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Guidance Notes

for the Management of

Indoor Air Quality
in Offices and Public Places

Indoor Air Quality Management Group

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Guidance Notes for
the Management of Indoor Air Quality
in Offices and Public Places

The Government of the

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Indoor Air Quality Management Group

January 2019

In modern city life, the quality of air in the indoor environment has a significant impact on human
health and comfort. People spend most of their time at homes, offices and other indoor environment.
Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can lead to discomfort, ill health, and, in the workplace, lead to
absenteeism and lower productivity. Good indoor air quality safeguards the health of the building
occupants and contributes to their comfort and well-being.

Indoor air pollution has received little attention in the past compared with air pollution in the outdoor
environment. It has now become a matter of increasing public concern, prompted partly by the
emergence of new indoor air pollutants, by the isolation of the indoor environment from the natural
outdoor environment in well-sealed buildings, and by the investigation of so-called Sick Building
Syndrome. The World Health Organization (WHO) also recognises that biological and chemical
indoor air pollution as public health risks.

The health effects of individual indoor air pollutants are studied extensively. For example, the
health impact of formaldehyde is well documented. Two guidelines were published by WHO in
2009 and 2010 respectively on mould and dampness, and selected indoor air pollutants. On the
other hand, the health effects of a combination of indoor air pollutants are much less well
understood and more difficult to tackle. This is due to the shortage of reliable data on the effects on
human health; difficulties in accurately measuring air pollutants at low levels; potential interactions
between pollutants; and wide variations in the degree to which building occupants are susceptible
to air pollutants. There are also many external factors which may obscure the relationship between
IAQ and its impact on the building occupants.

IAQ is not only technically complex, it is also complex from an administrative point of view. The
many factors to be taken into consideration and strategies required to maintain good IAQ cut across
a variety of disciplines—public health, occupational hygiene, employment practice, engineering
standards, and government departmental responsibilities. In Hong Kong, ventilation systems and
some other factors affecting IAQ are already subject to legislation. IAQ is also touched on in certain
regulations and ordinances, most noticeably the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371) that
prohibits smoking in all indoor workplaces and public places. But Hong Kong does not have, or
plan to introduce, legislation specifically addressing the issues of IAQ because it is considered that
self-regulation can be effective and, given the complexities and uncertainties which still surround
IAQ, is preferable to comprehensive regulation. Most of the countries/regions concerned with IAQ,
such as the United States, Singapore, Canada and those European countries, have adopted the same
approach. The self-regulatory approach is consistent with Hong Kong’s principle of small

To coordinate the development on the control of IAQ in Hong Kong, the Government has set up an
inter-department IAQ Management Group. Its membership comprises representatives from five
government bureaux and fourteen departments:

 Civil Service Bureau

 Education Bureau
 Environment Bureau
 Food and Health Bureau
 Transport and Housing Bureau
 Architectural Services Department
 Buildings Department
 Customs and Excise Department
 Department of Health
 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
 Environmental Protection Department (the Chairman)
 Fire Services Department
 Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
 Government Property Agency
 Housing Department
 Labour Department
 Marine Department
 Social Welfare Department
 Transport Department

The following Guidance Notes has been developed and endorsed by the IAQ Management Group to
help the community to understand and manage this complex subject. This Guidance Notes is based
on international standards on ventilation design and on other aspects affecting IAQ where these
exist, and insofar as their provisions are applicable to Hong Kong.

This Guidance Notes provides comprehensive guidelines for the total management of IAQ and
covers a wide range of issues including ventilation, scientific assessment and communication
strategies. It is designed to enable owner/management of premises/building to prevent and
successfully manage most of the common IAQ problems encountered in buildings in Hong Kong,
for the health and well-being of all.

Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Application .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Structure of the Guidance Notes.............................................................................................. 2
1.5 Legal Status of the Guidance Notes ........................................................................................ 3
1.5.1 Legislation, Departmental Guidance Notes, and Codes of Practice ............................ 3
1.6 Intended Users ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Understanding Indoor Air Quality ........................................................................................... 5
2.2 Definition of Acceptable Indoor Air Quality .......................................................................... 6
2.3 Complaints and Illnesses ......................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Factors Affecting Indoor Air Quality ...................................................................................... 7
2.5 Thermal Comfort ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 Temperature.................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.2 Humidity ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.3 Air Movement ................................................................................................................. 8
2.6 Air Contaminants .................................................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) ..................................................................... 9
2.6.2 Volatile Organic Compounds ......................................................................................... 9
2.6.3 Formaldehyde ............................................................................................................... 11
2.6.4 Asbestos ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.6.5 Radon and its Decay Products ..................................................................................... 11
2.6.6 Combustion Gases ........................................................................................................ 11
2.6.7 Ozone ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.8 Respiratory Products and Body Odours........................................................................ 12
2.6.9 Microorganisms ............................................................................................................ 12
3. INDOOR AIR QUALITY OBJECTIVES........................................................................................... 14
3.1 IAQ Certification Scheme ..................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Comparison of Indoor Air Quality Objectives with Occupational Health Standards ........... 14
3.3 Outdoor Air Quality .............................................................................................................. 15
3.4 IAQ Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.1 Selection of Relevant Objective .................................................................................... 19
3.5 Assessment of IAQ Parameters ............................................................................................. 19
3.5.1 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ........................................................................................................... 19
3.5.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) ......................................................................................................... 19
3.5.3 Radon (Rn)............................................................................................................................. 19
3.5.4 Formaldehyde (HCHO) ......................................................................................................... 20
3.5.5 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) .......................................................................................................... 20
3.5.6 Ozone (O3) ............................................................................................................................. 20
3.5.7 Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) ........................................................................... 21
3.5.8 Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) ......................................................................... 21
3.5.9 Airborne Bacteria .................................................................................................................. 21
3.5.10 Mould................................................................................................................................... 21
4. STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE INDOOR AIR QUALITY OBJECTIVES ...................................... 23
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Building Design and Construction ........................................................................................ 23
4.2.1 Architectural Design..................................................................................................... 24
4.2.2 Selection of Building and Furnishing Materials ........................................................... 24
4.2.3 Selection of Office Equipment ...................................................................................... 26
4.3 Building Uses and Layout ..................................................................................................... 26

4.4 Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) System .......................................... 26
4.4.1 Design of MVAC System ............................................................................................... 26
4.4.2 Operation and Maintenance of MVAC System ............................................................. 31
4.5 Renovation Works ................................................................................................................. 33
4.6 Pest Control ........................................................................................................................... 33
4.7 Prevention and Control of Indoor Moulds ............................................................................. 34
4.8 Housekeeping and Cleaning .................................................................................................. 35
5. OVERALL INDOOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY .......................................... 36
5.1 Basic Principles ..................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 The 7-Step IAQ Management Programme ............................................................................ 36
6. COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................................ 38
6.1 Consultation on Design Criteria ............................................................................................ 38
6.2 Communication with Tenants and Contract Workers............................................................ 38
6.2.1 Notification of Pollution-emitting Activities ................................................................. 38
6.2.2 Other Requirements ...................................................................................................... 39
6.2.3 Promoting Awareness of Indoor Air Quality ................................................................ 39
6.3 Making a Complaint .............................................................................................................. 39
6.4 Responding to Complaints..................................................................................................... 40
6.4.1 Emergencies.................................................................................................................. 40
6.4.2 Non-urgent Complaints ................................................................................................ 40
6.4.3 Communication with Other Building Occupants.......................................................... 41
6.4.4 Confidentiality .............................................................................................................. 41
7. INVESTIGATION ................................................................................................................................ 42
7.1 Gathering Background Information....................................................................................... 42
7.2 Initial Walkthrough Inspection .............................................................................................. 42
7.3 Communication with Appropriate People ............................................................................. 43
7.4 Review of Initial Findings ..................................................................................................... 44
7.5 Detailed Assessment and Environmental Monitoring ........................................................... 45
7.5.1 Pollutant Pathways ....................................................................................................... 45
7.5.2 Assessing Ventilation and Thermal Environment ......................................................... 46
7.5.3 Sampling for Air Contaminants or Indicators .............................................................. 46
7.5.4 Asbestos Investigations ................................................................................................. 47
7.6 Concluding an Investigation .................................................................................................. 47
8. MITIGATION ....................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1 Selecting a Mitigation Strategy ............................................................................................. 48
8.1.1 Source Control .............................................................................................................. 48
8.1.2 Ventilation .................................................................................................................... 49
8.1.3 Air Cleaning ................................................................................................................. 49
8.1.4 Administrative Action ................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Evaluating Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................... 50
9. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE ........................................................................................................ 51
9.1 Professionals with Relevant Expertise .................................................................................. 51
9.1.1 Environmental, Health and Safety Consultants & Environmental Monitoring
Laboratories .................................................................................................................................... 51
9.1.2 Ventilation Consultants and Contractors, and Registered Professional Engineers ..... 52
9.2 CIBs for Indoor Air Quality Certification ............................................................................. 52

List of Appendices
Appendix A: Local Regulations / Guidance on Indoor Air Quality............................................ 53
Appendix B: Guidelines on Optimum Indoor Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air
Movement ................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix C: Asbestos ...................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix D: Suggested Forms ...................................................................................................... 63
Appendix E: Useful References and Websites .............................................................................. 72

List of Tables
Table 1-1: Responsibilities for Achieving and Maintaining IAQ ................................................. 4
Table 2-1: VOCs Commonly Found Indoors and Their Indoor Sources ................................... 10
Table 3-1: Relevant Parameters in Hong Kong (Ambient) Air Quality Objectives .................. 15
Table 3-2: IAQ Objectives for Office Buildings and Public Places (Effective on 1 July 2019) 17
Table 3-3: IAQ Objectives for Individual VOCs (Effective on 1 July 2019) .............................. 18
Table 7-1: Odours as Problem Indicators in Indoor Environment ............................................. 44
Table 7-2: Symptom Patterns as Problem Indicators in Indoor Environment .......................... 45



ACGIH – American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

ACM – asbestos-containing material
ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
BRI – building related illnesses
CIB – IAQ Certificate Issuing Body
EPD – Environmental Protection Department
GN – Guidance Notes
HEPA – high efficiency particulate air
IAQ – indoor air quality
MSDS – material safety data sheet
MVAC – mechanical ventilation and air conditioning
SBS – sick building syndrome
TVOC – total volatile organic compounds
USEPA – US Environmental Protection Agency
VOC – volatile organic compound
WHO – World Health Organization


1.1 Application

The primary objective of this Guidance Notes (GN) is to give background information and
practical guidelines to enable users to prevent indoor air quality (IAQ) problems, and to solve
problems promptly if they arise.

This GN applies to all buildings or enclosed areas served with mechanical ventilation and air
conditioning (MVAC) system for human comfort except:

(a) domestic buildings

(b) medical buildings
(c) industrial buildings
(d) any area or any part of the building which is constructed, used or intended to be used for
domestic, medical or industrial purposes

This GN does not apply to any part of a building which is enclosed but not served by MVAC
system such as store rooms, plant rooms and switch rooms.

This GN also does not cover underground or multistorey car parks, tunnels, public transport
interchanges, public transport facilities, or other partially enclosed areas. However, professional
practice notes have been issued for some of these facilities/buildings by the Environmental
Protection Department. Guidelines for managing air quality in air-conditioned public transport
facilities in respect of buses and railways in the form of professional practice notes were also
issued in 2003, whereas the practice note for ferries was issued in 2015. A list of these practice
notes is given in Appendix A.

1.2 Definitions

“mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC) system” means the equipment, distribution
network and terminal that provide, either collectively or individually, the processes of heating,
cooling, humidification, dehumidification, ventilation or air-purification or any other associated
processes to a conditioned space except window-type air conditioners or split-type air conditioners.

“domestic building” means a building constructed, used or intended to be used for habitation but
excluding the use of it for a hotel, guest-house, boarding-house, hostel, dormitory or similar
accommodation and the expression “domestic purposes” is construed accordingly.

“industrial building” means

(a) a godown; or
(b) a building in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned, repaired, ornamented,
finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished, or in which materials are transformed;
and the expression “industrial purposes” is construed accordingly.

“medical building” means a building constructed, used or intended to be used as clinic, infirmary
or hospital and the expression of “medical purposes” is construed accordingly.

“buildings” means buildings and premises.

1.3 Scope

This GN should be used as a general guidance document in:

 formulating IAQ policies

 designing buildings and building services for acceptable IAQ
 setting operation and maintenance procedures
 investigating IAQ complaints
 mitigating IAQ problems if they arise

This GN is not a ventilation standard or a detailed manual for assessing indoor air contaminants.
Detailed designs are also outside the scope of this GN. However, references to standards for
specific designs are provided where applicable. This GN provides guidelines on the IAQ
objectives for different levels of comfort and optimal health required for offices and public places
so that building owners and managers can, with advice from relevant experts, select the objective
most appropriate to the needs of the occupants, and minimise the costs of implementation.

This GN should be used in conjunction with acceptable guidelines for ventilation such as the latest
version of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) Standard 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

Apart from this GN, the Environmental Protection Department has launched a voluntary IAQ
Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places. Please refer to A Guide on Indoor Air Quality
Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places (2019) 1 for details.

1.4 Structure of the Guidance Notes

The structure of this GN and sequence of information is designed to provide a basic understanding
of the principles behind good IAQ before giving practical guidance on how to achieve and maintain

Section 2: Background: explains why IAQ has become a concern; and describes the dangers posed
to IAQ by different indoor air contaminants.

Section 3: Indoor Air Quality Objectives: seeks to establish acceptable IAQ, and provides
recommended maximum concentrations of air contaminants (IAQ objectives) for
maintaining good IAQ; and describes the parameters for IAQ certification.

Section 4: Strategies to Achieve Indoor Air Quality Objectives: describes building design,
construction, ventilation, and maintenance practices which will help keep air
contaminants below recommended levels.

Section 5: Overall Indoor Air Quality Management Strategy: advises building managers on
how to develop a comprehensive strategy for maintaining good IAQ and managing IAQ

Section 6: Communication: covers consultation at the design stage, and strategies to foster the
cooperation of contractors and tenants in preventing IAQ problems in the occupied
building; and advises building managers on how to handle IAQ complaints and

Section 7: Investigation: describes the tools for investigating an IAQ complaint, including on-site

Published by the Indoor Air Quality Management Group, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

inspection, information gathering, environmental monitoring and hypothesis testing.

Section 8: Mitigation: provides general guidance on remedial measures, criteria for selecting the
most appropriate strategy in each case, and on evaluation of the success of mitigation

Section 9: Professional Assistance: describes situations where outside assistance may be needed
and factors to consider when hiring external consultants; and also covers the IAQ
Certificate Issuing Bodies (CIBs) for IAQ certification.

1.5 Legal Status of the Guidance Notes

This GN is designed to establish an effective self-regulatory system for the maintenance of IAQ.
It is not legally binding and should be treated as a voluntary guideline and a set of common
objectives of IAQ by the parties involved. Compliance with this GN does not in any way provide
exemption from existing legal obligations relating to IAQ.

1.5.1 Legislation, Departmental Guidance Notes, and Codes of Practice

Legal provisions on ventilation and certain other factors affecting IAQ in buildings are contained
in the following Ordinances and Regulations:

 Building (Planning) Regulations, Cap. 123F, and Building (Ventilating Systems)

Regulations, Cap. 123J
 Ventilation of Scheduled Premises Regulation, Cap. 132CE
 Places of Public Entertainment Regulations, Cap. 172A
 Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Cap. 311
 Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance, Cap. 371
 Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance, Cap. 456
 Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance, Cap. 403
 Pesticides Ordinance, Cap. 133
 Occupational Safety & Health Ordinance, Cap. 509

Some government departments (Architectural Services Department, Electrical and Mechanical

Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene
Department, and Labour Department) have introduced general specifications and/or guidance notes
on subjects covered in this GN. These are referred to in the text at the appropriate points and relevant
departments should be consulted as necessary. A full list of relevant regulations, and departmental
guidelines and codes of practice is given in Appendix A.

Every effort has been made to avoid inconsistencies between this GN and current legislation. Should
any inconsistencies arise, the legal provisions shall prevail.

1.6 Intended Users

This GN is written primarily for building owners (proprietors), building tenants who have installed
their own ventilation systems, and building managers. The building proprietor, since he normally
has legal control of building facilities, retains primary responsibility for IAQ. The duties of the
owner may, however, be modified by contractual agreements such as lease agreements made with
building tenants. The building manager is usually the legal representative of the owner.

Some factors affecting IAQ fall outside the direct control of building owners and managers. In
these cases this GN also provides guidelines for professionals such as building designers,
architects and engineers. Each of these groups has a responsibility to prevent, directly or indirectly,
IAQ problems in the design, construction or operational phase of a building (Table 1-1).

Table 1-1: Responsibilities for Achieving and Maintaining IAQ

Party Activities/Responsibilities Parts of GN

which refer
Developers/ Building Owners Authorisation of the MVAC system, selection of building Sections 4, 5
and ventilation design and installation, construction,
decoration standards, decisions on occupancy distribution
and density.
Preparation of buyer’s contracts/tenancy agreements
along with technical guidance to the buyers/ tenants to
achieve the desired IAQ.
Building Proprietors Comply with the terms and conditions listed in the Sections 4, 5
purchasing/ tenancy agreement related to internal
decoration and control of IAQ.
Commission of internal IAQ control policies and IAQ
complaints handling.
Communication with the Building Facilities Manager/
Building Management.
Building Facilities Managers/ Day-to-day management of the MVAC system, Sections 4–9
Building Management supervision of housekeeping, maintenance to ensure the
compliance of all licensing conditions.
Communication and IAQ complaints handling.
Ensure the compliance of the buyer’s contracts/ tenancy
agreement by the Building Proprietors.
Investigation and mitigation of IAQ problems with respect
to the central MVAC System.
Architects Design of building envelope, choice of building material, Section 4
air intake and exhaust position.
Interior Designers Internal layout, choice of materials and furnishings. Section 4
Registered Professional Design, supervision of installation, inspection, witness Sections 4, 9
Engineers commissioning test and certification of the MVAC
Ventilation Consultants and Advice on the relationship between ventilation and IAQ. Sections 4, 9
Contractors Installation, repair and maintenance of the MVAC system.
Manufacturers and Suppliers Information on emission rates of office equipment. Section 4
of Appliances
Manufacturers and Suppliers Information on emission rates of building materials. Section 4
of Building Materials
Contractors for other works in Control of pollution-emitting activities. Section 6
Environmental, Health and Analysis and advice on IAQ problems. Sections 7–9
Safety Consultants
Environmental Monitoring Monitoring and testing IAQ parameters. Sections 3, 8, 9
Building Tenants and Other Housekeeping, cleaning, notification of problems and Sections 4–6, 8
Occupants pollution-emitting activities.

Additional obligations, under the legislation outlined in Section 1.5.1, are largely confined to
owners of ventilation systems or building owners. This does not in any way imply that building
tenants and other occupants are exempt from relevant obligations as prescribed in the legislation.


2.1 Understanding Indoor Air Quality

Problems related to poor IAQ have existed ever since human beings started building shelters to
protect themselves from the harshness of the natural environment.

In the past, resources and attention have been focused on controlling air pollution in the outdoor
environment. The development of research into IAQ only emerged, from work to prevent
occupational diseases in the industrial workplace, in the late 1970s. Since then, there has been
growing public concern about the impact of indoor pollutants in non-industrial buildings. This
follows changes in building technology and design, increased public exposure to indoor air in
buildings, and publicity surrounding cases of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

Following the oil crisis in the late 1970s, new energy conservation building methods were
developed to reduce the amount of outside air supply. These, together with the tighter sealing
buildings and near universal adoption of air conditioning in Hong Kong, have increasingly
isolated the occupants of modern buildings from the outside environment. In particular, they have
limited the amount of outside air that can be brought into the indoor environment to dilute the air
pollutants which may accumulate there.

In the “Second Review of the 1989 White Paper on Pollution in Hong Kong” completed in
November 1993, the Government identified the health risks and other problems associated with
indoor air pollution. The Government indicated that appropriate measures would be taken to
address the issue. Meanwhile, inside office buildings, the potential sources of such air pollutants
have multiplied. Materials and objects that may emit air polluting substances include:

 modern office equipment, such as computers, high-capacity photocopiers, laser printers,

photographic processing equipment
 synthetic building materials, such as formaldehyde emitting particle boards, glues using
organic solvents
 a wide range of plastic materials
 chemical based cleaning agents
 sources outside the building such as vehicle exhausts and chimneys

Nonetheless, changes in building design, equipment and office consumable provide only part of the
explanation why office air quality has become such a significant public issue. The other reason is
the expansion of office working in Hong Kong. As a result of growth in the service sector, majority
of our workforce is now working in indoor environment. This trend, and the large amount of time
which people spend indoors generally, has increased the social and economic importance of good

Research has shown that, if health and well-being are jeopardised by poor indoor environment,
productivity will also be affected.2 This may take the form of high absenteeism, more sick leave
being taken, and lower worker efficiency (quality of work). Apart from costs to individual
businesses through lost productivity, poor IAQ imposes costs on the larger community through
direct medical costs, as well as the cost of damage, such as mould contamination, to building
materials and equipment due to poor air quality. Many studies have estimated the cost of IAQ to
varying degrees.

For the property managers, increased energy costs from IAQ improvements are offset not only by

2 Wyon, D., The effects of indoor air quality on performance and productivity, Article in Indoor Air 14 Suppl 7, 2004.
Kosonen, R. Tan, F,.The effect of perceived indoor air quality on productivity loss, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36,
Issue 10, p981-986, 2004.
Wargocki, P., Wyon, D. P., and Fanger, P. O., Proceedings of Healthy Building, Vol 1, p635, 2000.
reduced absenteeism and improved productivity, but also by reduced liability exposure and
increased competitiveness in the leasing market.

Public awareness on IAQ has been growing and the participation to the IAQ Certification Scheme
for Offices and Public Places has remarkable growth since its implementation. There are
expectations for owners and managers of buildings to improve the IAQ of their buildings to
safeguard the health of the occupants. As such, it requires a good understanding of IAQ. Building
owners and managers should seek to approach the subject with accurate scientific information,
logical reasoning, good communication with all parties involved, and a high degree of sensitivity
towards the affected building occupants.

2.2 Definition of Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

Acceptable IAQ is defined by ASHRAE and World Health Organization (WHO) as follows:

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

“Air in which there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations as determined by

cognizant authorities and with which a substantial majority (80% or more) of the people exposed
do not express dissatisfaction.”


“The physical and chemical nature of indoor air, as delivered to the breathing zone of building
occupants, which produces a complete state of mental, physical and social well-being of the
occupants, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

2.3 Complaints and Illnesses

There is an increasing amount of scientific evidence indicating that a range of health problems
and complaints are associated with poor IAQ. The problems range from transient sensory
irritation of the respiratory tract to diseases that can be life-threatening. These problems can be
generally divided into the following two categories 3:

 Sick Building Syndrome

 Building Related Illnesses

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is the name given to a range of non-specific symptoms associated
with occupation of a particular building. The symptoms include:

 irritation and itching of the eyes

 nose and throat irritation
 runny or congested nose
 other flu-like symptoms
 chest tightness
 itchy skin occasionally with the development of rash
 headaches
 lethargy
 poor concentration
 irritability

3 European Communities (1989). European Concerted Action Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man, Report
No. 4 Sick Building Syndrome, G.J.Raw (1992). Sick Building Syndrome: A review of the evidence on causes and
solutions‘ Health and Safety Executive research report no. 42/1992, HMSO, London.

These symptoms appear to occur more often in air-conditioned buildings than naturally ventilated
buildings. They tend to abate or disappear entirely when the affected personnel leave the building.
At the moment, the causal links between poor IAQ and SBS are still not conclusive. Some studies
suggest that inadequate ventilation rates could be a major cause of SBS. There are many
difficulties in establishing unquestionable proof because of the technical problems of quantifying
low-level air pollutants in mixture, the non-specificity of the symptoms, and the many factors in
the indoor environment such as noise, lighting, and work stress which may compound the effects.
It is more likely that SBS has multiple causes, with poor IAQ being one of the major contributing

Though SBS is not life-threatening or permanently disabling, it has a significant impact on both
the affected building occupants and the organisations they work for. SBS has often resulted in
lower work performance, higher absenteeism and amount of sick leave taken, increased staff
turnover, companies having to allocate more resources to resolving complaints, and poorer
industrial relations.

The second group of health problems associated with IAQ is Building Related Illnesses (BRI).
These are clinically diagnosed illnesses which can be readily attributed to specific or well
established causes associated with indoor air pollutants in buildings. Allergic reactions such as
hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by certain species of fungi, and infectious diseases such as
Legionnaires’ disease and humidifier fever (an influenza-like illness) are typical examples of BRI
in office and public buildings. Other health effects such as allergic reactions to formaldehyde,
long-term cancer risk from exposure to indoor radon also fall within this category.

Apart from the two broad categories discussed above, there are other types of indoor air problems
related to the thermal comfort of the building occupants. Thermal comfort is mainly determined by
temperature, humidity, and air movement. Though thermal environment in air-conditioned buildings
does not usually cause serious ill health, it has a very significant impact on the general well-being
and work performance of building occupants. Poor thermal environment may also affect occupants’
perception of the IAQ.

2.4 Factors Affecting Indoor Air Quality

The overall quality of indoor air is influenced by thermal comfort and air contaminants. This
chapter provides a brief description of the factors affecting thermal comfort, i.e.:

 temperature
 humidity
 air movement

and the more common air contaminants including:

 airborne particles
 volatile organic compounds
 asbestos
 formaldehyde
 radon
 combustion gases
 ozone
 respiratory products and body odours
 microorganisms

As smoking is prohibited in all indoor working places and public places 4 since 1 January 2007
in accordance with the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371), tobacco smoke is no
Designated no smoking areas are listed in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap.371).

longer a concern of indoor air contaminant for the types of premises applied by this GN. As
such, IAQ issues relating to smoking is not covered in this GN.

Guidelines on the objectives necessary to ensure acceptable IAQ for the main air contaminants
are provided in Section 3 below.

2.5 Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort refers to the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal
environment. It is a subjective perception that can be influenced by one’s metabolic rate, clothing
insulation, air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air movement and relative humidity. The
guidelines to determine optimum temperature, relative humidity and air movement settings of
MVAC system for occupants in air-conditioned offices and public places is included in Appendix B.

2.5.1 Temperature

Air temperature has the most direct effect on thermal comfort. The air temperature of the indoor
environment is influenced by factors such as the temperature control of the air conditioning, solar
heat gain, other heat sources such as lighting, electrical equipment, computers and water heaters, as
well as humidity and air movement. Consideration should also be given to variations in temperature
within rooms served by a single thermostat. Temperature between rooms or locations within a room
may vary due to large window areas, or large vertical surfaces (which may create convection
currents resulting in cold air at floor level), for example causing discomfort for some occupants. The
temperature level at which people feel comfortable will depend on activity levels, age and natural
body temperature which will vary from individual to individual, as well as one’s clothings, and on
seasonal temperatures.

2.5.2 Humidity

Humidity influences thermal comfort by affecting the human body’s ability to lose body heat
through perspiration. In humid conditions it is more difficult to lose heat—the effect is therefore the
same as raising the temperature and a “sticky” feeling is usually described by people. High humidity
also encourages the growth of mould on building fabric and furnishings. Low relative humidity
causes eyes, noses and throats to dry which may lead to discomfort, irritation and increased
susceptibility to infection. Extremely low humidity can cause static electricity which is
uncomfortable for occupants and can affect the operation of computers.

2.5.3 Air Movement

A certain amount of air movement around the human body is essential for thermal comfort. It is
also important in dispersing air pollutants. The required level of airflow depends on the air
temperature and humidity. In the hot and humid summer months, for example, greater air
movement can help produce a more comfortable environment.

Airflow is determined by ventilation and convection currents (created by hot air rising and cool air
falling) in a room. Blocked or unbalanced ventilation systems, or too low pressure levels in
ventilation ducts may restrict air movement, producing a “stuffy” atmosphere which makes
occupants feel uncomfortable. Airflow is also sensitive to changes in room occupancy; installation
or removal of partition walls; the size, quantity and arrangement of office equipment and furniture;
and building use. Too much air movement results in draughts and excessive cold.

2.6 Air Contaminants

Air contaminants include an enormous range of substances and biological organisms generated by
building materials, human activities, office equipment, and also activities outside the building from
the outdoor environment.

2.6.1 Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10)

Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) describe a variety of particulates with a nominal

aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers (µm) that are small enough to be suspended in air. Sources
of these airborne particles can be categorised as microbial particulates (e.g. bacteria, virus, mould,
and spores), animal and plant particulates (e.g. pollen, insect parts and by-products), mineral
particulates (e.g. asbestos and man-made mineral fibres), combustion particulates (e.g. emissions
from cooking, heating appliances, and incense burning), and radioactive particulates (e.g. radon
decay products attached to other larger particles).

The health hazards which particulates present depend on the size, shape, density and chemical
reactivity of the particles. For example:

 smoke particles from combustion could cause respiratory irritation and infection, and
aggravation of existing respiratory or cardiovascular disease
 general household dust could cause nasal and eye irritation and contact lens problems
 asbestos fibre exposure for prolonged periods increases the risk of lung cancer and
 fibre glass dust could cause itching and irritation to the skin, eyes and the upper respiratory

2.6.2 Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemical compounds that contain one or more carbon
atoms and tend to evaporate at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure 5. They exist in
the indoor environment as colourless gases. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
(1989) detected and identified over 900 different VOCs in indoor environment at concentrations
higher than 1 ppbv6.

VOCs may enter from the outdoor environment, or be emitted from building materials, cleaning
agents, cosmetics, waxes, carpets, furnishings, laser printers, photocopiers, adhesives and paints
used indoors. They could create an IAQ problem if they temporarily or permanently exceed normal
background levels.

The WHO Working Group Consensus of Concern About Indoor Air Pollutants at 1984 Levels of
Knowledge listed out the VOCs commonly present in indoor environment 7 . In 2010, WHO
published the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected Pollutants which provided
numerical guidance levels for certain commonly found indoor air pollutants of known hazard,
supported by toxicological and epidemiological data to human health. Among others, these indoor
air pollutants including six individual VOCs, namely benzene, formaldehyde, naphthalene,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene. These VOCs are
commonly found indoors and their indoor sources are shown in Table 2-1.

Exposure to VOCs at high levels in the industrial environment has been shown to have toxicological
effects on the central nervous system, liver, kidney and blood of the human body. Hypersensitive
individuals can have severe reactions to a variety of VOCs at very low concentrations. These
reactions can occur following exposure to a single sensitising dose or sequence of doses, after
which a much lower dose can provoke symptoms. Chronic exposure to low doses can also cause
reactions. Some studies have linked exposure of VOCs commonly found indoors to the following
symptoms of SBS:

VOCs are defined by the WHO as compounds with a boiling-point range of 50C -100C as the lower limit, and
240C -260C as the upper limit. (WHO (1989). Indoor air quality: organic pollutants. Report on a WHO Meeting.
USEPA (1989). Report to Congress on Indoor Air Quality, EPA Office of Air and Radiation / Office of Research
and Development (EPA/400/1-89/001).
WHO (1984). Working Group Consensus of Concern about Indoor Air Pollutants at 1984 Levels of Knowledge.
 eye irritation: burning, dry, gritty eyes; watery eyes
 throat irritation: dry throat
 respiratory problems: shortness of breath; bronchial asthma
 headaches; poor concentration; dizziness, tiredness, irritability

Exposure to certain compounds, such as benzene—a known human carcinogen, for long periods
may increase the risk of cancer. Because the available knowledge of toxicological and sensory
effects of VOCs and their mixtures is incomplete, reduction of overall exposure to VOCs is

Table 2-1: VOCs Commonly Found Indoors and Their Indoor Sources
Pollutant Indoor Sources
Formaldehyde* Germicide, pressed-wood products, urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI),
plywood, medium-density fibreboard, adhesives, particle boards, laminates, paints,
carpeting, upholstered furniture coverings, gypsum boards, joint compounds, ceiling tiles
and panels, non-latex caulking compounds, acid-cured wood coatings, wood panelling,
plastic/melamine panelling, vinyl floor tiles, parquet flooring, sealants, varnishes and
lacquers, cleaning agents, nail polish and hardeners, insecticides
Benzene* Furnishing materials, polymeric materials (vinyl, PVC, rubber floorings), nylon carpets,
particle boards, plywood, fibreglass, flooring adhesives, wood panelling, caulking
compounds, paint removers, solvents, paints, stains, varnishes, fax machines, computer
terminals and printers, joint compounds, floor tile adhesives, spot/textile cleaners,
styrofoam, synthetic fibres
Carbon Tetrachloride Solvents, refrigerants, aerosols, fire extinguishers, grease solvents, cleaning agents
Trichloroethylene* Solvents, dry-cleaned fabrics, upholstered furniture covers, printing inks, paints,
lacquers, wood stains, varnishes, lubricants, adhesives, fax machines, computer terminals
and printers, typewriter correction fluid, paint removers, spot removers
Tetrachloroethylene* Dry-cleaned fabrics, upholstered furniture coverings, spot/textile cleaners, fax machines,
computer terminals and printers
Chloroform Cleaning agents, solvents, dyes, pesticides, fax machines, computer terminals and
printers, upholstered furniture cushions, chlorinated water
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Dry cleaning agents, degreasers, insecticides, carpeting
1,4-Dichlorobenzene Deodorant, mould and mildew control agents, air fresheners/deodorisers, toilet bowl
and waste-can deodorisers, mothballs and moth flakes
Ethylbenzene Cleaning products, paints, styrene-related products, synthetic polymers, solvents, fax
machines, computer terminals and printers, polyurethane, furniture polishes, joint
compounds, caulking compounds, floor tile adhesives, carpet tile adhesives, lacquered
hardwood parquet flooring
Toluene Solvents, perfumes, nail polishes, detergents, dyes, water-based adhesives, edge-
sealing, moulding tapes, wallpaper, joint compounds, calcium silica sheets, vinyl-
coated wallpaper, caulking compounds, paints, carpeting, pressed-wood furnishings,
vinyl floor tiles, paints (latex and solvent-based), paint thinners, adhesives, grease
solvents, printer
Xylenes Solvents, dyes, insecticides, polyester fibres, adhesives, joint compounds, wallpaper,
caulking compounds, varnishes, resin and enamel varnishes, carpeting, wet-process
photocopying, pressed-wood products, gypsum boards, water-based adhesives, grease
solvents, paints, carpet adhesives, vinyl floor tiles, polyurethane coatings, synthetic
Naphthalene* Paints, insecticides, moth repellents and disinfectants, deodorizers
Polycyclic Aromatic Cooking, domestic heating with fuel stoves and open fireplaces, incense and candle
Hydrocarbons* burning
* Quantitative guidance levels were recommended in the “WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: Selected Pollutants”.
WHO (2010).

2.6.3 Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a VOC of major health concern. It is a chemical ingredient used in many building
materials and fabrics, cleaning fluids and adhesives. The most common sources of formaldehyde
emissions in buildings are plywood, particle board, carpets and urea-formaldehyde foam insulation
as summarised in Table 2-1. The level of formaldehyde concentration depends on the age of the
source, air flow, temperature and humidity, and may vary during the course of a day or from season
to season. In very high concentrations it gives off a strong chemical smell.

Unusually high concentrations of formaldehyde are known to cause eye, nose and respiratory
irritation and sensitisation. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen.

2.6.4 Asbestos

Asbestos is a collective term referring to a group of naturally occurring hydrated silicate minerals
crystallised in the form of long, strong and flexible fibres which can be separated into bundles of
fibrils. It is commonly found in buildings and building installations in the form of asbestos spray,
asbestos-textured paints, ceiling tiles, pipe lagging, vinyl floor tiles, flexible joints in air handling
units, insulation boards and arc chutes in electrical switch boxes, and brake lining in lift brake drums.

The immediate health hazard of asbestos-containing material (ACMs) lies in its friability (the ease
of crumbling when dry). The more friable the ACM is, the more susceptible it is to damage and the
more likely it is to release asbestos fibre to the environment. ACM is only hazardous when it is
damaged or in poor physical condition so that the asbestos fibre could be emitted into the air.
Inhalation of asbestos fibres has been linked to asbestosis (a scarring of lung tissue), lung cancer
and mesothelioma (a cancer of the lining of the chest or abdominal cavity). More information on
asbestos is provided in Appendix C.

2.6.5 Radon and its Decay Products

Radon is a radioactive gas that has no taste, smell nor colour. It is formed when radium found in
soils and rocks, particularly granite, disintegrates radioactively. As radon further decays, a series of
tiny radioactive particles are formed. When either the gas or these particles are inhaled, some will
be deposited in the lung and will continue to emit radiation.

Granite is very widely used in concrete for building construction in Hong Kong and hence may
have the potential of radon emission. If a building is not well ventilated, the emitted radon will
become trapped and accumulated. In addition, radon can diffuse into the indoor air from building
materials or from soil gas seeping up through cracks or openings in the ground.

Radon has been found to cause lung cancer in underground miners, and is the second main cause
of lung cancer in the United States after smoking. There is concern that exposure to radon in the
modern indoor environment can increase the cancer risk of building occupants.

The Environmental Protection Department has published a Practice Note for Professional
Persons—Control of Radon Concentration in New Buildings to provide guidance to the professional
persons on the reduction of non-occupational radon exposure in new buildings and set out i) the
radon concentration limit for protection of the public health; ii) factors to be considered for the
design of new ventilation systems and buildings and mitigation measures; and iii) the measurement

2.6.6 Combustion Gases

The burning of gas, for example in gas cooking and space heating, releases a range of gases and
vapours into the indoor environment. These so-called ‘combustion gases’ are a result of
incomplete combustion. Another important source of combustion gases in the indoor
environment is vehicle exhaust fumes entering the building from the outside environment or
indoor car parks. The gases which carry the most serious risk to the health of building occupants

 carbon monoxide
 nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2)

Carbon monoxide is an extremely toxic gas which interferes with the oxygen transport capacity of
blood. It can cause cardiovascular diseases and symptoms such as dizziness, headaches,
concentration problems, nausea, fatigue, rapid breathing, chest tightness and impaired judgement.
It can be lethal when the carboxyhemoglobin8 (COHb) concentration reaches more than or equal to
40%9. Oxides of nitrogen are potent eye and respiratory irritants.

2.6.7 Ozone

Ozone can be produced by equipment that utilises ultraviolet light or causes ionisation of air. This
includes photocopiers, laser printers and ionisers. Ozone is highly reactive and could cause serious
damage to the lung if inhaled in high concentrations. It also irritates the eyes and respiratory tract.
However, because it is so reactive, it is only found in substantial concentrations near the source, and
generally does not tend to accumulate in the indoor environment.

2.6.8 Respiratory Products and Body Odours

Human respiratory products such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and body odours can also affect IAQ. The
concentration of CO2 in exhaled human breath is typically around 3.8% (38,000 ppmv) generated at
a rate of 0.005 L/s for office work. The levels of CO2 concentration encountered in non-industrial
environments are usually far below the prescribed health and safety standards and do not present a
health risk. CO2 concentration is nonetheless important to IAQ management and is commonly
adopted as a surrogate in measuring air freshness. The lower the concentration of CO2 the fresher
the air supply is likely to be. Body odours can be unpleasant. Care should be taken in using chemical
deodorisers or perfumes to mask body odours as they may create more pollution problems than they

2.6.9 Microorganisms

Microorganisms are another potential source of indoor air pollution, and can cause more serious
problems than some chemical air contaminants. The three main types of microbiological
contaminants are bacteria, fungi (moulds) and viruses.

Bacteria. In air-conditioned buildings, water or condensation in ventilation systems can act as

breeding grounds for harmful bacteria which are then dispersed through the ventilation process. The
health effects vary. Where high counts of environmental bacteria such as Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Micrococcus, and Flavobacterium shed from skin flakes can be regarded as indicators of inadequate
ventilation. Investigators suggested that if gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
or other bacteria such as thermophilic actinomycetes, Streptomyces albus, Bacillus subtilis, and
complex communities of microorganisms in biofilms are etiologic agents of hypersensitivity lung
disease. It should be emphasised, however, that the presence of bacteria in the environment does not
necessarily imply that human infections will occur. In indoor environment, bacterial counts are
naturally higher in crowded places and it is not meant to be a direct indicator of health risk but serve
as screening tests for further investigation.

In addition, several infectious agents, such as Legionella pneumophilia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis,

Carboxyhemoglobin is formed when carbon monoxide is combined with hemoglobin and thus preventing the blood
from carrying oxygen.
Lethal concentrations of carbon monoxide are 1700 ppm (10 minute), 600 ppm (30 minute), 330 ppm (1 hour), 150
ppm (4 hour) and 130 ppm (8 hour). (National Research Council (2010). Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected
Airborne Chemicals Volume 8. Committee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels, Washington, D.C.).

and Corynebacterium diphtheria are of important IAQ concern. Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in
the past have occurred in buildings that had evaporative cooling towers and humidifiers in air-
conditioning systems10.

Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharide compounds present in the outer cell wall of gram-negative
bacteria and blue-green algae. They are associated with byssinosis and with sick building
syndrome, both of which are predominately caused by airway inflammation and affect the immune

Fungi. A group of microscopic fungi is commonly known as mould which lives on dead organic
matter. Mould growth, is promoted by high humidity and materials with a high moisture content.
The Hong Kong climate with its high temperatures and relative humidity is particularly favourable
to mould growth. The most common causes of mould growth in buildings are condensation on
improperly insulated air ducts, and water damage on carpets. Other common causes include rain
entering an inadequately sealed building and accumulation of moisture on building surfaces.
Mould requires nourishment as well as moisture to proliferate. They can obtain nutrients from
almost all common construction materials and also from dust on surfaces. Dust is an important
source of nutrient as it contains biological particles other than inorganic particles that serve as food
for mould. It can also gain water from air when relative humidity is high. It is recommended that
proper control of indoor air temperature and relative humidity (not exceeding 70%), and limiting
dust accumulation are important to prevent indoor mould growth.

Fungal spores, especially Cladosporium and Alternaria, are common in outdoor air during the
growing season. The species of fungi that have the physiological ability to grow and accumulate
indoors or in air handling equipment are quite different from the common plant and leaf fungi.
Once fungi/mould growth occurs, it can damage food, textile, leather, carpet and various building
materials. Furthermore, some toxigenic fungi, which produce certain mycotoxins, have been shown
to induce SBS-type symptoms. If fungi/mould are allowed to proliferate they may produce VOCs,
usually noticeable as a mouldy smell. The VOCs involved are thought to contribute to SBS.
Chronic exposure to mould can induce allergic or asthmatic reactions in mould-sensitised
individuals. Symptoms other than allergic and irritant types are not common. At present, it is
impossible to derive thresholds for the health effects of moulds because exposure to different fungi
would likely result in different consequences and everyone has different sensitivity to moulds.
However, it is advisable to remove all visible mould growth to minimise the risk of exposure.
Toxigenic fungi species found in indoor environments include Stachybotrys atra, toxigenic
Aspergillus, and Penicillium aurantiogriseum and Fusarium species; pathogenic fungi include
Aspergillus fumigatus, Histoplasma and Cryptococcus.

Viruses. Viruses do not survive long in MVAC systems and do not replicate inside the system.
Viral infections such as colds or influenza are normally transmitted from person to person via
aerosols of body fluids.

10 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (2016). Code of Practice for the Prevention of Legionnaires’
11 Rylander, R., and Snella, M.C. (1983). Endotoxins and the Lung : Cellular Reactions and Risk for Disease. Clin.

Allergy 14:109-112.

3.1 IAQ Certification Scheme

To improve IAQ and promote public awareness of the importance of IAQ, the Government has
implemented an IAQ Management Programme. One of the core elements of the Programme was the
launching of a voluntary Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places
(hereafter refers as “IAQ Certification Scheme”) in 2003.

Key features of the IAQ Certification Scheme are—

(a) a 2-level IAQ objectives (Excellent Class and Good Class) is used as the benchmark to
assess IAQ of premises/buildings;
(b) a voluntary and self-regulatory approach is adopted for annual certification;
(c) participation is free but premises/building owners or management are responsible for all
expenses, including but not limited to, employing accredited IAQ Certificate Issuing Body
(CIB) to assess IAQ of their premises/buildings against the IAQ objectives;
(d) CIB will issue an IAQ certificate for premises/building owners or management to register
with the IAQ Information Centre if the IAQ objectives are complied with. The certificate
and the IAQ labels provided by the IAQ Information Centre should be put up at a prominent
location for the public information;
(e) the certificate is valid for 12 months. For certificate renewal, a full set of parameters on
IAQ objectives shall be measured/assessed once every 5 years, and for the 4 years in
between, only carbon dioxide, respirable suspended particulates and mould need to be
measured/assessed annually if certain conditions are met;
(f) certification is generally made on the basis of a building as a unit. Nevertheless,
premises/building owners or management can choose to certify certain parts or certain
floors of a building; and
(g) premises/building owners or management have to manage post-certification IAQ to ensure
IAQ is maintained at the certified level.

On certification requirements and measurement methods for participating in the IAQ Certification
Scheme, please refer to A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public
Places (2019). The Guide is available at

This chapter sets out the objectives to achieve the desired IAQ under the IAQ Certification
Scheme. Since the participation of this IAQ Certification Scheme is voluntary, premises/building
owners or management who do not wish to participate in this IAQ Certification Scheme are also
encouraged to make reference to the IAQ objectives set out in this chapter in managing their

The IAQ objectives have reflected international health-based air quality standards and good
practice modified, where necessary, to suit local circumstances. Continuous achievement of the
objectives should protect the majority of the community from ill health and discomfort arising
from working in or visiting public places and office buildings. However, there may be a small
proportion of the population who are extremely sensitive to certain air contaminants may
experience some discomfort or ill health even where a building complies with the tightest IAQ
objectives set out below.

3.2 Comparison of Indoor Air Quality Objectives with Occupational Health Standards

Occupants of modern buildings are concerned not only about their health but about their comfort
and well-being. This poses a different starting point for the development of environmental and
health policies for offices compared to those for industrial buildings. While the emphasis of
traditional occupational health standards is on protection of workers from occupational diseases,

the IAQ objectives provided in this GN are intended both to minimise ill health and to promote the
comfort and well-being of all building occupants. They are more stringent than the corresponding
occupational health standards because:

 IAQ objectives are intended to protect a more diverse target population which include the
young and the elderly;
 IAQ objectives for higher class buildings also apply to the more vulnerable populations,
such as individuals with chemical hypersensitivity and being immuno-compromised, as well
as those susceptible to certain microbial exposures;
 IAQ objectives are based on health-based air quality standards, such as WHO’s guidelines,
some of which have taken into consideration the synergistic effect of some common air
pollutants; and
 IAQ objectives take into consideration comfort (odour and sensory irritation) other than
health effects.

In Hong Kong, statutes and government regulations, including the Building (Planning)
Regulations (Cap. 123F), Places of Public Entertainment Regulations (Cap. 172A), and the Public
Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132), stipulate the requirement of provision of
ventilating system and/or the amount of fresh air supplied to certain buildings under certain
circumstances. Where the objectives in this GN differ from the standards laid down in legislation,
the legislative provisions should be complied with as a minimum standard, and the guidelines set
out in this GN should be followed as good practice.

3.3 Outdoor Air Quality

In order to maintain the best IAQ, the fresh air intake of the ventilation system should be located away
from local pollution sources. Guidelines on choosing the fresh air intake locations are in Section The quality of the fresh air should, as far as practicable, conform to the relevant parameters of
the prevailing Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives. The latest Air Quality Objectives as of the
publication date of this GN are set out in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Relevant Parameters in Hong Kong (Ambient) Air Quality Objectives

Concentration in g/m3
1 hr 8 hrs 24 hrs 1 yr i
Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) 100 iii 50
Nitrogen Dioxide iv 200 40
vi vi
Carbon Monoxide iv 30,000 10,000
Ozone iv 160

i. Arithmetic means.
ii. Respirable suspended particulates means particles suspended in air with a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 µm or less.
iii. Not to be exceeded more than nine times per year.
iv. Measured at 293°K (25°C) and 101.325 kPa (one atmosphere).
v. Not to be exceeded more than eighteen times per year.
vi. No exceedance allowed

Ambient air quality can usually be estimated using data provided by the Environmental
Protection Department, academic institutions or environmental consultants. If data are
unavailable, the specified pollutants should be monitored according to established environmental
monitoring standards by a suitably qualified professional. If the surrounding outdoor
environment suggests the existence of certain unusual outdoor pollutants, these pollutants should
be monitored.

3.4 IAQ Objectives

A set of 2-level IAQ objectives is established to act as the benchmark for evaluating and assessing
IAQ under the IAQ Certification Scheme. These objectives are comparable to the international
health-based air quality standards, including WHO’s guidelines, which are intended to protect a
more diverse target population including the young and the elderly, and can encourage building
owners to aim at the best IAQ. They are classified as follows:

“Excellent” Class — represents an excellent IAQ that a high-class and comfortable

building should have
“Good” Class — represents the IAQ that provides protection to the public at
large including the young and the elderly

The IAQ objectives are designed for the IAQ inside the entire building and are applicable for all
occupants inside the buildings. The rationale of providing different sets of objectives is to
minimise the cost of implementation for the achievement of different degrees of the desired
“optimal health”. The IAQ objectives are not meant to be exhaustive to avoid all IAQ problems.
However, if all the parameters are met, the likelihood of indoor air pollution leading to health
problems or discomfort in the building should be remote. Building owners and employers
therefore should endeavour to achieve the IAQ objectives as far as practicable.

Since the launch of the IAQ Certification Scheme in 2003, the WHO has published two IAQ
guidelines in 2009 and 201012 respectively on dampness and mould, and selected pollutants (viz.
formaldehyde, radon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, naphthalene, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene). Taking into account
local circumstances and the practicability of adopting the latest WHO’s IAQ guidelines, the IAQ
objectives adopted in 2003 under the IAQ Certification Scheme have been revised for
implementation starting from 1 July 2019. Table 3-2 sets out the latest IAQ objectives while the
previous IAQ objectives adopted in 2003 are listed in A Guide on IAQ Certification Scheme for
Offices and Public Places13. The IAQ parameters selected for the latest IAQ objectives include
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, respirable suspended particulates, nitrogen dioxide, ozone,
formaldehyde, total volatile organic compounds, radon, total airborne bacteria and mould. Table
3-3 also sets out the recommended objectives for individual VOCs, which serve as an alternative
option for TVOC compliance checking.

The two guidelines are WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality—Dampness and Mould and WHO Guidelines for
Indoor Air Quality—Selected Pollutants published in 2009 and 2010 respectively.
Indoor Air Quality Management Group, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: A Guide
on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places, 2003.
Table 3-2: IAQ Objectives for Office Buildings and Public Places (Effective on 1 July 2019)

Excellent Class Good Class
Pollutant Unit

mg/m3 1,440 1,800

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 8-hour
ppmv 800 a 1,000 a
µg/m3 2,000 b 7,000 c
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8-hour
ppmv 1.7 6.1
Respirable Suspended Particulates
(PM10) 8-hour µg/m3 20 d 100 d

µg/m3 40 c 150 e
ppbv 21 80
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) µg/m 3
100 c
200 c
ppbv 53 106
3 b
µg/m 50 120 f
Ozone (O3) 8-hour
ppbv 25 61
µg/m3 30 b 100 b
ppbv 24 81
Formaldehyde (HCHO) µg/m3 70 c 100 c
ppbv 57 81
Total Volatile Organic µg/m3 200 b 600 b
Compounds (TVOC) 8-hour
ppbv 87 261
Radon (Rn) 8-hour Bq/m3 150 g 167 c
Airborne Bacteria 8-hour cfu/m3 500 h,i 1,000 h,i
Mould --- --- Assessment in form of prescriptive checklist
(refer to A Guide on Indoor Air Quality
Certification Scheme for Offices and Public
Places (2019) j


a. USEPA (2017), Facilities Manual Volume 2: Architecture and Engineering Guidelines. A more stringent
value is set for Excellent Class than the recommended time weighted average in this manual .
b. Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (2001), Classification of Indoor Climate 2000: Target
Values, Design Guidance and Product Requirements.
c. WHO (2010), WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: Selected pollutants. A more stringent level is set for
Excellent Class 1-hour NO2 and 30-minute HCHO than the guidance level in this guideline. The Excellent
Class objective of 8-hour average NO2 is made reference to the corresponding WHO annual level. The
WHO 24-hour averaging reference level for CO has been adopted as the 8-hour objective in the above table.
Information from WHO has been taken into account for radon value in the above table, though WHO has
no 8-hour averaging reference level for radon.
d. WHO (2006), Air Quality Guidelines Global Update 2005. Particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and
sulfur dioxide. The Excellent and Good Class objectives of PM 10 in the above table are made reference to
WHO annual and 24-hour averaging reference level for PM10 respectively.
e. EPD (1987), Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311).
f. WHO (2000), Guidelines for Air Quality.
g. USEPA (2016): A Citizen’s Guide to Radon. (Note: 4 pCi/L or 150 Bq/m3 is EPA Action Level).
h. ACGIH (1986), ACGIH committee activities and reports “Bioaerosols: Airborne viable microorganisms in
office environments: sampling protocol and analytical procedures”, Applied Industrial Hygiene.
i.. The exceedance of bacterial count does not necessarily imply health risk but serve as an indicator for further
j. WHO (2009), WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: dampness and mould.
Table 3-3: IAQ Objectives for Individual VOCs (Effective on 1 July 2019)

Compound 8-hours Average

5.3 ppbv a
(17 µg/m3)
37 ppbv a
(250 µg/m3)
43 ppbv a
(230 µg/m3)
1.9 ppbv a
Naphthalene 3
(10 µg/m )
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1.2 x 10-4 ppbv a
(as benzo(a)pyrene) (1.2 ng/m3)


a. WHO (2010). WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: Selected pollutants. Information from WHO has been
taken into account for values of benzene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, naphthalene and
benzo(a)pyrene in the above table, though WHO has no 8-hour averaging level for these chemicals. The
objectives are applicable to both Excellent and Good Classes. Compliance with the respective objective of
the five individual VOC species is regarded as meeting Good Class TVOC objective. If at the same time
the sum of the five individual VOC is less than or equal to 200 µg/m3 (the Excellent Class TVOC objective
level), it will be regarded as complying with the Excellent Class TVOC objective.

Note: All conversion calculations are based on data from NIST Standard Reference Database 69—October
2018 Release: NIST Chemistry Webbook.

3.4.1 Selection of Relevant Objective

Owners of buildings often require different levels of comfort and cleanliness. To reflect these
variations, there are 2-level objectives: “Good” and “Excellent” Classes. Owners should select the
most suitable level in consultation with building designers, architects and engineers. Building
owners and management are encouraged to endeavour to achieve the corresponding IAQ objectives
as far as practicable.

3.5 Assessment of IAQ Parameters

For assessing the IAQ parameters with quantitative standards, there are basically two types of
methods, namely real-time measurements and integrated sampling with subsequent laboratory
analysis. Real-time monitors can be used for detection of pollutant sources and provide information
on the variation of pollutant levels throughout the day. Integrated samples, normally obtained during
operating hours for offices and public places, can provide information on the total exposure level of
a particular pollutant. Regardless of the choice of the method, it is very important to ensure proper
operating of the equipment and handling of the samples, as well as to have stringent quality assurance
procedures including equipment calibrations in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, duplicate samples, and field and shipment sample blanks. A reasonableness
checklist should be formulated for the instrument operator in the field so that any abnormality
readings could be detected instantly.

The following sections provide general information about the assessment of individual parameters of
the IAQ objectives. For details on the measurement/assessment for individual IAQ parameters,
including sampling criteria and locations, and measurement methodologies, please refer to A Guide
on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places (2019).

3.5.1 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide has been commonly adopted by IAQ researchers as an indicator with levels above
1,000 ppmv in indoor environments indicating that the ventilation rate is low and that other airborne
contaminants are accumulating. For example, levels of carbon dioxide are normally highest in the
late morning and late afternoon and vary with occupancy during the day in offices. Also, fresh air
intake is usually at a minimum during the peak heating and cooling seasons.

Measurements should be taken at the fresh air intake, places of high occupancy density, and
locations where there are complaints of poor air quality. Carbon dioxide level can be measured using
real-time monitors, such as Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) analysers or electrochemical
oxidation devices. The user should select monitors with appropriate start-up and response time as
some of them are designed for continuous monitoring and require longer time to reach equilibrium
before operation.

3.5.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO)

The level of carbon monoxide may increase if vehicle exhausts are trapped, location of fresh air
intake is in close proximity to roads of heavy traffic, car park or industrial exhaust, or where
source of combustion is present indoors. Carbon monoxide level can be measured by real-time
monitors, such as Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) analysers or electrochemical oxidation

3.5.3 Radon (Rn)

Radon and/or its progeny concentration measurements can be performed from very short-term to
long-term depending on the purpose. Long-term measurements (typically 1 year or several months)
can provide the best estimates of the average value while short-term (typically from 1 to 10 days)
can be used for screening purpose. Very short-term or grab sampling (typically several minutes or
tens of minutes) are generally used for building diagnosis and identification of hot spot.
For long-term exposures, a testing device called an “Alpha track detector” is commonly used. The
principle of such detector is by using materials called Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors
(SSNTDs), the primary damage caused in them by the passage of alpha particles remains fixed and
a visible track is produced by means of a suitable etching procedure which can be identified by a
human microscopist or by means of an automatic computerised image analysis system. Both short-
term and long-term samplers are available for alpha track detector.

For short-term measurements up to a little over one week, charcoal canister is recommended to be
used. The gamma radiation emitted by radon and its ingrown decay products can be adsorbed by
activated charcoal, which can then be measured by means of a gamma ray detector such as Sodium
Iodide. Normally a diffusion barrier is used between the charcoal and the air so that the rate of radon
adsorption is proportional to its concentration in the air.

Other less common methods are available for radon measurement including scintillation cells and
electronic monitors for grab and continuous measurement, as well as electret detectors for integrated

3.5.4 Formaldehyde (HCHO)

Formaldehyde has a pungent odour which often indicates its presence at a concentration greater
than 200 ppbv. High level of formaldehyde may be present if there are renovation and/or
refurbishment (e.g. new carpets, particleboard, fabrics and new wooden furniture) within past 3
months of the survey, or locations where substantial volume of cleaning fluids and adhesives are
being used.

Formaldehyde level can be determined by active or passive sampling followed by analysis method
such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) or colorimetry. These include: (i)
active sampling and analysis by HPLC based on the USEPA TO-11A method; or (ii) passive
sampling and analysis by colorimetry based on the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) method D5014-94; or (iii) passive sampling and analysis by HPLC based on the method
with the desorption of hydrazone and analysis via HPLC. Real-time measurement of formaldehyde
could also be used.

3.5.5 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Similar to carbon monoxide, high level of nitrogen dioxide may exist if there is combustion source
indoor, vehicle exhausts are trapped, or location of fresh air intake is in close proximity to roads of
heavy traffic, car park or industrial exhaust. Nitrogen dioxide level can be quantified by collecting
air samples in a Tedlar bag with subsequent analysis by a chemiluminescence based nitrogen
dioxide analyser that complied with USEPA designated methods in accordance with Title 40, Part
53 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR Part 53) or equivalent. Alternatively, the level can
be quantified by passive sampling and analysis by spectrophotometric method or by real time
portable analysers.

3.5.6 Ozone (O3)

Offices with high densities of ozone-emitting office equipment, such as photocopying machines,
laser printers, fax machines, and computer terminals, and/or use of air cleaners such as
electrostatic precipitators, and/or deficiencies in ventilation systems may lead to high levels of
ozone. Ozone level can be determined by real-time instruments such as heated metal oxide
semiconductors, electrochemical, UV photometric or chemiluminescence detectors. These
methods could also be used for general testing purpose.

3.5.7 Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10)

Respirable suspended particulates (PM10) refer to particles in air with a nominal aerodynamic
diameter of 10 µm and smaller. High indoor PM10 level could be due to the trapping of vehicle
exhausts, the location of fresh air intake being close to roads with heavy traffic, car park or industrial
exhaust, or the presence of combustion source indoors, as well as poor housekeeping. The PM10
level can be determined by gravimetric analysis method based on the IP-10A method of the USEPA
Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air (EPA/600/4-90/010).
Alternatively, a real-time monitoring method with analysers, such as optical scattering or
piezoelectric monitors, can also be used.

3.5.8 Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)

TVOC records total VOCs present in the indoor environment. TVOC level in air can be determined
by analytical methods with whole air sampling by passivated canisters or solid sorbents and
followed by direct flame ionisation detection based on the USEPA compendium method TO-12.
For real-time measurement, photo-ionisation detectors (PIDs) and flame ionisation detectors (FIDs)
are useful devices for identification source locations and pollution migration routes in form of
TVOC. FID is perhaps the most widely used detector because of its high sensitivity, large linear
response range, low noise, and convenience. However, when a real-time PID instrument is used,
the measurement could be interfered by the presence of other non-VOC compounds, such as
anaesthetic or disinfecting gases.

If the level of TVOC is higher than the recommended level as given in Table 3-2, the source of the
individual VOC could be identified first by observation or by making reference to Table 2-1. The
contamination could be either eliminated by removal or isolation of the sources, or by improving
ventilation to dilute the contaminants. Measurement of individual VOC can be carried out by
passivated canister sampling or solid sorbent sampling followed by gas chromatography flame
ionisation detection (GC/FID) or gas chromatography mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis based
on the USEPA’s organic (TO) compendium procedures to determine whether the contamination
situation has been improved. Infrared detectors can also be used for monitoring individual VOCs
but are less sensitive compared to gas chromatography (GC) analysis and are subject to possible
interference when several VOCs are present together.

3.5.9 Airborne Bacteria

Various factors can result in high bacterial counts. High counts serve as an indicator for poor
ventilation and inadequate maintenance of the MVAC system, or use of water damaged carpet, etc.
Further investigation should be carried out to identify the root causes so as to facilitate formulation
of appropriate improvement measures. The presence of bacteria in indoor environment does not
necessarily imply that human infections would occur.

Airborne bacteria have been quantified traditionally in “Colony-Forming Units” per cubic metre
(cfu/m3) of air. They are measured by collecting bacteria and allowing them to grow on suitable
culture medium. For bacterial analysis, general purpose media such as tryptic soy agar, aerobic plate
count agar and nutrient agar incorporated with an antifungal agent are suitable. Sampling instruments
including Andersen multihole impactors, Reuter Centrifugal Sampler (RCS), Surface Air System
(SAS) bioaerosol sampler, and cyclone scrubber can be used, and reference can be made to the Field
Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples published by the
American Industrial Hygiene Association in 1996.

3.5.10 Mould

Mould patches are usually dark in colour but can be in any colour. They could be detected by their
“musty” or “damp” smell. Moulds can grow under sufficient moisture, presence of nutrients and
suitable temperature. Mould growth can occur in hidden areas, such as behind wallpapers, under
the carpet, or inside ventilation ducts. Maintaining relative humidity below 70% and avoid water
damage (e.g. water condensation, and leakage or spills), regular housekeeping (including carpet
cleaning), and routine inspection are important to prevent and control mould growth.

At present, it is impossible to derive thresholds for the health effects of moulds because exposure
to different fungi would likely result in different consequences and further, everyone has a different
sensitivity to moulds. However, the area of mould growth is an important indicator of the potential
level of exposure for occupants. Since threshold exposure limits for air contaminants of fungal
origin have not been established, it is advisable to remove all visible mould growth and apply
remediation measures irrespective of the extent of mould growth. WHO recommends conducting
thorough inspection to assess the dampness and mould problems. The assessment can be done by
conducting a walkthrough inspection to inspect all accessible areas for possible mould growth and
identify the factors, including dampness and dust, to facilitate mould growth. Reference can be
made to the assessment checklist in the A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for
Offices and Public Places (2019).


4.1 Introduction

To achieve acceptable IAQ, it needs to be considered at every stage of a building’s life—from

design and construction to operation and maintenance. Strategies to promote good air quality
and prevent indoor air pollution problems should be formulated and implemented in the
following areas:

 Building design and construction

- Architectural design
- Selection of building and furnishing materials
- Selection of office equipment

 Building uses and layout

 Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC) system

- Design of MVAC system

- Operation and maintenance of MVAC system

 Renovation works

 Pest control

 Housekeeping and cleaning

IAQ will be determined by all these factors combined and it is important that none of them should be
ignored. It is hard and sometimes impossible to compensate fully for poor IAQ performance in one
area, e.g., the poor IAQ caused by extensive use of pollution-emitting materials in buildings and
furnishings cannot be compensated by improving the IAQ at other areas with better ventilation.

Achievement of the Excellent and Good Classes of IAQ objectives (Table 3-2 refers) is largely a matter
of common sense. At current levels of knowledge, and given the range of factors involved, it is not
possible to say exactly what design or standard of equipment will deliver a particular IAQ outcome.
Finland has produced guidelines 14 which attempt to match particular standards of construction
cleanliness and finishing materials to different standards of indoor air cleanliness. Nonetheless, there is
enough available information, e.g. about the efficiency of different MVAC systems or filters, or the
risks of pollution emissions from different building materials, for building owners/designers to strongly
influence the IAQ outcome at the design and construction stage. To achieve the Excellent Class IAQ
objectives for an office building, for example, owners/designers will want to select a better and more
efficient filtering system, and impose stricter limitations on the use of pollution-emitting furnishing and
building materials, than they would need to achieve the Good Class IAQ objectives.

4.2 Building Design and Construction

Appropriate design and selection of materials and products which have low emissions of pollutants
will be one of the most effective ways to assure adequate quality of indoor air.

14Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (2008). Finnish Classification of Indoor Environment 2008:
Target Values, Design Guidance and Product Requirements.
4.2.1 Architectural Design

Architects can have an important and direct impact on IAQ for improving design of buildings.
Design and construction of the building envelope plays a critical role in reducing the potential for
moisture accumulation, and reducing air infiltration. In warm humid climates, there is a high risk
that any air (as well as water) entering through breaks in the building envelope, will cause
condensation and microbial growth. From an IAQ perspective, therefore, it is important to have a
tightly sealed building, with a continuous and durable air barrier system.

Doors leading to car parks or other sources of pollution could contaminate the indoor air. It is
therefore advisable to enclose lift lobbies of car parks in office or other buildings with self-closing,
well-sealed doors, and to maintain positive air pressure inside the building. Besides, water supply,
drainage, sewerage and other installations should be designed and installed in a way that can
minimise the risk of leaks.

During the construction period, duct insulation and liner should be protected from moisture and not
be exposed to the action of weather. If they are exposed to water, they should be discarded and
replaced rather than dried and disinfected.

After construction is completed, the construction area should be purged by running the MVAC
system at rates suitable for occupation for at least 48 hours before occupation to purge the
contaminants of indoor air, e.g. solvents and dust. Maintaining a higher rate of ventilation during
the first few months of occupation will also help to reduce air contaminant levels in new, renovated
or newly refurbished buildings. Also, the air ducting system of the building is usually not very clean
and contains piles of dusts and debris inside after construction. It is therefore recommended to
conduct an air duct cleaning operation before the purging.

Centrally air conditioned building should be provided with:

(a) A supplementary central outside air supply system for supplying additional outside air to
areas with above-average occupant density such as classroom, conference room, canteen,
(b) Supplementary central exhaust system for handling local exhaust from tenant areas such as
kitchenette, canteen, printing room, toilet, etc.

Where possible, rooms with significant sources of emission should be maintained under slight
negative pressure, to minimise migration of the pollutants to nearby occupant which could result
in cross- contamination, including:

 cooking-related exhaust (e.g. kitchen, canteen)

 sanitary-related exhaust (e.g. toilet, bathroom)
 office processes exhaust (e.g. printing room, photocopying room)

4.2.2 Selection of Building and Furnishing Materials

Building and furnishing materials may be sources of indoor air pollutants. To achieve IAQ
objectives for chemical emissions, building designers should limit the use of high emitting building
and furnishing materials. Materials with the lower emission rates should be selected provided that
they meet all relevant statutory requirements, e.g. fire resisting properties, etc. This is particularly
important when a large amount of the material is used in an area.

Natural materials, such as marble, glass, ceramic tiles, brick, metal surfaces and untreated wood,
have no or negligible emissions of air contaminants: However, according to some overseas study,
untreated wood furnishings may not be a panacea for IAQ problems associated with furnishing
emissions, as even these products are not always completely free of emissions. A variety of VOCs
in untreated wood (e.g. alkaloids, catechols, phenols, terpenes, etc.) could act as sensitisers or
irritants that potentially affect human health.
For manmade or treated materials, such as plywood panels, particle boards, carpets, paints,
varnishes and adhesives, rates of emission of formaldehyde and VOCs are sometimes available for
products imported from other areas, such as United States and European Countries. There is
currently no international consensus on testing methods, so product standards may vary slightly
from country to country.

Although Hong Kong has not adopted or developed emission standards for building and furnishing
materials of its own. The Environmental Protection Department published a guideline, “New
Furniture and Indoor Air Quality”15, on how to choose low VOC-emitting furniture and related
materials. The guideline recommends consumers to select products that meet the standards
commonly adopted on the products provided to Hong Kong. Besides, the Government has
implemented the government green procurement policy requiring government bureaux and
departments to take into account environmental considerations when procuring goods and services,
including the formaldehyde emission limits for furniture. There are also three labelling schemes
providing standards for product certification on a voluntary basis, namely the Green Council’s
Hong Kong Green Label Scheme (HKGLS), Hong Kong Green Building Council’s Green Product
Accreditation and Standards (HK G-PASS) and Hong Kong BEAM Society’s BEAM Plus
Interiors. They are local voluntary programmes that provide guidance on indoor air pollutant
emission requirements for whole furniture and related materials such as paints/coatings, adhesives,
and renovation materials.

Professionals in the building design industry should make use of whatever product information is
available including from other countries and, if it is insufficient, carry out their own emission tests
on the product. The manufacturer/supplier of materials and furnishings may follow the testing
method adopted predominantly in the market e.g. European Union standards. Manufacturers and
suppliers of materials and furnishings are encouraged to reduce the levels of emissions from, and
to provide relevant information about, their products so that people can choose to buy or specify
the materials which they want. Suppliers of building materials should also pass on manufacturers’
information on emission rates to customers where such information is available. If the information
is not available, suppliers should encourage manufacturers to provide it. Emission standards of
building and furnishing materials adopted by other countries can also serve as guidelines for
emission testing e.g. European E1 standard, China GB18580-2017, and the Japan F-Two Star for
formaldehyde emission of wood panels. Other guidelines on emission testing are contained in:

 US Environmental Protection Agency Air Emissions Measurement Center16

 US Environmental Protection Agency, (2013), Summary of EPA Emission Test Methods,
Title 40, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards17
 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, (2013), Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standards, Fed. Reg. Vol. 78 No. 236
 European Commission Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development,
(1995), Determination of VOCs emitted from indoor materials and products – Second
interlaboratory comparison of small chamber measurements, Environment and Quality of
Life: Report No. 16

Building materials containing any fibrous forms of asbestos should not be used in the indoor
environment. Although materials containing asbestos may not present a health risk when they are
in good condition, they may release fibres into the air as they age or after wear and tear. See
Appendix C for details of statutory controls on the use of asbestos in Hong Kong.

The rate at which building materials and furnishings emit harmful substances reduces over time.

EPD (2019). “New Furniture and Indoor Air Quality”.
US Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Emission Measurement Center (refer to:
US Environmental Protection Agency (2013). Summary of EPA Emission Test Methods, Title 40, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards (refer to:
It is good practice to ventilate newly decorated or newly furnished areas before occupation. The
time required for ‘airing’ will vary according to the rate of emissions from the material and may
be shorter or longer than the 48 hour purge recommended after completion of construction work
(Section 4.2.1 above). Purges may sometimes be completed in shorter time by increasing
ventilation rates to much higher levels than those required for normal occupation purposes.

While indoor planting may improve the aesthetic value of indoor environment, this may cause
sensitisation and trouble to allergic persons. It is not recommended to have strongly smelling
(flowering) indoor plants inside the building as they may cause symptoms in persons with
asthma, or hay fever in both allergic and non-allergic persons.

4.2.3 Selection of Office Equipment

When choosing and installing equipment such as photographic processing equipment and gas
appliances, equipment having specific pollution controls such as built-in gas filters, or complying
with appropriate emission standards, should be given priority. The USEPA recommended the
following criteria as part of a proposed preventive approach to indoor air pollution:

 require testing data on emissions rates from manufacturers or suppliers of office machinery;
 require manufacturers to provide testing reports describing emission factors for five major
VOCs emitted and for any compounds known to be toxic or irritating at concentrations of 5
mg/m3 or less; information on chamber testing conditions, and on the procedures for storing
and handling the product;
 require information on ozone emission rates for office equipment;
 reject office machinery that increases VOC concentrations by 500 µg/m3 or more in
occupied space; and
 reject office machinery that increases ozone concentrations by more than 19.6 µg/m3 (0.01
ppmv) in occupied space.

4.3 Building Uses and Layout

Good planning of building uses and internal layout may help prevent many unnecessary IAQ
problems. In mixed-use buildings, of which there are many in Hong Kong, areas where pollutants
are actively emitted, e.g. a printing shop using chemical reagents, or a food preparation area, should
be sited well away from areas susceptible to pollution, e.g. child care centre or conference room.
Similarly, activities such as heavy duty photocopying should be enclosed in area away from densely
occupied office space to reduce the impact of dust and ozone on the occupants. The partitioning of
the layout may affect the effectiveness of air distribution resulting in stagnant zones with poor air

4.4 Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) System

Adequate and properly designed ventilation systems are the most effective strategies for achieving
the IAQ objectives. These strategies are discussed in the following sections.

4.4.1 Design of MVAC System

A building is normally provided with a mechanical ventilation system to introduce and disperse
fresh air. Under the Building (Planning) Regulations (Cap. 123F), offices, rooms for habitation,
kitchens and toilets are provided with natural ventilation through openable doors and windows. In
Hong Kong, most of the offices and public buildings are fitted with MVAC systems. For these
buildings, the factors which determine the adequacy and quality of the air supplied by the MVAC
system are:

 quality of outdoor air

 fresh air intake

 air filters and cleaners
 siting of ventilation equipment
 recirculation
 insulation
 air distribution systems
 variable air volume system controls
 ventilation controls
 humid climatic conditions
 ventilation of pollution-emitting activities
 ventilation rates

This list is not exhaustive. Building managers and designers should make reference to relevant
ASHRAE standards for a comprehensive list of factors to be taken into consideration and detailed
guidance. Outdoor air quality

Outdoor air quality should be assessed for compliance with the acceptable objectives specified in
Table 3-1 of this GN. If the outdoor air does not meet the prescribed objective, this may result in
unacceptable IAQ. Special air cleaners can sometimes reduce the concentration of the air pollutants
to acceptable levels: filters with permanganate oxidisers and activated charcoal in the filter remove
gases, while carbon impregnated filters reduce VOCs (see Section below). However, in
general, unacceptable outdoor air quality is something which cannot be easily remedied at building
level given the difficulty of extracting gaseous pollutants. For these reasons, this GN recommends
only that outdoor air quality should be assessed. Apart from those with fresh air intakes situated in
locations where there are long periods of poor outdoor air quality, it is generally not encouraged to
bring the outdoor air quality to objective by provision of air treatment, e.g. by cleaning with gas
filters if pollutant concentrations exceed the minimum levels in Table 3-1.

Controls could be equipped in the MVAC system to temporarily reduce fresh air supply rates below
design minimum levels during occupied periods while outdoor air contaminant concentrations
exceed the Air Quality Objectives and the MVAC system’s filtration capacity to remove these
contaminants. Fresh air intakes

Fresh air intake should be placed where the air is likely to be cleanest, taking into account any
sources of contaminants close to or upwind of the intake. The latter may include the exhaust
outlet from the building or adjacent buildings, traffic, car parks, unloading bays, rubbish chutes,
kitchens, and toilets. Intakes should not be located below ground level or close to cooling towers.

Intake openings should locate away from potential pollution sources. They should also be
protected from rain entrainment, and covered by a screen to prevent the entry of birds, rodents,
and extraneous articles. Care should also be taken to ensure that debris (e.g. bird droppings) does
not accumulate at the intake. Apart from interrupting air flow, such debris could become a source
of microbiological contamination. Air filters and cleaners

To improve IAQ and protect MVAC equipment, outdoor air—and recirculated indoor air—needs
to be filtered to remove dust, bacteria, pollens, insects, soot and dirt particles before it enters the
MVAC system. Air cleaning devices, dependent on their compatibility with the general MVAC
system, can be incorporated into the system as in-duct devices, or be stand-alone devices. Air
cleaning devices usually work by drawing contaminated air through a cleaning mechanism and
returning the cleaned air into the indoor environment. In-duct devices clean the air as it passes
through the general air distribution system, while the stand-alone models produce a recirculation
of the room air. Many different types of air cleaners based on various principles are available.
The most commonly used types are:

 particulate filters
 electrostatic precipitators
 gas filters

Like MVAC systems, air cleaners also require regular maintenance and cleaning. Failure to do so
may result in the air cleaner either impeding the performance of the general MVAC system, or
acting itself as a pollution source releasing collected contaminants from the saturated media.

(a) Particulate filters

Particulate filters are the most commonly used air cleaning devices in modern buildings. Filters
are classified according to their efficiencies and types to suit different applications. There are
various standards of measurement of filter efficiency and ASHRAE18 has established procedures
for characterising filter cleaning performance in terms of arrestance, dust spot efficiency and
minimum efficiency reporting value.

Building designers should select one or a combination of filters depending on the physical
characteristics and levels of the dust to be controlled, the capacity of the system to overcome the
associated pressure drop across the filter, and the degree of indoor air cleanliness required. Design
and supervision of installation of the MVAC system should be conducted by qualified Building
Services Engineer; while installation and maintenance of the system should be performed by a
Registered Specialist Contractor (sub-register of Ventilation Works Category) under the Buildings
Ordinance (Cap. 123).

Building managers should ensure that filters are cleaned or replaced on a regular basis according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. All filters must be either replaced or cleaned when a maximum
pressure drop is reached. To prolong service life, high efficiency filter should be used in
conjunction with medium efficiency pre-filters. This prevents premature clogging of the high
efficiency filter and frequent replacement which would be uneconomical.

The most effective filters for capturing small particles are High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
filters which have a collection efficiency of at least 99.97% when tested with dioctyl phthalate
(DOP) aerosol of diameter at 0.3 mm. HEPA filters have a high resistance to air flow and therefore
cannot be installed in the air distribution ductwork of the average MVAC system. There are also
stand-alone air cleaning devices employing filters including HEPA filters. These devices work by
recirculating the room air through the filter media. Their performance depends on filter
efficiencies, air recirculation rates, and air mixing factors. These devices are increasingly used in
areas where significant extra dust loads are generated or for sensitive usage, such as hospitals.

(b) Electrostatic precipitators

Electrostatic precipitators are the most common type of electronic air cleaners. Dust particles are
electronically charged by one set of electrodes and then collected by another set of electrodes with
the opposite charge. The absence of any filtering media means that this type of cleaner has minimal
effect on air flow and can be installed in air distribution systems without having to modify the
system significantly. Stand-alone electronic precipitators with their own air circulation
mechanisms are also common. Electrostatic precipitators offer relatively high efficiencies of up to
95% dust spot values. However the efficiency rate may be substantially reduced if air is very moist
or if the collecting plates inside the precipitator become clogged with dust. The latter is a particular
problem when buildings are not regularly cleaned and maintained.

ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017.

Some models of electrostatic precipitators can generate potentially significant amounts of ozone
and should be avoided.

(c) Gas filters

Gas filters are designed to remove contaminating gases from the air, through adsorption. Solid
sorbents, including activated carbons, molecular sieves, silica gel and activated alumina, are used
to remove the various contaminant gases by different adsorbing characterisitics. Activated carbons
can adsorb most of the common VOCs in indoor air. Other reactive gases such as formaldehyde can
be removed by oxidation using activated alumina impregnated with potassium permanganate. Gas
filters can be installed either in-duct or as independent devices. They are commercially available in
a range of filter bed designs. Despite the potential usefulness of gas filters, there are currently no
widely accepted performance standards. There are also considerable difficulties in determining the
breakthrough time of these gas filters in real life usage situations. Gas filters should therefore only
be used with good technical support and maintenance. Siting of ventilation equipment

Access should be provided to the internal surfaces of ductwork, air handling units, and other parts
of the air circuit to facilitate inspection and cleaning near those areas with high moisture content
e.g. cooling coils and humidifiers (if applicable). Trays and sumps for collecting condensate and
other water should be accessible for inspection and cleaning.

It is important to ensure that there is adequate plant room space and ceiling space to allow access to
the MVAC systems. Where the use of ceiling mounted fan coil unit is deemed necessary, due
consideration should be given to the design, installation, and siting of the units to ensure good
filtration and accessibility of maintenance.

Water cooling towers of MVAC systems, should be sited so that their exhaust air is not likely to be
entrained into any occupied areas, fresh air intakes and building openings. They should also be
positioned to avoid drawing contaminated air, such as air from kitchen exhaust, toilet exhaust, car
park exhaust, food processing exhaust and laboratory exhaust, into their cooling towers. Cooling
towers should be provided with a water treatment system, preferably an automatic dosing system,
to prevent microbial growth, corrosion and scaling. Drift eliminators should be installed to minimise
the discharge of water aerosols. Recirculation

Recirculated air is extracted from a space and reused as supply air, usually by passing it through an
air cleaning and conditioning system. It is important to ensure, e.g. by not siting return air plenums
in or near rooms where there are pollution-emitting activities, and by having an adequate filter
system, that recirculated air does not contain contaminants of significant level and that it is
adequately diluted with fresh air. Insulation

Cold surfaces in building interiors can cause condensation, which in turn can promote microbial
growth and damage furnishing materials. Unlined cooling supply ductwork (except ducts within the
air- conditioned area) and cold water pipes should therefore be insulated with durable insulating
material. Air distribution systems

Air distribution systems determine the supply air rates and fresh air delivery rates. A critical concern
in maintaining IAQ is the ability to measure these rates, so that the system can be rebalanced if
necessary. Air volume control dampers should be placed at suitable positions to ensure the
effectiveness of evenly distributing the air to the areas. The air distribution system should be
designed to facilitate measuring and rebalancing by providing access at key points (e.g. the fresh air
intake, supply air duct and return air duct) or by incorporating air flow monitoring stations and
balancing stations. The design documents should specify the points at which rates can be tested and
balanced as well as instructions for testing and rebalancing. See ASHRAE Standard 111-2008 (RA
2017) for detailed guidance.

To help conserve energy while achieving good IAQ, demand controlled ventilation can be
considered. A sensor device such as a carbon dioxide sensor can be used for fresh air supply, and
the supply air volume can be adjusted using a variable speed drive ventilation fan. Constant Air Volume (CAV) and Variable Air Volume (VAV) system controls

Most MVAC systems in office and public buildings are either constant volume or variable air
volume systems. Constant air volume (CAV) air conditioning systems supply a constant volume
of air and vary the temperature as required for the thermal comfort. Variable air volume (VAV)
systems supply air at a constant temperature but varying airflow. A potential risk with some VAV
systems is that when airflow is reduced, the outdoor air supply is also reduced. For these systems,
air flow at the air handler should be monitored and, if necessary, a pressure or other device should
be installed to ensure that enough fresh air is taken in.

VAV terminals, which modulate the amount of conditioned air supply to the space, should have
minimum position stops to ensure that adequate amounts of outside air is supplied to each space at
all times to avoid overcooling. Some VAV systems would need to be provided with means of
reheating the supply air, e.g. electric duct or VAV terminal heaters. Building managers should
ensure that power supply to these reheat devices are not turned off. In addition, the correct
functioning of the VAV control system and control devices, such as VAV boxes, thermostats and
compressed air circuitry, should be ensured through proper maintenance and regular inspection. Ventilation controls

If ventilation is on and the cooling system is off, it may be necessary to have dehumidifiers operating
to prevent excessive humidity.

To ensure thermal comfort, thermostats for MVAC systems should be sensibly located, for example if
there is a wide range of temperature, there should be a thermostat in each temperature zone.
Thermostats should be located in occupied areas, away from draughts, direct sunlight and equipment
which gives off heat. Humid climatic conditions

Hong Kong being an area with humid climate, air conditioning systems should ensure that relative
humidity is low compared to the outdoor relative humidity to minimise the problem of microbial
growth. ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 recommends maintaining the relative humidity of occupied
space at 65% or less. Another problem in humid climates is the infiltration of moist outside air which
then condenses on interior surfaces. This risk can be minimised by pressurisation. In most buildings
the amount of air entering through the fresh air intake should exceed the amount of air exhausted
from the building. If the proportions are reversed, i.e. more air is exhausted than is introduced, the
indoor pressure will drop drawing fresh air into the building through doors or other leakage sites.
The positive pressure created inside could also prevent pollutants from outdoors infiltrate into the
building. Building managers should therefore ensure that the supply of fresh air is always equal to
or greater than the rate of air exhausted from the building in order to maintain a net positive or
neutral average pressure relative to ambient air pressure. Ventilation of pollution-emitting activities

Most buildings use general dilution or ‘supply air’ MVAC systems for areas where there is no
active emission of toxic pollutants. These general dilution systems control indoor air by diluting
the indoor air with both “fresh” outdoor air and filtered recycled air. The level of dilution depends
on the rate of introduction, and total supply, of fresh air. To some extent, the dilution of pollutants
can be increased by increasing the fresh air rate. Building managers should bear in mind, however,
that increasing supply rates will increase the energy requirement19.

Special purpose rooms, such as photographic darkrooms, kitchens, toilets, garages and car parks,
incineration or other fuel-burning sites, where known toxic or irritating pollutants are emitted,
should always be ventilated by local exhaust ventilation, or a combination of supply air and exhaust
ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation can remove a large amount of pollutant with a minimal
amount of conditioned room air, thus representing high efficiency and low energy costs. The design
of local exhaust ventilation is a highly specialised area requiring both ventilation engineering and
occupational hygiene expertise.

For pollution sources that are spread over a large area, e.g. VOC emissions from carpet, a local
exhaust via MVAC system cannot effectively control the level of pollution, such local exhaust can
only control a point source that is stationary. For areas which may temporarily be subject to high
levels of pollution, for example during major renovation work or after an accidental spill of a toxic
liquid, temporary exhaust systems should be set up where possible. The extraction hood should be
positioned close to the pollution source.

For locations where fuel burning appliances are used, it is necessary to provide enough make-up
air to supply oxygen for combustion to achieve proper air balance within the space. Ventilation rates

A MVAC system supplies fresh air to the occupied space, and exhausts or allows room air to escape
thus expelling bioeffluents and other air contaminants from the building. In the absence of active
emission sources such as gas cooking, vehicle exhaust, spray painting, etc., the rate of outdoor air
supply should comply with the latest edition of ASHRAE Standard 62.1—Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality and all current Government regulations. While these outdoor air
rates would provide acceptable IAQ under most circumstances, they are not meant to offer
complete protection against long-term effects such as the carcinogenic risk of some VOCs.

4.4.2 Operation and Maintenance of MVAC System

In order to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the MVAC systems, it is important that the
tasks are carried out by properly trained personnel. Staff involved in operation and maintenance should
be trained to understand, operate and maintain the system correctly according to the
designer/manufacturer’s instructions. An Operation and Maintenance Manual should be prepared by
the installation contractor, who should be a Registered Specialist Contractor (sub-register of Ventilation
Works Category) under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123). Operation

MVAC systems of specific area should be switched on whenever and as long as it is occupied. It
is also a good practice to switch the system on before the occupants return to an area, to minimise
the effects of accumulated pollutants over unoccupied periods. For buildings or areas which are
particularly vulnerable to condensation and mould growth, e.g. libraries and computer rooms, the
dehumidification system may need to remain in operation during extended unoccupied periods.

Occupants themselves can have an important influence on the effectiveness of the MVAC system
and should be shown how to operate thermostat and ventilation controls responsibly. Operators
should ensure that the outside air controls and dampers are functioning properly.

19Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (2015). Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building
Services Installation.
Overall, the MVAC system design should cater to the usage of the places it serves (e.g. the MVAC
system requirements can be different between offices and restaurants) and the number of occupants
the area is designed to accommodate. Maintenance

A comprehensive maintenance regime is vital to ensure that the MVAC system performs as well
as it is designed to. This will involve cleaning and inspecting the various components, verifying
pressure relationships, adjusting and replacing equipment as necessary. The maintenance service
personnel should follow the maintenance manual, manufacturers’ recommendation and to make
appropriate adjustment in maintenance requirements and frequencies (e.g. Table 8.2 of ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2016 could be referred as a reference), so as to suit operational needs, site conditions,
maintenance standard and IAQ requirement. As a general guide:

Monthly services should be carried out on:

 fresh air intakes

 air filters
 air grilles/diffusers
 cooling coils
 all trays and sumps
 condensate drains and water traps
 water cooling towers
 water treatment system of the cooling towers
 MVAC equipment room

Three monthly services should be carried out on:

 fresh air dampers

 automatic controls

Annual services should be carried out on:

 accessible parts of the ductwork

 fans
 fan coil units and terminal units
 supply and return air plenum systems
 refrigerant leakage
 oil leakage Checklist and documentation

Compiling a maintenance checklist can reduce the risk of items being overlooked and save time in
the long run. The checklist should identify each routine maintenance activity, the frequency at which
it should be performed (based on manufacturers’ recommendations wherever possible), and where
to find the instructions for carrying out each task. In addition, the frequency of routine maintenance
should depend on the extent of equipment usage and the environment of the buildings.

The results of regular inspections, the name of the person making the inspection and the person’s
company, and the date of the inspection, and similar details of any cleaning/maintenance carried out
should be recorded. These records should be kept for future reference. Details of any modifications
such as rebalancing or recommissioning of the system, changes to operating procedures, changes in
use of space, renovation or retrofits affecting system operations, should be attached to MVAC
system design documents. These documents should be kept in an accessible location for the lifetime
of the MVAC system.

32 Duct cleaning

Duct cleaning is a delicate process which sometimes involves the use of powerful chemicals to
loosen particles. Air duct cleaning can be minimised through the use of high efficiency filters,
regular maintenance of filters and other components of the MVAC system, checking air flow rates,
and good housekeeping. Should duct work cleaning be deemed necessary, e.g. in the case if
ductwork is water damaged or shows signs of biological growth, if debris in ductwork is restricting
airflow or dust coming out of supply diffusers, the following principles should be observed:

 cleaning should be scheduled outside occupied hours and carried out by experienced workers
 the air handling unit should be switched off at all times
 negative air pressure should be maintained in the duct area, e.g. with vacuum equipment to
prevent particles dispersing into the indoor air
 vacuum equipment should have an outdoor collection unit, or be fitted with a HEPA filter
to prevent leakage of fine particulate matter into indoor air
 duct cleaning with high (6,000 cfm or more) volume airflow should be supplemented by
gentle brushing to remove loosened particles
 access holes should be carefully sealed on completion and their position noted on mechanical
installation plans
 water-damaged or contaminated porous materials should be removed and replaced to
prevent microbial growth
 the causes of contamination should be removed to prevent the problem recurring

An industry standard has been developed by the US National Air Duct Cleaners Association
(NADCA) using a vacuum test to measure the results of duct cleaning. The standard specifies the
maximum surface debris loading of 1 mg/100 cm2 on non-porous system components after
completion of a duct cleaning job20.

4.5 Renovation Works

Major renovation works should be undertaken outside normal operating hours if practicable to
reduce the impact on the occupants. If this is not possible, the renovated area should be effectively
isolated (e.g. by temporary partitions or plastic sheeting) and under negative pressure so that cross
contamination of the occupied areas by dust and other nuisance/toxic substances is minimised. If
necessary, supply air to the renovated and occupied zones should be separated. Use of toxic
substances such as solvent based paint should be scheduled outside normal working hours. The air
return registers for the works area should be blocked to minimise the spread of dust and other
contaminants to adjacent areas. Temporary exhaust ventilation may need to be installed in the
works areas to control dust and reduce the level of contaminants. Air filters of the MVAC system
where renovation works take place should be inspected and changed more frequently than usual to
allow for the higher dust load.

If the isolation of a renovated area affects the airflow, e.g. by erection of partitions, the air
conditioning system should be rebalanced when the work is complete.

See also recommendations on Building Design and Construction (Section 4.2 above).

4.6 Pest Control

Pesticides contain chemicals that can have serious effects on human health, and misapplication of
pesticides is a frequent cause of IAQ complaints. The need to use pesticides in non-commercial
buildings should be minimised, as far as possible, by caulking and plastering cracks and crevices,
improving sanitation and waste management, and physical measures to keep pests at bay.

20National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) (1992). Mechanical Cleaning of Non-Porous Air Conveyance
System Components (Standard 1992-01) Washington, D.C.
When it is necessary to use pesticides, managers should follow the Code of Practice published by
the Hong Kong Pest Management Association. Pesticide spraying should be carried out outside
normal operating hours, and preferably during the weekends for offices. Occupants in areas to be
sprayed should be notified in advance to avoid any unnecessary exposure. Pesticides should be
applied in targeted locations, with minimum treatment of exposed surfaces. General periodic
spraying should be kept to a minimum and may not be necessary. The building manager or other
person who organises the pest control activities should have information on the chemical identities
and the potential health hazards of all pesticide products used. This information is usually available
from suppliers of pesticides in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs).

Building managers should consider using temporary exhaust systems, or running air handling units
on 100% fresh air during pesticide application. After application, the ventilation system should be
switched on at least 24 hours before occupants return to purge contaminated air. Again,
temporarily increasing the fresh air intake to 100% would also reduce the level of contaminants.

4.7 Prevention and Control of Indoor Moulds

To limit mould growth in an indoor environment, it is important to control moisture and limiting
dust accumulation. Elimination of moisture intrusion, leaks, and removal of mouldy items, as well
as regular or weekly vacuuming using cleaners with HEPA filtration or central vacuum systems with
adequate filtration will help reducing mould growth.

Good building design and proper housekeeping can help prevent and control dust accumulation,
dampness and water problems. Mould-resistant and easily cleaned building and fitting out materials
(e.g. non-porous flooring and wall covering materials), wherever possible, should be used to avoid
dust accumulation. MVAC system should be properly designed to efficiently filter the outdoor air
pollutants including dust, prevent condensation, and be accessible for regular inspection, cleaning
and maintenance. Besides, building management should develop and implement a mould prevention
and control plan. This should include a checklist for routine inspection, regular servicing and
maintenance and remediation plans for water and mould incidents.

When there is visible mould or mouldy/musty odour, an investigation is needed to determine the
location, extent of the damage, and identify the source of the water/moisture problem before working
out the cleanup procedures. Hidden areas (e.g. behind wallpapers, under carpet and walls behind
furniture) and the components of the ventilation system (e.g. filters, insulation and coils/fins) should
also be checked for any moulds or water damage. The problem should be fixed as soon as possible
to avoid causing health effects to the occupants and limit further damage to the building. After the
cleanup, the facility manager or building management staff should inspect the sites to ensure mould
problem has been fixed.

Following are the general tips for mould prevention and control. For more details, please refer to A
Guide on Prevention and Control of Indoor Mould 21:

Minimise dampness and water condensation/leakage/flood

 Maintain the relative humidity at <70% through MVAC system and use of dehumidifier.
 Close all openings at building envelope and shut off the fresh air/exhaust air outlets to avoid
infiltration/ingress of hot humid air including water condensation in the air-conditioning
space, in particular, when switching off the air conditioners/chillers and/or ventilation
 Avoid condensation on walls, ceiling and floors.
 Prevent leaks and floods, e.g. plumbing leaks, floods from washrooms, seepage from water
dispensers and kitchen drains.

Published by the Environmental Protection Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

 Avoid placing water dispensers in areas with carpets.
 Dry water damaged areas and materials within 24 to 48 hours.

Prevent and control dust accumulation

 Use mould-resistant and easy-to-clean materials (e.g. non-porous material).
 Vacuum regularly using cleaners with HEPA filter or central vacuum system with adequate
 Clean air diffusers and exhaust grilles regularly.
 Inspect and clean air ducts regularly.

Clean up mould
 Remove and clean visible moulds once they are found.
 Remove mouldy materials immediately if moulds cannot be cleaned.
 If mouldy odour is detected, take action to locate the mould growth.

Implement mould prevention and control plan

 Set up checklist for routine inspection, regular servicing and maintenance schedules, and
remediation plans for water and mould incidents.
 Routine inspection at areas susceptible to dampness and water problems, leaks or
maintenance failures.
 Assign facility manager or building management staff to perform mould-related inspections.

4.8 Housekeeping and Cleaning

Housekeeping is important in preventing IAQ problems as it keeps dust levels down and removes
dirt which could otherwise become sources of contamination, including mould growth. The
cleaning schedule should be arranged with reference to occupancy patterns and activity levels.
Daily cleaning of surfaces and vacuuming of floors is advisable for areas with high traffic or which
are in constant use during the day. These include most office areas and public places.

When chemical based cleaning agents are used, MSDSs on the cleaning agents should be available
to the building manager and other occupants. Generally, cleaning agents emitting vapours with
strong odours should be avoided, or only used after normal occupied hours. Building managers
should make sure that smells from cleaning products have disappeared before air handling systems
switch to their ‘unoccupied’ cycles. Cleaning products should be safely stored.


5.1 Basic Principles

IAQ is the result of the interplay of many different and often very complex factors unique to each
building. It is not a subject which is susceptible to prescriptive policies. Actions which may
improve air quality in one building may not work for other buildings. In order to prevent and deal
with IAQ problems, it is therefore necessary to create a management strategy specific to the

The second principle for an effective management strategy is that it should be comprehensive,
encompassing the various mechanical, environmental, chemical and human activities which affect
the indoor air environment.

The third principle is that it should be an active programme, i.e. actively developed to keep up-
to-date with changes in, e.g. building use, condition, or modification of the ventilation system, and
actively implemented in day-to-day management, maintenance, cleaning and other activities.

5.2 The 7-Step IAQ Management Programme

The following seven steps provide a model of the areas to be covered and the different stages of
implementation. The detailed scope and implementation of the IAQ management programme will
vary for individual buildings according to the size and type of building and the division of
responsibilities, e.g. for the ventilation system, within the building.

Step 1: Allocation of responsibility. Organisations with responsibility for the buildings and/or air
conditioning systems should assign overall responsibility for developing and implementing the
programme to a person, usually the building manager, with sufficient authority and resources, and
with a detailed knowledge of the building.

Step 2: Preparation. The appointed IAQ manager should:

 study this GN and related IAQ literature to reach a basic understanding of factors which
affect IAQ
 be aware of new and existing legislative requirements, e.g. affecting MVAC systems
 discuss with building owners the desired IAQ outcome (from the options set out in Table
 use IAQ-related information from the building project team regarding ventilation design,
building materials used in construction, etc., and information about the operation and usage
of the building, to identify potential problem areas
 identify staff and contractors whose activities affect IAQ (a pollutant and source inventory
form is provided in Appendix D)
 assign responsibilities for administering the programme to staff within the building
management team, while retaining overall supervisory control
 provide appropriate staff training and access to this GN and relevant IAQ objectives and
manuals for designated IAQ staff
 place no smoking signs in a prominent position to remind the public that the premises are
statutory no smoking areas and maintain such signs in good order22

Section 3(3) of the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance empowers the manager of a no smoking area to enforce
the relevant law to ensure no person shall smoke in the premises he manages. If the manager finds anyone smoking
in a no smoking area, the manager may request the smoker to extinguish the lighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe. If the
smoker is not cooperative and continues to smoke, the manager may request the smoker to leave the no smoking
area, or request the smoker to provide his name, address, and documentary proof of identity. If the smoker refuses
to cease smoking or refuses to leave the no smoking area, or refuses to provide his name, address or documentary
proof of identity despite the manager’s request, the manager may call for police assistance if necessary.
Step 3: Review of work contracts and procedures. The IAQ manager should institute or revise
as necessary:

 standard procedures for building and equipment cleaning, maintenance, and renovation
 scheduling of cleaning, maintenance, renovation work and other activities that produce
dust or other air contaminants
 specifications for cleaning products, construction materials, furnishings, etc. to be used in
the building
 terms of contracts with pest control companies and other parties whose activities may
affect building air quality

To promote good IAQ, the IAQ manager should check whether all new or revised procedures are
observed, e.g. through periodic inspections and oversight of contractors.

Step 4: Review of occupation contracts. The IAQ manager also needs to define tenants’
responsibilities for IAQ and, where appropriate, insert them in occupation leases. The IAQ
manager should consider requiring tenants to:

 inform management of alterations (e.g. partition relocation) and redecoration plans

 inform management of dates and duration of any decoration or alteration work
 ensure furnishings and office equipment are placed where they will not obstruct ventilation
 inform management of changes in occupation density
 assist in any IAQ investigation

Step 5: Communication. The IAQ manager should develop, document and communicate policy
for (see Section 6 for detailed advice):

 notifying of activities generating smells and indoor air pollutants

 reporting any spills, leaks or strong smells
 receiving and responding to indoor air complaints

Step 6: Investigation of complaints. The IAQ manager should develop and document procedures
for (see Section 7 for detailed advice):

 conducting an initial walkthrough investigation

 gathering information
 communicating on the progress of an investigation and conducting interviews as part of an
 making more detailed assessments and environmental monitoring
 engaging outside professionals
 testing hypotheses about the causes of an IAQ problem
 taking and evaluating mitigation actions

Step 7: Record keeping. The IAQ manager should:

 keep up-to-date records of IAQ complaints and follow-up action

 obtain MSDSs for materials used and stored in the building


IAQ problems can often be prevented or more easily resolved if occupants, building management
and any other parties involved communicate effectively. On the other hand, poor communication
between occupants and management, for example, lack of information on simple preventive
measures, delays in responding to complaints, and absence of feedback can make a simple IAQ
problem very disruptive and difficult to handle, especially if there is misunderstanding of the causes
of a problem or false perceptions of the health risks involved.

Good communication strategies should begin as early as the design stage of the building, and
continue through the operational stage with the development of effective communication between
building management and building tenants. Guidelines on consultation in connection with an IAQ
investigation is given in Section 7.

6.1 Consultation on Design Criteria

The building owner/developer, the architect, the building designer, the building services engineer
and, if possible, a representative of prospective tenants, should meet at critical stages of the
design and construction process to discuss issues related to the future IAQ in the building. The
building owner/developer should specifically consult the other parties on:

 expected use of the building

 for office buildings, the expected IAQ objective (from the options listed in Table 3-2)
 ventilation requirements including special circumstances e.g. car parks
 flexibility of the ventilation systems to cater for any future modification of building use
 expected occupancy rates
 any forthcoming legislation which may impact on the IAQ
 selection of building materials with respect to emission rates of air pollutants
 impacts of some building uses on others in mixed-use buildings e.g. cooking odours from
kitchens may upset the adjacent office staff

Any potential IAQ problems that are identified should be factored into building design and
planning. These considerations should be documented by the building project management in the
form of an IAQ design protocol and passed onto the building facilities manager on completion of
the project.

6.2 Communication with Tenants and Contract Workers

Building occupants can strongly influence IAQ, for better or worse. The building manager is
responsible for communicating recommendations to promote good IAQ to users and visitors of the
building such as contractors, cleaning staff and tenants. The best means of communication will
depend on particular circumstances but could include:

 setting up a building management/tenant IAQ committee;

 awareness-raising strategies; and
 incorporation of notification and other requirements in occupation leases and work

6.2.1 Notification of Pollution-emitting Activities

IAQ problems often arise when people are unaware of restrictions on the use of chemicals and their
responsibility to warn other occupants about certain activities, or when occupants are not informed in
advance about activities generating air contaminants. For example one group of occupants may
complain about a chemical odour, unaware that a neighbouring office is having a new carpet laid. Both
the restriction on activities in which pollutants are emitted, and the responsibility for warning should
be clearly communicated by the building manager to all tenants and occupants, and contractors in a
building. These conditions can be put into the lease agreements and contracts. Activities that may need
to be covered include:

 renovation
 pest control
 cooking
 modification to internal partitions
 adjustment of a central air-conditioning system shared by multiple tenants
 use of chemical based agents
 major changes in building use

Tenants should have established easy-to-use channels of communication for such activities. The
building manager should act as coordinator, receiving and disseminating information about such
activities through individual correspondence and/or public notices.

6.2.2 Other Requirements

Good housekeeping and regular cleaning, careful control of the use and storage of chemicals, and
responsible operation of thermostats and ventilation controls, can strongly influence IAQ. It is for
managers to consider how to ensure that tenants and other occupants may carry out their
responsibilities in these areas, whether through encouragement or by including provisions in
building leases. Similarly, managers should consider how to ensure compliance among tenants and
other occupiers, such as visitors and customers, with IAQ related rules laid down by the building

6.2.3 Promoting Awareness of Indoor Air Quality

In most cases, education and awareness-raising will promote a more intelligent and cooperative
response from tenants than contractual obligations. In devising an appropriate awareness-raising
strategy in the IAQ management programme, building managers should remember that the objective
of achieving good IAQ is to promote tenants’ comfort and well-being, and encourage tenants to regard
the subject as a shared interest.

Information about IAQ can be spread through inserts on IAQ-related topics in newsletters or bulletins
circulated to tenants. Items of interest might include, for example, information on emission standards
for different models of office equipment on the market, simple ways of improving the working
environment, or advice on how to select environmentally friendly products. The object of such
communication is twofold: to encourage behaviour which will promote good IAQ, and to foster mutual
trust between the building management and the tenants to help in resolving IAQ complaints when they

Management staff should encourage occupants, through newsletters or health and safety committees,
and cleaning staff to report accidents or spills, leaks in the building shell, faults in the ventilation
system, or other factors which may create an IAQ problem, as soon as possible.

Contractors who carry out renovation work or other tasks in building should be encouraged to minimise
the impact on the air quality of occupied premises. Building managers should specifically discuss with
the contractors the use of less hazardous substances, and, as far as possible, restriction of pollutant-
producing activities to areas away from building occupants and to periods when the building is empty.

6.3 Making a Complaint

The building manager should have an established procedure for handling IAQ complaints in his
IAQ management programme. Building occupants should be made aware of the procedure for
making IAQ complaints. Building tenants should make staff aware of internal procedures, for

example, who to refer complaints to within the office or organisation (this might typically be a
supervisor, health and safety representative, or company doctor). Building management should
issue a standard form to anyone seeking to make a complaint. Occupants should be given details
of where to obtain and submit a complaint form. After-hours emergency contacts for building
management staff should also be available to building tenants. For various reasons, such as for
the fear of being victimised by employers or neighbours, some complainants may wish to remain
anonymous. Building managers should make provision for this in their complaints procedures.
Records of all complaints and subsequent responses should be kept for a period until there is no
longer any possibility of litigation.

6.4 Responding to Complaints

6.4.1 Emergencies

The following problems should be treated as emergencies:

 acute or sudden onset of headaches, nausea and complaints of combustion smells. This could
be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Open windows and evacuate the occupants of the
buildings immediately.
 flooded carpet. If wet carpet is not lifted and thoroughly dried within a short period (24 to
48 hours), it is likely to grow mould which could cause serious indoor air problems. Carpet
which cannot be dried should be discarded. Dried carpeting should be treated with

The management programme should provide an action plan for dealing with emergencies. This
should include information on how to contact internal and external technical staff who can take
immediate remedial action.

6.4.2 Non-urgent Complaints

Complaints which do not fall into the above categories such as the following require a response
but not immediate action:

 a group of occupants share common symptoms of headaches, eye irritation and respiratory
complaints that they attribute to poor IAQ.
 occupants complain of odours and discomfort immediately after new furnishings are

A protocol for responding to this type of non-urgent complaints is an essential part of a good IAQ
management programme. The plan should ensure that all IAQ complaints are taken seriously and
responded to promptly. This will help to prevent the problem escalating, enable good relations to
be maintained within the building and show that IAQ is taken seriously by building management.

If possible, an initial response should be given on the same day the complaint is made. The initial
response need be no more than speaking directly, either in person or by phone, to the complainant,
acknowledging the complaint and seeking further details if required. If possible, the complainant
should also be given a rough idea of how the building management will approach the problem.

The initial response should be followed up with a more substantive response as soon as possible.
Communication should be maintained on a regular basis with the complainant during the course of
the investigation. Written or verbal communications should:

 confirm the type of complaint received

 state management policy on responding to complaints
 describe what has been done to date, e.g. data collection
 what further investigation and action are planned to correct the problem

 contact numbers for management staff who can provide further information or to whom the
complainant should direct any further information he/she may have about the problem

6.4.3 Communication with Other Building Occupants

It is important to maintain tenants’ cooperation and trust in the investigatory process in order to solve
IAQ problems quickly. For this reason, management should maintain open lines of communication and
avoid secretiveness. Factual information about an investigation which is not confidential should be
made available to occupants if requested. If the problem seems to be widespread or potentially serious,
other tenants should be alerted, preferably through a building management/tenant committee in the first
instance. Tenants should be told:

 area of the building which has been subject to complaints

 progress of the investigation
 any factors which have been eliminated from the investigation
 likely length of the investigation
 action taken to improve IAQ and how long before the effects of such action are likely to be
 action that remains to be taken
 who to contact for further information

Management should carefully consider the potential effects of information about IAQ
investigations on building occupants and always seek to ensure that tenants are provided with
information that is accurate, timely and presented in a way that will minimise the risk of a panic
response. Building occupants should always be told the timing, scope and purpose of any
forthcoming investigation of their area. This can be done by posting or distributing a notice.

6.4.4 Confidentiality

Many IAQ complaints are confidential or sensitive. Some may be driven by other agenda such as
poor industrial relations. Staff who handle complaints should be given clear instructions on how
to deal with such complaints and observe the following basic rules:

 act and be seen to act in a professional and impartial manner at all times;
 do not participate in discussions on matters not related to the building environment;
 handle any personal medical information which may be produced in the course of an
investigation, in accordance with the legal requirements on medical confidentiality (Personal
Data (Privacy) Ordinance); and
 assure the individuals involved that their privacy will be respected.


The task of investigating an IAQ problem is like that of a detective investigating a crime. In both
cases it involves collecting information, setting and testing hypothesis, gradually eliminating
possible causes, collecting more information and so on until the suspect—or the most likely source
of air contamination—has been identified. The investigating team then seeks to remove or reduce
the alleged source through mitigation measures. The re-investigation should be conducted if
mitigation of that source does not help to resolve the IAQ problem.

The IAQ investigator, usually staff of the building management or an external person with
relevant expertise, should be aware that many complaints or symptoms attributed to poor IAQ
may in fact be due to other causes such as poor lighting conditions (glare, flicker or absence of
natural light), noise, work stress, ergonomic problems, unrelated personal medical conditions, or
psychosomatic factors. In other cases, symptoms may be due to a combination of factors, some
of which are related to IAQ, for example, the odours of VOCs coupled with excessive stress may
make an individual feel more irritable.

The approach and tools needed for an IAQ investigation will vary according to the nature of the
complaint, building use, and the investigator’s experience of IAQ problems. Investigators with
more experience, or who are familiar with the building being investigated, may be able to skip a
few steps. However, the general strategies and assessment tools set out below are relevant to most
cases. They should be incorporated into the master IAQ management programme together with
standard methods for environmental monitoring, and standard information gathering procedures.

7.1 Gathering Background Information

The first task on receiving a complaint is to collect relevant background information. This can be
done by building management staff. Depending on the nature of the complaint, they should obtain:

 further details of the complaint such as whether it is continuous or intermittent, or whether

other occupants experience the same symptoms
 details of the design of the MVAC system with as-installed plans
 information on chemical agents used in the area of complaint
 normal work activities and occupancy density of the area
 maintenance schedule of the MVAC system
 records of previous complaints in the same area
 any unusual activities in or near the area around the same time of the complaint, e.g.
renovation works

This information will help to eliminate some possible causes and provide directions for further

7.2 Initial Walkthrough Inspection

The initial walkthrough inspection should provide enough information to enable the investigator
to form a hypothesis about the cause of complaint, perhaps attempt to correct the problem, and
make a plan for a more detailed assessment. The inspection is usually performed by members of
the building management staff who are familiar with the building facilities or an external IAQ
professional. To gain a better feel for how the space is used, the investigator may wish to be
accompanied by a regular occupant of the area being investigated.

In the course of the walkthrough, the investigator should establish from the occupants and/or his
own observations on:
 building layout and floor plan
 general thermal environment of the inspected area e.g. temperature, humidity and the
presence of draughts
 types of activities undertaken
 other parameters of the physical environment e.g. lighting, noise, vibration
 general housekeeping and cleaning programme
 use of any chemical agents including cleaning agents, pesticides, and glues
 signs of water condensation and water damages
 visible signs or musty odour of mould growth
 staining and discoloration of ceiling tiles, walls or carpets
 any particular odours
 any renovation works
 distribution of supply vents and return air grilles
 any obstructions to the air distribution e.g. covering supply air vents to reduce draughts
 any non-IAQ related problems affecting the complainant such as noise, poor illumination or

The investigator should also inspect:

 the cleanliness of the air handling plant rooms

 the conditions of air filters
 the general sanitation of the cooling towers and their locations
 the on-site MVAC system maintenance records

It is not usually necessary to take environmental measurements on an initial walkthrough inspection.

However, the investigator may wish to make a rough test of, for example, the temperature, humidity,
air flow, the presence of a specific chemical, or other parameters thought to be related to the complaint.
Air temperature and humidity can be measured using a simple sling psychrometer, air current can be
tested by a smoke tube, and presence of a specific chemical can be tested by a detector tube.

7.3 Communication with Appropriate People

Information from the relevant personnel may need to be gathered at different stages of the
investigation. The people who may need to be consulted are:

 original complainant(s) for more details about the problem

 other occupants in the building, who may or may not have a similar complaint, for verification
and for determining the exact location of the problem
 MVAC system maintenance contractor for details of defects and repairs
 contractors or other workers in the building for information of works and substances used
 medical practitioners for advice on the possible causes of symptoms related to the complaints
(The information in personal medical records is confidential, and should only be gathered
after obtaining the written consent of the patient)

The information can be gathered through personal interviews, telecommunication or

correspondence, as appropriate. More reliable and clearer information regarding occupants’
complaints and symptoms is often obtained by personal interviews. A questionnaire survey, such
as the example given in Appendix D may be used for this purpose. Building occupants including
the complainant can be interviewed during the initial walkthrough inspection or on a separate
occasion. However, if circumstances indicate that the potential interviewee may be reluctant to
talk openly about the complaint, the investigator should arrange a private interview on another

7.4 Review of Initial Findings

The first information gathering and walkthrough inspection should enable an investigator to

 exact nature of the complaint

 number of occupants affected
 any changes in the building system parameters, e.g. temperature, operation of air
conditioning, which match the timing and location of complaints
 possible deficiencies in the performance of the MVAC system
 any occupant interference with the ventilation system, e.g. improper thermostat setting,
partial sealing up of air grilles/diffusers, opening of windows, etc.
 any obvious causes of air pollution
 other factors which may cause discomfort such as overcrowding, noise, poor lighting or

The smells observed by the complainant are often good indicators of the source of the problem (see
Table 7-1).

Table 7-1: Odours as Problem Indicators in Indoor Environment

Description Problem
Auto exhaust, diesel fumes Carbon monoxide
Body odour Overcrowding, low ventilation rate (high carbon dioxide
Musty smell Microbial material, wet surfaces
Chemical smell Formaldehyde, pesticides, other chemicals
Solvent smell VOCs
Wet cement, dusty, chalky smell Particulates, humidification system
Sewage gas odour Water traps dry in floor drains in washrooms or basement

Symptoms may also provide a clue to the cause of the problem (see Table 7-2), although it is often
difficult to prove a direct causal relationship especially where a combination of factors are involved.

Table 7-2: Symptom Patterns as Problem Indicators in Indoor Environment
Description Possible problem
Thermal discomfort  MVAC system
 Extreme weather conditions which exceed design capacity of
MVAC equipment
 Drafts or stagnant areas
 Excessive radiant heat gain or loss
Headache, lethargy, nausea, drowsiness,  If onset is acute or severe, carbon monoxide (see Section 6.4.1
dizziness ‘Emergencies’)
 Other pollutant emissions
 Poor ventilation
Congestion; swelling, itching or irritation  If only few occupants affected, may be allergic reaction caused
of eyes, nose or throat; dry throat; possibly by:
accompanied by non-specific symptoms
(e.g. headache, fatigue, nausea) a) poor sanitation, water damage, contaminated MVAC
b) outdoor allergens (e.g. pollen)
c) irritating chemicals such as formaldehyde or those found
in some solvents
Cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills  Hypersensitivity pneumonitis or humidifier fever caused by
and/or fatigue after returning to the gross microbial contamination due to sanitation problems, water
building damage, or contaminated MVAC system

Discomfort and/or health complaints that  Poor lighting, noise, vibrations

cannot be readily ascribed to air
contaminants or thermal conditions  Ergonomic or job-related stress

Where information provides a strong indication of the potential cause of the problem, simple
remedial measures can be instituted immediately. If these measures do not solve the problem, or if
the initial findings are inconclusive, a detailed assessment should be carried out. It is generally more
cost effective to undertake a detailed assessment than to waste time and resources on mitigation
measures based on inadequate information.

7.5 Detailed Assessment and Environmental Monitoring

Professional scientific and mechanical expertise may be needed for some stages of the assessment
process, for example in analysing air samples, or examining the MVAC system. If such expertise is
not available in-house, external assistance should be sought.

7.5.1 Pollutant Pathways

If the affected areas are confined to one or a few areas, it may be possible to find the source of the IAQ
problem by analysing the air flows and openings by which an airborne pollutant can spread. This
involves easy-to-use equipment and could be done by a member of the building staff. The investigator
should, by making a detailed inspection of the site, and studying architectural and mechanical drawings,
and a sketch plan of the complaint area, establish potential pollutant pathways between the complaint
area and the outdoors or other possible sources of pollution. These may include doors, openable
windows, stairways, lift shafts, duct work, and cracks in building fabric.

The next step is to find out whether differences in air pressure and the consequent pattern of airflow
would allow pollutants to travel down the pathways identified. The direction of air flow can be roughly
worked out by observing dust patterns on door frames or tested using a chemical smoke tube.
Differences in pressure can be measured with a manometer.

Once the investigator has developed a hypothesis concerning a likely route or pathway, he can test it by
releasing a chemical smoke at the entrance to the suspected pathway and asking an assistant to identify
the smell in the complaint area. Tracer gases, in conjunction with monitoring equipment, can also be
used for this purpose. If a pollutant pathway is discovered, the IAQ problem can usually be solved
simply by blocking the pathway or altering the pressure relationship between different spaces.

7.5.2 Assessing Ventilation and Thermal Environment

The preliminary investigations should indicate what, if any, aspects of the ventilation system should
be subject to detailed assessment. For example, if a potential cause is:

 uneven air distribution, the investigator should measure total air flow at various MVAC
supply outlets;
 inadequate supply of fresh air, the assessor should take a direct measurement by using
an anemometer to measure the amount of fresh air supplied, or use tracer gases or other
techniques to measure the total fresh air rate;
 dirt or microbial growth in the MVAC system, the assessor should make a detailed inspection
of the sanitary conditions of all accessible components of the MVAC system; and
 physical comfort, and spatial or temporal variations in temperature and/or humidity, the
assessor should measure the non-directional average air movement.

Appendix D provides a MVAC checklist of items to be covered. The form can be used to record
the results of the detailed inspection.

7.5.3 Sampling for Air Contaminants or Indicators

If the complaint cannot be attributed to any of the above causes, and if there is a suspected chemical
cause of complaint, it may be necessary to test concentrations of individual pollutants. Unless there is a
strong indication, such as a known source of a certain pollutant in a nearby building, of the identity of
the suspected chemical contaminant, it is advisable to begin with the relatively simple and inexpensive
tests for compounds (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) associated with building problems. These
can help the investigator define the affected area and find out more about the cause of the problem. A
carbon dioxide reading of over 1,000 ppmv is a good indicator of under-ventilation, while a carbon
monoxide reading of over 5 ppmv indicates unexhausted combustion products or vehicle exhaust

Testing for other chemical contaminants is an expensive and not necessarily very effective investigative
tool. To maximise the benefits, it is important to use recognised standard testing methods, adopt an
appropriate sampling strategy, and interpret the results in light of other information collected in the
course of the investigation.

Assessment methods. The general environmental monitoring and testing methods for the
common pollutants found in air are given in Section 3.5 of this GN and A Guide on Indoor Air
Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places (2019). The testing or the analysis of
results may require sophisticated equipment and professional scientific expertise.

Sampling strategy. To find out the maximum levels of exposure which occupants experience,
samples or readings should be taken in the worst case conditions, i.e. as near to potential source
of pollution as possible, and in the morning for pollutants arising from building materials,
furnishings or microbial growth in ventilation systems, or towards end of working day for
pollutants generated by occupants’ activities, e.g. photocopying. For comparison, air samples
should also be taken:

 outdoors
 for a problem which appears to be intermittent, from the complaint area at times when no
problems are experienced
 for a problem confined to specific areas, from indoor locations where no complaints have
been made
 (for consideration) from different ventilation zones, e.g. perimeter and interior areas

Interpretation of results. The results of any detailed assessment may be interpreted in light of
the IAQ objectives set out in Section 3. Investigators should take into account:

 concentration levels of contaminants in the complaint area compared with those in samples
taken from the outdoor air and other indoor areas. A significant variation in concentrations
suggests that those chemicals may be causing or contributing to an IAQ problem
 variation in individual susceptibility to certain chemicals

7.5.4 Asbestos Investigations

It is a legal requirement under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311) that a Registered
Asbestos Consultant and a Registered Asbestos Laboratory should carry out asbestos investigations.
The investigation itself should conform to the Environmental Protection Department’s Codes of
Practice (see Appendix C).

7.6 Concluding an Investigation

It is not unusual for an IAQ investigation to conclude without identifying any IAQ related causes. As
mentioned above, IAQ investigations involve a process of information gathering and hypothesis testing
which may have to be repeated several times. Difficult investigations may take weeks or months, and
even then it may not be possible to draw firm conclusions. There obviously comes a point when it is no
longer sensible to pursue the investigation further. When that point is reached largely depends on the
seriousness of the complaint, the number of occupants affected, and the resources available. Complaints
alleging serious health effects should be investigated until all potential IAQ-related causes are
eliminated. Complaints about occasional unknown odours which have no apparent health effects, on the
other hand, do not need to be investigated exhaustively. The reasons for closing a complaint
investigation should be documented as a part of the IAQ management programme and communicated
tactfully to the complainant.


There are numerous solutions to IAQ problems. Some involve expensive modification of existing
building layout or installations, while others require simple administrative measures. There are
also situations where a combination of different strategies is needed to resolve the problem.

8.1 Selecting a Mitigation Strategy

Mitigation measures can generally be divided into four categories:

 Source control
 Ventilation
 Air cleaning
 Administration measures

The most effective measure or combination of measures for solving a particular problem will
vary from building to building. Similar problems in different buildings may require radically
different solutions and it is therefore impossible to prescribe the best course of action in each
case. The parties involving in solving IAQ problems should formulate specific mitigation
measures for their particular buildings themselves, using the guidelines in this GN as a general

When selecting an appropriate strategy or strategies, the key factors to be considered are:

 whether a temporary or permanent solution is required, i.e. whether it involves a temporary

or permanent problem
 which, of the strategies available, will be the most effective in the particular circumstances
 practicality
 installation and maintenance costs
 durability
 energy efficiency
 any problems, e.g. noise, which a proposed solution may create

An IAQ investigation may reveal that the problem causing the complaint is unrelated to IAQ factors.
It may turn out to be the result of other building-related factors, for example noise from computer
printers, or reflected glares from visual display units. These problems need to be resolved by
mitigation measures, such as installation of acoustic booths or rearrangement of office furniture,
which are outside the scope of this GN.

8.1.1 Source Control

Source control should always be considered as the first option. It is the most direct and usually the
most effective way of improving IAQ. In some cases it may be the only available effective option.
Some examples of effective source control are:

(a) Total elimination of the pollutant source

Examples: removal of friable asbestos insulation

discarding a ceiling tile contaminated with mould
(b) Substituting a source with a lower emission rate or emitting a less hazardous pollutant

Examples: using a water based/polyurethane paint to replace an organic solvent based paint
using a cleaning agent with a lower but adequate chemical strength

(c) Sealing the source or blocking the pollutant pathway

Examples: sealing the surfaces of some furniture items to cut formaldehyde emission
ensuring offices close to car parks and loading docks are under positive pressure

(d) Relocating the source away from occupied spaces

Examples: relocating photocopiers away from the general working area

(e) Minimizing source factors conducive to mould growth

Examples: controlling relative humidity; minimizing water condensation, leakage and flood
preventing and controlling dust accumulation

The best choice of source control—whether total elimination, relocation of polluting activities,
etc.—will depend on the practicality and cost of implementation in particular circumstances.

8.1.2 Ventilation

The installation of new ventilation systems or modification to existing systems is an important

means of pollutant control. If, for example, levels of carbon dioxide or other pollutants are
unusually high (typical office levels of carbon dioxide are in the range 600–800 ppmv), the
ventilation system may not be functioning properly. The effectiveness of existing ventilation
systems can be improved by:

 adjusting and rebalancing the ventilation system to the level appropriate to the occupancy
levels, and sources of heat and pollutants
 increasing the outside air supply
 removing obstructions from the return plenum
 controlling pressure relationships between areas with pollutant sources and other areas
 introducing (temporary or permanent) local exhaust ventilation for activities emitting highly
toxic or highly concentrated pollutants such as cooking on gas appliances, photographic
processing and soldering
 changing the positioning of supply and return diffusers, or alternatively adjusting their
settings, to obtain a better relationship between source and distribution of air
 upgrading the air distribution system, e.g. by increasing fan capacity in the supply or return

Investigators must ensure that any modification of the ventilation system is carried out in accordance
with the “Energy Efficiency Requirements of Air Conditioning Installations” in the Code of Practice
for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation23 and other relevant codes. Ventilation systems
will only deliver their designed function if they are serviced and maintained regularly (see Section 4.4.2
for good maintenance practice). A poorly serviced system will not only give the building occupants a
sense of false safety, but may also add to the problem of IAQ as the system itself can be a source of
dust and other pollutants, including biological contaminants.

8.1.3 Air Cleaning

Another option is to upgrade air filtering systems to clean the air more thoroughly. Installation of
particulate filters (Section with high dust spot efficiency (85% or higher) and electrostatic
precipitators (Section can mitigate problems caused by particulate pollution or fungal
spores. Gas filters (Section can, in addition, reduce levels of common VOCs, ozone,

Published by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region.

hydrogen sulphide and reactive gases such as formaldehyde in the air. As with ventilation systems,
the performance of air cleaners will depend on regular cleaning and maintenance. Professional
advice should be sought to select the device most appropriate to the problem and compatible with
existing MVAC equipment.

8.1.4 Administrative Action

Some IAQ problems can be solved simply by taking administrative action such as:

 rescheduling activities such as renovation works or pest control to outside normal working
 limiting the period an individual can spend operating equipment that may produce pollutants
 relocating more susceptible individuals from the area where they experience symptoms
 adjusting the indoor temperature and relative humidity, where practicable and appropriate,
to minimise water condensation on wall surfaces to prevent mould growth

Even if the problem cannot be solved by administrative measures, these administrative measures
may provide some interim relief while a longer term solution is found. The advantage of this
approach is that measures can be implemented immediately and at minimal cost. Managers should
monitor compliance with any administrative measures to ensure they have the desired effect.

8.2 Evaluating Mitigation Measures

The success or otherwise of any mitigation strategy can only be judged by the effect of the
strategy on the level of complaints and on the concentrations of pollutants. Unfortunately neither
of these is a very reliable guide and managers should exercise caution in drawing conclusions.

The level of complaints may be affected by subjective judgements, e.g. about the way in which
the problem has been handled, as well as changes in comfort levels and health symptoms resulting
from effective mitigation measures. Occupants may, for example, continue making complaints if
they are not satisfied with the way the problem has been addressed, or, conversely desist from
making complaints if they know that firm action has been taken even though the problem is not
solved. Complaints which continue for a long time may indicate that the mitigation strategy was
unsuccessful, or, if complaints continue at a reduced level, the existence of more than one IAQ

The effect of mitigation measures on concentration levels of specific pollutants can be tested
scientifically but not necessarily very accurately. Test conditions, time of day, location, etc.,
should replicate as closely as possible the “worst case” conditions in which the original sample
was taken. Even so, normal fluctuations in concentrations of air pollutants may make it difficult
to make any meaningful before and after comparisons. The other risk is that the pollutant
measured may not be causing the problem.

If, after implementing successive mitigation measures, there is still a significant problem it may
be advisable to seek external assistance.


Achieving good IAQ is often simple common sense once the background and the principles are
understood. The majority of IAQ issues can be handled by the building occupants and/or building
management staff with basic knowledge of the MVAC system, or, if detailed inspection or
adjustment of the MVAC system is involved, by external MVAC contractors.

In any of the following situations, it may be advisable to engage external professional assistance in
investigating complaints or mitigating identified problems:

 a number of different or complicated IAQ and non-IAQ related factors are involved
 in-house investigation and mitigation strategies have failed
 environmental monitoring using specialised equipment and training is needed
 a susceptible population, e.g. children, are affected
 delays in solving the problem could have serious health consequences
 there is a lack of information on the alleged pollutants
 relationships between the occupants and the building management have become strained

The type of professional assistance required will depend on the nature of the complaint. As IAQ
is a multidisciplinary subject, professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience will be
needed to solve different types of problem. For example, suspected microbiological infection
may require a professional with a background in microbiology and environmental pollution.
Faults in the performance of the MVAC system may require a ventilation engineer. Chemical
pollutants may require an environmental scientist or occupational hygienist with a background
in chemistry.

When an external professional is needed, the building manager or other responsible personnel
should approach more than one firm of suitably qualified consultants, brief them on the nature
of the complaint and obtain a proposal from each for evaluation. Proposals should be evaluated
according to the following criteria:

 academic and professional qualifications

 experience of IAQ issues, and any experience of handling similar problems to the one under
 knowledge of relevant codes and legislation
 company reputation
 composition of assistant staff, if any
 cost
 proposed scope of professional service
 proposed methodology and assessment tools
 proposed timetable
 internal resources needed to support the external consultant

It may be useful to seek references from other organisations who have used the potential
candidates before.

9.1 Professionals with Relevant Expertise

9.1.1 Environmental, Health and Safety Consultants & Environmental Monitoring


A number of environmental health and safety professionals are available in Hong Kong to
investigate and advise on IAQ matters. They have a duty to provide scientifically sound
information and advice to their clients, to perform investigations or analyses according to
established protocols and standards, and to report their findings accurately. For laboratory analysis,
the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) of the Innovation and Technology Commission
(ITC) publishes an annual directory of the lists of laboratories accredited under the Hong Kong
Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) and their services as well as overseas accreditation
schemes that have established mutual recognition agreements with HOKLAS. The use of overseas
laboratories with proper equipment set up and quality control procedures and with mutual
recognition agreement (MRA) with HKAS could be an alternative provided that the samples are
properly preserved and packed during the transportation

9.1.2 Ventilation Consultants and Contractors, and Registered Professional Engineers

Ventilation consultants can advise the building/system owners on the relationship between
ventilation and IAQ. Registered Professional Engineers in building services or mechanical
disciplines are experienced professionals with responsibility for design, supervision of
installation, inspection, witnessing commissioning tests and certification of ventilation systems.
Registered Specialist Contractors (sub-register of Ventilation Works Category), in accordance
with Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123), are eligible for installation, alteration, extension, testing,
commission, repair and maintenance of ventilation systems. Engineers and contractors should
ensure that they perform their responsibilities in accordance with the most up-to-date standards
and legal requirements.

9.2 CIBs for Indoor Air Quality Certification

To participate in the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places,
owners/management of the buildings should engage a CIB accredited by the Hong Kong
Inspection Body Accreditation Scheme (HKIAS) operated by Hong Kong Accreditation Service
or by an accreditation body who is a recognised partner of Hong Kong Accreditation Service
under mutual recognition arrangement sfor IAQ measurement and issuing of certificates where
IAQ objectives are complied.

Details on how to participate in the IAQ Certification Scheme and other certification
requirements are set out in A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and
Public Places (2019). The Guide is available at the IAQ Information Centre or at


I. Laws of Hong Kong

1. Air Pollution Control (Dust and Grit Emission) Regulations, Cap. 311B
2. Air Pollution Control (Furnaces, Ovens and Chimneys) (Installation and Alteration)
Regulations, Cap. 311A
3. Air Pollution Control (Smoke) Regulations, Cap. 311C
4. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Specification of Required Particulars and
Information) Order 1993, Cap. 311G
5. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Specification of Required Particulars and
Information) Order 1994, Cap. 311N
6. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) Regulations, Cap. 311F
7. Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Cap. 311
8. Building (Planning) Regulations, Cap. 123F
9. Building (Ventilating Systems) Regulations, Cap. 123J
10. Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, Cap. 509
11. Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance, Cap. 172
12. Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132
13. Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance, Cap. 371
14. Ventilation of Scheduled Premises Regulation, Cap. 132CE

The above legislation is available for view at

II. Local Guidance Notes/Codes of Practice

A. Environmental Protection Department

1. A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places (2019),
January 2019

2. A Guide on Prevention and Control of Indoor Mould, 01/2019

3. A Guide to the Air Pollution Control (Furnaces, Ovens and Chimneys) (Installation and
Alteration) Regulations, 1999

4. Control of Oil Fume and Cooking Odour from Restaurants and Food Business

5. Practice Note for Professional Persons—on Handling of Asbestos Containing Materials in

Buildings, ProPECC PN2/97, July 1997

6. Practice Note for Professional Persons—Control of Radon Concentration in New Buildings,

ProPECC PN 1/99, 1999

7. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines—Chapter 9 on Environment

8. Practice Note for Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities—
Buses (ProPECC PN1/03), November 2003

9. Practice Note for Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities—
Railways (ProPECC PN2/03), November 2003

10. Practice Note for Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities—
Ferries (ProPECC PN1/15), October 2015

B. Labour Department

1. Code of Practice on Control of Air Impurities (Chemical Substances) in the Workplace, 2002
2. A Simple Guide to Health Risk Assessment, Office Environment Series OE 4/2004—
Ventilation, November 2004

3. Air Impurities in the Workplace, 2009

4. Guidance Notes on Ventilation and Maintenance of Ventilation Systems, 2005

C. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

1. A Guide to Application for Restaurant Licenses, 2016 Edition

D. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

1. Code of Practice for the Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease, 2016

2. Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation, 2015

E. Architectural Services Department

1. General specification for air-conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and central

monitoring & control system installation in government buildings of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, 2017 Edition

F. Miscellaneous

1. HK-BEAM, BEAM Plus Interiors—Commercial, Retail and Institutional Version 1.0

2. HK-BEAM, BEAM Plus for New Buildings Version 1.2

3. HK-BEAM, BEAM Plus for Existing Buildings Version 2.0 Comprehensive Scheme

4. HK-BEAM 4/04 for New Buildings

5. HK-BEAM 5/04 for Existing Buildings

6. HK-BEAM 1/96R, An Environmental Assessment for New Office Designs

7. HK-BEAM 2/96R, An Environmental Assessment for Existing Office Buildings

8. HK-BEAM 3/99 An Environmental Assessment for New Residential Buildings

9. Guide to the Management of Indoor Air Quality for Hotels in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University

10. Hong Kong Pest Management Association—Code of Practice



The guidelines are to assist relevant professionals and building managements to determine
optimum temperature, relative humidity and air movement settings of the mechanical
ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC) system for occupants in air-conditioned offices and
public places.


2.1 Air temperature, relative humidity and air movement inside an air-conditioned office or
public place are the key factors if a comfortable environment is to be provided for its
occupants. Apart from thermal comfort, energy saving and prevention of growth of mould
and fungi are also relevant when determining the optimum temperature, relative humidity
and air movement settings. The relevant considerations for these three factors are set out in
sections 3, 4 and 5 below, respectively.


3.1 Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal
environment and it can be varied from one individual to another. As thermal comfort is a
subjective perception, it is not possible to have a single comfort level that can satisfy all
people in a space. The primary factors including metabolic rate, clothing insulation, air
temperature, mean radiant temperature, air movement and relative humidity should be
addressed when defining conditions for thermal comfort.

3.2 Temperature has the most direct effect on thermal comfort while the relative humidity relates
to thermal comfort by affecting the human body’s ability to lose body heat through
perspiration. In addition, clothing of the occupants and air movement in the air-conditioned
space are also important factors. For example, it is often possible to provide at a higher
indoor temperature the same thermal comfort level that may be experienced at lower
temperatures through the wearing of suitable light clothing and increasing air flow by fan in
summer time.

3.3 To determine the indoor temperature, relative humidity and air movement required for
thermal comfort, all relevant factors mentioned in paragraph 3.1 above have to be duly
addressed in designing and operating the air-conditioning system of the concerned space by
making reference to international guidelines such as the ASHRAE Standard 55-2017 and BS,
EN 15251:2007.

3.4 The user may observe some typical comfort zones shown in the standards such as Fig. 5.3.1
of ASHRAE Standard 55-2017 and Table A.2 of BSEN 15251:2007, for reference. Based on
different usages of premises and all relevant factors for thermal comfort, air temperature
from 20°C to 26°C (20°C to 23°C in winter time and 24°C to 26°C in summer time), relative
humidity from 40% to 70% and air movement not exceeding 0.2m/s1 are optimum ranges
for most occupants in air-conditioned offices and public places.

It is acceptable to use elevated air speed to increase the upper temperature limit for the comfort zone in certain
circumstances as described in ASHARE 55-2017 Section 5.3.3.


4.1 Air conditioning accounts for a very significant amount of the total electricity consumption
of commercial buildings in Hong Kong. Optimizing the indoor air temperature, relative
humidity and air movement can help save significantly the energy consumed in running the
air conditioning system. In addition, as electricity generation is the major emission source
of air pollutants and greenhouse gas in Hong Kong, reducing the consumption of electricity
by setting indoor air temperature appropriately can also help combat the air pollution and
global warming.

4.2 To save energy, indoor air temperature should not be set unnecessarily low during summer.
The Government has set an example by encouraging their offices to maintain indoor
temperature at 25.5°C. In addition, the Government launched the Energy Saving Charter on
Indoor Temperature in June 2012 and June 2013 under which developers and property
management companies pledged to maintain an average indoor temperature of the common
areas in shopping malls, shops and office buildings between 24ºC – 26ºC in summer. In
winter time, operation of the space heating facility is not encouraged for the sake of
conserving energy unless for very cold weather conditions.

4.3 The energy saving measures recommended by the Energy Efficiency Office of the Electrical
and Mechanical Services Department (e.g., those presented in their Energy Saving Tips for
Offices) and other professional institutions should also be considered. Many of these
measures, for example, dress light to minimise the use of air conditioner and use fans to
increase air circulation, etc., will also be useful in reducing the cooling demands of the


5.1 Microbial pollution involves hundreds of species of bacteria and fungi that grow indoors
when sufficient moisture is available. Exposure to microbial contaminants is associated with
respiratory symptoms, allergies, asthma and immunological reactions. Among others,
moulds and fungi are of great concerns as the Hong Kong climate condition of high
temperature and relative humidity is particularly favourable to their growth.

5.2 The most common cause of excessive mould and fungal growth indoors is water
condensation. Proper control of indoor air temperature and maintenance of suitable relative
humidity (recommended to be not exceeding 70%) are effective means to avoid water
condensation on cold surfaces indoors. The criteria for preventing mould and fungal growth
should also be taken into consideration while achieving other objectives of indoor air quality
as promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department.

5.3 In 2009, the WHO has published its guidelines for indoor air quality on dampness and mould.
Reference to the guidelines should also be made to prevent the persistence of dampness and
microbial growth.


6.1 To ascertain the indoor air temperature, relative humidity and air movement are within the
optimum range, they should be monitored on a regular or even continuous basis.

6.2 Air temperature, relative humidity and air movement can be measured by several methods
ranging from a simple thermometer for temperature, a wet and dry bulb thermometer for
relative humidity and anemometer for measurement of air movement to sophisticated
electronic instruments. Suitable type of instrument should be deployed with due regard to
the purpose of the measurement. Electronic instruments for continuous measurement with
data logger should be used when it is to measure the average air temperature and relative
humidity over a period of time, or to investigate the fluctuation of the air temperature and
relative humidity over time.

6.3 For details on the choice of measurement instruments and sampling locations, reference
should be made to the international guidelines such as the ASHRAE Standard 55-2017.


For any enquiries related to these guidelines, please contact:

Environmental Protection Department
33/F., Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel: 2594 6251
Fax: 2827 8040


 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (2017).

ASHRAE Standard 55-2017—Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human
 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (2017).
ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals 2017, Chapter 9.
 British Standard (2007). BS_EN 15251:2007—Indoor environmental input parameters
for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings—addressing indoor air
quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics.
 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, CIBSE Guide A:
Environmental Design.
 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (2011), Energy Efficiency Office,
Energy Saving Tips for Office.
 Environment Bureau and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (2017).
Energy Savings for All.
 International Organization for Standardization (2005). ISO 7730:2005—Ergonomics of
the Thermal Environment—Analytical Determination and Interpretation of Thermal
Comfort Using Calculation of the PMV and PPD Indices and Local Thermal Comfort
 World Health Organization (2009). WHO Guidelines for Indoor air Quality—Dampness
and Mould.



Asbestos is a collective term referring to a group of naturally occurring hydrated silicate

minerals crystallised in the form of long, strong and flexible fibres which can be separated
into bundles of fibrils. The high tensile strength, durability and resistance to heat and
corrosion has given asbestos wide applications in building materials for many years in the
past and a large tonnage of these materials are found in existing buildings.

However, asbestos has been confirmed as a human carcinogen. The hazard of asbestos fibre
also applies to the indoor environment as asbestos-containing material (ACM) is a candidate
of building material commonly found indoors. ACM is hazardous when it is damaged or in
poor physical conditions such that the asbestos fibre could be emitted into the air. The health
hazard of ACM lies in its friability (the ease of crumbling when dry). The more friable the
ACM is, the more susceptible it is to damage and the more likely it is to release asbestos fibre
to the environment.

Asbestos is commonly found in building materials and building installations applied before
mid-1980s. Those would be found indoors are asbestos spray, asbestos-textured paints,
ceiling tiles, pipe lagging, vinyl floor tiles, flexible joints in air handling units, insulation
boards and arc chutes in electrical switch boxes and brake lining in lift brake drums.


Though the use of asbestos has been banned since April 2014, it may still be likely to find
ACM in older offices or public places which were built before mid-1980s.

The hot water pipe asbestos lagging in washrooms and kitchens are those friable ACM most
commonly found in publicly accessible locations in offices/public places in these days.
“Asbestos spray”, usually in the function of acoustical treatment, may also still exist in a few
locations. These asbestos sprays can usually be found on ceiling and structural beams and
occasionally on walls. It has a rough texture and usually coloured to match the interior of the
buildings. Asbestos spray crumbles easily when impacted (such as scratching and poking)
by a hard material.

Non-friable ACM also exists in area accessible to the general public. The most common
ones are vinyl asbestos floor tiles, their underlying adhesive layers and ceiling cement

There are also some other ACMs found in the indoor environment that are confined to areas
inaccessible to the general public. Examples are pipe insulation or flexible joints in
mechanical plant room/heating facilities, cement pipes inside the service ducts, air duct
gaskets, asbestos plaster in the ceiling void and arc chutes in electrical switch boxes.


Under normal circumstances, there is no urgent need to remove ACMs from a building if the
concerned materials are in good and undisturbed condition. It is, however, a good practice for
the owner to commission a registered asbestos consultant to prepare an Asbestos Management
Plan for the effective management of these ACMs. This plan should cover the proper
management of the existing ACMs and suspect materials before their ultimate removal and
disposal. It should be updated once every two years by a registered asbestos consultant, and
should be available to and understood by the building management and workers.

The preparation of this plan, other than those ACMs exempted under the Air Pollution Control
Ordinance (Cap. 311), starts off with an asbestos investigation to be carried out by a
Registered Asbestos Consultant and a Registered Asbestos Laboratory registered under the
Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311). The asbestos investigation involves a thorough
visual inspection to all accessible areas of the premises by the Registered Asbestos Consultant
and where a material is suspected to contain asbestos, have bulk samples collected by the
Registered Asbestos Laboratory for analysis. An Asbestos Investigation Report should then
be compiled. If ACM is located, the Registered Asbestos Consultant shall then compile an
Asbestos Management Plan together with an Asbestos Investigation Report to the owner of
buildings outlining the strategies on asbestos abatement basing on the findings in the asbestos


If the ACM is found in poor condition or damaged or measurements show the ambient asbestos
concentration would be higher than 0.01 fibre per millilitre, asbestos abatement work should be
done as soon as possible. Asbestos abatement work involves a Registered Asbestos Contractor
who should employ under them, a Registered Asbestos Supervisor whose responsibility is to give
continuous supervision on the implementation of the Asbestos Abatement Plan prepared by the
Registered Asbestos Consultant. The owner is also required to submit to the Environmental
Protection Department the Asbestos Management or Asbestos Abatement Plan together with the
Asbestos Investigation Report and a written notice not less than 28 days of the date on which the
asbestos abatement work is to be commenced.


The following are the main legislation, codes of practice and guides regulating asbestos—


(1) Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311)

(2) Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Asbestos) Regulation, under the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59)

(3) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354)

The above legislation is available for view at

Codes of Practice/Guides

Although the codes of practices and guides have no legally binding force, they will form the
criteria for judging compliance to the relevant legislation.

Environmental Protection Department

(1) Code of Practice on Asbestos Control—Preparation of Asbestos Investigation Report,

Asbestos Management Plan and Asbestos Abatement Plan

(2) Code of Practice on Asbestos Control—Asbestos Work Using Full Containment or Mini
Containment Method

(3) Code of Practice on Asbestos Control—Safe Handling of Low Risk Asbestos-containing


(4) Code of Practice on Asbestos Control—Asbestos Work Using Glove Bag Method

(5) Code of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Wastes

The above is available for view at

Labour Department

(1) Code of Practice: Safety and Health at Work with Asbestos (Second Edition)

(2) Health Hazards of Asbestos

(3) Guide to Occupational Diseases Prescribed for Compensation Purposes

The above is available for view at


Should the owner of a building require the service of asbestos related work, he should include
in his contract the following items as a minimum:

For Maintenance or Servicing:

 Use asbestos free materials as the replacement which shall be carried out by a Registered
Asbestos Contractor in accordance with the relevant requirements under the Air Pollution
Control Ordinance (Cap. 311).

For Asbestos Investigation:

 A Registered Asbestos Consultant to conduct a detailed visual investigation to ascertain the

presence of ACM in the building or otherwise, and supervise a Registered Asbestos
Laboratory to collect bulk samples of suspected ACM for confirmation.
 If ACM is present, the Registered Asbestos Consultant should prepare an Asbestos
Investigation Report and an Asbestos Management Plan according to Environmental
Protection Department’s Code of Practice.

For Asbestos Abatement:

 Submission of an Asbestos Investigation Report and an Asbestos Abatement Plan to

Environmental Protection Department not less than 28 days before commencement of the
asbestos abatement work in accordance with section 69 of the Air Pollution Control
Ordinance (Cap. 311).
 Submission of a written notification to Environmental Protection Department 28 days
before the commencement of the asbestos abatement work, according to section 73 of the
Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311).
 A Registered Asbestos Contractor to carry out the abatement work or implement the
Asbestos Abatement Plan and a Registered Asbestos Supervisor to provide continuous
supervision on the required asbestos abatement works.
 The Registered Asbestos Contractor should also organise the disposal of ACM waste by a
licensed chemical waste collector.
 A Registered Asbestos Consultant to provide supervision on the carrying out of the
abatement work.
 A Registered Asbestos Laboratory to carry out sampling and air monitoring according to the
Asbestos Abatement Plan.


The following departments can be contacted for information regarding the control of
asbestos in Hong Kong:

Advice on asbestos control

Environmental Protection Department
Asbestos Management & Control Sections
28/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone no.: 2755 3554

Advice on disposal of asbestos wastes

Environmental Protection Department
Chemical Waste and WEEE (Licensing and Control Support) Section
25/F., Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone no.: 2835 1063

Advice on occupational safety and health for asbestos work employees

Labour Department
Occupational Hygiene Division
15/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Hong Kong
Telephone no.: 2852 4041


page no
POLLUTANT AND SOURCE INVENTORY................................................................................... 64
MVAC CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................................... 66
QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY FOR BUILDING OCCUPANTS .................................................... 69


Building Name: Address:

Completed by: Date:

1. Outdoor sources:

 Garbage dumpsites
 Heavy motor vehicle traffic
 Electricity generators
 Power plants
 Construction activities
 Industrial stacks
 Other:

2. Maintenance Activities:

Activity Checked Needs Attention Location Comments

Use of Materials with VOC
(e.g. paint, caulk, adhesives)
Stored supplies with VOC
Use of Pesticides

3. Housekeeping Activities:

Activity Checked Needs Attention Location Comments

Cleaning Materials
Cleaning Procedures
Stored Cleaning Supplies
Trash Storage

4. Special Use/Mixed Use Areas:

Existence If Yes Communication with test office

(Y/N) (state location)
Dedicated Dedicated Doorway
Ventilation Exhaust
Systems Fan
Graphics arts
Loading dock
Parking garage

5. Accidental Events:

Damage Yes/No Location When

Fire Recent
Water Recent
Chemical Spillage Recent

6. Renovation activities that induce emissions of VOC, odour and dust:

Activity Checked Location When Comments

New carpet
New furniture
Partition replacement or
interior wall movements
New air duct
Renovation of air duct
New floor (wooden)

7. Furnishings and Equipment:

Checked Needs Location Comments

Office Equipment


Building Name: Address:

Completed by: Date:

Central Air Handling and Distribution System

1. Air Handler Number

2. Air Handler Location , Room No.

3. System Type
 Single Duct, Constant Volume, Single Zone
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume, Reheat
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume, Fan Powered, Constant Fan
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume, Fan Powered, Intermittent Fan
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume, Dual Conduit
 Single Duct, Variable Air Volume Interior, Fan Powered Variable Air Volume Perimeter
 Dual Duct, Variable Air Volume, Single Fan
 Dual Duct, Variable Air Volume, Dual Fan
 Multizone, Constant Volume
 Other

Other System Information: The following information can sometimes be determined from the mechanical
equipment specifications but must be verified by inspection and discussion with the building operator.

4. Number of thermostatically-controlled zones served by the air handler

5. Return air fan  Yes  No

6. Variable supply air temperature set point (for VAV system only):
 YES, the system is VAV and the supply air temperature is varied by the control system in
response to conditions
 NO, the system is VAV and does not have a variable supply air temperature set point

Fresh Air Intake

7. Intake Strategy: Conditioned Positive

Unconditioned Positive
Unconditioned Suction

8. Intake Control Strategy: 100% Fresh Air Intake

Fixed Minimum Fresh Air Intake
Economist Cycle

Air Handling Specification

9. Air Handler No.

10. Design Supply Airflow Rate Capacity m3/s or cfm
11. Design Minimum Fresh Air Intake Rate m3/s or cfm
12. Space served by Air Handler
13. Return Fan Capacity m3/s or cfm

Maintenance & Inspection

14. Adequate access for maintenance?

15. Ducts and coils clean?
16. Controls operating properly?
17. Drain pans clean? Any visible mould growth?

18. Inspection & Cleaning Schedule

Inspection Cleaning Frequency

Air Handler Inspection
Drain Pans
Heating & Cooling Coils
Air Cleaners
Air Distribution Ductwork
Cooling Towers
Fan Coil Units
Terminal Units

19. Filters

Location Type/Rating Size Date last Changed Condition

20. Supply Airflow Rate (Airflow Rate at Filters)

Anemometer Readings, m/s

21. Local Ventilation Performance

Airflow Rate Supply Air Temperature

Diffuser No. 1
Diffuser No. 2
Diffuser No.
Diffuser No.
Diffuser No.


Personal Information
Male / Female Age:

How many years have you worked in this building?

Your employment status? Employer / Employee

What is your job nature? Managerial / Professional / Technical / Secretarial or clerical / Receptionist /
Messenger / Others

1. Workplace building type:  Commercial  Industrial & office

2. Your building is located in which district?

3. What floor is your office located on? Floor

4. No. of hours per week spent in workplace:

5. Do you have your own workstation at your office?

6. No. of people working on same floor:

7. Type of air conditioning system installed in your office? Central A/C / Window Unit / None

8. Is there any Air Cleaning device installed in your office? Yes / No / Don’t know
If yes, which type?
Do you feel any improvement? Yes / No / Don’t know

9. How many hours per day do you work with a computer?

10. Have you ever observed to have the following whilst working at this office?

No Yes (but not Diagnosis made by a

diagnosed doctor, and during times
by doctor) working at this office
Yes No
Asthma    
Hay fever/allergy to pollen    
Bronchitis    
Dermatitis    
Episodes of unexplained flu    
Allergy to dust mites    
Allergy to moulds    

11. Do you eat at your office?

12. Does your office have a pantry? If yes, where?

13. Do you have a window near your workstation? Can you open it?

14. Do you have carpet at your workstation?

15. Has there been any recent renovation within 3 metres of your workstation?
 Painting  Carpeting  Partitioning

16. Are there any particular problems with the air quality of your office?
 Dust  Stuffiness  Mould  Lighting
 Odours:  Others:

17. In your office, how would you rate the:

V. Good Good Fair Poor V. Poor
Air quality:     
Comfort factor:     
Cleanliness:     

18. During the last four weeks you were at work, how often have you experienced each of the following
symptoms while working in this building? And what happened to these symptoms when you were
away from work?
Symptom Frequency of Got Better Stayed the Got Worse
occurrence (1) same (2) (3)
Dry, itchy or watery eyes days/week
Runny nose (Rhinitis) days/week
Stuffy nose days/week
Sinus Congestion days/week
Sore or dry throat days/week
Cough days/week
Wheezing/asthmatic attack during exercise days/week
Shortness of breath/difficulty in breathing days/week
Sneezing days/week
Sputum/phlegm days/week
Dizziness days/week
Headaches days/week
Dry or itchy skin days/week
Redness, heat of skin days/week
Nausea days/week
Unusual tiredness, fatigue or drowsiness days/week
Difficulty in remembering or concentrating days/week
Stomach pain days/week
Muscle pain days/week
Diarrhoea days/week
Documented fever days/week

19. How many bouts of cold/flu did you get in the last 30 days?

20. How many days in total did you suffer from it? days

21. How many days of sick leave have you taken in the last 30 days?



American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (2009). Indoor Air
Quality Guide: Best Practices for Design, Construction and Commissioning. ASHRAE, Atlanta

US Environmental Protection Agency. Controlling Pollutants and Sources: Indoor Air Quality
Design tools for Schools. (refer to:

Useful Websites

Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), US

Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), US

Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) , UK

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),US

Building Research Establishment, UK

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Canada

Carpet and Rug Institute, US

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), US

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), US

The Global Ecolabelling Network

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH)

Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), US

Indoor Air Quality Information Centre, Hong Kong

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

International Energy Agency

International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)

National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), US
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), US

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US

World Health Organization (WHO)


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