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1. This paper is divided in to Six Sections A, B, C, D,E and F. All the sections are

2. Separate Instructions are given with each questions, where ever necessary. Read
and follow the instructions

3. Stick to the prescribed word limit

Section- A ( Vocabulary)

I) A) Choose the most appropriate synonym of the underlined lexical item in each
of the following sentences. 3 x1= 3

1. Her silver locks were scattered untidily over her pale, puckered face……

a) graceful b) fresh c) smoothed d) wrinkled

2. It is the efficiency rather than the inefficiency of human memory that compels my wonder.

a) irritation b) inability c) inferiority d) ability

3. …… we have to re-call the struggles of the past and realize the perils and possibilities……

a) safeties b) dangers c) securities d) certainty

B) Choose the most accurate of the four given words which is opposite to the
usage of the underlined word in the following sentences. 3x1=3

4. The other teams had already completed their weight in, which is compulsory for all players.

a) required b) obligatory c) voluntary d) compulsion

5. The staff looked so prosperous and unsympathetic.

a) rich b) wealthy c) poor d) luxurious

6. It was at this point that my wife looked at me with an expression of wonder – not anger or

a) irritation b) calmness c) vexation d) annoyance

C) Answer all the questions. 8 x 1=


7. Choose the clipped form of “Demonstration”

a) Demon b) Monster c) Demo d) Station

8. Choose the right definition for the given term “Pathologist”.

a) one who studies diseases b) one who studies insects

c) one who studies earthquake d) one who studies birds

9. Choose the meaning of the idiom “Back to the wall”

a) In serious difficulty b) abandoning one who is in difficulty

c) try any method to overcome a crisis d) sign of something going wrong

10. Choose the meaning of the foreign word in the sentence:

Talking business at dinner is a “faux pas” in France

a) genuine b) social blunder c) summary d) secret


11. Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with “toll”

a) Plaza b) late c) proof d) wheel

12. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “audible”

a) in b) re c) un d) de

13. Choose the expanded form of “GST”

a) Goods and Service Trade b) Goods and Savings Term

c) Goods and Service Tax d) Good Social Tax

14. The process of listening to an audio file and writing what has been said verbatim.

a) Translation b) Transcription c) Narration d)


Section - B ( Poetry & Prose)

II ) A) Read the following poetic lines and answer any three (3) of the following in a sentence.
15. If this belief from heaven be sent,

If such be Nature’s holy plan.

a) What is the figure of speech implied in this line.

b) Why does the poet call it ‘holy’?

16. For he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.

a) Identify the poem and the poet.

b) Explain the phrase ‘monster of depravity’.

17. “A life that knows no kneeling and bending

We are proud and feel so tall”

a) What kind of a life, does the poet talk about?

b) Pick out the alliterated words.

18. “And nothing can we call our own but death

And that small model of the barren earth”

a) Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.

b) What is the small model of the barren earth?

B) Answer any two of the following in 20-30 words . 2 X 2 =4

19. Why did the grandmother accompany the author to school?

20. What is a tight corner? What happens when one finds oneself in a tight corner?

21. When does human memory work with less than its usual capacity?

C) Answer the following in a paragraph of about 125-150 words 2 x 6 =12

22) Why was Mary Kom named the “Queen of Boxing”


Bring out the pun in the title “The Accidental tourist”

23. Do you think the poet wants to say that man is unhappy because he has lost his link with
nature and forgotten how to enjoy nature or because man is cruel to other men?


Write a short summary of the poem “The Hollow Crown”

Section- C ( Grammar and Language Skills)

III ) A ) Answer any seven of the following: 7 X 2 = 14

24) Report the following dialogue :

Taj : Where are you going now?
Harsha : I am going to the library. Are you coming with me ?
25) Change into passive voice of the following sentence:

Vani wrote a letter to the editor . She posted it yesterday.

26. Fill in the conditional clause appropriately:

I think if I __________ (drive not) so fast, I __________ (slide, not) into the tree.

27) Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets.
Ever since social networking sites entered our lives, they ___________ (serve) as
platforms where users could use the virtual space offered by these social media.
However, recent incidents ___________ (cause) many to question the freedom to
express views on various issues and in some cases.
28) Fill in with articles.

_________ computer can do all those activities which ___________ human brain can do.
29) Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with appropriate prepositions.
In case _________ difficulty, you should refer _________ a dictionary.
30) Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences.
a. Cities are increasingly becoming urbanised.
b. They experiment with ways to improve air quality
31) Complete the sentences using the words in the bracket appropriately.
The water _________ (boil) in a vessel. Then tea leaves and milk _________(add) to the
32) Re-arrange the shuffled words of the sentence.
a) them/ being/ is/ a house /constructed/ by .
b)the door/ not/ slammed/ be/ let.
33) Fill in with suitable phrases/ conjunctions.
He played _________ his illness ___________ his team lost the match.

B) Answer any one of the following 1 X 4 =4

34) Correct and edit the following passage:

Games and sports helps in recreation. Soccer, cricket, lawn tennis or wrestling is eagerly
watched by millions of fans all over a world. It helps one get a temporary relief from the tensions
of a day. The dedication displayed by all player in the field indicates the mental and spiritual
development of the player.

35)Punctuate the following

i would tell her english words and little things of western science and learning the law of
gravity archimedes principle, the world being round etc.

Section – D ( Writing)


(Invent necessary details wherever necessary) 4 X 4 = 16

36) You are Tarun/ Tharini, the President of your school literary association. Your club is organizing a
play on “ Life of Kalam”. Draft a notice informing the students about this play.

37) You are Satish/Sonali, the student incharge of the school library. Draft a mail to
[email protected] placing an order for “The complete set of encyclopedia”.

38) Expand the following News Headlines :

i) Anu Kreethi selected the new Miss India

ii) New Syllabus and textbooks for Std 1,6,9 and 11 students.

iii) 12 Injured as Buses Collide.

iv) Indian Team on the high in T20s in England

39) Extend the conversation with two more exchanges

Seema : Could I get something to eat immediately?

Waiter : Yes Ma’am. We have hot idlies.

40) Write a summary or Make notes of the following passage.

There are basically two types of auctions: ascending-bid auctions and descending-bid auctions.
Ascending-bid auctions start out with a low bid for an object. The price of the object is gradually
raised until only one bidder remains. By contrast, descending-bid auctions start out with a high
bid and the price is progressively lowered until a customer expresses a willingness to purchase
the object. Both procedures have a number of variants. For example, in some types of auctions a
professional auctioneer declares the suggested bids. In other types of auctions, however, the
customers make their own bids. Another variant, used at places such as eBay or Yahoo Auction,
is called a "buyout option". A high price for an item is declared. Anyone willing to pay that price
is guaranteed a purchase. This variant seems to appeal consumers who dislike uncertainty: for a
fixed price they are guaranteed an object. "Buyout options" are most commonly used if the seller
has a stock of several copies of the same item.

Both ascending-bid and descending-bid auctions can be conducted in either open or closed
formats. In open formats, all participants know what exactly how much an object is going for.
For example, at many Japanese fish markets, wholesalers gather around the fish to be purchased
and raise their hands as the auctioneer names progressively higher prices. In closed auctions,
participants are unaware of how much other participants are willing to pay for an object. For
example, a case in which participants used sealed envelopes to place their bids on a piece of real
estate represents this type of auction. Though open auctions generally yield higher prices, closed
formats are sometimes preferred in situations in which the privacy of the prospective buyers is
considered paramount or the need to document precisely how much each party bid is high.

B) Read the following advertisement and respond to it with a resume/bio-data/CV

considering yourself fulfilling the conditions specified: 1X8=8

[Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address]
English teacher - post graduate with computer knowledge, and good communication skills. Minimum
2 Years of Experience is mandatory
Apply to : Post Box No : 1998
C/o. The Hindu
Chennai - 02.

Write an essay in about 200 words on any one of the following :
a. My ambition in life.
b. The impact of Computers in the modern world.
c. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Section – E ( Reading)

V ) Answer any one of the following. 1 X 4 =4

42) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The term plutocracy is generally used to describe these two distinct concepts: one of a historical
nature and one of a modern political nature. The former indicates the political control of the state
by an oligarchy of the wealthy. Examples of such plutocracies include the Roman Republic,
some city-states in Ancient Greece, the civilization of Carthage, the Italian city-states/merchant
republics of Venice, Florence, Genoa, and pre-WWII Empire of Japan zaibatsus.
Before the equal voting rights movement managed to end it in the early 20th century, many
countries used a system where rich persons had more votes than poor. A factory owner may for
instance have had 2000 votes while a worker had one or if they were very poor no right to vote at
all. Even artificial persons such as companies had voting rights. Most western democracies
permit partisan organizations to raise funds for politicians, and political parties frequently accept
significant donations from various individuals (either directly or through corporations or
advocacy groups.
i) What does the word ‘partisan’ mean?
a) A person close to the political party.
b) Showing too much support to a particular person or a group.
c) An organization being run by the son of party president.
d) An organization that gives funds to the party

ii) Which word in the passage mean “ important”.

iii) State whether the following statement is True or False.

The poor were denied the right to vote.

iv) Name any two plutocratic countries.

43) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow :

I know what the caged bird feels, alas!

When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
When the first bird sings and the first bud opes,
And the faint perfume from its chalice steals—
I know what the caged bird feels!

i) In line 4, the phrase “like a stream of glass” suggests the water is

a. cold. b. clear . c dirty. d. hard.
ii) In line 5, the word ‘ opes” means
a. Closes b. cracks c. opens d.falls
iii) What is the tone or the mood of the poem?
iv) Suggest a suitable title for the poem.

Section – F ( Supplementary reader )

44) Write an essay of about 200 words by developing the following hints: 1 x 8=8

A policeman - down the street- checking doors –a man standing- stops to talk - about the
childhood friends who agreed to meet -after 20 years- his friend there shows up- how each of
them has changed- The criminal -arrested, and the undercover cop says -20 years - change a
good man into a criminal.


Many patients wait - dentist’s clinic- tensed –tooth- being extracted- the arrival of the dentist-
Joe, the first patient- called in- the nurse goes- with hammer-reaction – other visitors- go away-
fear. - was to open tool box.

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