High Rise Buildings
High Rise Buildings
High Rise Buildings
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High-Rise Building Structures
High rise structures have gone through advancement but they pose particular design challenges for
structural and geotechnical engineers, particularly if situated in a seismically active region or if the
underlying soils have geotechnical risk factors such as high compressibility or bay mud. They also pose
serious challenges to reghters during emergencies in high-rise structures. The denition of a high-rise
again differs from city to city, because of the parameters dictated by each city’s available infrastructure for
reghting, solid waste disposal, water supply and sewerage facilities. These are the agencies whose
capabilities dictate how high a building can be in any particular city. So all factors need to be analyzed
correctly for building this type of structure.
In this edition of eMag, we have focused on The materials used and its advantage in high rise buildings, An
Analysis of development, types and importance of high rise buildings, Exemplary high rise buildings across
the globe; structural and design analysis, Load Composition and much more.
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high-rise building is a building with forty or more stories and tion Association defines a high-rise
tall building, as opposed taller than 150 m (490 ft) is generally con- as being higher than 75 feet (23
to a low-rise building sidered a skyscraper. meters), or about 7 stories.
and is defined differ- Ÿ Most building engineers, inspectors,
ently in terms of height Various bodies have defined "high- architects and similar professionals
depending on the juris- rise"- define a high-rise as a building that is
diction. It is used as a residential, office at least 75 feet (23 meters)
building, or other functions including Ÿ Emporis Standards defines a high-
hotel, retail, or with multiple purposes rise as "A multi-story structure High-rise structures pose particular
combined. Residential high-rise build- between 35–100 meters tall, or a design challenges for structural and
ings are also known as tower blocks and building of unknown height from geotechnical engineers, particularly if situ-
may be referred to as "MDUs", standing 12–39 floors." ated in a seismically active region or if the
for "multi-dwelling unit". A very tall high- Ÿ According to the building code of underlying soils have geotechnical risk
rise building is referred to as a skyscraper. Hyderabad, India, a high-rise build- factors such as high compressibility or
ing is one with four floors or more, or bay mud. They also pose serious chal-
High-rise buildings became possible with 15 to 18 meters or more in height. lenges to firefighters during emergencies
the invention of the elevator (lift) and less Ÿ The New Shorter Oxford English Dic- in high-rise structures. New and old build-
expensive, more abundant building mate- tionary defines a high-rise as "a ing design, building systems like the
rials. The materials used for the structural building having many storeys". building standpipe system, HVAC sys-
system of high-rise buildings are rein- Ÿ The International Conference on Fire tems (heating, ventilation and air condi-
forced concrete and steel. Skyscrapers Safety in High-Rise Buildings tioning), fire sprinkler system and other
have a steel frame, while residential defined a high-rise as "any structure things like stairwell and elevator evacua-
blocks are usually constructed of con- where the height can have a serious tions pose significant problems. Studies
crete. There is no clear difference between impact on evacuation" are often required to ensure that pedes-
a tower block and a skyscraper, although a Ÿ In the U.SThe National Fire Protec- trian wind comfort and wind danger con-
cerns are addressed. In order to allow less height control regulations to maintain south tower, Two World Trade Center
wind exposure, to transmit more daylight their low skylines. Today, however, we (WTC 2), 1,362 feet (415 meters), was
to the ground and to appear more slender, witness Paris and London giving away completed in 1973. At that time, the WTC
many high-rises have a design with set- their horizontality in favor of the vertical towers were the tallest buildings in the
backs. scale. world (taking the title from the Empire
State Building, which for more than 40
The development of high rise buildings In 1930 and 1931, two of the tallest build- years was the world's tallest building). In
ings in the world were constructed in New 1974, the world's tallest building became
The 10-story Home Insurance Building, York City: the 77-story Chrysler Building the Sears Tower. Located in Chicago, it
built in Chicago in 1885, is generally con- (1,046 feet, 319 meters) and the 102-story has 110 floors, beginning at street level
sidered to be the world's first skyscraper. Empire State Building (1,250 feet, 381 and ending 1,450 feet (442 meters) in the
As stated in the Architectural Record , meters). The latter, considered the “ air.
before the Home Insurance Building was Eighth Wonder of the World, ”was built in
demolished to allow construction of the the record time of one year and 45 days. In 1972, the Council on Tall Buildings and
New Field Building, “a committee of 27 Both the Chrysler Building and the Urban Habitat (CTBUH) first compiled a
architects and others was appointed by the Empire State Building eclipsed the Wool- list of “The One Hundred Tallest Build-
Marshall Field Estate to decide if it was worth Building as the world's tallest sky- ings in the World.” In compiling the data
entitled to the distinction of being the scrapers. After these buildings were “height is measured from the sidewalk
world's first skyscraper. This committee, erected, 40-, 50-, and 60-story structures level of the main entrance to the architec-
after a thorough investigation, handed were built all over the United States. tural top of the building. Cities in the elite
down a verdict that it was unquestionably 100 are Atlanta, Bangkok, Charlotte, Chi-
the first building of skeletal construction.” “Skyscrapers began to appear in Shang- cago, Chongqing, Cleveland, Dallas,
Engineer William Le Baron Jenney hai, Hong Kong, S ã o Paulo, and other Doha, Dubai, Frankfurt, Gold Coast (Aus-
designed this 180-foot (55 meters) tall major Asian and Latin American cities in tralia), Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Hous-
building using a steel frame to support the the 1930s, with Europe and Australia join- ton, Izumisano, Kaohsiung, Kuala
weight of the structure. Jenney stated in ing in by mid-century.” In the early 1970s, Lumpur, Los Angeles, Makati, Manama,
1883, “ we are building to a height to rival the 110-story Twin Towers of the New Melbourne, Moscow, Nanning, New
the Tower of Babel. ” In the 1890s, “ most York World Trade Center (WTC) were York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Riyadh,
European cities like London, Paris, and built: the north tower, One World Trade San Francisco, Seattle, Seoul, Shanghai,
Rome rejected tall buildings in their his- Center (WTC 1), 1,368 feet (417 meters) Shenzhen, Singapore, Taipei, Toronto,
torical city centers meanwhile opting for in height, was completed in 1972; the Wuhan, and Yokohama. Of the tallest 100
buildings, 64 are located outside of North The only means of escape from a floor structures are built of lightweight steel or
America. Of these, 41 are in Asia and 16 was through a single stairway usually pro- reinforced concrete frames, with exterior
are in the Middle East. Burj Dubai, tected at each level by a metal-plated all-glass curtain walls. As Salvadori
located in Dubai, the United Arab wooden door. There were no standards for stated, “The so-called curtain walls of our
Emirates, is the tallest structure in the the protection of steel used in the con- highrise buildings consist of thin, vertical
world. Scheduled to be completed in struction of these high-rises. metal struts or mullions, which encase the
2009, this 160 + -story monolith will stand large glass panels constituting most of the
at a stunning height (at the time of publi- Second Generation wall surface. The curtain wall, built for
cation of this book, the estimated height of lighting and temperature-conditioning
Burj Dubai was over 800 meters or 2600 The second generation of tall buildings, purposes, does not have the strength to
feet). which includes the Metropolitan Life stand by itself and is supported by a frame
Building (1909), the Woolworth Building of steel or concrete, which constitutes the
Three Generations of High-Rise Build- (1913), and the Empire State Building structure of the building.
ings (1931), are frame structures, in which a
skeleton of welded- or riveted-steel col- Steel-Framed Tube Construction- Tube
Since the first appearance of high-rise umns and beams, often encased in con- structures represented a change in the
buildings, there has been a transformation crete, runs through the entire building. design of steel-framed buildings to enable
in their design and construction. This has This type of construction makes for an them to be built ü ber tall and yet remain
culminated in glass, steel, and concrete extremely strong structure, but not such strong enough to resist the lateral forces of
structures in the international and attractive floor space. The interiors are winds and the possible effects of an earth-
postmodernist styles of architecture prev- full of heavy, load-bearing columns and quake. Tube construction used load-
alent today. walls. bearing exterior or perimeter walls to sup-
port the weight of the building.
First Generation Third Generation
Reinforced Concrete Construction -
The exterior walls of these buildings con- Buildings constructed from after World Concrete that has been hardened onto
sisted of stone or brick, although some- War II until today make up the most recent imbedded metal (usually steel) is called
times cast iron was added for decorative generation of high-rise buildings. Within reinforced concrete, or ferroconcrete .The
purposes. The columns were constructed this generation there are those of steel- reinforcing steel, which may take the
of cast iron, often unprotected; steel and framed construction (core construction form of rods, bars, or mesh, contributes
wrought iron was used for the beams; and and tube construction), reinforced con- tensile strength.” 46 Reinforced concrete
the floors were made of wood. “In a fire, crete construction, and steel-framed rein- is “concrete containing reinforcement and
the floors tend to collapse, and the iron forced concrete construction. [is] designed on the assumption that the
frame loses strength and implodes.” 38 two materials act together in resisting
Elevator shafts were often unenclosed. Steel-Framed Core Construction-These forces.
The term mixed construction is some- independent cooking and bathroom facili- tall buildings. The ever increasing popu-
times used to describe this type of high- ties and may be known as an apartment, a lation and growing economies in major cit-
rise construction. residence, a tenement, or a condominium. ies of the world mean increasing urban-
An apartment building is “ a building con- ization globally and the continuing rise in
Types of High-Rise Buildings taining more than one dwelling unit. population density in urban areas. Arable
Apartment buildings are those structures land areas are constantly being eaten
The use of a building has considerable containing three or more living units with away by urban spreading through subur-
influence on its security and fire life independent cooking and bathroom facili- ban developments. The tall building can
safety needs. There are different types of ties, whether designated as apartment accommodate many more people on a
high-rise buildings classified according to houses, … condominiums, or garden smaller land than would be the case with
their primary use. apartments. low-rise building on the same land. A tall
building is in effect a vertical transforma-
1. Office buildings: An office building is 4. Mixed-use buildings: A mixed-use tion of horizontal expansion.
a “structure designed for the conduct of building may contain offices, apartments,
business, generally divided into individ- residences, and hotel rooms in separate There has been evident neglect of the
ual offices and offering space for rent or sections of the same building. Hotel Resi- human factors in urban design at the
lease.” dences are another type of mixed-use expense of livability and quality of life.
occupancy. “ The hotel residences trend is The outward expansion of cities into the
2. Hotel buildings: “The term ' hotel ' is notably different from its predecessors suburbs has resulted in increased travel
an all-inclusive designation for facilities such as fractional/timeshare hotel units, time and traffic gridlock. The prospect of
that provide comfortable lodging and gen- which are not wholly owned, or condo traveling for a long time, to and from
erally, but not always food, beverage, hotels, which are wholly owned hotel work, is detrimental to social well-being
entertainment, a business environment, rooms without, for example, kitchens. of the commuter and results in losses of
and other 'away from home' services.” Not only do hotel residences have kitch- fuel and productivity. Clustering of build-
There are also hotels that contain resi- ens and everything else an owner would ings in the form of tall buildings in
dences. Known as hotel-residences, this expect in a typical abode, they also densely built-up areas is the opportunity
type of occupancy is later addressed in include amenities such as maid and room for creating open spaces like playgrounds,
mixed-use buildings. service, plus restaurants, spas and gyms. plazas, parks, and other community
spaces by freeing up space at the ground
3. Residential and apartment build- The need of high rise buildings level. Besides the impact on the city sky-
ings: A residential building contains sepa- line, tall buildings thus influence the city
rate residences where a person may live or First, the exploding population, largely fabric at the level where they meet the
regularly stay. Each residence contains urban, creates an increasing demand for ground. The improvement of the “public
he 20th century are undergoing increasing inundation tecture and design of top ten high rise
was surely the cen- by indigenes from the rural areas in buildings across the globe.
tury for high-rise search of jobs, education and better
buildings. facilities. This puts immense pressure Burj Khalifa
Humans have on the demand for housing, leading to
always been fas- spiraling property costs. Educational The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in
cinated by height. institutes, health centers, industries Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With a
Whether it be and commercial activities all attract total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft) and a
Icarus or the people from surrounding habitations roof height (excluding antenna, but
Wright Brothers, and into the cities. This leads to expan- including a 244 m spire of 828 m (2,717
we have always sought to escape the sion in all aspects of the city; the bad ft), the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest
bonds of gravity. Skyscrapers let us fly part is that there is increased conges- structure and building in the world
if only briefly. And then there are the tion, pollution, competition as well as since its topping out in 2009.
less lofty reasons for going taller -- deforestation as the city tries to expand
such as maximizing land value and horizontally first. Construction of the Burj Khalifa began
ever-improving technology and engi- in 2004, with the exterior completed five
neering capabilities. Currently, cities We have analysed the structure, archi- years later in 2009. The primary struc-
ture is reinforced concrete. The build- the region, such as in the Great
ing was opened in 2010 as part of a Mosque of Samarra. The Y-shaped tri-
new development called Downtown partite floor geometry is designed to
Dubai. It is designed to be the centre- optimize residential and hotel space. A
piece of large-scale, mixed-use devel- buttressed central core and wings are
opment. The decision to construct the used to support the height of the build-
building is based on the government's ing. Although this design was derived
decision to diversify from an oil-based from Tower Palace III, the Burj Khalifa's
economy, and for Dubai to gain inter- central core houses all vertical trans-
national recognition. The building was portation with the exception of egress
originally named Burj Dubai but was stairs within each of the wings. The
renamed in honour of the ruler of Abu structure also features a cladding sys-
Dhabi and president of the United Arab tem which is designed to withstand
Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Dubai's hot summer temperatures. It
Nahyan;Abu Dhabi and the UAE gov- contains a total of 57 elevators and 8
ernment lent Dubai money to pay its escalators.
debts. The building broke numerous
height records, including its designa- Shanghai Tower
tion as the tallest building in the world.
The Shanghai Tower is a 632-metre
Burj Khalifa was designed by Adrian (2,073 ft), 128-story megatall sky-
Smith, of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, scraper in Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai. Between that and the outer layer, which
whose firm designed the Willis Tower It shares the record (along with the Ping twists as it rises, nine indoor zones pro-
and One World Trade Center. Hyder An Finance Center) of having the vide public space for visitors. Each of
Consulting was chosen to be the world's highest observation deck within these nine areas has its own atrium, fea-
supervising engineer with NORR a building or structure at 562 m, and the turing gardens, cafés, restaurants and
Group Consultants International Lim- world's second-fastest elevators at a retail space, and providing panoramic
ited chosen to supervise the architec- top speed of 20.5 metres per second views of the city.
ture of the project. The design is (74 km/h; 46 mph).It is the world's sec-
derived from the Islamic architecture of ond-tallest building by height to archi- Both layers of the façade are transpar-
tectural top. However, the title of the ent, and retail and event spaces are pro-
world's fastest elevator now belongs to vided at the tower's base. The transpar-
the Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre, ent façade is a unique design feature,
with a top speed of 21 metres per sec- because most buildings have only a sin-
ond (76 km/h; 47 mph) achieved in gle façade using highly reflective glass
2017.Designed by international design to reduce heat absorption, but the
firm Gensler and owned by the Shang- Shanghai Tower's double layer of glass
hai city government, it is the tallest of eliminates the need for either layer to
the world's first triple-adjacent supertall be opaque. The tower is able to
buildings in Pudong, the other two accommodate as many as 16,000 peo-
being the Jin Mao Tower and the ple on a daily basis.
Shanghai World Financial Centre. Its
tiered construction, designed for high The Shanghai Tower joins the Jin Mao
energy efficiency, provides nine sepa- Tower and SWFC to form the world's
rate zones divided between office, first adjacent grouping of three
retail and leisure use. supertall buildings. Its 258-room hotel,
located between the 84th and 110th
The Shanghai Tower was designed by floors, is to be operated by Jin Jiang
the American architectural firm International Hotels as the Shanghai
Gensler, with Shanghainese architect Tower J-Hotel, and at the time of its
Jun Xia leading the design team. The completion it will be the highest hotel in
tower takes the form of nine cylindrical the world. The tower will also incorpo-
buildings stacked atop each other, rate a museum. The tower's sub-levels
totalling 128 floors, all enclosed by the provide parking spaces for 1,800 vehi-
inner layer of the glass facade. cles.
The pro1ject uses clock faces for each pleted in 2017, becoming the tallest
side of the main hotel tower. The high- building in Shenzhen, the 2nd tallest
est residential floor stands at 370 m building in China and the 4th tallest
(1,210 ft), just below the media dis- building in the world. It also broke the
plays under the clock faces. At 43 m × record of having the highest observa-
43 m (141 ft × 141 ft), these are the larg- tion deck in a building at 562.2 m
est in the world. The roof of the clocks is (1,844 ft).
450 m (1,480 ft) above the ground, mak-
ing them the world's most elevated The building contains office, hotel and
architectural clocks. A 151-metre-tall retail spaces, a conference center, and
(495 ft) spire has been added on top of a high-end shopping mall. Floor 116
the clock giving it a total height of 601 features an observation deck named
m (1,972 ft). Behind the clock faces Free Sky. As its name suggests, it is
there is an astronomy exhibition. In the also the headquarters of Ping An Insur-
spire base and the glass-covered ance. The design of the building is
floors (The Jewel) there is a scientific meant to be unique and elegant, and to
center which is used to sight the moon represent the history and achieve-
in the beginnings of the Islamic ments of the main tenant. A stainless-
months, and to operate an atomic steel facade that weighs approximately
clock which controls the tower clocks. 1,700 metric tons provides a modern
design to the building. The building has
Abraj Al-Bait Ping An International Finance Center a total gross floor area of 378,600
square meters. The 115-story tower
The Abraj Al-Bait is a government- The Ping An International Finance Cen- has a width-to-height aspect ratio of
owned complex of seven skyscraper ter (also known as the Ping An IFC) is a 1:10 and also has an 11-story podium.
hotels in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. These 115-story, 599 m (1,965 ft) supertall sky- Including the podium, the building has
towers are a part of the King Abdulaziz scraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong. The 495,520 square meters of floor space.
Endowment Project that aims to mod- building was commissioned by Ping A five-level basement adds another
ernize the city in catering to its pilgrims. An Insurance and designed by the 90,000 square meters of area. The
The central hotel tower, the Makkah American architectural firm Kohn 620,000 metric ton tower has eight
Royal Clock Tower, has the world's larg- Pedersen Fox Associates. It was com- main columns which form the super-
est clock face and is the third-tallest
building and fifth-tallest freestanding
structure in the world. The clock tower
contains the Clock Tower Museum that
occupies the top four floors of the
structure. The column dimensions pleted in 2012 and opened in 2013. Its
range from approximately 6 by 3.2 m at interior and elevator atmosphere are
the lowest level to 2.9 by 1.4 m at the similar. In addition, space externally on
top of the tower. the roof tower is similar.
a lyrical line connecting the centers and file of the tower and softening any 180 meters in a bid to reduce conges-
corners of all four elevations. These sharp corners in plan. The building's tion.
curving mega columns increase the aerodynamic shape greatly reduces
structure's response to seismic con- this vortex shedding by “confusing the CITIC Tower's design draws inspiration
cerns and are integral to both the grav- wind” and disrupting the opportunity from the “zun”, a ritual vessel originat-
ity and lateral systems. They are effec- for any resonating wind forces and ing in Bronze Age China. In profile, the
tive in increasing the stiffness of the loads on the structure. tower abstracts and refines the zun's
building's perimeter frame, conse- vase-like form, balancing composition
quently attracting a larger portion of the CITIC Tower and articulation with structural require-
seismic forces in compliance with the ments and leasing depth needs. In
Chinese code requirements. The CITIC Tower is a supertall skyscraper in plan, the building is square with
façade reinforces the curvature of the the Central Business District of Beijing. rounded corners; its width transforms
tower form and creates a shimmering It is popularly known as China Zun. The vertically from its 78-meter-wide base
texture over the building's surface. The 109-storey, 528 m (1,732 ft) building is to its 54-meter-wide “waist” to its 69-
crystalline-like curtain wall stretches the tallest in the city, surpassing that of meter-wide top. Broader at its base
from the suspended glass canopies at the China World Trade Center Tower III than its crown, the tower combines its
each of the lobbies to the by 190 metres. On August 18, 2016, iconography with infrastructure that
dematerialized, megacolumn-looped CITIC Tower surpassed China World supports the building's integrity in
crown and presents a bold expression Trade Center Tower III in height, China's greatest seismic zone.
of a comprehensive, integrated design becoming Beijing's tallest building. The
on the Tianjin skyline. tower structurally topped out on July 9, These sweeping proportions meet the
2017, fully topped out on August 18, ground with particular finesse. The
By stacking reducing floor plates, the 2017, and was completed in late 2018 lobby's distinct upward curve mirrors
tower tapers dramatically to minimize making CITIC Tower the tallest com- the tower's fluted, outward drape in the
the surface area exposed to wind, sun, pleted building of 2018. opposite direction, providing a dra-
and moisture. The gently-undulating matic backdrop to the pedestrian expe-
curves of the façade subtly denote the China Zun Tower is a mixed-use build- rience. The interior canopy features
integration of the three distinct pro- ing, featuring 60 floors of office space, bespoke aluminum ribbing that follows
grams within a singular smooth object. 20 floors of luxury apartments and 20 its curvature and echoes the tower's ele-
Square in plan with rounded corners, floors of hotel with 300 rooms,there will gant façade expression.
the floor plate geometry enables be a rooftop garden on the top floor at
unique interior fit-outs and customiz- 524m high. The tower is likely to remain CITIC Tower anchors the northern end
ation options for occupants. Research the tallest building in Beijing for the fore- of the city's CBD, forming an iconic
by the architect has shown that lateral seeable future, as in 2018 authorities backdrop to the park and a prominent
forces due to vortex shedding can be capped new projects in the central busi- new destination for visitors. The tower
controlled by tapering the vertical pro- ness district to a height of no more than also connects to a vast underground
transportation network, linking the strongest earthquakes in a 2,500- tons (1,100–1,460 short tons). During
together a pedestrian passageway sys- year cycle. construction, on 31 March 2002, a 6.8-
tem, a B2-level roadway, and four sub- magnitude earthquake rocked Taipei;
way lines across three stations. Taipei 101 was designed to be flexible two construction cranes from the 56th
as well as structurally resistant, floor, the highest floor at the time, top-
The Taipei because while flexibility prevents struc- pled. Five people died in the accident,
tural damage, resistance ensures com- but an inspection showed no structural
The Taipei 101formerly known as the Tai- fort both for the occupants and for the damage to the building, and construc-
pei World Financial Center, is a protection of the glass, curtain walls, tion soon resumed.
supertall skyscraper designed by C.Y. and other features. Most designs
Lee and C.P. Wang in Xinyi, Taipei, Tai- achieve the necessary strength by Taipei 101's characteristic blue-green
wan. This building was officially classi- enlarging critical structural elements glass curtain walls are double paned
fied as the world's tallest from its open- such as bracing. Because of the height and glazed, offer heat and UV protec-
ing in 2004 until the 2010 completion of of Taipei 101, combined with the sur- tion sufficient to block external heat by
the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab rounding area's geology-the building is 50 percent, and can sustain impacts of
Emirates. Its elevators, capable of trav- located just 660 ft (200 m) away from a 7 metric tons (8 short tons). The facade
eling 60.6 km/h (37.7 mph) and used to major fault line-Taipei 101 used high- system of glass and aluminum panels
transport passengers from the 5th to performance steel construction and 36 installed into an inclined movement-
89th floor in 37 seconds, set new columns, including eight "mega- resisting lattice contributes to overall
records upon completion. In 2011 Tai- columns" packed with 10,000 psi (69 lateral rigidity by tying back to the
pei 101 received a Platinum rating MPa) concrete. Outrigger trusses, mega-columns with one-story high
under the LEED certification system to located at eight-floor intervals, connect trusses at every eighth floor. This
become the tallest and largest green the columns in the building's core to facade system is therefore able to with-
building in the world. The structure reg- those on the exterior. stand up to 95 mm (4 in) of seismic lat-
ularly appears as an icon of Taipei in eral displacements without damage.
international media, and the Taipei 101 These features, combined with the The facade system is also known as a
fireworks displays [zh] are a regular fea- solidity of its foundation, made Taipei Damper.
ture of New Year's Eve broadcasts. 101 one of the most stable buildings
ever constructed. The foundation is Source
Taipei 101's postmodernist architec- reinforced by 380 piles driven 80 m
tural style evokes traditional Asian aes- (262 ft) into the ground, extending as archdaily.com, en.wikipedia.org,
thetics in a modern structure employ- far as 30 m (98 ft) into the bedrock. designboom.com, thetowerinfo.com,
ing industrial materials. Its design Each pile is 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter and nwcl.com.hk, kpf.com, britannica.com
incorporates a number of features that can bear a load of 1,000-1,320 metric
enable the structure to withstand the
Pacific Rim's earthquakes and the
region's tropical storms. The tower
houses offices and restaurants as well
as both indoor and outdoor observato-
ries. The tower is adjoined by a multi-
level shopping mall that has the world's
largest ruyi symbol as an exterior fea-
ture. Taipei 101 is owned by Taipei
Financial Center Corporation. The sky-
scraper opened on 31 December 2004
to celebrate New Year's Eve.
Shamanth Kumar M
Project Engineer and
Manager of Design Services
Salarpuria Sattva Group
igh-RiseBuilding whose
height creates different
conditions in the design,
construction, and those
that exist in common
buildings of a certain region and
period. These buildings process several
unique challenges not found in tradi-
tional low-rise buildings, longer egress
times and distance, fire department
accessibility, smoke movement and fire
control. The multiple floors of a high-
rise building create the cumulative
effect of requiring great numbers of per-
sons to travel great vertical distances on
stairs in order to evacuate the building. Fig 2: EVOLUTION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS.
History of High-Rise Buildings pleted in 1872 also contribute toward health facility is the most requirement
the development of the high rise build- of the high rise building.
The first to apply the scientific knowl- ing, for it was the first building to have
edge for the construction of building the elevator with the six floor. Recently Indian cities are witnessing immense
were the ancient Egyptians. They apply there are many high rise building were demographic expansion due to migra-
the natural science technology about going to be constructed with the latest tion from surrounding villages, leading
the properties of the material to design construction techniques. to urban sprawl, housing demand, rise
the huge building with huge rooms. in cost ofland. Many citizens all over
The first high rise office building was Demand for High-Rise Buildings India migrate to the cities for better
built in Chicago in 1885, which is of jobs and education. Industries, trade
twelve floor before it was ten floor but As the high rise building are con- and commerce activities and number of
afterward two floor have been added structed rapidly and the demand of educational centres in cities attract
and was built in roughly sixteen month. high rise building is also very high for floating population from all their sur-
Also according to bible it has been writ- the growing population due to the scar- rounding villages and districts. This has
ten that the tower of babel has to reach city of land. For the construction of high expanded the cities in all directions and
unto the heaven. The early equitable life rise building there is some requirement all aspects of development. With an
building in New York which was com- that should be fulfilled. Safety and urban sprawl of kilometres, these face
the problems of congestion, pollution,
everyday commuting to work place,
competition, deforestation etc. The
development can be categorized in
four categories considering different
philosophy: High Rise with High Den-
sity; High Rise with Low Density; Low
Rise with High Density; and Low Rise
with Low Density. In India, a building
greater than 75ft (23 m), generally 7 to
10 stories, is considered as high-rise.
Also a building is considered to behigh-
rise when it extends higher than the
maximum reach available to fire fight-
ers. According to the building code of
India, a tall building is one with four
floors or more or a high-rise building
isone 15 meters or more in height.
Most of the tall buildings in India are in
the commercial capital Mumbai. More
Fig 1: HIGH-RISE BUILDING, CHICAGO than 2500 high-rise buildings are
laws and policies, although most of our ernment and the private sector should of private security firms. Establish
findings can apply to other major cities assume different but complementary guidelines for training security offi-
as well. In Los Angeles, access to most responsibilities. We recommend the fol- cers. Enforce consistent imple-
high-rise buildings has been more lowing roles for local government: mentation of security measures.
restricted since Sept. 11 than it was Ø Develop building-access control
before. Surveillance has been Ø Coordinate threat assessments programs similar to "trusted trav-
improved. Many building owners have among law enforcement agencies eller" programs proposed for air-
increased the number of security and building owners. ports.
guards. Some owners are implement- Ø Mandate, subsidize, or directly Ø Help establish guidelines for
ing new security technologies. provide occupants of high-rise reporting suspicious activity.
buildings with more education Ø Create a "percent for security"
Nevertheless, emergency preparedness and training in emergency pre- fund, similar to the "one percent
plans need to be reviewed and, in some paredness and building evacua- for the arts" funds, to promote sci-
cases, revised. Building occupants also tion. entifically sound research and eval-
need to learn to play a role in their own Ø Mandate more frequent and com- uation of security procedures.
safety. Education and training will likely prehensive emergency prepared-
need to become more intensive and fre- ness drills. Source
quent than in the past. Ø Make public buildings exemplars
of building security. squidex.io, landportal.org,
To make these things happen, local gov- Ø Provide new regulatory oversight miyamotointernational.com
he process of designing few decades, high-rise buildings have buildings
high-rise buildings have received a renewed interest in many city
changed over the past business locations, where land is scarce, as IS 16700 : 2017 defines Tall building as a
years. In the most recent per their economics, sustainability, and building whose heights are above 50 Mtr
years it is not unusual other benefits. Taller and taller towers are but less than or equal to 250 Mtr. The code
to model full three- being built everywhere in the world. How- has classified Tall Building as:
dimensional finite element e v e r, t h e i n c r e a s e d f r e q u e n c y o f
models of the buildings. multihazard disasters makes it challenging Ÿ Structural wall system
The advances in structure design of High to balance between a resilient and sustain- Ÿ Moment frame System
Rise Building started in the 20th Century able construction. Accordingly, it is essen- Ÿ Moment frame, structural wall system
while its formation was laid during 1880's tial to understand the behavior of such Ÿ Structural wall
with use of cast iron as a building material structures under multihazard loadings, in Ÿ Flat slab floor
which was lighter and also better than order to apply such knowledge to design. Ÿ Structural wall - framed tube system
masonry. Gradually, elevators cemented Ÿ Framed tube system Tube in the tube
the way for high rise buildings. In the past The designing component in high rise system.
formed. The oscillation affects the building these are the use of concrete or mortar. Wet
in several ways, how the people inside per- connections are for example, mortar joints,
ceive the sway and the maximum horizontal cast in-situ blocks or cast in-situ slabs that
deflection that arises. are more fire resistant, less sensitive for tol-
erance criteria and more ductile than dry
Concrete buildings can either be cast in- connections. Examples of dry connections
situ, composed with precast elements or a are free supports, welded connections and
combination of both. If the building is cast cold joints which are quick to assemble.
in-situ it is possible to start the activities on
site in an early stage. Preparation for scaf- Loads of high rise building design
folding and moulding can start as soon as
the contract is assigned to the contractor The foundations of high-rise buildings sup-
and the design of the building starts. This is port very heavy loads, but the systems
not possible when constructing precast ele- developed for low-rise buildings are used,
ments as all decisions regarding dimen- though enlarged in scale. These include
sions, shapes and so forth have to be taken concrete caisson columns bearing on rock
long before the activities on site can start. or building on exposed rock itself. Bearing
When using precast elements it is of impor- piles and floating foundations are also
tance to industrialise the manufacturing. used.
This implies manufacturing in covered fac-
tories, use of automatic tools and thor- Loads that have to be taken into consider-
oughly planning the production process. ation when designing a building are vertical
There are some important differences loads from self-weight, imposed loads,
regarding cast in-situ and precast build- snow loads and horizontal loads from both
ings. When a building is cast in-situ the ele- wind and unintended inclinations. For tall
ments are created in moulds on site and are buildings, as earlier mentioned, the hori-
constantly checked to have the correct zontal loading from wind is usually the
height. But when a building is constructed design load. The vertical loads are the self-
with precast elements the elements are cre- weights, finishing loads and live loads and
ated in a factory where the factory worker is they are transferred to the foundation
fully dependent on the drawing. If for exam- through columns, load-bearing walls or tow-
ple a column has the wrong height on the ers. The live load depends on the type of Framed tube structures
drawing, no one will correct this in the fac- usage in the building and on the standard distributed load on the facade, which trans-
tory and an incorrect column will be created used for designing. The higher value is fers the load to the slabs. The slabs are work-
causing problems on site. often used for offices to take the variable ing as diaphragms and provide the lateral
partitioning and the greater live load in corri- transfer of the shear load to the vertical ele-
When designing a precast building it is dor areas into account. Some reduction of ments and also as a stability unit for the com-
important to consider the connections the live load can be made depending on the pression flange of the steel beam beneath.
between elements, which are part of the number of stories, but may never exceed The shear forces in the diaphragms occur
assembly procedure and should not inter- 40% for any construction element. mainly in the concrete because of its in-
fere. Connections can be divided in wet and plane stiffness. The horizontal loads are
dry connections. The difference between The horizontal load from wind working as a transferred from the slabs to the beams
through welded studs. Depending on how
the slabs are connected to the facade, the
stress distributions in the slabs will vary. For
example, the slabs can be connected
directly to the facade, which gives a distrib-
uted load. The facade can also be con-
nected to columns which will provide point
loads instead. The load distribution
depends on the stiffness of the elements as
stiffer units attract more load than weaker.
When designing vertical walls in a building
both shear and bending deformation may
occur. For low robust walls the bending is
negligible and for tall slender structures
shear is negligible. Considering the entire
building the shear wall becomes tall and
slender, however, the walls in each plane
are low and robust making it susceptible to
Structural systems of high rise building both shear and bending. For a tall building
Tube in tube
Outrigger system
Outrigger system
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