Science Lesson Plan Complete
Science Lesson Plan Complete
Science Lesson Plan Complete
GCO: Students can use instruments effectively and accurately to investigate components of an ecosystem. They can organize and
record data collected in an investigation of an ecosystem.Students can describe interactions between biotic and abiotic factors in
an ecosystem.
SCO: Students can explain how biological classification takes into account the diversity of life on Earth. 304-1
SFL: I can explain what biological classification is, and how it is used to group and separate characteristics of organisms. 304-1
“Good morning class, today we are going to talk about Biological Classification. What are some terms we can use to classify
different living things?”
Call on students for responses. List their answers on the board and students will have the option to copy down in their notes if
they wish.
Students will individually complete the quiz for teacher to assess and check understanding. The quiz will be graded and returned
to students.
Classification Quiz
1. Name the largest, most general classification group. Kingdom
2. Name the smallest, most specific classification group. Species
3. List all seven classification groups in order from largest to smallest. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus,
4. Describe your favorite store and how its merchandise is organized. Answers will vary
5. Infer how merchandise in a store might compare to how living things are classified. Similar items/Organisms are grouped
This lesson is part one of an introduction to classification and will lead into the second lesson involving the Linnaean system and
the concept of domains.
Develop the Instruction (35 min)
Together as a class on the smartboard, direct students to the first page of the Classifying Critters website.
Read the first two paragraphs aloud and ask students “Why do scientists group plants and animals?” Answer: to help them
understand and study the world's vast array of living things.
To help students get a general understanding of this classification system, explain that scientists have grouped millions of plants
and animals into just six large "kingdoms." These are Animal (Grizzly Bear), Plant (Rose), Fungus (like mushrooms), Protist (like
algae), Archaea (microorganisms), and Bacteria (E. Coli). The members of these kingdoms share similar traits, like cell structure,
food procurement, movement, and reproduction. Each kingdom has smaller and smaller groups that are determined by more
specific shared traits.
The link to website leads into an interactive questionnaire with pictures and explanations to provide students an opportunity to
try and place animals in correct classifications. Have students write down their answers as you go and complete the activity as a
Use the website to guide the students interactively to help understand how the classification works and use their answers to
elaborate on why different organisms go where they belong.
Once this is complete provide students with the quiz and have them complete. They will have 10 minutes to do so and then it will
be handed in to be graded. (This is provided in the Assessment Section)
Closure (5 min)
Have students finish off the class by completing the following closure activity in their science journals. Tell them to be prepared to
share there answers at the start of class the next day.
Now What? (how does this fit into what we are learning, does it affect our thinking, can we predict where we are going)
Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations
Photo for Bellwork:
Link to website:
Classroom Computer
Microphone when lecturing to the students