2631-Article Text-5015-1-10-20190821
2631-Article Text-5015-1-10-20190821
2631-Article Text-5015-1-10-20190821
MBBS Student, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences
(NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)
Associate Professor (Orthopaedics & Trauma), North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of
Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)
Associate Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of
Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)
Among the participants, there were 50 Males NEIGRIHMS, Shillong for more than 6 months.
and 50 Females. All the 100 participants were They were residing in NEIGRIHMS hostel for
Indians and were studying MBBS in more than 6 months.
Among the participants, 50(50%) were males faced mild to extremely severe stress. 14 (28%)
and 50(50%) were females. Among the male girls faced mild stress whereas 8(16%) faced
students, 33 (66%) of them were normal. 17 moderate stress. Overall, 58 students were
(34%) were stressed amongst which 3(6%) normal, 22 students faced mild stress and 13
and1(2%) were under severe and extremely students were under moderate stress. 5 students
severe stress respectively. Among the female were under severe stress and 2 faced
extremely severe stress. 42% students were
students, 25(50%) were normal but 25 (50%)
under some stress.
Total 50 100 50 100 100 100
Among the participants, 50(50%) were males and 28% faced moderate anxiety issues. 28%
and 50(50%) were females. 19 (38%) males did females faced severe to extremely severe
not have anxiety issues. 5(10%) of them faced anxiety problems. Overall, 62% students were
mild anxiety issues while 15 (30%) faced facing mild to extremely severe anxiety
moderate anxiety issues. 11 students faced problems and only 38% were normal.
severe to extremely severe anxiety problems.
Among the females, 38% were normal while
6% faced mild anxiety issues
normal 25 50 22 44 47 47
mild 10 20 10 20 20 20
moderate 11 22 12 24 23 23
severe 1 2 2 4 3 3
extremely 3 6 4 8 7 7
Graph 6: Do you take any drugs or have tried any (cigarette, alcohol, opium etc.)?
(Question D)
Graph 7: Do you feel your gender plays a role in you being stressful? (Question E)
Don’t know 5
Variable 3
0 3
1 9
2 14
3 16
4 20
5 7
6 8
7 2
8 7
9 0
10 1
11 0
12 1
13 1
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
18 1
19 0
20 1
21 0
22 0
23 0
24 1
Total 100
Among the participants, 20% students spent 4 hours on social media while 16% spent 3 hours and
14% spent 2 hours. 7%, 8%, 7% students spent 5, 6, 8 hours on social media respectively. Only
3% students didn‟t spend an hour on social media.
is interesting to note that both the gender had their problems with their friends, teachers and
equal proportion of students facing anxiety family. The study has highlighted the high level
problems. of depression among the students which needs to
be taken care of. With the increasing number of
It is said that increasing use of internet in day to
suicides among the medical students, proper steps
day life disconnects a person from the physical
should be taken to diagnose clinical depression
world and pushes him or her into depression.
at an early stage so that proper remedial
We tried to explore the relation between the
measures can be undertaken at the right time.
time spent on internet, mainly social media, and
it was found that 20% students spend 4 hours on There is a necessity of formulation and
social media every day, 16% 3 hours and 14% 2 implementation of strict guidelines for improving
hours. Probably the reason which we could figure and maintaining mental health of medical
out was that the internet connects them to the students by Government of India and Medical
virtual world but disconnects them from the real Council of India. Psychiatrists and clinical
world thus taking away the buttressing which psychologists with the help of other health
would have been otherwise possible by face to professionals should create awareness about
face communication and interaction. mental health amongst medical students and
encourage them to not ignore the problem. An
The present study has helped in assessing the
aware medical student will not only help oneself
mental health of the medical students. With the
but also create awareness amongst the
increasing prevalence of mental health problems,
community, thereby creating a wave of positive
it is important to take note of the same amongst
transformation in the society as a whole.
medical students as they face a lot of stress on
all fronts of life, both professional and personal Further studies can be carried out to assess
and especially with limited avenues to cope up mental health among senior consultants, resident
with these problems. doctors and paramedical staff to diagnose any
underlying mental health problems.
There were certain limitations to our study. A
few questionnaires were returned to the SUMMARY
investigator at a later time as the participants
Mental health problems have remained hidden in
were busy at the moment or unwilling to the society and what we see is just the tip of the
participate. The responses to the questions were iceberg and they have been a taboo since
entirely based on self-assessment by the forever. No one is encouraged to talk about it
participants and may not accurately represent and if any one comes out and talks about it,
their mental health. Thus, we cannot rule out he/she is either asked to remain silent or ridiculed
subject bias on the part of the participants. by the society. Awareness about certain danger
CONCLUSION: signs like social withdrawal, seeking refuge to
drug abuse, or other vices or even resorting to
The present study was done to find the stress,
suicide or other activities that are harmful to
anxiety and depression levels and it has indeed
oneself should be made widely known to all so
highlighted the increasing levels of the same
that proper measures can be taken to identify and
amongst MBBS students of North East India. It
manage such victims.
is indeed important to take urgent steps to
counsel the students to come out and talk. It is Our study was aimed at finding stress, anxiety
required to arrange for counselling sessions for and depression levels amongst MBBS students of
the students to encourage them to discuss about North East India. A total of 120
Ms. Yashika Parashar, MBBS Student, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical
Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)
Dr. Sharat Agarwal, Associate Professor (Orthopaedics & Trauma), North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional
Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)
Dr. Manika Agarwal, Associate Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional
Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong (India)