The History of Catalysis
The History of Catalysis
The History of Catalysis
Although the effects of catalysis are known from very ancient times, the understanding of the
phenomena started only in the 18th century and in due course led to the awarding to two Nobel
prizes at the beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords: Catalysis, mechanism, platinum, platinum group metals, fermentation, sulfuric acid
Resumen (La historia de la catálisis. Desde sus Here we trace the development of the concept and its ex-
principios hasta los premios Nobel) planation, from the dawn of its history until the first Nobel
Aun cuando los efectos de la catálisis son conocidos desde la Prizes were awarded in 1909 and 1912 for significant contri-
antigüedad, la comprensión del fenómeno comenzó sólo en el bution in the field. By the beginning of the 19th century the
siglo XVIII y con el tiempo culminó con la adjudicación de catalytic properties of many metals, notably platinum, had
dos Premios Nobel en el siglo XX. been noticed and extensively investigated, and a crude de-
scription of homogeneous catalysis using an unstable inter-
Introduction mediate was suggested. By the 1830s the pieces of the puzzle
Catalysis is a phenomenon known from very ancient times, were falling in place, the phenomenon was given its present
although not so its theory or characteristics; nowadays it plays name, and physical adsorption proposed as its possible mech-
a fundamental role in the manufacture of the vast majority of anism.
chemicals used by our society. The term catalysis, proposed in
1835 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848), comes from the Development
Greek words kata meaning down and lyein meaning loosen. The art of producing alcohol from sugar by fermentation is
Berzelius wrote that by the term catalysis he meant “the known from the beginning of human history. The first known
property of exerting on other bodies an action which is very use of inorganic catalysts is from 1552 when Valerius Cordus
different from chemical affinity. By means of this action, they (1514-1554) used sulfuric acid to catalyze the conversion of
produce decomposition in bodies, and form new compounds alcohol to ether (Cordus, 1575). In 1781 Antoine Augustin
into the composition of which they do not enter” (Berzelius, Parmentier (1737-1813) observed that potato starch mixed
1835). with distilled water and cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen
According to Kilani and Batis (Kilani, Batis and Chas- tartrate), acquires a sweet taste after several months, which is
trette, 2001), by the end of the 18th and the beginning of the more pronounced if acetic acid has been added (Parmentier,
19th centuries the accumulation of experimental data rela- 1781). This reaction was more thoroughly studied by Johann
tive to the modification of diverse chemical reactions by the Wolfgang Döbereiner (1780-1849) who found that starch
presence of small amounts of foreign substances was enough dissolved in water is fermented into alcohol; he assumed that
to see the beginning of explanation of the phenomena in a the starch was first converted into sugar (Döbereiner, 1816).
frame outside the theory of chemical affinity. Nevertheless, He also discovered the catalytic action of manganese dioxide
for certain reactions like decomposition catalysis was due to on the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate, the ba-
the activity of solids previously heated and could be attrib- sis for the preparation of oxygen (Kauffman, 1999).
uted to heat. In 1811 Sigismund Konstantin Kirchhoff (1764-1833) dis-
covered that heating an aqueous solution of starch with min-
eral acids changed it into a gum, dextrin and raisin sugar,
without the acids being modified by the reaction and without
release of gas. Treating the resulting solution with alkali re-
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of covered all the acid employed (Kirchhoff, 1811).
the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105 In 1833 Anselme Payen (1795-1871) and Jean-François
Correo electrónico: [email protected] Persoz (1805-1868) (Payen and Persoz, 1833) found that the
Recibido: septiembre 12 de 2009; aceptado: 14 de octubre de transformation of starch discovered by Kirchhoff was attrib-
2009. utable to the action of a special substance, which they called