Patients With Hypertensive Nephropathy and Chronic Kidney Disease Might Not Benefit From Strict Blood Pressure Control PDF
Patients With Hypertensive Nephropathy and Chronic Kidney Disease Might Not Benefit From Strict Blood Pressure Control PDF
Patients With Hypertensive Nephropathy and Chronic Kidney Disease Might Not Benefit From Strict Blood Pressure Control PDF
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Original Paper
Key Words
Hypertensive nephropathy • Chronic kidney disease • Renoprotection
Background/Aims: In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) strict blood pressure (BP)
control is reno-protective. However, renal benefits from BP control might depend also on the
etiology of CKD. We investigated if maintenance of BP at target is equally effective in subjects
with hypertensive nephropathy (HN+) and in those with other nephropathies (HN-). Methods:
We evaluated 148 patients with CKD (stages 3-5) in two visits at least 12 months apart. BP was
measured both as office BP and 24h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP). Glomerular filtration
rate (eGFR) was estimated with CKD-EPI formula. The slope of eGFR variation (ΔeGFR) was
calculated as: (eGFR1-eGFR0)/months of follow up. Results: Cohort characteristics were: HN-
(n=82) and HN+ (n=66), age (71±9 vs 74±9 years; p=0.09); prevalence of diabetes (57 vs
43%; p=0.19); average follow up (19±7 vs 21±9 months; p=0.3). HN- and HN+ did not differ
regarding both baseline eGFR (34±18 vs 35±14 ml/min; p=0.97) and ΔeGFR (0.00±0.53 vs
-0.06±0.35 ml/min/month, p=0.52). The proportion of patients with BP at target at both visits
was similar in HN- and HN+ (office BP: HN- 18% and HN+ 27%; p=0.21; ABP: HN- 42% and
HN+ 43; p=0.96). In patients with office BP at target at both visits HN- showed a significant
improvement of ΔeGFR respect to HN+ (HN-: 0.240 ± 0.395 and HN+: -0.140±0.313 ml/min/
month; p=0.026). In patients with office BP not at target HN- and HN+ did not show any
difference in ΔeGFR (HN- 0.00±0.47; HN+ -0.030±0.420 ml/min/month; p=0.66). ABP was
not associated with differences in ΔeGFR either if it was at target (HN- 0.104±0.383 and HN+
0.00±0.476 ml/min/month; p=0.42) or not (HN- -0.057±0.503 and HN+ -0.092±0.325 ml/
min/month; p=0.87). Conclusion: In patients with CKD and HN+ maintenance of BP targets
recommended by current guidelines is less reno-protective than it is in HN-.
© 2018 The Author(s)
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Simone Vettoretti, MD Unit of Nephrology Dialysis and renal transplantation, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Via della Commenda 15, 20122, Milan (Italy)
Tel. +390255034552, Fax +390255034550, E Mail [email protected]
Kidney Blood Press Res 2018;43:1706-1715
DOI: 10.1159/000495388 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Published online: 23 November 2018 1707
Vettoretti et al.: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Nephropathy
Hypertension is one of the principal risk factors linked to the development of chronic
kidney disease (CKD) [1-3] and it is also causally related to the progression of CKD towards
end stage renal disease (ESRD) [4].
Current guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) suggest keeping a
strict blood pressure (BP) control among individuals with CKD in order to slow the decline
of renal function [5]. However, although renal benefits from a strict BP control are well
established in patients with clinical proteinuria [6-8], those evidences are not equally
consistent in subjects with non-proteinuric kidney diseases [7-11]. Those discrepancies
may indicate that the beneficial effects of strict blood pressure control are not uniformly
distributed among patients with CKD of different etiologies.
Patients with hypertensive nephropathy are affected by extended renal microvascular
atherosclerotic damage as well as by a progressive loss of autoregulation of glomerular
perfusion [12]. Therefore, the hypothesis is that, when systemic BP values are maintained
too low, these patients might develop persistent renal hypoperfusion and incur in a faster
decline of renal function.
We evaluated whether the maintenance of office BP at the targets indicated by the ESH
guidelines has the same impact on the variation of estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR) in CKD patients with hypertensive nephropathy (HN+) and in those affected by other
nephropathies (HN-).
age, those unable or unwilling to co-operate, those with active immunosuppressive therapies, those with
advanced hepatic cirrhosis and ascites, those with heart failure NYHA 3 and 4 as well as those with diabetic
nephropathy. Diabetic patients were included only in the absence of diabetic retinopathy and if the diagnosis
of diabetes occurred at least 5 years after the diagnosis of CKD.
Hypertensive nephropathy was defined as a presumptive diagnosis that was clinically characterized
in accordance to the following criteria: 1) development of renal dysfunction only after more than 10 years
from the diagnosis of hypertension; 2) negative urinalysis except for 24 h proteinuria that however had to
be <1 gr/24h at all determinations (at least 3) in the 12 months before study enrollment; 3) exclusion of
patients with a documented diagnosis of a different renal disease.
Clinical end-points
BP pressure targets were defined according to 2013 ESH guidelines recommendations [5]. Office
BP was considered at target when systolic blood pressure (SBP) was <140 mmHg and diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) was <90 mmHg for all patients, SBP <130 mmHg and DBP<90 mmHg for patients with
overt proteinuria, SBP <140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DPB) < 85 mmHg for diabetic patients.
Overt proteinuria was defined as > 1gr/24h in accordance to MDRD study [7]. Due to the lack of specific
indications for CKD patients, ABP was considered at target for mean 24-hour values of SBP <130 mmHg
and DBP <80 mmHg as for the general population [5]. The slope of eGFR variation (ΔeGFR) was defined as:
(eGFR at visit 1 - eGFR at visit 0)/months of follow up.
All patients had to sign an informed consent that was previously approved by the Ethical Committee of
Our Institution (Proteinuria On Vascular End-points – PROVE Study, doc 347/2010).
Primary end-point. We evaluated whether ΔeGFR was different in HN+ and HN- patients. This analysis
was performed separately in those subjects that maintained office BP at target at both visits (visit 0 and visit
1) and in those that were not at target in at least one visit.
Secondary end-point. We evaluated whether ΔeGFR was different in HN+ and HN- patients. This analysis
was performed separately in those subjects that maintained ABP at target at both visits (visit 0 and visit 1)
and in those that were not at target in at least one visit.
Statistical analysis
All data are expressed as mean ± SD or median ±IQR as appropriated. The comparison of parametric
variables between HN+ and HN- was done using Student’s t-test, while comparison of proportions among
groups was performed using the chi-squared (χ2) test. Mann-Whitney “U” test was used to compare ΔeGFR
in HN+ and HN- according to the sub-groups that where analyzed.
P<0.05 was considered statistically significant in all analyses. All statistical analyses were performed
using Statview for Windows, SAS Institute Inc. (version 5.0.1, Cary, NC).
Patients characteristics
Patients’ main features are summarized in Table 1. The two groups were comparable
for number of patients (HN-: n=82;
HN+: n=66) and did not show any Table 1. Clinical characteristics of HN- and HN+ at
relevant difference regarding their baseline. BMI: body mass index; CV: cardiovascular
overall characteristics. The average age
was: 71±9 and 74±9 for HN- and HN+
respectively, p=0.09. Both groups had ȋȌ ͳάͻ Ͷάͻ ͲǤͲͻ
a high prevalence of diabetes (57% ȀȋΨȌ Ȁ͵͵ ͳȀʹͻ ͲǤ͵
in HN- and 43% in HN+, p=0.19) and ȋȀʹȌ ʹǤͲάͶǤʹ ʹǤͷάͶǤͳ ͲǤͶ
ȋΨȌ ͷ Ͷ͵ ͲǤͳͻ
cardiovascular comorbidities (31% both ȋΨȌ ͵ͳ ͵ͳ ͲǤͻͻ
in HN- and HN+, p=0.99). Charlson index
ǤʹάʹǤͲ Ǥͳά͵Ǥ͵ ͲǤͶ
evidenced a high burden of comorbidities ȋȌ ͳͻǤͳάǤʹ ʹͲǤάͻǤ ͲǤ͵
that, however, was not different in the ͺȋǦͳͶȌ ͺȋͷǦͳͷȌ ͲǤ͵Ͷ
ȋΨȌ ͷͶ ͲǤʹ
Kidney Blood Press Res 2018;43:1706-1715
DOI: 10.1159/000495388 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Published online: 23 November 2018 1709
Vettoretti et al.: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Nephropathy
two groups (6.2±2.0 in HN- and 6.1±3.3 Table 2. Biochemical and urinary parameters of HN-
in HN+, p=0.64). The duration of follow and HN+ at baseline. eGFR: estimated glomerular
up was comparable in the HN- and HN+ filtration rate calculated with CKD EPI formula. HbA1c:
(19.1±7.2 and 20.7±9.7 respectively; glycosylate hemoglobin
p=0.3). Moreover, the median number of
αͺʹ α
visits between baseline and follow up was Δ
ȋȀȌ ͵Ͷάͳͺ ͵ͷάͳͶ ͲǤͻ
equivalent in the two groups 8 (6-14) and ΔeGFR (ml/min/month) ͲǤͲͲάͲǤͷ͵ ǦͲǤͲάͲǤ͵ͷ ͲǤͷʹ
8 (5-15) in HN- and HN+; p=0.34). ʹͶȋȀʹͶȌ ͺͺάͻͻͺ ͵ͳʹά͵ͷͷ ͲǤͲͲͲ͵
ȋȀʹͶȌ ͳͷͷά͵ ͳͷͲά͵ ͲǤ
Biochemical and urinary parameters
ȋȀȌ ͳͳά͵ͷ ͳͳͶά͵ͷ ͲǤ
are summarized in Table 2. The two ͳ
ȋȀȌ ͷͷάͳ͵ ͷʹάͳ ͲǤͷͶ
ȋȀȌ ǤʹάͳǤ ǤͳάͳǤͶ ͲǤͺͺ
groups did not differ in basal eGFR (34±18 ȋȀȌ ͳͶʹά͵ ͳͶʹάʹ ͲǤ͵
in HN- and 35±14 in HN+; p=0.97) as ȋȀȌ ͶǤάͲǤͷ ͶǤάͲǤͷ ͲǤͷ
well as in ΔeGFR (0.00±0.53 in HN- and ȋȀȌ ͳʹǤͺάͳǤͷ ͳ͵ǤͶάͳǤ ͲǤͳʹ
-0.06±0.35 in HN+; p=0.52), while 24h
proteinuria at baseline was significantly Table 3. Office blood pressure
in HN+ and HN-. SBP:
higher in HN- (788±998 mg/24h in HN- systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure;
vs 312±355mg/24h in HN+; p=0.0003). PP: pulse pressure; BP: blood
Fasting glycaemia, HbA1c, uric acid and
24h urinary sodium excretion did not
differ in the two groups. ǡ ͳͶʹάʹͲ
ͳͶͲάʹͲ ͳ͵ͺάͳ ͳ͵άͳ
ǡ ͺͳάͻ
ͺͳάͳͳ ͻάͳʹ ͺάͳʹ
ǡ ʹάͳͺ
ͷͻάͳͻ ͷͻάͳͺ ͷͻάʹͲ
Blood pressure measurement and ǡΨ ͵ͺ Ͷͺ Ͷ͵ ͷͳ
control ǡΨ ʹ ͺ ͻ ͺͲ
Office BP was similar in HN- and ǡΨ
͵ʹ ͵ ͵ͻ Ͷͳ
HN+ at both baseline and follow up ǡΨ Ǧ Ǧ ͳͺ ʹ
We observed that in a cohort of patients affected by CKD (stages 3b-5) the maintenance
of BP targets over time has an impact on the decline of renal function that varies according
to the etiology of the renal disease. In particular, we observed that, among those patients
who maintained office BP at target, HN-
showed an improvement of ΔeGFR while
HN+ tended to develop a faster decline of Table 5. Anti-hypertensive drugs in HN- and HN+ at
renal function. baseline and at follow up. RAAS: Renin-angiotensin-
Conversely, the results regarding the aldosterone system
effects of ABP on ΔeGFR did not show a Ǧ
clear impact of ABP targets in either HN- Ǧ ʹǤάͳǤͶʹǤάͳǤͳʹǤͺάͳǤͶʹǤάͳǤͲ
or HN+.
Figure 1: comparison of ΔeGFR betweenǡΨ
HN- and HN+ that maintained, ͳ
Ǧ introduced
͵ ͷ Ͳ
or withdrew RAAS
In order to exclude possible
ǡΨ Ǧ ͷʹ Ͳ
treatment ǡΨ
confounding factors, we compared
Ǧ Ǧ ͻ ͳ͵
the two sub-groups of patients for the
ǡΨ ͷͲ ͷͲ ͷ ͷͷ
variables that may have influenced our
results. It emerged that HN- and HN+
ǡΨ Ǧ Ǧ ͳ ͳͲ
Fig. 1. Comparison of ΔeGFR
between HN- and HN+ that
maintained, introduced or
withdrew RAAS- inhibiting
treatment. HN-: other
nephropathies; HN+: hypertensive
nephropathy. Regarding RAAS-
inhibition: ++ maintained RAAS-
inhibiting treatment at baseline
and follow up; -- where not on
RAAS-inhibiting treatment at
both baseline and follow up: -+
introduced new RAAS-inhibiting
treatment between baseline and
follow up; +- withdrew RAAS-
inhibiting treatment between
baseline and follow up.
Kidney Blood Press Res 2018;43:1706-1715
DOI: 10.1159/000495388 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Published online: 23 November 2018 1711
Figure 2: comparison of ΔeGFR between HN- and HN+ that maintained office BP at target or not
Vettoretti et al.: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Nephropathy
Figure 3: comparison of ΔeGFR between HN- and HN+ that maintained ambulatory BP (ABP) at target or not
patients were well matched for mean office and ambulatory BP values as well as for the
other clinical and biochemical risk factors that may have influenced ΔeGFR. Since RAAS-
inhibitors bear a specific renoprotective effect that might be independent of BP control, we
compared the variation of renal function in those patients that changed or maintained a
RAAS-inhibiting treatment during the follow up. However, the only significant result was a
slight increase of ΔeGFR in HN+ individuals that dropped RAAS-inhibitors between baseline
and follow up (Fig. 1).
Overall our results suggest that HN+ CKD patients do not benefit from the maintenance
of lower office BP targets as HN- do. Although the design of our study does not allow to
provide any specific pathophysiological mechanism that could explain our results, we
can anyway make some speculations on that. In particular, our data seem to support the
hypothesis that systemic BP is differently transmitted to intrarenal microcirculation in
HN+ and HN-. This may depend on the fact that in subjects with chronic hypertension
small renal arteries (including afferent arterioles) incur in a number of functional and
anatomical alterations (hyaline arteriosclerosis, myointimal hyperplasia) that compromise
the physiological autoregulation of blood flow to the renal glomeruli. With the progression
of HN, intra-glomerular pressure depends on renal perfusion pressure, thus the GFR is
directly correlated with systemic BP [20]. Furthermore, since HN is associated with an
atherosclerotic damage of small renal vessels (in particular interlobular and pre-glomerular
arterioles), the normalization of systemic BP may induce renal hypoperfusion and ischemia.
Conversely, in proteinuric nephropathies, that represent almost the totality of HN- in our
study, the reduction of intra-glomerular pressure results in a reduction of proteinuria that
confers a better renal prognosis. Therefore, whether this hypothesis was correct, our results
may be explained by the fact that when systemic BP is maintained at lower targets, HN+
develop chronic renal ischemia while HN- benefit from a higher reduction of proteinuria.
This hypothesis would be consistent also with previous observations. In fact the results
Kidney Blood Press Res 2018;43:1706-1715
DOI: 10.1159/000495388 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Published online: 23 November 2018 1712
Vettoretti et al.: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Nephropathy
of three large clinical trials indicate that the benefits of a stricter BP control in terms of
preservation of renal function are much greater in proteinuric patients [10, 11, 21].
This hypothesis might also explain why the withdrawal of RAAS-inhibiting agents was
associated with a relative improvement of ΔGFR in HN+ patients respect to HN-. RAAS
contributes to regulate intra-glomerular pressure and filtration fraction by constricting
or dilating the efferent glomerular arteriole in function of renal perfusion pressure. In
conditions characterized by renal hypoperfusion, GFR is principally maintained by an
increase in filtration fraction due to RAAS-mediated vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole
[20]. Consequently, in conditions of renal hypoperfusion or ischemia, inhibition of RAAS
induces a reduction of GFR [20]. Therefore, whether it was true that HN is characterized
by an impaired glomerular auto-regulation and by renal parenchymal hypoperfusion, it is
possible that in HN+ the preservation of GFR is mainly dependent on RAAS activity and that
the withdrawal of RAAS-inhibition might induce an increase of GFR.
Hypertensive nephropathy is currently one of the leading causes of CKD and it is also
associated with a significant increase of cardiovascular risk [22]. From previous trials
conducted in hypertensive patients with [23] or without diabetes [24], it emerged that those
that were randomized to maintain lower BP values incurred more frequently in episodes of
acute kidney injury. However, the clinical significance of acute reductions in renal function
in patients treated to lower BP is still debated. In fact, in patients with diabetic nephropathy,
an acute decrease of eGFR was associated to a slower decline of renal function in the long
term [25]. On the contrary, in hypertensive CKD patients without diabetes Ku and colleagues
demonstrated that an acute reduction of eGFR >20% was associated to an increased risk of
end stage renal disease [26]. In the SPRINT study those patients that were treated to reach
lower BP targets developed an excess of acute renal events [27]. These data were recently
confirmed by two secondary analyses of the SPRINT that evidenced a detrimental impact
of lower BP targets on renal function in both CKD [28] and not CKD patients [29]. Although
the BP target assigned to the intensive BP treatment harm of the SPRINT is much lower than
those evaluated in our study we believe there are still some comparisons that can be done. In
fact, according to the inclusion criteria, it is plausible that the vast majority of CKD patients
included in the SPRINT were actually affected by HN. The detrimental effect of BP reduction
on eGFR that was reported in the SPRINT study was not limited to those patients that were
randomized to lower BP values, but they were rather proportional to the variation of BP
form baseline independently of BP target. Thus, the results of the SPRINT seem to support
the hypothesis of renal hypoperfusion as a plausible cause of renal dysfunction.
In our study, we observed inconsistent results regarding the impact of office and
ambulatory BP on ΔeGFR. In fact, despite ABP was maintained at target or not, we did not
find and difference of ΔeGFR between HN- and HN+.
Although we cannot exclude that our study was underpowered to detect an impact
of ABP on ΔeGFR, there is also a growing amount of evidence suggesting that office and
ambulatory BP may have a different impact on renal and CV events in CKD patients [30, 31].
This discrepancy of results might also depend on the fact that in CKD individuals office and
ambulatory BP are scarcely correlated [32]. Furthermore, we found that among patients that
maintained office or ambulatory BP at target at both visits, 20% was affected by white coat
hypertension and 11% by masked hypertension. We believe that also these discrepancies of
classification might contribute to explain the different results that we observed for office and
ambulatory BP.
Our study presents several potential drawbacks that could have influenced our results.
First of all, the definition of HN that we adopted was only presumptive since it was not
confirmed by a diagnostic biopsy. Therefore, HN+ group may present some etiological
heterogeneity, hence the possibility that different pathophysiological mechanisms might
underlie the kidney disease in this group cannot be completely excluded. However, we have
also to acknowledge that, as it was previously done in larger studies [10], the diagnosis of
HN is usually based on clinical features as: risk factors, renal echography, onset features
Kidney Blood Press Res 2018;43:1706-1715
DOI: 10.1159/000495388 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Published online: 23 November 2018 1713
Vettoretti et al.: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertensive Nephropathy
and time course of the renal disease. Furthermore, in patients with advanced CKD the risk/
benefits balance of a renal biopsy is utmost uncertain. Thereof, we preferred to define HN
by applying a selection protocol that was based upon stringent clinical criteria that should
have reasonably excluded renal diseases of other than HN (see method section for details).
Another possible source of bias may derive from the retrospective design of our study.
However, we believe that this might be considered also as a point of strength. We evaluated
in our analysis only patients characterized by a stable clinical condition in whom ΔeGFR
was the principal endpoint, in fact we excluded all patients that dropped during the follow
up because of death or ESRD. Furthermore, our analysis depicts a realistic picture of the
outpatients setting, where only a minority of individuals maintains an adequate BP control
Our study represents a proof of the concept that in hypertensive CKD patients BP targets
could vary according to the etiology of renal disease. In particular, our results suggest that
HN+ may represent a distinct phenotype of renal damage where a stricter BP control may
even induce a faster decline of eGFR.
Disclosure Statement
The authors of this manuscript declare no financial support and no conflict of interest.
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