
In conjunction with the extremely small intrinsic carrier times higher breakdown field strengths than Si at a given
density, the Fermi level does not approach the midgap doping density, while the field strength for 3C-SiC is only 3–4
(intrinsic level) in SiC, even at high temperatures. Figure 10 times higher because this polytype has a relatively small
plots the Fermi level for nitrogen- or aluminum-doped SiC as bandgap (similar to gallium phosphide). It should be noted
040103-6 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

that the breakdown field strength is strongly dependent on the Table II. Ionization energies and solubility limits of nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), aluminum (Al), and boron (B) in SiC.66,69–76) For N, P, and
doping density, as shown in Fig. 11. As the doping density is
Al, the ionization energies at the hexagonal=cubic sites are indicated.
increased, the width of the space-charge region as well as the
distance over which carriers are accelerated both decrease. N P Al B (shallow)
Furthermore, the mobility is reduced in highly doped mate- Ionization energy (meV) 61=126 60=120 198=201 280–300
rials because of enhanced impurity scattering. These are the Solubility limit (cm−3) 2 × 1020 (∼1 × 1021) 1 × 1021 2 × 1019
reasons why the breakdown electric field strength increases
with increasing doping density. As shown in Fig. 11, the
breakdown electric field for 6H-SiC〈0001〉 is slightly higher shrinkage and the formation of an impurity band. Above a
than that for 4H-SiC〈0001〉 despite the smaller bandgap of the dopant density of 1019 cm−3, the ionization energy decreases
former (Eg = 3.02 eV for 6H-SiC and 3.26 eV for 4H-SiC). It sharply. As a result, near-perfect ionization is observed in
is known that 6H-SiC exhibits strong anisotropy in carrier heavily aluminum-doped SiC (>4 × 1020 cm−3) despite the
transport, and the electron mobility along the 〈0001〉 direction relatively large ionization energy of aluminum.77,78)
is unusually low, about 100 cm2 V−1 s−1, even in a high-purity In general, one can observe a similar trend in dopant
material.20) The narrow width of the conduction band in incorporation irrespective of the SiC growth technique:
6H-SiC also helps to increase the breakdown electric field nitrogen incorporation is significantly higher for growth on
strength for 6H-SiC〈0001〉. The breakdown field strength for ð0001Þ than on (0001), and the opposite tendency [higher on
6H-SiCh1120i is only half of that for 6H-SiC〈0001〉.61) The (0001)] is true for aluminum incorporation. This polarity
anisotropy in the breakdown field strength for 4H-SiC is effect originates from the surface kinetics during growth.
smaller, and the field strength for 4H-SiCh1120i  is only Because nitrogen substitutes at carbon lattice sites, a nitrogen
20–25% lower than that for 4H-SiC〈0001〉. 62,63)
Note that the atom adsorbed onto a ð0001Þ  surface is bound to three
breakdown field strength is also slightly anisotropic in Si and underlying silicon atoms, while it is only bound to one silicon
gallium arsenide (GaAs). atom on a (0001) surface. Thus, the desorption of nitrogen
The breakdown field strength is a convenient physical atoms from ð0001Þ  is presumably much less extensive than
property to use for estimating the ideal breakdown voltage. from (0001) (note that the nitrogen vapor pressure is very
However, the breakdown field strength is valid only for high at the growth temperature of SiC). This may be the main
junctions with non-punch-through structures. When consid- reason why nitrogen incorporation is higher on ð0001Þ.  79)
ering punch-through structures, which are common in power The higher aluminum incorporation on (0001) can be
devices, the breakdown field strength shown in Fig. 11 explained in a similar manner, taking account of the
does not give the correct breakdown voltage. In this substitution of aluminum at the silicon lattice site.
case, simulation of the leakage current or calculation of Impurity incorporation is also influenced by the C=Si ratio
the ionization integral using a device simulator is required in the growth ambient, which was first reported in the CVD
to determine the ideal breakdown voltage.4) To this end, of SiC (site competition effect).80,81) The site competition
accurate determination of the impact ionization coefficients in effect discovered by Larkin and coworkers is the key to
SiC has been investigated.64,65) achieving wide-range doping control in SiC. The doping
efficiency of nitrogen is enhanced markedly under Si-rich
5. Impurity doping during crystal growth (low C=Si ratio) conditions and reduced under C-rich (high
In SiC, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) is employed for C=Si ratio) conditions. This phenomenon can be explained by
n-type doping, while aluminum (Al) is used for p-type the competition between nitrogen and carbon atoms on the
doping. Although boron (B) was also previously employed as growing surface. Low carbon atom coverage on the growing
an acceptor, it is currently not preferred because of its large surface promotes nitrogen incorporation into the lattice, while
ionization energy (∼300 meV),66) its abnormal diffusion,66–68) high carbon atom coverage prevents (“outcompetes”) nitro-
and the generation of a boron-related deep level (D gen incorporation. Conversely, the doping of aluminum and
center).66,67) Although gallium and arsenic work as acceptors boron, which substitute at silicon lattice sites, shows the
and donors, respectively, their ionization energies are opposite trend: aluminum and boron incorporation is sup-
relatively large and their solubility limits are low. Nitrogen pressed under Si-rich conditions and promoted under C-rich
substitutes at carbon sublattice sites, while phosphorus, conditions.
aluminum, and boron substitute at silicon sublattice sites. For vertical device fabrication, low-resistivity n-type
The ionization energies and solubility limits of nitrogen, wafers (substrates) are essential, as indicated in Fig. 7. At
phosphorus, aluminum, and boron in 4H-SiC are listed in present, the standard technique for SiC bulk growth is the
Table II.66,69–76) In SiC, the ionization energies for dopants seeded sublimation (or modified Lely) method,28) the details
depend on the lattice site, in particular, whether the site is of which have been described in several review papers.82–84)
hexagonal or cubic (site effect).69) In the case of nitrogen or Because no stoichiometric SiC liquid phase exists, it is
phosphorus doping, the ionization energy for the donors is impossible to employ congruent melt growth for SiC bulk
relatively small, and the ionization ratio for donors at room growth at technically feasible system pressures. Instead, SiC
temperature is reasonably high, ranging from about 80% to sublimes at very high temperatures (>1800–2000 °C), which
nearly 100%, depending on the doping density. Conversely, is the key process for source supply during the seeded sub-
the ionization energy for aluminum is large (200 meV), and limation method. The net doping density of undoped boules
incomplete ionization (5–30%) of acceptors is observed at grown by this technique ranges from mid 1015 to low 1016
room temperature. Note that the ionization energy decreases cm−3. The nitrogen density can be increased to 1020 cm−3,
when the doping density is increased as a result of bandgap which results in a very low resistivity of 0.005 Ω cm.85) The
040103-7 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Table III. Basic information on major extended defects in SiC epitaxial layers.
Typical density
Extended defects Burgers vector Major direction
Micropipe n〈0001〉 (n > 2) 〈0001〉 0–0.02
TSD n〈0001〉 (n = 1, 2) 〈0001〉 300–1000
h1120i=3 〈0001〉 2000–5000
in {0001} plane (predominantly h1120i) 0.1–10

Shockley: h1100i=3
SF in {0001} plane 0.1–1
Frank: 〈0001〉=n
TSD: threading screw dislocation, TED: threading edge dislocation, BPD: basal plane dislocation, SF: stacking fault.

SiC CVD and pressure are fixed, the N2 flow rate and C=Si ratio are
growth temperature: 1600 °C important parameters in achieving the wide-range control of
Net Donor Density (cm )

nitrogen doping (1 × 1014–2 × 1019 cm−3). A growth simu-


1016 growth rate: 20-25 μm/h

lation taking account of gas-phase and surface reactions gives
C face
1015 the real C=Si ratio on the growing surface instead of that at
the gas inlet. It is found that the real C=Si ratio on the surface
1014 is a good measure for explaining reactor-dependent impurity
incorporation in a systematic manner.93)
The addition of a small amount of trimethylaluminum
1013 Si face flip to p-type
[TMA: Al(CH3)3] is effective for in situ p-type doping in SiC
CVD.94) The accessible range of aluminum doping is from
1012 about 2 × 1014 to 5 × 1020 cm−3 on SiC(0001). The very high
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
C/Si Ratio aluminum doping (5 × 1020 cm−3) results in the formation
of degenerate p-type SiC with a resistivity as low as 16.5
mΩ cm.95) It has been reported that heavily-doped p-type
Fig. 12. C=Si ratio dependence of the doping density of nominally
 epitaxial layers grown by hot-wall CVD at
undoped SiC(0001) and ð0001Þ
layers can only be grown easily on the Si face; growing them
1600 °C. on the C face is difficult.32) When the TMA supply is high,
growth on the C face suffers from two- or three-dimensional
nucleation, leading to a rough surface. Thus, the range of dop-
typical resistivities of commercial n-type SiC wafers range ing control is wider in both n- and p-type doping for growth
from about 0.018 to 0.025 Ω cm (nitrogen dopant density on the Si face than on the C face, which is one of the reasons
range: 6 × 1018–1.2 × 1019 cm−3). why the (0001) face (Si face) is rather exclusively employed
For the development of SiC power devices, epitaxial growth for the epitaxial growth and device fabrication of SiC.
is essential to produce active layers with the desired doping
density and thickness, and homoepitaxial growth technology 6. Extended defects in SiC
by CVD has shown remarkable progress.86–89) Through SiC epitaxial wafers employed for device fabrication contain
process optimization and the purification of source materials, a variety of crystal imperfections, both extended defects and
the purity of nominally undoped (or unintentionally doped) point defects. Most extended defects in an epitaxial layer
SiC epitaxial layers can be increased to a very high level. For are replicated from the underlying substrate (bulk wafer),
obvious reasons, the main source of unintentional dopants is but some are generated during epitaxial growth. On the
nitrogen. Key ways to obtain high purity are (1) increase the other hand, almost all point defects in an epitaxial layer are
C=Si ratio80,81) and (2) decrease the growth pressure.90,91) unaffected by the substrate quality, being determined instead
Figure 12 shows the C=Si ratio dependence of the doping by the epitaxial growth conditions. However, additional
density of nominally undoped SiC{0001} epitaxial layers extended and point defects are generated during device
grown by hot-wall CVD at 1600 °C. For a C=Si ratio of 0.5, processing steps such as ion implantation and dry etching. It
the donor density is about 5 × 1015 cm−3, irrespective of the is essential to understand and control these defects to ensure
substrate polarity. On the (0001) face, the donor density can be the high performance and reliability of SiC power devices.
drastically reduced by increasing the C=Si ratio; for example, Basic information on the major extended defects in SiC
it reaches 5 × 1012 cm−3 for growth with a C=Si ratio of 2. A epitaxial layers can be found in Table III. Since most dis-
further increase in the C=Si ratio causes a switch of the con- locations in SiC epitaxial layers originate from the substrates,
duction type from n-type to p-type in the nominally undoped the classification of major dislocations in SiC boule crystals
epitaxial layers. Here, p-type materials are obtained by will be briefly described in the next section. This will be
reducing nitrogen incorporation and enhancing aluminum or followed by a discussion of the replication and conversion of
boron incorporation, which is consistent with the site com- dislocations as well as the generation of additional extended
petition concept. On the ð0001Þ  face, however, the C=Si ratio defects during epitaxial growth.
dependence of the doping density is weaker,92) and the lowest
donor density is about 8 × 1014 cm−3 in this particular case. 6.1 Dislocations in SiC boule crystals
In situ n-type doping is easily achieved by the introduction A micropipe defect is a hollow core associated with a super-
of N2 during CVD growth. When the growth temperature screw dislocation.96,97) The magnitude of the Burgers vector
040103-8 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

extra (or missing) half plane TSD TSD TSD Frank SFs BPD BPD BPD TED
(> 99 %) (< 1 %) (< 5 %) (> 95 %)
TED b layer
c b BPD
B {0001} B {0001} ow
b b step fl TED
a3 BPD A’
{0001} basal plane (~ 100 %)
a1 b = 1 [1120] b = 1 [1120]
3 3 TSD: threading screw dislocation
TED: threading edge dislocation TED: threading edge dislocation
BPD: basal plane dislocation BPD: basal plane dislocation

(a) (b)
Fig. 14. Replication and conversion of dislocations typically observed in
SiC epitaxial layers grown on off-axis {0001} by CVD.
Fig. 13. (a) Schematic illustration of an extra (or missing) half plane in a

SiC crystal. In this case, a dislocation with a Burgers vector of ½1120=3
exists along the edge of the extra half plane. (b) Typical configuration of
threading edge and basal plane dislocations, where the basal plane
 directions. direction. Indeed, BPD-to-TED and TED-to-BPD conver-
dislocation lies along one of the h1120i
sions are commonly observed inside boule crystals.101,105)
Note that pure edge-type BPDs are not very abundant, and
for micropipes has been investigated; the minimum values  directions, as shown
quite often, BPDs lie along the h1120i
were found to be ∣3c∣ for 4H-SiC and ∣2c∣ for 6H-SiC (c: in Fig. 13(b), due to the Peierls potential. In this particular
fundamental translation vector along the c-axis),98,99) both of case [Fig. 13(b)], the BPD (line AAB) is a 60° dislocation.
which correspond to 3 nm. Because a micropipe is a micron- The dominant nucleation process of BPDs is plastic defor-
or submicron-size pinhole extending along the 〈0001〉 direc- mation caused by thermal stress, which is typically induced
tion through the entire SiC wafer, it is not surprising that SiC by temperature inhomogeneity during crystal growth or a
devices that contain a micropipe exhibit severely degraded high-temperature process. In this case, BPDs can nucleate
performance, such as an excessive leakage current and heterogeneously as half-loops from the crystal surface or as
premature breakdown.100) Thus, micropipes were identified full-loops inside the crystal.106)
as the most important killer defects and were eliminated or In the last two decades, extensive studies have been
reduced to a satisfactory level (<0.1 cm−2). conducted, aiming at reducing extended defects in SiC
Although a threading screw dislocation (TSD) in com- boules, and one of the most striking techniques is the so-
pound semiconductors usually creates a spiral with a one- called “Repeated A–Face growth (RAF)” method.107) The
bilayer-height step on {111} (or {0001}) faces, the step main concept is (i) the preparation of an almost dislocation-
height of a spiral in 4H-SiC{0001} is four Si–C bilayers, free seed by repeating boule growth on ð1120Þ  and ð1100Þ
corresponding to ∣1c∣. (The step often splits into two two- faces, and (ii) subsequent sublimation growth on the high-
bilayer-height spiral steps.) TSDs in SiC propagate nearly quality seed under stabilized conditions, the details of
along the 〈0001〉 direction but occasionally they are bent which are described in Ref. 107. An impressively low total
towards the basal planes (and sometimes bent back towards dislocation density of 75 cm−2 was achieved through this
〈0001〉).101) Recent studies using synchrotron X-ray top- technique. More recently, a “dislocation-free” SiC boule
ography revealed that the majority of TSDs possess a Burgers has been fabricated by solution growth using a similar
vector of 1c + a.102,103) This means that these TSDs are not concept.108) However, the total dislocation density of com-
pure screw dislocations, but mixed dislocations. mercial wafers is still 3000–6000 cm−2. The stacking fault
A threading edge dislocation (TED) and basal plane density in commercial SiC wafers is currently very low
dislocation (BPD) possess the same Burgers vector of a (below 1 cm−1).

A slip of h1120i=3 results in the formation of an
extra half plane or a missing half plane while keeping the 6.2 Dislocations in SiC epitaxial layers

stacking structure. Conversely, a slip of h1100i=3 causes a Figure 14 illustrates the dislocation replication and conver-
fault in the stacking. This kind of defect is called a Shockley- sion typically observed in SiC epitaxial layers grown on
type stacking fault (SSF)104) and plays an important role in off-axis {0001} by CVD.87,109) Almost all the TSDs in a
bipolar degradation phenomena, as described in Sect. 6.5. substrate are replicated in an epilayer, but a small portion
Figure 13(a) illustrates an extra (or missing) half plane in (typically < 1%) are converted to Frank-type partial disloca-
a SiC crystal. In this case, a dislocation with a Burgers tions.110) A TSD in the substrate can act as a nucleation site

vector of ½1120=3 is present along the edge of the extra half for a “carrot defect”, as described in Sect. 6.3. Almost all the
plane. As seen from the figure, the dislocation lying in the TEDs in a substrate are also replicated in an epilayer.
basal plane (line AB) is defined as a “basal plane dislocation” The behavior of BPDs during epitaxial growth is much
(pure edge-type), and the dislocation lying along the 〈0001〉 more complicated. A BPD is a detrimental defect for
direction (line BC) is defined as a “threading edge dis- SiC bipolar devices because it can act as the source of a
location”. Therefore, a BPD and TED have the same basic Shockley-type stacking fault upon carrier injection, which
nature; the name simply differs depending on the dislocation would locally reduce the carrier lifetime (increase on-
040103-9 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

resistance) and increase the leakage current.111–113) This is Photoluminescence (PL) image Optical image after KOH etching
called “bipolar degradation”, and is treated in a separate sub-
section (Sect. 6.5). Since the elastic energy of a dislocation is
naturally proportional to the dislocation length, BPD replica- TED
tion in an epitaxial layer grown on off-axis {0001} results in
a large increase in the elastic energy. This energy is greatly
decreased by a BPD-to-TED conversion, during which the
dislocation length is shortened considerably by a factor of TSD
cot θ (θ: off-angle). This dislocation conversion can be
explained by a so-called “image force” exerted on the
100 μm
BPD.104) In reality, most (>95%) BPDs in the substrate are step-flow ([1120] off)
converted to TEDs within a few µm of the initial epitaxial (a) (b)
layer without any special treatment.114–116) Some BPDs,
however, are replicated in the SiC epitaxial layer. It has been Fig. 15. (Color online) (a) Typical PL image taken from a 180-µm-thick
discovered that all these BPDs propagating in basal planes n-type SiC(0001) epitaxial layer at 880 nm. (b) Optical photograph of the
of an epitaxial layer are of a screw character.87,117,118) It is same location after molten KOH etching.
known that a perfect BPD in SiC is dissociated into two
partial dislocations, and a single SSF is created between
Photoluminescence (PL) image
the two partials, where the SSF width is about 30–70 nm.119)
Conversion from BPDs to TEDs is enhanced by several 455 nm 480 nm 500 nm
techniques such as molten KOH etching120,121) or H2
etching122) prior to epitaxial growth or interruption during
growth.123) The use of a substrate with a smaller off-angle
is naturally effective in enhancing the conversion owing to
the increased image force.124) High-temperature (∼1800 °C)
annealing in Ar induces a spontaneous BPD-to-TED con-
(d) Optical image PL intensity
version near the surface (without growth).125) Furthermore,
(arb. unit)
increasing the growth rate also effectively enhances the
BPD–TED conversion.126) By combining these techniques, step-flow
the conversion ratio has been increased to 99.9% or even ([1120] off)

higher. Thus, if the BPD density in a substrate is 1000 cm−2,

the density of BPDs replicated in an epitaxial layer is about
1 cm−2 or less. It should be noted that BPDs easily glide
during growth or high-temperature annealing under stress
Fig. 16. (Color online) PL intensity maps taken for a SiC epitaxial layer
(misfit and thermal stress) because the critical resolved shear at wavelengths of (a) 455, (b) 480, and (c) 500 nm from the same location
stress in SiC is relatively low, especially at high temper- (reproduced with permission from Elsevier).142) (d) Optical microscope
ature.127) A BPD replicated in an epitaxial layer is deflected image taken at the same location.
to the direction normal to the step flow, and the BPD often
lies near the interface between a lightly-doped epitaxial layer
and a heavily-doped substrate.128,129) Such a BPD lying at generated near the dislocation cores137) may be responsible for
the epitaxial layer=substrate interface is called an “interface the luminescence. PL imaging=mapping is also a powerful
dislocation”. method for the detection of stacking faults, as described in the
Dislocations in SiC have been detected by molten alkali next subsection.
(e.g., KOH) etching at about 500 °C130) or X-ray topography.
In recent years, a photoluminescence (PL) mapping or 6.3 In-grown stacking faults and other defects in epitaxial
imaging technique has been developed as a fast nondestruc- layers
tive method to detect the location of dislocations and identify The nucleation of stacking faults (SFs) takes place during
their type (TSD=TED=BPD).131–136) Figure 15 shows (a) a epitaxial growth, even if the substrate is free of stacking
typical PL image taken from a 180-µm-thick n-type SiC(0001) faults. So far, several types of “in-grown SFs” have been
epitaxial layer at 880 nm and (b) an optical micrograph of the identified by cross-sectional transmission electron microsco-
same location after molten KOH etching. In PL images taken py (TEM). A majority of these SFs are caused by slips in
at the band-edge emission (390 nm), threading dislocations basal planes (Shockley-type). Note that most in-grown SFs
and BPDs appear as dark spots and dark lines (or curves) are invisible in optical microscopy, and PL imaging=mapping
(not shown), respectively. In contrast, an infrared PL image is again a powerful method to detect these defects.138–142)
shows bright spots and bright lines (or curves), which have Figure 16 shows examples of PL intensity maps taken at
been identified as the locations of threading dislocations and (a) 455, (b) 480, and (c) 500 nm from the same location.142)
BPDs, respectively, as shown in Fig. 15(b). TSDs produce An optical micrograph is shown as well [Fig. 16(d)]. The
much more intense PL in the infrared region (750–900 nm) shape of these SFs that show a PL peak at 455 nm is a right-
than TEDs, which makes it possible to distinguish TSDs and angle triangle with its apex pointed towards the upstream side
TEDs. While the mechanism of the infrared luminescence of the step flow. Conversely, the shape of the SF that shows
from dislocations is unclear at present, localized states that are 480 nm emission is an isosceles triangle elongated along
040103-10 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Cross-sectional TEM (a) Carrot Defect (b) Triangular Defect

2 2 2
2 2 2

4 5
4 [0001]
3 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
200 μm
2 2 2
(c) Down-Fall
(a) (b) (c)
( [1120] off )
Fig. 17. (Color online) High-resolution TEM images taken from the
major in-grown SFs that exhibit PL peaks at (a) 455, (b) 480, and (c) 500 nm
(reproduced with permission from Elsevier).142) The stacking sequences have
been determined as (44), (53), and (62) types, respectively, in Zhdanov’s

Fig. 18. (Color online) Typical surface defects observed in SiC{0001}

homoepitaxial layers, (a) “carrot” defect and shallow pit, (b) triangular
defect, and (c) down-fall.

Table IV. Current understanding of effects of extended defects on SiC device performance and reliability.
TSD Noa), but causes local
No Noa)
(without pit) reduction of carrier lifetime
TED Noa), but causes local
No Noa)
(without pit) reduction of carrier lifetime
BPD Noa), but can cause Bipolar degradation
(including interface dislocation, half-loop array) degradation of body diode (increase of on-resistance and leakage current)
VB reduction VB reduction VB reduction
In-grown SF
(20–50%) (20–50%) (20–50%)
Carrot, triangular VB reduction VB reduction VB reduction
defects (30–70%) (30–70%) (30–70%)
VB reduction VB reduction VB reduction
(50–90%) (50–90%) (50–90%)
a) Impacts on gate-oxide reliability are still under investigation.

the off-direction. The lengths of all these SFs along the off- polishing damage or non-optimized growth processes. The
direction agree with the projected length of a basal plane in down-fall is generated by the falling of a SiC particle released
the epitaxial layer. This implies that these SFs nucleated in from the susceptor wall. The density of these defects is
the initial stage of epitaxial growth. Although the misalign- mostly influenced by the surface quality of the substrates and
ment of atoms during step-flow growth has been suggested as the growth conditions. TEM studies revealed that the carrot
the nucleation mechanism for SFs,143) the detailed mechan- (and comet) defects contain both a basal plane fault and a
ism is not entirely clear at present. Figure 17 shows high- prismatic plane fault.145–147) The triangular defects exhibit a
resolution TEM images taken from the major in-grown SFs variety of structures. In some triangular defects, the triangular
that exhibit PL peaks at (a) 455, (b) 480, and (c) 500 nm.142) region is actually cubic SiC (3C-SiC), while in others, only a
These stacking sequences have been determined to be types 3C-like laminar region with a thickness of several Si–C
(44), (53), and (62), respectively, in Zhdanov’s notation. bilayers is extended in the basal plane.150,151) Several other
A one-to-one correlation has been established between the types of surface morphological defects that contain extended
PL peak position and the stacking sequence. Frank-type in- defects have been reported.152)
grown stacking faults have also been reported.144) The
density of these in-grown stacking faults is typically 0.1–1 6.4 Impacts of extended defects on SiC devices
cm−2 but tends to increase in fast epitaxy.143) Extended defects can affect the performance and reliability of
SiC epitaxial layers grown on off-axis {0001} substrates semiconductor devices.153) However, the effects of extended
occasionally exhibit several types of surface defects, most of defects in SiC are still not well understood. This subsection
which contain some kind of extended defect(s). Figure 18 will summarize our current understanding of the effects of
shows the typical surface defects observed in SiC{0001} extended defects on SiC device performance and reliability
homoepitaxial layers: (a) “carrot” defect145–147) and shallow (Table IV).
pit,148,149) (b) triangular defect,150,151) and (c) down-fall. All kinds of macroscopic defects that are generated during
Although the exact formation mechanisms of these defects epitaxial growth cause a considerable increase in leakage
are not fully understood, these defects are usually created current and reduction in blocking voltage, and are detrimental
by technical problems such as the incomplete removal of to SiC devices.12,154) These defects include triangular defects,
040103-11 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Leakage Current (A/cm2) 10-5 (cross-sectional TEM image)

Ni/4H-SiC SBD Schottky electrode

V = - 600 V
10-6 (N = 85)
nanopit n-SiC

Leakage Current (A/cm2)

500 nm
0 5 10 15 20
Number of TSDs inside devices

Fig. 19. Leakage current density of 800-V-class Ni=SiC Schottky barrier with nanopits
diodes at −600 V versus the number of TSDs present in the diode area. No
obvious correlation between the leakage current and TSDs is observed.

Reverse Voltage (V)

carrot defects, and macro-defects induced by particles (a)
(“down-falls”). These defects usually contain stacking faults
in a basal plane and=or a prismatic plane or contain a 3C-

Leakage Current (A/cm2)

with dislocations but
lamella, as described in the previous subsection. The density without nano-pits
of these defects is typically 0.1–1 cm−2 and tends to be higher
in thick epitaxial layers.
In-grown stacking faults also cause increased leakage
current and reduce the blocking voltage of SiC devices. It
has been predicted that the bandgap is locally reduced at an
in-grown stacking fault.139,155) When SiC SBDs contain an
in-grown stacking fault, the barrier height is locally reduced,
leading to excessive leakage currents.156)
Reverse Voltage (V)
The effects of TSDs and TEDs on device characteristics
have been investigated by many research groups, and some (b)
conflicting results have been reported. Neudeck et al.
reported the effects of a TSD on SiC(0001) pn diodes by Fig. 20. (Color online) Reverse characteristics of SiC SBDs fabricated on
direct comparison between the diode characteristics and the wafers with (a) surface pits associated with dislocations and (b) without such
pits.162) After removing the surface pits, all the diodes exhibit low leakage
dislocation sites as determined by synchrotron X-ray top-
current, regardless of the number of dislocations present in the diodes
ography.157) When a diode contained one TSD, the leakage (reproduced with permission from AIP Publishing LLC).
current abruptly increased at a bias voltage slightly lower
than the breakdown voltage. Along with the increase in
leakage current, a microplasma was simultaneously observed diodes shown in Fig. 20(a) exactly matched the surface pits.
at the location of the TSD. However, the breakdown voltage Upon removing these pits, however, all the diodes exhibited a
itself was hardly affected by the presence of a single TSD. low leakage current regardless of the number of dislocations
Extensive comparisons between the characteristics of SiC present inside the diode area. The size and depth of these
SBDs and their dislocation sites have also been conducted dislocation-induced pits strongly depend on the growth
by several groups.158,159) However, no direct evidence was conditions and processing conditions. This may be the main
obtained for the negative effects of TSDs and TEDs on diode reason why different groups have observed somewhat
characteristics. An example of such results is shown in different results for the effects of dislocations. As described
Fig. 19. The leakage current of Ni=SiC SBDs containing above, the negative effects of dislocation-induced pits can be
15–20 TSDs is almost identical to that of TSD-free diodes. minimized to a satisfactory level by suppressing pit formation
Many groups have found that the impact of TSDs and TEDs or by preparing pit-free surfaces via polishing.
on the characteristics of SiC pn diodes was negligibly small. To isolate the effects of dislocations (without surface pits)
In recent years, the SiC community has learned that on SiC devices, the change in the electronic states near the
surface pits can be formed at TSD and TED sites. The depth dislocation cores must be taken into account. Chung et al.
of these pits is typically 3–20 nm, and the pits are deeper conducted electron holography measurements on TSDs in
for TSDs than for TEDs.160) When the pits are created, local n-type SiC and reported that a deep state (Ec − 0.89 eV) was
electric field crowding occurs, simply because of a geometric formed near a TSD core.137) Because the chemical bonds near
effect.161) Fujiwara et al. found that the negative effects of a dislocation core are severely distorted (or broken), which
TSDs on the diode characteristics could be eliminated almost is a major disturbance in the periodic potential inherent to
entirely by suppressing the formation of dislocation-induced SiC, localized states and=or local changes in the bandgap are
pits.162) Figure 20 shows the reverse characteristics of SiC expected to occur near the dislocation core.153) The states
SBDs fabricated on wafers (a) with surface pits associated associated with these dislocations must, of course, be active
with dislocations and (b) without such pits.162) It was con- under high electric fields, making them potential candidates
firmed that the locations of excessive leakage current for the for excessive leakage current. The total leakage current of a
040103-12 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

4H-SiC pn diodes It is often found that when the device area is scaled up,
60 without epi-induced defects the leakage current density for SiC devices increases signi-
40 (N = 86) ficantly while the breakdown voltage decreases. In such large
20 devices, the probability that the device contains macroscopic
defects generated by epitaxial growth (triangular defects,
Probability (%)

60 with a carrot defect carrot defects, in-grown stacking faults, and down-falls)
40 (N = 19) increases. Indeed, many groups have observed that these
0 epitaxially induced defects have a detrimental effect on SiC
80 devices. Figure 21 shows histograms of the breakdown
60 with a triangular defect voltage of 1500-V-class SiC pn diodes containing such
40 (N = 14)
20 epitaxially induced defects. One can immediately see how
0 damaging these defects are. This is the main reason why a
80 larger number of devices exhibit a high leakage current
60 with a down-fall
40 (N = 12)
density and low breakdown voltage as the device area is
20 scaled up. Therefore, the most critical device-killing defects
0 in state-of-the-art SiC epitaxial wafers are not TSDs or TEDs
0 500 1000 1500
Breakdown Voltage (V) but ultimately these epitaxially induced defects. Improvement
of the epitaxial process of SiC is strongly required to achieve
a high yield in fabrication of large-area devices.
Fig. 21. Histograms of breakdown voltage of 1500-V-class SiC pn diodes
which contain major epitaxially induced defects. “Carrot” defects, triangular
The correlation between gate-oxide reliability and the
defects, and down-falls have a detrimental impact on the breakdown voltage. dislocations in SiC has also been investigated. In earlier
studies, it was found that TSDs and BPDs severely degrade
the oxide reliability (reduction of the mean failure time under
SiC junction (Ileakage) can be obtained roughly using the high electric fields or reduction of the charge-to-break-
following equation: down).163–166) A more recent study has found that these
n negative effects can be minimized by removing the surface
Ileakage ¼ I0 þ Igen þ Ii ðdislocationÞ; ð2Þ pits created at the dislocation sites.167) The epitaxially in-
i duced defects are far more detrimental to the dielectric prop-
where I0 is the ideal leakage current determined for a defect- erties of gate oxides than threading dislocations. However,
free SiC junction and Igen is the generation current, which is the impact of dislocations on oxide reliability has not been
dominated by bulk carrier generation via deep levels and by fully clarified, and careful investigations are required before a
surface carrier generation via surface states. Ii (dislocation) is definitive conclusion can be reached.
the leakage (generation) current induced by the ith dislocation BPDs, on the other hand, are clearly detrimental to all
inside the junction. The ideal leakage current (I0) of a pn diode types of SiC bipolar devices because upon carrier injection,
is proportional to n2i (ni: intrinsic carrier density), while the BPDs cause the phenomenon of bipolar degradation.111,112)
generation current due to point defects, surface states, and All kinds of BPDs (including interface dislocations128) and
dislocations is basically proportional to ni.53,153) Because of the basal plane segment of a dislocation half-loop) act as
the very low intrinsic carrier density of SiC (∼10−9 cm−3 at nucleation sites for SSFs upon minority-carrier injection and
300 K), the ideal leakage current (I0) of SiC pn diodes is recombination,112,168) as described in the next subsection.
estimated to be in the 10−40 A=cm2 range or lower. Thus, the Assuming a uniform distribution of device-killing defects,
observed leakage current of SiC pn diodes is clearly governed the yield (Y ), which is defined as the number of good devices
by the generation current (via the point defects, surface states, divided by the number of fabricated devices, can be obtained
and dislocations).12,154) The dominant leakage path depends approximately using the following equation:169)
on the densities of the defects (point defects, surface states,
Y ¼ expðDAÞ; ð3Þ
and dislocations). As indicated by Eq. (2), each dislocation
(TSD or TED) adds a small component of generation current where D and A are the device-killing defect density and the
to the leakage current, but these dislocations do not have a device area, respectively. Figure 22 plots the device yield
detrimental effect on SiC devices because of their relatively versus the device area calculated from Eq. (3) by varying the
low density in state-of-the-art SiC epitaxial wafers. Carrier device-killing defect density (D) as a parameter. In the figure,
generation at dislocation sites must become significant when rough values of the rated current are indicated on the upper
the electric field strength is high, for example, higher than horizontal axis, assuming a current density of 200 A=cm2.
3 MV=cm. Therefore, leakage current through dislocations If the device-killing defect density is 10 cm−2, then to attain a
will be pronounced for low-voltage (<300 V) devices,157) high yield of 80%, the maximum device area must be smaller
where the maximum electric field strength can exceed 3 than 2 mm2, which corresponds to a maximum rated current
MV=cm. For relatively high-voltage (>1 kV) devices, where of only 4 A. To fabricate 100 A devices (device area ≈50
the electric field strength does not exceed 3 MV=cm (because mm2) with a yield of 80%, the device-killing defect density
the breakdown electric field strength decreases with decreas- must be reduced to 0.4 cm−2. On the basis of the above
ing the doping density, as shown in Fig. 11), the third term in discussion, the main device-killing defects in state-of-the-art
Eq. (2) is small and can only be unacceptably large when the SiC epitaxial wafers can thus be assumed to be epitaxially
dislocation density is very high (≫106 cm−2), as in the case induced defects (including triangular defects, carrot defects,
of heteroepitaxially grown materials. in-grown stacking faults, and particles) for unipolar devices,
040103-13 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Current (A) (J = 200 A/cm 2) initial after stress

10 20 100 200

Current Density (A/cm )

D = 0.1 cm-2
Device Yield (%)

D = 0.5 cm-2
D = 5 cm-2
40 D = 1 cm-2 50
D = 10 cm-2

D = 50 cm-2
20 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
D = 100 cm-2
0 0 Forward Voltage (V)
10 101 102 (a)
Device Area (mm 2)
(D: density of device-killing defects) 5.0
4H-SiC PiN, J = 100 A/cm

Forward Voltage Drop (V)

Fig. 22. (Color online) Device yield versus device area calculated from 4.5
Eq. (3) by varying the device-killing defect density (D) as a parameter.

and both epitaxially induced defects and BPDs for bipolar
devices. However, much more extensive studies are required 3.5
to elucidate all aspects of defect electronics in SiC.
6.5 Bipolar degradation 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
After carrier injection (or excitation) followed by carrier Stress Time (min)
recombination in SiC, the nucleation and expansion of a (b)
SSF takes place at the location of a BPD or at a basal plane
segment of other dislocations.111,112) The expanded SSF Fig. 23. Examples of bipolar degradation observed in SiC PiN diodes.
causes a significant reduction in the carrier lifetime and also (a) Forward current–voltage characteristics and (b) change in the forward
the formation of potential barriers for carrier transport, voltage drop at 100 A=cm2 as a function of the stress time. In this experiment,
leading to an increase in the forward voltage drop in SiC the diodes were stressed under a constant current (100 A=cm2).
bipolar devices such as PiN diodes, BJTs, and thyristors.
The expanded SSF also acts as a severe leakage current path
in a reverse-biased junction. These observations are due to a sequence of (b) the observed structure and (c) perfect 4H-
phenomenon called “bipolar degradation”, which is detri- SiC. The stacking fault can be denoted by the (31) structure
mental to the reliability of SiC-based bipolar devices. Note using Zhdanov’s notation, while perfect 4H-SiC has the (22)
that pure SiC unipolar devices such as SBDs do not exhibit structure. The energy position of the electronic states formed
this degradation because of the absence of carrier injection. by this type of SSF in 4H-SiC is calculated to be Ec − 0.22
A comprehensive review of bipolar degradation in SiC is eV,172) which is consistent with the luminescence result.
available in the literature.112) The expansion of SSFs occurs because the activation
Figure 23 shows examples of bipolar degradation ob- energy for the glide motion of the partial dislocations is
served in SiC PiN diodes: (a) the forward current–voltage significantly reduced by the energy transfer in the electron–
characteristics and (b) the change in the forward voltage drop hole recombination process. Thus, this phenomenon is not
at 100 A=cm2 as a function of the stress time. In this experi- only observed during the on-state operation of SiC bipolar
ment, the diodes were stressed under a constant current (100 devices but also during PL or CL measurements. In real SiC
A=cm2). The forward voltage drop exhibits irregular in- bipolar devices, however, the morphology of the expanded
creases at several different times, reaching 6 V or even higher SSFs is influenced by the device structure. In SiC PiN
in some diodes. A low current density of 1–10 A=cm2 is (p+=i=n+ structure) diodes, for example, carrier recombina-
sufficient to cause this degradation. In a degraded PiN diode, tion mainly occurs within the lightly-doped i-region, where
multiple dark triangular (or trapezoidal) regions, which corre- a high-density electron–hole plasma is created by forward
spond to expanded stacking fault planes, are observed in biasing. (Carrier recombination also occurs inside the p+-
near-band-edge PL or cathodoluminescence (CL) images.111) anode and n+-cathode, roughly within a distance equivalent
On the other hand, the stacking-fault regions exhibit a to the diffusion length of minority carriers in individual
distinctive luminescence with a peak wavelength of 424 nm highly-doped regions.) Therefore, the expansion of the SSFs
at room temperature.170) almost ends when the fronts of the gliding partials reach
The exact stacking structure of expanded stacking faults the p+=i or i=n+ interface. Schematic illustrations of SSF
has been identified by cross-sectional TEM.171) Figure 24 expansion from a BPD in an epitaxial layer replicated from a
shows (a) a high-resolution TEM image of the fault region of substrate are shown in Fig. 25. In this figure, a screw-type
a 4H-SiC(0001) PiN diode and schematics of the stacking 
BPD (b ¼ ½1120=3, 
dislocation line ∥ ½1120) in a SiC PiN
040103-14 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

(replicated in an n+
A’ epilayer from a
SSF B’ substrate)
B’ (0001)
BPD: basal plane dislocation
SSF: Shockley-type stacking fault


limited by electron-hole
SSF: Shockley-type stacking fault recombination area
(a) p+
A’ n+
Perfect 4H
C B (0001)
limited by
C’ C’ C-core partial
A’ A’
B B (b)
Fig. 25. Schematic illustrations of single SSF expansion from a screw-
CBABCABCA ABCABCA type BPD in a SiC epitaxial layer replicated from a substrate; (a) before and
(b) after expansion of SSF.

(b) (c)

Fig. 24. (a) High-resolution TEM image of the fault region of a 4H- 7. Point defects in SiC
SiC(0001) PiN diode after current stress,171) (b) schematic stacking sequence
of the observed structure, and (c) stacking sequence of perfect 4H-SiC. The 7.1 Major deep levels in SiC epitaxial layers
stacking fault can be denoted by the (31) structure using Zhdanov’s notation, Another important type of defect in epitaxial layers is point
while perfect 4H-SiC has the (22) structure (reproduced with permission defects, which create deep level(s) in a bandgap.174) Deep
from AIP Publishing LLC). levels are usually characterized by deep-level transient spec-
troscopy (DLTS) measurements175–177) on SiC Schottky (or
pn) structures. The density of deep levels in lightly-doped as-
diode is schematized in (a) and the SSF expansion inside a grown SiC(0001) epitaxial layers is typically 5 × 1012–2 ×
SiC PiN diode is shown in (b). In the PiN diode, the SSF 1013 cm−3, depending on the growth conditions. This value is
expansion is restricted by not only the immobile C-core fairly low for a compound semiconductor and is acceptable
partial dislocation but also the electron–hole recombination for the fabrication of unipolar devices. In the fabrication of
region. For the reasons described above, the majority of the power MOSFETs, for example, deep levels created by ion
expanded SSFs in PiN diodes (or other devices) are triangular implantation are more important. For bipolar device appli-
in shape. On the other hand, an SSF expanded from a BPD cations, however, the above-mentioned density is not low
segment of a dislocation half-loop exhibits a rhombic enough, especially when a long carrier lifetime is required.
shape.112,173) Details are presented in Sect. 7.2.
The driving force behind the SSF expansion has been Figure 26 shows the energy levels of major deep levels
studied and was found to be intrinsic to the material and not observed in as-grown n- and p-type 4H-SiC epitaxial
caused by stress.112) Therefore, complete elimination of layers.178–183) Among these levels, the Z1=2 (Ec − 0.63 eV)178)
nucleation sites is essential for the development of SiC and EH6=7 (Ec − 1.55 eV)179) centers are the dominant
bipolar devices. Bipolar degradation is the most serious defects commonly observed at densities of (0.3–2) × 1013
problem in the development of SiC bipolar devices and can cm−3 in all as-grown epitaxial layers grown by CVD.
also be harmful to SiC field-effect transistors when the body Both centers are extremely stable against high-temperature
diodes (p+ body=n− drift layer) are forward-biased. The (∼1700 °C) annealing. In the lower half of the bandgap, the
reduction of BPD density in bulk growth, enhanced con- HK2 (Ev + 0.84 eV), HK3 (Ev + 1.24 eV), and HK4 (Ev +
version from BPDs to TEDs during epitaxial growth, and the 1.44 eV)183) centers are dominant deep levels. The densities
elimination of BPD nucleation during device processing are of HK2, HK3, and HK4 centers are typically in the range of
the most important remaining issues in SiC technology. (1–4) × 1012 cm−3. Because the HK2, HK3, and HK4 centers
040103-15 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Conduction Band 1015

0.0 EC N D = 1.8x1016 cm-3
3.0 N D = 3.8x1016 cm-3

VC(-) Density (cm-2)

Z1/2 N D = 1.1x1017 cm-3
Detected in
RD1/2 p-type
[Z1/2] = [VC(-)]
EC - ET (eV)

ET - EV (eV)
1.0 UT1 1014
HK4 (P1)

2.0 HK3
1013 13
HK2 10 1014 1015
Detected in Z1/2 Center Density (cm-2)
n-type HS2 (a)
Valence Band Conduction Band

Fig. 26. Energy levels of major deep levels observed in as-grown n- and
p-type SiC epitaxial layers.


almost disappear upon annealing at 1450–1550 °C,183) the

Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers are more important. Note that the
Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers are also dominant in ion-implanted
regions and dry-etched regions of SiC.178,184–186) In addition
to these levels, a few impurity-related levels are often ob- Valence Band
served in as-grown SiC epitaxial layers. For example, boron (b)
is a typical impurity that can be unintentionally doped from
reactor parts (such as graphite susceptors). Boron contami- Fig. 27. (Color online) (a) Area density of a single-negatively-charged
nation creates the boron acceptor level [Ev + (0.28–0.35) carbon vacancy [VC(−)] determined by EPR versus the area density of the
eV]66) and the boron-related “D center” (Ev + 0.55 eV).66) Z1=2 center taken from the depth profile determined by DLTS measurements
Another common impurity is titanium (Ti), which also (reproduced with permission from AIP Publishing LLC).191) (b) Energy
levels of VC, Z1=2 center, and EH7 center.
originates from graphite parts as well as from pumping
oil. Titanium creates very shallow electron traps (Ec − 0.11=
0.17 eV) in 4H-SiC.187) The typical impurity density in CVD- CVD on (0001). Both defect densities increase significantly
grown SiC epitaxial layers is about (0.5–5) × 1013 cm−3 for with increasing growth temperature. The Z1=2 and EH6=7
boron and (0.5–5) × 1012 cm−3 for titanium. centers in SiC are thermally stable, and the densities of the
The Z1=2 center and EH6=7 center (or at least the EH7 Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers in the epitaxial layers have been
center) are observed with almost identical density in all SiC found to increase rapidly through thermal annealing in Ar at
samples.180) The origin of the Z1=2 center and the EH7 center temperatures above 1750 °C.195) This can be attributed to the
was unambiguously identified as a carbon monovacancy (VC) higher equilibrium density of the carbon vacancy in SiC
with different charge states on the basis of theoretical calcu- at higher temperatures. An Arrhenius plot of the density of
lations188) and a compartive study using DLTS and electron the Z1=2 center as a function of the inverse of the annealing
paramagnetic resonance (EPR).189–191) Figure 27(a) plots the temperature yields a free energy of the defect (carbon
area density for single-negatively-charged carbon vacancies vacancy) formation of approximately 5.8 eV.
[VC(−)] as determined by EPR versus the area density of
Z1=2 centers taken from the depth profile obtained by DLTS 7.2 Impact of deep levels on SiC devices
measurements.191) Because VC(2−) is not EPR-active (be- The Z1=2 center is the most important defect because of its
cause it contains no unpaired electrons), the VC density is abundance and its being a major carrier-lifetime killer, at least
estimated by producing VC(−) through the photoexcitation of in n-type 4H-SiC.196,197) Figure 28 shows the inverse of the
n-type SiC. As shown in Fig. 27(a), the VC density is very carrier lifetime versus the measured density of the Z1=2 center
close to the Z1=2 center density for a series of samples. for 50-µm-thick n-type SiC epitaxial layers.197,198) At Z1=2
Figure 27(b) depicts the energy levels of a carbon mono- densities above (1–2) × 1013 cm−3, the inverse of the carrier
vacancy, Z1=2, and EH7 centers.189) The Z1=2 and EH7 centers lifetime is proportional to the Z1=2 density, indicating that the
are ascribed to the acceptor (negative-U)182) and donor levels lifetime is governed by Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) recom-
of the carbon monovacancy, respectively. bination via the Z1=2 center. However, the correlation
The densities of Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers are strongly between the lifetime and the Z1=2 density is unclear when
dependent on the C=Si ratio and growth temperature.192–194) the Z1=2 density is in the 1011–1012 cm−3 range. In a semi-
However, the growth rate only has a minor effect on defect conductor, multiple recombination processes occur, including
generation, even when the growth rate is changed from 5 to SRH recombination and several other recombination process-
80 µm=h.87) Both the Z1=2 and EH6=7 densities can be es. Thus, the carrier lifetime (τ) can be expressed by the
considerably reduced by increasing the C=Si ratio during following equation:
040103-16 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

n-type 4H-SiC DLTS

1/τ Z1/2 EH6/7

DLTS Signal (arb. units)

1 / τ (s-1)
Annealed at
1/τ SRH 1600°C

(slope = 1) With C+-implanted

Before annealing
1/τ other

1012 1013 1014 1015 at 1600°C
Z1/2 Center Density (cm-3) Without C+-
implanted Before annealing
Fig. 28. Inverse of the carrier lifetime versus the measured density of the layer
Z1=2 center for 50-µm-thick n-type SiC epitaxial layers (reproduced with
permission from Wiley-VCH Verlag).198) When the Z1=2 density is higher 200 400 600
than (1–2) × 1013 cm−3, the inverse of the carrier lifetime is proportional Temperature (K)
to the Z1=2 density, indicating that the lifetime is governed by SRH
recombination via the Z1=2 center.
Fig. 29. (Color online) DLTS spectra obtained from n-type SiC epitaxial
layers before and after carbon ion implantation followed by high-temperature
Ar annealing. Both the Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers are eliminated by this process
1 1 1 to below the detection limit (approximately 1 × 1011 cm−3).
¼ þ ; ð4Þ
 SRH other
where τSRH is the SRH lifetime governed by recombination In the second technique, the thermal oxidation of SiC
centers, and τother is the carrier lifetime governed by other under appropriate conditions eliminates the Z1=2 and EH6=7
recombination processes, such as surface recombination, centers.202,203) During the thermal oxidation, carbon atoms
recombination in the substrate, Auger recombination, and are mostly removed by the production of carbon monoxide
recombination at extended defects. Here, the inverse of τSRH (CO). However, a certain proportion of the carbon atoms are
is proportional to the density of the recombination centers emitted into the bulk region and diffuse deep into the SiC. As
(1=τSRH = aNZ1=2, where a is a constant, and NZ1=2 is the in the case of carbon ion implantation, the diffusion coeffi-
density of the Z1=2 center), while τother can be assumed to be cient of the carbon interstitials is so large that the depth to
independent of the Z1=2 density. Experimental data can be which the Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers are eliminated can exceed
fitted by using the model expressed by Eq. (4). The fitted 100 µm by either the combination of oxidation and sub-
result is shown as a solid line for 1=τSRH + 1=τother and as two sequent high-temperature Ar annealing or by high-temper-
broken lines for 1=τSRH and 1=τother in Fig. 28. Here the ature oxidation (1300–1400 °C).204) It should be noted that
1=τother line is determined by recombination at the surface and the migration energy of the carbon interstitials is much
in the substrate owing to the limited thickness of the epitaxial lower than that of the silicon interstitials,58) and the
layers (50 µm in this plot), and this component is decreased experimentally obtained self-diffusion coefficient of carbon
by using thicker epitaxial layers. The details have been is much larger than that of silicon.205) During high-temper-
described elsewhere.199) ature oxidation or annealing, carbon vacancies (or Z1=2
To obtain a long carrier lifetime, which is beneficial for center) are almost immobile because of the extremely low
reducing the on-resistance in bipolar devices, the density of diffusion coefficient in SiC.58,178) Figure 30 shows the depth
the Z1=2 center must be decreased to the order of 1 × 1012 profile of the Z1=2 center density for SiC epitaxial layers
cm−3 or lower. Thus far, two successful techniques have been after thermal oxidation.204) By extending the oxidation time
proposed to eliminate the Z1=2 center (or carbon vacancy). or raising the oxidation temperature, the “Z1=2-free” region
In the first technique, excess carbon atoms are introduced extending from the surface becomes thicker (100 µm or even
from the outside and the diffusion of these carbon atoms into thicker).
the bulk region is promoted by high-temperature anneal- Figure 31 plots the microwave-detected photoconductance
ing.200,201) This can actually be achieved by carbon ion im- (µ-PCD) decay curves at room temperature obtained from a
plantation and subsequent annealing in Ar at 1650–1700 °C. 220-µm-thick n-type SiC epitaxial layer.136) The decay curves
Figure 29 shows the DLTS spectra obtained from n-type SiC for the as-grown material and for the material after Z1=2-
epitaxial layers before and after carbon ion implantation center reduction through thermal oxidation at 1400 °C for
followed by high-temperature Ar annealing. The Z1=2 and 48 h are shown. For the as-grown epitaxial layer, the meas-
EH6=7 centers are both eliminated by this process to below ured lifetime is 1.1 µs, while the lifetime is greatly improved
the detection limit (approximately 1 × 1011 cm−3 in this case). to 26 µs after the defect reduction process. The depth of the
Because the created carbon interstitials have large diffusion Z1=2-eliminated region of this particular sample is estimated
coefficients above 1400–1500 °C, the excess carbon inter- to be about 230 µm, indicating that the defects are eliminated
stitials diffuse and fill the carbon vacancies, leading to the throughout the entire thickness of the epitaxial layer. After
elimination of the Z1=2 and EH6=7 centers from the surface lifetime measurement of the defect-eliminated sample, the
region to the bulk. After annealing, the defective implanted surface was passivated with a 20-nm-thick deposited oxide
region near the surface is removed by plasma etching. annealed in nitric oxide (NO) at 1250 °C for 30 min. After
040103-17 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

(a) Oxidation at 1300 °C 120

13 kV-class SiC PiN
Z1/2 Center Density (cm-3) 1014

Current Density (A/cm2)

10.6 h 100
13 with carrier lifetime-
1.3 h 80 enhancement process
RON = 1.8 mΩcm2
10 12 60
5.3 h 15.9 h
40 without carrier lifetime-
11 detection limit
10 enhancement process
20 RON = 6.7 mΩcm2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Depth from Surface (μm)
0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) Oxidation at 1400 °C Forward Voltage (V)
Z1/2 Center Density (cm-3)

Fig. 32. Forward current density–voltage characteristics of 13-kV-class
13 SiC PiN diodes. The thickness and donor density of the voltage-blocking
10 layer (i-layer) are 98 µm and 2 × 1014 cm−3, respectively. Before epitaxial
growth of the p-type anode layer, one wafer was oxidized at 1400 °C for 24 h
to enhance the carrier lifetime, while the other wafer was processed without
1012 5.5 h the oxidation.
16.5 h
detection limit
10 defect, and the charge state will change to neutral. However,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 accurate capture cross sections for electrons and holes are not
Depth from Surface (μm) yet known for this neutral defect. The carrier lifetime of as-
grown p-type SiC epilayers is typically about 1 µs, increasing
Fig. 30. (Color online) Depth profile of the Z1=2 density for SiC epitaxial
to 2–3 µs after the carbon-vacancy reduction process (carbon
layers after thermal oxidation at (a) 1300 and (b) 1400 °C for different implantation or high-temperature oxidation).207,208) The
periods. By extending the oxidation time or raising the oxidation measured lifetimes seem to be more sensitive to the surface
temperature, the “Z1=2-free” region extending from the surface becomes passivation compared with the case of n-type SiC. Through
thicker. (Symbols: experiments, lines: simulation.) the carbon-vacancy reduction process and subsequent hydro-
gen annealing at 1000 °C for 10 min, a long carrier lifetime
220 μm thick SiC epitaxial layer
of 10 µs has been obtained for lightly-doped p-type SiC
epilayers (acceptor density: 2 × 1014 cm−3).209) It should be
μ-PCD Signal (arb. units)

as-grown pointed out that the measured lifetimes are severely under-
after oxidation (1400°C, 48 h)
106 after surface passivation estimated, especially when the lifetime is long, due to the
influence of surface recombination.199) Accurate determina-
tion of the surface recombination velocity of SiC is an
important subject of study.210)
τ = 33.2 μs It has been reported that the on-resistance of ultrahigh-
τ = 1.1 μs voltage (>10 kV) SiC PiN diodes can be improved dramat-
ically by such lifetime enhancement.109,211) One example is
10 shown in Fig. 32, where the forward current density versus
τ = 26.1 μs
voltage characteristics of 13-kV-class SiC PiN diodes are
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 plotted.39) The thickness and donor density of the voltage-
Time (μs) blocking layer (i-layer) are 98 µm and 2 × 1014 cm−3, respec-
tively. Before epitaxial growth of the p-type anode layer, one
Fig. 31. (Color online) µ-PCD decay curves at room temperature obtained wafer was oxidized at 1400 °C for 24 h to enhance the carrier
from a 220-µm-thick n-type SiC epitaxial layer (reproduced from Ref. 136). lifetime, while the other wafer was processed without oxida-
The decay curves for the as-grown material and the material after Z1=2-center
reduction through thermal oxidation at 1400 °C for 48 h are shown.
tion. Through this lifetime enhancement process, the differ-
ential on-resistance at a current density of 100 A=cm2
improved markedly from 6.7 to 1.8 mΩ cm2. To achieve a
this surface passivation, the lifetime increased to 33 µs, and low on-state loss and switching loss, control of the carrier
then to 47 µs at a measurement temperature of 200 °C. lifetime will be required in the future.197)
Similar carrier lifetimes can be achieved by carbon ion
implantation and subsequent Ar annealing.206) 8. SiC Schottky barrier diodes
The carrier lifetime in p-type SiC is more complicated. Since SiC unipolar devices exhibit superior characteristics
Because the Fermi level is close to the valence band in p-type in the blocking-voltage range from 600 to 6500 V (or even
SiC, the carbon vacancy defect must be positively charged 10 kV), SiC SBDs and power MOSFETs have been devel-
[VC(+): EH7 center] in equilibrium. Thus, it is expected oped most intensively. In this section, several important
that any excess electrons will quickly be trapped by the aspects of SiC SBDs are described.
040103-18 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

2.5 Thermionic Emission

Schottky Barrier Height (eV)

n-type 4H-SiC Thermionic Field Emission
2.0 EF Field Emission

1.5 Ni
: (0001)Si
0.5 : (0001)C
: (1120)
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Metal Work Function (eV)
Fig. 33. Schottky barrier height versus metal work function for n-type SiC
Schottky barrier diodes with various metals. Data for SiC(0001), ð0001Þ, 100
 are plotted.
ð1120Þ 10-1

Leakage Current (A/cm2)

Symbols: Experiments
Lines: Calculation
8.1 Schottky contacts on SiC 10-3
Figure 33 plots the barrier height versus metal work function 120°C
for n-type SiC SBDs with various metals.212–216) Data for 10-4
SiC(0001), ð0001Þ, and ð1120Þ
 are shown. For a given metal, 10-5 80°C
the barrier height is slightly higher on ð0001Þ and slightly -6

lower on (0001), with the value for ð1120Þ in between them. 24°C
This difference may be attributed to the presence of polarity- 10-7
dependent dipoles at the interface and=or the different distri- 10-8
bution of surface states. The slope of this plot is 0.8–0.9, 0 200 400 600 800 1000
indicating that the metal=SiC interface is free from Fermi Reverse Voltage (V)
level pinning and close to the Schottky–Mott limit.217,218) (b)
The barrier heights can be changed slightly by employing
different processes, such as surface treatment, prior to metal Fig. 34. (Color online) (a) Band diagram of an n-type SiC Schottky
deposition. barrier under high reverse bias. Since the potential barrier can become very
Schottky barrier heights on p-type SiC have been much thin due to the high electric field, TFE can take place. (b) Reverse current–
less studied,219) but it has been found that the sum of the voltage characteristics of a Ti=SiC SBD at various temperatures (reproduced
Schottky barrier heights on n- and p-type SiC (ϕBn, ϕBp) for a with permission from Trans Tech Publications).221)
given Schottky metal material is close to the bandgap (Eg):
that there is an important reason for the relatively large
Bn þ Bp  Eg : ð5Þ
leakage current in SiC SBDs. In SiC, the triangular-like
Therefore, a metal having a small work function such as Ti potential barrier can be very thin because of the high electric
gives a high barrier height on p-type SiC. This insight is field, and the leakage current is governed by thermionic field
useful not only for the design of SiC SBDs but also for the emission,220,221) as shown in Fig. 34(a). The leakage current
process optimization of ohmic contacts. density based on a thermionic field emission (TFE) model
can be expressed by the following equation:221)
8.2 Leakage current in SiC Schottky barrier diodes rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A TqħE 
Unique device physics is involved in the reverse leakage JTFE ¼
k 2m kT
current of SiC SBDs. In SiC, the electric field strength in the   
space-charge region can be almost ten times higher than that 1 ðqħEÞ2
 exp  B  ; ð6Þ
for Si-based devices. Therefore, the band bending can be so kT 24m ðkTÞ2
sharp that the potential barrier can be very thin. Figure 34(a) where m+ and E are the tunneling mass of carriers and the
illustrates the band diagram for an n-type SiC Schottky electric field strength, respectively. Here q, k, and T are the
barrier under high reverse bias. In Si SBDs, the reverse elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, and absolute temper-
leakage current is well described by a thermionic emission ature, respectively. A+ is the effective Richardson’s constant
model, taking into account the barrier height lowering by the for the semiconductor. In SBDs on n-type 4H-SiC(0001),
image force,53,217) unless the semiconductor is heavily doped. A+ has been determined to be 146 A cm−2 K−2 by using Mc
In SiC SBDs, however, the observed leakage current density (number of equivalent conduction band minima) = 3 and
is many orders of magnitude higher than the value calculated m+ = 0.4 m0 .15) This value agrees with that obtained from a
by the thermionic emission model (taking into account barrier careful experiment.222) Note that the effective Richardson’s
height lowering). In the early stage, a leakage current through constant depends on the crystal face as well as on the con-
crystalline defects or severe local lowering of the Schottky ductivity type (n- or p-type). Figure 34(b) shows an example
barrier height was suspected to occur. However, it turned out of reverse current–voltage characteristics of a Ti=SiC(n-type)
040103-19 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Schottky contact passivation

p p SiO2 Gate Rsc

p-islands termination n+
Rac Rch
n-drift layer p-well p-well
n+-substrate Rdrift
n-drift layer

ohmic contact
Schottky contact passivation Rdc

p p
Schottky Fig. 36. (Color online) Schematic illustration of DIMOSFET, where the
contact major components of resistance are indicated. The on-resistance of a power
n-drift layer MOSFET consists of several series resistances. Rsc: source-contact resistance,
Rs: source resistance, Rch: channel resistance, Rac: accumulation-layer
n+-substrate resistance, RJFET: JFET resistance, Rdrift: drift-layer resistance, Rsub: substrate
resistance, and Rdc: drain-contact resistance.
p n-layer
ohmic contact
(b) 9. SiC MOSFETs
9.1 On-resistance of SiC power MOSFETs
Fig. 35. (Color online) Schematic structures of (a) JBS diode and Figure 36 shows a schematic of a DIMOSFET, where
(b) trench SBD, both of which are effective in reducing the electric field
strength underneath the Schottky barrier.
the major components of resistance are indicated.3,4) The
on-resistance of a power MOSFET naturally consists of a
series connection of several resistances, such as the source
SBD at various temperatures.221) The considerable increase resistance, the channel resistance, the drift-layer resistance,
in leakage current with increasing bias voltage, as well as and the substrate resistance. In DIMOSFETs, the resistance
the small temperature dependence, can be well reproduced by between two neighboring p-wells (“JFET resistance”) cannot
the TFE model. It has been reported that the leakage current be neglected. For SiC DIMOSFETs, the drift-layer resist-
in SBDs formed on high-quality GaN(0001) can also be ance is more than 100 times lower than that of Si power
reproduced by the TFE model.223) Thus, the TFE current MOSFETs having the same blocking voltage, as described
will be dominant in SBDs on any wide-bandgap material that in Sect. 2. On the other hand, the channel resistance and
exhibits a high electric field strength, such as SiC, GaN, JFET resistance are dominant factors in SiC MOSFETs with
gallium oxide (Ga2O3), and diamond. blocking voltages up to about 2–3 kV. Above 3–5 kV, the on-
Therefore, an effective way to reduce the leakage current resistance of SiC MOSFETs is dominated by the drift-layer
of SiC SBDs is to minimize the electric field strength near the resistance, as in the case of 600–1200 V Si MOSFETs.
Schottky barrier interface so that the potential barrier does not It has been pointed out that the performance of SiC
become too thin. For this purpose, several diode structures MOSFETs can be limited by a low channel mobility, which
have been developed. Figure 35 shows schematics of (a) yields a high channel resistance.12,13,16) To improve the
a junction barrier Schottky (JBS) diode17,224,225) and (b) a channel resistance, the following approaches have been used:
trench SBD.48) In JBS diodes, p-type islands (or stripes) (i) Enhancement of channel mobility
are formed beneath the Schottky contact by aluminum ion (ii) Decrease in channel length
implantation. At a high reverse bias voltage, the space-charge (iii) Reduction of cell pitch.
regions extending from the pn junctions (p-type island=n- Enhancement of the channel mobility, which is a
type drift layer) merge and the electric field strength near the challenge, will be described in the subsequent subsections.
Schottky interface is reduced. The concept is very similar in A shortened channel length can directly contribute to the
trench SBDs, where the space-charge regions extending from reduction of on-resistance. However, one has to be vigilant
the pn junctions at the trench bottom play an important of the short-channel effect.228) Without appropriate design
role. In either case, the width and spacing of the p-island or taking account of the short-channel effect, the threshold
trench are critical, because otherwise the on-resistance can voltage decreases and the leakage current increases. Reduc-
be severely increased by the space-charge regions. Since tion of the cell pitch is effective in increasing the cell density
the TFE current is very sensitive to the barrier height, the (and thus also the channel width). However, when the
uniformity of the Schottky barrier height is essential to ensure spacing between p-wells becomes short, the JFET resistance
a low leakage current.159,226,227) A small area having a smaller increases considerably.229) Thus, careful structure optimiza-
barrier height can be a dominant leakage path in SiC SBDs. tion by device simulation is a mandatory requirement to
040103-20 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

Interface State Density (cm-2eV-1)

Interface State Density (cm-2eV )
Dry oxidation + annealing in NO, (0001)
13 4H-SiC(0001) 1013
C –ψ S
dry ox.
(max 100 MHz)
1012 1012
dry ox. + N2O (1300°C)

1011 1011
dry ox. + NO (1300°C) High(1 MHz) – Low

3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 High(100 MHz) – Low
E – Ev (eV) 1010
Ec Ev 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
EC – ET (eV)
Fig. 37. Distribution of interface state density near the conduction and
valence band edges obtained from n- and p-type SiC(0001) MOS capacitors,
respectively. The interface state densities of MOS structures formed by dry Fig. 38. (Color online) Distribution of interface state density obtained for
oxidation, and dry oxidation followed by nitridation in NO or N2O are SiC(0001) MOS capacitors by the high (1 MHz)–low method, the C–ψS
plotted. In this figure, the interface state density was evaluated by a method, and the conductance method, where Ec − ET (ET: energy level of
conventional high (1 MHz)–low method. interface traps) on the horizontal axis is determined from the surface potential
calculated by the depletion approximation. The oxide was formed by dry
oxidation at 1300 °C followed by annealing in NO at 1250 °C.
improve the MOSFET performance. Note that trench
MOSFETs are, in principle, free of JFET resistance, and
the extensive scaling of cells is possible. This is one of the was evaluated by the conventional high (1 MHz)-low method.
main reasons why very low on-resistances have been reported Clearly, a reduction in the interface state density over the
for trench MOSFETs.43,48) entire range of energies within the bandgap is achieved by
nitridation. As a result, the effective mobility of n-channel
9.2 Interface properties of SiC MOS structure SiC(0001) MOSFETs fabricated on lightly-doped p-type
Thermal oxides of SiC are commonly employed as a gate epitaxial layers was enhanced from 4–8 cm2 V−1 s−1 for dry
dielectric in MOS devices as well as to passivate the SiC oxides to 25–35 cm2 V−1 s−1 for N2O-nitrided oxides, and
surface. However, the most striking difference from Si to 40–52 cm2 V−1 s−1 for NO-nitrided oxides. The effective
technology is, of course, the presence of carbon, one of the mobility of p-channel MOSFETs is also improved from
host elements in SiC. A number of review papers have been 1–2 cm2 V−1 s−1 for dry oxides to 7–12 cm2 V−1 s−1 for
published on SiC MOS structures.230–237) Despite continuous nitrided oxides.256)
improvement of the SiC MOS interface, the interface quality It has been found that a high density of very fast interface
and the scientific community’s understanding of the factors states is generated near the conduction band edge by
that control this quality are still far from satisfactory. This nitridation annealing,257) although the density of relatively
subsection briefly describes the common features, present slow interface states is markedly reduced by nitridation, as
understanding, and problems of SiC MOS technology. shown in Fig. 37. The very fast states can respond to a probe
Conventional dry oxidation usually yields a high density frequency of 100 MHz or even higher (>GHz) at room
of interface states and poor channel mobility of below 10 temperature. Figure 38 shows the interface state densities ob-
cm2 V−1 s−1. The situation is not improved even when tained for SiC(0001) MOS capacitors by the high (1 MHz)–
annealing is performed in a hydrogen ambient.230,231) In low method, the C–ψS method,258) and the conductance
recent years, however, low interface state densities have method, where Ec − ET (ET: energy level of interface traps) on
been obtained through careful adjustment of the oxidation the horizontal axis is determined from the surface potential
conditions, taking into account the oxidation reactions of calculated by the depletion approximation.258) In the con-
SiC.238,239) When oxidation is carried out in a wet ambient, ductance measurements, the highest probe frequency was 100
SiC MOSFETs on ð0001Þ  240) and ð1120Þ
 241,242) exhibit MHz. All measurements were performed on the same MOS
2 −1 −1
relatively high mobilities of 90–200 cm V s . capacitor with a roughly 40-nm-thick dry oxide annealed in
One promising process to improve the properties of SiC NO. The DIT distribution obtained by the high (1 MHz)–low
MOS structures is post-oxidation nitridation in a nitrogen- method is much lower than that obtained by the C–ψS method
containing gas such as NO,243–251) nitrous oxide (N2O),252–254) because fast interface states that respond to frequencies above
or ammonia (NH3).255) Direct oxidation in N2O or NO was 1 MHz are not detected. Even for SiC MOS structures without
also proposed. In particular, interface nitridation by NO or nitridation (without fast interface states generated by nitrida-
N2O is widely employed in academic research as well as in the tion), the DIT distribution is markedly underestimated by the
mass production of SiC power MOSFETs. Figure 37 depicts high (1 MHz)–low method. The limitations of the high-low
the distribution of the interface state density (DIT) near the method have been summarized in the literature.259) Despite
conduction and valence band edges obtained from n- and recent process development, the interface state density of
p-type SiC(0001) MOS capacitors, respectively.235) The SiC MOS structures is still very high: about (0.5–1) × 1013
interface state densities of MOS structures formed by dry cm−2 eV−1 at Ec − 0.2 eV after appropriate nitridation.
oxidation, and dry oxidation followed by nitridation in NO Annealing in NO or N2O naturally results in the
or N2O are plotted. In this figure, the interface state density accumulation of nitrogen at the SiO2=SiC interface. The
040103-21 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

SiC MOSFET L / W = 100 / 200 μm the nitridation mechanism, theoretical studies264–266) as well
(1120) as structural analyses such as EPR267) and high-resolution
Channel Mobility (cm2/Vs) 120 electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)268,269) are required.
(1100) 9.3 Mobility-limiting factors
80 The physical reason for the low channel mobility of SiC
60 (0001) MOSFETs has been debated. In Si MOSFETs, the main
factors limiting the channel mobility are the fixed charge
40 and surface roughness270) because the interface state density
20 (0001) in Si MOS structures formed by an adequate process is low
enough not to limit the channel mobility. In SiC MOSFETs,
0 Coulomb scattering has often been proposed as the main
0 5 10 15
Gate Voltage (V) limiting factor. This model arises from the fact that the
channel mobility of SiC(0001) MOSFETs usually exhibits
Fig. 39. Field-effect mobility as a function of the gate voltage of a positive temperature coefficient (increasing at elevated
n-channel MOSFETs fabricated on SiC(0001), ð0001Þ, ð1120Þ,
and ð1100Þ. temperatures). However, this is a misleading interpretation,
Approximately 40-nm-thick oxides were grown by dry oxidation, and and thermally activated transport or electron localization in
subsequent nitridation was performed in a NO (10%)=N2 (90%) atmosphere inversion layers232,271) is more likely to be responsible.
at 1250 °C.
In estimations of field-effect mobility or effective mobility,
it is assumed that all the electrons in the inversion layer are
nitrogen atom density at the interface strongly depends on the mobile, travelling in the conduction band from the source
nitridation conditions and can reach 5 × 1020 cm−3 or higher. to the drain. In other words, the sheet electron density in the
A correlation between the increase in nitrogen density at the inversion layer, nsheet, is approximately given by Cox(VG − VT),
interface and the reduction in interface state density has been where Cox is the oxide capacitance, VG the gate voltage, and VT
indicated. However, it is unclear how the interface defects are the threshold voltage. However, the interface state density in
passivated by nitridation. The passivation of dangling bonds SiC MOS structures is so high that the integrated density of
with nitrogen or a simple shift in defect energy levels by interface states can be of the same order as the induced sheet
nitridation is unlikely. electron density (∼1012 cm−2). Electrons trapped at the inter-
Post-oxidation nitridation or direct oxidation in a nitrogen- face states must be almost immobile. If 90% of induced elec-
containing gas is also effective in reducing the interface trons are trapped, for example, only 10% of induced electrons
state density on SiCð0001Þ, ð1120Þ,
and ð1100Þ. 250,253,260,261)
can travel and contribute to the drain current. Even if the
Figure 39 shows the field-effect mobility as a function mobile electrons drift with a mobility of 100 cm2 V−1 s−1, the
of the gate voltage of n-channel MOSFETs fabricated on overall channel mobility is calculated to be 10 cm2 V−1 s−1.
SiC(0001), ð0001Þ,  ð1120Þ,
and ð1100Þ. Roughly 40-nm- Under these circumstances, an increasing number of electrons
thick oxides were grown by dry oxidation, and subsequent are excited to the conduction band and become mobile with
nitridation was performed in a NO (10%)=N2 (90%) atmos- increasing temperature. As a result, the calculated channel
phere at 1250 °C. The channel mobility obtained is reason- mobility shows a positive temperature coefficient. Therefore,
ably high, 46 cm2 V−1 s−1, on ð0001Þ,  and very high, 95–115 the “electron trapping effect” is a more correct term to explain
2 −1 −1  
cm V s , on ð1120Þ and ð1100Þ. The latter result is the mobility behavior. The temperature dependence of field-
promising for the development of trench MOSFETs on effect mobility or effective mobility does not give clear insight
SiC(0001) wafers. The effects of the tilt angle on the channel into the scattering mechanisms involved in carrier transport.
mobility of SiC MOSFETs with ð1120Þ  and ð1100Þ
 sidewalls As described above, the total density of induced electrons
have also been investigated. (ntotal ) is given by
The exact origin of the high interface state density for SiC
ntotal ¼ nmobile þ ntrap ; ð7Þ
is not very well understood. In the case of Si MOS structures,
dangling bonds at the interface are the dominant defects (for where nmobile and ntrap are the densities of mobile electrons
example, the Pb center).263) Since the interface state density and of electrons trapped at interface states, respectively. The
for thermal oxide=Si structures is in the 109–1010 cm−2 eV−1 real mobility of mobile electrons (μreal ) and the calculated
range, it is unlikely that the high interface state density mobility (μch) are linked by the following equation:
(1012–1013 cm−2 eV−1) for SiC MOS structures is attributable nmobile
simply to dangling bonds. Afanas’ev et al. suggested that the ch ¼ real : ð8Þ
nmobile þ ntrap
donor-like interface states in the lower half of the bandgap
may originate from carbon clusters (carbon-cluster model), The real mobility of mobile electrons in the conduction band
on the basis of internal photoemission spectroscopy studies can be obtained by MOS-Hall effect measurements.272–274)
of SiC MOS structures and graphite.231) Although it has been Through MOS-Hall effect measurements, not only the real
suggested that residual carbon near the interface may play mobility but also the real mobile electron density (nmobile)
a role, a direct link between the carbon density near the can be determined. Since the total density of induced elec-
interface and the interface state density has not been trons (ntotal) is given by Cox(VG − VT), the degree of electron
established. The abnormally high interface state density near trapping [(ntotal − nmobile)=ntotal ] can also be estimated.
the conduction band edge of SiC(0001) also remains a When the interface state density is very high, one can see
mystery. To elucidate the origin of interface states and a rough correlation between the n-channel mobility and
040103-22 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

SiC MOSFET slow states, which are detected by the conventional high

Effective Mobility (cm2/Vs)

(1 MHz)–low method, but also by very fast interface
102 (0001)
(1120) states, which can be detected by the C–ψS method [and
(1100) not by the high (1 MHz)–low method].
slope = - 1 (iii) The smaller density of fast interface states for SiC MOS
10 structures on nonpolar faces may be the main reason
why higher mobilities can be attained on these faces
than on (0001).
In general, SiC MOSFETs exhibit poor subthreshold slopes
1 of 200–500 mV=decade, much larger than the ideal value
1011 1012
of approximately 60 mV=decade, at room temperature. The
N it by high-low method (cm -2)
(Sum of slow states)
poor subthreshold slope can be reproduced well using the
distribution of the interface state density determined by the
(a) C–ψS method.12,275)
However, the mechanism of channel conduction in SiC
MOSFETs must be much more complicated. The surface
Effective Mobility (cm2/Vs)

102 (0001) roughness of SiC is much larger than that of Si because of the
(1100) usage of off-axis {0001} wafers and immature surface pre-
paration technology. The roughness scattering may become
slope = - 1 prominent when the interface state density is further reduced.
10 This is especially important at a high gate bias, at which real
MOS devices operate. The influence of the real (not effective)
fixed charge on channel mobility has not yet been clarified.
Another possible problem is the large fluctuation in surface
1011 1012 potential, as revealed by conductance measurements.230,261,276)
N it by C - ψ s method (cm-2) Since the interface structure of SiC MOS structures can be
(Sum of fast and slow states) highly inhomogeneous, the surface potential can fluctuate
(b) inside the MOS channel. Thus, the total conduction in the
inversion layer may be limited by microscopic regions where
Fig. 40. (Color online) Correlation between the effective mobility
the conductivity is greatly suppressed by the fluctuation.
(acceptor density of implanted p-body: 1 × 1017 cm−3) and interface state It should be noted that a significant reduction of the
density integrated from Ec − 0.2 eV to Ec − 0.5 eV (Nit) for SiC(0001), interface state density and the improvement of n-channel
 and ð1100Þ
ð1120Þ,  MOSFETs with nitrided gate oxides. The interface state mobility (120–150 cm2 V−1 s−1) have been achieved on
density was determined by the (a) high (1 MHz)–low method (detection of SiC(0001) by “sodium (Na)-contaminated” oxidation.277)
only slow states) and (b) C–ψS method (detection of both slow and fast
states). A nearly one-to-one correlation (slope ∼ −1) is observed when Nit
An accelerated oxidation rate has been reported for this
determined from the Dit distribution by the C–ψS method is employed. Na-contaminated oxidation. Another strikingly effective
technique to enhance the channel mobility is post-oxidation
annealing in POCl3.278) By annealing in POCl3 at 1000 °C for
the interface state density near the conduction band edge. 10 min, a high channel mobility of 89 cm2 V−1 s−1 is attained.
However, it is not very clear what the main mobility-limiting The mobility can be further improved to 101 cm2 V−1 s−1 by
factor is once the interface state density has been reduced by two-step annealing in POCl3 at 1000 °C and in a forming gas
nitridation or other processes. Figure 40 shows the correlation at 700 °C.279) The interface state density and the subthreshold
between the effective mobility (acceptor density of implanted slope for MOSFETs are also significantly improved by the
p-body: 1 × 1017 cm−3) and interface state density integrated POCl3 annealing. A high channel mobility of 102 cm2 V−1 s−1

from Ec − 0.2 eV to Ec − 0.5 eV (Nit) for SiC(0001), ð1120Þ, has also been attained by boron diffusion into the thermal

and ð1100Þ MOSFETs with nitrided gate oxides. 261)
When the oxide.280) Although these techniques cannot be employed
Dit distribution determined by the high (1 MHz)–low method directly in device manufacturing, it is worth investigating the
(only slow states) is employed to calculate Nit, the mobility mechanism of mobility improvement in greater detail in order
shows poor correlation with Nit, as shown in Fig. 40(a). For to acquire important insights into mobility-limiting factors.
example, a large difference in channel mobility between
(0001) and nonpolar faces exists at similar Nit. However, a 10. Conclusions
nearly one-to-one correlation (slope ≈ −1) is observed when SiC is a promising wide-bandgap semiconductor for high-
Nit determined from the Dit distribution by the C–ψS method voltage and low-loss power devices, and the production of
is employed, as shown in Fig. 40(b). The main difference SiC SBDs and power MOSFETs has started. However, the
between the high-low and C–ψS methods is the capability of basic understanding of the material and device physics in SiC
fast state detection by the C–ψS method, as mentioned above. remains poor. In this paper, the features and present status of
These results indicate the following:12,261,275) SiC power devices were briefly reviewed. Several important
(i) The n-channel mobility of SiC MOSFETs is still limited aspects associated with the material properties and impurity
mainly by the very high interface state density, even doping were described. The major extended defects and point
after the recent process optimization. defects present in SiC epitaxial wafers were summarized, and
(ii) The channel mobility is affected not only by relatively our present understanding of the impact of these defects
040103-23 © 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 040103 (2015) INVITED REVIEW PAPER

on SiC device performance and reliability was described. 30) N. Kuroda, K. Shibahara, W. S. Yoo, S. Nishino, and H. Matsunami, Ext.
Abstr. 19th Conf. Solid State Devices and Materials, 1987, p. 227.
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273) E. Arnold and D. Alok, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 48, 1870 (2001). international conference proceedings. He is a member of JSAP, IEEE, MRS,
274) S. Dhar, S. Haney, L. Cheng, S. R. Ryu, A. K. Agarwal, L. C. Yu, and IEICE, and IEE.

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