Cozumlu Yds Sorulari

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It was a misty morning, and there was a soft rain falling. There were only a few leaves left on
the trees, but on the ground was a thick carpet of brown and yellow leaves. This was the time
of year the old gardener loved best. Since he was too old to work, he used to spend his days
by the window, looking out on the garden. It was no longer what it had been under his care,
but still it was lovely.

1- The garden had looked much nicer 1- "The garden had looked much nicer ...."
.................. . soru kökü, bahçenin eski durumuna ilişkin
bilgi istemektedir. Parçada bununla ilgili
bilgiyi, son cümlede görmekteyiz. Yani "It
A) when he first began to work in it was no longer what it had been under his
B) during the summer months care, ..." (Bahçe artık kendi baktığı
Başarmak için YESDĐL

C) before the winter had come zamanlardaki gibi değildi...) ifadesi,

D) from the other window bahçenin, yaşlı bahçıvanın baktığı
E) when the old man had been looking zamanlarda daha güzel olduğunu
after it vurguluyor ki bu anlamı da E seçeneğinde
2- It is obvious that .................. .

A) no one cared any longer for the old

gardener 2- Bu soruyu eleme yöntemiyle çözebiliriz.
B) the old gardener disliked staying Parçada A, B, D ve E seçeneklerindeki
indoors ifadelere değinilmemiştir. Parçanın en son
C) the old gardener was as fond of his cümlesindeki "..., but still it was lovely."
garden as ever ifadesi ise C seçeneğindeki anlamı, yani
D) it always rained heavily there in the "Bahçıvanın bahçesini her zamanki gibi
spring sevdiği" anlamını vermektedir.
E) the old gardener was no longer
interested in gardening

3- The passage gives a description of 3- Parçanın başındaki betimlemeden,

.................. . mevsimin sonbahar olduğunu ve yağışlı bir
günün anlatıldığını anlıyoruz. Bu anlamı D
seçeneği vermektedir.
A) the old gardener's dislike of rain
B) the old gardener's house
C) the change of the seasons
D) a wet morning in autumn
E) the weather in winter
(ÖYS 1988) 1

Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the most popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People drink
their tea in different ways. Some like it with sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some with
lemon; yet, one way or another just about everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always been
the case. During the last century, when tea was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the lady of
the house had the key. Tea drinking then was quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At
breakfast everyone drank beer!

4- In the passage it is explained that 4- B, C, D, ve E seçeneklerindeki ifadeler

............... . parçaya uymamaktadır. Parçanın giriş
bölümünde Đngiltere'de insanların çayı
farklı şekillerde içtiği anlatılmıştır. Bu
A) in England today people have different anlamı A seçeneğinde bulabiliyoruz.
habits of tea drinking
B) in the past in England only the wealthy
Başarmak için YESDĐL

were able to drink beer

C) at breakfast English people also like to
drink beer
5- "Compared with the past, in England
D) English people mostly prefer to have
today ....."sorusu, Đngiltere'de çayın
their tea in the evening
bugünkü durumunu sormaktadır. Parçanın
E) in England usually a ceremony is held
giriş bölümündeki ifadeden günümüzde
in the family before tea is served
Đngiltere'de çayın ucuz ve bol olduğu
anlamı çıkmaktadır. Bu anlam C
seçeneğinde verilmektedir.
5- Compared with the past, in England

A) more and more people prefer tea to

beer 6- C, D, ve E seçeneklerindeki ifadelere
B) tea is regarded as a luxury parçada değinilmemiştir. A seçeneğinde
C) tea is very cheap and commonly ise "Đngilizlerin her zaman çayı biradan
available daha çok sevdikleri" ifade edilmektedir.
D) sugar is becoming less and less Oysa parçada böyle bir karşılaştırma
popular yapılmamıştır. Parçada vurgulanan
E) people don't care about the quality of "geçmişten günümüze çayın popülarite-
tea sinin arttığı" anlamını B seçeneği ver-

6- It is obvious from the passage that

............... .

A) English people have always regarded

tea as better than beer
B) over the years the popularity of tea in
England has increased tremendously
C) drinking tea with lemon is only a
recent habit in England
D) like tea, beer also is an extremely
popular drink
E) English people are no longer fond of
(ÖYS 1989) 2

The desires of a child were naturally rather limited in the Victorian era, Toys were simple and
comparatively few; there were no bicycles or mechanical models; the average child "made his own
fun" from very cheap materials. Really the only shop the child dreamed of entering for his own
purposes was the sweetshop. Nowadays a bewildering variety of toys, magazines and entertainments
in a multitude of shops compete for his interest and money; and the boredom of having everything
ready-made leads to a constant desire for something new.

7- It is suggested in the passage that 7- Soruda günümüzde çocuğun durumuyla

the modern child ................ . ilgili bilgi istenmektedir. Modern çocukla
ilgili olarak parçaya baktığımızda, son
cümlede "çok sayıda oyuncağa rağmen
A) wishes he had been born in the çocuğun sıkıldığı" anlamını bulmaktayız.
Victorian era Bu anlamı B seçeneği vermektedir.
B) suffers from boredom in spite of all the
Başarmak için YESDĐL

C) develops his abilities by playing with
D) is well able to amuse himself
8- Eleme yöntemiyle yapabileceğimiz bu
E) is allowed to eat too much
soruda, A, B, D, ve E seçeneklerine
parçada değinilmediğini görüyoruz.
Parçada Victoria dönemindeki çocukla
8- According to the passage, ................ .
günümüz çocuğu karşılaştırılmaktadır.
Victoria döneminde çocuğun kendi
A) mechanical toys are essential to a eğlencesini kendisinin yarattığı; günümüz
child's happiness çocuğunun ise, herşeyi hazır bulduğu için
B) a child should not be left to "make his (the boredom of having everything ready-
own fun" made) can sıkıntısı çektiği
C) home-made toys give more pleasure vurgulanmaktadır. Bu anlamı C
than ready-made ones seçeneğinde buluyoruz.
D) a constant desire for something new
was encouraged in children in
Victorian times
E) simple toys slow down a child's
development 9- Parçada Victoria dönemindeki çocukla
günümüz çocuğu karşılaştırılmaktadır. Bu
anlamı E seçeneğinde görüyoruz.
9- The passage emphasizes, ................ .

A) a child should have money to spend on

B) the importance, in childhood, of a
large choice of toys
C) how lucky the modern child is
D) that sweets are not good for the health
E) the difference between a Victorian
childhood and a present day one
(ÖYS 1990) 3

A popular method of treating frozen fingers and toes in very cold, even freezing weather is to slowly
rewarm them or rub them with snow. The best treatment, however, is not slow rewarming but rapid
rewarming. Putting the frozen fingers, or toes in a warm bath or using a hot water bottle are both
good ways to treat them. Hot drinks to warm the body from within are also helpful. One must be
careful about burning the skin, however. The temperature of any heat applied should not be greater
than 43°C.

10- The main concern of the passage is 10- Parçanın ana düşüncesini soran sorularda,
.......... . parçayı dikkatle okuduktan sonra eleme
yöntemini kullanabilirsiniz. Parçayı
okuduğumuzda, konusunun donmuş el ve
A) why frozen fingers and toes should be ayak parmaklarının tedavisi olduğunu
slowly rewarmed görüyoruz. Bu anlamı C seçeneği
B) how to keep adequately warm in vermektedir.
Başarmak için YESDĐL

C) how to treat fingers and toes that have
been frozen
D) the dangers of freezing weather for the
11- Parçanın ikinci cümlesindeki "en iyi tedavi
E) why one should have plenty of hot
yönteminin, yavaş değil hızlı bir şekilde
drinks in winter
ısıtmak" olduğu anlamını B seçeneği
11- It is pointed out in the passage that
.......... .

A) the use of hot water bottles to rewarm 12- "The author warns that........." ifadesi,
the body is not advisable yazarın yaptığı bir uyarıyı sormaktadır.
B) one should try to rewarm frozen Parçanın son iki cümlesinde uyan vardır.
fingers and toes fairly rapidly Parçada ve A seçeneğinde geçen 43° C ısı
C) in rewarming the body the higher the yanıltıcı olabilir. Ancak parçada
temperature, the better the result is "uygulanacak ısının 43° C dan fazla
D) people should be warned not to go out olmaması" vurgulanmakta; A seçeneğinde
in freezingly cold weather ise "en az 43° C olması gerektiği" ifade
E) one should take a hot bath as often as edilmektedir ki parçaya göre bu yanlış bir
possible in winter ifadedir. Parçada yapılan diğer uyarı ise ,
"ısıtma sırasında deriyi yakmamak için
dikkatli olmak" ifadesidir ki B
12- The author warns that .......... . seçeneğindeki ifadeyle aynıdır.

A) the minimum temperature required is

43 °C.
B) in rewarming the body, care must be
taken not to burn the skin
C) one should never rub frozen fingers
and toes with snow
D) hot drinks must not be taken in
E) immediately recovery cannot be as
rapid as one would expect
(ÖYS 1991) 4

In an interview yesterday, Mr. Wilson was questioned about the harmful effects of horror movies on
teenagers. He argued that such effects were often exaggerated, and claimed that other types of film
were far more dangerous for young people. When asked to prove this, he pointed out that horror films
were often set in unreal situations and were clearly not to be taken seriously. In contrast, he claimed
that films showing violent crime were often set in everyday life, and were therefore more damaging.

13- In Mr. Wilson's opinion, horror 13- ".... and claimed that other types of film
films .......... . were far more dangerous for young
people."ifadesinden, Mr. Wilson'ın korku
filmlerini daha az zararlı bulduğunu
A) cost more than other kinds of film anlıyoruz. Bu anlamı D seçeneği
B) are more popular among the elderly vermektedir.
than among the young
C) should be banned altogether
Başarmak için YESDĐL

D) are less damaging to young people

than films of violent crime
E) have recently ceased to appeal to the 14- Bu soruyu yanıtlayabilmek için soru
young kökünde geçen "former" ve seçeneklerde
geçen "latter" sözcüklerinin anlamını
bilmek gerekir. Söyleniş sırasına göre
14- For Mr. Wilson the main difference birinciyi ifade eden "former", "horror
between a horror film and one film" yerine kullanılmıştır. Söyleniş
showing violent crime is that the sırasına göre ikinciyi ifade eden "latter"
former ......... . ise "a film showing violent crime" yerine
kullanılmıştır. Bu durumda, ilk anda
üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken A ve C
A) is mainly concerned with everyday seçeneklerinden A yi eleyebiliyoruz.
situations Çünkü A seçeneğindeki ifade ikinci tür
B) is liked by the young, and the latter by filmin özelliğidir. Oysa bizden istenen
the old birinci tür, yani "horror film"ın özelliğini
C) is unrelated to real life, whereas the bulmaktır. Doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.
latter is
D) is less expensive to produce than the
E) rarely receives any attention from the
young 15- Parçanın ilk cümlesinden, Mr. Wilson ile
yapılan görüşmenin amacının, korku
filmlerinin gençler üzerindeki zararlı
etkilerini araştırmak olduğunu görüyoruz.
15- The interviewer wanted to find out Bu anlamı A seçeneği vermektedir.
whether .......... .

A) young people were being harmed by

horror films
B) Mr. Wilson had himself been affected
by horror films
C) Mr. Wilson preferred horror films to
films of violence
D) people were seriously objecting to
horror films
E) the effects of crime films were being
(ÖYS 1992) 5

Like so many other materials in Japan, paper too has come in for many hundreds of years of artistic
consideration. At one period of the country's history, the paper on which a poem was written was as
important as the poem itself. A thousand years ago there were whole towns actively engaged in
making paper. Such towns still exist, but there were also many farming villages which then, as they
do today, made paper to earn extra income during the winter. At present, about half of Japan's farmers
must add to their incomes with winter jobs. Although a large amount of winter employment is
provided by construction companies, some farmers continue to work at such cottage industries as
paper making.

16- It is obvious from the passage that

(ÖYS 1993)
the art of paper-making in Japan
16- A seçeneğindi eki "kağıdın pek çok kişi
Başarmak için YESDĐL

........... .
için en önemli gelir kaynağı olduğu"
ifadesi doğru değildir. Çünkü parçaya
A) is still the most important source of göre, pek çok insan kağıt sanayiinde ek
income for a large part of the gelir için çalışmaktadır. B seçeneğindeki
population ifadede ise kağıt yapımının, endüstrileşme
B) has disappeared owing to yüzünden yokolduğu belirtilmektedir ki
industrialization parçada kağıt yapımının hala devam ettiği
C) was of no economic value at all in the söylenmiştir. C seçeneğindeki " ..........
past eskiden ekonomik bir değeri yoktu." ve D
D) was only practised by the peasants in seçeneğindeki "....... sadece çiftçiler
the country tarafından sürdürülür " ifadeleri ise
E) has a long history parçadaki ifadelerin tam tersidir. Doğru
yanıt E seçeneğidir.

17- The passage emphasizes that

approximately fifty per cent of the
17- Parçada, kışın çiftçilerin hemen hemen
farming population in Japan .......... .
yarısının, ek işlerde çalıştığı ifade
edilmiştir. Bu anlamı C seçeneği
A) is not satisfied with current farming vermektedir.
policies .
B) prefers town life to village life
C) engages in a secondary occupation in
18- Seçenekler arasında üzerinde düşünülmesi
the winter
gereken B ve E seçenekleridir. Ancak, E
D) plans to give up farming and go into
seçeneğinde geçen "construction" (inşaat
construction work
sektörü) ifadesi parçada "kışın büyük
E) has no concept of the national history
ölçüde iş imkanı sağlayan" biçiminde
tanımlanmıştır. Yani, kağıt yapımı ve
inşaat sektörünün, Japonya'nın başlıca iş
18- It is suggested that paper-making
alanları olduğu parçada ifade edilmemiştir.
...... .
B seçeneğindeki anlamı ise parçanın en
son cümlesinde bulabiliyoruz.
A) encouraged the development of poetry
in Japan
B) is still one of Japan's cottage industries
C) has never been a significant
commercial interest in Japan
D) has seldom been regarded as an art by
the Japanese
E) and construction are the two major
areas of employment in Japan 6

There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of the unknown. He wants to see what is reaching
towards him, and to be able to recognize or at least classify it. Man always tends to avoid physical
contact with anything strange. In the dark, the fear of an unexpected touch can lead to panic. Even
clothes give insufficient security: it is easy to tear them and pierce through to the naked, smooth,
defenceless flesh of the victim. All the distances which men create round themselves are dictated by
this fear. They shut themselves in houses which no one may enter, and only there they feel some
measure of security. The fear of burglars is not only the fear of being robbed, but also the fear of
something touching you in the darkness.

19- According to the passage, what

(ÖYS 1994)
frightens people most is .......... .
19- Parçanın ilk cümlesi, "insanın en çok, ne
olduğunu bilmediği birşeyin dokunuşun-
Başarmak için YESDĐL

A) the thought of being robbed at night dan korktuğunu" ifade etmektedir ki B

B) the unexpected contact with something seçeneğindeki ifadeyle aynıdır.
C) a sense of insecurity
D) being alone in the dark 20- Đlk anda üzerinde düşünmemiz gereken iki
E) the knowledge that they won't be seçenek A ve D seçenekleridir. Ancak, D
protected seçeneğindeki "insanlar her türlü fiziksel
temastan kaçınmaya çalışırlar" ifadesi,
parçadaki "Man always tends to avoid
20- Because people are frightened of the
physical contact with anything strange."
unknown, ......... .
ifadesiyle çelişmektedir. Çünkü burada,
"insanın, garip şeylere dokunmaktan
A) they feel it necessary to put a barrier kaçındığı" ifade edilmektedir. Parçadaki
between themselves and the unknown "All the distances which men create round
B) it is natural that they should always be themselves are dictated by this fear."
in a state of panic ifadesi ise A seçeneğindeki anlamı
C) they feel safer in a crowd vermektedir.
D) they try to avoid physical contact of all
E) burglars find it much easier to break
21- Parçanın konusu, "insanın bilinmeyen
into houses
şeylere karşı olan korkusu ve bunlara karşı
geliştirdiği önlemler" olduğuna göre,
doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.
21- This passage is concerned with
.......... .

A) how people can regain a sense of

B) the measures people are advised to
take against burglars
C) the three main types of fear
D) people's fear of the unknown and how
they try to cope with it
E) how to bring one's fears into the open 7

Fahrenheit is the system of measuring the temperature, how hot or cold something is, used by many
people in Britain. The freezing point of Fahrenheit is 32 degrees. So a cold winter's day in Britain
would have a temperature of 38° F (3° centigrade) and a hot summer's day would have a temperature
of 90° F (32° centigrade). The Fahrenheit scale was invented by the German scientist Gabriel
Fahrenheit in 1710. Today in Britain most people over twenty-five know the Fahrenheit scale but the
centigrade system (Celsius) is being used more and more. Weather forecasts on television and in
newspapers show temperature in both scales.

22- It is explained in the passage that 22- A seçeneğinde, "fahrenheit" sözünün

the term "fahrenheit" ............... . gençler arasında popülaritesini sürdürdüğü
ifade edilmektedir. Oysa parçada, yirmi
A) has retained its popularity among beş yaşın üzerindeki pek çok kişinin
young people "fahrenheit'i bildiği, ama "centigrade"in
Başarmak için YESDĐL

B) is very rarely used in Britain today daha çok kullanıldığı ifade edilmiştir. B
C) refers to the scale of temperature seçeneğindeki "......nadiren kullanılır"
between 32° and 90° ifadesi parçada geçmemektedir. Parçada bu
D) is never used in weather forecast noktayla ilgili olarak "santigrad sisteminin
E) derives from the name of a German giderek daha çok kullanıldığı" ifade
scientist edilmiştir. C seçeneğindeki "........... hava
raporlarında hiç kullanılmaz" ifadesi ise
parçaya göre yanlıştır. Doğru yanıt E
23- It is implied in the passage that in seçeneğidir.
the long run, the Celsius system
.......... .
23- Parçada "Celsius system" ile ilgili olarak
A) will be remembered only by the geçen ifadeyi (.......... gittikçe daha fazla
elderly kullanılmaktadır.) gözönüne aldığımızda,
B) will soon fall into disuse D seçeneğindeki anlamın, yani "uzun
C) seems likely to be favoured by vadede "Celsius system"ın "Fahrenheit'ın
newspapers but not by television yerini alacağı" anlamının ima edildiğini
D) will replace the fahrenheit one görüyoruz.
E) will improve and become more
24- Parça esas olarak, iki sıcaklık ölçüsü
(Fahrenheit and Celsius) ile ilgili bilgi
24- The passage deals with .......... . vermektedir ki bu anlamı A seçeneğinde
A) two different systems of measuring the
B) the advantages of the fahrenheit scale
over the Celsius scale
C) the scientific research carried out by
Gabriel Fahrenheit
D) the range in temperature to be found in
the British Isles
E) the declining popularity of the Celsius
scale in Britain
(ÖYS 1995) 8

British towns suffer from the same traffic congestion, noise and polluting fumes as all towns in the
western world, but as yet only London, Newcastle, Glasgow and to a small extent Liverpool, have
useful railways going underground through the central areas. Elsewhere there are plans for building
underground railways but they have little hope of making any progress with them so long as public
expenditure is restricted. In general, the north has better public transport than the south, with cheap
and frequent bus services using better roads shared with fewer cars.

25- As it is pointed out in the passage,

(ÖYS 1996)
most British towns have no under-
25- Parçada, pek çok Đngiliz şehrinde var olan
ground railway system.......... .
trafik sorununu çözmek için metro
yapımıyla ilgili planlar olduğu, ama yeterli
A) as the system is felt to cause a great
mali kaynak olmaması nedeniyle, bu
deal of pollution
planların uygulanmasının pek mümkün
Başarmak için YESDĐL

B) since the majority of people have their

olmadığı vurgulanmaktadır. Bu anlamı D
own private means of transport
seçeneği vermektedir.
C) as this is not felt to be a practical
system outside London
D) because there is not sufficient public
money available for such projects 26- Eleme yöntemiyle yanıtlayabileceğimiz bu
E) simply because the people feel no need soruda, A, B, D ve E seçeneklerindeki
for one ifadelerin parçada verilen bilgilerle
çeliştiği görülmektedir. Parçanın son
cümlesinde, ülkenin kuzeyinde trafik
26- We can understand from the durumunun daha iyi olduğu belirtilmek-
passage that............. . tedir ki bu anlamı C seçeneğinde bulabi-
A) Liverpool has the most developed
underground train system in Britain
B) more people drive their own cars in the 27- Parçanın giriş bölümünde yazar, bütün batı
north than in the south dünyasında olduğu gibi, Đngiltere'deki
C) the north of Britain suffers less from şehirlerde var olan gürültü ve kirlilikten
traffic problems than the south does söz etmiş ve hemen ardından, sadece
D) the south of Britain enjoys cheap and birkaç şehirde iyi bir metro sisteminin
highly efficient bus services olduğunu belirtmiştir. Yani yazar, metro
E) British cities have much less air sistemini, gürültü ve kirlilik yaratmadığı
pollution than other cities in the west için mükemmel bir ulaşım sistemi olarak
görmektedir. Bu anlamı B seçeneği
27- The author suggests that
underground railways are an
excellent means of transport since
................ .

A) they are a much cheaper means of

transport than buses
B) they do not pollute the streets of a city
with noise and petrol fumes
C) the building and maintenance of them
is comparatively cheap
D) the numbers who use them can easily
be restricted
E) the services offered on them are
constantly being improved 9

During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale showed extraordinary qualities of determination and
organizing ability. In the English hospital where she worked, conditions at first were terrible; dirt and
disease probably caused more deaths among the soldiers than did the wounds received in battle. Still,
under these circumstances, Florence Nightingale gradually built up a highly disciplined nursing staff
and, together with more adequate medical supplies, she was able to improve conditions and be of real
service to the soldiers. However, the work was hard, and, as a result, her own health suffered.

28- One important point the passage

(ÖYS 1997)
makes is that Florence Nightingale
28- Parçada genel olarak, Florence
................ .
Nightingale'in kararlılığı ve alanındaki
yetkinliği sayesinde elde ettiği başarıdan
A) would have been more efficient if she
sözedilmektedir. A, B, C ve D seçenekleri
Başarmak için YESDĐL

had had a more qualified nursing staff

bir olumsuzluk ya da başarısızlık ifade
B) was not liked by the nursing staff
etmektedir ki bu da parça ile çelişmektedir.
because of her harsh discipline
Doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.
C) hated the terrible conditions she was
working in and wanted to get away
D) failed to improve conditions in the
hospital as she herself had poor 29- A, B, C ve E seçeneklerindeki ifadelerin
health parçada bulunmadığını görüyoruz. D
E) overcame, with great efficiency, the seçeneğinde ise Florence Nightingale'in
problems she faced in a military işinde başarılı olduğu ifade ediliyor ki
hospital parçada vurgulanan budur.

29- It is clear from the passage that, 30- Askeri hastanenin başlangıçtaki durumuyla
because Florence Nightingale was a ilgili parçada verilen bilgi A seçeneğindeki
determined person, with a gift for ifadeyle aynıdır.
organizing, she .......... .

A) volunteered to serve in the Crimean

B) was widely criticised by her staff
C) did little nursing herself
D) was able to succeed in her work
E) was selected by the army to work as a
nurse in the hospital

30- As the writer points out in the

passage, conditions in the military
hospital were, at the beginning, so
bad that ......... .

A) they accounted for more deaths among

the soldiers than the war itself
B) little could be done to improve them
C) Florence Nightingale felt she had little
chance of success
D) many of the nursing staff fell ill
E) medical supplies soon ran out 10

Nobody knows when fiction began. Maybe the first story-teller was a prehistoric mother trying to
explain the world to her children. Or perhaps it was a hunter telling about his adventures around the
camp fire. Who can tell? What we do know, though, is that story-telling was a purely oral activity
until around 800 BC. Myths and tales were passed down by word of mouth and had to be memorized
by each new generation of story-tellers. This oral tradition only changed when ancient peoples started
to keep written records of certain stories. The earliest surviving examples of these are the epics of
Homer, a blind professional story-teller, who lived in the eighth century BC.

31- It is pointed out in the passage that 31- Parçada verilen bilgiye göre, öykü anlatımı
story-telling ........ . Homer'dan çok önce başlamıştır. O halde
A seçeneğindeki ifade yanlıştır. Öykü
A) was first introduced by Homer in anlatımı yazının bulunmasından önce de
ancient times var olduğuna göre, C seçeneğindeki ifade
B) possibly began in prehistoric times de yanlıştır. D ve E seçeneklerindeki
Başarmak için YESDĐL

C) began as a written activity in antiquity ifadelere parçada hiç değinilmemiştir.

D) became less and less popular during Parçanın ikinci cümlesi B seçeneğindeki
the 8th century BC anlamı vermektedir. Doğru yanıt B
E) became far more popular with the seçeneğidir.
invention of writing

32- Parçada Homer'ın destanlarıyla ilgili

32- According to the passage, the
bilgiyi sadece son cümlede buluyoruz ve
Homeric epics .......... .
onun eserlerinin yazılı öykünün günümüze
A) were among the first stories to be kadar gelen ilk örnekleri olduğunu
written down öğreniyoruz. Bu anlamı A seçeneği
B) consisted mainly of myths and other vermektedir.
C) are the first examples of prehistoric
tales and myths 33- Parçada profesyonel öykücülerle ilgili
D) were not the best of their kind in the olarak geçen bir ifade, öyküleri ezbere
8th century BC bilmeleri gerektiğidir ki bu anlamı E
E) have often been imitated successfully seçeneğinde bulabiliyoruz.
in later centuries

33- We understand from the passage

that, throughout the oral tradition,
professional story-tellers .......... .

A) were much respected in primitive

B) depended on Homer for their stories
C) were skilful at creating new stories
D) collected the first stories going back to
prehistoric times
E) used to learn myths and tales by heart
(ÖYS 1998) 11

By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the population of Tokyo had grown about 1 million,
making it the largest city in Japan and one of the most populous in the world. An especially lively
section of the city was along the Sumida River, where pleasure boats and parties were common and
whose banks were lined with fashionable tea-houses. Tea was central to the Japanese not only in their
homes, but in the public life as well. In the bustling urban centres of 18th-century Japan, tea-houses
served a role similar to the one played by coffee-houses in Europe which were centres of discussion
and entertainment.

34- We learn from the passage that the 34- Sumida River ile ilgili parçada verilen
Sumida River ........ . bilgiyi dikkate aldığımızda (şehrin çok
hareketli bir bölgesinden geçmesi ve
A) separated the poor area of Tokyo from eğlence merkezi olması), C seçeneğinin
the rich one doğru olduğunu görüyoruz.
B) could be dangerous and so boats rarely
Başarmak için YESDĐL

used it
C) ran through one of the most popular 35- A, C ve D seçeneklerindeki ifadelere
parts of eighteenth century Tokyo parçada hiç değinilmediğini görüyoruz.
D) was a busy waterway since it was the Parçada Tokyo'nun nüfusundan sözedilse
commercial centre of the city de, B seçeneğindeki "nüfustaki ani artış"
E) has recently lost its popularity among biçiminde bir ifade geçmemektedir. Bu
the people of Tokyo durumda doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.

35- The writer points out that, in the

eighteenth century, there was ..... 36- Parçada 18. yüzyılda Tokyo, diğer Japon
şehirleriyle nüfusu bakımından
A) an effort among other Japanese cities karşılaştırılmaktadır (... making it the
to imitate the social life of Tokyo largest city in Japan). Bu ifadeyi D
B) a sudden increase in the population of seçeneğinde buluyoruz.
C) a growing interest among the people of
Tokyo in European coffee-houses
D) a widespread desire among the young
in Japan for all kinds of entertainment
E) a great likeness between Japan's tea-
houses and Europe's coffee-houses

36- We can understand from the

passage that no city in the eighteenth
century Japan ........ .

A) could compete with Tokyo's cultural

B) had as many tea-houses as Tokyo had
C) had established as many centres of
entertainment as Tokyo had
D) had as large a population as that of
E) consumed as much tea as Tokyo did
(YDS 1999) 12

Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring.
Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six
hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives
of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film,
shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to
perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is "There's
room for everything on a submarine except for a mistake".

37- We learn from the passage that, 37- Soru kökündeki "...pek çok insanın
contrary to what a lot of people umduğunun aksine..." ifadesi, parçanın en
expect, ....... . başında sözü edilen bir konuyu
gerektiriyor; çünkü parçada, insanların
A) life on a submarine is extremely düşünceleri ilk cümlede yansıtılmış, hemen
rewarding for the crew ikinci cümlede de bu düşüncenin doğru
Başarmak için YESDĐL

B) submarines have every imaginable olmadığı belirtilmiş. Bu iki cümlenin

facility for entertaining the crew verdiği anlamdan yola çıkarak, doğru
C) boredom is a major problem for the yanıtın C seçeneği olduğunu görürüz.
crew of a submarine
D) there is comparatively little work to be
done on a submarine 38- Bu soruda soru kökü çok belirgin olmadığı
E) the officers on a submarine share the için eleme yöntemini kullanabiliriz. A
same duties as the other members of seçeneği ilk anda yakın gibi görünse de,
the crew "..yaşamı hoş kılacak her imkan var..."
ifadesinin doğru olmadığını anlıyoruz;
çünkü parçada bu ifade, "..yaşamı mümkün
38- The writer of the passage
olduğu kadar zevkli kılmak için her türlü
emphasises that, on a submarine,
çaba gösterilir.." biçimindedir. C
........ .
seçeneğini de rahatlıkla eliyebiliyoruz
A) there is every opportunity for officers çünkü parçada sözü edilen altı saatlik
to have a pleasant life mesai herkes için geçerli değildir. B
B) every member of the crew helps to seçeneğindeki ifadeye parçada hiç
prepare the meals değinilmemiştir. D seçeneğinin ise yanlış
C) everyone works six hours a day olduğu çok açıktır. Doğru yanıt E
D) life never gets boring for the crew seçeneğidir.
E) everything is to be done faultlessly

39- Parçanın bütününde ifade edilen,

39- It is clear from the passage that it is denizaltıda yaşamı zevkli hale getirmek
almost impossible ....... . için her türlü çabanın gösterildiği, ama
buna rağmen can sıkıntısının büyük bir
A) to make life aboard a submarine fully problem olduğudur. Buna göre, parçada
fascinating değinilip de imkansız olabilecek bir ifade
B) for officers to establish a friendship A seçeneğinde verilmektedir. Doğru yanıt
with other members of the crew A seçeneğidir.
C) for everyone to be aware of night and
D) for the commanding officers to make a
E) for any member of the crew to be on
duty more than six hours
(YDS 2000) 13

Some 130 million years ago, a spike-backed dinosaur walked heavily through the wilderness of what
came to be Australia, and left its footprints as a gift for the future. They were the world's best
impressions of a dinosaur's two-ton footfalls. When they were found seven years ago in a remote
valley in northern Australia, they provided scientists with the first clear evidence that dinosaurs had
lived in Australia. This discovery provided further evidence for the theory that Australia was once
joined to a vast super-continent that included what is now South America, Africa, India and

40- It is clear from the passage that,

(YDS 2000)
millions of years ago, Australia ..... .
40- Avustralya'nın milyonlarca yıl önceki
A) was undoubtedly the only suitable place durumuyla ilgili parçada verilen bilgileri
in the world for the survival of dinosaurs göz önüne aldığımızda, B seçeneğindeki
B) was almost certainly not, as it is today, a ifadeyi, parçanın son cümlesinde
Başarmak için YESDĐL

separate continent bulabiliyoruz. Doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.

C) was, for the first time, inhabited by a
large variety of dinosaurs
D) was for the most part a wilderness where
no living being could survive
E) with its geography and climate resembled 41- A seçeneğindeki ifadeye parçada hiç
South America and Africa değinilmemiştir. B seçeneğindeki ifade
yanlıştır çünkü sözü edilen buluş bilim
41- The passage makes it clear that the adamlarının ilgisini çekmiştir. Parçada
dinosaur footprints discovered in dinozorun ağırlığından söz ediliyor, ama C
Australia in recent years ........ . seçeneğindeki gibi bir ifade yoktur. Parçaya
A) are the same as those also found in South göre, bu buluştan sonra bilim adamları bazı
America, Africa, India and Antarctica teorileri tekrar gözden geçirmişlerdir, ama
B) have little attracted many a scientist bunlar, E seçeneğinde belirtildiği gibi,
interested in the distant past of the dinozorlarla ilgili teoriler değil,
continent Avustralya'nın konumuyla ilgili teorilerdir.
C) could only have been made by dinosaurs Parçadaki "They were the world's best
weighing a lot more than two tons impressions of a dinosaur's two-ton
D) are in surprisingly good condition footfalls." ifadesi, D seçeneğindeki sonucu
although millions of years have çıkarmamızı mümkün kılmaktadır. Doğru
passed since they were made yanıt D seçeneğidir.
E) have made scientists revise the most
recent theories concerning dinosaurs
42- One reason why the discovery in
Australia of the dinosaur footprints is 42- Parçada, bu buluşun önemli olduğu çünkü
so important is that ....... . bu buluş sayesinde, Avustralya'da
A) previously, no one knew for certain dinozorların yaşamış olduğu konusunda ilk
whether this country had ever been kanıtların elde edildiği vurgulanmaktadır.
inhabited by dinosaurs Bu ifadeyi A seçeneğinde bulabiliyoruz.
B) contrary to the popular view, this Doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.
continent had always been a vast
C) until this discovery, nothing was known
about the early climate of this continent
D) presumably, they will provide clues for
future geological changes in this
E) up to this point, no one knew for sure that
dinosaurs could weigh two tons 14

The origins of biography are to be found in early legendary accounts of the Greek, Germanic and
Celtic heroes. Another early type of biography is the records of the teachings and deeds of wise men.
The accounts of the life and teaching of Socrates given by Plato and Xenophon may be regarded as a
development of this kind of record. The interest of the Socratic dialogues of Plato is philosophic
rather than biographical, but the Memorabilia of Xenophon, though not a biography in the modern
sense of the word, comprises a series of sketches of the great philosopher with intimacy and
vividness. The first European author, remembered primarily as a biographer, is Plutarch, a Greek
philosopher who lived under the Roman Empire. His Parallel Lives on ancient Greek and Roman
statesmen and soldiers is one of the most fascinating works of antiquity and influential in the
European biographical tradition. Moreover, he seems to have been the first author to distinguish
sharply between biography and history.

43- It is pointed out in the passage that E) compares the Greek and Roman
Başarmak için YESDĐL

the first true example of biography attitudes towards politics and military
in the modern sense is to be found in affairs
(YDS 2001)
43- Parçada, Plutarch'ın özellikle biyografi
A) the stories of Greek and other heroes
çalışmalarıyla tanınan ilk Avrupalı olduğu
B) Xenophon's Memorabilia
ve Parallel Lives adlı eserinin Avrupa
C) ancient legends
biyografi geleneğinde etkili olduğu
D) Plato's dialogues
belirtiliyor. Ayrıca, tarih ile biyografiyi
E) Plutarch's Parallel Lives
kesin olarak birbirinden ayıran ilk kişi
olması da, bugünkü anlamıyla ilk gerçek
44- According to the passage, Plato's biyografi örneklerinin "Parallel Lives"da
account of Socrates, unlike the one bulunabileceğini gösteriyor. Bu durumda
given by Xenophon, .... doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.

A) is very critical of the great philosopher

B) puts the emphasis on the philosophy of
C) is full of fascinating details about the 44- Parçada, Plato'nun Socrates ile ilgili
life of Socrates yazdıklarının biyografik olmaktan çok
D) was the model for Plutarch when he felsefi olduğu açık bir biçimde ifade
wrote his Parallel Lives ediliyor. Doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.
E) is commonly regarded as the first
important example of biographical
45- Parçada Plutarch'ın biyografi ile tarihi
45- We understand from the passage birbirinden ayırt eden ilk kişi olarak
that, in his Parallel Lives, Plutarch tanımlanması, onun "Parallel Lives"da,
.... kişilerin içinde yaşadıkları dönemde
gelişen olaylara değil, kendi yaşamlarına
A) is primarily concerned with the yoğunlaştığını gösteriyor ki bu ifadeyi A
portrayal of people themselves, but not seçeneğinde buluyoruz.
the events of their times
B) concentrates on life and society in
ancient Rome
C) gives priority to statesmen rather than
to soldiers
D) includes his own philosophy of life in
his accounts of the lives of others 15

The job of check-in clerks at any airport is not a particularly interesting or satisfying one. They
simply have to check the tickets of passengers, and take their luggage. The work is mechanical,
repetitive and very tiring. The only variation in the routine occurs when things go wrong — when
flights are delayed or when they are cancelled due to such things as bad weather, strikes or technical
problems. Then the check-in clerks are in the unfortunate position of having to face the angry
passengers though the fault is not theirs and they can do nothing to put things right.

46- We understand from the passage 46- Hava limanlarındaki kontrol memurlarının
that the work check-in clerks does işi parçada, tekdüze, sıkıcı ve yorucu
..... . olarak tanımlanıyor. Bu anlamı E
seçeneğinde buluyoruz.
A) is always greatly appreciated by the
B) varies greatly from day to day which
Başarmak için YESDĐL

makes it more enjoyable

C) requires a great deal of skill and 47- Parçada, kötü hava, grev ya da teknik
creativity sorunlar gibi bir dizi nedenle uçuşların
D) involves very little contact with ertelenebildiği ya da iptal edilebildiği ifade
passengers edilmiş. Aynı anlamı C seçeneğinde
E) is both tedious and exhausting görüyoruz.

47- According to the passage, a number

of reasons may lead to ...... .
48- Parçadaki ifadeye göre, hava limanlarında
A) passengers wishing to change the dates sorun çıktığı zaman öfkeli yolcularla karşı
of their flights karşıya gelmek zorunda kalan, kontrol
B) a strike among the check-in clerks memurlarıdır. Bu anlamı veren ifade B
C) the postponement or cancellation of seçeneğidir.
D) the loss of the luggage of passengers
E) overcrowding at airports

48- It is pointed out in the passage that

when serious problems affecting
flights arise at airports, ..... .

A) passengers usually wait patiently for

the situation to improve
B) it is the check-in clerks who encounter
the protesting passengers
C) passengers are immediately notified by
check-in clerks
D) it is the primary responsibility of
check-in clerks to solve them
E) check-in clerks are required to explain,
in detail, what has caused them
(YDS 2001) 16

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