Survive Hard Times

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Message for THE LORD’S DAY EVENING, February 3, 2013

MESSAGE 4 in “Getting Ready To Meet Jesus” Series from I/II Thessalonians

Christian Hope Church of Christ, Plymouth, North Carolina
by Reggie A. Braziel, Minister

How To Survive Hard Times

Message 4 in “Getting Ready To Meet Jesus” Series
( A Study of I & II Thessalonians)


“Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come.

Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me

I love that familiar second verse of “Amazing Grace” don’t

you? That verse reminds us that from here to eternity each
of us will go through lots of “hard times” until that day
when our faith is made sight.

I want you to think back on some of the hardest times you

have ever been through.

*Perhaps it was a time of deep, dark depression after losing

a loved one.

*Perhaps it was a time of financial difficulty when you didn’t

know if you were going to keep your head above water.

*Or maybe it was a time of serious marital problems and you

didn’t know if your marriage would survive.

*Or perhaps it was a time when one of your children went off
the deep end and gave you lots of heartache.

We all go through “hard times” in this life.

As we continue with our series of messages from I & II
Thessalonians please turn with me to I Thessalonians the
third chapter, and let’s read verses 1-8.

1 Thessalonians 3:1-8 (NKJV)

1 Therefore, when we could no longer endure it, we thought it good to be

left in Athens alone,

2 and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer
in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning
your faith,

3 that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves

know that we are appointed to this.

4 For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would
suffer tribulation, just as it happened, and you know.

5 For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your
faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor
might be in vain.

6 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and brought us good
news of your faith and love, and that you always have good remembrance
of us, greatly desiring to see us, as we also to see you—

7 therefore, brethren, in all our affliction and distress we were comforted

concerning you by your faith.

8 For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.


In these eight verses, Paul shares with us SIX TRUTHS that
will teach us “How To Survive Hard Times” in this life.

Truth #1: Hard Times Can Be Very UNSETTLING (vs.1-3a)

1 Therefore, when we could no longer endure it, we thought it

good to be left in Athens alone,

2 and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our
fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and
encourage you concerning your faith,

3 that no one should

should be shaken by these afflictions

1. If you remember in our previous message, Paul

had told the Thessalonians of his desire to come
and see them again in person, but that Satan had
somehow “hindered” him from making that visit.

2. But God brought something good out of that bad

situation. For one, Paul wrote these two wonderful
letters of I and II Thessalonians to encourage the
saints in Thessalonica as well as the saints in all

3. The other good thing that God brought out of

this was that Paul sent young TIMOTHY, his “son
in the faith” to the Thessalonians in his place.

By calling Timothy “our brother,” and “minister of

God” and “our fellow laborer in the gospel of
Christ” Paul was assuring the Thessalonians that
Timothy was well-equipped to minister to them in
his absence.
4. Why did Paul go to such great lengths to make sure
the spiritual needs of the Thessalonians were being
met? He tells us in VERSE 3.…….

3 that no one should be shaken by these afflictions

5. Remember while Paul was away from them the

Thessalonian Christians had undergone a great
deal of persecution from their own countrymen.

And Paul knew from experience, that “hard times”

can be very unsettling
unsettling to one’s Christian faith.

unsettling” in this
6. The Greek word Paul uses for “unsettling”
to tuck the tail.”
third verse literally means “to

ILLUSTRATION: When we are walking out little

beagle, Mattie, if she hears a loud noise or a gun
shot off in the distance, she tucks her tail and
hunkers down.

7. When “hard times” do you become “unsettled?”

Does your faith in GOD get “rattled?” Do you
“tuck your tail between your legs and cower down
in fear?”

8. What message does that send to the world?

What does that reveal about our faith?

Does it reveal that our faith is only strong when

when everything is going right? Does it reveal
that the faith that carries us to Church on
Sundays isn’t strong enough to carry us through
the tough times?

9. One way you and I can survive the “hard times”

is to be on guard that our faith doesn’t become
Truth #2: Hard Times Have Been APPOINTED By God (v.3b)

3b “ for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.”


1. Do you know God appoints “hard times” for every

true Christian?

2. There is a Greek word used to describe hardships.

It is the word “thlipsis.”

thlipsis means to be “PRESSED” or


Think of “grapes” being put in a winepress to

squeeze out all the juice.

Think of holding an orange in your hand and

squeezing all the juice out of it.

3. God has “appointed” some hard times for each

and every Christian for the purpose of “pressing”
or “squeezing” out of us anything that is
impure, unholy or hypocritical.

4. While it may seem cruel of God to “appoint”

hard times for us, it actually reveals the depth
of His love for us.

You see, if God never “appointed” hard times

our faith would remain weak and shallow.

If we never had our faith tested, challenged,

pressed or squeezed, our faith would never
5. And so the next time you and I go through
some “hard times” we can survive if we will
remind ourselves that God has “appointed”
our hard times to help our faith grow.

The next truth falls right in line with this one…………..

Truth #3: Hard Times Should Be EXPECTED (v.4)

4 For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that
we would suffer tribulation, just as it happened,
happened and you

1. I like the way it is worded in the New American

Standard Bible…….

1Thessalonians 3:4 For indeed when we were with you,

we kept telling you in advance that we were going to
suffer affliction and so it came to pass, as you know .

2. Paul is remind the Thessalonians that the

suffering he is going through as well as the
suffering they are going through is not by
“accident” or by “coincedence” or because they
have had a run of “bad luck.”

3. Paul said, “we kept telling you in advance”

that all of us would go through some hardships!
We expected this! We knew these times would

4. Brothers and sisters we ought to expect to go

through some really hard times before the
LORD comes to get us or we go home to be
with Him.
Remember those words of James?

James 1:2 My brethren, count it pure joy WHEN YOU

TRIALS……. James didn’t
say, “If you fall into various trials,” he said, WHEN!


GRIEF, SOME TROUBLE in this life.

5. Brothers and sisters, none of us are going to

heaven on a smoothe, four lane interstate! We
are going to heaven on a narrow road and we
must EXPECT some BUMPS and CURVES…..and
HILLS and VALLEYS all along the journey.

6. And you know what? If we learn to EXPECT

some HARD TIMES it will help us to survive
the hard times!

Truth #4: Hard Times Bring Increased TEMPTATIONS (v.5)

5 For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to

know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had
tempted you
ou and our labor might be in vain.

1. One of Paul’s major concerns regarding the

Thessalonians was that with HARD TIMES come
greater temptations from Satan.

2. Think about it! When you and I go through HARD

TIMES we are more vulnerable to Satan’s attacks.

-When are you most vulnerable to discouragement

and depression? In HARD TIMES!

-When are you most vulnerable to complain and

grumble? In HARD TIMES!
-When are you most vulnerable to give up and quit?

-When are you most vulnerable to let down your

spiritual guard? In HARD TIMES!

3. You see, one of the secrets to surviving HARD TIMES

in life is to be on the alert that Satan is prowling
around like a “roaring lion” to take us down in our
most vulnerable moments.

Truth #5: Hard Times Can Be OVERCOME By Faith (v. 6)

6 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and brought
us good news of your faith and love,
love, and that you always
have good remembrance of us,us greatly desiring to see us, as
we also to see you—

1. Paul was absolutely thrilled when he received word

from Timothy that the Thessalonian Church hadn’t
fallen apart during “hard times” but rather they had
overcome by faith.

2. Have you noticed whenever there is a tragedy

of some sort here in America, people turn to
their faith in God for strength and comfort?

-After the terrorist attacks of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001,

did you hear one solitary soul say, “We know we
can count on our money to get us through this?”

-After hurricane KATRINA hit, did you hear one

solitary person say, “We have faith that our
government is going to get us through this?”

-After the tragic school shootings in NEWTOWN, CT,

did you hear any of those families say, “We know
our material possessions will get us through this?”
3. Hard times have a way of helping us sort out
what really matters! It is during the “hard times”
we come to realize the most important thing
we have in this life is our faith in Almighty God!
And it is that FAITH that will get us through!

Truth #6: Hard Times Provide Us With An Opportunity To

ENCOURAGE Others (vs. 7,8)

7 therefore, brethren, in all our affliction and distress we were

comforted concerning you by your faith.

8 For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.


1. Paul is telling the Thessalonian Christians how

much their faith in “hard times” encouraged him!

In v.8 Paul was letting them know that because

their faith remained strong in the hard times,
it encouraged him to be strong in his hard times.

2. Do you know how you and I respond to “hard

times” says more about our faith in God than
attending 1,000 Church services?

3. If you and I will look at our “hard times” as

an OPPORTUNITY rather than an OBSTACLE,
God can use us as a great encouragement to
our fellow Christians and a great witness to
our unbelieving relatives and friends!


As we close this evening let me offer a word of encouragement.

Perhaps most of you here tonight are not going through any hardships
at this present time. Perhaps right now you are traveling a fairly
smooth road and all is well in your life.

But maybe there is one, just one here tonight is really going through
a “hard time.” If that person is you, let me encourage you NOT to
give up or quit! God hasn’t forsaken you, for He promised, “He would
never leave us or forsake us.”

HARDSHIPS are not pleasant, but they are necessary for our spiritual
growth! God doesn’t promise any of us “smooth sailing” all the way
to heaven, but He does promise a safe landing!

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