IIR & FIR Presentation

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This presentation is based on Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR) and Finite Impulse
Response Filters (FIR). In going through this write up, you will get an understanding of these
two types of filters and how they are utilized in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and the role
they each play. We will understand their advantages, disadvantages and how important roles they
play in signal and processing.
What is an Impulse Response?
In order to assess these two types of filters which are associated with impulse responses, we must
first understand what is an impulse response.
In signal processing, the impulse response function (IRF) of a dynamic system is its output when
presented with a brief input signal, called an impulse. Taking this into consideration, we can then
say an impulse response is the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external
change. We can also say that the Impulse Response describes the behavior of the system.

Now that we have looked at what exactly is an Impulse Response, we will go into IIR and FIR

Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR)

IIR filters are fundamental elements of Digital Signal Processing (DSP). They are one of two
primary types digital filters used in digital signal processing applications. We say the impulse
infinite because there is feedback in the filter.
Due to having feedback, IIR filters have much better frequency response than FIR filters of the
same order. Unlike FIR filters, their phase characteristic is not linear which can cause a problem
to the systems which need phase linearity. For this reason, it is preferred not to use IIR filters in
DSP when processing of the phase is of the essence.
IIR is a property applying to many linear time invariant systems. Common examples of linear
time invariant systems are most electronic and digital filters. Systems possessing this property is
distinguished by having an impulse response which does not become exactly zero past a certain
point, but continues indefinitely.

u(n): is the unit step function
we can see that as n increases and a>1, then it will have infinite values.
If a<1, then it will go on decreasing, but it will also have a large number of n values to decrease
to zero.
We can go a bit in depth mathematically by looking at the difference equations which are often
used in digital filters to define how the output signal relates to the input signal.
The diagram above represents a IIR Filter showing its feedback loop.

Advantages of IIR Filters:

 They have a much better frequency response than FIR Filters
 They can achieve a given filtering characteristic using less memory and calculations than
a similar FIR Filter.
 They are easier to implement

Disadvantages of IIR Filters:

 They are more susceptible to problems of finite length arithmetic such as noise generated
by calculations and limit cycles. What this means is that when the output is not computed
perfectly and is fed back into the system, the imperfection is compounded.
 They have potential instability
Finite Impulse Response Filter(FIR)
The FIR Filter basically describes putting an impulse i.e a single ‘1’ sample followed by many
‘0’ samples and a zero (0) will come out after the ‘1’ sample has made its way through the delay
line of the filter.
FIR filters do not use feedback so for an FIR filter with ‘n’ coefficient, the output always
becomes zero (0) after putting in ‘N” samples of an impulse response.
A lack of feedback guarantees that the impulse response will be finite. Therefore, the term FIR is
synonymous with no feedback.
If by chance feedback is employed, but the impulse response is still finite, then the filter is still
an FIR filter.
How do FIR filters compare to IIR filters?
While each of them have their advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of the FIR filters
outweigh the disadvantages and, so they are utilized more in digital signal processing.

Properties of a FIR Filter:

1. They require no feedback. This means that any rounding errors are not compounded by
summed iterations. The same relative errors occur in each calculation. This also makes
implementation easier.
2. They are inherently stable, since the output is a sum of finite number of finite multiples
of input values, so can be no greater than ∑ times the largest value appearing in the
3. IT can be designed for linear phase by making the coefficient sequence symmetric. This
property is sometimes desired for phase sensitive applications, for example, data
communications, seismology, cross over filters and mastering.

Frequency response for an FIR Filter:

The filter’s effect on the sequence x(n) is described by the frequency domain by the
convolution theorem.

where operators’ F and F^‐1 respectively Discrete Time Fourier Transform(DTFT) and its inverse. 
Therefore, the complex‐valued, multiplicative function H(w) is the filter’s frequency response.. It is 
defined by a Fourier Series:
The above block diagram shows an FIR filter
Advantages of FIR Filter:
 They are simple to design/implement
 They can be designed to be linear phase
 They are suited to multi-rate applications
 They allow some calculations to be omitted which provides computational efficiency.

Disadvantages of FIR Filter:

 They sometimes require more memory or calculations to give a filter response.
 Due to the characteristics of certain responses, it is not practical to implement with
FIR filter.

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