The Home Business Survival Guide by Tanya Aliza

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The Home Business


Skills You Need
Recruit Effortlessly
& Build A Big Team
(Globally) FAST
Hey Hey my friend, super great to
meet you!
As a fellow Home Business Owner,
I’m so glad that our paths have
crossed - Funny how that happens
on the Internet!

What you’re gonna learn about me

is I’m quirky, I love to have fun,
and I’m to the point when it comes
to running a successful Home Business!

Oh Yeah.... My name is Tanya Aliza and over the next few weeks
we’re definitely gonna learn more about each other!

I’m gonna switch it up a little from what you’re probably used to....

You’re probably used to popping your name and email into a form
to learn something cool, but instead, you get some ‘Guru’ yacking
your ear off about themselves for an hour before really helping YOU
and Your business.

Bragging about EVERYTHING they’ve accomplished and how life is

sooooo amazing.

That’s NOT me.

Today we’re going to focus completely on YOU and

YOUR Business.

If you want to snoop in on my life, to determine whether or not you

should be listening to me, you can visit My Nifty little Blog Here: - it adds a great deal of credibility to what I teach
and the people I’ve been able to help!

The point is, I’ve created a lot of success in my Business, but let’s
focus on shifting some of that success YOUR way, sound good?

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Over the years of building my Home Business, I’ve come to learn
that there are certain Skills that will take us to the TOP.

The problem is, most of us are never told that we have to LEARN
these skills - which leaves us frustrated and wasting a whole bunch
of time in our Businesses.

All we’re told is to ‘GET EXCITED’ and invite people to a presentation...

Well that only works for so long and goes so far before we run out of
people to talk to and our friends and family start avoiding us
because we keep talking about that ‘THING they want us to join’.

I’m here to tell you that the faster you can acquire these skills, the
faster you’re going to have the success that you’re looking for in
your Business!

AND It feels damn good showing the people that doubted you that
your ‘THING’ actually works! So let’s get to it.




If you don’t have this 1st skill, then the other 6 aren’t going to
matter one lick.

There’s not one leader that’s successful in our

industry that doesn’t have this attitude. If
you’re here to just ‘try it out to see if it’ll work,’
you’re gonna lose because one small challenge
that comes up.... you’re gonna quit! Trust me...
I’ve seen it happen.

So just decide.... are you going to WIN or Lose?

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

Does this sound a little cheesy?

Maybe, but It Works!

The more people ‘FEEL GOOD' about themselves around you, the
more time they want to spend with you.

It’s called the ‘Attractor Factor.'

I have a friend and client I work with, his name is Bonnie Cribbs,
and I just love being around him.

I go out of my way to work closely with him on every chance I get...

do you know why?

He’s always complimenting me, posting nice things on my Facebook

wall, and telling me how amazing I am.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to be around that more?

This works for people outside your team and inside your team!

Recognize and Compliment the people around you and you’ll

notice a HUGE difference in your Team Growth.

No one told me this when I got started, but I learned real fast that if
I wanted BIG Results, I had to DO things differently.
Most people aren’t willing to do this and that’s part of the reason
why they fail.

What’s easy TO do is also easy not to do!

With EVERY success story, there’s always a sacrifice made and

discipline developed.

We hear it over and over again, but we tend to have selective

hearing when it comes to changing our habits.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
What are 3 areas of your Business that you know you need to get
more disciplined on?

Write them down right NOW.

(You can even scribble them down right on this piece of paper if you
printed this out.)

Now looking at those 3 areas, what do you have to DO to make

those happen?

Beside each area that you’d like to get more disciplined in, write
down 2 things that you can start doing immediately to make that

Now Take that Action!

Be real with yourself and try it for the next 14 days.

It’s only 14 days of your ENTIRE life and the worst that can happen
is you go back to your OLD life...

(oh man that might be scary for you!)

WHOA WHOA, no one told me I was suppose to know any

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re in Network
Marketing right?

Well, most of you are - that’s my main Fan Following :-)

What’s that second word there?..... MARRRR-KET-ING

If you plan on making a significant amount of money in your

Business (and I’m sure you do) then YES, you will have to understand
and employ some basic marketing skills.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
There’s no one I know that has made it BIG in Business without
understanding marketing or hiring someone that does.

When I first realized this, I became a training junkie!

I absorb Marketing information Everyday! And I actually LOVE it.

“My Name is Tanya and I have a confession to

make.... I’m addicted to TRAINING.”
Because I’ve learned some basic marketing for my Home Business, I
now have people that come to ME everyday asking to work with me!

I learned this concept in 2010.

NOW, I never have to chase people to join me in my business and I

finally got to stop Hounding my friends and family! Pretty cool right?


What’s the difference between Prospecting and CREATIVE

Prospecting you might be asking?

It’s Basically 'Working Smarter, Not Harder’ and keeping your LIST
full of eager prospects.

Remember in Skill #4, I talked about having people come to ME

rather than having to go out hunting for prospects?

That’s what CREATIVE means.

I’ve learned how to find people that are looking for what I have
online and I put myself right in front of them!

Keep an eye on your email, I’ll share with

you a few ways that you can do this with
your Business over the next bit.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

Do you know why 90% of people that are exposed to a Home

Business don’t join?

They’re never ASKED!

I see so many people do everything perfect - up until we’re suppose

to ask for the credit card.

Closing is a VERY important skill that you NEED to learn Immediately.

Here’s how I do it (watch how simple this is):

Prospect: finished the presentation >

Me: “Awesome Right? (nodding my head in a YES motion)
What did you like best?” >

Prospect: Telling you what they liked best >

Me: Listening to what they liked best >

Me: “Awesome, sounds like you’re ready to have some fun with
us! Let’s rock n roll.”

WHY the heck do we seem to over complicate this?

If you’re not getting the YES’s that you’re looking for after you’re
showing your Business, PLLLLEEEASE try this!

Then email me and tell me how fabulous it worked for you!!!


Out of the 7 Skills that I listed, this is the MOST Important and I
wanted to talk about it last so it stuck in your head.

You could lack every other skill....

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
You could be terrible in every area of your Business Process....

You could be Really UGLY....

AND STILL have Massive Success if you have Authority and


(Yes, I actually had a teammate tell me he was struggling to build

his business because he wasn’t good looking, but that’s a whole
different training... I’ve heard them all.)

For Example:

Take a look at the famous music icon Marilyn Mason.

He’s definitely UGLY, has terrible music, and can’t sing. (All my
opinion of course)

But, if he started a Home Business today and he asked people to

join, they’d be throwing credit cards at him just to be one of his first
sign ups.

WHY? Because he holds Influence and Authority with his friends,

fans and followers.

Authority and Influence has been a huge contributor to my success.

Confession: I had to LEARN Authority and

Influence - I wasn’t born with it!

So what does that mean to you if you don’t have Authority or

Influence with your friends and prospects yet?

You CAN learn it too!!!!

I’ll show you how over the next few weeks just keep an eye on your
email and make sure to add me as one of your email contacts.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Did ya learn something today?
I always learn at least ‘1 something’ when I’m looking for the
I’m very excited that we’re finally connected.
I love meeting new Entrepreneurs that are on the same path!

Make sure to keep an eye on your email over the

next few days for ways that you can dive deeper into
learning these skills.

We’re Cooking up some GOOD training, and now that we’re

connected you’ll be the first to hear about it! My goal is to make
sure you get amazing tips and strategies to rock it in your business
while creating a life you love. For more tips & training...

Every Monday, I post a new video training and free

resource on my blog.

Every Tuesday, I do a Live Q&A training on Periscope so make

sure we’re connect on Periscope too. Download the Free Periscope
App on your phone and click the Periscope Icon below to follow me.

If you have any questions or you want to connect more, please stay
connected and click one of my Social links below.

Facebook Blog Periscope

To YOUR Freedom and Goals,

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

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